How long did the oldest cat live? The oldest cat in the world

Centenarians of any kind always attract interest. How do they do this? In this article we will talk about cats that have reached the oldest age.


The most old cat in the world, with the standard duration of a cat's existence being fifteen years, she has lived for more than forty years and still feels great. If we translate this age into human terms, we get 175 years. The cat is practically healthy and looks much younger than its age. Owner Bill Thomas notes that the animal leads a cheerful lifestyle, even catching mice, but, unfortunately, her hearing has already been irretrievably lost due to age. In 2011, Lucy was included in the Guinness Book of Life as a centenarian.

The cat was born in 1972. And recently his aunt came to visit Bill, who was amazed to see that he had the same cat that she perfectly remembered from the previous owner. At that time, Lucy quickly ran from one fish store to another, and she was fed everywhere. In 1999, when the previous owner died, the animal was adopted by the current owner.

Having heard the cat's amazing story from his aunt, Bill took her to the veterinarian, where the surprised doctors confirmed unique features Lucy's body. While they are struggling to find out the record holder’s secret, she continues to enjoy life as if nothing had happened.

Cream Puff

Another oldest cat in the world, or rather a kitten, was the record holder back in 2010. Her place of residence is in Texas, the small town of Austin. Her owner also had another long-lived cat, who lived for almost 34 years. Unfortunately, there are no accurate data or photographs left about him.

Cream Puff lived long life lasting 38 years (1967-2005)


This amazing graceful cat tortoiseshell color. Not only did Kitty live in England for thirty years, what is even more amazing is that on her thirtieth birthday she even managed to become a mother and give birth to two beautiful, healthy kittens.


There are cat champions in Russian Federation. For example, the cat Dymka, according to the owners, is almost 30 years old. It has not yet been entered into the book of records, but the animal has already managed to appear on local television channels and other media. Journalist Y. Rozova mentioned her many times in the Echo of Moscow program.

Tiffany II

In 2015, at the age of 27, a cat named Tiffany II died in her sleep. Translated into human age she lived to be 125 years old. Long ago, in 1988, her owner bought a tortoiseshell kitten from a pet store for ten dollars. A few years later, the woman admitted that it was the best purchase of her life. Sharon claims that her pet was not afraid even of dogs and calmly walked right in front of them.

In addition to increased blood pressure, Tiffany had no health problems. She looked beautiful, much younger than her true age. In her old age, she rarely went out, stayed at home most of the time, and ate a special diet. cat food. Tiffany has another nickname - the traveling cat, because one day she simply disappeared for two years. The owner no longer wanted to see her, but in the end the cat returned.

Tiffany II often took part in fights, and almost always emerged victorious.


Despite the name (Chernushka), this cat is white. The Englishwoman lived for 25 years. Surprisingly, her hearing is still in excellent condition, but her vision is beginning to fail.


This cat is also a native of England, like many other old-timers. She has a cheerful and cheerful character, her owners simply adore her. When the animal turned 24 years old, they organized a birthday party for her with a cake. Photos from this “party” were widely circulated on the Internet.

Poppy is listed in the Guinness Book of Records

Murka is a mongrel cat from Russia. She was adopted by a family in Star City when she was only a week old. The owner of the animal was V. Trunov, the man who was responsible at that time for preparing Soviet cosmonauts for flights. The cat quickly became a full-fledged member of the family thanks to her flexible nature.

Murka lived for two decades (1985-2005)


This cat was very famous in the world, all thanks to its owner - former president United States to George Bush Sr. The Bush couple had twin children, and the raven-colored beauty was purchased just for them. The cat became the kids’ favorite in a matter of days and lived in their house for almost 19 years.

The snow-white one has already lived the same amount of time Persian cat From Russia. It is located in the city of Serov, which is Sverdlovsk region. Thanks to her full, impressive pedigree, it was not difficult to determine her age to the nearest day.

The owner, M. Kuznetsova, threw a party for her favorite on the occasion of her birthday, as she had already done for her 15th birthday. Then the guests gave Roxana many useful cat gifts, and some even cards.

According to the owner, the cat grew up with her and has unusual habits. The appearance of Roxana in the family is due to the fact that the buyers of the Kuznetsov dacha did not have enough money, and they offered an expensive animal with a pedigree.

Roxana has been a cheerful and energetic cat all her life, but now, due to her age, she has already acquired a touchy disposition and has also begun to lose her teeth. She only recognizes close family members - for example, she sleeps exclusively with Maria. Maria’s friends suggested the idea of ​​submitting an application to the Book of Records. After this, the animal underwent an examination, which confirmed that she was indeed born in 1995, as indicated in the pedigree. Now the owner proudly displays a photo of her pet on the official website.

The cat was born in 1994 and is currently listed in the Russian Book of Records


Another Russian cat. She was born in the Siberian city of Irkutsk and lived there for 16 happy years in the wonderful, kind family of the Ponomarevs. Chernyshka also had a sweet character and was the favorite of all family members, despite her mongrel nature.

On this topic it is impossible not to mention one extremely interesting animal. This strange cat has a feature in the form of a double head. As a rule, kittens with such a mutation do not live even four days, but Frank and Louis were an exception: the cat was euthanized at the age of fifteen due to an incurable cancerous tumor. The animal owes its life to a veterinarian - a woman named Martha Stevens. While still a newborn, she took him from veterinary clinic, where they were going to euthanize him. According to Martha, every living creature has the right to a long life happy life, even when everyone abandoned him. It took more than three months to nurse the cat; it was not so easy: the baby had difficulty learning to eat normally and coordinate movements.

An unusual cat has two mouths, two noses, three eyes, but they are all connected to one common brain.

It’s probably not in vain that there is a saying that cats have nine lives, because the animals listed above fully confirm this fact with his long life. They probably want to enjoy life as long as possible and please their owners.

Since ancient times, cats have been quite mysterious animals. Their intelligence, abilities and character are amazing. Cats live on average 12–15 years, but there are a few centenarians who have lived quite long and unusual lives.

Age record holders from the Guinness Book

The oldest cat on earth is considered pet named Lucy. She lived for 43 years, which, if converted to human age, would be 175 years. She lives in the UK. Its owner is Bill Thomas. His pet feels great and catches mice perfectly. Her only drawback is that she has completely lost her hearing.

Lucy was born in the town of Llanelli in 1972, Bill's aunt told about it. She knew the cat earlier, 40 years ago, when she had a different owner. Bill has had a cat since 1999; he got it after his aunt died. The owner after this unusual story showed the cat to the veterinarian, who confirmed her record age. Veterinarians are looking for the reasons for the cat’s longevity, but she continues to enjoy life and catch mice.

One of the oldest cats in the whole world is Cream Puff, who lived 38 years. She was born in the town of Austin. Her record is included in the Guinness Book. She holds second place. The cat was born in 1967 and died only in 2005. She lived a long and joyful life. The owner of the cat is Jake Perry.

He believes that his pet lived so long thanks to a special diet that included natural products(broccoli, bacon, asparagus and eggs).

He treated her like a member of the family, with great love and affection. A few years ago, Cream Puff was the oldest cat, but the situation changed when in 2011 the cat Lucy became known all over the world. The story about it was described above.

The next place in the Guinness Book of Records belongs to a cat nicknamed Capitolina. She lives in Melbourne. She is one of the oldest living cats. Today her age is 34 years old.

Can't help but mention about the long-liver Kitty, who lived for 31 years. She lived in Staffordshire. Her owner was D. Johnson. This cat was quite graceful, but at the age of 30 she was able to give life to two kittens, which deserves respect.

But Blackie the cat lived to be 25 years old, which in human age is 117 years. She also lives in England. Today she feels fine, but only her vision is failing, but her hearing is fine.

Champions by age in Russia

Russia also has its own rating of cats that have lived longer than others. The first place among long-lived Russian cats is occupied by Basilio, who celebrates his 26th birthday this year. He lives in Kostroma. He feels great, so he will soon be able to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

It should also be noted the cat Dymka. According to her owners, she is now 27 years old. She, too, has not yet been included in the Guinness Book, but the media talk and write about her. For example, Yana Rozova is already familiar with this cat and she really likes to tell the whole world about her. She took part in the Echo of Moscow program.

And he closes the top three centenarians in Russia mongrel cat Murka. She lived for 20 years. The cat was found in Star City, from where it came to V. Trunov, who was responsible for training USSR cosmonauts. Murka was a full-fledged member of the Trunov family. She had a very accommodating character and was easy to like.

Another Russian cat that deserves attention - Roxana. She lived for 19 years, which is a worthy result. She lived in the city of Serov and belonged to the Persian breed. Roxana appeared in 1994, and had a very presentable pedigree, which undoubtedly made it possible to accurately name the dates of birth and death.

But Russian cat Chernyshka lived 16 years, which can be attributed to longevity. She was born and lived in Irkutsk. Its owner was Olga Ponomareva, who loved her very much. The cat had a very flexible and soft character. It can be classified as a “yard” cat.

Reasons for longevity

As you know, cats live very little on the street. On average this ranges from five to seven years.

It is worth noting that such a low life expectancy is not due to increased danger, which is present on the street.

There are quite a few factors that influence a cat's lifespan. There is an opinion that the breed of a cat, as well as its pedigree, necessarily has an impact on the cat’s life. So, Persian cats usually live several years longer. Although Siamese and british cats also have quite good performance life.

However, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the opposite information. So, quite often outbred cats are long-lived. Although the list of the world's longest-livers proves that the breed has minimal influence on the lifespan of cats. But don’t forget about the pedigree, since good genetics usually has a positive effect on a cat’s well-being. They are usually with good health, rarely get sick. But this is not the secret of longevity.

Every owner wants their pet to live as long as possible. Of course, we all understand that nothing lasts forever, the hour of separation will come sooner or later, but in order to delay it, you need to take into account the following recommendations from experts:

  • should be observed correct mode feeding, be sure to listen to the advice of veterinarians (only an examination by a veterinarian will allow you to determine the cat’s diet, what and in what quantities);
  • it is necessary to make regular visits to the veterinarian, namely, it is necessary to carry out all vaccinations on time and do not forget about routine examinations in order to immediately detect a health problem and begin treatment on time (remember that cats are excellent at hiding pain, so even if there are no symptoms of disease, you should still go to veterinarians);
  • don't forget the meaning physical activity for a cat, regardless of age, even after 10 years, pets love to actively spend time with their owner - play catch with a toy or hunt for a fly;
  • dental health is very important for a cat and its life expectancy, you should regularly do routine dental examinations, as well as monitor their hygiene - brush using a special toothbrush and paste, remove plaque;
  • If you do not plan to breed, you should immediately spay or neuter your pet, because there is also a certain period for this procedure, which an experienced veterinarian will help you figure out.

Breeds of long-lived cats

Today on the planet there is huge amount cat breeds. Some veterinarians are inclined to believe that breed has an impact on a pet's life expectancy. It is worth considering which cat breeds are long-lived.


They usually live for about 14 years, but can live up to 20 years. It is Thai cats that are often long-lived. They are very smart, interesting and inquisitive, and they love to take part in all household chores. They are highly trainable and can even be taught to open doors without any help.

Thai koshi are rightfully considered an ideal option for a family with children.


This breed is famous in every corner of our planet. She is so loved due to her amazing character, as she becomes quite attached to her owner, while she can experience feelings of jealousy towards other pets.

Siamese cats perfectly capture the mood of the owner and react violently when the owner pays attention to them.

Quite often they live to be 12 years or more.

Japanese Bobtail

This breed is often called one of the most ancient, because images of cats were found on imperial engravings, as well as on ancient temples. These cats are characterized by unpretentiousness, understanding and devotion. They are practically not prone to shedding, which is worth noting as an undeniable advantage. Cats of this breed love water, love to swim, and can also go fishing. On average their age is 18 years.

They are quite rare.

Asian Longhair

Such cats are quite often pets.

They are very loyal to their owners. They practically never leave their side; sometimes such a strong attachment even begins to disturb the owner.

Cats are characterized by increased talkativeness. They are attracted by the comfort and coziness of the home, so they are quite rare in the yard. On average, representatives of the Asian Longhair breed live about 18 years, although it can be longer.

Asian shorthair

This cat breed also has a long life on average, which can even exceed 20 years. The peculiarity of this cat is that it gets along well with other pets.

This breed has short hair, which has a positive effect on the cleanliness of the house.

Pets are quite sociable, although they do not impose themselves on the owner.

From this video you will learn how long cats live and how to extend the life of your pet.

Domestic cats live a maximum of 15-20 years, much longer than their wild relatives, whose allotted lifespan rarely reaches 10 years. But long-lived cats are known, which by human standards are more than a hundred years old.

Of the animals living today, the cat Rubble from Great Britain is known. The huge white and red Maine Coon was given to his owner in 1988, and since then they have been inseparable. Crushed stone (that’s how the pet’s name is translated) is practically healthy. By human standards, he is already 137 years old.

Interestingly, there is another cat living in England, whose owner claims that he is 49 years old, but this data has not been confirmed.

In 2011, the cat Lucy, born in 1972, was declared a long-liver. She would now be 46 years old. But this record is not registered in the Guinness Book of Records. There is no information about Lucy's fate at this time.


But Krimm Puff, a cat from the American state of Texas, lived from 1967 to 2005 and her record has been recorded. The owner fed her a special diet, which, in addition to protein, included broccoli and asparagus.

Krimm Puff

Another holder of the official title of “long-lived cat” is Tiffany from San Diego, who lived for 27 years. If you recalculate her years to human years, then she was 125 years old at that moment. Already in adulthood, the striped beauty disappeared for two whole years. The owner had already mourned her pet, but she was returning home safely.


The famous cat is Frank and Louis. He was born with a pathology of the skull, he had two muzzles. Usually such babies die soon after birth, but Frank and Louis lived for 15 years, thanks to the care and love of their owner Martha Stevens.

Frank and Louis

In 2017 in England at the age of 32 heart attack Natmeg the cat, Nutmeg, has passed away. That's what his owners called him - the Finlay family. They picked up a stray on the street at the age of 5. The couple treated the pet as an equal member of the family and are still grieving their loss.


The cat Velvet from Oregon lived happily all his 27 years with his owner Emmy Okura.

The first record holder among cats was the tabby Puss, living in Great Britain. He was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the first long-lived cat. They learned about this old man in the 30s of the last century, and a few years later the cat died. This event happened almost immediately after his birthday - the cat turned 36. By human standards, this is as much as 140 years!

The cat Lucy managed to break Puss's world record. She, like Puss, is from the UK, just from a different city. The cat was born back in 1972. At the time the record was set, she was almost 40 years old. “Lucy has lost her hearing with age, but in general she is in good health, and at times she even catches mice in the garden! "says the cat's owner, Bill Thomas.

Lucy the cat

Until Lucy's record was registered, the oldest cat was considered to be 38-year-old Cream Puff. The cat lived with its owner, Jake Perry, in Austin (Texas, USA). Jake, in addition to Cream Puff, had another cat - a Sphynx named Granpa Rex Allen. By the way, he was also included in the Guinness Book of Records, as he lived for 34 years! However, his record was later broken by Cream Puff.

Before the long-lived Lucy and the elderly Cream Puff were entered into the book for record holders, Blackie from Great Britain was considered the oldest cat. The old lady was 25 when she became one of the furry longest-living record holders. As she aged, the cat’s vision deteriorated and her fur began to shed, but all these inconveniences did not stop Blackie from living a rich “retirement” life.

“Love and care work wonders,” says Blackie’s owner.

In May 2014, the oldest living cat became 24-year-old Poppy (Mac). Unfortunately, she died just a month after setting the record. Poppy's owners reported that they were mentally prepared for the worst outcome of events, since by old age the cat had completely lost her sight and hearing, and in last days before her death she was seriously ill.

In February 2015, the longest-living record holder was a 26-year-old cat named Tiffany. She was born on March 13, 1988 in San Diego, and later lived in California with her owner, Sharon Voorhees. Unfortunately, the old lady died a few months after setting the record. “Tiffany has always had excellent vision and hearing, but problems with blood pressure often haunted her,” notes Sharon.

In the same year, another long-liver was registered - the fluffy, handsome Velvet from Oregon (USA), owned by Ashley Reed Okura. At the time the record was recorded, Velvet, like Tiffany, was 26 years old. The cat's owner has lived in the countryside since childhood, so she believes that the secret of longevity lies in regular hunting and walks in the wild. fresh air.

Last fall, the oldest cat in the world disappeared.

“Velvet left home and never came back,” Ashley wrote on her profile.

Velvet the cat

Almost simultaneously with Velvet, the record was set by another cat - a Siamese named Scooter from Texas (USA). True, he was a little older than Velvet - at the time the record was recorded, the old man was 30 years old. The owner of the “pensioner” claims that the secret of the cat’s longevity lies in proper nutrition and active games.

"Scooter is crazy about chicken fillet And water procedures! "- said the owner.

A few days after setting the record, the cat died.

The last cat to be recognized as the oldest was Nutmeg. He set the record in October 2016, on his 31st birthday. Unfortunately, Natmeg passed away in September 2017 due to heart failure.

Cat Nutmeg

Here are a few more cats that lived long lives:

  • Tabby cat Ma, who was 34 years old when she was euthanized. The owner of the old lady was Alice St. George Moore from Drewsteignton (Devonshire, UK).
  • Cat Lady Catalina was able to set a life record by celebrating her 35th birthday. She was born on March 11, 1977. She spent her entire life with her owner in Melbourne (Australia).
  • There were no officially registered records in Russia. However, on numerous forums people happily share stories about their old pets. Thus, one of the most famous Russian centenarians was the 28-year-old cat Prokhor.

Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records do not exclude the fact that somewhere in the world there are older cats, but their age is almost impossible to document. To register a record, staff ask owners to provide videos/photos that could prove the age of the animal.

Not only people can get on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records, but also animals. Let's take, for example, such a criterion as longevity. Until recently, the oldest cat in the world was considered the “barbel” Natmeg, who managed to celebrate his 31st birthday. If we translate the age of this pensioner into human standards, we get more than 140 years - an impressive figure, to put it mildly. The cat lived in Great Britain (Newcastle), and his owners were Liz and Ian Finley.

About the record holder

The married couple did not even suspect that someday in the future their pet would become public knowledge, appearing on the pages of many magazines and newspapers. They simply loved and took care of him, creating all the conditions for a comfortable life. Interestingly, translated from English, the nickname of the oldest cat in the world means “Nutmeg”. Before getting into the house, the animal had to endure a lot in freedom and fully experience what cold, hunger and all sorts of diseases are.

Unhappy and weakened, he was picked up on the street, and Nutmeg looked, frankly, deplorable. Ragged fur, an emaciated body and unhealed ulcers on his neck - this is how he appeared before the veterinarian, where Liz and Ian took him after his “adoption”. This is probably why melancholy and depth appeared in the cat’s gaze, which was noted more than once in the comments under the photos posted in the press.

After medical examination The cat was determined to be at least five years old. The events took place in 1990, and it was this date that became the animal’s new life starting point. The owners have admitted more than once that it is not they who run the house, but their precious Natmeg, subordinating all family members to his desires - to sleep sweetly, eat deliciously and make a mess around. As he grew older, he acquired the affectionate nickname of “Grandpa,” grumbling and purring when he didn’t like something.

When it became clear that the cat could be included in the list of the oldest in the world, the Finley couple decided to start collecting necessary documents to officially confirm the age of your pet. Unfortunately, in the fall of 2017, Natmeg died of heart failure, but his memory remained not only in the hearts of his household, but also in the archives of history.

Other famous long-lived cats

31-year-old "Nutmeg" - not only cat who got it honorary title the oldest in the world. The following representatives of the cat world also received this status at different times:

  • The cat Puffy held the status of a long-liver for a long time, remaining in her right mind and bright memory for 38 years. She died in 2005 in Texas, passing the baton to other meowing followers.

  • A cat from Devon (the nickname has not been preserved due to the passage of time) died at the age of 37 in the arms of his mistress literally the next day after his next name day. This happened in 1939, and the date of birth of the purr was recorded in 1903.
  • Velvet the cat is believed to be one of the world's oldest living cats, having recently celebrated its 25th birthday. The handsome mustachioed man lives in America, not far from Portland. His owner is sure that the secret of the animal’s activity lies in long walks in the fresh air, good nutrition, love and attention, which Velvet receives in full from her household.
  • The cat Lucy from Great Britain can also qualify for the Long Life Medal. If you believe her guardians, the old woman’s age has already crossed the 40-year mark, which by human standards is equivalent to 180 years. She was picked up near a store in 1972 and was about 2 years old at the time. But since the owners do not have official data confirming such amazing longevity, the cat cannot yet get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Many miracles happen in the world, so it is possible that we will soon learn about new ones. interesting stories the lives of cats - one of the most popular and beloved pets of all times.