Skype hospital. Exclusive multidisciplinary medical center

In our medical center Each patient receives the services of exclusively professional and experienced doctors and nurses. In our clinic, appointments are conducted by professors and associate professors, doctors and candidates medical sciences, doctors of the highest or first qualification category. This is the best guarantee that each patient will be able to receive high-quality and effective consultation, based on the results of which an in-depth examination will be recommended and, of course, the most modern, effective and complex treatment.

Areas of activity of our clinic

Private medical center - a guarantee of a healthy and fulfilling life

Undoubtedly, every person wants his health to be in the hands of exclusively highly qualified specialists. And this is quite real, because medical center EXCLUSIVE in St. Petersburg equipped with the most modern, innovative And high quality medical equipment, and the staff is represented by high-level specialists, behind whom there are invaluable many years of clinical experience and a huge amount of unique theoretical knowledge.

What services can a private medical center provide?

A modern private medical center is able to provide wide range wide variety of medical services: in-depth diagnostics, prevention and treatment of the most various diseases in women and men.

The basic principles of our medical center are: high level professionalism of doctors and nurses, the use of exclusively modern and high-quality equipment in the treatment and examination process, and the provision of a wide range of medical services. Our specialist doctors in their work are guided by the most important and essential rule in medicine - human attitude and respect for each patient, because the key successful treatment There can only be psychological harmony between the doctor and the patient.

Thanks to the availability of high-tech diagnostic and treatment equipment, our private medical center will allow each patient to receive the most accurate diagnosis and appropriate effective high-quality treatment.

Today, our medical center provides its patients with high-quality and affordable medical services. Among them:

  1. All types dental care. Our clinic employs only the most experienced and qualified dental specialists: dental therapists, orthopedic dentists (prosthetists) and dental surgeons. Anyone can contact an orthodontist, implantologist, periodontist and pediatric dentist.
  2. Outpatient care. In our clinic, consultations are conducted by doctors from the most different specialties, we carry out a wide range of different laboratory research and tests, we perform ultrasound of all organs and tissues, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures, medical massage, we provide services in a one-day hospital and in a treatment room.
  3. Our medical center has the only private, highly innovative department for the research and treatment of hepatitis C in Russia.

Why should you trust your health to our medical center?

Health is an invaluable indicator that determines the happiness and life expectancy of every person. And if any problems arise with your health, then under no circumstances should you leave everything to chance or seek help from the first doctor you come across. An in-depth examination and further effective complex treatment should take place only in a single complex under the close attention and supervision of a highly qualified specialist.

Our medical center provides the services of the most sought-after specialist doctors today. Among them are gynecologist, urologist, sexologist, hepatologist, mammologist, proctologist (we have performed more than 500 operations to remove hemorrhoids), oncologist, hematologist, urologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, therapist, dermatovenerologist, chiropractor, neurologist, as well as doctors ultrasound diagnostics, surgeons ( general practice, thoracic, cardiovascular) and ENT (otorhinolaryngologist).

Therefore, if you have even the slightest concern or doubt about the state of your health, then it is enough to seek help from our medical center, whose doctors are specialists to the maximum short terms and according to affordable prices can help you improve your well-being and return to a happy and full life.

General manager LLC "LKSC "Exclusive" medical director medical center EXCLUSIVE Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova

D.L. Sulima

Anna Roitman specially for Social Navigator

In 2017, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation introduced a bill on telemedicine to the State Duma, which proposes to legalize online consultations “doctor-to-doctor”, “doctor-to-patient”, issuing certificates and prescriptions for medications and remote monitoring of patient health.

With the help of online technologies and gadgets, doctors can already consult patients remotely and monitor their well-being, and the law signed by the Russian President at the end of July should direct this practice into a legal direction.

The editors of Social Navigator tried to figure out what prospects this initiative has and what obstacles the informatization of medical services faces with the help of experts.

Expert assessments

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department radiology diagnostics And radiation therapy MSMU im. I.M. Sechenova, director of the Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Radiology, Sergei Morozov, believes that by the end of 2017 the law on telemedicine will most likely be approved, and then there will be a pause.

“There are only two areas in which automation is in its infancy. These are medicine and education,” Morozov noted.

Ensuring accessibility and providing effective, high-quality medical services are the most important priorities of the state social policy of Russia. To this day, the problem of accessibility of medical institutions and the quality of services provided remains relevant for the majority of Russians.

The medical community is very conservative in terms of introducing new technologies, so it will take some time for doctors to get used to remote work. After the adoption of regulations for the provision of telemedicine services, many already de facto operating telemedicine projects will move into the legal sphere, they will begin to formalize their " information services"like medical ones.

In turn, Vladimir Gurdus, a member of the expert council under the Open Government of the Russian Federation and a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, is confident that, despite the wide range of opportunities provided by new technologies, global health problems will continue to be solved in medical institutions, and complex diagnostic Research will also not be able to be conducted remotely.

Risk factors

Many doctors have long been consulting patients by phone, SMS or Skype. The current bill proposes to legalize this procedure.

“If telemedicine exists only virtually, then the rights of patients will not be strongly protected,” says Sergei Morozov. “Nevertheless, a telemedicine site can be assessed by the number of famous names and highly qualified specialists.

When receiving a telemedicine service, a person will already agree in advance with certain regulations of the organization. There will be a disclaimer on the site that explains how the service is provided, and the patient will actually have few rights to appeal it. To prove the fact of an error in medicine, it takes enough long time and costs."

Morozov also believes that for the high-quality provision of remote medical services, an audit should be carried out: “It is necessary to check the quality of work in the information system, the collection of patient data, records of all consultations, several doctors should be hired who will evaluate the correctness of the provision of services.”

According to Professor Morozov, in order for telemedicine to work, it is necessary to describe in detail what exactly will be within the doctor’s competence, and certain functions of the doctor must be transferred to an automated format - the Internet, gadgets, mobile devices, telemonitoring devices, information networks, personal accounts, robots.

Soap bubbles or breakthrough?

The telemedicine law could trigger major changes in this area. It is possible that huge amount private companies that will begin to provide remote medical services and sell corresponding programs for telemedicine interactions.

"The vast majority of them will simply soap bubbles, in which they will actively invest, but it may turn out that these companies do not represent anything sensible,” said Sergei Morozov.

However, Vladimir Gurdus is confident that telemedicine is a new, more modern platform for communication between patient and doctor, which will be a real breakthrough for traditional medicine.

According to him, the health of patients will be in good hands: the bill provides for the development by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of a unified system for identifying doctors and patients, with which a secure connection can be established. It is also important that telemedicine can reduce the percentage of people self-medicating.

Major players

New players will most likely appear in telemedicine, but there are well-known companies on the market that already today provide a certain range of telemedicine services: Yandex, Invitro, Doctor Nearby, Doc + and others.

One of the stumbling blocks in the future development of telemedicine in the country may be the high cost of a full consultation and development of a treatment plan, or patient disappointment in telemedicine services due to insufficient quality.

"It is more important for a patient to find an expert doctor, to hear accurate diagnosis and get correct treatment, the issue of cost is in the background. Nevertheless, specialists need to find a balance between price and quality,” says Morozov.

It is likely that telemedicine services will be included in the compulsory medical insurance policy, but globally it will be private clinics that will deal with online medicine. Thus, Vladimir Gurdus assumes that first online medicine will come to the private sector, which is more mobile and flexible, and after some time budget medical institutions will also join.

As they say, we'll wait and see.

Not only residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region turn to the EXPERT Clinic. People sometimes come to us from the most remote corners of Russia, as well as from other countries.

That is why it became necessary to create the possibility of remote consultation of such patients via Skype when it is impossible to conduct a face-to-face meeting.

Consultation via Skype has its own characteristics.

Communication with the patient after the initial appointment at the EXPERT Clinic

This is the best situation because... The supervising doctor knows the medical history, examined the patient, prescribed examination and treatment. Conducting a survey, monitoring the dynamics of the results of therapy, and adjusting treatment is most often not difficult. We draw attention to the fact that we insist on face-to-face observation by doctors at the place of residence and act together, making adjustments taking into account specialization.

Initial contact with a clinic doctor via Skype

It happens that a patient is already undergoing treatment at his place of residence and wants to clarify a number of questions with an independent expert doctor, or a doctor of a certain specialty is not available in the patient’s region of residence.

We are ready to provide such assistance, which, however, is not a full-fledged consultation, as in the face-to-face option.

In this case, Skype consultation includes:

  • preliminary familiarization of the doctor with the results instrumental studies and tests that must be provided in advance (1 week before the Skype consultation)
  • detailed online survey - collection of anamnesis of the disease and life.

To sign up for an online consultation and send the examination results, write to us at skype@site.

Currently, the following specialists provide consultations via Skype:

and other specialists check with the receptionist

And when you have already signed up, just connect to the SKYPE address: (click to connect) at the right time.

We are planning consultations with doctors via Viber and WhatsApp in the near future. We currently only support Skype.

Paid consultation with a doctor via Skype is convenient:

    if you are away and your “Personal Doctor” is far away;

    if you are outside the city, in the country and visiting a doctor is difficult;

    if you permanently reside in the European Union or the USA and do not have health insurance;

    if you want to get an alternative opinion from another doctor without leaving home;

    if you do not want or cannot come to the consultation in person;

    if you do not have an appropriate specialist in your locality.

A paid consultation with a doctor at the Personal Doctor clinic is safe because:

    You are contacting the Personal Doctor network of clinics, which has been operating in St. Petersburg (Russia) since 2010;

    The quality of medical services is confirmed by a medical license issued by the Health Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg;

    You make payment after consulting a doctor;

    Payment for services is made through the website of the world leader in secure Internet payments or Sberbank of Russia.

To receive a paid video consultation with a doctor you need:

    Provide your computer with Internet access.

    Receive confirmation from the clinic by email that your application for an appointment with a doctor has been accepted.

    Connect a webcam and microphone to your computer

    Install the SKYPE program on your computer (if the program is already installed on your computer, skip this step). You can download it here:

    Establish connection with SKYPE address: (click to contact) at the time appropriate for your consultation.

    Consult a doctor.

    Pay the cost of Skype consultation(1800 rub. / 27 $ / 24 €):

  • Method No. 1 ONLINE through Sberbank of the Russian Federation (we recommend):

    on our website with any bank card through Sberbank of Russia, just follow the link .

    Method No. 2 PAYPAL: through the PAYPAL secure payment system. To pay, click on the "Pay Now" button (see below). After clicking the button, you will be redirected to the page of the international leader in secure online payments You will need to pay for the consultation from your existing Paypal account or through a bank card (Maestro, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express). As required by Russian legislation, when this method payment You will be asked to provide your home address.

How ready is our country to master telecommunications in medicine and how these technologies can be useful for Russian healthcare? These issues were discussed at the conference “Affordable Medicine. Time for change”, organized by RBC.

Fashion or necessity?

Information technologies are widely used in medicine today. They are used to calculate balances medicines, maximum efficiency in the use of pharmaceuticals, bed turnover and equipment load are calculated. And their use will only increase. The law adopted this summer further expands the areas of use of the Internet in the treatment process.

Of course, he is primarily expected to improve the availability of medical care. Where is such help needed first? Naturally, in remote corners of vast Russia, in areas with low population density, where people do not have the opportunity to get to a doctor to get a face-to-face consultation, where there is a shortage of specialized specialists, for example, cardiologists, neurologists, and pediatric oncologists.

Indeed, despite all the efforts of the federal and regional authorities, the program for the modernization of first aid stations, the “Zemsky Doctor” program, which since 2012 has been able to attract 25 thousand doctors to rural medicine, many residents of remote areas still cannot receive full-fledged medical care. The problem of inequality with the capital's residents, with residents federal centers, large and relatively small cities is obvious.

“Out of 36 thousand outpatient and inpatient buildings in our country, 1730 do not have cold water, 2110 do not have working sewerage systems, 4105 buildings do not have central heating, and 9167 do not hot water", - such sad statistics were voiced Director of the Institute of Health Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics Larisa Popovich. “It’s unlikely that accessibility should be ensured in these “huts on chicken legs,” continues Larisa Popovich.  “Telemedicine could probably be a much more useful option there.”

Scope of application

As Vladimir Gurdus, a member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation and a member of the Public Council under the Russian Ministry of Health, said, the following tasks can be solved with the help of telecommunications.

1. Health management. Health monitoring using remote devices.

2. Helping the patient achieve a speedy recovery by establishing a closer relationship between the doctor and the patient.

"According to High school economy, the level of self-medication in Russian Federation is above 70%. People turn to the Internet, to the pharmacy, to a neighbor... This does not lead to improved health in the long term,” says Vladimir Gurdus.  “As a result, the Ministry of Health is now forced to develop a program to combat antibiotic resistance. Telemedicine technologies can be a serious “support” for the healthcare system.”

3. Informing the population how to quickly receive medical services.

4. Storage, processing, and then use medical information(so-called Big Data). However, in order to apply these technologies in healthcare, many more legal issues must be resolved. For example, who to file a claim with if the use of Big Data led to a negative result in treatment. “There is no answer to this question yet; it will come in a few years,” says the expert.

5. Assistance to the patient and his relatives while they are waiting for the ambulance to arrive. “Anyone who has ever called an ambulance knows that waiting for a team of doctors to arrive is the most hard time. If telecommunication is established with the patient and his relatives in these difficult moments, this can reduce mortality and improve the quality of medical care.”

The doctor is always there

“When a patient from the regions returns home from medical institution after a complex operation, he often does not find a doctor at his place of the necessary qualifications, the required level, who could continue to monitor him. With the help of telecommunications technologies, the doctor who operated on or treated the patient after a high-tech intervention will be able to continue to guide him further, remotely,” he clarifies Head of the Internet + Medicine Committee of the Internet Development Institute Georgy Lebedev.  - This will help save lives a large number patients. Getting to to a good doctor, the patient will be able to continue to be observed by him. Moreover, new technologies with the provision of medical care using mobile medical devices will make it possible to organize a hospital at home. With the help of these devices, the doctor will be able to monitor the patient’s health status, adjust prescriptions, understand in time that he has some problems, and thereby prolong the patient’s life and prolong his active activity.”

In addition, according to him, remote technologies will make it possible to organize a telemedicine consultation between a doctor and a health worker, and this will make it possible to organize work in FAPs in a completely different way.

“The adopted law is a step forward not only for post-operative, but also for chronic patients,” he believes Director for Legal Issues and Initiatives of the Internet Initiatives Development Fund Iskender Nurbekov.

“Telemedicine could provide the patient with quick contact with a doctor,” says Advisor to the Head of the Voluntary Medical Insurance Department of RESO-Garantia Alexey Vigdorchik. He said that companies engaged in voluntary insurance have already begun to include remote consultations in their portfolio of services.  - This is beneficial for the insurance company, since telemedicine services are cheaper. We include in insurance for individuals unlimited number of video consultations. The patient spoke with the doctor on Skype - and he no longer needs repeat visits. In severe cases, remote consultation allows you to get a second opinion to decide whether the patient needs to be prescribed, for example, some expensive diagnostic test. In addition, at the patient’s request via the Internet, the doctor can issue him electronic prescriptions, and then the attendance at our clinics will decrease by a third.”

The law has been passed. What's next?

“For most patients, telemedicine services are some kind of incomprehensible novelty,” says Denis Shvetsov, Director of Development of Doctor Near Clinics.  “Many people believe that this is something like Kashpirovsky’s TV sessions, and here the role of the Ministry of Health and other regulatory bodies is important to correctly position the services, determine their legitimacy and possibility of application.”

The law is not all that is needed to introduce telecommunications into the medical field. It spells out the main guidelines that are to be further developed, said department director information technology and communications of the Russian Ministry of Health Elena Boyko. The main procedures will be spelled out in by-laws, which are currently being developed and will be formulated in departmental orders. For example, it is still necessary to develop algorithms and procedures for providing medical care using medical technologies, it is necessary to introduce changes to the current orders on maintaining medical records. According to her, the development of by-laws is planned before the end of this year.

Preparations for the introduction of telemedicine technologies have been going on for a long time. The Unified State Information System in the field of healthcare (Uniform State Health Information System) has already been created, medical organizations are connected to the Internet, doctors' offices are being massively equipped with computers. However, there is still a very large amount of work to be done, shares a representative of the Ministry of Health: “Since the law introduces a completely different quality of responsibility for conducting telemedicine consultations, it is necessary to determine the basic requirements for equipping telemedicine rooms. Telemedicine technology is not limited to just imaging on the other side. They imply identification of participants, and when contacting a doctor - doctor, and when contacting a doctor - patient. We must determine in which consultations it is necessary to fully document the consultation, and in which it is sufficient to document only the results.”

Control issues

“When we have new technologies, new types of medical care, there is a very big temptation to provide medical care remotely to those people who cannot provide it,” Georgy L-ebedev expresses his concerns.

“It is still difficult to say how the quality of medical care provided in the field of telemedicine will be checked. In the near future, we will work with the Ministry of Health on this to make a scheme that is easy to use, which will work for our citizens,” enters the discussion deputy head Federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare Irina Seregina.  - But now we can already say that in order to provide medical care using IT technologies, two things will be required: medical devices ( This means medical equipment, devices for monitoring various body parameters - glucometer, tonometer, etc. - Ed.), which will be used in the provision of telemedicine care, must be registered on the territory of the Russian Federation. And secondly, medical consultations can be carried out according to the types and profiles that are in the license of the medical organization.”

stumbling block

However, the patient still cannot do without a personal meeting with the doctor, since the law states that before the patient visits the doctor in person, the doctor does not have the right to make a diagnosis, “since if a detailed physical examination is impossible, when the doctor bases his conclusion only on complaints patient and diagnostic studies, there is a high probability of incorrect
data verification,” explains Elena Boyko.

What kind of interactions with the patient are we talking about then? Before the patient’s face-to-face meeting with the doctor, it will be possible to collect anamnesis, ask the patient what he is complaining about, and prescribe certain types of tests. Making a decision to prescribe expensive tests, such as CT, MRI, is also possible only after a face-to-face meeting between the doctor and the patient. The law introduces the concept of remote monitoring of the state of the patient’s body parameters using medical devices. The law also stipulates that when conducting consultations using telemedicine technologies, the attending physician can correct previously prescribed treatment, provided that a diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed during a face-to-face appointment, examination and consultation. The doctor can also adjust the treatment and doses of medications prescribed during a face-to-face meeting.

The ban on remote diagnosis raised quite a few objections among the discussion participants. According to Larisa Popovich, this norm will not increase the availability of medical care. The law is too conservative, she believes.

“Our survey shows that 60% of doctors are ready to consult an unfamiliar patient and make a diagnosis if they believe they have enough information,” says Larisa Popovich.  - Telemedicine is an additional option, not a compulsory obligation. And if the doctor believes that he does not have enough information to establish a primary diagnosis, then he will not make one. That is why it seems to me that the prohibition on making a diagnosis is excessive. Neither the doctor nor the patient wants to harm themselves or others. I think we are playing it safe here.” In her opinion, regulators are unnecessarily complicating the situation: “It is impossible to work and develop when every sneeze has its own regulations, its own protocol. Then we will be doing this for a long, long time. We have been developing standards for so long, as a result they no longer correspond to anything, they already need to be changed, and technological development is happening incredibly quickly. Two or three years - and other technologies appear.”

Such conservatism in technology development can lead to Russian patient Having not found contact with a Russian doctor, he will switch to foreign doctors, start using their services and travel abroad for treatment, warns Larisa Popovich. “This means that the enormous efforts made to develop the medical care infrastructure, the colossal sums spent on this, will be wasted. Because in Russia only those who have absolutely nowhere to go will remain for treatment. And people who could form the economic backbone of the country will begin to receive treatment abroad and replenish the budgets of other countries.”