Strong heartbeat - why does the pulse increase and how to calm the heart? Strong heartbeat: causes.

Palpitations usually considered as a consequence of fatigue or excitement. However, there may be something hiding behind it. How not to overlook a symptom and what to do if it occurs - read on.

What is palpitations and why does it occur?

When a patient complains of “palpitations,” he may be referring to two various states. In the first case, this refers to a feeling of strong pulsation - the patient literally feels every heartbeat, and can be felt not only in the chest, but also in the neck, head and fingertips. In other cases, the patient implies that the heart rate is too fast, or tachycardia. According to the heart rate monitor, it is diagnosed if the patient’s resting pulse exceeds 90 beats per minute.

One way or another, the patient’s complaints begin when he begins to feel the beating of his heart - after all, normally, its work should not be felt by a person in any way. Direct “heart” sensations are often accompanied by tinnitus, pain in the chest, and difficulty breathing. Often these symptoms are temporary and do not indicate organ pathologies, but if they recur regularly, you should consult a doctor.

People with healthy heart may experience strong heart palpitations due to other diseases: during a rise in body temperature, digestive disorders. People with an excitable nervous system often experience this condition due to anxiety. Normally, increased heart rate may occur due to:

  • intense physical activity
  • rapid ascent uphill (especially for untrained climbers)
  • strong mental arousal (fear, excitement)
  • overdose of psychoactive substances: nicotine, caffeine

If palpitations occur in a person at rest, are felt strongly and for an extended period of time, this may be evidence of systemic diseases body – hypovitaminosis, anemia, calcium deficiency. Particular attention to their health should be shown to those people who, along with palpitations, feel attacks of suffocation and chest pain, since these sensations are signs of endocrine and cardiac pathologies.

Worry can only be caused by repeated painful symptoms of increased heart rate, which really require the help of a cardiologist. The situation is complicated by the fact that during pregnancy it becomes impossible to take a large number of medications and you have to choose between the well-being of the mother and the health of the unborn child.

The fetal heartbeat is normal and is twice the heart rate of an adult. Have not yet determined your heart rate born child possible using an ultrasound procedure from approximately the sixth week of pregnancy. If the beat rate exceeds 200 per minute, the doctor should suspect hypoxia in the fetus and conduct additional research. This can happen in cases where expectant mother is anemic, does not get enough fresh air, or is under emotional or physical stress.

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What to do if your heart rate increases?

If a person suffers from increased heart rate constantly, the first thing he needs to do is contact a cardiologist.

The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests: ECG, ultrasound, ECHO of the heart. If no heart pathology is detected, the patient will be redirected to an endocrinologist, and to clarify the diagnosis it will be necessary to take a blood test for hormones and an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Other actions remain at the discretion of the treating specialist.

If the cardiologist detects signs of arrhythmia, the patient may be prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • Beta receptor blockers – drugs that interfere with the action of stress hormones
  • cardiac glycosides - prescribed for heart failure of various etiologies
  • antioxidants – auxiliary drugs that increase the effectiveness of the main treatment
  • sedatives – help reduce emotional stress

In addition, if, after consultation with an endocrinologist and cardiologist, it turns out that the cause of a strong heartbeat is the patient’s increased excitability, the latter may need additional consultation with a neurologist or psychotherapist, followed by the use of a course of more serious sedatives. Therapy may include anticonvulsants and antipsychotics.

In the absence of cardiac or endocrine pathologies To alleviate the patient’s condition, he may be recommended to take other homeopathic medications.

It should be noted that the direct effectiveness of such treatment has not been proven, so the drugs are plant based should be taken exclusively as an adjuvant or maintenance therapy. Typically, decoctions and infusions of valerian, motherwort, chamomile, watch and other herbs with a mild sedative effect are used for these purposes.

If you experience repeated severe attacks of palpitations, you should seek help from a specialist. Only after making sure that you have no serious pathologies can you engage in treatment and folk remedies.

Oct 11, 2016 Violetta Doctor

Tachycardia is rapid heartbeat. After physical labor, a glass of strong coffee, emotional stress Heart rate increases. This is a natural physiological process. This is how compensatory mechanisms work in the human body.

Etiological factors

But sometimes a rapid heartbeat is an indicator of illness. This can be due to endocarditis, rheumatism, myocarditis, anemia, an attack of paroxysmal tachycardia, hyperproduction of hormones thyroid gland, the presence of an adrenal tumor. Also viral bacterial infection, in which an increase in temperature is observed, often occurs with increased heart rate.

It is imperative to stabilize the heartbeat, since tachycardia worsens blood flow, both coronary vessels, and through the vessels of the brain. Also, the heart muscle suffers from constant contractions and its trophism is disrupted.

What to do?

Of course, the cardiologist will say that it is wrong to treat palpitations separately. We must first conduct professional diagnostics, identify the cause. And having eliminated etiological factors, it will be possible to normalize the heart rate.

But what if an attack of tachycardia began while you were at home. What can be done before the ambulance arrives?

If you feel general weakness, it becomes difficult for you to breathe, your eyes are darkened, your heart is beating faster, you need to measure your heart rate on the wrist. Namely, where it passes radial artery. The heartbeat is considered rapid when the heart rate is >90 beats/min.

Techniques to reduce heart rate

Firstly, if the heart rate increases, the patient needs to lie down. Next, you need to unbutton your clothes and provide access to clean air. Can be used sedatives, this will reduce the frequency of contractions within 20 minutes.

By influencing reflexogenic zones, you can eliminate an attack of tachycardia. Let's take a closer look at this technique.

The basic techniques are described below.

  1. By irritating the root of the tongue, you need to cause gag reflex. In this case, the vagus nerve and, accordingly, the parasympathetic centers of the nervous system are stimulated.
  2. First, close your lips and close your nasal opening with your hand. Next, try to exhale. Repeat several times for 1-3 minutes.
  3. Simulate severe attack cough.
  4. Holding your breath also lowers your heart rate. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for 3-5 seconds. and exhale. We repeat the exercise for 3 minutes. This technique can be slightly modified. For example, we slowly count to 5 - take a breath, do not breathe for 3 seconds, and, accordingly, having counted to 8, exhale.
  5. When pressing on the carotid sinuses, chemoreceptors and baroreceptors are irritated. This leads to vasodilation, which automatically reduces blood pressure and heart rate.

Technique: the patient lies down on the bed. Massaging right side neck for no more than 10 minutes. The carotid sinus section is an enlarged part of the carotid artery. The movements are smooth, without excessive pressure, and there is no need to apply excessive force. If the patient has been diagnosed with increased carotid sinus syndrome, as well as for elderly people, this method of eliminating tachycardia should absolutely not be performed.

  1. The patient lies down and closes his eyes. Next, use the pads of the index and middle fingers to apply pressure to the eyeballs. Namely, on the upper inner corner. Duration of exposure is about 10 seconds. You need to repeat on average 5 to 8 times.
  2. You can drink 1-2 glasses of cold water. What the essence of this technique is is not yet fully known, but the experience of clinicians speaks about positive impact cold water to reduce heart rate.

All these methods of eliminating an attack of rapid heartbeat can be used in the supraventricular form of paroxysmal tachycardia.

If you need to stabilize your heart rate at home, medications such as Validol and Corvalol are the first-priority drugs.


Honey has good sedative properties. It is recommended to take a mixture consisting of 15 mg of honey, 15 ml lemon juice And walnuts. Also 50 gr. honey can be mixed with 50 gr. juice from black radish. Take up to 100 mg every day for about a month.

Mix carrot, beet juice and black radish juice in equal quantities. Drink a glass 3 times a day.

If the patient has problems at work digestive system(gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer), you need to consult a doctor, since the recipes given above can lead to an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Herbal decoctions

Hawthorn, mint, lemon balm, motherwort, chamomile are heart rate stabilizers. Let's look at how to properly prepare herbal decoctions.

  • Brew chamomile, bearberry, and sweet clover in equal proportions. Drink 300 ml daily for 6 months.
  • Add 2 liters of water to the mixture consisting of 6 tsp. hawthorn (rose hips), green tea and motherwort leaves. Boil for 5 minutes. Take every day.
  • Brew infusions based on mint and lemon balm leaves (mix in equal proportions).

First of all, if you have an accelerated heartbeat, you need to call ambulance. You need to figure out what the reason is this state. After all, if tachycardia develops against the background of, for example, thyroid pathology, no herbal infusions or mechanical methods described above will help. Only rendering specialized assistance will give results.

How to treat tachycardia

During an attack of tachycardia, due to chaotic contractions, there is an uneven flow of blood into the ventricles of the heart. This causes disruption and can lead to heart failure. Care should be taken when choosing medications for treatment. Tablets for tachycardia and palpitations are prescribed taking into account the reasons that caused increased heart rate. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable. WITH special attention Pregnant women should be treated with caution because there are many contraindications.

Treatment of tachycardia with tablets depends on the reasons that caused the heartbeat. For sinus disease, the root of which is stress and heavy physical activity, sedatives are prescribed - Relanium, Seduxen. Ventricular tachycardia is treated with antiarrhythmic drugs. With the paroxysmal type of the disease, tablets do not help - injections are required for accelerated action. It must be borne in mind that only a cardiologist prescribes treatment. Drugs for cardiac tachycardia that are useful in one form of the disease may be dangerous in another.

Rapid heartbeat during pregnancy

When a woman is expecting the birth of a child, the body experiences double stress. Tachycardia occurs frequently at this time. If it is caused by the mother’s nervousness, it goes away quickly - you just need to calm down. Prolonged attacks are dangerous for the development of the fetus. What to take for palpitations during pregnancy, when many medications are prohibited? Doctors prescribe safe:

  • magnesium preparations that restore heart muscle tissue - Panangin, Magne B6;
  • sedatives - Valerian, Motherwort;
  • drugs to reduce heart rate - Propranolol, Verapamil.

At low pressure

Tablets for tachycardia and palpitations must be taken urgently during an attack if you have low blood pressure. If vascular tone is not increased at this time, cerebral edema occurs. The tricky part is that pills that lower your heart rate often lower your blood pressure. Careful selection of medications is required. How to lower your heart rate with low blood pressure? In such a situation, cardiologists prescribe:

  • Grandaxin – has a calming effect;
  • Mezapam – relieves nervous excitement;
  • Phenazepam – has an anticonvulsant effect.

With high blood pressure

What should people with high blood pressure take for tachycardia? In this case, the main task is to reduce the tension in the vessels so as not to cause their rupture. If heart palpitations pills are not taken regularly, you may experience depressive state, loss of strength and cessation of cardiac activity. Attacks of tachycardia with high blood pressure are rare, but pose a great danger. In this situation, help:

  • Diroton;
  • Corinfar;
  • Enap;
  • Verapamil.

Microelements for the heart

Vitamins and microelements have an important influence on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Their deficiency can cause serious problems. Stress, poor nutrition, physical inactivity lead to irregular heartbeat and rapid pulse. In these conditions, vitamin-mineral complexes are used for prevention and treatment. When combined with moderate physical exercise, proper nutrition, they help regulate the functioning of the heart.

The list of minerals that support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels includes:

  • magnesium, improving metabolic processes, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • calcium, which normalizes heart contractions;
  • phosphorus, which helps transmit nerve impulses;
  • selenium, which protects heart tissue and blood vessel walls;
  • potassium, which ensures the conduction of nerve impulses.

With tachycardia and palpitations, taking vitamins plays an important role. They help protect health and restore the heart. Vitamins support its functioning and improve the condition of blood vessels. The list includes:

  • C – strengthens the walls of blood vessels, myocardium;
  • A – improves metabolic processes;
  • E – protects heart tissue from damage;
  • P - helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • F – strengthens cardiac tissue;
  • B 1 – stimulates heart contractions;
  • B 6 – normalizes lipid metabolism.

These heart-healthy substances are used in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes. Popular drugs for palpitations:

  • Asparkam - has an antiarrhythmic effect, can be prescribed as an independent remedy, in the form of tablets for tachycardia.
  • Vitrum Cardio – activates lipid metabolism.
  • Directs – improves contraction of the heart muscle.
  • Cardio Forte – treats heart pathologies.

Antiarrhythmic drugs

Arrhythmia and tachycardia cannot be treated independently. Medicines that help reduce rapid heart rate are used only as prescribed by a doctor. An examination and correct diagnosis are required. It is necessary to identify contraindications to the use of drugs. For each case, it is important to use your own tablets for tachycardia and palpitations. The task of antiarrhythmic drugs when affecting the patient’s body is to restore the rhythm. It can be solved using:

  • beta blockers;
  • inhibitors calcium channels;
  • potassium blockers;
  • membrane stabilizing drugs.

Beta blockers

Among tablets for tachycardia and palpitations, beta-blockers occupy a special place, and all thanks to their active effect on the patient’s body. The drugs Egilok, Anaprilin, Ritmilen are taken in a course. In case of illness they help:

  • reduce the strength and frequency of heart contractions;
  • relax the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • reduce oxygen consumption by cardiac muscle cells;
  • improve tolerability physical activity;
  • reduce the risk of developing arrhythmia.

Calcium channel inhibitors

Drugs used for increased heart rate that prevent calcium from entering the vascular cells, dilating them - calcium channel inhibitors. When using these tablets, blood flow improves, muscle tone decreases, and normal heart rate is restored. The drugs are taken under the strict supervision of a cardiologist, because a sharp decrease in heart rate is possible, which can cause heart failure. Recommended drugs:

  • Corinfar;
  • Foridon;
  • Verapamil.

Potassium blockers

Pills to lower the pulse - potassium blockers - provide great help with an increased heart rate. They slow down electrical processes that occur in the heart. Medicines have a slow effect on the body and have many contraindications. Drugs that affect the heartbeat, prescribed by a doctor:

  • reduces pulse in case of ventricular tachycardia - Amiodarone;
  • for periodic occurrences of pulse disturbances - Sotalol;
  • in case of atrial flutter - Dofetilide;
  • for gastric and atrial fibrillation- Cordaron.

Membrane stabilizing agents

The body's reaction to drugs in this group is that the heart begins to beat more slowly. This is due to the fact that the medicine for tachycardia in this case disrupts the transport of sodium, potassium and calcium ions across the membrane of the heart fibers. At the same time, their properties change - contractions are weakened, excitability decreases. Under these conditions, the heart's ability to independently generate electrical impulses for muscle contraction is reduced. Membrane stabilizing agents prescribed by cardiologists:

  • Quinidine;
  • Lidocaine;
  • Novocainamide;
  • Disopyramide.

Causes of palpitations

Among the reasons for the sensation of a strong heartbeat are various pathological conditions, which are not necessarily associated with organic heart pathology. For example, persons with increased excitability of the nervous system, even against the background complete well-being may notice the appearance of a feeling of strong heartbeat, which in most cases stops on its own or after taking sedatives.

Determining the provoking factor for a strong heartbeat is the most important task of the attending physician, since in most cases, to eliminate this symptom, it is enough to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. The role of provoking factors that can cause the development of strong heartbeat even in healthy individuals who do not suffer from cardiac pathology are: significant physical activity, accelerated rise to altitude, conditions of increased temperature and humidity, a sharp psycho-emotional reaction in the form of fear, intake of caffeine-containing drinks and foods in large quantities, as well as excessive bloating.

Many patients equate the concepts of “palpitations” and “tachycardia,” but there is a significant difference in these two terms, since with tachycardia there are objective signs of increased myocardial contractility, in contrast to “rapid heartbeat,” which is an exclusively subjective sensation of the patient.

Great importance in terms of impact on contractility the myocardium affects the balance of microelements in the body, since even a banal deficiency of potassium or magnesium can cause the development of a strong heartbeat. Temperature has a stimulating effect on myocardial contractility human body, since an increase of even one degree is accompanied by increased work of the heart and the appearance of a feeling of strong heartbeat in the patient during hyperthermia.

Why can a strong heartbeat in some situations pose a danger to the life and health of the patient? The fact is that the feeling of a strong heartbeat very often acts as the only clinical sign life-threatening conditions requiring emergency medical measures, including cardiac hyperkinesis syndrome, tetany, hyperthyroidism and severe forms of arrhythmia. In these cases, a very rapid heartbeat can occur at any time of the day against the background of complete well-being and be of an extremely aggressive nature.

It is extremely rare to experience a strong heartbeat at normal pressure, since there is a clear pathogenetic relationship between increased heartbeat and increased performance blood pressure, and the increase in the pressure gradient in the arterial vessels is secondary, that is, it is a compensatory reaction to increased myocardial work, and not vice versa. However, it should be borne in mind that arterial hypertension can significantly worsen the patient’s condition, therefore, when carrying out therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating strong heartbeat, it is imperative to use drugs that correct blood pressure.

With an anaphylactic reaction or shock of various natures, a strong heartbeat may also be observed, despite a sharp decrease in blood pressure. In this situation, on the contrary, increased heart rate acts as a compensatory mechanism aimed at increasing the pressure gradient in large-caliber arteries.

In case acute occurrence patients describe strong heartbeat as “a break in the chest, some tremors or pops in the neck and chest.” Patients suffering from a permanent form of cardiac arrhythmia gradually get used to this condition, however, with a very strong heartbeat, they experience an activation of the psycho-emotional component, consisting of increased irritability and fatigue.

As a rule, a very strong heartbeat is accompanied by the appearance of other clinical manifestations in the form of dizziness, shortness of breath, throbbing headache, increased sweating and pallor skin. Data Emergence clinical criteria at the same time is the basis for immediate application for medical care to the nearest medical facility. In the morning, a strong heartbeat is most often a sign of some kind of arrhythmia, so people suffering from this pathology need further examination.

When examining a patient who notices the presence of attacks of strong heartbeat, a full range of examination should be carried out, since this clinical symptom may hide a severe heart pathology, for example, a paroxysmal form of tachycardia. With this pathology, patients, as a rule, note the onset of an attack at night and equally describe their condition as: “I wake up from a strong heartbeat.” The appearance of such complaints in a patient requires careful attention from the attending physician.

Palpitations during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a stressful condition for a woman’s body, during which all vital functions occur at an accelerated pace; increased work of the heart is also no exception, therefore the “feeling of a strong heartbeat” is the most a common complaint pregnant woman. The symptoms accompanying palpitations are similar to those observed when the rhythm of cardiac activity is disturbed (respiratory disorders, discomfort in the heart, dizziness).

The risk group for increased heart rate is pregnant women suffering from anemia, so in this category, attacks of strong heart rate are often accompanied by short-term episodes of loss of consciousness. Among the causes of strong heartbeat, the first thing to consider is changes in a woman’s hormonal levels during pregnancy, as well as psycho-emotional instability and poor tolerance to physical activity. Some women take large number fortified preparations, however, it should be borne in mind that hypervitaminosis has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the heart and can cause the development of a strong heartbeat.

Despite the fact that most obstetricians and gynecologists consider increased heart rate during pregnancy to be a normal reaction female body, yet this condition requires dynamic monitoring and, if necessary, the use of timely drug treatment. Why is the rapid heartbeat occurring in mild form, is considered normal during pregnancy? The fact is that this condition is a compensatory reaction of the female body, thanks to which sufficient blood supply to the uterus is ensured, thanks to which the fetus is enriched with the necessary amount of nutrients.

Most critical period for the occurrence of a strong heartbeat is the first trimester of pregnancy, since it is during this time period that the maximum activation of the woman’s hormonal status and the acceleration of all metabolic processes in the body. Predisposing factors for the development of this condition are deficiency of vitamins and magnesium, and excessive physical or psycho-emotional activity most often acts as a provocateur for strong heartbeat.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the pregnant woman begins to actively gain weight, which provokes increased stress on the cardiovascular system, so during this period expectant mother increasingly complains of rapid heartbeat, which is accompanied by nonspecific pain syndrome in the area of ​​the heart.

Strong heartbeat in a child

The occurrence of a strong or rapid heartbeat in a child at any age is an unfavorable sign, therefore this category of children requires further examination in order to determine the root cause of this condition. It should be borne in mind that minor changes in heart rate in children are not considered a pathology, but are a compensatory mechanism in response to increased needs of the body associated with increased growth and development of all organs and systems. The process of accelerating or slowing down heart contractions is influenced by both the state of health of the child’s body (level of physical activity, body temperature) and environment(temperature, humidity, season).

When establishing a conclusion “strong heartbeat” in a child, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account standard indicators heart rate for each age category. For example, for a newborn baby, a heart rate of 180 beats per minute is normal, while for children over a year old this indicator is unfavorable.

The most common pathogenetic variant of a strong heartbeat in a child is sinus tachycardia, the cause of which is not necessarily any serious cardiac pathology. Brief episode of palpitations during sinus tachycardia can even be caused by overheating of the body or excessive physical activity child. The presence in a child of a tendency to develop sinus tachycardia is not an indication for the use of drug treatment, however, this category of children is subject to mandatory dynamic monitoring by a pediatric cardiologist.

A more severe condition in terms of its impact on the child’s health is increased heartbeat, caused by the occurrence of an attack of paroxysmal tachycardia. Based on the name, this form of cardiac dysfunction is acute and requires immediate medical intervention. A feature of a strong heartbeat during paroxysmal tachycardia is the sudden onset of clinical manifestations and concomitant respiratory disorders, which significantly aggravate the course of this pathological condition.

If there are any congenital defects During heart development, a child may experience chronic tachycardia, which is characterized by less intense clinical manifestations, and treatment of this condition involves eliminating the underlying congenital pathology.

What to do if your heart beats strongly

There is a whole range of clinical criteria, each of which is absolute indication to contact a cardiologist in order to correctly verify the diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate and adequate treatment regimen. Such criteria include: too intense and prolonged heartbeat, the occurrence of attacks of increased heartbeat with minimal exposure to a provoking factor or at rest, uneven or impulsive nature of the course of this syndrome.

If we consider not emergency assistance, and long-term relief from palpitations, then first of all it is necessary to modify the patient’s lifestyle, which means limiting bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol, normalizing psycho-emotional status and ensuring proper rest and night sleep.

If an attack of strong heartbeat occurs, the first priority is for the patient to take a comfortable position, as well as psycho-emotional relaxation, for which you can use various techniques psychocorrections (breathing movements, self-hypnosis). Most patients suffering from palpitations use the breath-holding technique during the deep inhalation phase and note good effect in relation to the elimination of cardiac arrhythmias within a few minutes. In a situation where these methods do not bring the desired effect, you should take some sedative, made on a plant basis (Valerian tincture - 20 drops).

Among the medications used in the treatment of palpitations are: antiarrhythmic drugs and sedatives, both herbal and synthetic origin (Sedasen 1 capsule 2 times a day, Adaptol 500 mg 2 times a day). Antiarrhythmic drugs used for the purpose of stopping or long-term treatment of strong heartbeat are very diverse and the choice of one or another group of drugs directly depends on the pathogenetic form of the arrhythmia. For example, for ventricular tachycardia, the drug of choice is Obzidan in daily dose 60 mg.

There are also a number of diseases, one of which is clinical symptoms which is a strong heartbeat, requiring the use exclusively surgical method treatment (cardiac surgery, removal of a thyroid mass or pheochromocytoma).

Strong heartbeat - which doctor will help? If you have or suspect the development of a strong heartbeat, you should immediately seek advice from doctors such as a cardiologist and a neurologist.


Rapid heartbeat is often accompanied by breathing problems, nausea and sweating. All symptoms may be accompanied by panic.

Repeated episodes of increased heart rate should be an alarm and a reason to check with a doctor, cardiologist or arrhythmologist. It is important that some diseases that threaten sudden cardiac arrest are excluded, for example:

  • ventricular tachycardia;
  • respiratory failure;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland.

Causes of rapid heartbeat

Elementary stress or anxiety increases the heart rate, and this is quite natural, but if the situation is repeated day after day, this is a pathology. That is, tachycardia develops - an attack of palpitations that can last from several minutes to several hours.

In addition, additional factors that cause rapid heartbeat may include:

  • violations endocrine system and the status of thyroid hormone levels;
  • spicy infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature, which almost always leads to an increase in heart rate;
  • abuse of stimulants, energy drinks, narcotic drugs and strong alcoholic drinks;
  • pregnancy in women;
  • overwork, chronic lack of sleep, serious illnesses;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • sudden physical activity without appropriate preparation;
  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • heart disease - ischemia, myocarditis, defects, arrhythmia;
  • vascular diseases - atherosclerosis;
  • overweight;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • blood loss or anemia;
  • oncological diseases.

First aid for palpitations

What to do if tachycardia takes you by surprise and there is no one nearby to help. Do I need to call an ambulance?

In order not to ask yourself such questions during an attack and to be able to provide first aid to yourself or someone else, you need to know how to calm your heartbeat.

  1. Stop and take a breath - this is the first action that should be taken when the pulse quickens. Lie down or sit down if possible. This should calm your heart rate.
  2. Open a window or window to allow oxygen into the room and inhale it as deeply as possible until the attack is over.
  3. Take a deep breath and push the air forcefully, as if you are pushing. This is one of the vagal maneuvers that reduces the heart rate and affects parasympathetic system. Another technique to activate the vagus nerve and calm the heartbeat is by holding your breath after inhaling and exhaling. The third option is to press your fingers on the eyeballs for 20 seconds. This also helps stop heart palpitations, but is not suitable for those who suffer from high eye pressure(glaucoma).
  4. Try gently massaging the right carotid artery at the junction of the neck and jaw. Stimulating the vagal nerve reduces heart palpitations. It is recommended that the doctor himself indicate the pressure and point, since this technique has strict contraindications for the elderly and those who suffer from carotid sinus syndrome.
  5. Dipping your face into a container of ice water, you can trigger the dive reflex that occurs in marine mammals. The moment they sink to the bottom, finding themselves in the coldest layer of water, their heart rate slows down. In this way, they restore the functioning of the heart and brain after excessive stress.
  6. There are drugs that slow down the heart rate, for example, Valocordin, Corvalol, Valoserdin. Take according to the instructions, that is, from 10 to 40 drops per 30 ml of water. They contain phenobarbital, natural extracts of calming herbs and are good for palpitations.

Prevention and treatment

To help the heart recover from nervous stress, you can “feed” it, including as much as possible more products with vitamins, microelements beneficial for the heart, and calm the heartbeat with herbs.

  • Potassium is a microelement necessary for the nutrition of the heart; in sufficient quantities it reduces the excitability of muscle fibers. There is a lot of it in bananas, dried apricots, some vegetables and fruits.
  • Magnesium protects cells and is the active site of enzymes that remove calcium from muscles. Its sufficient presence in the body forms the heart’s resistance to overexcitation. Contained in bran, beans, nuts and beans.

If you cannot compensate for the lack of microelements with the help of products, take the medications Asparkam or Panangin. Your doctor will tell you how to use them and the treatment regimen indicated in the instructions for the medications.

  • Infusion of valerian or motherwort root. To prepare it, you need to brew two tablespoons of dry raw materials with two glasses of boiling water and leave for about an hour. To gradually normalize your heart rhythm, take 50 ml 3-4 times a day. This recipe is especially effective for palpitations after severe stress.
  • Pour a liter of boiling water over four tablespoons of rose hips mixed with hawthorn, and simmer the infusion in a water bath until tender. It is recommended to drink instead of tea, sweetening with a small amount of honey or sugar.

For paroxysmal tachycardia, it will be better if you part with stimulants. These include coffee, chocolate and strong tea, cola, energy drinks, and pills that help you lose excess weight.

All these products contribute to disruption of the heart and the occurrence of palpitations.

Physical training is a good prevention of heart and palpitation problems. During physical exercise, the number of heart contractions increases, which during the rest period is compensated by a decrease and becomes constant. Exercise protects the heart from excess adrenaline and increases resistance to stress. It has been observed that people who jog have more rare pulse than those who do not exercise, so they are less likely to suffer from palpitations.

Normally, in an adult, the heart beats 70-90 times per minute. A faster heartbeat is called. This condition can be both physiological and pathological in nature - many diseases (and not only heart diseases) are accompanied by rapid heartbeat.

Causes of rapid heartbeat

The heart is the main organ of the cardiovascular system. It, like a pump, pumps blood through the vessels, ensuring the supply of oxygen, energy and building materials, hormones and other biologically active compounds to the tissues.

If a person is healthy and calm, his heart beats 70-90 times per minute and covers the needs of every cell of the body. If the body develops pathological process, the heart immediately reacts by increasing or decreasing contractions. In this regard, when examining patients, doctors always determine the pulse rate (it corresponds to the heart rate) - this is the easiest way to assess the functionality of the heart.

However, as mentioned above, the cause of tachycardia is not always a pathological process; quite often in adults there is so-called physiological tachycardia. The main reasons for the physiological increase in heart rate include:

  • Emotional stress and. Stressful situations are always accompanied by increased synthesis of biologically active compounds. These substances make the heart beat faster. As soon as hormonal background returns to normal, heartbeat returns to normal.
  • Physical activity. Working muscles need more oxygen and energy, so the body signals the heart to beat faster and it beats.
  • Overeating. A full stomach puts pressure on the heart and lungs, which is why tachycardia occurs.
  • Pregnancy. Many expectant mothers in the first months of expecting a baby suffer from low blood pressure, which can cause heart palpitations.
  • . , tachycardia, are the most common companions of the menopause.
  • Environmental influence. The heart begins to beat faster under conditions high temperature and lack of oxygen, for example, in stuffy room or in transport.
  • Drinking caffeinated drinks. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant, including cardiac activity. Several cups of strong alcohol, drunk in a row, can make the heart beat 100 or more times per minute.
  • Increased body temperature. Each extra degree of body temperature is approximately 10 heartbeats. Accordingly, in a person with a severe fever (more than 39 degrees), the heartbeat can reach 120 per minute or higher.

Diseases that cause the heart to beat faster

Now let's look at the causes of pathological tachycardia. They are usually divided into two groups:

  • Extracardiac– not related to the heart.
  • Intracardiac– all kinds of cardiac pathologies.

The following reasons are considered extracardiac:

Intracardiac causes of palpitations are not so numerous, but in most cases it is much more difficult to influence them. Cardiac causes of tachycardia include:

  • Cardiomyopathy.
  • Extreme degree of ischemia of the heart muscle -.

Why is a rapid heartbeat dangerous?

If the heartbeat rarely increases and then under the influence of various physiological factors, there is no need to worry - there will be no disruptions in the functioning of the body. If tachycardia occurs frequently and continues long time, sooner or later problems will definitely start.

If the heart contracts too frequently, the heart is not filled with blood completely, so in one cardiac output less of it enters the bloodstream. That is, cardiac activity gradually becomes inferior - the heart cannot perform its function of providing the body with oxygen and nutrients, and all tissues begin to suffer from this.

The brain and heart muscle are the first to feel the lack of oxygen.(it is supplied with blood through the arteries branching from the aorta). Moreover, the more pronounced the tachycardia, the harder it is for the myocardium: it has to work more actively, and therefore more oxygen is needed, but there is none. Therefore, in such conditions of blood supply the risk of acute myocardial ischemia increases significantly –.

What to do if your heart beats fast

First of all, you need to sit down, calm down, drink water. If after 10-15 minutes the heartbeat does not return to normal, you should consult a therapist or cardiologist. If palpitations are accompanied by a feeling of “lack of air” and severe weakness, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

Before doctors arrive, you must do the following:

People suffering from tachycardia should always have with them the medications prescribed by their doctor to relieve attacks.

Examination for tachycardia

To determine the cause of palpitations, the patient needs to contact a cardiologist and undergo a comprehensive examination:

  • Do , and .
  • Donate blood for and for thyroid hormones.
  • Visit a neurologist and endocrinologist.

In controversial cases (when the patient has complaints, and all tests and studies are relatively normal), it may be necessary to conduct a daily ECG recording. This diagnostic method allows you to detect attacks of tachycardia, which are not always detected during a visit to a medical facility.

Principles of treating palpitations

Physiological tachycardia usually goes away on its own. But the tactics for treating pathological rapid heartbeat are determined by the cause of this condition. In some situations (for example, when a patient is diagnosed with a serious cardiac pathology), it is possible to significantly improve the patient’s well-being only through surgery—mainly minimally invasive operations are used.

To stop attacks of rapid heartbeat, doctors prescribe antiarrhythmic drugs to patients. They come in three classes:

  • TO first include Novocainamide, Lidocaine, Propafenone and other drugs that block sodium and activate potassium channels in the myocardium.
  • Why does the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscles change?
  • We act without panic and according to the algorithm
  • First aid measures for increased heart rate
  • Should I hold my breath?

If a strong heartbeat starts, what should you do? Many people face this issue. The cause of a rapid heartbeat may not necessarily be a cardiac pathology. This phenomenon can be triggered by an extra cup of coffee or stress. Not only spicy, salty, fatty foods, but also low-calorie foods taken in insufficient quantities for the body can cause a rapid heartbeat.

Alcoholic drinks, smoking, and strong tea also have a similar effect. Heart rate decreases when a person is in cold water, at low temperatures air, physical activity. The most harmless scenario is when changes in heart rhythm are rare, they are caused by completely understandable external factors, the person does not have cardiac pathology, and his health does not deteriorate. If the increase in heart rate begins to occur frequently, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why does the rhythm of contractions of the heart muscles change?

It is possible to determine the cause of changes in heart rhythms only after complex diagnostics. The heart can work at an increased rate and as a result of the progression of a variety of non-cardiac diseases and conditions. Women most often experience heart palpitations during menopause. Hormonal changes the body does not pass without a trace on the heart and directly affects the functioning internal organ. Some people experience heart palpitations due to:

The list of causes of changes in heart rate includes congenital and acquired heart defects, myocardial dystrophy, cardiosclerosis, anemia, various types arrhythmias. A variety of stimulants and dietary supplements, which today are intensively advertised by their manufacturers, can lead consumers of miracle products to attacks of tachycardia. Overeating, allergic reactions, staying in a stuffy room is also on the list of reasons. Therefore, the first advice to everyone who has encountered this phenomenon: stop worrying about your condition, because this will only increase your heart rate.

There are two types of tachycardia:

  • physiological;
  • pathological

The first is relatively safe. It appears as a result of emotions, physical activity, and being in an area with unusual atmospheric pressure. An increase in body temperature also refers to physiological tachycardia. As soon as the influence of the factor that caused it ceases, the heart rate usually normalizes. But emotions are different. If a person, for example, is in grief, his heart rate has increased sharply and does not decrease for a long time, he must urgently call an ambulance. A change in heart rate that does not go away within 15 minutes may be a sign of an incipient heart attack or stroke.

Pathological tachycardia is a sign of destructive changes in cardiac tissues and organ functioning. When a person’s heart rate changes against the background of a progressive heart attack, doctors classify this phenomenon as a pathological category. Pathological attacks are the result of neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hemodynamic disorders. If a patient begins to take glycosides in excess, the probability of changes in heart rate is 100%. Pathological tachycardia Mostly young people suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Problems with increased heart rate due to neuroses in women, as confirmed medical research, are much more common than in men. It is important to know that the phenomenon is not limited to just one change in heart rate. Conditions when heart rate increases are accompanied by pain symptoms in the chest area, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, clouding of consciousness - even loss of consciousness, an unreasonable feeling of fear, cold sweat, loss of coordination of movements.

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We act without panic and according to the algorithm

Not all people know that they have heart pathologies, especially if they have never encountered tachycardia. If her attack has begun, you should, if possible, attract attention to yourself and call for help. You need to unbutton your collar and try to open the window if the person is indoors.

The answer to the question of how to relieve an attack largely depends on the root causes that caused it.

But there is classical drugs. They should always be with them not only for people suffering from heart disease, but also for everyone who cares about their health. The following will help stabilize the functioning of the heart muscles:

  • validol;
  • valocordin;
  • Corvalol;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian.

You should definitely try to wash yourself cold water or put it on your forehead cold compress. Under no circumstances should an attack be tolerated on your feet. When it is not possible to lie down, you need to sit down. Doctors advise patients in such cases to try to get out of this condition on their own.

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First aid measures for increased heart rate

During an attack, you must try to breathe correctly. In practice, this turns out to be difficult, because many people panic. When the heart rate increases sharply, the person should try to take a deep breath, hold the breath and push (like on the toilet), and then slowly exhale the air. After the first inhalation and exhalation, relief will not come; this exercise must be repeated for about 5-7 minutes. When there is a lack of coordination and dizziness with a strong heartbeat, what should you do?

Eye massage will help cope with tachycardia and its accompanying symptoms. Its algorithm is very simple: you need to close your eyes and use your fingertips to press firmly on the eyeballs. You need to hold your fingertips on them for 10 seconds and then release. Wait 10 seconds and repeat the action again. There are also special techniques finger massage, which helps cope with tachycardia and its attacks. They are based on the effect on biological active points.

When a person is faced with an attack, he has no time for complex techniques. But knowledge of biologically active points can still be very useful. Those of them that are responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system are located on the little finger and thumb. When the heart rate increases sharply, you need to connect the little finger and thumb on one or both hands so that the tip of the little finger presses on the thumb at the base of the nail.

Traditional healers advise rubbing your wrists during an attack. There are biologically active points on the wrists that are responsible for the work of the heart, but it is important to take into account that they are located on the back of the hand - it should be rubbed and massaged, not outer part wrists, where the points responsible for the state of the digestive system are located. During an attack, patients are advised to sniff crushed leaves. peppermint or lemon balm, as they contain substances that calm the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the heart.

Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system are among the most serious threats to human life. It is because of this group of diseases that mortality has increased in a number of developed countries. And this is not surprising: there are many reasons leading to disruption of the heart, and not all of them are directly related to it. One common problem is a rapid heartbeat, or tachycardia. Is this condition safe?

Many drugs are used today for palpitations. The tablets have various features and contraindications, so choosing them yourself, without consulting a specialist, is quite dangerous. Nevertheless, it is important to freely navigate their diversity and be able to understand doctors’ prescriptions instead of blindly acting on someone else’s instructions. This article will look at pills for it, as well as the causes of its occurrence.

Causes of rapid heartbeat

Tachycardia occurs for reasons that are associated with heart pathologies, or for those that arise due to disruption of other organ systems. For palpitations, tablets are classified depending on the problems that caused it.

So, similar causes include the following: angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart defects of various etiologies, cardiosclerosis, myocarditis, endocarditis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, post-infarction aneurysm, thromboembolism pulmonary artery, prolapse mitral valve; any intoxication and its characteristic symptoms, thyrotoxicosis, anemia, aneurysm, Addisonian crisis, diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, lack of oxygen in the blood, pneumothorax, panic attacks, tick bites on the chest and arms, pheochromocytoma, taking certain medications, withdrawal syndrome (alcohol, drugs).

Types of tachycardia

Conditions characterized by rapid heartbeat are classified into subtypes depending on which zone of the heart (or rather, its conduction system) is the source of the rapid rhythm. There are only a few of them. The first is sinus. It carries the least danger for a patient suffering from tachycardia. The second is supraventricular. Although this condition does not pose a threat to human life, it is necessary to take measures to stop it. Third and most dangerous look tachycardia - ventricular. At times it provokes fibrillation. In this case, specific areas of the heart ventricles begin to contract in their own rhythm, different from the general one. As a result, the heart muscles are no longer able to pump out the required volume of blood.


Tachycardia is not as difficult to identify as other heart diseases. If your heart palpitations are due to sinus tachycardia, there is nothing to worry about if the attack stops within a short time. If the outcome were different, it would be preferable to immediately contact a specialist in order to avoid the onset of pre-infarction condition. Differs from one hundred beats per minute.

More dangerous attacks begin with a sharp jolt and stop quite unexpectedly, and may be accompanied by severe pain, dizziness, and weakness. The heart rate increases to one hundred twenty or one hundred and forty beats per minute.

Treatment methods

In order to promptly detect the disease and its localization, electrocardiography should be performed directly during the attack; after its completion, the image will not show anything important. It is more effective to wear a special device for some time that continuously records the cardiogram. Such a study will collect the most accurate data about the disease.

At the beginning of an attack, it is necessary to call doctors and take first aid measures yourself. Corvalol, Valocordin or similar drugs. With other types of tachycardia, this will only prolong the time and increase the risk. It is necessary to actively cough, this will probably help normalize the rhythm.

It is important to try to remain conscious until doctors arrive. After inhaling and holding your breath, you should clasp your thumb with your lips and exhale into it, lightly pressing on the eyeballs.

Anything should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. What pills should you take for heart palpitations? Some effective drugs will be discussed in more detail in this article.

When not to worry

Sometimes a rapid heartbeat does not pose any threat to a person’s life and is not a problem in itself. For example, whenever inflammation occurs in the body, the natural reaction of a body with normal immunity is to significantly increase its temperature in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, blood flow is activated and the supply of oxygen to tissues is accelerated, therefore, the heart rate increases. Normally, it does not exceed one hundred and twenty beats per minute. A decrease in temperature, on the contrary, causes a decrease in heart rate.

Also, the heart rate normally increases when walking, going up or down stairs, moving against the wind at any speed, running and any sports games, jumping and cycling, and lifting heavy things. Other reasons could be drinking any caffeine-containing drinks, hot conditions, taking certain medications, strong emotions, sexual arousal, pain, eating more than normal, or a sudden rise. The heartbeat should not exceed one hundred thirty-five beats per minute.

Tablets "Concor": instructions for use

The main active ingredient is bisoprolol fumarate. Sold in packs of thirty or fifty tablets. Effectively normalizes heartbeat, reduces the myocardium's need for the required amount of oxygen. Improves the course of heart diseases. Most effective for angina pectoris, arterial hypertension and chronic heart failure. It has a number of contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before use. As a rule, it is the specialist who, in each individual case, must prescribe the dosage in which Concor tablets should be taken. Instructions for use recommend taking one tablet in the morning (regardless of meals) with clean water.


This drug successfully used for palpitations. The tablets participated in studies on the treatment of angina pectoris, where they also showed excellent results. This drug successfully increases coronary reserve, preventing the development of ischemia, and prevents the frequent occurrence of angina attacks. Thus, violations in heart rate can eliminate the drug "Preductal". The price of the medicine is about 740 rubles per package.

by application, price

Popular and effective drug. Used successfully as a treatment for increased heart rate. Efficiency confirmed positive reviews. It is used in the following cases: arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, various types of tachycardia, atrial flutter. "Atenolol" is taken some time before meals, washed down with water. In the case of treatment of angina pectoris, a single dose should not exceed fifty milligrams (with maximum dose two hundred milligrams), and the maintenance dosage should not exceed twenty-five milligrams per day. All adjustments must be made by the attending physician. The cost of a package ranges from twenty to fifty rubles, depending on the number of tablets in it.


The health of the cardiovascular system is not in vain for a huge number of people, because the outcome of many attacks can be fatal. That is why the treatment of such diseases must be of the highest quality. For palpitations, tablets should be selected as carefully as possible. They must be suitable individually and not have corresponding contraindications. You should also be prepared for some side effects.

The most commonly used drugs are Atenolol, Concor, and Preductal. The price may vary slightly depending on the specific manufacturer.

Don’t be lazy to contact specialists. Qualified doctors will be able to accurately determine the cause of your disease and select the ideal solution. medicine. An incorrectly chosen drug can have an unexpected effect on the body and harm an already weakened cardiovascular system. Don't take unnecessary risks! The time and money spent on contacting doctors will more than pay off, but lost time will certainly significantly aggravate the situation. You just need to choose an experienced, highly specialized specialist.