How many times can you give birth after a caesarean section? Permitted number of surgical births

- This abdominal surgery for carrying out . Despite the rapidly growing popularity of this method in recent years, caesarean remains a serious matter surgical intervention, which requires high professionalism of doctors, a responsible approach of all medical staff and a conscious attitude of the woman herself.

Therefore, it is quite natural that pregnant women (or those preparing to become mothers for the first time or again) are interested in how many times a caesarean section can be performed. Let's try to figure out this exciting and extremely important question.

The number of caesarean sections is limited

Since the incision during a caesarean section is always made in the uterus, usually in one place, it is quite logical to assume that performing such a manipulation an infinite number of times can be dangerous. The greatest risk is suture dehiscence - this condition poses a life-threatening threat not only to the fetus, but also to the woman.

Therefore, when asked how many times a cesarean section can be performed, obstetricians-gynecologists always answered unequivocally: a cesarean section for one woman can be performed twice throughout her life without significant risks. In some cases, according to indications, a third cesarean section is possible. But this should be decided by specialists, not women. And after the third Caesarean birth, doctors always recommended sterilization.

Moreover, at least 2 years must pass between the first and second such operation. This is why doctors do not recommend that a woman who has had a caesarean section become pregnant in the near future (both childbirth and abortion are equally dangerous during this period). However, the same recommendation is relevant for everyone: the body needs to recover after childbirth, which takes a long time.

New trends

However, modern expectant mothers and gynecologists are not as careful as before. Many women decide to resort to surgical intervention during childbirth without any indication - only out of fear or other considerations. And it should be recognized that gynecologists often support them in such intentions.

Moreover, today doctors no longer insist on limiting cesarean operations. Many women see this as purely a commercial interest, but doctors explain the new position differently. Over many years of development of obstetric gynecology, serious steps forward have been made. Today, the incision of the peritoneum and uterus in most cases is made with a short transverse incision in the lower abdomen, and not with a longitudinal excision from the navel to the pubis, as before. Using the latest techniques, sutures are also applied using threads, which speed up the healing process and generally reduce pain.

All this together has led to the fact that caesarean sections have become possible to perform almost an unlimited number of times, and foreign practice confirms this with eloquent examples. But, of course, one should always take into account the health status of the mother and fetus, the course of pregnancy, the condition of the sutures and the presence of scars after previous operations, the woman’s tolerance to anesthesia and surgery in general.

Meanwhile, I would like to remind all women that natural childbirth still remain the best way the birth of the baby, both for him and for you, if there are no medical contraindications. In addition, if the first birth was performed by cesarean section due to the incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus or its large size, and not due to pathological disorders in the mother’s body, which are also present in the second birth, then natural birth after cesarean section is quite possible and even desirable.

We sincerely wish you successful birth, regardless of their type and quantity in the account. Remember, the decisive factor in the development of your baby is always your unconditional love for him! But you shouldn’t risk your own health and life. Make any decisions carefully.

Love and joy to you!

Especially forElena Kichak

In recent years, more and more women have a uterine scar after their first birth. This is a problem. Scientists are racking their brains over the question of how many times can a cesarean section be performed and how to help such mothers have more children?

There are experiences of natural childbirth after the first cesarean section. This is done to enable a woman to have more children with less risk.

The surgical technique and suture material are being improved, anesthesiology is being developed, and new drugs are appearing. But the risk remains.

A repeat pregnancy with a uterine scar will be more dangerous and riskier than without a scar.

Many women with a uterine scar dream of large families. Unfortunately, not everyone who has had a cesarean section has children. Therefore, the question is also relevant for them: a caesarean section, how many times can it be done and why?

is an operation during which a child is born through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and the uterus. But this process is not physiological, but artificial.

Nature created a woman capable of giving birth through natural birth canal and give birth multiple times. Man invented Caesarean. But it has complications.

Scar on the uterus

The uterus is a muscular organ. It can stretch 500 times during pregnancy and then return to its original size in 6 weeks. After the first operation, a scar remains on the uterus.

It consists of connective tissue, which is not intended for stretching and subsequent contraction. 1.5 - 2 years after the operation, muscle fibers grow into the scar area and it becomes more elastic. But after 4-5 years, the scar undergoes sclerosis - excessive compaction.

Therefore, after a caesarean section, it is better to give birth next time between 2 and 4 years.

Before deciding on a second and subsequent pregnancies, it is necessary to be examined. Do an ultrasound of the uterus and scar. Together with the doctor, evaluate its viability. May need additional examination or scar plastic surgery.

Scar failure

The consistency of the scar is judged by ultrasound data. If the scar is incompetent, then it can rupture at any time during pregnancy. This ends with profuse bleeding. To save the woman, she will have to undergo emergency surgery.

If the scar is incompetent, doctors may decide to perform a caesarean section ahead of time. The baby will be born premature.

During pregnancy, you will have to go to the hospital for prophylactic treatment several times.

Caesarean section requires pain relief

IN lately Spinal anesthesia is usually used. This allows you to get rid of complications of anesthesia (headaches, pneumonia, laryngitis, encephalopathy).

But not many people know that she herself spinal anesthesia not a harmless thing. It is fraught with headaches, pain at the puncture site, and sensitivity disorders lower limbs, constipation, allergic reactions.


After a single cesarean section, adhesions remain in the abdominal cavity. These are connective tissue cords between the uterus, fallopian tubes, intestinal loops, and bladder.

IN ordinary life they cause discomfort and nagging pain lower abdomen, disrupt work internal organs: intestines, bladder.

During the subsequent operation, it is difficult to enter abdominal cavity and removing the child. For repeated operations, they must first be dissected.

This lengthens the operation time and increases blood loss. Damage and rupture of adhesions during surgery can lead to injury to internal organs: intestines, urinary tract, fallopian tubes, ovaries.

Advice: After the first operation, it is necessary to prevent the formation of adhesions. To do this, you need to do gymnastics 3-4 hours after the operation. Get up and move as soon as the doctor allows.


During cesarean section, blood loss is always high. And if something goes wrong, the bleeding can become very intense. Possible outcome is blood transfusion. It's stressful for immune system. Load on the kidneys and heart.

With each subsequent pregnancy, the uterus will contract worse. Especially if the uterus is overstretched - multiple pregnancy, large fetus, polyhydramnios. A scar on the uterus will also prevent its contraction and recovery after childbirth. All this increases blood loss.

Infectious complications

Infection of the uterus occurs 5 times more often during cesarean section compared to childbirth. In the postoperative period, antibiotics are almost always prescribed. But there are times when even the most strong drugs do not help a weakened body cope with infection.

Sometimes a repeat operation and removal of the uterus is required.

Blood clots

After surgery, the risk of blood clots in organs and tissues increases. This may lead to disruption of their operation. The most dangerous is blood clots getting into the lungs. This is accompanied by respiratory arrest and death. Ladies with overweight, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and varicose veins veins

If you have varicose veins, operating table Lie down with your legs wrapped in elastic bandages. Elastic stockings must be worn before and after surgery.

Often the placenta is attached to the scar. Here it will perform its function poorly. The child may be stunted. The placenta can grow into the wall of the uterus and even grow into bladder. During the operation, such a placenta will not separate on its own and will have to be removed along with the uterus.

Placenta previa. The placenta blocks the entrance to the uterus. After removal, the child is difficult to separate, and when separated it leads to heavy bleeding, which requires removal of the uterus.

Endometriosis. Entry of the uterine mucosa into the abdominal cavity during surgery. There it grows, supports chronic inflammation, adhesions form. Manifests chronic pain in the lower abdomen, worsening during menstruation.

What matters is the experience and skill of the obstetrician-gynecologist who will operate on you again. Technically, even 2, not to mention 3 and subsequent operations, is a difficult task.

If you have 4 and subsequent caesarean sections, then you will give birth in a large maternity hospital, where there is every opportunity to provide you with assistance.

Important! The number of cesareans is limited by the woman’s health, her age, the time interval between operations and her willingness to risk her life.

Each subsequent operation increases the likelihood of complications.

Doctors recommend giving birth 1, maximum 2 times after a caesarean section. Usually, after 2-3 caesarean sections, they offer sterilization during the operation. That is, bandage fallopian tubes in order to protect against future pregnancy.

Your already born children need a healthy mother, and not one who risks her life and health. In any case, how long you can give birth after a cesarean section is up to you to decide. The doctor can only recommend and warn.

Other information on the topic

  • How and when can you start restoring your figure after a caesarean section?

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Previously it was believed that repeating this operation You can't do it more than twice. In addition, doctors forbade all women who had gone through it once to give birth again on their own, only through elective surgery. And after the second case of such intervention, sterilization was recommended.

Today, medicine has stepped far forward, and doctors are ready to perform repeat caesarean sections with virtually no restrictions.

So, modern women who have undergone this operation are not limited in the number of children. In some cases, gynecologists recommend that such patients give birth on their own for the second time, arguing that this will not harm their body.

But all doctors, whether they are supporters of repeat cesarean or natural childbirth, insist that a woman should give birth to her second child no earlier than 2 years after the operation. The same applies to abortions; they cannot be done in the first 2 years.

What the birth will be like after a cesarean section depends largely on the doctors’ conclusions. A mother can only prepare her body and her husband’s body for conception and pregnancy according to all the rules. And don't worry!

And then the mother herself will decide how many children she wants to have. And it doesn’t matter how this happens. After all, the most important thing is the result - your baby’s smile, the first word, the baby’s first steps and the absolute happiness of motherhood!

How does the reoperation take place?

The cesarean section operation itself today lasts 20-40 minutes and is the undisputed leader in obstetric surgery. If a woman has already undergone such an intervention, an incision on the uterus is made in the same place, along the existing scar. Naturally than more operations was performed earlier, the more scar tissue, and the longer the operation will take to remove the baby and placenta. And the higher the risk of complications.

In any case, only competent obstetricians-gynecologists have the right to advise a woman whether she should choose a repeat cesarean section or decide on a natural birth this time.

  • The first time there was a breech presentation of the fetus or placenta previa (a complication in which the placenta covers the cervix, preventing the birth of the baby).
  • The previous time, during a CS, a vertical incision was made in the uterus. Usually in modern obstetric practice the incision is made horizontally. But, if the baby was very premature or was located across the uterus, this is the only way to keep him alive and healthy.
  • The previous cesarean section was not the patient’s first. After multiple CS, vaginal delivery is not recommended.
  • During a previous birth, the woman suffered a uterine rupture.

Despite the warnings of gynecologists, many women decide to have a third pregnancy, having had two caesarean sections behind them. Is it possible to have a third caesarean section after 2 caesarean sections and what dangers can this manipulation entail?

Pregnancy after the second cesarean section: when is it prohibited?

After the second cesarean section, most doctors insist on tubal ligation - sterilization. This manifestation of concern for a woman’s health is not accidental - not everyone manages to endure a third pregnancy without complications after two surgical births. Problems can begin from the first weeks. To minimize them, pregnancy should be planned together with your doctor.

Why are obstetricians-gynecologists so worried when it comes to a third pregnancy after 2 surgical births? There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, a previous cesarean, like any abdominal operation, can lead to the formation.

Adhesions are strands of connective tissue that can change the position of internal organs, tighten the fallopian tubes and thereby narrow their lumen. Pelvic pain in those who have undergone surgery is an indirect indicator of the development adhesive process. In such a situation, even getting pregnant becomes problematic.

Secondly, a common consequence Caesarean section becomes genital, which reduces the chances of becoming a mother. But even if pregnancy takes place, there is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage. The likelihood of a tragic outcome is especially high in early stages, but also for more later There is a risk of miscarriage.

Thirdly, a scar on the uterus can become an obstacle to the normal attachment of the placenta. In search of a suitable place, the placenta may migrate along the wall of the uterus. Another related complication is villi ingrowth, which leads to.

Disorders of placental attachment can lead to chronic fetoplacental insufficiency and fetal hypoxia, which is dangerous due to intrauterine growth retardation.

The most dangerous complication is uterine rupture - acute developing condition which is accompanied by massive bleeding. Often the child does not survive after this; all the doctors’ efforts are aimed at saving the mother’s life.

When the uterus ruptures, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome develops: first it develops increased coagulability blood, then a transitional state occurs in which blood clots alternate with the liquid part, after which hypocoagulation develops and heavy bleeding which is almost impossible to stop.

Before getting pregnant for the third time, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The combination of a third pregnancy - a third cesarean section with signs of incompetent scar on the uterus is absolutely contraindicated. These include:

  1. Presence of cavities according to ultrasound results.
  2. Thickness 1.5-2.5 mm.
  3. Swelling in the scar area.

The list of other contraindications corresponds to those when planning any pregnancy. Basically these are:

  • chronic diseases of internal organs high degree heaviness;
  • diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage.

What is the danger of a third cesarean section?

Any operation carries with it hidden threat. This also applies to cases where a third caesarean section is performed.

Doctors' concerns about the progress and results of the operation are related to the following:

  • adhesions from previous interventions increase the risk of injury to the intestines or bladder;
  • true placenta accreta is possible - in this case, the operation is completed by removing the uterus without appendages.

Despite the danger of a caesarean section, about childbirth naturally You shouldn't even think about it. The presence of two or more scars on the uterus is an absolute indication for surgery.

Features of the third cesarean section and possible complications

How is the third caesarean performed? In general, the procedure is the same as in the previous ones. However, there are some features:

  • The operation is performed within the existing scar on the uterus.
  • During manipulation, control of hemostasis is very important to prevent the development of bleeding from the vessels of the uterus or abdominal cavity.
  • A uterus with a scar contracts worse, so hypotonic bleeding is prevented - intravenous administration oxytocin.

At what week of pregnancy is the third cesarean section performed? It depends on the condition of the mother and child. By medical standards You can give birth as early as 38 weeks. In some maternity hospitals, they prefer to perform a subsequent cesarean section at the same time as the previous one.

According to vital indications, the operation is performed at any time.

Various complications may occur after surgery:

  • bleeding in the postoperative period;
  • intestinal hypotension;
  • purulent-septic infection;
  • thrombotic complications;
  • subinvolution of the uterus;
  • scar failure;
  • anemia.

When to plan a pregnancy after 2 caesarean sections?

If a woman is planning children, then a third pregnancy a year after a cesarean section is not the most suitable option. It is recommended to wait 2-3 years, undergo a thorough examination and only then decide on the next birth.

However, if pregnancy occurs within a year after the second cesarean section, abortion is not considered in a safe way solutions to the problem! In this case, it is necessary to examine the condition of the uterine scar using ultrasound and visit an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Any interventions in the uterine cavity can lead to serious consequences and worsen the prognosis for pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to choose the most suitable method of contraception for yourself after childbirth.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

Useful video

Many women and girls who have had a caesarean section during childbirth wonder: “how many more times can they become mothers?” This method of giving birth to children has been practiced since ancient times. Currently, a caesarean section can be performed not only according to certain indicators. Some mothers negotiate with doctors about having an operation, thinking that it is easier to tolerate than a natural birth, especially after an artificial one.

Indications for use

For an operation to be carried out, there must be certain indicators. Doctors decide to use a cesarean section even during the patient’s pregnancy, but an emergency operation is not excluded. These indicators are the main ones for the baby to be born this way when the operation is carried out as planned:

  • child's size is too large small sizes maternal pelvis;
  • closure of the birth canal;
  • pregnancy with several children at the same time;
  • incorrect position of the fetus: transverse or pelvic;
  • genital herpes;
  • threat of uterine rupture due to a large scar after previous operations;
  • cervical fibroids;
  • diseases that can cause harm to mother and child during natural childbirth;
  • complicated pregnancy.

In addition to planned caesarean sections, emergency operations may be performed. This occurs when natural childbirth cannot be completed successfully. How many times they will be carried out depends on many indicators. These indicators include:

  1. sudden cessation of labor;
  2. lack of oxygen for the fetus;
  3. possibility of uterine rupture or placental abruption.

What births might happen in the future?

Not so long ago it was believed that more than two similar operations prohibited. In addition, doctors categorically forbade giving birth naturally if a caesarean section had already been used. Currently at in good condition uterus and scar modern medicine allows to carry out repeated operations as many times as a woman wants to have children. In addition, natural childbirth is allowed if there are no contraindications.