How long can you live without water and food? How long can a person live without water?

How long can a person live without water? The answer to this question is simple – not enough. Water is completely colorless clear liquid, which is odorless and tasteless. It does not contain calories, but at the same time it is vital for the full development and functioning of all forms of life. Neither a person, nor an animal, nor even a plant can live without liquid. It is very important for everyone and its absence will mean inevitable death. A person can for a long time to live without food, but without water, life on earth is just as impossible as without oxygen.

Of course, a person will live without water for some time, but this period will be quite short. Our body is a complex interaction of organ systems, muscles, bones and fluids, and much of its functioning depends on the consumption of food and water. All organs need water in order to fully perform their work. In general, the human body consists of 70% of it and it is it that performs some vital functions. For example, it promotes detoxification, disposal of breakdown products, and is responsible for normal temperature body, and also transports minerals and trace elements.

In the process of life, the body loses a certain amount of fluid, along with which minerals and useful substances, and if losses are not regularly restored, then a person’s life will be short-lived.

How long can you live

Everyone knows that a person can go without food for a very long time. Naturally, after a couple of days a person will experience quite noticeable discomfort without eating, but nevertheless, the body will find hidden resources within itself, which will help it last for quite a long time.

But how many days can a person live without water? According to scientific data, a person will not last more than 7 days without it. In some cases, you can live up to 9 days, and only under certain circumstances (for example, a certain temperature). But so long absence Water causes irreparable harm to the body, since every organ of our body functions depending on how much liquid we consume. Without the required amount of blood, the brain, kidneys, liver, and even blood simply atrophy and cease to perform their functions. In general, a person can live on average no more than 7 days without water.

Impact on the body

And in conclusion, according to experts, our body needs at least two liters of fluid daily for normal functioning. Moreover, in in this case We are talking specifically about water, and not about other drinks that we take every day.
Besides dehydration, what does regular intake of some water per day give us?

  • Firstly, if you start the morning with a glass of cool water, the digestion process will be much better.
  • Secondly, taking it awakens the body and gives a powerful boost of energy.
  • Thirdly, it has an invaluable effect on the skin. If you take the right amount, your skin will always look healthy.

It is enough to skip one meal for an unpleasant, sucking sensation to arise in the stomach. But there are people who know firsthand how many days you can live without food, because they regularly practice hunger strikes.

People live without food...

Experts say that a person can last from 50 to 60 days without food. This upper limit, after which death occurs. An integral component of the success of such a fast is sufficient drinking. Without water, a person will die from dehydration within a week.

Only people who have a sufficient supply of energy resource – fat – can go on a hunger strike. The body will still function in its own way normal mode. He will need energy. He will not receive it from the outside with food, and will compensate for the deficiency from internal reserves. This is not to say that only people with large or overweight can fast. A fasting person must have normal parameters; his body will figure out what resources at this moment can be used to obtain energy.

The body's response to hunger

At the first stage of a hunger strike, the body takes energy from the fat layer. When her reserves are exhausted, it will be her turn muscle tissue. Without the receipt of products from outside everything metabolic processes V human body are slowing down. The body becomes more susceptible to climatic changes and the effects of biological agents. For this reason, experts do not recommend fasting during the cold seasons of the year. There is too great a risk that a person will get sick against the background of general weakening. The illness will be severe and will affect the minimization of energy resources.

Man or woman: who finds it easier to fast?

A man of average weight (70-80 kg) can live a maximum of 25 days without food. Ladies and older people show greater resilience. They are the ones who can last for two months. But only if it's good physical condition and comfortable climatic parameters. In a deliberate hunger strike, the absence of accompanying negative factors– cold, emotional pressure, epidemic, etc.

The first to die from hunger are young people aged 15 to 17 years. Then comes the turn of the men, and only then the women. Fatal outcome inevitable when the loss of one’s own weight reaches a critical value - 30-40%.

There are surprising exceptions to any rule. History records a case where an African woman lived without food for 102 days. It is impossible to explain what caused such endurance. Each person tolerates the lack of external nutritional resources differently. There have been cases when people died on the 15th-17th day of fasting.

Water has no taste, no color, no calories, no smell. Nevertheless, it is extremely important for all living things. A plant, an animal, a person - everyone needs water. Both a tiny bacterium and a huge elephant need it, and nothing can replace it. No water - no life. For humans, after oxygen, this is the second most important compound necessary for survival.

A person can only live for a short time without water. It is necessary for the normal functioning of every organ. Water transports trace elements and minerals throughout the body, promotes detoxification, utilizes decay products during metabolism, and regulates body temperature. How long do you think a person can live without water if he himself consists of approximately 70% of this inorganic compound? And in children’s bodies the proportion of water reaches 85%.

Approximately 1.5 thousand liters of fluid flow through our brain during the day, and 2 thousand through the kidneys. In general, per day human body About 9 liters of water circulate, with 2.5-3 liters being excreted daily. So how long do you think a person can live without water? If you do not restore losses, then, of course, very little. Every day you need to drink an average of 2 liters of fluid to maintain your body optimal balance. The number increases even more when you are in the heat or subject yourself to intense physical activity.

Other functions of water

In addition to eliminating dehydration, this inorganic compound also performs a number of other essential functions. Firstly, it stimulates digestion. Drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach will improve the process of digesting food. Secondly, this liquid invigorates much better than coffee, it refreshes, gives strength, and when hot, increases blood circulation. Thirdly, everyone knows that water is the elixir of beauty. By consuming it in sufficient quantities, you will not experience pale and sagging skin. Moreover, freshness and radiance can be achieved through external use. cold water- just rinse her face and neck. Fourthly, it suppresses hunger and leads to quick satiety.

How long can a person live without water?

On average - no more than three days. Under certain circumstances, the period may be extended to five days. In general, there are cases where a person without water retained the ability to live for ten days, but irreparable and irreparable damage was caused to health, because the functioning of the heart, brain, and kidneys directly depends on the amount of fluid consumed. In addition, water affects the thickness of the blood, and the level of its fluidity is extremely important, because it is the blood that carries oxygen and nutrients are transferred to the cells of the body. Therefore, lack of water is equivalent to death.

Fighting dehydration

So, now you know how long a person can live without water. Unfortunately, not for long. However, there is a way that, if you find yourself in an extreme situation, can help prolong life. Find a round-shaped pebble and place it in your mouth. Suck the stone with your mouth closed and breathe exclusively through your nose. This will stimulate the secretion of saliva and will decrease accordingly. In addition, this will take your mind off thoughts of thirst. Of course, a stone cannot replace water, but it can certainly extend your ability to find it. This method has helped a lot of people survive.

A person lives without air for three minutes, in the cold without the ability to warm up - for three hours, without water - for three days, without food - for three weeks. Take care of yourself!

It's no secret: humans are 80% water. Many things in our body depend on water, for example, the quality and structure of the skin, strong teeth, metabolism, growth rate and thickness of nails - human health is literally based on water and its consumption. Interesting fact, but without food a person can live several times longer than without water. Scientists have conducted a number of studies and experiments, and history also has interesting cases that confirm their words. By the way, a person needs to not only drink water, but also excrete it. In this article you will learn the records for surviving without water, possible consequences, as well as the reasons for such a strong human sensitivity to water.

How long have people lived without water?

History knows amazing cases in which people survived in extreme situations after man-made disasters or injuries, without receiving a drop of water during all these days. Of course, this also affects their general health, climate, mental state, as well as a number of other important reasons, therefore, such cases can be called a miracle.

  • One little boy in the capital of Mexico, Mexico City, he lived without water for 13 days. For almost two weeks, a nine-year-old schoolboy lay under the rubble of buildings after the earthquake until he was discovered by a rescue team. He remained conscious all this time and survived.
  • Another amazing incident happened to a resident of the city of Frunze. It was in 1947, then a fifty-year-old man suffered a head injury and could not move independently. He spent 20 days without food, water or other amenities. When he was finally found, the man had no pulse and was practically unable to breathe. However, the next day he regained consciousness and regained his ability to speak.

Today, this twenty-day break in drinking water is an exceptional record. Of course, you can find many stories on the Internet and newspapers about longer records, but none of them have been confirmed or documented.

How long can a person live without water - expert opinion

A number of medical physiologists conducted tests and came to a certain conclusion about how long a person can live without drinking water:

  • The average healthy person can live ten days at rest if the air temperature does not go beyond 16-23 degrees Celsius.
  • If the temperature rises to 26 degrees, then the survival period immediately drops to nine days.
  • You can live without water for just a week at a temperature of 29 degrees.
  • Already at 36 degrees Celsius, a person will not be able to live longer than three days at rest.

Please note that all of the above calculations apply only to healthy people who do not move at all all the time, and are quite approximate. If you add dry air, unfavorable climate and stress to these criteria, then survival rate is greatly reduced.

What happens when a person doesn't drink water for a long time?

All the processes of your body suffer, except for this, after a few days the person begins to die, just slowly and quite painfully.

First, a person’s kidneys may begin to suffer and fail, a strong dry cough will begin, and there will be practically no moisture left for the formation of saliva, as well as for washing the eyes with tears. The skin and especially the lips will crack until they bleed, and protective functions your immune system will be greatly weakened, making even a minor infection fatal. After this the problems begin with autonomic system: heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, breathing becomes more difficult. In this situation, a person does not live very long, especially if, due to stress, he wastes moisture on tears.

As you can see, water is one of the most important components of our life, which is much more important than even food. This is why fresh water reserves are so valued all over the world and new desalination systems are being invented.

Existing without water can lead to much more serious consequences than not eating. In hot weather, without water, a person can die in just a few hours from dehydration.

Humans need water to maintain all their vital important processes in the body. Water is eliminated from our body through urine, sweat, feces and even breathing. This process is necessary for the functioning of our bodies. On a hot day, an adult loses about 1.5 liters of water through sweat alone. The worst thing is that in the heat the body temperature constantly increases and if there is not enough water in the body, a person can die from heatstroke. Water in this case cools the body and lowers body temperature.

The first signs of dehydration:

Dry mouth
Rare urination
Urine becomes darker in color and has a pungent odor

Moderate dehydration:

Even less frequent urination
Dry mouth
Dry eyes
Rapid heartbeat

Severe dehydration:

Stopping urination
Lethargy and irritability
Vomiting and diarrhea

The last stage of dehydration is shock. A person's skin begins to turn blue and become cold to the touch.

Now let's get back to the main question. How long can a person live without water? If a strong person is placed in ideal conditions, i.e., a climate that is neither too hot nor too cold, he can probably live about 3 to 5 days without a drop of water. More healthy people may live a day or two more.

But you shouldn't check these numbers in practice. If during fasting or cleansing a person can live for several days without food, then he should not refuse water even for a day. Doctors believe that every adult should drink about 8 glasses of water a day. Although, some doctors recommend that their patients reduce or increase this norm to 10 glasses.

Irish hunger strike of 1981

In 1981, members of the Irish Republican Army imprisoned in England went on a hunger strike to protest their imprisonment.

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher refused to satisfy their demands. Then the prisoners completely refused food, but drank a small amount of water. One of the main Protestants, Bobby Sands, died in hospital after 66 days of fasting. But Thatcher remained adamant and called Sands a criminal and accused him of committing suicide. The next day, nine more prisoners died. Thomas McElwee lasted the longest, living without food for 73 full days.