How long do Alabais live? Alabai is a hardy, fearless, but “gentle beast”

The Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Dog has long gained popularity all over the world. Despite its calm nature, it is a serious dog that will always protect the owner and his property. The article gives a description of the breed, character, how long Alabai live, how to care for them, and what to feed them. In addition, video and photographic materials are included for clarity.

Origin story

The Central Asian Shepherd is one of the most ancient dog breeds in the world. It is impossible to say exactly how many years this breed was formed in the territory that stretches from China to the Caspian Sea and from Afghanistan to the Southern Urals.

In its pedigree, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog has such dog breeds as the ancient dogs of Asia, the fighting dogs of Mesopotamia and various breeds nomadic herding dogs. Also, the Central Asian Shepherd is related to the Tibetan mastiffs. Over the entire period of their existence, Turkmen Alabais were used mainly as guards for caravans, livestock and houses of their owners, often being subject to natural selection.

Difficult living conditions and constant struggle for survival, they formed the modern appearance of Central Asian Shepherds and influenced their character, making the dogs strong, fearless, and economical in their use of energy. Today, the Central Asian Shepherd is used as a watchdog or to protect livestock from predatory animals. Therefore, dogs have their ears cropped so that the beast does not injure them in battle. This is the most devoted and reliable watchman.

Breed characteristics

The character and appearance of Alabais is the result of the development of the breed, and therefore is closely related to the territory of their origin and way of life throughout the world. The photo shows a black and white alabai.

Appearance and standard

The harsh climate in which this breed originated has left its mark on the appearance and characteristics of dogs of this breed throughout the world. Externally, the dogs look brave and courageous; cropped ears give the image an additional intimidating appearance. The ears are cropped so that they do not interfere in battle. If dogs live in an apartment, you don't have to cut their ears.

The height at the withers for males is at least 70 cm, and for females - at least 60 cm - according to the standard. While maintaining a proportional physique, being tall is a plus. Outwardly, females look smaller than males. How much can such a dog weigh? The weight of a male in adulthood is about 55 kg, of a female - 40 kg. The heaviest weight a dog can reach is over 100 kg.

The appearance can be judged by the description of the breed and photos.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a strong build. The head is large, but proportionate to the body. The skull is wide, the forehead is flat with a smooth transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The dog's profile resembles a rectangle. The tip of the nose is predominantly black, but may be lighter in fawn dogs.

Dogs have a standard 42 teeth - this is the norm for an adult animal of any breed (although many are allowed to lack 1 or 2 premolars). Asians have a scissor bite, a straight or tight bite with no bite. The eyes are dark and almond-shaped. The ears are triangular in shape. The tail is thick at the base. Ears and tail are cropped. If the ears are not cropped, they are drooping. An undocked tail may remain curled.

The height of the dog at the sacrum is proportional to the withers. The back muscles are well developed, the neck is powerful and wide. The ribs are rounded in the chest. Shepherd dogs of the Central Asian breed have straight hair with a well-developed undercoat. The coat of fur can be either short or long. Judging by the descriptions and reviews of breeders, the color of dogs according to the standard in the world can be the most varied, often white. The photo shows a representative of the breed with a predominance of white color.


Alabai training is an extremely important component of care, since without proper attention, according to reviews from breeders, the dog may develop increased aggression towards others. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has good endurance, self-confidence and lack of fear, which is due not so much to its character as to the presence of a protective instinct.

The video gives advice from “Dogs in the Frame” on training and education Central Asian Shepherd.

Alabai training should begin from the very early age, puppies should be socialized.

The Central Asian Shepherd gets along well with other pets living in the same house and lives in peace with them. Since this breed has an extremely developed protective instinct, they behave very carefully in the presence of strangers. According to owners' reviews, Alabai get along well with small children and provide them with protection from external threats.

Conditions for keeping at home

Living a Central Asian Shepherd dog in an apartment, albeit a large one, can become a problem for both the owner and the dog. This is due to the fact that Alabai people all over the world are accustomed to open space. A great place to keep a dog would be the large courtyard of the villa, with a large enclosure or a spacious booth in a shaded area where you can keep and feed a respectable dog.

Dogs of this breed have all the characteristics of an ideal guard, as they are very loyal and stern. As for their content, we should not forget about mandatory exercise (different for different ages) and diet.


If you want to have an easy-care dog, then Alabai puppies will be an excellent choice. According to owners, they require minimal care and are easy to feed. They love to sleep on the ground and at the same time, even having white wool, do not get dirty or shaggy - mainly because of the peculiar wool. To keep the alabai clean, it is enough to wash it at least 2 times a year.

If your dog has a white coat and lives in an apartment, you may need to wash it more often. It is also necessary to comb out during the spring molting period. If there are twigs, leaves or thorns in the wool, they must be removed in a timely manner.

Maximum program for caring for Alabai:

  • clean your ears;
  • trim claws;
  • comb out the fur.

Ears should be checked for pustules. Visits to the veterinarian are often infrequent and occur mainly for the purpose of vaccination.

Optimal diet

The ideal physique of Central Asian Shepherds is when the ribs are palpable so that you can count how many there are. But they shouldn't stick out.

Possible diseases

This breed of dog is characterized by good health, so they get sick extremely rarely. But diseases still occur, as with all dogs in the world, for example, dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints, which is characteristic of large breeds. Basically, this disease is hereditary, so Central Asian Shepherd puppies begin to suffer from it from birth. This disease can occur in different ways, but in the most severe cases, dysplasia affects the animal’s bones so severely that the shepherd becomes unable to move independently.

Today, the disease is considered incurable, and all treatment methods are aimed at relieving or neutralizing pain, as well as slowing down the disease. You can prevent or slow down dysplasia at home by balancing your diet, since overweight has a detrimental effect on joints. Alabais are prone to obesity, so you should monitor their weight and let the dog walk as much as she wants.

Improper rearing of this breed leads to the development of the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • tendonitis.

The consequence of these diseases is disruption of work cardiovascular system.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog often has genetic abnormalities that can appear due to mutations of genes and chromosomes. It happens that puppies are born with abnormalities. Alabai males may suffer from cryptorchidism, and females may suffer from infertility.

The Turkmen Alabai may have disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, which entails changes in hormonal balance animal body. Also in dogs with disorders endocrine system growth slows down, the quality of the coat deteriorates, and the skin becomes covered with a rash.

Photo gallery

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or as it is also called Alabai, is the ancestor of Central Asian dogs. Considered a relative. The name Alabai used today is not correct, because this is what the specific color of the dog used to be called (translated from the Turkmen “ala”, which means black spots, “bai” means rich, alabai, respectively, rich in black spots). But the only thing correct name This breed is considered to be the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

History of origin

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai comes from ancient Central Asian dogs and herding dogs nomadic tribes Mesopotamia. In some descriptions of researchers, this breed is about 4500 years old. The development of the Alabaya breed was facilitated by natural selection powerful and strong dogs for many years.

Central Asians were used mainly to guard herds of sheep and goats and the owner’s home. Harsh living conditions shaped them strong and fighting character. Their endurance and ability to fight large predatory animals earned them the nickname "Wolfhound".

It is interesting that in Turkmenistan, purebred Central Asians are prohibited from being exported from the republic and considered a national treasure.

Description and characteristics of the breed

Alabai is a fearless, powerful, determined protective dog. This strong and massive dog. The height of a Central Asian can reach 75 cm and weight 80 kg. Dogs of this breed have thick skin that protects them from insect and animal bites and thick hair that protects them even from severe frosts.

Alabais are distinguished by the following breed characteristics and appearance features:

The ears and tail of the Central Asian are docked 3-4 days after birth, but this is not considered mandatory.

Alabai can be brown, white, black, fawn, gray and red. Photos of different colors of this breed can be found on the Internet.

Central Asians tolerate frost well. Thanks to its thick coat and thick skin, they can withstand temperatures -30 0 -40 0. They also tolerate heat well, but it is advisable that the dog has free access to clean drinking water.

An important feature of this breed is their activity in the dark When night falls, they must protect their master and his house from enemies. They become more wary and aggressive, so the time for walks should be chosen according to daytime days or choose places where people do not go, and never let him off the leash.

Representatives of this breed are always attack the enemy, if he violates the boundaries of their territory, which they themselves determine and if his owner is in danger. Central Asian Shepherds are not considered a fighting breed, but in Turkmenistan they are held annually dog fighting. In this regard, some dog breeders have formed the opinion that Alabai must necessarily show his fighting qualities and pit their dogs against their relatives. But people who truly love dogs will never expose them to such unjustified danger.

Description of the character "Alabai"

Since ancient times, Central Asians have been vaccinated aggressive attitude to other dogs, so Alabai does not get along very well in the house with another dog if he has not known it since childhood. Therefore, owners of this breed need to be very careful when choosing a place to walk their dog.

The owner of Alabai can only be an adult with leadership qualities, only in this case a dog of this breed will obey his commands. Serious training Alabai needs to be trained from puppyhood. The owner must be persistent and persistent, and also calmly teach the dog new commands. Puppies of this breed are very friendly and love their owner and his new teams.

Despite the severity of the breed, dogs of this breed are very good with small children, will play with them with pleasure, and, if necessary, will defend them. However, you can leave a dog alone with a child only if the animal is accustomed to the child and has known him for a long time.

Alabai is playful and will be the best companion for lovers of jogging and long hikes.

There is no need to get a Central Asian Shepherd if you live in an apartment. The natural instinct of life in the mountains and open spaces requires free walking of the dog around the yard and spacious enclosure with booth.

If you put Alabai on a chain or lock him in an enclosure for for a long time, literally in a few months he will become brutal and will treat all living beings with aggression.

But if the owner of a Central Asian creates for his pet comfortable conditions residence and will show maximum attention to his training and upbringing, Alabai will become the most devoted friend and guard.

This breed is surprisingly undemanding in terms of living conditions. All they need is a spacious enclosure, a fenced yard and fresh air.

does not require careful grooming and shampooing, weekly brushing is enough and it will look great. They shed only in the spring.

Life expectancy of Alabai

How long Alabai lives depends on his living conditions and how many vitamins and minerals he gets from his diet.

Particular attention should be paid amount of calcium consumed by such a strong and large dog, like Alabai, during its formation period, which usually ends by 3-4 years.

Feeding such a pet is a difficult task. His food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. This will contribute not only to energy and activity, but also to the condition of the dog’s coat.

The weak points of Alabai are considered joints and limbs. Arthritis and arthrosis are the main enemies of the health of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog Alabai. The risk of disease can be significantly reduced if the dog spends a lot of time outdoors, can be physically active, and gets all the necessary minerals and vitamins in its diet.

Basic nutrition rules of Alabai:

Alabai's life expectancy is on average 12-15 years.

Reviews from the owners of Alabai are the most flattering. On the forums for the query “Alabai breed characteristics reviews” you can find what the owners of this breed write in their reviews. They write that a better guard cannot be found, they are very easy to train and unpretentious in care. These are wayward dogs with a tough character and do not respect spineless people. They must know who the “leader of the pack” is. Here are examples of several reviews describing dogs of this breed:

“Alabai is a loyal friend and a good protector. We live in a country house and keep these dogs for protection. In general, they don’t let anyone close to the house; they can immediately distinguish who is a stranger and who is one of their own!”

“We got an absolutely adequate representative of this ancient breed. Any dog, if you approach its upbringing correctly, acquires an absolutely socialized behavior pattern, without losing its protective qualities.”

“Kind, smart, loyal, very handsome, brave, loves children, excellent watchman, sensitive guard, definitely a friend.”

What to consider when buying a puppy

When purchasing a purebred Alabai, it is best to choose it from a nursery that specializes in breeding them. There are breed standards, according to which Central Asians should have a wide head with a flat forehead, a scissor bite, strong paws, a thick tail at the base, and thick straight hair.

When purchasing Alabai, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • the puppy must be active and playful;
  • the puppy's mother should preferably be under 9 years old;
  • availability of all necessary vaccinations and documents;
  • the puppy must be at least 2.5 months old.

When looking for a dog, it is best to have a photo of the color you like.

How much does Alabai cost?

As for the price, it depends on the popularity of these puppies in the market at the moment. Puppies without pedigree will cost around 3000-5000 rubles. Puppies with pedigree will cost about 10,000-15,000 rubles, but this is not the limit. If the puppy has famous parents, then the price will be many times higher. Such a puppy will cost its owner from 20,000 rubles. Dogs of the Central Asian Shepherd or Alabai breed have long taken a leading position among guard breeds.

Update: October 2017

Alabai (from Turkic - multi-colored) is a typical Molossoid, whose ancestors took part in gladiatorial fights and defended the lands from wolves. It is a rather large, but proportionally built dog with voluminous, but not prominent muscles. Other names of the breed are Turkmen wolfhound, Alapar, Sagi Dakhmarda, Tobet, Asian. In the RKF and FCI the breed is listed as a Central Asian Shepherd Dog. It is not well studied, but very popular. The dog ranks 8th in the ranking of the largest breeds in the world. Despite its external power and impressive size, it moves very harmoniously and does not give the impression of a lump.

The main features characteristic of the Central Asian Shepherd:

  • The main advantages of the breed are strength, intelligence, endurance, poise.
  • Proud and independent character, prone to dominance, which causes difficulties in education.
  • Strong sexual dimorphism: differences in the behavior of males and females.
  • The owner of the strongest jaw, even if attacked while wearing a muzzle, can cause serious injury.
  • Requires a firm hand from an owner who has earned the trust and respect.
  • Will not tolerate violence or humiliating treatment.
  • Incredibly loyal to the owner and all members of his family.
  • Aggressive towards all dogs except pets.
  • Affectionate and good-natured towards his family, especially children.
  • It is distinguished by the highest security and protective qualities.
  • Possesses good health. Prone to problems with joints of the limbs, cardiovascular diseases and obesity.
  • Most snake bites are relatively easy to tolerate.

Characteristics of the Central Asian Shepherd: advantages and disadvantages

Who is the breed suitable for? Who won't suit it?
  • Active person.
  • Athlete.
  • Experienced dog breeder.
  • A man of strong character.

Will not work:

  • Sedentary person.
  • Weak people.
  • Women.
  • Children.
  • Amateur in dog breeding.
How do you treat other pets and dogs on a walk?

Due to the fact that for several thousand years the Alabai has defended its territory from wolves, it is extremely hostile to dogs. During a walk, a Central Asian Shepherd can easily tear apart a dog walking nearby. He has few equals in battle, so you should take the dog’s upbringing very seriously and teach him unquestioning obedience from a very young age.

On the other hand, the breed is quite loyal to puppies and pets (even cats). Moreover, the Alabai will protect pets on its territory.

How often and for how long should you walk?
It is necessary to walk away from people and animals. The duration of walking per day is at least 2 – 3 hours. Preferably in an area where the dog can run freely without a leash. Lack of walking leads to obesity, arthrosis and arthritis.
Is it possible to keep it on a chain in the yard?

A proud dog with an independent disposition will not tolerate such humiliating content. On a chain, the shepherd will be in a constant state of stress, tension and at the same time boredom. At the same time, such content has the most negative effect on the dog’s health: the muscles weaken, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop.

The best option would be a spacious enclosure for your pet. In any case, the Alabai needs walking and constant communication with the owner.

Who is stronger - Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd?
The characteristics of the Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd breeds are very similar, so even an experienced dog handler will not give a definite answer to this question. The breeds differ in temperament: the Alabai is more flexible, the Caucasian Shepherd has an explosive character; For a Caucasian, all strangers are enemies; for an Alabai, only those who represent real threat. But physiologically the breeds are extremely similar, which is why the outcome of the proposed fight cannot be predicted.
How to care for wool? Does it shed a lot?
The Central Asian Shepherd sheds heavily once a year - in the spring. This is another reason why the dog should not be kept in an apartment. During the rest of the year, the coat sheds moderately. For grooming, it is enough to comb your pet about 1 – 2 times a week.
How often should I bathe?

Since the coat of this breed has self-cleaning properties, you should not bathe the animal unless necessary. After a walk, just wash your belly and paws with warm running water without detergents. If the dog is dirty, then you can bathe it using a special veterinary shampoo without dyes and flavors, preferably based on herbs.

Alabais love to swim in natural bodies of water. This is very useful for them, so try to take your pet out into nature more often during the warm season.

Attitude towards children
The Central Asian Shepherd has a great attitude towards children: she understands that they are safe and tries to take care of and protect the kids, loves to play with them. This applies both to members of one’s own “pack” and to other people’s children.
Purpose of the breed. What services is it suitable for?
The main purpose is protection and security:
  • Protection of livestock or entrusted territory, including industrial zones.
  • Traction force.
  • Protection of the owner, his “pack” and home.
  • Hunting for wild animals.
Is he sometimes aggressive?
A properly raised dog, healthy and without mental disorders, will attack only if there is a real threat to the owner or its territory. In neutral, the alabai is essentially indifferent to the people around him.
Who is better to choose - a male or a female?

Basically, bitches are more mobile, more dynamic, more impulsive. They are more sensitive than males. The latter in most cases are prone to a phlegmatic temperament. Males are usually more suitable for guarding, they are fearless and, without hesitation, will rush to attack when there are provoking factors. Bitches are more careful: they prefer to bark at the enemy from afar or block the path to their territory without engaging. Although, in a fight, the male will immediately let go of the enemy as soon as he realizes that he has won. A bitch, on the contrary, more often fights until the enemy dies.

Bitches will constantly fight with the owner for leadership. A male dog, on the contrary, having once learned his place, does not try to disrupt the hierarchy.

For inexperienced dog breeders, it is definitely better to choose a female dog: the dimensions and weight of the dog are smaller, and in case of any omissions in training, it will be easier to correct them.

The advantages of keeping the breed include:

  • High intelligence and innate security and protective qualities.
  • The highest devotion to the owner and his family, especially children.
  • Undemanding to living conditions and cleanliness.
  • The dog's coat has the ability to self-clean, so it always looks neat.
  • Despite its large size, Alabai has a moderate appetite and is unpretentious in food.
  • Not afraid of heat, cold, temperature changes.
  • Outside his territory he is quite loyal and calm.
  • Will not bark in vain.
  • Loves children.

The largest Alabai in the world lives in Stavropol and weighs 125 kg. A nickname to match the giant is Bulldozer. When it stands on its hind legs, its height exceeds 2 meters. According to the ranking of the largest breeds in the world, the Central Asian Shepherd is in 8th place.

Disadvantages and difficulties of content:

  • Not suitable for keeping in an apartment; due to its large size, it requires a large area for keeping.
  • Requires long-term walking and serious physical activity.
  • Not for those who are afraid of difficulties and are not ready to constantly control and educate.
  • Tendency to occupy a high hierarchical rank in the family, which leads to insubordination.
  • Professional training is required, otherwise it may become uncontrollable.
  • Aggressive towards other people's dogs.
  • Heavy annual spring molt.
  • He loves to dig holes, you can't stop him from doing it.
  • Does not tolerate high humidity well.
  • Tendency to gather and wander (educational measures should be taken immediately).
  • Such a feature of the breed is low socialization.
  • The inability of most representatives of the breed to “work” on foreign territory.

Photos of Alabai

Description of the breed: character and temperament

Alabais have a balanced and stable psyche. This determines the main behavioral qualities of the breed - calm and even phlegmatic, lack of fussiness, slow reaction to environmental stimuli. On the other hand, these dogs cannot be called uncouth or stupid: the Alabai is incredibly sensitive to the slightest changes in the owner’s behavior, he has high intelligence, and in training he shows remarkable cunning. The character flaws of the Central Asian Shepherd can roughly include such traits as pride, independence, some gloominess, and distrust of strangers.

One of the great qualities of the breed is that the shepherd will not attack an enemy unless necessary. It is quite difficult to provoke her. To strangers, adults, not threatening The dog is moderately indifferent and affectionate towards children.

Central Asian Shepherds are very patient and kind towards members of the owner’s family and his pets.

The main difference between the character of the Central Asian Shepherd and other working breeds is the ability to make decisions independently. It will not be possible to force him to serve in the style of a German Shepherd. This dog will carry out commands only if the fairness or necessity of the requirements is obvious to it. With proper upbringing and subject to stable contact with the owner, the dog itself understands what is acceptable and what is not. This is a proud and “thinking” breed.

Aviary and booth

Keeping a Central Asian Shepherd is quite labor-intensive work. The best option is a spacious enclosure with a comfortable booth. The enclosure should be 10–15 meters away from human habitation. It is advisable to compact the place for it and clear it of foreign objects, as well as create a slight slope for drainage. The enclosure should be located in a dry and sunny area.

The size of the booth is at least 100×90×80 cm, the size of the opening is 40×50 cm. It is better to make the booth from wood, with a flat sloping roof (slope back), insulate it and install it in a place protected from wind and direct sunlight. To prevent water from entering the dog’s home, the booth is installed on small blocks. Opposite the booth you need a wooden shield measuring 100x170 cm and a dug-in post with a ring to which you can temporarily tie the dog if necessary.


Walking starts at 3 months. It is important to train your dog to walk on a leash and muzzle. You need to take walks away from people and other animals. One walk lasts about an hour, at least there should be 2 per day. Puppies are walked more often - 3 - 4 times a day. For harmonious development, representatives of the breed need to walk several kilometers a day.

You can let your pet off the leash only in specially designated areas - areas surrounded by a high fence or metal mesh.

Hygiene procedures

It is important to keep the area where the dog is kept clean: regularly remove garbage, shake out, vacuum, wash and periodically completely change the bedding, wash the kennel inside and out once a month. Twice a year, the territory is completely disinfected using special means.

It is also necessary to clean the dog regularly - usually hygiene procedures are carried out once a day, before a morning walk. To begin with, you should inspect oral cavity, ears, nose, eyes, paws and animal fur. If everything is in order, then all that remains is to comb the dog with a fine-toothed comb.

The ears are wiped with a damp cloth every 10-15 days. If the ears are very dirty, you can use a cotton swab soaked in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. If ticks are found on the ears, they should be carefully removed immediately. If you have dark brown, black, or foul-smelling ear discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If wounds or scratches are found on the paw pads, they are also treated with peroxide. If the paws are dirty with fuel oil, paint or other similar substances, they must be washed with a swab dipped in a solvent and then wiped with vegetable oil. It is important to ensure that no foreign body gets into the pads.

The claws can be trimmed with a special nail clipper if they are too long, but try not to damage the vessel passing through the claw. After the procedure, it is better to grind off the sharp edges of the claw with a file. Allowing your dog to walk around with long nails can cause deformed paws.

Wipe the contaminated skin of the nose with a soft cloth soaked in warm water. Nose healthy dog should be without discharge, moist and cold (a warm nose can be after sleep).

Discharge that may appear in the corners of the eyes of a healthy dog ​​should be removed using a gauze cloth soaked in a decoction. pharmaceutical chamomile. It is not recommended to use a solution of boric acid or strong tea for this purpose.

The shepherd dog needs to brush its teeth twice a month. For procedures will do a regular toothbrush or cotton swab. Instead of toothpaste, you can use baking soda or school chalk diluted with a small amount of citric acid. If any small objects (bone fragments, wooden sticks) get stuck between the shepherd’s teeth, they must be removed immediately and carefully.


The question of what to feed the Alabai is very important. Products that should be included in a dog's diet:

  • Raw meat - beef, veal (steam or boil for up to 3 months).
  • Chicken, turkey - infrequently and without entrails and bones.
  • By-products - beef kidneys, tripe, kaltyks, trimmings, beef tails, veins, liver (it must be boiled), tripe, heart (no more than 20 - 25% of the meat diet).
  • Low-fat sea ​​fish.
  • Porridge – buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • Eggs.
  • Dairy products - cottage cheese, cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir (preferably goat milk).
  • Vegetables, fruits and greens - cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, apples, zucchini, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, garlic.
  • Berries and nuts.
  • Bones from ox veins.

Prohibited products:

  • Any food from the human table.
  • Pork.
  • Broths.
  • Sweets, baked goods, white bread.
  • Any bones.
  • Millet, pearl barley, semolina, oats, barley.
  • Potato.
  • Beet.
  • Citrus and exotic fruits.
  • Sorrel.
  • Legumes.
  • Any seasonings and aromatic additives.
  • Salted, smoked, pickled, canned, etc.
  • Tubular, especially boiled, bones.

Important feeding rules:

  • Give all foods raw (except porridge).
  • Constant access to clean water.
  • Food at room temperature.
  • Follow the regime - an adult is fed twice a day, 15 minutes after a walk. The puppy is fed up to 3 months - no more than 6 times a day, after 3 months - 5 times, after four months - 4 times, from six months to a year - no more than 3 times a day.
  • Food not eaten within 10-15 minutes should be removed and the dog should not be fed until the next meal.

Diseases of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The Alabai breed is very hardy and not susceptible to many diseases. Due to the physical characteristics of the dog, the most common diseases are:

  • Obesity is characteristic of 33% of dogs kept in apartments. An unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity, sitting on a chain, and short walks also contribute to weight gain. The consequence of obesity is usually a heart attack, which often leads to the death of the animal.
  • Cardiovascular diseases – occur due to the dog’s sedentary lifestyle (arrhythmia, myocardial infarction).
  • Diseases of the joints of the limbs - associated with the large weight of the breed, which puts a large load on the paws (dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints, rickets, arthritis, tendonitis, arthrosis, myositis, etc.).
  • Skin diseases - mainly ticks and fleas, less often fungus, ringworm, demodicosis.
  • Genetic diseases - cryptorchidism in males (not descending of the testicle into the scrotum), infertility in females, albinism, diabetes mellitus, fusion of eyelids).
  • Parvovirus enteritis is a severe viral disease, very contagious, characterized by dehydration and leukopenia, and in 6–10% of cases leads to the death of the animal.

Education and training

The main thing in training a Central Asian Shepherd is the psychological moment of establishing contact with the dog. It is important to constantly maintain a leadership position. Despite its independent and proud character, the breed has a pronounced subordination and trust to the leader of the pack. Alabai is a dog-soldier waiting for orders from the commander. But abusing the dog’s trust and violating his dignity is dangerous. This is fraught with loss of contact with the pet and subsequent disobedience, and sometimes even attempts on the part of the dog to occupy the highest level in the hierarchy of the pack.

First, from 3 to 5 months, the puppy is taught basic skills: name, commands “sit”, “lie down”, “place”, “come to me”, “no”, etc. Alabai is more problematic to train than many service breeds, For example, German shepherd, but remembers the lessons learned all his life.

If you really want to grow good dog, then you need to seek help from a qualified trainer. At a minimum, puppy training can be done under the guidance of an experienced instructor. This is especially true if you have no previous experience of keeping such a breed. If, out of ignorance, you make any mistakes in upbringing, it will be impossible to correct them in the future. Improper upbringing is a guaranteed lot of troubles in the future: the dog will ignore your commands and may attack people, including family members. Alabai is too dangerous a breed to let the educational process take its course.

Choosing a puppy

Having decided on the gender of the puppy, it is recommended to consult with a specialist immediately before purchasing or even take it with you to the breeder. Additionally, it is recommended to read the breed standard and look at several litters before making a final decision. It is recommended to go to the nearest dog show. When choosing a puppy, pay more attention to the following aspects:

  • Breeder's reputation.
  • The sanitary condition of the premises for puppies.
  • Metrics of the dog and its certificate.
  • Veterinary passport with a mark on deworming and vaccination.
  • Parents' appearance.
  • Visual health and behavior of the baby.

It is advisable to purchase a pet no younger than 7 – 9 weeks old. Moderately curious, active, non-aggressive and non-timid individuals with a correct bite and a healthy appetite deserve an excellent rating. You should not choose the largest or the most small baby from those proposed.

Breed standard

Country Central Asia.
Purpose Security and guard services.
General view The dog is above average height, moderately elongated, muscular, harmoniously built.
Temperament Balanced, calm and phlegmatic.
Head Large and wide, almost rectangular, with developed cheekbones. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is weakly expressed.
Muzzle Volumetric, shorter in length than the forehead.
  • Ears – triangular, medium in size, erect; usually docked
  • Eyes are round, small size, color – different shades of brown; the look is direct and stern.
  • Nose - large, black; with white and fawn colors, a lightened color of the nose is acceptable.
  • The jaws are powerful, wide, 42 teeth with a scissor or straight bite.
Neck Muscular, short, located at an angle of about 30 degrees, characteristic dewlap.
Leather Thick, elastic, can form small folds.
Back Oblong and wide, with developed muscles.
Breast Deep and wide.
Small of the back Slightly convex, not long.
Tail Located high, in the form of a sickle or ring, folded in the last third. It can be docked, but undocked is also acceptable.
Gait Smooth and soft, well balanced.
Wool Straight, hard, abundant, with undercoat. Length from 3 to 10 cm. It forms feathers on the ears, tail and hind legs.
Color Any, with the exception of combinations of brown and blue.
Note The male must have two developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.

Historical background

According to experts, the breed was formed over a period of 3 to 6 thousand years, and development occurred through natural selection. The ancestors of the Alabai are considered to be ancient mastiffs, wolfhounds, and herding dogs of nomadic tribes. The dog's first habitat was Central Asia: Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tibet, Iran, Mongolia, etc. From the beginning of its development, the Asian was used to guard and protect livestock from wolves. It was the harsh conditions of survival and the constant struggle with large predators that formed the dominant traits of the breed: fearlessness, balance, distrust of strangers, excellent guarding and protective qualities.

In Russia, then still the USSR, breeding work with the Central Asian Shepherd began in the 30s. last century. In 1989, the breed was recognized by the international canine organization.

This is how breed researcher E. Mychko describes the Alabai: “Fussing around, looking into the eyes, barking impatiently in anticipation of the owner’s approval - no, this is not about her. Central Asia does not stand up - it stands in the way of the enemy, it does not run - it rushes, it does not bite - it strikes. This is the dog from the legend...”

Alabai, or Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CAO) is an ancient breed of dog, distinguished by its originality, high intelligence and excellent endurance. For many centuries, these giant dogs helped people herd and guard livestock; they performed various jobs, including hunting. Such versatility tempered these dogs, making them ideal shepherds and guards. Having decided to buy and having read more about the breed, the question arises - how long do Alabai live, and how to make sure that your pet is around for as long as possible.

Life expectancy of a Central Asian

Owners of large pets know how painful it is to say goodbye to a friend who was recently a stupid puppy, and now his life has come to an end. But this is the truth - the lifespan of large and giant dogs is much shorter than that of their smaller relatives.

But, given that representatives of other similar breeds live no more than 10 years, Central Asians are long-livers, and dogs often live up to 13-15 years. It all depends on the dog’s health and, no less, on its care.

If you are planning to get an Alabai puppy to live in an apartment, you should think again. Dogs of this breed need space, but it will be difficult for them within four walls, and they are capable of damaging property. It is best for these dogs to live in a private house with a large yard. They can move freely around the territory if the fence allows it. But then they need a large booth somewhere in a shady corner.

An enclosure is also suitable for Central Asians; naturally, it must be of sufficient size so that the dog can move freely in it without experiencing a lack of space. Alabai is an ideal, incorruptible guard, stern and uncompromising. Therefore, owners should remember about responsibility - the dog should not be able to leave the local area without the owner’s knowledge.

How to care for Alabai?

The Central Asian Shepherd has lived for many centuries in rather harsh conditions, so it has excellent health and does not require special care. If you need an unpretentious security guard, then Alabai is the right choice.

A coat with abundant undercoat allows dogs not to freeze even in severe frosts. Dogs really like to sleep lying on the ground. At the same time, their fur practically does not get dirty and does not fall into tangles. To make your pet look well-groomed, it is enough to bathe it once every 1.5-2 years.

It is important to regularly clean the enclosure, and when the dog sheds (this happens twice a year, and the fur comes out a lot) to comb it thoroughly. Standard procedures are required:

  • cleaning ears as they become dirty;
  • trimming nails if they do not grind down naturally;
  • combing wool.

The auricles must be examined regularly if ulcers and discharge with unpleasant smell, you should contact your veterinarian. It is important to visit the veterinary clinic regularly for routine examinations and mandatory vaccinations.

How to feed the dog?

The main mistake of owners is to think that a large dog should eat a lot and feed the pet practically in buckets. But overfeeding the Alabai negatively affects the functioning of its gastrointestinal tract; it can suffer from constipation. You cannot give your dog only liquid food - the diet must be harmonious. It is recommended to add fiber to the menu - fresh chopped herbs and vegetables, also fresh.

The main product in the diet should be meat, and it is better to give not tenderloin and sirloin, but offal, entrails and stringy beef. Such food gives the necessary load to the jaws and supports teeth and gums in healthy condition. The dog is getting enough nutrition if all of his ribs can be felt, but their bulging indicates that it is worth increasing the daily portion.

What can a Central Asian Shepherd Dog suffer from?

Although Alabai have enviable health, they are also susceptible to a disease that affects representatives of large breeds - joint dysplasia. This disease it is hereditary, so puppies can develop it from birth.

The disease is quite insidious, incurable and can occur in different ways; in severe forms, it deprives the dog of independent mobility. At improper care and nutrition, the dog can develop the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • tendinitis.

In certain situations, shepherd dogs may have genetic anomalies, females may be infertile, and males may have one testicle (cryptochrysm).

If we consider how long dogs of other breeds live, then Alabai live to an old age, but owners should be more attentive to their four-legged friend and provide him with decent care.

Experts believe that the age of the Alabai breed is from 3 to 6 thousand years. This is one of the most ancient dogs that have retained their original appearance to this day. Confirmation can be provided by a terracotta figurine found during excavations of a Bronze Age settlement and dating back to approximately 2000 BC. e. Interestingly, the dog’s tail and ears are cropped.

The differences in the names - Turkmen Alabai, Kazakh wolfhound - are due to the fact that the breed was originally formed over a fairly vast territory - from the Caspian Sea and the Southern Urals in the west and north to the foothills of the Dzungarian Alatau and Pamirs in the east and south, where several states are located today. From a geographical point of view, the most accurate name would be “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”, under which the breed is registered.

Descendants of ancient Molossians and Great Danes, Alabais were originally bred for herding and guard work. Nomadic tribes needed a dog that would have enormous strength, fearlessness, endurance and unpretentiousness. All these features were embodied in a gigantic animal with graceful, almost cat-like movements and a proud look.

The spread of Alabais outside Central Asia began approximately in the 30s of the last century, and professional breeding of the breed in kennel clubs started even later. Maybe this is for the better - man simply did not have enough time to spoil what was inherent in this amazing dog through thousands of years of natural selection.

In the summer of 1990, the State Agricultural Industry of the Turkmen SSR approved the breed standard “Turkmen Alabai”. On the territory of the Russian Federation, FCI standard No. 335, published in January 1989, is applied. According to this classification, the breed is called “Central Asian Shepherd Dog”. Since then, no changes have been made to the standard. The purebred Turkmen wolfhound is recognized as a national treasure of Turkmenistan (along with Akhal-Teke horses) and is prohibited from being exported from the country.

Appearance of the Central Asian Shepherd

Impressive size, strong constitution and thick coat are the key characteristics of the Alabai’s exterior.


The height at the withers of a male is at least 70 cm, of a female - 65 cm. More significant growth is encouraged while maintaining a harmonious build.


An adult Alabai male weighs from 50 kg, a female – from 40 kg.


Massive in proportion to the overall texture of the body, the shape of the head (side and top views) is close to rectangular. The skull is flat, long, with a well-developed occipital protuberance. Stop – moderate.


Blunt, medium length, almost not tapering towards the nose. The back is usually straight, although a slight hump is allowed. The chin is well defined. The nose is large, but does not protrude beyond the general contour of the head. The color of the lobe is black; in white and fawn Alabais it can be lightened. Lips preferably with black pigmentation, upper lip when the teeth are closed, it closes the lower jaw. The jaws are wide and strong, the teeth are white, even, and the bite is scissor-shaped.


Alabai's eyes are oval-shaped and medium in size. Widely spaced. Color – from light to dark brown. The eyelids, regardless of color, are always black.


Low set, triangular in shape, hanging. Ears are cropped in the countries of origin or where the law does not prohibit this.


The Alabai neck is of medium length and muscular. How special feature Central Asian Shepherd, prominent dewlap.


Straight, wide, with well-developed muscles. The loin is short, slightly convex, powerful.


Deep, wide and quite long, widening towards the back. The lower part of the chest is lowered to the level of the elbows, and sometimes lower.


The tail of the Alabai is set high and quite thick at the base. Before docking, it is crescent-shaped. Sometimes in the last third of the length it can be rolled into a ring. Both options are equally acceptable - a docked or natural tail.

Front legs

Straight, parallel. The backbone is strong.

Hind legs

Straight, parallel with strong bones. Set slightly wider than the front ones.


Large, round, collected in a lump. Claw color - any.


The Alabai has coarse, straight and thick fur. The undercoat is well developed. There are short-haired Alabais (hair length 3-5 cm) and dogs with longer hair (5-7 cm). Asians of the second type are characterized by a small mane on the neck, feathering behind the ears, on the limbs and tail.


Any except blue, brown and black.

Faults, defects and disqualifying characteristics are determined by experts depending on the severity and severity of certain deviations from the CAO breed standard.

Character of Alabai

Type of higher nervous activity Alabai can be classified as balanced and calm. Balance mental processes manifests itself in the following behavioral reactions: dogs are calm and not subject to fussiness. Compared to males, the psyche of females is more dynamic.

The character of the Alabai is self-possessed, proud and independent. The dog is distinguished by self-confidence and even some mystery. In relation to strangers, the animal behaves distrustfully and warily, at the same time showing amazing sensitivity to the mood of the owner. The way of life of the ancestors did not leave the imprint of simplicity and rudeness on the behavior of the Alabai; this dog is rather characterized by a serious attitude to life with a touch of slight arrogance.

The Central Asian Shepherd is prone to fast social adaptation and will easily find its place in a person’s family. The attitude of the Alabai towards other members of the “pack” can be described as peaceful. They also react calmly to pets living with them under the same roof. Asians treat children very well, and the difference between “friend and foe” in this case is not taken into account by the dog.

A true Central Asian Shepherd dog will restrainedly show its distrust of a stranger - it will give vent to its protective instincts only in case of obvious provocation from a stranger. The active defensive reaction of the Alabai has its own characteristics. He will very jealously guard the territory, showing aggression only if the border he has established is violated. In the “neutral zone” the dog will react to other animals or strangers rather with arrogant indifference.

Alabais usually behave calmly during walks, not wasting time on trifles and not reacting to loudly barking mosquitoes, although a strong leash is still necessary when walking the dog in crowded places.

Gender differences are manifested not only in the appearance of dogs, but also in their behavior. A male dog attacks a stranger when trying to trespass without any warning; a female dog attacks as a last resort, trying to solve the problem by barking warningly and blocking the road.

An interesting fact is that the nomads of Central Asia immediately rejected and shot dogs that showed unjustified aggression towards humans, so if, when buying an Alabai, you want to have angry dog, then you are on the wrong track. Anger as a character trait in a true Asian is absent at the genetic level. Cripple this psyche gorgeous dog, trying to raise an evil monster out of him is simply a crime.

If you want to have a reliable security guard and an unspoiled friend in your home, then Alabai is the best choice!

Education and training

Owners of Central Asian Shepherds must clearly understand that training and proper education for such a strong animal, which also exhibits pronounced defensive reactions, are necessary by definition.

Another important principle is systematic training. They should be carried out daily and last at least 20-30 minutes. It is very good if the process takes place with the participation of all members of the owner’s family. By the age of seven months, your pet should follow the basic simplest commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Ugh!” and so on.

It should be remembered that Alabai is quite capricious and is unlikely to immediately obey you. You can achieve results only by showing a fair amount of patience and finding ways to interest your Asian in the learning process.

Don't forget to reward your big friend for the correct execution of the command, and simply for good behavior. A tidbit, a friendly stroking on the back of the neck, an affectionate kind word will be a good incentive for your pet. One should treat with understanding and patience such character traits of the Alabai as the desire to independently understand the world around him, curiosity, and excessive persistence in achieving a goal (which is often known only to him).

As an Asian grows up, he becomes very attached to his “pack” and to his place of residence, which is typical for guard-type dogs. You should carefully monitor your shepherd's behavior towards strangers. When communicating with “your own”, you should also not allow much familiarity. Stop your dog from pouncing on people in your household. While Alabai is a puppy, it still looks funny, but standing on his feet when an adult dog begins to show his feelings in this way is already problematic.

As for gender differences in relation to the training process, males learn much easier. Girls are much more subtle and cunning; they have much more tricks in their arsenal to avoid obeying the “teacher.”

A lot depends on the quality of training an Alabai puppy, so you can only trust this important process to professionals. Only a competent specialist can turn a clumsy plush puppy into a real guard dog, realizing the main purpose of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Alabaev cannot be classified as a spoiled breed of dog. Their ancestors lived in very difficult conditions and passed on their unpretentiousness to today's Asians. But this does not mean at all that the owner does not need to organize proper care for his pet.

This large dog is poorly suited for living in a city apartment, the best option There will be a residence on the territory of your country house, where you can arrange a spacious fenced enclosure with a booth for keeping the dog. This applies more to an older dog, and it is advisable to keep the Alabai baby in the house at first, giving him a place away from heating appliances and windows. The puppy should have the opportunity to relax peacefully, away from the hustle and bustle of home. A stronger, matured dog can be transferred to a permanent place of residence in an enclosure. If you are a typical city dweller, then remember the need to walk your pet twice a day, and the duration of each exercise should be at least two hours. While the Alabai may not be on a leash in the enclosure, then for walks you will definitely need a leash (preferably made of tarpaulin tape) and a muzzle.

It is necessary to systematically examine the animal's mouth, ears and eyes. Alabai's eyes can be washed with cotton wool dipped in strong tea leaves, and it is better to treat the ears by special means, applied to a cotton swab. Do not use ear sticks under any circumstances!

These dogs are bathed once a month or less, and after washing the pet should be dried thoroughly.

Coat care consists of systematic combing, it is especially important not to forget about this during active spring molting.

Alabais love cleanliness very much, so do not forget to wash the bedding at least a couple of times a month, but you can vacuum it or shake it out thoroughly every day.

Feeding such a large dog has its own characteristics: up to two-thirds of the diet should be meat. It should be lean (beef, veal) and always fresh. If there are problems with the preparation of fresh meat, it is permissible to use ready-made feed high quality. Your pet's size and lifestyle will influence your menu choices. You cannot feed Alabai with dry mixtures for small breeds of dogs.

Pickles, sweets, flour dishes, spices, tubular bones birds are contraindicated for the Central Asian Shepherd. Porridge (preferably buckwheat, rice or oatmeal), low-fat sea fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, and low-fat dairy products are welcome in the diet.

Balanced diet, which should contain required quantity vitamins and microelements, a sufficient (but by no means excessive) amount of food are the main rules for organizing the feeding of Alabai. Clean water should be available to the dog at all times.

Proper care is the key to your pet's good condition.

Health and diseases of Alabai

Being a descendant of dogs that have accompanied nomadic tribes in Central Asia since time immemorial, the Alabai inherited good health and good immunity to various diseases. But this does not mean that your pet is absolutely immune from health problems. Some of them may be due to genetic problems, and some are a consequence of improper maintenance.

As with all large dogs, diseases of the musculoskeletal system come first. Large mass animal leads to increased loads, which is associated with high risks occurrence of hip dysplasia and knee joints. A time-limited walk can cause the dog to become obese, and this will certainly lead to various forms of arthritis or arthrosis, and your “giant” will suffer from severe pain. The best prevention in this case, it will be the organization of a balanced diet with a high content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other microelements in the feed, and high physical activity.

Metabolic disorders, which can lead to diabetes, are also a consequence of poor nutrition. Remember, food from your table is not suitable for your dog! Salt, spices, and sweets in the Alabai diet are a direct path to health problems. Allergic reactions are also possible when using “dog” food, so you should pay enough attention proper nutrition your pet.

To combat fleas and ticks, the most effective way is to wear a special collar. It will be much more difficult to cure demodicosis, which occurs quite often among Alabais. This disease is caused by microscopic mites and causes redness in the dog, severe itching, hair loss. Remedies for this disease are toxic, so it is very important to calculate the correct dose specifically for your pet. Only a veterinarian can do this correctly.

Attentive attitude towards the dog, timely vaccination, proper maintenance and balanced diet- the main conditions for preserving and maintaining the good health of a great and devoted friend.

How to choose a puppy

It is better to purchase an Alabai puppy from a nursery or from breeders of this breed. This will give you certain guarantees of the purity of the breed and the health of the dog, both physical and mental. When choosing a baby, experts recommend paying attention to the following points.

  • Puppy age. It is better to take a Central Asian Shepherd dog at least two months old. By this time, the animal has already completed the necessary vaccination course and the activation procedure, which is provided for by law.
  • Mother's age. The healthiest offspring are obtained from bitches between the ages of two and eight years. The previous birth must have taken place at least a year ago.
  • Number of babies in the litter. Experts say that the optimal number of puppies is six.
  • Floor. Girls are more inquisitive and active, but are not as confident in their abilities as males. But if you have small children in the house, then it is better to give preference to the young lady.
  • Puppy behavior. Alabai is a strong animal by nature, a leader dog. These qualities should also be seen in children. Drop a book on the floor or tap your hand on the enclosure net - the puppy who is immediately interested in new sounds is definitely fit to be your friend.

Don't forget to evaluate the appearance of the shepherd. Healthy baby active, eats with appetite, has shiny wool and clear skin. The nose is moist, the ears and eyes are clean. There are no signs of indigestion under the tail. The Alabaika should be of medium (compared to other puppies in the litter) size; small and overly large puppies should be culled immediately.

Pay attention to the wool too. The little dog's one is plush and short. Long hair indicates that one of his ancestors “sinned” with the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

But the most important thing is that before buying a puppy you must be sure that it is the Alabai that you need.

How much does alabai cost?

There are a number of objective and subjective factors that determine the cost of an Alabai puppy. These include:

  • exterior. Experts distinguish between excellent, good, simple and very simple. The price gradation is directly proportional to the assessment;
  • signs (or lack thereof) of tribal marriage. This should be of greater concern to those who plan to participate in exhibitions or want to become a breeder. A dog with a plembrace is not suitable for this application. And don’t even doubt that he can become just a good friend and a reliable guard for you;
  • puppy coat color. White alabai will cost much more.

The cost may also be affected by where the breeder lives. Statistics show that in Moscow and the region prices are higher than in the periphery.

Contrary to popular belief, the size of the puppy does not particularly affect the price. Nature alone knows what exactly your pet will be like as an adult.

The average prices for small Alabais start from 15 thousand rubles - most often these dogs have a breed, puppies of a simple exterior will cost in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles, for an Asian “with a future” you will have to pay at least 30 thousand rubles.

Remember that the puppy must have correct registration documents. Without them, it’s just a dog that looks like an Alabai. If you just love animals and want to make a loyal friend, then this warning is not for you. In the end, the degree of love, affection and loyalty has never been measured by the presence of this or that, even the most important, paper.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) is a service dog that can work with virtually no human intervention. The animal is capable of independently assessing the situation and making decisions during guard duty, but for safety reasons it must undergo a training course from a professional instructor. Hardy and brave, this dog has a very strong instinct for protection.

“Asians” are strong-willed dogs, faithful companions and guards. They get along well with children, but need to establish a clear hierarchy. If the owner does not assign a level to the dog, it will strive to take the place of the leader, regulating the behavior of all family members, which can be dangerous.

Exterior Features of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The breed is large, moderately muscular, has thick skin, ears and tail are docked on the second and third days from birth.

The dog can be spotted, coated or pure in any color except liver, blue and chocolate.

There are two constitutional types of Alabai: steppe and mountain. The Steppe breed is characterized by a lightweight, lean build, long legs, a chest of moderate width, and short hair. Mountain - stocky, “heavy” constitution, powerful chest and head, long thick coat.
Accepted dog dimensions: for females – height at withers from 65 cm, weight from 40 kg; for males – height at withers from 70 cm, weight from 50 kg.

Life expectancy of Alabai

The breed has an average life expectancy of 12 to 15 years; long-livers are rare.

Features of maintenance and care

Feeding. It is recommended to feed puppies with natural food (porridge, meat, cottage cheese, etc.), gradually switching to suitable dry food. The optimal solution is balanced feed that does not cause allergies and provides the animal with daily norm all the necessary nutrients. An adult dog eats twice a day, the daily portion of meat porridge ranges from three to four liters, dry food - from 500 to 700 grams.

Conditions of detention. The animal feels better when kept outside (a warm enclosure is required), but can also live in an apartment. Trained from puppyhood, “Asians” calmly tolerate daily washing of their paws and periodic bathing. In the house the dog is almost invisible. She chooses the most convenient places for viewing the territory and relaxing, without creating unnecessary fuss and without requiring endless attention of the owner.

Health problems. Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are susceptible to various diseases of the joints of the limbs and obesity. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to provide the animal with a nutritious diet and daily quality walks. Cardiovascular system disorders occur in dogs in urban environments. Genetic abnormalities include cryptorchidism (bilateral or unilateral) in males and infertility in females.


Stubborn, strong-willed character, desire for leadership.

Suitable for

An experienced dog breeder, strong-willed and self-confident. A morally weak person will quickly lose his leader status and will not be able to cope with such an animal.

How to choose the right puppy

Appearance. The puppy must be strong enough, well-fed, with smooth, powerful paws, clean ears and eyes, and a proportional build.

Psyche. The puppy should not squeal or whine when lifted by the scruff of the neck, he is not afraid of strangers, noise and other factors, he is quite playful, affectionate, inquisitive, and mostly keeps his tail raised.

History of origin

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog or Alabai comes from ancient Central Asian dogs and herding dogs of nomadic tribes Mesopotamia. In some descriptions of researchers, this breed is about 4500 years old. The development of the Alabaya breed was facilitated by the natural selection of powerful and strong dogs over many years.

Central Asians were used mainly to guard herds of sheep and goats and the owner’s home. Harsh living conditions shaped them strong and fighting character. Their endurance and ability to fight large predatory animals earned them the nickname "Wolfhound".

It is interesting that in Turkmenistan, purebred Central Asians are prohibited from being exported from the republic and considered a national treasure.

Description and characteristics of the breed

Alabai is a fearless, powerful, determined protective dog. This strong and massive dog. The height of a Central Asian can reach 75 cm and weight 80 kg. Dogs of this breed have thick skin that protects them from insect and animal bites and thick hair that protects them even from severe frosts.

Alabais are distinguished by the following breed characteristics and appearance features:

The ears and tail of the Central Asian are docked 3-4 days after birth, but this is not considered mandatory.

Alabai can be brown, white, black, fawn, gray and red. Photos of different colors of this breed can be found on the Internet.

Central Asians tolerate frost well. Thanks to their thick fur and thick skin, they can withstand temperatures of -30 0 -40 0. They also tolerate heat well, but it is advisable that the dog has free access to clean drinking water.

An important feature of this breed is their activity in the dark When night falls, they must protect their master and his house from enemies. They become more wary and aggressive, so you need to choose the time for walks during the daytime or choose places where people do not walk, and never let them off the leash.

Representatives of this breed are always attack the enemy, if he violates the boundaries of their territory, which they themselves determine and if his owner is in danger. Central Asian Shepherds are not considered a fighting breed, but dog fights are held annually in Turkmenistan. In this regard, some dog breeders have formed the opinion that Alabai must necessarily show his fighting qualities and pit their dogs against their relatives. But people who truly love dogs will never expose them to such unjustified danger.

Description of the character "Alabai"

Since ancient times, Central Asians have been vaccinated aggressive attitude to other dogs, so Alabai does not get along very well in the house with another dog if he has not known it since childhood. Therefore, owners of this breed need to be very careful when choosing a place to walk their dog.

The owner of Alabai can only be an adult with leadership qualities, only in this case a dog of this breed will obey his commands. Serious training Alabai needs to be trained from puppyhood. The owner must be persistent and persistent, and also calmly teach the dog new commands. Puppies of this breed are very friendly and love their owner and his new teams.

Despite the severity of the breed, dogs of this breed are very good with small children, will play with them with pleasure, and, if necessary, will defend them. However, you can leave a dog alone with a child only if the animal is accustomed to the child and has known him for a long time.

Alabai is playful and will be the best companion for lovers of jogging and long hikes.

There is no need to get a Central Asian Shepherd if you live in an apartment. The natural instinct of life in the mountains and open spaces requires free walking of the dog around the yard and spacious enclosure with booth.

If you put Alabai on a chain or lock him in an enclosure for a long time, literally in a few months he will become brutal and will treat all living beings with aggression.

But if the owner of a Central Asian creates for his pet comfortable conditions residence and will show maximum attention to his training and upbringing, Alabai will become the most devoted friend and guard.

This breed is surprisingly undemanding in terms of living conditions. All they need is a spacious enclosure, a fenced yard and fresh air.

Alabai does not require careful grooming and shampooing, weekly brushing is enough and it will look great. They shed only in the spring.

Life expectancy of Alabai

How long Alabai lives depends on his living conditions and how many vitamins and minerals he gets from his diet.

Particular attention should be paid amount of calcium, consumed by such a strong and large dog as Alabai during its formation period, which usually ends by 3-4 years.

Feeding such a pet is a difficult task. His food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. This will contribute not only to energy and activity, but also to the condition of the dog’s coat.

The weak points of Alabai are considered joints and limbs. Arthritis and arthrosis are the main enemies of the health of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog Alabai. The risk of disease can be significantly reduced if the dog spends a lot of time outdoors, can be physically active, and gets all the necessary minerals and vitamins in its diet.

Basic nutrition rules of Alabai:

Alabai's life expectancy is on average 12-15 years.

Reviews from the owners of Alabai are the most flattering. On the forums for the query “Alabai breed characteristics reviews” you can find what the owners of this breed write in their reviews. They write that a better guard cannot be found, they are very easy to train and unpretentious in care. These are wayward dogs with a tough character and do not respect spineless people. They must know who the “leader of the pack” is. Here are examples of several reviews describing dogs of this breed:

What to consider when buying a puppy

When purchasing a purebred Alabai, it is best to choose it from a nursery that specializes in breeding them. There are breed standards, according to which Central Asians should have a wide head with a flat forehead, a scissor bite, strong paws, a thick tail at the base, and thick straight hair.

When purchasing Alabai, you need to consider the following aspects:

  • the puppy must be active and playful;
  • the puppy's mother should preferably be under 9 years old;
  • availability of all necessary vaccinations and documents;
  • the puppy must be at least 2.5 months old.

When looking for a dog, it is best to have a photo of the color you like.

How much does Alabai cost?

As for the price, it depends on the popularity of these puppies in the market at the moment. Puppies without pedigree will cost around 3000-5000 rubles. Puppies with pedigree will cost about 10,000-15,000 rubles, but this is not the limit. If the puppy has famous parents, then the price will be many times higher. Such a puppy will cost its owner from 20,000 rubles. Dogs of the Central Asian Shepherd or Alabai breed have long taken a leading position among guard breeds.

For those who are looking for a reliable security guard and a devoted friend, Alabai will be the ideal choice.

History of the breed

The Central Asian Shepherd is the oldest breed of dog, which has a history of 4000 years. Not much is known about the true origins of the breed, but many consider it the ancestor of the Tibetan mastiff.

These dogs are “folk” in many areas of Russia, Iran and Afghanistan. They were also loved and appreciated in Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

This independent breed has protected nomadic shepherds and their flocks for centuries. Similar dogs accompanied the Mongols when they invaded Eastern and Central Europe, and probably contributed to the development of many European shepherd dogs.

However, this breed is rarely found outside of Central Asia, and even in Russia today it is in decline, losing in popularity to the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Character of Alabai

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Alabai, is a calm, calm and courageous protective dog. This is an independent breed that stands its ground and is not used to backing down. These dogs are respectful and well-behaved with their family members, but they should always be supervised around children.

Outside the home, they often try to dominate other dogs and are suspicious of strangers. These are guard dogs and usually act as such. Alabais love to bark at night, and this can be a problem if you have close neighbors.

Proper socialization is mandatory for the Alabai unless it is used as a herder. These Shepherds get along with cats, dogs and any other animals as long as they do not pose a threat to them or the family.

Alabay is a family dog ​​that enjoys daily human interaction. But these guard dogs are not for everyone. They need a smart owner who understands their watchdog nature. This breed is not for timid or gentle owners.

The main goal of training these dogs is to achieve leadership status. It is a dog's natural instinct to live in a pack, and when they live with people, their pack is family. In a pack, or family, there should always be only one leader, when all the rules and responsibilities are clearly defined and established.

Since shepherds communicate by growling and eventually biting, all humans should have a higher position in the pack than the dog. Only people should make decisions, not dogs. This is the only way to build right relationship with alabai.

Breed sizes

The height of males and females is 65-78 cm and 60-70 cm, respectively. The weight of alabai is 55-79 kg for males and 50-65 kg for females. Some males are significantly taller and heavier.


Alabai is prone to dysplasia hip joint and to many other genetic problems that occur in large breeds. These dogs may also experience gastric bloating and volvulus.

The lifespan of the Alabai is 12 to 14 years, but they often live around 10 years due to poor veterinary care and the lifestyle they lead.

Alabai requires a large yard, preferably fenced. They have to do the job (guard). Small living conditions can lead to behavior problems. These dogs love outdoor exercise and will "expand" their territory as much as they can.

The Central Asian Shepherd Alabai will be an excellent companion for a person who loves hiking or jogging. On non-running days they need long walks. Alabai may seem lazy when lying down inspecting his “property,” but he can get up and be ready for a walk in a split second.

Alabai does not require much grooming. Weekly brushing will be enough for him, but he sheds a lot in the spring. During the rest of the year, these dogs shed lightly.

Cost of the Alabai breed

The cost of Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd) puppies varies widely. Many puppies, whose owners do not breed professionally, can be purchased for between 3-5 thousand rubles. However, a puppy with a pedigree will cost from 15 to 40 thousand rubles or more.

Life expectancy of a Central Asian

Owners of large pets know how painful it is to say goodbye to a friend who was recently a stupid puppy, and now his life has come to an end. But this is the truth - the lifespan of large and giant dogs is much shorter than that of their smaller relatives.

But, given that representatives of other similar breeds live no more than 10 years, Central Asians are long-livers, and dogs often live up to 13-15 years. It all depends on the dog’s health and, no less, on its care.

If you are planning to get an Alabai puppy to live in an apartment, you should think again. Dogs of this breed need space, but it will be difficult for them within four walls, and they are capable of damaging property. It is best for these dogs to live in a private house with a large yard. They can move freely around the territory if the fence allows it. But then they need a large booth somewhere in a shady corner.

An enclosure is also suitable for Central Asians; naturally, it must be of sufficient size so that the dog can move freely in it without experiencing a lack of space. Alabai is an ideal, incorruptible guard, stern and uncompromising. Therefore, owners should remember about responsibility - the dog should not be able to leave the local area without the owner’s knowledge.

How to care for Alabai?

The Central Asian Shepherd has lived for many centuries in rather harsh conditions, so it has excellent health and does not require special care. If you need an unpretentious security guard, then Alabai is the right choice.

A coat with abundant undercoat allows dogs not to freeze even in severe frosts. Dogs really like to sleep lying on the ground. At the same time, their fur practically does not get dirty and does not fall into tangles. To make your pet look well-groomed, it is enough to bathe it once every 1.5-2 years.

It is important to regularly clean the enclosure, and when the dog sheds (this happens twice a year, and the fur comes out a lot) to comb it thoroughly. Standard procedures are required:

  • cleaning ears as they become dirty;
  • trimming nails if they do not grind down naturally;
  • combing wool.

The ears should be examined regularly; if ulcers and discharge with an unpleasant odor appear, you should consult a veterinarian. It is important to visit the veterinary clinic regularly for routine examinations and mandatory vaccinations.

How to feed the dog?

The main mistake of owners is to think that a large dog should eat a lot and feed the pet practically in buckets. But overfeeding the Alabai negatively affects the functioning of its gastrointestinal tract; it can suffer from constipation. You cannot give your dog only liquid food - the diet must be harmonious. It is recommended to add fiber to the menu - fresh chopped herbs and vegetables, also fresh.

The main product in the diet should be meat, and it is better to give not tenderloin and sirloin, but offal, entrails and stringy beef. Such food gives the necessary load to the jaws and keeps teeth and gums healthy. The dog is getting enough nutrition if all of his ribs can be felt, but their bulging indicates that it is worth increasing the daily portion.

What can a Central Asian Shepherd Dog suffer from?

Although Alabai have enviable health, they are also susceptible to a disease that affects representatives of large breeds - joint dysplasia. This disease is hereditary, so puppies can develop it from birth.

The disease is quite insidious, incurable and can occur in different ways; in severe forms, it deprives the dog of independent mobility. With improper care and nutrition, the dog can develop the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • tendinitis.

In certain situations, shepherd dogs may have genetic anomalies, females may be infertile, and males may have one testicle (cryptochrysm).

If we consider how long dogs of other breeds live, then Alabai live to an old age, but owners should be more attentive to their four-legged friend and provide him with decent care.

Video “Alabai - a reliable defender”

From this video you know about the Alabai breed, one of the best dogs for protection.

What determines how long an Alabai dog lives?

Unfortunately, the lifespan of any dog ​​is limited and it is less than the average human. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, whose life expectancy is 6-7 times less than a human’s, was no exception. How long an Alabai dog lives depends on many factors, but lifestyle is of paramount importance. This rule is true for basically any breed.

If you ask how many years Alabai live maximum, you will get the answer: 16-17 years. This is provided that the animal is constantly moving and has a place where it can frolic. The average Alabai, whose lifespan is on average 12-14 years, loves to run and play with its owner or other dogs.

When looking for an answer to the question of how long Central Asian Shepherds live in reference books, you will most likely come across a period of 10-11 years. The breed is characterized by its large mass and dimensions, so at a relatively early age problems with legs arise, which affects such a short life. For comparison, the average life expectancy of a lapdog is 16-18 years, a dachshund - 14-15 years, a pug or chihuahua - 14-15 years.

If a dog serves, then it goes on a well-deserved rest at the age of eight. And here, how long do Alabai live at home? in retirement depends only on the care of the owner and his attitude.

How to extend your pet's life

After you have found out the answer to the question of how many years an Alabai dog lives, another question arises: is it possible to extend the life of a four-legged friend?

Of course, you can extend the lifespan of the Alabai and do it quite simply:

  1. Watch your diet. First of all, it is necessary to constantly monitor the dog’s nutrition. The diet should be varied, balanced and properly composed. It is important to add vitamins, macro- and microelements.
  2. Watch your weight. Obesity, which negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, should not be allowed.
  3. Follow the regime. The dog must be active. Before purchasing a pet, make sure you can provide it with the required level of activity and exercise.
  4. Clean the room. It is necessary to regularly do wet cleaning and ventilate the room. Home hygiene is important for the animal.
  5. Minimize stress. For many this will seem wild, but Alabai feel the microclimate in the family, the prevailing atmosphere. Frequent quarrels between relatives and stress at home can negatively affect the health of the animal.
  6. Minimize the likelihood of accidents. If you walk your dog correctly and use the necessary protective equipment, this will help protect your dog from an accident.

Proper care

And once again I would like to emphasize the need for proper care. Central Asian Shepherds are not as demanding and pretentious as small dogs like Chihuahuas, but they do need regular veterinary supervision and proper bathing.

It is important to regularly bathe, comb your dogs, clean their ears and trim their nails. Also, do not neglect visiting the veterinarian, vaccinations and cleaning your teeth from tartar. This will help increase the life expectancy of the Central Asian Shepherd.

We hope we answered how many years Alabai dogs live. This is influenced by a number of factors, but living conditions stand out among them.

Origin story

Central Asian Shepherds belong to the Molosser group. Ancient Egyptian and Assyrian dogs are considered their ancestors. Among the ancestors of the breed were Mongolian shepherd dogs and Tibetan mastiffs.

Alabai was finally formed about four thousand years ago. Selection was carried out naturally. Dogs guarded caravans of nomads and herds of shepherds. By protecting property from steppe wolves, the strongest individuals survived.

Wolfhounds were distributed throughout Central Asia. From Afghanistan to the Southern Urals. From the Caspian Sea to China.

Important! Turkmen wolfhounds of pure blood are the national treasure of Turkmenistan; they are prohibited from being exported outside the country.

In the 18th century, biologists became interested in Turkmen shepherd dogs. Scientists tried to breed a more docile version by crossing. The attempts were in vain.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 335 dated October 13, 2010 “Central Asia Shepherd Dog”.
Group 2 “Pinchers and Schnauzers, Molossians, Mountain and Swiss Cattle Dogs.”
Section 2 “Molossians”.

The FCI standard specifies the dimensions of an adult Alabai:
Height at withers: for a male, at least 70 cm, for a female, at least 65 cm.
Larger growth is desirable while maintaining harmony of build.
Weight: for a male, a minimum of 50 kg, for a female, a minimum of 40 kg.

Central Asian Shepherd: The breed description includes a powerful body, broad chest and back. They are distinguished by a wide, massive head with a flat forehead, a voluminous muzzle with a large black or brown nose. The eyes are set wide and round. Small triangular ears, sometimes cropped - the standard allows both options.

The belly is slightly tucked in. The height at the withers is slightly higher than the height at the rump. The paws are compact and strong.

Attention! Tail docking is allowed by the standard; a natural tail has equal value to a docked one.

The coat is coarse, hard, straight, with a thick undercoat. Depending on the length of the guard hair, dogs are distinguished with short hair (3-5 cm), lying all over the body, and with longer hair (7-10 cm), intermediate type, forming a mane on the neck, feathering behind the ears, on the back sides limbs and tail.

The standard allows any color, except for genetic blue, genetic brown in any combination and black-backed.

How long does alabai live? Life expectancy with proper care is, on average, 12-15 years.

Alabai: breed characteristics, reviews

Character traits

During their existence, alabai were used mainly to guard livestock, caravans and the owner’s home, being subject to strict natural selection. Difficult living conditions and constant struggle with predators shaped the appearance and tempered the character of this dog, made it strong, fearless, and taught it to use energy sparingly.

In their original habitats, Central Asian Shepherds are used primarily to protect herds from predators, and also as guard dogs. They are characterized by an independent line of behavior; they will not serve because of food. Rather, with a sense of self-esteem, they will take food as a reward for service.

He will not look away when you look closely, but will proudly and calmly look down on you - this is the best characteristic of the Alabai breed. They prefer to think when making decisions and may refuse to carry out commands from the owner that they consider inappropriate.

Alabais are phlegmatic and balanced. They don’t like to show aggression or rush into battle. They will most likely warn you by barking or growling that you should not violate their boundaries. Alabai: characteristics of the breed, reviews indicate that only in rare cases do they turn into ferocious fighters.

Important! Alabai really dislikes drunks and invasion of his personal space.

Asians treat children well, but do not allow free treatment. They communicate very well with their fellow tribesmen, flock together and recognize their place there.


Central Asian Shepherd: characteristics of the breed does not allow inexperienced dog breeders to educate and train. Raising an Alabai at home should begin almost from birth under the guidance of a dog handler. By three months, wolfhounds have developed an independent personality and it will be much more difficult to correct an established behavior pattern.

Attention! It is forbidden to cause pain to the alabai. Screams and too sudden movements should be avoided. The dog can get out of control and injure itself.

The Asian should be taught to give food to the owner. This is how the puppy learns who is the leader of the pack. You can’t indulge your pets - they quickly take the reins of power into their paws.

Quite quickly, shepherd dogs begin to carry out standard commands. Nevertheless, raising a dog should be entrusted to a training specialist.