Symptoms of the disease are spinal cord disorders. Neurological symptoms related to the anatomical structure of the spinal cord and spine

The spinal cord is an element of the central nervous system. It is located in the spinal canal, which is formed by the vertebral foramina. It originates from the foramen magnum, which is located at the level of the connection of the first cervical vertebra with the occipital bone. And the end is located in the gap where the first and second lumbar vertebrae border. When illness spinal cord affect the body, the quality of life decreases and there is a risk of death, because they differ in severity.


At the level of the cervical spine

Pathology of the spinal cord at different levels is called myelopathy. Myelopathy cervical spine- this is a very serious process, because if it is damaged, there is a high probability of death. Operations in this department are very dangerous; they are carried out only if the risk is justified by preserving human life:

  • hernia between the vertebrae;
  • myelitis;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • pinching;
  • infection;
  • injury.

There are cases when the symptoms of pathology are complications after punctures. It happens that the disease develops due to an unsuccessful operation.

The spinal cord is responsible for the optimal functioning of the nervous system. Of course, cervical myelopathy makes negative adjustments to it. Often neck myelopathy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of severe pain in the neck, in the back of the head, between the shoulder blades;
  • muscle spasms occur;
  • arms become weak;
  • upper limbs twitch involuntarily;
  • the skin of the hands and neck becomes numb.

Myelopathy therapy requires very serious treatment! If you are thoughtless about this disease, then the body will begin irreversible changes. will arise complete atrophy spinal cord, paralyzes limbs. And it will be almost impossible to restore their previous activities.

Acute disc protrusion

Protrusion of the cervical spine occurs after the supply is disrupted useful substances to the intervertebral discs. If the power needed for normal operation is missing, then serious changes begin:

  • the structure of the core changes (the jelly-like state becomes very dense);
  • the fibrous membrane loses its elasticity;
  • the core cannot remain in its normal position;
  • the disc begins to shift, extending beyond the vertebrae;
  • depreciation deteriorates.

If the disc protrudes beyond the vertebrae even by one millimeter, then there may be unpredictable consequences. It is possible that compression of the nerve roots and arteries of the spine will occur, which will lead to inflammation, pain and poor circulation. Protrusion has symptoms that depend on how much the disc has protruded and the degree of compression of the nerve roots:

  • mobility is limited;
  • pain in the cervical region;
  • neck muscle spasms;
  • tingling feeling;
  • weakness of muscle tissue in the arms;
  • numbness;
  • edema;
  • my hands hurt, namely their muscles.

The disease can affect any segment of the cervical spine. If you do not go to the doctor in time, the spinal canal will protrude further and a hernia will form. Disc protrusion is treated with conservative methods.


This is a congenital pathology characterized by an expansion of the spinal cord canal. It affects his trunk and cervical spine. Hydromyelia is often accompanied by hydrocephalus. The main reason its appearance is a congenital anomaly of the canal. Enlargement of the spinal cord canal occurs and develops secondary to the influence of certain pathological changes in the body. Often secondary hydromyelia develops due to the formation excess liquid, which occurs when the spinal cord or cerebellar tumor is compressed.

In this disease, the spinal canal is lined with ependyma; the boundaries of the canal are expanded from the outside and fluid from the inside. The development of hydromyelia is often provoked by thinning of the posterior columns of the spinal cord.

Happens, birth defect accompanied by diseases such as lateral aperture of the 4th ventricle, median atresia and internal hydrocephalus. Hydromyelia usually occurs without symptoms. This disease is treated only after identifying the cause that provoked it. It can be completely eliminated through surgery.

At the thoracic level

Myelopathy at the thoracic level occurs very rarely, because it is usually caused by an intervertebral herniation affecting the thoracic spinal cord disc. In general, only 1% of intervertebral hernias occur in this area of ​​the spine. This is due to the special structure of the thoracic region.

Although its treatment is also hampered by the specific structure. It is most often treated with surgery. It happens that myelopathy of this section is mistaken for tumors or foci of inflammatory processes.

Thoracic myelopathy is common. It progresses in the thoracic spine. Usually its provocateur is a hernia in the lower part of the sternum or an abnormally narrow diameter of the canal in the spine. It is especially dangerous if the narrowing is located at the site of the blood supply.

Spinal cord infarction

Infarction can occur at various levels of the spinal cord. The clinical picture is determined by the level of damage and individual characteristics of the blood supply, taking into account the localization of areas of adjacent blood supply. If a person has arterial hypotension, That this disease will appear in an area that is poorly supplied with blood.

It is usually caused by lesions of the extravertebral arteries. It is accompanied by the following symptoms: sharp and severe pain in the back, decreased or even loss of sensitivity. Diagnosed using MRI. Treatment is most often symptomatic.

Discogenic radiculopathy

It is also called vertebral myelopathy. It is noteworthy that it occurs as one of the complications that was provoked by the formation of intervertebral hernias. It appears as a result of a long process of degeneration. Hard disc herniations occur, which are actually growing bone bodies of the vertebrae. They strongly compress the spinal arteries and spinal cord.

Sometimes complications arise, and hemorrhage may begin in the spinal cord. Because the nerve roots are connected by tissues to the intra-abdominal organs, when they are compressed, they are felt severe pain. They are similar to the pain syndrome during stomach spasms, diseases of the pancreas, liver and spleen.

To determine the cause of this discomfort, perform unusual testing. Change your position or sit straight in a chair without feeling any pain and rotate your torso. If the cause is discogenic radiculopathy, you will feel pain when turning.

Arteriovenous malformation

This is a very serious pathology of blood vessels. Often such vascular anomalies affect the body of young people. Sometimes they are localized in the thoracic and cervical spine. An important symptom The disease includes severe headaches. Associated symptoms include ringing in the ears, nausea, cramps and vomiting.

The reasons for the formation of vascular malformation of the spinal cord have not yet been clearly elucidated. It is assumed that vascular disorders are a congenital problem that in the future progresses into this type of pathology.

At lumbar level

This type of myelopathy is localized in the lumbar region and affects the spinal cord. Its syndromes and accompanying symptoms:

  1. When compression of the spinal cord occurs between the first lumbar and tenth thoracic vertebrae, epiconus syndrome appears. It provokes radicular pain in the lumbar region, near the hips and lower legs. Characterized by slight weakness of the legs. At the same time, reflex abilities, such as Achilles and plantar, are reduced. The sensitivity of the outer hindfoot and lower leg begins to deteriorate.
  2. When compression forms at the level of the 2nd lumbar vertebra, conus syndrome begins to develop. The pain is not severe, but disturbances in the functioning of the rectum and genitourinary system. Sensitivity changes in the anogenital area. Bedsores may appear and there is no anal reflex.
  3. When compression of the 2nd disc and lumbar root, located lower than the vertebrae, progresses, cauda equina syndrome occurs. It is characterized by severe painful painful sensations in the lower part of the body, they radiate to the limbs. There is a possibility of developing paralysis.

Vascular malformation

Pathology is the cause of hemorrhagic ischemic diseases. A very common form of vascular malformation is venous hemangioma. Accompanied by cramping pain, intensifying when you lie down. If vascular thrombosis occurs, the symptoms intensify.

With arteriovenous angiomas, the symptoms of a spinal cord disease take the form of slow tissue compression due to a tumor. With thrombosis, acute pain occurs and motor and sensory activity is impaired. Treatment includes endovascular vascular methods obliteration.

Ischemic processes take precedence over hemorrhagic ones. In most cases, cerebral vessels degrade. The clinical picture is interconnected with the compensatory capabilities of blood flow. Most often the lumbar and cervical regions are affected.

Arthritic diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis of the spine is a chronic inflammatory disease. It is characterized by defeat connective tissue spine and causes damage to the spinal cord. These diseases are characterized by two clinical forms. The first is compression. lumbar region spinal cord or ankylosing spondylitis of the cauda equina. The second is compression of segments during the destruction of joints in rheumatoid arthritis.

Complications on the spinal cord arise as a result of one of the elements of generalized joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis. This complication is often overlooked. Any signs of illness should not be tolerated. If you notice any changes in your body, consult a doctor. It will help you not only relieve symptoms, but also find out what kind of disease you have.

Video “Symptoms of spinal cord damage”

From this video you will learn about the symptoms that indicate spinal cord damage.

Spinal cord diseases have always been a fairly common problem. Even minor areas of damage to this most important structure of the central nervous system can lead to very sad consequences.
Spinal cord

This is the main part, along with the brain, of the human central nervous system. It is an oblong cord 41-45 cm long in adults. It performs two very important functions:

  1. conductive - information is transmitted in a two-way direction from the brain to the limbs, precisely along numerous tracts of the spinal cord;
  2. reflex - the spinal cord coordinates the movements of the limbs.

Spinal cord diseases, or myelopathy, are a very large group pathological changes, different in symptoms, etiology and pathogenesis. They have only one thing in common - damage to various structures of the spinal cord. At the moment, there is no unified international classification of myelopathies. Based on etiological characteristics, spinal cord diseases are divided into:


  • vascular;
  • compression, including those associated with intervertebral hernias and injuries spinal column;
  • degenerative;
  • infectious;
  • carcinomatous;
  • inflammatory.

The symptoms of spinal cord diseases are very diverse, since it has a segmental structure. TO general symptoms spinal cord lesions may include pain in the back area, aggravated by physical activity, general weakness, dizziness. The remaining symptoms are very individual and depend on the damaged area of ​​the spinal cord.

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Symptoms of spinal cord damage at different levels

Spinal cord segments

When the I and II cervical segment of the spinal cord is damaged, it leads to the destruction of the respiratory and cardiac centers in the medulla oblongata. Their destruction leads in 99% of cases to fatal outcome patient due to cardiac and respiratory arrest. Tetraparesis is always noted - complete loss of all limbs, as well as most of internal organs.
Damage to the spinal cord level III-V cervical segments are also extremely life-threatening. Innervation of the diaphragm ceases, and is possible only due to the respiratory muscles of the intercostal muscles. If the damage does not spread over the entire cross-sectional area of ​​the segment, individual tracts may be affected, thereby causing only paraplegia - disconnection of the upper or lower limbs. Damage to the cervical segments of the spinal cord in most cases is caused by injuries: a blow to the head during diving, as well as during an accident.

If the V-VI cervical segments are damaged, the respiratory center remains intact, and weakness of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle is noted. The lower extremities are still left without movement and sensitivity when the segments are completely affected. The level of damage to the thoracic segments of the spinal cord is easy to determine. Each segment has its own dermatome. Segment T-I responsible for the innervation of the skin and muscles of the upper chest and armpit area; segment T-IV - pectoral muscles and a patch of skin in the nipple area; thoracic segments T-V to T-IX innervate the entire region chest, and from T-X to T-XII the anterior abdominal wall. Consequently, damage to any of the segments in thoracic region will lead to loss of sensitivity and limitation of movement at the level of the lesion and below. There is weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities, absence of reflexes of the anterior abdominal wall. Severe pain is noted at the site of injury.

As for damage to the lumbar regions, this leads to loss of movement and sensitivity of the lower extremities. If the lesion is located in the upper segments of the lumbar region, paresis of the thigh muscles occurs and the knee reflex disappears. If the lower lumbar segments are affected, the muscles of the foot and lower leg suffer.

Lesions of various etiologies of the conus medullaris and cauda equina lead to dysfunction pelvic organs: urinary and fecal incontinence, problems with erection in men, lack of sensitivity in the genital area and perineum.

Vascular diseases of the spinal cord

Spinal cord

This group of diseases includes spinal cord strokes, which can be either ischemic or hemorrhagic. Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord have a common etiology - atherosclerosis. The main difference between the consequences of these diseases is the disruption of higher nervous activity during vascular diseases brain, loss of various types of sensitivity and muscle paresis.

Spinal cord hemorrhagic stroke, or spinal cord infarction, is more common in young people as a result of ruptured blood vessels. Predisposing factors are increased tortuosity, fragility and incompetence of blood vessels.

Most often this occurs as a result genetic diseases or violations during embryonic development, which causes abnormalities in the development of the spinal cord. Rupture of a blood vessel can occur in any part of the spinal cord, and symptoms can be given only according to the affected segment. In the future, as a result of the movement of a blood clot with cerebrospinal fluid through the subarachnoid spaces, the lesions may spread to adjacent segments.

Ischemic stroke of the spinal cord occurs in elderly people as a result of atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels. A spinal cord infarction can cause not only damage to the vessels of the spinal cord, but also to the aorta and its branches.

As in the brain, in the spinal cord, transient ischemic attacks, which are accompanied by temporary symptoms in the corresponding segment.

In neurology, such transient ischemic attacks are called intermittent myelogenous claudication. Unterharnscheidt syndrome is also distinguished as a separate pathology.

MRI diagnostics of vessels of the extremities

Intermittent myelogenous claudication occurs during prolonged walking or other physical activity. Manifests itself in sudden numbness and weakness of the lower extremities. After a short rest the complaints disappear. The cause of this disease is atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels in the lower lumbar segments, resulting in ischemia of the spinal cord. The disease should be differentiated from damage to the arteries of the lower extremities, for which MRI diagnostics of the vessels of the extremities and the aorta is performed with a contrast agent.

Spinal cord diseases

Pathology of the spinal cord can occur due to malformations of the spine and spinal cord, its damage (spinal cord injury), various inflammatory and infectious diseases, disorders of the spinal blood supply and with tumor processes primary and metastatic genesis.

Developmental defects . In the formation of malformations of the spinal cord, a large role is played by hereditary factors, the influence on the embryo or fetus in the early periods of its development of infectious diseases of the mother, intoxication, trauma, etc. Malformations of the spinal cord are usually accompanied by splitting of the vertebral bodies and arches and non-closure of tissues located inside and outside the spinal canal. The severity of spinal cord malformation varies - from severe to almost complete absence spinal cord (amyelia) and, as a consequence, the non-viability of the fetus, to mild minor developmental deviations that do not cause gross dysfunction of the spinal cord, for example, some forms of spina bifida. A special form of developmental defects are spina bifida - protrusions into the gap of split unfused vertebrae meninges, spinal nerve roots and parts of the spinal cord. Spina bifida are most often localized in the lumbosacral spinal cord. The cavity of the hernial protrusion in all forms of spinal hernia is filled with cerebrospinal fluid and, as a rule, communicates with the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord. Malformations of the spinal cord are often multiple; they are accompanied by malformations of the brain, skull, and internal organs. For some spinal hernias, neurosurgical operations are performed.

Spinal cord injuries divided into closed and open. Closed injuries include concussion, bruise, and compression of the spinal cord. Open injuries are considered to be those accompanied by disturbances in the integrity of the dura mater of the spinal cord, skin, underlying soft tissues and spine. Spinal cord injuries are rarely isolated; more often they are combined with fractures, fracture dislocations, and dislocations of the vertebral bodies (the so-called spinal cord injury). Clinically, during a spinal injury there are 4 periods: acute, which lasts 2-3 days, early - lasting 2-3 weeks, intermediate - up to 2-3 months and late - more than 3 months.

Spinal cord concussion is a functionally reversible form of injury. The picture of spinal cord damage usually reaches its maximum severity immediately after injury and is manifested by local pain, segmental, less often partial conduction disorders with the development of paresis or paralysis, decreased tendon reflexes, impaired sensitivity below the level of injury, and dysfunction of the pelvic organs. In mild forms of spinal cord concussion, in the immediate hours after the injury, a reverse development of impaired functions occurs, with more severe recovery functions occurs later - after 3-5 days, sometimes within 1 month, and may be incomplete.

Spinal cord contusion in acute and early periods after injury, especially in severe cases, it is accompanied by spinal shock with a syndrome of complete disruption of conduction along the spinal cord. Clinically, spinal shock is manifested by flaccid paralysis and loss of tendon reflexes in the extremities, absence of all types of sensitivity downward from the level of injury, and dysfunction of the pelvic organs. Blood pressure and body temperature decrease, pulse frequency and filling decrease. The phenomena of spinal shock do not allow early stage after injury, assess the true extent of spinal cord damage, which may be partial or complete transverse lesion spinal cord. Symptoms of spinal shock usually regress no earlier than after 3-4 weeks - reflex urination, spinal reflex activity are gradually restored, flaccid muscle paralysis becomes spastic, sensitivity appears in the distal parts, etc. The recovery process for spinal cord contusion is often complicated by trophic disorders, urogenic sepsis , bronchopneumonia, etc. After spinal cord contusions, even with a favorable outcome, persistent neurological symptoms remain.

Compression of the spinal cord can be the result of a combination of many reasons - concomitant swelling of the spinal cord, hematomas, displacement of bone fragments of damaged vertebrae, etc. It is often accompanied by crushing of the spinal cord with partial disruption of its anatomical integrity. Symptoms of spinal cord compression may accompany various clinical forms of traumatic spinal cord injury. Depending on the reasons that caused compression of the spinal cord, there may be a progressive or, on the contrary, regressive course of the main neurological symptoms - segmental and conduction disorders.

Open injuries to the spinal cord (gunshot, stab and other wounds) are accompanied by partial destruction or complete anatomical interruption. When half the diameter of the spinal cord is destroyed, Brown-Séquard syndrome develops, with a complete anatomical break of the spinal cord - paralysis of the limbs, absence of all types of sensitivity below the level of the break, dysfunction of the pelvic organs, sweating, trophism, etc. Preservation of any motor functions or sensitivity below the level of damage indicates partial defeat spinal cord and is a prognostically favorable sign.

A victim with a spinal cord injury must be sent to a hospital. Transportation is carried out in a lying position on a rigid stretcher or board. Already at the pre-medical stage, measures to combat traumatic shock, violations of vital functions, provide pain relief. In the hospital, patients with spinal cord injury are subject to comprehensive examination to resolve the issue of the need for surgical treatment aimed at eliminating spinal deformities and compression of the spinal cord, restoring normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid. Conservative therapeutic measures suggest the removal of spinal shock phenomena, pain syndrome, edema, restoration of spinal cord conductivity, etc. An extremely important role is played by the care of such patients - prevention and treatment of bedsores, urosepsis (see Sepsis), etc.

Diseases . Inflammatory diseases of the spinal cord - myelitis can be caused by various pathogens - viruses, bacteria, etc. Inflammatory lesions of the spinal cord are possible, which are complications of infectious diseases such as brucellosis, herpes zoster, measles, mumps, chicken pox etc. The spinal cord is often involved in the pathological process during meningitis, encephalomyelitis, etc. The spinal cord is also affected in such demyelinating diseases of presumably viral etiology as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis. A special form of inflammatory damage to the spinal cord caused by Treponema pallidum is tabes dorsalis. The inflammatory process can also develop in the spinal cord secondarily when it spreads from surrounding structures due to epiduritis, spondylitis, etc.

Abscess of the spinal cord and its membranes is rare. It occurs as a result of the transfer of infectious agents into the epidural tissue by the hematogenous or lymphogenous (perineural) route from the primary purulent focus (for example, a boil, carbuncle, etc.) or by contact from a nearby purulent focus (for example, with osteomyelitis of the spine), with wounds, etc. The clinical picture of an acute abscess is characterized by high body temperature, chills, radicular pain, sharply aggravated by coughing, sneezing, percussion or pressing on the spinous processes of the vertebrae in the area of ​​the abscess. Weakness in the limbs quickly develops and increases, pathological reflexes, paralysis, urinary retention, and conduction sensitivity disorders appear. Leukocytosis with a shift is detected in the blood leukocyte formula to the left, increase in ESR. At bacteriological research blood, the growth of pathogenic microflora can be obtained.

Surgical treatment: laminectomy is performed, the abscess is emptied and the altered epidural tissue is removed; The dura mater of the spinal cord is not opened or punctured. In the postoperative period, antibiotics are administered.

Vascular diseases of the spinal cord are divided into hemorrhagic, ischemic (myeloischemia) and combined. These include malformations of the vascular system of the spinal cord (aneurysms, vascular malformations of the spinal cord). The causes of vascular lesions of the spinal cord may be other vascular anomalies (coarctation of the aorta), acquired vascular changes (atherosclerosis of the aorta and its branches, dissecting aortic aneurysm, etc.), compression lesions of the vessels: compression of the aorta and its branches by tumors and tumor-like formations, compression of the radicular arteries herniated disc in spinal osteochondrosis, epidural or subdural tumor, cicatricial adhesions in the membranes of the spinal cord, abnormal vertebrae, epidural inflammatory infiltrate, bone fragments in spinal injury.

Syndromes of acute spinal circulatory disorders are diverse, their recognition requires high qualifications and application special methods research. Clinical manifestations spinal cord infarction depend on its location and are associated with damage to the main vascular areas of the spinal cord. For example, when the anterior spinal artery is blocked, necrosis of the anterior part of the spinal cord occurs. In this case, lower spastic paraplegia develops acutely or subacutely with impaired sensitivity and function of the pelvic organs. When the anterior spinal artery is damaged at the level of the cervical segments, flaccid paraparesis occurs upper limbs and spastic - lower with dissociated pain and temperature paraanesthesia and dysfunction of the pelvic organs of the central type. If the vascular system is affected at the level of the lumbosacral segments, the clinical picture is characterized by lower flaccid paraplegia (paraparesis) with areflexia, dysfunction of the pelvic organs and dissociated paraanesthesia.

Treatment of chronic and acute disorders spinal circulation is carried out in the following directions. Apply medicines, improving collateral blood circulation and microcirculation (aminophylline, complamin, nicotinic acid, Cavinton, Dibazol), diuretics (Lasix, mannitol), antiplatelet agents ( acetylsalicylic acid), vitamins C and group B. Measures are taken aimed at eliminating the main cause of occlusion of the spinal vessels. During the recovery period, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, and therapeutic exercises are prescribed. Treatment is carried out with absorbable agents (aloe, vitreous, cerebrolysin, lidase), drugs that stimulate the conduction of nerve impulses (prozerin, galantamine, etc.), B vitamins, nicotinic acid.

Degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the spinal cord structures are observed in a number of hereditary diseases(amyotrophy, ataxia) and with metabolic disorders(funicular myelosis). Development of the gliomatous process and formation pathological cavities in the gray matter of the spinal cord is observed in syringomyelia.

Echinococcosis of the spinal cord is found extremely rarely and is usually secondary to echinococcosis of the spine and surrounding tissues. The clinical picture is similar to that of a tumor. Diagnostic value has the Kasoni anaphylactic skin test. Treatment is surgical. The outcome of the operation is more favorable when small sizes bubble of echinococcus, i.e. when early diagnosis. The prognosis depends on the degree of compression of the spinal cord and the general condition of the patient (degree of intoxication, exhaustion).

Spinal cord tumors are extracerebral (extramedullary), developing from the roots of the spinal nerves, membranes and vessels of the spinal cord, and intracerebral (intramedullary), growing in the substance of the spinal cord. Tumors are more often benign (neurinomas, meningiomas), but malignant primary tumors of the spinal cord (glioblastomas, medulloblastomas), as well as cancer metastases into the membranes of the spinal cord and vertebrae, soft tissue sarcomas growing into the spinal canal, etc. can also occur. tumors manifest themselves as spinal cord compression syndrome, the level of which is determined by the localization of radicular pain and the level of conduction sensitivity disorders.

Treatment is surgical. Surgeries for spinal cord tumors primarily relieve compression of the spinal cord. The scope of the operation and approaches to the spinal cord depend on the nature of the tumor, its location and extent. For non-radically operated intramedullary tumors or malignant tumors postoperative radiation therapy; in some cases, for radiosensitive spinal tumors (angioreticuloma, ependymoma, etc.) radiation treatment is limited.


Associated diseases: vitamin deficiency (vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis), diseases of the meninges

Medicinal plants: calamus

Get well!

Spinal cord diseases are a large group of various pathologies that differ in some characteristics. The spinal cord, located in the center of the spinal column, plays a huge role in the nervous system. Therefore, it is important to know the diseases themselves, their symptoms, and start therapy on time.

Spinal cord diseases have many symptoms. This organ is divided into specific segments that are associated with a specific pair nerve endings. Each such pair is fully responsible for the functioning of certain organs. The fibers of the gray matter are crossed, it is for this reason that the pathology on the left side is a direct violation on the right.

Spinal cord tissue consists of two elements: gray matter ( nerve cells) and white matter (processes). Its length is approximately 45 cm, it regulates all functions of the body, and its work occurs through the transmission of impulses.

Symptoms may varying degrees. The mildest of these are dizziness and nausea, as well as muscle soreness, which appears periodically. Depending on the intensity of the sensations, the condition may worsen.

Frequent and danger signs motor disorders are considered, that is, restrictions of movement with complete or partial paralysis. This is accompanied by increased tone in muscle tissue. Usually such violations are symmetrical, but in some cases there may be exceptions.

Sensory impairment depends on the location of the disease and its degree. It can be superficial, temperature or painful. Vegetative disorders are accompanied by high fever and heavy sweating. At the same time, metabolism is disrupted, the nature of stool and urination changes. When the nerves are pinched, the pain symptoms go to the hands. If the lower back is affected, pain will be felt in the lower extremities.

In addition to the main symptoms that accompany the disease, it can be expressed in:

  • uncontrolled bowel movements;
  • muscle soreness;
  • muscle atrophy.

Compression diseases of the spinal cord

Some pathologies can cause pinching of the spinal cord canal, which is called compression. In this case, the functions of this organ are always impaired. This process can be caused by diseases such as otitis media and sinusitis. When they last for a long time, meningitis and encephalitis appear. There is also a risk of compression from hemorrhages that occur as a result of injuries or problems with the walls of blood vessels. In addition, tumors, osteochondrosis, hernia and arthritis are dangerous.

Brain tumors

Absolutely any neoplasms in the spinal cord are dangerous, so greater importance is paid not to malignancy, but to the location of the tumor. Typically, three groups of such formations are distinguished: extradural, intradural and intramedullary.

Extradural ones are the most dangerous and progress faster than others. They appear in the vertebrae or hard tissue of the brain. Intradural occurs under the hard tissue of the spinal cord membrane. Intramedullary are located in the brain itself.

Tumors are treated only with surgery, which is not always successful. Restorative therapy is prescribed only after successful surgery, otherwise it will be ineffective.

Intervertebral hernia

The most common of all back diseases are intervertebral hernia. Initially, a protrusion is formed, and only after a while a hernia occurs due to the rupture of the fibrous ring, which performs the fixing function of the disc core.

After the rupture occurs, all the fluid begins to flow out and, most often, it enters the spinal canal. If the disease affects the spinal cord, myelopathy (destruction of the substance of the spine) begins to develop.

There are cases when the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and the patient feels great, but when the spinal cord is involved in the disease, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the affected area;
  • change in sensitivity;
  • loss of limb control;
  • weakness;
  • disruption of internal organs;
  • pain extends from the lower back to the kneecap.

These signs appear when the hernia reaches a huge size. For treatment, therapeutic effects are used, using medications and physiotherapy.

Radiation and paracarcinomatous myelopathy are considered diseases that are difficult to distinguish between. MRI shows severe swelling of the spinal cord, which is treated with radiation therapy.

Necrotizing myelopathy at the time of exacerbation simultaneously affects several parts of the spinal canal. The reason for this is severe cancerous growths, which are accompanied by inflammation. Patients may experience partial or complete paralysis, and possible pelvic organ disorders.

Carcinomatous meningitis arises from carcinoma. In some cases, it does not cause myelopathy, provided that there is no discrepancy along the nerve roots, which causes infiltration of the spinal canal and provokes acute compression.

The cause of a heart attack is often a severe disruption of spinal circulatory circulation, which results in a severe malfunction of the spinal cord, since blood flows to it with great difficulty. This can happen in any spinal region. The one that is more severely affected develops a heart attack.

Most often, it is very difficult to determine the true reason why a heart attack occurred. But the most common is the formation of blood clots in small blood vessels. They supply blood to the spinal cord even when damage to the extravertebral arteries occurs.

Most often, people over the age of 50 suffer from this disorder, and in patients under the age of 40, a heart attack occurs due to aortic pathologies and vasculitis.

The development of a heart attack occurs during the formation of thrombosis or at the time of aortic dissection. But it can also appear for other reasons - with arteritis and serum sickness. General ischemic infarction is often caused by impaired spinal circulatory circulation or myeloschaemia. When a heart attack occurs, several parts are affected at once.

The cause of a heart attack can be a minor injury, for example, during sports. In this case, it is caused by a microparticle breaking off from a herniated intervertebral disc.

Symptoms of spinal cord diseases are very diverse. Severe pain occurs in the back area, sensitivity, both pain and temperature, decreases. In some cases it occurs bilaterally flaccid paralysis limbs. Signs of a spinal infarction are constant pain in the head, nausea and weakness, which are accompanied by fainting.

Inflammatory myelopathies

Spinal cord diseases can activate the inflammatory process. This syndrome usually develops over several days or weeks. The most common cause is an infectious disease.

If myelitis worsens, the patient complains of pain in the back and severe weakness V muscle corset, which is developing very quickly. In addition, paresthesia may occur in the lower extremities.

When the spinal cord is infected by a virus, specific types of myelitis can occur. Herpes zoster is a common cause of the disease.

Another disease is arachnoiditis - an inflammatory process in the spinal cord and brain. It is he who affects the arachnoid membrane. There are many reasons for its appearance. These are diseases various types and severity, injury and inflammation in the sinuses. When prescribing treatment, the infectious source is first eliminated; for this purpose, antibiotics and various therapies are prescribed.

Chronic myelopathies

Chronic diseases can be localized in different areas and manifest themselves in different ways.

One common cause is spondylosis. It is dangerous because it can cause severe changes in the intervertebral discs. These disorders cause compression abnormalities in the spinal cord and nerve roots. It can be localized in the thoracic, cervical and lumbar regions.

Spondylosis causes salt deposition, which significantly narrows the canals of the spinal column and the openings between the vertebrae. Its complication is the formation of hernias between the vertebrae.

The disease itself is the next stage in the development of osteochondrosis and actively progresses with poor nutrition spine, injuries and physical activity. This disease spreads among the male population over 40 years of age. The key symptom is pain after exercise, hypothermia and sudden movements. In some cases, the movement of the spinal column may be limited.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the degree and symptoms of spinal cord disease, but it is always comprehensive and aimed at slowing the course of the disease, relieving pain and symptoms, as well as preventing possible complications. They use massage, physiotherapy and medications.

Another chronic disease is lumbar stenosis. The disease causes a narrowing of the central canal in the spinal column, resulting in compression in the spine and nerve endings. Pathology is divided into two types:

  • Congenital stenosis. Appears due to a narrow passage in spinal canal and certain features of the vertebrae and their anomalies.
  • Acquired stenosis. Caused by displacement of the vertebrae or their reduction, which occurred after an injury. The disease can cause tumors, disc protrusions or hernias.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using MRI. Used for treatment conservative method, and in some cases, surgical intervention is possible.

Vascular diseases

Spinal cord vascular disease is caused by disturbances in vascular system. They can develop due to compression damage or at the time of changes in the walls, as well as with congenital anomalies.

There are cases when the cause of vascular abnormalities is anomalies in the structure of the capillaries themselves, as well as disturbances in the venous beds. Such deviations may not manifest themselves for many years. They can progress in different ways.

Treatment of these diseases is prescribed with extreme caution, and only after a complete examination with an accurate diagnosis. Incorrectly selected methods for treating spinal cord disease can cause worsening of the condition. In such cases, the disease begins to actively progress.

In addition to the standard complex treatment in some cases surgical intervention is required surgery, which restores blood circulation in the spinal cord.

If the examination reveals acute or complicated abnormalities in the circulatory and vascular system, then further examination is carried out at the same time, repeated tests and medications are prescribed that will relieve symptoms and improve the general condition of the patient.

Abnormalities in the spinal cord if not started timely treatment, can cause serious complications. Study self-treatment in this case it is unacceptable, since the condition can worsen. It is recommended to go full examination, establish the true causes of the disease and begin treatment, which in some cases is prescribed individually.

The spinal cord belongs to the central nervous system. It is connected to the brain, nourishes it and the membrane, and transmits information. Main function spinal cord - correctly transmit incoming impulses to other internal organs. It consists of various nerve fibers through which all signals and impulses are transmitted. Its basis is in white and gray substances: white consists of nerve processes, gray contains nerve cells. Gray matter is located at the core of the spinal canal, while white matter completely surrounds it and protects the entire spinal cord.

Spinal cord diseases are all characterized by a great risk not only for health, but also for human life. Even minor temporary deviations sometimes cause irreversible consequences. Thus, incorrect posture can doom the brain to starvation and trigger a number of pathological processes. It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of disorders in the spinal cord. Almost all symptoms that can be caused by spinal cord diseases can be classified as severe manifestations.

The mildest symptoms of spinal cord disease are dizziness, nausea, and periodic pain in muscle tissue. The intensity of the diseases can be moderate and variable, but more often the signs of spinal cord damage are more dangerous character. In many ways, they depend on which particular department has undergone the development of pathology and what kind of disease is developing.

Common symptoms of spinal cord disease:

  • loss of sensation in limbs or body parts;
  • aggressive back pain in the spinal region;
  • uncontrolled bowel or bladder emptying;
  • loss or limitation of movement;
  • severe pain in joints and muscles;
  • paralysis of limbs;
  • muscle atrophy.

Symptoms may vary and be supplemented depending on which substance is affected. In any case, it is impossible not to see signs of spinal cord damage.

The concept of compression means a process in which compression or compression of the spinal cord occurs. This condition is accompanied by multiple neurological symptoms that can cause certain diseases. Any displacement or deformation of the spinal cord always disrupts its functioning. Often, diseases that people consider harmless cause severe damage not only to the spinal cord, but also to the brain.

Thus, otitis media or sinusitis can cause an epidural abscess. In diseases of the ENT organs, the infection can quickly enter the spinal cord and provoke infection of the entire spinal column. Quite quickly, the infection reaches the cerebral cortex and then the consequences of the disease can be catastrophic. At severe course otitis, sinusitis, or during a prolonged phase of the disease, meningitis and encephalitis occur. Treatment of such diseases is complex, and the consequences are not always reversible.

Hemorrhages in the spinal cord area are accompanied by severe pain throughout the entire spine. This happens more often from injuries, bruises, or in case of serious thinning of the walls of the vessels surrounding the spinal cord. The location can be absolutely any; the cervical spine most often suffers as it is the weakest and most unprotected from damage.

The progression of a disease such as osteochondrosis or arthritis can also cause compression. As osteophytes grow, they put pressure on the spinal cord, and intervertebral hernias develop. As a result of such diseases, the spinal cord suffers and loses its normal functioning.

Like any organ of the body, tumors can appear in the spinal cord. It is not even malignancy that is of primary importance, since all tumors are dangerous to the spinal cord. The location of the tumor is important. They are divided into three types:

  1. extradural;
  2. intradural;
  3. intramedullary.

Extradural ones are the most dangerous and malignant, and have a tendency to rapidly progress. They occur in the hard tissue of the brain membrane or in the vertebral body. An operative solution is rarely successful and involves a risk to life. This category includes tumors of the prostate and mammary glands.

Intradurals are formed under the hard tissue of the lining of the brain. These are tumors such as neurofibromas and meningiomas.

Intramedullary tumors are localized directly in the brain itself, in its main substance. Malignancy is critical. For diagnosis, MRI is more often used as a study that gives a complete picture of spinal cord carcinoma. This disease can only be treated surgically. All tumors have one thing in common: conventional therapy is ineffective and does not stop metastases. Therapy is appropriate only after successful surgery.

Intervertebral hernias occupy a leading position in a number of spinal cord diseases. Initially, protrusions form, only over time it becomes a hernia. With this disease, deformation and rupture of the fibrous ring occurs, which serves as a fixation for the disc core. Once the ring is destroyed, the contents begin to leak out and often end up in the spinal canal. If intervertebral hernia the spinal cord is affected, myelopathy is born. The disease means dysfunction of the spinal cord.

Sometimes the hernia does not manifest itself and the person feels normal. But more often the spinal cord is involved in the process and this causes a number of neurological symptoms:

  • pain in the affected area;
  • change in sensitivity;
  • depending on the locality, loss of control of the limbs;
  • numbness, weakness;
  • disturbances in the functions of internal organs, most often the pelvis;
  • the pain spreads from the lower back to the knee, involving the thigh.

Such signs usually manifest themselves provided that the hernia has reached an impressive size. Treatment is often therapeutic, with medications and physiotherapy. The only exception is in cases where there are signs of failure of internal organs or serious damage.

Noncompressive myelopathy refers to complex diseases spinal cord. There are several varieties, but it is difficult to distinguish them from each other. Even MRI does not always allow us to accurately determine clinical picture. The CT results always show the same picture: severe tissue swelling without any signs of external compression of the spinal cord.

Necrotizing myelopathy involves several segments of the spine. This form is a kind of echo of significant carcinomas that are distant in location. Over time, it provokes the birth of paresis and problems with the pelvic organs in patients.

Carcinomatous meningitis is found in most cases when there is a progressive cancerous tumor in the body. More often primary carcinoma located either in the lungs or mammary glands.

Prognosis without treatment: no more than 2 months. If treatment is successful and on time, life expectancy is up to 2 years. Most deaths are associated with advanced processes in the central nervous system. These processes are irreversible and brain function cannot be restored.

Inflammatory myelopathies

Arachnoiditis is most often diagnosed as one of the types inflammatory process in the brain or spinal cord. It must be said that such a diagnosis is not always correct and clinically confirmed. A detailed and high-quality examination is necessary. It occurs against the background of previous otitis, sinusitis, or against the background of severe intoxication of the whole body. Arachnoiditis develops in the arachnoid membrane, which is one of the three membranes of the brain and spinal cord.

A viral infection provokes a disease such as acute myelitis, whose symptoms are similar to those of other inflammatory diseases spinal cord. Diseases such as acute myelitis require immediate intervention and identification of the source of infection. The disease is accompanied by ascending paresis, severe and growing weakness in the limbs.

Infectious myelopathy is expressed more specifically. The patient cannot always understand and correctly assess his condition. The most common cause of infection is herpes zoster, a complex disease that requires long-term therapy.

Spinal cord infarction

For many, even such an unfamiliar concept as spinal cord infarction. But due to severe circulatory disorders, the spinal cord begins to starve, its functions are so disrupted that this leads to necrotic processes. Blood clots appear and the aorta begins to dissect. Almost always several departments are affected at once. A wide area is covered, and a general ischemic infarction develops.

The cause can be even a minor bruise or injury to the spinal column. If there is already an intervertebral hernia, then it can collapse if injured. Then its particles enter the spinal cord. This phenomenon is unstudied and poorly understood; there is no clarity in the very principle of penetration of these particles. There is only the fact of detection of particles of destroyed tissue of the nucleus pulposus of the disc.

The development of such a heart attack can be determined by the patient’s condition:

  • sudden weakness to the point of failure of the legs;
  • nausea;
  • temperature drop;
  • severe headache;
  • fainting.

Diagnosis is only using MRI, treatment is therapeutic. A disease such as a heart attack is important to stop in time and stop further damage. The prognosis is often positive, but the patient’s quality of life may deteriorate.

Osteochondrosis is recognized as a killer of the spinal column; its diseases and complications can rarely be reversed to a tolerable state. This is explained by the fact that 95% of patients never carry out preventive measures and do not visit a specialist at the onset of the disease. They seek help only when pain prevents them from living. But at such stages, osteochondrosis already triggers processes such as spondylosis.

Spondylosis is the end result of dystrophic changes in the structure of the spinal cord tissue. Disorders are caused by (osteophytes), which ultimately compress the spinal canal. The compression can be severe and cause central canal stenosis. Stenosis most dangerous condition, for this reason, a chain of processes may be launched that involve the brain and central nervous system in the pathology.

Treatment of spondylosis is often symptomatic and aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition. Best result can be taken if it is ultimately possible to achieve stable remission and delay further progression of spondylosis. It is impossible to reverse spondylosis.

Lumbar stenosis

The concept of stenosis always means compression and narrowing of some organ, channel, vessel. And almost always stenosis poses a threat to human health and life. Lumbar stenosis is a critical narrowing of the spinal canal and all its nerve endings. The disease may also be congenital pathology, and acquired. Stenosis can be caused by many processes:

  • osteophytes;
  • vertebral displacement;
  • hernias;
  • protrusion.

Sometimes congenital anomaly worsens acquired. Stenosis can occur in any part and can affect part of the spinal column or the entire spine. The condition is dangerous, the solution is often surgical.