Chronic pelvic pain syndrome in women. Symptoms of the disease - gynecological pain What pain is associated with gynecological diseases

From time to time, women who are treated by gynecologists without results have to solve the problem of pelvic pain. I also looked into this women's topic, and I was struck by some inconsistencies among gynecologists dealing with this problem - chronic pelvic pain (CPP). It turned out that every year more than 60% of women who consult an obstetrician-gynecologist complain of pelvic pain.

It turned out that there is no single concept in understanding this women's problem these specialists do not, since the manifestations of CPP include: endometriosis, the obligatory symptoms of which are painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) and painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia); ovulatory pain that occurs between the 10th and 18th days menstrual cycle; abandoned ovary syndrome (observed in young women who have been exposed to surgical removal both ovaries); varicose veins pelvic veins (pelvic congestion syndrome); some malformations of the genital organs; chronic inflammatory diseases female genital organs. At the same time, one must be able to distinguish chronic gynecological diseases from others: appendicitis, ovarian rupture, impaired ectopic pregnancy, acute stomach, during the production of which unjustified surgical interventions. In my practice, there was a case (and more than one, of course) when a woman with pelvic pain that persisted after the removal of the uterus and ovaries (fibroids) came for treatment, having also been diagnosed with a herniated intervertebral disc lumbar region spine,” and after successful treatment of the “hernia,” the pelvic pain disappeared. She asked in bewilderment: “Or maybe it was not necessary to remove the uterus?” What should I say in response?

Don't rush under the knife for any chronic pain! We don't have any extra organs. You need to check yourself from all sides and try to analyze the multipolar points of view of doctors on one problem.

In gynecology, attention is drawn to some uniformity in the prescription of treatment for CPP with quite numerous and varied possible reasons their occurrence. This treatment is aimed at suppression of the cyclic function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, for which in most cases, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and combined oral contraceptives are used for chronic pelvic pain. If it doesn’t help, they recommend (quite often) treatment with a psychiatrist... Have you arrived?..

How can I compare such an approach to the treatment of chronic pelvic pain, if such an approach actually destroys the body's self-regulatory system?

In the book “The Health Code” I compared the human body with the state in terms of the degree of control, where the supreme ruler (tsar, in Russian) in the body is the hypothalamus. His immediate circle, or the leaders of the regions of the state and its industrial sectors (for example, the cabinet of ministers), is the pituitary gland. Next come the governors, apparently these are endocrine glands, one of which in women is the ovaries (secretion of estrogen). Remove (suppress) the power of the supreme ruler, and the state will be taken away. As for the body, without hypothalamic-pituitary control, the ovaries are not needed. It is quite possible that such patients (and, as we mentioned above, 60%) will eventually end up seeing a psychiatrist, only with dementia, since endocrine system works closely with nervous system. In the end, such a woman will fall apart, having gone through all the illnesses, since immune system is also closely related to the endocrine (hormonal) system. Gynecologist-obstetricians do not think so, “suppressing” the functions of all (!) of these systems, instead of thinking about the woman’s health. So women themselves need to think seriously before starting to take “innocent” non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pelvic (chronic) pain that has lasted at least 6 months. What's next? Oral contraceptives? What’s next – and will it be normal, is it “next”, given the complete breakdown of all the body’s regulatory systems?!

When analyzing specialized literature, attention is once again drawn to the confusion of two sacred medical concepts: “causes” and “effects”. When a consequence, for example, “isolating biologically active substances", the same prostaglandins, "acting on the membrane nerve endings"(It is more important for me to understand Why they stood out) replaces the cause, which, of course, from my point of view, includes stagnation of blood and lymph, i.e. “disorder of regional and intraorgan hemodynamics,” in normal language - a decrease in the speed and volume of blood flow. And again I have a question: why did this stagnation happen? Moreover, “pain syndrome in women is formed through sufficient long time from the onset of action of one or another damaging factor and goes through several stages of development.”

I quote these statements from various medical sources (you can believe me), but I carry out my own algorithm for the appearance of pain, which is not limited to problems only of the pelvic organs. Hemodynamics, or the circulatory system, cannot be regional (except anatomically). It is uniform throughout the body, and blood circulation in pelvic organs directly depends on the muscles of the pelvis and perineum. I repeat, there is not a single word about the role of these muscles in any medical publication. But there is pharmacotherapy aimed at “suppression”... I already wrote about this.

And one more thing. Very often, external provocations, for example, “increased pain during physical activity,” give rise to the question: how is this expressed? physical activity? Carrying sleepers or bags of potatoes?

“Hypothermia”, “sedentary sedentary work”, etc. are presented by many authors as the causes of pelvic pain. For example, with the same “dilatation of the pelvic veins.” Provocation is not a reason. It (provocation) creates conditions for the manifestation of existing disorders in the body. I'll plant healthy woman on a chair ( workplace), and if she sits on this chair for 8 hours (working day), then after 6 months she will definitely exhibit one of the above diseases. Here sitting is a provocation. And non-working muscles of the pelvis and legs are the reason! It is impossible to successfully live in a state in separate provinces according to their own laws, without a constitution. Arbitrariness will begin! Obstetricians-gynecologists separated the “pelvis” from the human body into a separate “self-regulatory organization” and began to knead jelly from various manifestations dystrophic and functional changes occurring in this anatomical organ, giving the name of the disease to each change in the organ due to the lack of a culture of health in women.

Remember that dystrophy is a deterioration in the nutrition of tissues and organs as a result of a person’s decreased use of his skeletal muscles, which has a direct effect on the speed and volume of blood flow. Therefore, it is necessary, as a prophylaxis and prevention of these CPPs, for a woman to perform exercises that will not suppress the “hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system”, but will promote normal and healthy life without non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and combined oral contraceptives(hormonal treatment).

Best suited for these purposes gym(running, yoga, Pilates will not solve these problems). Here are some must-do exercises.

Photos 64, 65, 66, 67 (a, b)

All the other exercises in this book in other sections only enhance the impact of these four indispensable exercises.

Gynecological pain can wear different character. First of all, gynecological pain can be acute or chronic.

What diseases cause gynecological pain?

Acute gynecological pain is sudden, severe pain that lasts several hours or days. Acute pain may be accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, intestinal problems, severe weakness and malaise. In cases acute pain, especially in combination with the complaints described above, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist. Acute pain manifests itself in almost any inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, ectopic pregnancy, torsion or rupture of an ovarian cyst, as well as a number of other conditions requiring immediate help.

The symptom of chronic gynecological pain is understood as periodically recurring or constant pain in the lower abdomen for several months or even years. The causes of chronic gynecological pain differ significantly from the causes of acute pain, which is why they are identified as a separate concept. Chronic gynecological pain is extremely common - in every sixth woman. Pain is relatively rarely caused by any one cause, but more often by a combination various factors. Therefore, diagnostic and healing methods very diverse. There are also cases when obvious causes of pain cannot be identified, but even for such cases a specific treatment strategy has been developed, which requires mutual understanding and cooperation between the doctor and the patient.

The main causes of gynecological pain:
- Endometriosis.
- Peculiarities anatomical structure genital organs, hormonal imbalances.
- Vulvodynia (pain in the perineum and vaginal opening).
- Chronic inflammation genitals.
- Formations (benign and malignant) of the uterus and ovaries.
- Prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls (pelvic organ prolapse).

Which doctors should I contact if gynecological pain occurs?


Painful sensations in women in the lower abdomen are a rather nonspecific symptom that can be present at the most various diseases pelvic organs.

Most often, women associate this with diseases of the female genital area and seek advice from.

As a rule, the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen is associated with inflammatory and infectious processes, occurring in the pelvis.

Diseases can vary in severity and manifestation, so it is very important not to delay your visit to the doctor.

Of course, these pains can also be associated with surgical pathology, but it is important to make a timely diagnosis and begin treatment.

In our clinic, we accept patients with acute pain without an appointment in order to provide emergency assistance, make a diagnosis, conduct laboratory and diagnostic tests, and, if necessary, hospitalize or prescribe treatment. Also in our clinic we can provide treatment in a day hospital setting.

Possible causes of lower abdominal pain associated with gynecological diseases

Factors that provoke the appearance of pain can be divided into two groups:

  • organic - inflammatory diseases, neoplasms of the pelvic organs of benign and malignant nature, obstetric problems, etc.;
  • functional - various, painful.

Types of pain

Important characteristics of pain include its intensity, location, accompanying clinical symptoms. First of all, it is worth determining what exactly is associated with painful sensations(with pregnancy, menstruation, etc.). Pain localized in a woman’s lower abdomen can be divided into several types:

  • spicy and sharp pain;
  • paroxysmal;
  • pulsating;
  • constant;
  • stupid.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms, one or the other may be suspected. pathological condition, which is characterized by pain:

  • dull pain in the lower abdomen, combined with bleeding that has no connection with menstruation, most often occurs during inflammatory processes of the female reproductive system;
  • if the pain is accompanied by an increase in temperature, most likely we are talking about infectious diseases small pelvis. The presence of infection is also indicated by pathological discharge from the genital tract;
  • on pathology urinary tract indicates pain in the lower abdomen along with urination problems;
  • about pathologies gastrointestinal tract says pain in combination with nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen on the right, the intensity of which either subsides or increases, is typical symptom appendicitis.

The frequency and duration of pain episodes indicate the acute or chronic nature of the existing disease. Thus, the occurrence of attacks of acute pain that last for several hours may indicate an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Common diseases accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen

As already mentioned, in women, pain in the lower abdomen can appear for many reasons, but most often similar symptom indicates the presence of gynecological or. The most common pathologies of women genitourinary system include:

Inflammation of the uterus and appendages

It almost always begins acutely and is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain and signs of general intoxication of the body.

  • If there is adnexitis, then the pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the side.
  • When the pain is localized in the middle.
  • At chronic salpingo-oophoritis the pain is constant, aching in nature.

A benign disease characterized by the formation of a tumor, which, when large in size, can put pressure on nearby organs, causing pain.

Complications with ovarian cysts: if there is one on the ovary cystic formation, acute pain may indicate its rupture or torsion. In this case, emergency treatment is required.

Inflammation bladder, in which there arise cutting pains in the area above the pubis, making urination painful.

Ectopic pregnancy- another pathological condition of a woman, in which paroxysmal pain occurs in the lower abdomen, which may be accompanied by bleeding. If a break occurs fallopian tube, the pain will become very sharp and sharp. This condition requires immediate surgical treatment.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women also note the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. Not strong, nagging pain are considered normal for any stage of pregnancy. These should be reported to your doctor, but are usually nothing serious to worry about. If the pain becomes severe, sharp or cramping, you should immediately seek medical help.

Pathologies of female genital organs or gynecological diseases are very diverse, primarily because there are a huge number of causes that cause such diseases. This and hormonal disorders, and sexually transmitted infections, and inflammatory processes, and various neoplasms, and injuries. On our website we will look at the most common types of gynecological diseases, so that our patients can have a general idea of ​​the typology of female diseases. Forewarned is forearmed: each modern woman For timely detection diseases in your body, you simply must have an idea of ​​the symptoms of gynecological diseases and the causes of their occurrence.

What are the symptoms of gynecological diseases?

Among all the diversity alarms, which are evidence of gynecological pathologies, the main ones still include pain in the genital and pelvic areas, not normal discharge, itching, menstrual irregularities, bleeding, disruption of the normal functioning of adjacent organs. Let's look at each of the symptoms separately.


What vaginal discharge should be considered pathological?

When they appear in very large quantities when they are accompanied by itching, burning, irritation, painful sensations, bad smell. Pathological discharge may have unusual color and be thicker than normal discharge. At bacterial infection discharge may have green and smell rotten fish, in case of fungal diseases - be white, with a cheesy structure. But watery discharge mixed with blood may indicate cancer of the genital organs. The nature of the discharge is always necessary information for the doctor, but, naturally, insufficient, because in order to diagnose correct diagnosis, you need to know at what period of the menstrual cycle the discharge began, whether it is continuous or periodic, whether there is pain, itching, burning in the vagina, etc. Remember that not only a disease can cause unusual discharge, but also irritation related to:

  • means household chemicals, aerosols and deodorants
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the vagina
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules or, conversely, excessively frequent washing and douching
  • condoms and other means of mechanical contraception, lubricants and spermicides,
  • synthetic tight underwear that does not absorb moisture


Pain is always a signal from our body about some kind of trouble. At gynecological diseases, as with other pathologies, pain differs in both type and intensity. Inflammatory process, as a rule, gives a dull aching pain lower abdomen. Rupture of the fallopian tube or ovary, torsion of an ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy are accompanied by sharp, paroxysmal, acute pain. Contraction-type pain is most often felt during pregnancy termination or the appearance of a fibromatous node in the uterine cavity. Night, or as they say, “gnawing” pain can be a symptom oncological diseases, genital endometriosis, etc. But do not diagnose yourself ahead of time based on the nature of the pain! Remember that our psyche often subjectively generates a feeling of pain in the absence of an organic disease.


Bleeding in gynecological pathologies, as doctors say, can be caused by genital and extragenital (i.e., not related to the genital organs) factors. Genital causes of bleeding are, first of all, cyclical and non-cyclical menstruation disorders. Diseases inflammatory in nature may also be complicated by bleeding. With neoplasms - especially with uterine fibroids - bleeding is the main symptom. Of course, genital injuries can also cause bleeding. Among the extragenital causes of bleeding is severe hypertension, causing uterine bleeding in menopause. The cause of bleeding from the genitals can be severe infections such as hepatitis, as well as severe poisoning toxic substances,

Itching of the vulva

The sensation of itching is characteristic of menopause, when it can be caused by dry mucous membranes; in the presence of (sexually transmitted diseases), with condylomatosis, diabetes mellitus, with intoxications of various natures.

Disturbances in the work of related organs.

Next to the genitals, the bladder and rectum are adjacent. Their normal operation may be violated various pathologies genitals. So constipation in the rectum can be caused large formations, cicatricial adhesions, purulent diseases in the genitals. Bladder dysfunction also occurs due to formations that prevent urination. Tumors large size compress the ureters, causing disturbances in the outflow of urine, accumulation of urine in the ureter, etc.

Menstrual disorders

The most common menstrual disorders known to almost every woman are dysmenorrhea (or algomenorrhea - painful menstruation). PMS (premenstrual tension syndrome, premenstrual syndrome) is a condition that develops one to two weeks before the onset of menstruation. PMS is accompanied by nervousness and irritability, emotional instability, sometimes even a feeling of depression, swelling, headaches, and pain in the mammary glands. The reason for this is fluctuations in the levels of estrogen and progesterone, sex hormones. Estrogens cause fluid retention, which leads to chest pain, weight gain, swelling, and bloating. Such symptoms last no more than two weeks, and everything ends with the onset of the next menstruation. Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation occurs due to uterine spasms. The pain may radiate to the legs or lower back; the nature of the pain is dull, aching, with spasms appearing and disappearing. Most often, pain appears during the first 24 hours of menstruation and disappears after 2 days. A woman may experience nausea, headaches, frequent urination, even diarrhea or constipation. In science, a distinction is made between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea (i.e., developed as a result of gynecological diseases). But probably every second person suffers from primary dysmenorrhea. After pregnancy and childbirth, the symptoms of dysmenorrhea usually weaken.

  • What diseases cause gynecological pain?
  • Which doctors should I contact if gynecological pain occurs?

Gynecological pain

Gynecological pain can be of different types. First of all, gynecological pain can be acute or chronic.

What diseases cause gynecological pain:

Acute gynecological pain is sudden, severe pain that lasts several hours or days. Acute pain may be accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, intestinal problems, severe weakness and malaise. In cases of acute pain, especially in combination with the complaints described above, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist. Acute pain manifests itself in almost any inflammatory disease of the uterus and appendages, ectopic pregnancy, torsion or rupture of an ovarian cyst, as well as a number of other conditions that require immediate help.

If you have been having pain in your lower abdomen for a long time and you suspect that the pain is of a female nature, then you need to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. Gynecological clinic in Moscow located on the street. Myasnitskaya will accept you with any disease and help solve any women's problems.

The symptom of chronic gynecological pain is understood as periodically recurring or constant pain in the lower abdomen for several months or even years. The causes of chronic gynecological pain differ significantly from the causes of acute pain, which is why they are identified as a separate concept. Chronic gynecological pain is extremely common - in every sixth woman. Pain is relatively rarely caused by any one cause, but more often by a combination of various factors. Therefore, diagnostic and therapeutic methods are very diverse. There are also cases when obvious causes of pain cannot be identified, but even for such cases a specific treatment strategy has been developed, which requires mutual understanding and cooperation between the doctor and the patient.

The main causes of gynecological pain:


Features of the anatomical structure of the genital organs, hormonal imbalances.
- Vulvodynia (pain in the perineum and vaginal opening).
- Chronic inflammation of the genital organs.
- Formations (benign and malignant) of the uterus and ovaries.
- Prolapse of the uterus and vaginal walls (pelvic organ prolapse).