A powerful drug for improving memory. Drugs to improve the functioning of the central nervous system

A very important issue for modern doctors is the preservation cerebral circulation and its restoration. After all, the normal well-being of a person while he is young, and the clarity of his mind when the period of old age comes, depends on its adequacy. It is most important to correctly adjust cerebral blood flow during those periods that are transitional for a person.

Early childhood period

In young children, cerebral blood flow disturbances are possible as a consequence birth injuries, pressure changes that occurred during. Also, this happens due to oxygen starvation of the baby during the period and intrauterine development associated with other reasons. In this case, blood circulation in the brain can be disrupted to varying degrees. If such problems are diagnosed, the child needs a recovery period. Subject to a successful outcome postnatal encephalopathy We are talking about the first three years. But in some cases it can continue throughout life. This is typical for severe pathologies - vascular , cerebral palsy , consequences hemorrhages , at which they are formed vascular cysts .

School age children

During this period on cerebral circulation The workload gradually increases, as the child’s study intensity increases every year. In addition, teenagers change hormonal background , which can also lead to poor blood flow to the brain.


Symptoms in adults associated with disturbances in blood flow can occur when the vessels supplying the brain are compressed. This is also possible with tumors of the neck, head, endarteritis , acute thrombosis arteries of the brain resulting from injuries and operations.

Old age period

In old age, the likelihood of developing hemorrhagic or ischemic diseases increases. Elderly people suffer from atherosclerosis , their risk of developing brain tumors increases. Both acute and chronic processes leading to impaired blood flow are possible.

Treatment with medications

In each of the listed periods, drug treatment of such pathologies is carried out. However, both the duration and effectiveness of such therapy may vary.

Drugs that improve memory and concentration, increase energy and allow you to work long and efficiently are widely represented by the pharmaceutical industry.

Such medications are sold in pharmacies and are available both with and without a prescription. In any case, even if you do not need to present a prescription to purchase a drug, you should not self-medicate. Consultation with a specialist who will take into account all the characteristics of the human body, and his recommendations on the choice of drugs that improve memory - this is the main adviser to whom you need to listen.

Good memory and attention, as well as excellent performance are not a luxury, but necessary qualities modern man. Since we live in information society, we need to remember large amounts of information, which are increasing every day. This applies to schoolchildren and students, middle-level managers and senior management personnel, specialists in various industries - from medicine, pedagogy, computer technology, construction to scientific activity and knowledge-intensive industries.

In order for a person’s attention and memory to always be normal, it is necessary to maintain healthy image life. First of all, you need to take care of the quality of your sleep: go to bed on time and get enough sleep. In the same way, memory and performance are affected good nutrition, positive attitude in life, lack of stress and a balanced lifestyle. Possible physical activity and regular training helps strengthen the body, which means it increases the level of memory processes.

Of course, it is not always possible to follow the recommendations and regularly take care of your own health. The pace of modern life forces a person to be in constant tension and concentration to achieve goals. Very often there is not enough time not only for quality rest and relaxation, but also for regular, full sleep. Therefore, taking care of your own health fades into the background, which naturally affects all processes in the body, including attention, memory and performance. In some cases, ordinary laziness does not allow a person to make attempts to improve his own well-being and work efficiency. There is no doubt that age-related changes influence cognitive abilities human, such as attention and memory.

What to do in such situations, when you cannot concentrate at the right moment and concentrate on the task at hand? Which methods emergency assistance you can resort to being able to remember required quantity information or adjust the psyche and body to the level of performance that is necessary at a given time?

One of the most well-known ways to positively change a situation is to medicines affecting the level of attention, memory and performance.

Drugs that improve attention and memory

The most famous and effective drugs, improving attention and memory, the following:

  1. Intellan.
  2. Piracetam.
  3. Glycine.
  4. Memoplant.
  5. Vitrum memory.
  6. Phenotropil.
  7. Tanakan.
  8. Pantogam.

Let's take a closer look at each of the medications.


Release form: this drug, which improves memory, is available in the form of capsules (20 pieces per package) or syrup (bottle with a capacity of 90 ml).

  • one capsule contains: ginkgo biloba leaf extract (50 mg), centella asiatica herb extract (120 mg), herpestis monniera herb extract (20 mg), coriander fruit extract (50 mg), amomum subulate fruit extract (50 mg), Emblica officinalis fruit extract (110 mg).
  • ten ml of syrup contains - thick extract Ginkgo biloba leaves (50 mg), thick extract of Centella asiatica herb (100 mg), thick extract of Herpestis monniera herb (10 mg), thick extract of coriander sativum fruit (30 mg), thick extract of Amomum subyloid fruit (30 mg), thick extract Emblica officinalis fruit (40 mg).

Indications for use - intended to stimulate brain activity in the following cases:

  • circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain;
  • deterioration in memory quality and decreased concentration;
  • decreased intellectual abilities;
  • severe or prolonged stressful situations;
  • asthenic conditions, psychogenic and neurotic nature;
  • constant nervous and physical tension, chronic fatigue;
  • subacute depressive and anxiety states;
  • dizziness and tinnitus caused by neurosensory changes;
  • the drug can also be used in complex therapy to improve the condition of children with mental retardation.


  • diabetes mellitus type I and II,
  • exudative diathesis,
  • individual intolerance to some or all components of the drug;
  • not recommended for use by pregnant women and mothers during the lactation period,
  • It is prohibited to use by children under three years of age.
  • adults are advised to take one capsule or two teaspoons of syrup twice a day;
  • Children from three to fifteen years old are advised to take one teaspoon of syrup per day.
  • the drug is taken after meals.

Side effects:

  • Insomnia may occur if the drug is used in the evening before bedtime;
  • in some cases observed allergic reactions on the components of the medicinal product.


Release form: this memory improving drug is produced in ampoules, tablets and capsules.

Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​piracetam.

Indications for use:

  • circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain with manifestations of chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency;
  • violations of memory and attention, intellectual processes, speech;
  • the appearance of dizziness and headaches;
  • with reduced motor and mental activity of patients;
  • in case of violation of the emotional-volitional sphere of patients (depression, asthenic conditions, hypochondria);
  • in case of metabolic disorders;
  • decrease in the body's energy reserves;
  • For pediatric patients, the drug is indicated to accelerate the learning process in order to improve the quality of thinking processes, memorization and reproduction of material, and concentration;
  • V childhood– from one year - the drug is used to eliminate the consequences of perinatal brain injuries, as well as for oligophrenia, delayed mental development and cerebral palsy.

Contraindications: this memory improving drug should not be used in the following cases:

  • heavy renal failure in adults;
  • acute renal failure in children, against the background of existing diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period in women;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to various food essences and industrial fruit juices;
  • increased individual sensitivity to the active substance of the drug.

Directions for use and dosage:

  • tablets and capsules are used after meals;
  • The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor in accordance with age period the patient, as well as the main problem that caused the memory impairment.

Side effects:

  • sleep disorders such as insomnia;
  • the appearance of increased irritability or anxiety;
  • exacerbation of heart failure in elderly patients;
  • exacerbation of dysfunction gastrointestinal tract in elderly patients.


Release form: this memory improving drug is produced in the form of tablets for resorption under the tongue.

Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​glycine.

Action of the drug:

  • glycine belongs to the metabolic group of drugs that affect the regulation of metabolism;
  • contributes to the normalization and stimulation of inhibition processes in the central nervous system;
  • affects the decrease in mental and emotional stress, as well as aggressiveness and conflict;
  • increases the level of human adaptability to social norms, improves social behavior;
  • helps to increase the efficiency of mental work and stimulates performance;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes problems with falling asleep and insomnia at night;
  • improves work quality vascular system, reduces vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • improves the functioning of the brain and central nervous system after ischemic strokes, traumatic brain injuries, alcohol drug intoxication.

Indications for use:

  • decreased quality of mental efficiency and performance;
  • being in prolonged and severe stressful situations;
  • types of behavioral reactions that differ from the norm in childhood and adolescence, deviant behavior;
  • increased excitability and emotional lability;
  • neurotic conditions and neuroses;
  • deterioration in sleep quality;
  • memory disorders and poor concentration


Directions for use and dosage:

  • the drug is located under the tongue and remains in the mouth until completely absorbed;
  • The dosage of the drug that improves memory is prescribed in each specific case after consultation with a specialist.

Side effects:

  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of excessive drowsiness.


Release form: this memory improving drug is produced in tablets, a homeopathic medicine.

Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​dry extract of Ginkgo biloba leaves.

Indications for use:

  • the drug has the ability to improve blood circulation in the brain, as well as peripheral circulation;
  • organic circulatory disorders in the brain due to age-related changes;
  • changes in memory resulting from negative changes in blood circulation, deterioration in the ability to concentrate, decreased intellectual abilities;
  • stable Bad mood and negative emotional background;
  • dizziness and tinnitus, headaches.


  • the presence of erosive gastritis,
  • availability peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the most acute stage;
  • hypocoagulation phenomena;
  • the presence of cerebral circulatory disorders in acute forms;
  • the age of patients is up to twelve years, since data on the effect of the drug on children have not yet been fully obtained;
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation in the mother, due to insufficient knowledge of the effect of the drug;
  • intolerance to the active components of the drug.

Directions for use and dosage:

  • the medicine is taken without reference to food intake;
  • The tablet should not be chewed; after swallowing, take a small amount of water;
  • The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician after consultation.

Side effects:

  • allergic manifestations in the form of redness are periodically observed skin, skin rash, swelling and itching of the skin;
  • sometimes gastrointestinal dysfunction occurs;
  • the appearance of headaches and dizziness;
  • temporary changes in hearing quality;
  • decreased blood clotting ability.

Vitrum memory

Ingredients: patented raw materials of plant origin.

Indications for use:

  • decreased quality of attention;
  • deterioration in the processes of remembering and reproducing information;
  • reduction in the speed of thinking processes;
  • significant decrease in intellectual characteristics;
  • decreased quality of hearing, vision and speech, including those caused by age.


  • hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug;
  • hypocoagulation phenomena;
  • acute cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • myocardial infarction in the acute stage;
  • the presence of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as erosive gastritis;
  • history of arterial hypotension;
  • pregnancy and period breastfeeding at the mother's;
  • age period up to twelve years.

Directions for use and dosage:

  • the drug should be taken orally during meals, one tablet twice a day;
  • the average duration of treatment takes at least three months;
  • Repeated courses of treatment are prescribed by a specialist.

Side effects:

  • phenomena of dyspepsia;
  • the appearance of headaches;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions on the skin;
  • the appearance of dizziness.


Release form: this memory improving drug is produced in tablets.

Compound: active ingredient– phenotropil.

Indications for use:

  • diseases of the central nervous system of various nature, especially vascular and metabolic;
  • deterioration in the quality of intellectual functions of the brain and mnestic processes of memory and attention;
  • state neurotic character, lethargy and severe exhaustion of the body, decreased psychomotor activity;
  • inability to study well;
  • depressive states in the lungs and moderate severity forms;
  • reduced resistance to stress;
  • increasing the efficiency of human activity in extreme conditions;
  • correction of daily biorhythms.


  • pregnancy and lactation, as well as childhood due to the small amount of data on the effect of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug;
  • some organic lesions kidneys and liver;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • acute psychotic states;
  • history of allergic reactions to nootropic drugs.

Directions for use and dosage:

  • taken immediately after meals;
  • The dose of this drug that improves memory is determined by the doctor.

Side effects:

  • the appearance of insomnia if the drug is taken later than 15:00;
  • in the first days of taking the drug, swelling of the skin, a feeling of hot flashes, as well as strong psychomotor agitation are observed;
  • increased blood pressure levels.


Release form: the drug is produced in the form of tablets and solution for internal use.

Compound: active substance– ginkgo biloba.

Indications for use:

  • consequences of encephalopathies of various origins - strokes and traumatic brain injuries in old age, which cause a decrease in attention and memory, thinking processes, as well as sleep disorders;
  • states of an asthenic nature - psychogenic in nature, neurotic depression and the consequences of brain injuries.


  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Directions for use and dosage:

  • taken with food in the form of one tablet or one ml of solution, three times a day.

Side effects:

  • in rare cases, gastrointestinal dysfunction, as well as allergic reactions and headaches, may occur.


Release form: this memory improving drug is produced in the form of tablets and syrup.

Ingredients: active ingredient – ​​pantogam.

Indications for use:

  • changes in cerebral vessels in childhood and adulthood;
  • organic brain lesions in adults and children;
  • hereditary diseases of the nervous system that affect the quality of attention, memory and performance;
  • mental deficiency in childhood, which affects the development of cognitive processes and speech.


  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • severe renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug.

Directions for use and dosage:

  • the medicine is taken orally fifteen to thirty minutes after eating;
  • The dosage of the drug must be prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects:

  • allergic manifestations in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis or skin rash;
  • the appearance of drowsiness and other sleep disorders;
  • the occurrence of tinnitus.

Drugs that improve memory and performance

Memory enhancing drugs also have a stimulating effect on human performance. This simultaneous effect is due to the complex effect of drug components on brain activity, intellectual abilities and the body as a whole.

The active substances of the drugs have a positive effect on the central and peripheral nervous system of a person, stimulate cerebral circulation and improve the quality of nutrition of the brain and nervous system with useful substances and oxygen. Most medicines contain necessary for the body vitamins, microelements and amino acids. At the same time, metabolic processes in the body are normalized, harmful products vital functions are removed, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, fibers and tissues.

Therefore, there is no need to provide a separate list of drugs that have an effect on increasing the efficiency of a person’s work and his mental and performance capacity - in in this case It is worth referring to the section that describes in detail the properties of each drug. And after familiarizing yourself with the above properties, make a choice of a suitable drug. At the same time, it is worth recalling for the last time that before using any medicine, including those to improve memory and performance, you must consult a doctor. Because in some cases, the medicine you like may be completely unsuitable due to contraindications that can only be identified by a diagnostic specialist.

Drugs that improve memory in children

It happens that children, and especially schoolchildren, begin to suffer from memory impairment for numerous reasons. In such cases, it is necessary to understand the existing problem and find its source. It is possible that by normalizing sleep, work and rest schedules, feasible physical activity, quality of nutrition and the psycho-emotional atmosphere at home and at school, you will not have to resort to the use of medications. But it happens that the deterioration of the child’s condition, including his memory, has gone so far that without drug therapy will not be able to solve the problem.

It is known that not all drugs suitable for improving attention, memory and performance in adults should be used in children. Most medications can cause irreparable harm to the baby’s health, so it is strictly not recommended to self-medicate and “stuff” the child with “proven” medications. Perhaps tablets or capsules, which were so perfect for a neighbor or relative, are absolutely not suitable for children and teenagers. Therefore, before going to the pharmacy, you need to visit children's pediatrician, who will refer the parents and the child to a neurologist, psychoneurologist and/or other specialized specialists. It should also be noted that drugs that improve memory in children must be used in combination with other means to improve the child’s health.

In this section we provide a list of the most secure medicines that can be used for children:

  1. Glycine is a medicine that can be used by babies almost immediately after birth.
  2. Piracetam – indicated for use in children over one year of age.
  3. Pantogam - from the moment the child is born.

Drugs that improve memory in adults

The most popular and effective drugs that improve memory in adults are presented in the general list of drugs. It should be noted that there are no medications yet that are prescribed only to children to improve memory and other intellectual abilities. Pharmaceutical industry produces medications that are necessarily suitable for adults, but in order to use the product for children, you must carefully read the instructions and follow the indicated dosages.

Therefore, to get a complete understanding of the drugs suitable for adults to strengthen the processes of remembering and reproducing information, improving the ability to concentrate and increasing overall performance, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the previous sections. They described in detail the properties of the drug that will help solve a particular problem, as well as indications for use, contraindications and observed side effects.

The only nuance is the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment, which are prescribed to patients of young and middle adulthood, as well as to elderly patients. There are differences in patients of different groups in the above points (dosage and duration of treatment). Typically, for elderly patients, prescribed doses of drugs are more gentle, and the duration of treatment is much longer, including a maintenance dose of the drug during the recovery period after an exacerbation of the problem.

There is no mother who would not want her child to bring only positive marks from school. But for successful studies a child needs to have good attention and memory, and if there are problems with these indicators, there is no need to talk about good academic performance. Special medications can help solve these problems.

Drugs for concentration in children are called nootropics. They allow you to improve the child’s intellectual activity several times, activate his cognitive functions, and improve blood supply to the brain. Medicines to improve attention and memory can significantly reduce existing disorders of these indicators of mental activity, but they are unable to make their level exceed the norm, given to the child from nature.

Reasons for decreased attention in children and adolescents

The main cause of brain disorders in children and adolescents is an insufficient supply of blood to the brain, which carries oxygen and nutrients. This may be due to constant stress, internal conflict or fear. If the violations are based on psychological problems, then in combination with drug treatment, a visit to a child psychologist or psychiatrist is indicated.

  • Glycine - nootropic drug, increases performance, normalizes sleep, has sedative effect, improves mental abilities, activates protective inhibition processes in the central nervous system. Release form: tablets that dissolve under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • Piracetam - has positive impact on metabolic processes in the brain, promotes better learning of educational material. But if there is a history of individual intolerance or renal failure, the drug is contraindicated. Release form: tablets and capsules.
  • Biotredin. The drug contains vitamin B6 and threonine - substances that have positive influence on the nervous system. The product activates the cognitive functions of the brain, has a calming effect, and helps improve memory and attention in adolescents. Release form: tablets.
  • Phenibut is a nootropic drug that stimulates blood flow to the brain, reducing the tone of its blood vessels. When using this medicine as prescribed by a doctor, mental performance significantly improves, memory and the ability to remember large amounts of information are activated. The product is available in tablet form.
  • Aminalon is a gamma-aminobutyric acid preparation. Restores metabolism in the brain, improves glucose processing, and removes toxins. Indicated for disorders of the nervous system, to activate mental activity. Release date: tablets.
  • Pantogam is a nootropic drug containing as active substance gamma-aminobutyric acid. Indicated for psycho-emotional overload, attention and memory disorders, to activate intellectual activity, and relieve nervous tension. Release form: syrup, tablets and capsules.
  • Tenoten - homeopathic medicine, improves the nutrition of children's brain cells, accelerates the maturation of the child's nervous system, and promotes the activation of brain processes. Available in tablet form.
  • Noben is a product based on coenzyme Q10. As a result of intake, the concentration of this substance in brain cells increases, memory and the processes of remembering information are activated. Release form: capsules.
  • Bilobil (analogs - Tanakan, Biloba and others) is a medicine based on an extract of the ginkgo biloba plant. Normalizes the tone of small vessels in the brain, stimulates the nervous system, and has a slight calming effect. The product is available in tablet form.
  • Intellan - relieves nervous tension, effective for mental overload. Release form: syrup and tablets.
  • Phezam - indicated for disorders of mental function, decreased memory and concentration, as well as lag in intellectual development. The product eliminates irritability and promotes better learning. Release form: capsules.

It must be remembered that one drug treatment brain disorders will not be enough. You can develop intellectual functions in any way available means- learning by heart, reading, various educational games. In addition, the child needs the care and support of his parents. Only if all these conditions are met can excellent results be achieved in a fairly short period of time.

Author of the article: Laukhina Ekaterina

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To ensure a person’s active and fruitful activity at work, in school, and at home, it is important to maintain an active state of the brain. This quality allows you to withstand those heavy loads that arise due to a busy daily schedule.

In these cases, tablets that improve the performance of brain cells and memory properties come to the rescue.

Why are medications designed to improve brain activity needed?

When a person feels that he is experiencing symptoms associated with mental activity, this is primarily a signal that blood circulation in the brain is deteriorating. An experienced doctor can help with this problem. After spending additional examination, he will prescribe those drugs that restore blood flow to the brain cells. This just helps improve memory and quick reaction to events.

Taking these drugs provides the following results:

  • Transmission improvement nerve impulses
  • Destruction free radicals, destroying cell walls
  • Improves the supply of blood cells to brain cells
  • There is an improvement in memory and performance
  • A person recovers more actively after traumas suffered head, stroke

What to take to increase concentration

There are many drugs on the market that improve brain activity.

The most popular of them include the following drugs:

  • Nootropil
  • Piracetam
  • Fenotropil
  • Lutsetam
  • Noopept

Tablets that act to improve blood properties are no less important for a person engaged in intense mental activity.

The most common of them are:

  • Vazonin;
  • Flexital;
  • Agapurin;
  • Cavinton;
  • Telektol.

No less valuable are preparations that are created using a plant such as gingko biloba:

  • Vitrum memory;
  • Gingko biloba
  • Memoplant;
  • Gingkoum;
  • Doppelhertz.

When choosing pills that regulate brain activity, in particular improving blood circulation, you need to pay attention to the presence of contraindications or side effects. To do this, it is advisable to consult a doctor. In this case, his knowledge will help protect the body from troubles.

In addition, if you buy pills without a prescription on your own, and not as prescribed by a doctor, you can either harm yourself or not get any effect.

How to choose medications depending on age and activity

Action chemicals, contained in drugs to improve brain function, manifests itself differently on various groups people, and have differences in application. Let's consider the most common categories of consumers of such drugs in terms of their effectiveness and safety:

Preparations for adults over 40 years of age engaged in intense mental work are a complex that improves mental activity. It contains tablets that prevent frequent stress, memory impairment, decreased concentration, increased fatigue.

These are the following drugs:

  • Phezam;
  • Vitrum Memory;
  • Nootropil, etc.

Tablets for children and adolescents act as additional sources of energy, since this age is characterized by increased activity, spending a large amount nutrients. Providing the body with the missing elements helps children develop normally and not suffer from complex manifestations of their mental state.

A medicine such as Glycine works best in this case. These tablets have a calming effect. In addition, they help to overcome rapid fatigue due to nervous and mental stress, and better perceive information in class.

For students more often you have to suffer from overexertion, which is both psychological and mental in nature. This is especially true during exams. Processing and taking over large number information, students are required to remember everything and keep it under control.

Therefore, concentration must be high. Any nootropic drug will help you get the desired effect. Moreover, its use should be started no later than two weeks before the start of active brain activity.

Elderly people, especially over the age of sixty, require the provision of complete vitamins and microelements to brain cells. These people often experience unwanted symptoms (dizziness, increased level fatigue, sleep disturbance). This is caused by disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels.

In this case, drugs such as Tonakan and Cortexin will help prevent these processes or weaken their effect. With their help, you can improve blood circulation.

Tablets to improve brain activity and memory as recommended by doctors

Of all the listed remedies, it is necessary to highlight those that under no circumstances should you buy or use on your own without consulting a doctor. Since this practice is very common, it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of some medications that can cause harm to human health if taken incorrectly.

  • Piracetam is known as a nootropic medicine that has a stimulating effect on the psycho-emotional state. It has a warning for use in cases of kidney disease, pregnancy, depression and other manifestations of an excited state. Allergen;
  • Encephabol is a potent drug for congenital pathologies brain Used for small children, starting from the third day after birth. Adults are prescribed when the cognitive function. Contraindicated for disorders of the liver, kidneys, or hypertensive manifestations. Allergen.
  • Phenotropil is prescribed to improve the function of thinking, memory, and enhance concentration. Particularly effective after injuries, strokes, and neuroses. It is forbidden to use for children, in pregnancy, in the presence of liver disease, kidney disease, neurosis, hypertension.


So, tablets for improving brain activity and memory allow people of mental work to maintain their performance at high level. In addition, drugs of this type normalize the condition of people after suffering head injuries or stress.

The main thing is to handle medications carefully and consult your doctors in a timely manner for recommendations.

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