Walnut shell. Similar traditional medicines

The seemingly ordinary hazelnut has many names: hazelnut, Lombard nut, hazel. Behind these names lies a well-known and seemingly unremarkable nut, but the food and healing properties hazelnuts tell a different story. This nut has a lot of advantages and has long been used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. In addition to the nut itself and its shell, medicinal purposes Hazel leaves and bark are often used.

Like other nuts, hazelnuts have a balanced and extremely beneficial composition for humans. Hazelnut kernels contain quite a lot of protein, which is represented by all necessary for a person amino acids obtained from outside. And the composition of vegetable fats, the share of which reaches 60-70% in hazelnuts, contains the necessary monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, including oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and stearic. All this makes what seems to be a fairly high-calorie product harmless for people with overweight. Eating hazelnuts normalizes metabolic processes, lowers, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

The presence of a large amount of hazel fatty acids along with microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, as well as vitamins A, C, E and B vitamins have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. The introduction of hazelnuts into the diet is recommended for those suffering from coronary heart disease, as well as people who have had a heart attack or stroke. Beneficial substances from hazelnut kernels strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, which makes hazel indispensable for thrombophlebitis.

The choleretic and properties of hazelnuts are also known. Eating it stimulates milk production in lactating women and has a positive effect. Like other nuts, hazel is included in the.

In folk medicine, hazelnuts are used for treatment pulmonary diseases, kidney stone disease, prevention and even for prevention oncological diseases. A substance called paclitaxel, which is part of one of the most effective anti-cancer drugs at the moment, is responsible for this in the Lombardy nut.

The general strengthening and immunity-boosting properties of hazelnuts are well known. As food product hazelnuts are recommended to be included in the daily diet of weakened people after long-term illnesses or complex operations. At the same time the norm daily consumption hazelnuts for an adult are limited to 30-50 grams of kernels, which is about 10-15 nuts.

Rules for storing hazelnuts

It is best to buy and store hazelnuts unshelled, that is, in the shell. Peeled hazelnut kernels very quickly lose their beneficial properties. Hazelnuts are harvested at the end of summer or early autumn, which is when it is worth buying nuts from the new harvest. It is better to take medium sized nuts. The shell must be intact, clean and smooth, and the nuts themselves must be dry and free of foreign odors. The sound of unshelled nuts knocking against each other should be quite loud and ringing. Typically, the shelf life of hazelnuts is six months after harvest, during which time the nutritional and beneficial properties of the nut gradually decrease.

Folk recipes based on hazelnut kernels

As a general strengthening agent for vitamin deficiency, chronic fatigue, anemia and rheumatism It is recommended to consume hazelnuts with. For cooking dosage form Hazelnut kernels are crushed and mixed with honey in equal proportions. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day between meals. The minimum treatment course is 1 month.

For bronchitis, pneumonia 10-15 nuts are crushed and mixed with a glass of hot milk. Take a quarter glass of the product warm 3-4 times a day. To enhance erection The same recipe is used, but instead of cow's milk it is recommended to use goat's milk.

For treatment urolithiasis and colitis 200 grams of hazelnut kernels are ground to a paste and poured into a glass of water. Leave for 2-3 hours and take a quarter glass 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

At nervous diseases, as well as for the treatment of gastritis, enterocolitis and cholecystitis Take nut milk, which is obtained by boiling a tablespoon of chopped hazelnut kernels in a glass of milk.

Folk recipes based on hazelnut shells

For prostatitis shells from one kilogram of nuts are poured into one and a half liters of boiling water and boiled over low heat to a volume of 1 liter. The broth is cooled, filtered and taken 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Folk recipes based on the bark and leaves of hazel or hazel

For diarrhea, and also as an antipyretic A decoction of hazel bark and leaves is used. Take half a tablespoon of each type of plant material, pour a glass of boiling water and leave on low heat for half an hour. Then the product is cooled, filtered and taken a quarter glass 3-4 times a day with food.

As a diuretic make a decoction of two tablespoons of crushed young hazel bark and the same amount of parsley root. The plant material is poured with a liter of water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. The product is cooled, filtered and drunk in several doses throughout the day. For the same purposes, you can use a decoction without adding parsley root.

At varicose veins veins 1 tablespoon of crushed dry bark is poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and simmered for 5 minutes, then the product is infused for 3-4 hours, filtered and taken half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

Hazelnut contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of hazelnuts is considered to be individual intolerance to the product. Also, hazelnuts are not recommended for children with chronic diseases liver and severe forms of diabetes.

When eating hazelnuts, you must adhere to the recommended daily norm 30-50 grams, since exceeding it can lead to. And during treatment folk remedies from hazelnuts, you should consult a specialist.

Walnut has a very wide range impact on human body, at proper preparation With medicines based on it, we can get rid of many ailments and prevent diseases.

Avicena, Herodotus, and other representatives of ancient medicine believed that fruits and nut shells have amazing properties and unique vitality.

Meet the walnut shell

Unfortunately, not many people know about the benefits of shells, and after eating nuts, they rush to throw them away. Such carelessness is not justified; having learned its application, you will, of course, act differently. The same applies to green shells when walnuts are just beginning to ripen.

Surprisingly, the shell is used in the manufacturing process charcoal, roofing felt and linoleum, but besides this, of course, people have learned to extract benefits from the shell for their health.

They do a lot of things with the shell - boil it in milk, burn it, dry it, grind it into powder, use it for depilation, with the green peel - make a tincture with vodka, alcohol and honey.

In our article we will introduce you to the properties of shells infused with vodka, and how the shells can be used walnuts for medicinal purposes.

The shell, like the nut kernels, contains a large number of useful components - vitamins, minerals and trace elements. If we remembered this, we would hardly deprive ourselves of the opportunity to replenish the body with useful components by throwing the shells in the trash.

Recipe 1.

Based on the useful component of the tree walnut a tincture is made. Making a tincture is not difficult. Take a clean container, prepare the nuts, and crush the shells as much as possible. Walnut shells should fill the glass container 2/3 full, fill it with vodka to the brim. The tincture should stand for two to three months.

If it is difficult to take a vodka tincture due to its specific bitterness, it can be sweetened. Place a teaspoon of sugar on a half-liter jar, but only when the tincture is ready. After cooking, it must be passed through a filter (gauze folded in several layers).

Recipe 2.

You can use another recipe - eat 15 nuts, wash and dry the shells. Place in a jar and fill with vodka. Leave the tincture for two weeks. After the time has passed, take it out, strain and take the tincture for your health.

Recipe 3.

Extremely rich in vitamin C, green shell, in the process of maturation its quantity decreases. Tincture made from green shells is recommended in traditional medicine for dysentery, kidney diseases, bladder and ureters.

It is prepared like this:

Pour a liter of vodka over the peels of forty nuts in a dark glass container. The dishes are placed in the sun for 10 - 14 days. After this, filter, separating the skins and debris, and take one tablespoon three times a day, not on an empty stomach.

This tincture strengthens protective forces body, improves the condition of cardiovascular vascular diseases, improves digestion and relieves indigestion.

The use of such a medicine will give good result in the comprehensive prevention of blood clots, in the treatment of advanced bronchitis, and will help with insomnia and colds.

If you drink one tablespoon of the tincture on an empty stomach, blockages, tumors and cysts will resolve.

In order not to harm your health, consult your doctor regarding dosage and duration of treatment.

Use of traditional medicine

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that the use of shells plays the same role for our body as the use of walnut kernels. Tincture on the shell strengthens the body, improves memory and general well-being, it will speed up recovery after colds and normalizes work thyroid gland. For her normal operation you need natural iodine, which this plant is so rich in.

The tincture fights female infertility, improves potency, has a good effect on skin, hair and nails. Weakened patients who have undergone severe operations and have lost vitality It must be taken very carefully, starting with a few drops.

Green shell tincture is indicated for uterine fibroids, mastopathy, ear inflammation, inflammation of the mucous membranes, joint and blood diseases. It treats gastritis, colitis, and improves the condition of patients with type 2 diabetes.


The tincture should not be taken by children, pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is not recommended during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, or with allergies to iodine and nuts. While taking medication high blood pressure you need to control it, as vodka increases it. If your health worsens, you should stop taking the tincture.

Now you know why the priests of Babylon did not allow ordinary people eat nuts, and in ancient times nuts were considered food for heroes.

Walnuts, namely their shells, will help you become beautiful, and most importantly, healthy. But you cannot self-medicate; before preparing the tincture and starting to use it, consult your doctor.

24.09.2017 11 821

Walnut shell - use in folk medicine, in the home and in the country

Rich in iodine, glycosides, alkaloids and organic acids, walnut shells are used in the treatment of many diseases and ailments, are widely used in gardening, and are also common in cosmetology...


What are the benefits of walnut shells?

Walnuts are a healthy and tasty product. Lovers of this nutritious delicacy sooner or later face the question of how to use walnut shells. The first place where you should put your stock of shells resembling a turtle shell is for the benefit of your own health, because they are a valuable source useful substances and are used to treat diseases:

  • over or underactive thyroid
  • high blood pressure
  • insomnia
  • high blood cholesterol and atherosclerotic problems
  • inflammation of veins, soft tissues and skin

They are also used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bronchopulmonary system, as well as to cleanse the body of salts and toxins. Property proven nut shell cleanse the body of radioactive elements. Preparations from it are recommended to be used to eliminate inflammation in genitourinary system, cystic neoplasms, polyps.

At home, you can safely and gently whiten your teeth with walnut peels, as well as remove excess hair from your body. Also, products containing walnut shells are used in dermatology - they have an astringent, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect, which allows them to be used to treat purulent rashes, acne and long-lasting wounds.

Walnut shells - recipes for health

To get rid of ailments, tinctures are used, which contain only alcohol and walnut shells. Applications and recipes can be different, let’s look at the most popular ones:

  1. The shells of 14 nuts are crushed and poured into a bottle with 0.5 liters of vodka, left for a week in the dark, shaking occasionally and taken a tablespoon in the morning before breakfast for atherosclerosis, slagging in the body, chronic bronchitis, salt deposition in joints and kidneys
  2. Partitions made from walnut shells in the amount of 6 tablespoons are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka, left in the dark for a week - this tincture is taken for thyroid diseases (a tablespoon before meals no more than three times a day), for colitis (10 drops three times a day). a day before meals), or intestinal polyps (a teaspoon after meals three times a day)
  3. The shell partitions are poured with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 1 and left for a week. The filtered tincture is taken three times a day before meals at diabetes mellitus And poor circulation in the brain

Any of these tinctures will help alleviate the condition of radiculitis, arthritis, spinal osteochondrosis; they rub problem areas with them, and then wrap them in woolen cloth.

Important to know! Walnut shells and the use of compounds made from them can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. They cannot be used for these diseases.

Another group of remedies where walnut shells go are decoctions and infusions of water. They are recommended for external use for douching. gynecological diseases, as well as for stomatitis and gingivitis. Walnut shells are very useful for teeth - if you regularly rinse your mouth with a decoction of it, you can eliminate inflammatory processes and tartar, remove dark plaque, prevent the formation of caries. You can brush your teeth with a decoction of walnuts every morning and evening - it does not harm the enamel and gums.

To prepare the decoction, you will need the shells of 10 walnuts and a liter of water. The ingredients are mixed and boiled until the liquid turns dark brown. The resulting decoction is filtered, and before use, dilute 10 ml of decoction in a glass clean water, and used for rinsing and douching.

To cleanse the skin of excess vegetation, you will need ash from walnut shells. It is diluted with water to a viscous paste and applied to the areas where hairs grow for 10-15 minutes. It is especially useful to use walnut against facial hair, since this remedy does not have any side effects and does not cause irritation.

Walnut shells - use in the garden

On forums of gardeners and gardeners they often discuss the problem of whether using nut shells in the garden is really useful. It is believed that the alkaloids and resinous compounds included in its composition inhibit beneficial microflora in the soil. That is why walnut shells are often used as fuel, and then their ash is applied to the soil as a natural fertilizer. This method of application is good, but you can find more useful application Such waste in gardening, walnut shells can be used for several purposes:

  • for mulching the soil under flowers and trees
  • for designing garden paths
  • to improve soil structure

The hard shells of the nuts must be crushed before use. In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider the size of the particles. For example, walnut shells for mulching should be crushed into crumbs up to 5 mm in size. It must be laid in a layer of 5 cm, otherwise weeds will grow through it.

To design garden paths, larger fragments are used - 10-15 mm each. To prevent the shells from gradually sinking into the soil, it is recommended to remove the turf, then cover the surface of future paths with non-woven black material, and then pour crushed shells on top of it in a layer of 10 cm or more and compact the pedestrian area well.

If walnut shells are used as fertilizer, its particles should be no more than 1-2 mm in diameter. They need to be entered in large quantities, up to 2 glasses per square meter. If there are concerns that walnut shells will negatively affect the microbiological composition of the soil, you can add it to the compost heap.

Regular walnut shells are used in many areas. People's and official medicine, body care and gardening - everywhere its benefits have been proven in practice. In order not to be disappointed in this product, it is important not to overdo it, because the shell contains a large amount of biologically active substances, which, if exceeded, can cause various problems.

Walnut contains a huge amount of healing substances, minerals and vitamins.
For centuries, walnuts have been considered one of the best remedies for many diseases where even herbs could not help. Walnut tincture here acted as a real salvation from ailments.
There are a good hundred recipes known around the world. cooking with walnuts medicines.

It must be said that in folk medicine there is little effective advice regarding dental treatment, but the recipe with walnut shells is worthy of attention.

According to dentists, it is precisely with the delay remote raid causes tooth loss.

But the mechanical impact on tartar, which is still practiced in municipal clinics, also does not always have a positive effect on the structure of the teeth - often after the cleaning procedure they begin to crumble.

Therefore, it is better if you can prevent the appearance of mineralized deposits in general by performing thorough brushing of your teeth.

After all, tartar is formed from food debris that rots and, when broken down, becomes useful soil for life. pathogenic bacteria.

Calcium salts give organic plaque strength, so you can’t just remove it with a toothbrush.

Only acids or special enzymes, which, by the way, are present in nut shells, can help deal with hardened deposits.

The first signs of tartar, which can be noticed when studying the dentition using a regular mirror, appear as dark rims around the organ.

Doctors advise patients to remove tartar regularly, 1 or 2 times a year.

More often the pathology is formed with its inside, after which it spreads over the rest of the tooth surface over time.

If you do not pay attention to the condition of the enamel throughout the entire period of growth of dental plaque, then soon it will appear from the mouth. bad smell and bleeding gums will occur.

If we talk about the completely neglected state of dental health, it is expressed in damage by pathology to the gum papillae, which leads to aesthetic problems and periodontitis.

How to use nut shells for tartar?

Of the existing types of nut-like fruits, the walnut is the most popular in our country, as it has unique medicinal properties.

By the way, not only the walnut kernel is useful, but also its shells with partitions, so do not rush to throw them away.

When properly prepared as a decoction, nut shells can cope with old plaque and tartar.

To remove fossilized deposits at home using baking soda or crushed activated carbon, you shouldn't even hope.

According to dentists, there is no better way than visiting their office for this purpose. And yet, if the hardened plaque is located above the gum, then you can get rid of it by using a recipe in which nut shells are the main ingredient.

A decoction of walnut shells is prepared and used according to the following scheme:

  • take 200 ml of water and 40 g of walnut shell;
  • fill the shell with water, put it on the fire and let it boil;
  • cook over low heat nut composition within 25 minutes;
  • Remove the medicine from the heat and strain after cooling.

In addition to the fact that the nut broth prepared according to this recipe helps remove tartar, it is also good antibacterial agent, which can disinfect the oral cavity and heal existing wounds.

On top of that, a decoction of walnut shells does an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Before you start brushing your teeth using nut broth, recommended toothbrush dip into the prepared mixture and keep in it for about ten minutes.

Then you need to thoroughly brush your teeth with it for 3-4 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction, which will allow the cleaning liquid to penetrate into the most inaccessible places of the dentition.

In addition, you need to prepare a new decoction every day; you can use the old one, but for this the composition must be stored in the refrigerator.

In the latter case, you will need to pour a little product into a separate container and use it for its intended purpose after heating.

— An overdose of walnut-based medicines is strictly unacceptable. This will lead to toxicity due to the huge composition of active substances in the form of alkaloids, fatty acids, amino acids.
- For the treatment of the pancreas, walnut medicines are unacceptable, but if the stomach hurts, then these medicines are the best remedy.
- You cannot take nuts and medicines based on it when there is proctitis, paraproctitis, acute colitis and other forms of diseases associated with the intestines.
— There are also allergies to walnuts. Then all forms of walnut medicines are strictly prohibited.

Let's talk about how walnut shells help against tartar, recipes and reviews. After all, many people have to struggle with such a problem. Plaque and deposits can cause loss even healthy tooth, and more often – lead to caries and other tissue damage.

Not all people trust doctors and do not want to go to the dentist with similar questions, trying to solve many oral problems with home remedies. Fortunately, nature has enough natural products that can help us in the fight for health.

Useful properties

The walnut itself has a lot of important components that have a beneficial effect on human health in general. The main properties can be listed:

The additional presence of alkaloids in walnuts makes it possible to protect the body from most viruses, and also has antitumor effect. Essential oils and quinones are able to heal wounds, and huge amount have vitamins positive impact to all organs human body at regular use inside.

Walnuts are prescribed to children, athletes, and pregnant women because they help cope with other health issues:

  • Growth hormone accelerates the development of children, giving the weakened body the opportunity to restore strength.
  • Saturates with calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals in the amount of a daily dose.
  • In terms of the composition of beneficial amino acids and fatty acids, it can replace meat, fish and milk in the diet.

Among the most popular uses of walnuts in any form for the treatment of diseases are the following:

  1. Cardiovascular – normalizes heart function, dilates blood vessels and helps cleanse the blood.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract – reduces the risk of mucosal inflammation and also helps improve metabolism.
  3. Increases immunity - saturates with vitamins, especially C, stimulates the body to fight pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Nutrition for athletes - renews strength during training and also saturates it with useful acids.
  5. Recovery after surgery and long courses of antibiotics.
  6. When rejuvenating the body, since the nut contains a considerable amount of antioxidants.
  7. In case of obesity, in dietetics it helps to normalize metabolism.
  8. Antitumor therapy using high doses of certain amino acids.
  9. Diseases nervous system, which is affected by B vitamins and various minerals in its composition.

And this list can go on for a long time. The benefits of walnuts and any decoctions and infusions from them have been noticed by humanity for a long time and are widely used in folk medicine. It is not surprising that it also contains substances that can fight against tartar.


Although walnuts are a storehouse of useful substances, each similar product has contraindications, which in some cases must be taken into account:

  • It is not recommended to exceed reasonable doses of its use, since the same alkaloids in the composition in large quantities become dangerous poison, which will lead to intoxication and poisoning.
  • They also cannot be used to treat diseases of the pancreas.
  • Colitis, paraproctitis and proctitis are contraindications to eating nuts, the same applies to a number of other stomach diseases in the acute stage.
  • In case of any allergic reactions It is better to stop taking them for a while.
  • Do not treat with walnut infusions skin diseases, such as psoriasis, diathesis, etc.
  • If you have stomatitis, you should not rinse your mouth with this infusion, as it will only worsen the situation.

How to use walnut shells for tartar?

Having listed so many beneficial components of the walnut, it is logical to assume that you can also fight against tartar with its help. To do this, they do not use the nut itself, but only its shell and prepare decoctions from it.

Let's tell you in more detail about the two most popular cooking methods that use walnuts for tartar removal.

Recipe No. 1

  1. It is enough to take 40 grams of shells and pour one glass of boiled water over it.
  2. We put all this on low heat and let it simmer for about 20 minutes. The broth will become dark and acquire a specific smell.
  3. When it cools down, you need to put a toothbrush there and let it stand for 15 minutes.
  4. Then they use it to brush their teeth, especially paying attention to problem areas. As soon as you feel that there is no decoction left on the brush, you can additionally dip it in a glass.

Special substances released during the cooking process can improve blood circulation in the gums, but more importantly, dissolve hard plaque and completely remove it over time. In parallel with this, all pathogenic bacteria that have accumulated in the oral cavity are removed.

The more old and hard the tartar, the longer it will take to remove it. Usually two weeks is enough similar procedures. It is very important after such cleaning to rinse your mouth with water or treat the surface with toothpaste so that the broth does not begin to destroy the enamel.

Recipe No. 2

To enhance therapeutic effect You can also add dry leaves of this plant to the nut shell.

  1. For one application, take 10 shells and 100 grams of dried leaves. Pour them with a glass of water and boil over low heat for about half an hour. The solution is filtered and allowed to cool.
  2. To clean, dip a brush into the broth and then treat it with it. tooth surface. Additionally, you can rinse your mouth with this product. The procedure is carried out three times a day.

In addition to the decoction, a tincture is also prepared. To prepare it, take 10-15 shells, crush them and pour vodka. Let it brew for two weeks in some dark place in a container with a closed lid.

After the tincture is prepared, it is filtered and used to wash the surface where tartar is most noticeable. After the procedure, you must brush your teeth as usual.

Video: how to make tincture from walnut shells?