Cases of healing from lung cancer. Self-healing from cancer: is it worth believing in a miracle?

Dear friend, I want to testify to the incredible case of healing from cancer Stage 4 of a dying woman who was carried straight into our church on a stretcher at the beginning of the service.

According to the story of her young daughter, the following follows: her mother, amazed cancer, was in the oncology department of the city hospital. The doctors did everything to save the woman, but were powerless due to the advanced state of the disease. After all, it’s stage 4. She was simply discharged and sent home to die. Relatives were warned: “Get ready for the funeral. It will last a maximum of three more weeks...”

This is what the believing daughter of that dying woman testified to us:

“I was very worried about my mother, often secretly cried, and fasted more than once for her healing. I constantly prayed to Jesus to perform a creative miracle and supernatural from cancer my dear mother. One day, while serving in a home group, I asked my sisters and brothers to join me in prayer for the supernatural. healing moms from cancer . We prayed with one accord. This was an intercessory prayer before God. After that, peace came to my heart. God put a desire on my heart to take my mother to church for the upcoming service. After all, in the Gospel of Luke it is written as follows:

“Behold, some brought a man who was paralyzed on a bed, and tried to carry him [into the house] and lay him before Jesus;
and, not finding where to carry him because of the crowd, they climbed onto the top of the house and through the roof lowered him with his bed into the middle before Jesus.
And He, seeing their faith, said to the man: Your sins are forgiven you.
The scribes and Pharisees began to reason, saying: Who is this that blasphemes? Who can sin but God alone?
Jesus, understanding their thoughts, answered and said to them, “What are you thinking in your hearts?”
What is easier to say: your sins are forgiven you, or to say: get up and walk?
But so that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins, He said to the paralytic: I say to you, get up, take up your bed and go to your house.
And he immediately stood up before them, took what he was lying on, and went to his house, praising God.
And horror seized everyone, and they glorified God and, being filled with fear, said: “We have seen wonderful things today.”
(Luke 5:18-26)

They helped me with this, and so they put my mother along with the stretcher right next to the first row. The entire church prayed earnestly for her and proclaimed a creative miracle. After that I took her home. A couple of days later, my mother suddenly asked for food. Our whole family was terribly happy, because for all of us this was already a miracle, because my mother had not been able to take any food for a long time due to her defeat. cancer her insides. She was like a skeleton covered in yellow skin. And then I started eating light food. After some time, she began to get out of bed and move around on her own. And soon, it was completely healed by the power of God from a fatal disease. The attending doctors, upon learning about this, were simply shocked. She went through another thorough medical examination, the results of which confirmed its complete healing from cancer . Glory to Jesus!.."

Incredible but true! Cases of healing from cancer Stage 4 – You don’t hear or see them often. Yes, indeed, everything is possible with God. He has not changed - the same yesterday, today and forever. He produces healing from cancer , no matter what stage it is, even in our time. Where medicine is powerless, where science is unable to provide an answer to the existing problem, there the almighty God begins to act. He answers the prayers of sincere believers, especially prayers of agreement. That healed woman, after a miracle happened to her, believed in Jesus Christ and gave her heart to Him. Her personal was published in our church newspaper.

God also put it on my heart to make a video recording of a healing prayer for every person burdened cancerous disease. Look and listen, may the Lord heal you. And remember: Let's beat cancer!

Here is a recording of a video clip with my prayer for healing from cancer

If you want to learn more about your Creator, about the power of prayer, about how to pray, how to make peace with God, visit my website. And may God bless you.

Untouch: Once, during one of the chemotherapy courses, I was lying in the same room with one very “strange” person (I’m probably just as strange now), who read Blavatsky and talked about some kind of faith, dreams, life goals, about God. My former friend (peace be upon him) and I even joked about him. This man had only the first course, and once he told me that he would no longer be treated in the hospital, but would try it himself. To this I reminded him of the doctor’s words: “This disease is incurable and requires mandatory periodic hospitalization (chronic mailoma).” I looked at him like he was a fool, and later I turned out to be such a fool myself. Then my treatment went well. But somehow I was discharged from the next course (I had been treated for a year and a half - of which I spent two months at home) - this was supposed to be my first 12-week intercourse break. I was happy, but it was not to be. Three weeks after discharge, I came to the hospital for tests and for pills, took a general test (finger test) - and there they found BLASTS. A sternal puncture was scheduled for the next day.

I arrived home and didn’t know how to tell my mother, but it turns out that they had already called her from the hospital and said that I had a relapse, and that I had to start all the treatment all over again (and this is the entire three-year protocol, since for a transplant bone marrow my sister didn’t come up, and I wouldn’t have agreed to her). I thought that my body or nerves wouldn’t be able to withstand it a second time, and even if they did, I would definitely remain disabled for the rest of my life. Why then live - to suffer, nooo - I’d rather die. If I had been treated outside of Russia, I would have thought about whether or not to get treatment in a hospital, but there’s no point in thinking about it. I told everyone that I would not return to hematology (if there is hell on earth, then it is there). Maybe this is not the case in hematology institutes, but in the provinces, Alas: doctors generally don’t give a damn about patients - if the patient gets out of it on his own, then thank God, but if not, then it’s not fate. I was almost sent to the next world twice due to negligence (if you die not from illness, then medical staff will try). Of course I don't mind medical workers I don’t have one - no one will work even “badly” for such a salary.

Hope dies last! Oh, how I wanted to live then, I thought: “Why the hell was I born, studied - if you die at 18 years old. NO, figurines. I'll find it alternative treatment" Everyone except my mother (she was the only one who understood me) began to persuade me to return. The most ardent persuader was my grandmother (she is a therapist), she said: “Are you smarter than the doctors - come on, go to the hospital.” He calls the head of the department and says that no one has ever been cured “like that”, and that 15 years ago even traditional medicine You didn’t treat leukemia, and in short, you’ll die.
And I didn’t even know how to be treated “that way” (herbs, they said, don’t help with leukemia, and if poisons help, it’s temporary). I borrowed books from my grandmother alternative medicine, newspapers “HLS”, etc. and started looking for something. The temperature is getting higher and higher. A few days later I came across an old book, where I was attracted by fasting according to Paul Bragg. Somewhere before I heard that during fasting all impaired functions of the body are restored, while animals with any illness starve.

I immediately remembered the words of Hippocrates: “Man carries within himself a doctor. We just need to help him with his work. If the body is not cleansed, then the more you nourish it, the more you will harm it.” When a sick person is fed too much, his illness is also fed. Traditional medicine says that cancer cells consume almost 10 times more glucose than simple ones, and I realized that I had to try it. If I feel bad from hunger, then cancer cells feel 10 times worse. Subsequently, it turned out that during fasting the normal balance of cells (including bone marrow - good/bad) is restored. I don’t know exactly why, but it’s a fact.

The final impetus for fasting was given to me by the story of a seriously ill Swede (stomach cancer with metastases of the fourth stage), who, having learned the diagnosis, decided last days spend your life on a yacht at sea. During a strong storm, all food became unusable, except for a head of garlic and crackers. At that time he was in the open ocean. All remaining provisionsit lasted almost a month, all this time he drank rainwater. Upon arrival at the port, he felt excellent, only hunger made itself felt. The examination did not confirm the presence of cancer, and the doctors had already buried him. Then it dawned on me - he was starving! However, the doctors thought that the head of garlic saved him!! Although it has excellent anti-cancer properties, it is not of the fourth degree.

And so I decided to starve. I was counting on 10 days, but when I got to the 9th, I decided to charge another ten. Since I didn’t have a distiller, they brought me distilled water from pharmacies. Bragg believed that distilled water has the best rejuvenating properties, but then I learned from Tibetan treatises on medicine that only melt water that quickly flows from the mountains (not to be confused with rain) has strong properties. After the fourth day of fasting, the temperature subsided. I continued my search for treatments - I won’t starve forever (and I was quite successful in my search). I found a lot of options, which I later tested on myself, but now I don’t understand how people search when they don’t find anything? (WHO SEEKS WILL ALWAYS FIND.)

And it was then that I noticed one peculiarity: any medical teaching (non-traditional) again attaches the most important importance to some kind of FAITH, but the same thing hooked me Paul Bragg with his “Nerve Strength”. Then I remembered that I once heard from the most experienced doctors that only those who impeccably believe in their cure can be cured of leukemia, but, unfortunately, there are very few of them. Everyone looks at the statistics on the effectiveness of treatment and immediately classifies themselves as corpses. And it’s even more offensive when the doctor himself tells a person that his illness is incurable - God forbid, he would say that he simply DOESN’T KNOW how to treat, otherwise it’s “incurable”! It takes away a person's hope!
Bragg gave me the idea that the mind or brain (whatever) controls every cell of the body (also cancer cells). After all, what do yogis do with their body!!! A person in a state of hypnosis can also do a lot!!!

When I finished my fast, I was almost flying (so to speak) around the apartment. A week later I took tests at my clinic. When they were ready, I showed them to my granny, and she: “They screwed up something with your tests at the clinic.” I went and took it again - I still don’t believe it (ESR - 5, but it was 63). I tried to explain to her what I’m writing about now, but she doesn’t understand. Subsequently, I did, and still do, daily fasting once a week, weekly fasting once every three months, in addition, I went on an almost vegetarian diet. I remembered that during the course my heart was tingling, I thought I’d go and get checked (ECG). When I received the results, I didn’t understand a thing, I brought it home and showed it to my granny - she “MAKED ME HAPPY.” I almost fell from great joy. I came to my senses and thought: “Well, since I learned how to treat this, then I can even cure my heart.” Two weeks later I took the ECG again (I knew that everything was fine, I just needed to reassure my mother), the doctor who was doing the decoding, with her eyes bulging, said that everything was fine and asked to take it again - and the same thing (he says , that the device sometimes malfunctions).

To completely calm me down, my mother also forced me to do an ultrasound of my heart; my grandmother looked at me as if I was abnormal.
By chance I came across the phone number of the guy who was in the hospital with me, and decided to apologize for the ridicule and find out how he was doing. I called - one of my relatives picked up the phone and said that he had gone with a PARACHUTE jump, I left my phone number and asked him to call him back when he arrived. Then we went jumping with him. (Yesterday I already had my 13th jump.) And so he called me and advised me to read Norbekov’s “The Experience of a Fool.”

I go to a bookstore, pick up a book, and there it is about vision: my vision seems to be normal, but when I opened the book, I immediately understood that it was just what the doctor ordered. I decided to take Norbekov’s courses - that’s when my faith was thoroughly strengthened. After that I also went to India, to Sai Baba’s ashram. (THEN I UNDERSTANDED THE LINES FROM THE BIBLE: “BELIEVE, AND ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH YOU WILL BE REWARDED.” “MAN IS CREATED IN THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD.”)

I haven’t had any tests for six months now. Why the hell waste time - I already know what will happen.

№ 3/2009
Alexander Golyandin
IN lately The phenomenon of “spontaneous remission” - the unexpected recovery of cancer patients - is attracting increasing attention.
Until now, experts cannot explain what causes such healing, and therefore emphasize that patients should not rely on a happy coincidence of circumstances: they must undergo full course therapy for cancer, and only then believe that something unexpected will happen - a sudden relief from the disease.
Nowadays, spontaneous remission of cancerous tumors is known to any oncologist. However, many factors underlying this phenomenon are still unclear to scientists. Each person who experienced a miraculous healing has his own destiny, his own unique organism. Of course, the stories these people tell about their good fortune are often surprising. After all, by that time, patients are usually at that stage of cancer where medicine is powerless to help them. This is what makes a special impression.
According to statistics, such a phenomenon is observed only in one case out of 60 - 100 thousand. This takes into account that individual events obviously remain unknown to doctors, since recovered patients may not have gone to the hospital.
However, with some types of cancer, cases of spontaneous remission seem to occur more often than usual. We are talking about kidney carcinomas, melanomas, lymphomas and childhood neuroblastomas (the latter can, for example, degenerate into benign tumors nerve tissue). It is these types of cancer that account for up to half of all cases of miraculous healing. It is known that these malignant tumors are among those few types of tumors whose development can long time restrain or suppress the body’s immune system (or some other, poorly studied regulatory systems). In no case should we assume that the specificity of these diseases is also characteristic of other forms of cancer. For the most common types of illness, for example, lung or stomach cancer, breast cancer or acute leukemia- unexpected recovery is extremely rare. In such cases, the immune system is astonishingly inactive.
Here it is worth emphasizing what healing means from the point of view of oncologists. According to the majority, we should talk about the complete death of all cancer cells in the patient’s body. And even if the visible manifestations of the tumor have disappeared, several years of observation are required to establish whether a cure for cancer has actually occurred.
In 1990 - 1996, according to the German newspaper Deutsches Arzteblatt, 23 such cases were confirmed in the USA, 6 in Japan, 7 in England, 3 in Germany. In total, 50 cases of spontaneous remission were recorded during this period (statistics often vary; according to experts Cancer Center In Heidelberg, within the walls of this medical institution alone, 16 cases of such healings were recorded in the 1990s. - A.G.). The data mentioned is far from complete. After all, these statistics do not contain any reports from China and Australia, South America and Russia.
Obviously, a number of cases of miraculous healing are not included here due to the fact that they were reported in little-known journals or the attending physician did not show any interest in publishing on this topic. Usually doctors are reluctant to talk about the facts of unexpected healing and are embarrassed. After all, if the tumor resolved on its own, then perhaps they made a mistake when making the diagnosis and the patient did not initially have cancer.
So, precisely documented cases of spontaneous remission are rare. More often, there are cases of “imaginary remission”, when the patient was actually incorrectly diagnosed with cancer or the disease was nevertheless overcome thanks to the chosen course of treatment, which the recovered person himself may not have known for sure.
According to Herbert Kappauf, a researcher of this phenomenon (see “ZS”, 2/09), “in more than 80 percent of cases, reports of spontaneous remission” turn out to be erroneous, whether due to the fault of doctors who initially made the wrong diagnosis, or due to their own ignorance patients who took positive result therapy for some miracle.” However, in the remaining twenty percent of cases, traditional medicine cannot yet provide acceptable explanations.
In the scientific literature, facts of “miraculous deliverance from cancer” have been noted since the beginning of the 20th century, but only in the last two decades have they attracted significant attention from researchers. It all started with individual enthusiasts.
In 1918, Rodenburg describes 185 such stories. In 1964, Fauvet writes about 202 cases recorded in just five years (1960-1964). Two years later, Boyd reports 98 facts. Cole and Iverson counted 176 cases of spontaneous remission between 1900 and 1960. Challis identified 489 such events (1900-1987). In turn,
Brandon O'Regan and Caryl Hirshberg identified 1,385 sudden healings over the same period. One can only guess whether all of them were subsequently confirmed. In total, according to the journal Biotherapy, news of 20 to 30 new cases of spontaneous remission is now reported every year.
In the mirror of human destiny
One can only assume that the described phenomenon is explained by some immunological processes occurring in the patient’s body. They cause the death (apoptosis) of cancer cells. Hormonal factors also play a role. Cancerous tumors can develop normally only when they are properly supplied nutrients, which means their metastases penetrate the blood vessels. Various proteins are responsible for this. Obviously, in some cases, factors inhibiting angiogenesis take over - the formation of new blood vessels, which leads to the death of the tumor. Of course, such happy events are rare, and they are usually preceded by medical intervention, during which most of the cancer tissue dies or is removed, and the nutrition of the remaining areas is disrupted.
American biochemist Caryl Hirshberg states: “We all know that healing is possible only with the participation of forces inherent in the body itself, and this also applies to chemotherapy.” But what are these mysterious forces that can heal a person from cancer?
For example, cases of recovery of cancer patients who had suffered acute infectious disease or inflammatory process caused by a wound. This is apparently explained by the fact that as a result of the immune reaction, not only the causative agents of the disease, but also tumor cells can die. On the other hand, there are known cases of spontaneous remission of people with AIDS. Are we overestimating the role immune system in this phenomenon?
Obviously, psychological factors also play a role, but it is not yet clear which ones. For example, cases of miraculous healing of people who knew nothing about their cancer, as well as newborns (they, of course, also had no idea that something bad was happening to them).
Of course, there is a feeling that the patient's personality plays an important role in the fight against cancer. Sometimes our very soul seems to intervene in a person’s battle with an illness. Hormones and mediators released during various mental processes, can directly control cells of the immune system. Devout faith, no matter what - in God, in the support of loved ones, in a miracle drug - can restrain the development of a tumor and even suppress the activity of cancer cells. However, there is still too little research on this topic.
For example, a patient may be - this happens! - I am grateful to God for the test sent down to him, and this psychological attitude activates certain regulatory mechanisms that promote recovery. In fact, cases of spontaneous remission of deeply religious people have been reliably recorded. However, it is not yet known whether we are dealing with random coincidences or with some real reasons.
Caryl Hirshberg interviewed 50 people who were miraculously cured of cancer. As a rule, these people were distinguished by an unusually strong will to live. They accepted the diagnosis* but did not accept the prognosis. In addition, the beneficial effects of prayer were again noted (67 percent of cases). The support of loved ones also played an important role. Over 70 percent of respondents had been married for more than 20 years.
The work of the American psychiatrist David Spiegel is known in the West. According to his observations, patients who were on late stage breast cancer and surrounded by the care and attention of loved ones, lived on average one and a half years longer than single women from the control group. This was also confirmed by another American study, which monitored 30 thousand patients with cancer. The result was similar. Lonely people are less likely to survive. Skeptics, however, note that relatives better inform patients about their condition, and this allows them to choose the most appropriate course of therapy.
Marilyn Schlitz, a researcher from San Francisco who has collected information on more than a thousand cases of spontaneous healing, is convinced: “Such a phenomenon is most often associated with a decisive change in the patient’s life - be it a wedding, divorce or turning to God.”
However, as stated in the pages of the journal Oncology, “at present, no unambiguous connection has been identified between a certain line of behavior of the patient and his spontaneous recovery.” Each healed person has his own philosophy that explains how this “miracle” happened.
By sheer force of will?
In any case, reliable statistics are needed to answer the question of what are the characteristics of the psychology and behavior of patients who have experienced miraculous healing. After all, this problem worries many people, but in special publications it is usually not addressed in any way.
Apparently, unexpected recovery from cancer is due to for various reasons, which only complicates the study of this phenomenon. It is likely that a combination of several factors leads to the “programmed death” of a tumor. Typically, cancer cells are not susceptible to commands that make normal cells die. But in some cases, this program fails, which saves the person. However, at present, neither doctors nor patients themselves can purposefully induce spontaneous remission.
This phenomenon still remains a blank spot in medical science. “It is difficult to study,” emphasizes German oncologist Lothar Böning, “firstly, because it is rare, secondly, descriptions of such cases are not systematized, thirdly, very detailed studies are needed that would help to understand what changes occur in body in case of miraculous healing.”
Many patients are desperate to find a solution to this riddle. But does it exist? The same Lothar Böning believes that it is not possible to find it: “I don’t know whether it will be possible to find any kind of system in all this. It may turn out that we are talking about a simple accumulation of accidents. In my opinion, this is the most likely explanation."
Herbert Kappauf, author of the book “Miracles Are Possible,” is also careful. The reason for spontaneous remission “should not be reduced, first of all, to the patient’s psychological mood, his behavior or volitional efforts.” Scientists resolutely refuse to believe that there are people who - because of their character - are more likely to recover from cancer. It is also a mistake to assume that only patients endowed with exceptional qualities can cope with cancer on their own. “Even the most strong-willed people die of cancer.”
Much has been written in the press about how the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong, thanks to “his indomitable will,” defeated cancer. “In fact, the sporting successes he achieved have nothing to do with his recovery,” notes Lothar Böning. Like thousands of other patients, Armstrong benefited from chemotherapy. The story of his miraculous salvation is just a fairy tale. A dangerous tale! “We are dealing with a dictatorship of positive thinking. Patients are actually taught that they themselves are to blame for their illness if they fail to cure themselves through sheer force of will.”
In fact, will, I repeat, does not decide everything. Among the people who were miraculously cured of cancer, there are fighters who fought desperately for life, and those who seemingly gave up. Some of the recovered patients radically changed their lifestyle, others did nothing.
In his book, Kappauf gives the example of a heavy smoker who was diagnosed with lung cancer. Medicine was powerless to help. The woman, despite the doctors' prohibitions, continued to smoke, and suddenly the tumor disappeared. So there is no scheme, no line of behavior before which the disease would retreat.
Thirty-five years ago, in May 1974, the first world conference on spontaneous remission was held in the USA, at Johns Hopkins University. However, over these decades, scientists have made no progress in explaining this phenomenon, which, as practice shows, can be observed at any stage of the disease. The patients themselves can only hope and still believe in a miracle, which, as the facts say, sometimes happens.
So, the phenomenon of miraculous healing is not understood to this day. However, it would be a mistake to ignore it or deny its significance. Perhaps spontaneous remission is the key to the future victory over cancer. Perhaps every person’s body has a reserve of strength that allows him to cope with this disease. But how to awaken these dormant talents? Unexpected healings are rare, but they still happen more often than winning six lottery numbers. There are many who want to earn a large sum, and this does not seem strange. So why - with good reason - not hope for a crazy win in a duel with the disease? Still, hope inspires!
Over time, oncologists will undoubtedly find the reason for these miracles and learn to use it for the benefit of many thousands of patients who can only hope for the success of the chosen course of treatment.

Miraculous cases of healing

Courage does not consist in blindly facing danger, but in facing it with open eyes.

I. Richter

There are many cases of healing from cancer described in the literature, here are some of them.

Case one

The old woman from the cancer clinic was sent home to die. Someone advised taking baths with herbal infusions, someone recommended... creolin - a toxic oily liquid dark brown used in veterinary medicine.

At home, her husband started treating her: he collected flowering herbs in the forest, put them in a bathtub, poured boiling water over them and let them brew. When the water cooled to 40–45 degrees, he sat his wife there. While she was taking a bath, he prayed in front of the images. The wife also prayed, reclining in the bath. After 15–20 minutes, the grandfather took her from the bath, carried her to bed and gave her milk with creolin.

Method of treating liver and stomach cancer using creolin

Day 1 – add two drops of creolin to 50 ml of milk and drink before bed.

Day 2 – increase the dose to three drops.

The limit is 15 drops, then you need to reduce the dose by one drop per day. Finish taking one drop dissolved in 50 ml of milk.

After taking a week's break, repeat the entire treatment from the beginning. After each course of treatment, an examination at an oncology clinic is necessary.

The old man and the old woman were treated all summer, and in the fall the eighty-year-old woman began to walk independently!

(Described by Mikhail Rechkin, “Be Healthy” magazine, No. 11, 1996)

Case two

Patient P. suffered from lung cancer in the fourth stage. There were already metastases in the liver and spine. The liver was huge: it could be felt below the navel. Worried severe pain in the spine. From the regional oncology clinic he was discharged home as hopeless, prescribed narcotics and antistatic treatment to relieve pain. An ambulance paramedic went to the patient’s home twice a day, administering drug injections. He lay in bed, waiting for a visit and not having the strength to walk.

This went on for several months. One day the patient was not in bed: “He went out to the garden.” Then he “went fishing.” The now ambulant patient was sent for examination to the regional oncology clinic. It turned out that there were no metastases, only a small lesion remained in the lungs - the size of a three-kopeck coin. They did a biopsy: cancer. How was this patient treated? While taking all the treatment prescribed by the doctors, he simultaneously drank plenty of mash, into which his wife put all the grass pulled out from the garden.

This man is now alive and well. Dependence on drugs has been removed, and in patients it is easily removed.

(Told by my oncologist Albina Georgievna.)

Case three

(Described by Vladimir Cherkasov, “Be Healthy” magazine, No. 11, 1995)

Case four

U young man there was an obstruction of the esophagus - doctors diagnosed stage 4 cancer. Every attempt to swallow something ended severe vomiting. Realizing that he was so close to starvation, he decided to chew his unloved rolled oats. In four hours, a teaspoon of cereal dissolved in saliva and ran into the stomach without provoking vomiting. I decided to continue like this. After three weeks, the pain subsided, and the esophagus began to let thoroughly chewed cereal through.

Then an x-ray confirmed that the tumor had disappeared.

Case five

A Caucasian man was admitted to the oncology clinic for surgery. When opening the stomach cavity, the surgeon discovered the so-called “head of the jellyfish” - the last stage of stomach cancer. The doctor sewed up the incision without changing anything, and told the patient that the operation was successful. The patient was discharged, like many sentenced prisoners.

A year later, he came to the surgeon with a gift for his cure: a sheep carcass.

(Told by Nadezhda Terenko, “Be Healthy” magazine, No. 8, 1996)

Case six

The doctor told the daughter of one sick woman that her mother had uterine cancer. last stage and therefore surgery is impossible, and suggested a large dose of radiation. The daughter agreed, and after treatment, the forty-five-year-old woman and her husband went to live in the village, where they got a cow. Now she is 80, she still works in the garden.

As can be seen from these examples, the body itself is capable in various ways expel the disease from oneself, absorb tumor cells or remove them through the excretory systems. To do this, you need to create suitable conditions. And very strong desire live.

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Rosehip oil and its wonderful properties The highest quality (and most expensive, naturally) rosehip oil is produced by direct pressing from ground seeds. From 100 kg of seeds, only 5 liters of oil can be obtained in this way. Rosehip oil is contained in its seeds.

From the book Osteochondrosis and flat feet in men. Superman and the straw. Prevention, diagnosis, treatment author Alexander Ocheret

From the author's book

Chapter 3 Wednesday Shirt happy person. To be sick or not to be sick? Is it possible to undergo treatment using a computer? Osteochondrosis and “miracle healings” Money is often too expensive. Ralph Emerson ...On a popular television show there was a lively conversation about a very relevant topic: “In