My dog ​​is vomiting yellow foam, what should I do? Vomiting as one of the symptoms

Very often owners four-legged friend(dogs) are faced with such an unpleasant process as vomiting. This may or may not be a serious cause for concern. But what to do if your dog is vomiting?! Not everyone knows, so let’s look at it in detail step by step, when you need to ring the bell and run to the vet, what causes vomiting in dogs, how to provide first aid?

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What is vomiting? Symptoms

Dogs have the ability to heal themselves. Vomiting in a dog is manifestation defensive reaction body, allows you to get rid of junk food or a foreign body (rope, wood chips, needles, etc.), poison, toxic substance, etc.

Vomit- This is a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach. The main symptoms of vomiting in dogs are: nausea, drooling, restlessness, poor appetite, refusal to eat.

The very manifestation of vomiting in dogs is not an independent disease, it is a symptom of many diseases.

Physiological vomiting in dogs

  • Vomiting in dogs caused by overeating. During feeding, the dog should receive food in doses, since most dogs do not know a sense of proportion and exhibit excessive appetite. Feed your pet at the same time and follow the dosage (food or natural nutrition) otherwise excessive feeding of the dog will lead to diseases digestive system.
  • The dog regurgitates puppy food during feeding (semi-digested food).
Diseases that cause vomiting in dogs (pathological vomiting in dogs)
  • Meningitis, encephalitis, abscess, brain tumor are organic disorders of the central nervous system.
  • With hepatic and renal failure, vomiting in dogs can also be accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea). The cause may be intoxication with drugs, poisons circulating in the blood during poisoning ( carbon monoxide, chlorine, etc.).
  • Stomach diseases and duodenum(ulcer, gastritis, stomach tumor). Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Such gastric vomiting occurs mainly after eating, after 30-60 minutes.
  • Diseases (damages) of the intestines, liver and kidneys, inflammation of the peritoneum. Arises intestinal vomiting due to antiperistaltic movement of the intestines, as a result, the intestinal contents enter the stomach. Symptoms: nausea, then vomiting food, bile and eventually feces.
Types of vomiting in dogs

  • Vomiting of blood (with gastrointestinal diseases).
  • Vomiting with a foul smell (smell of ammonia - if liver failure, sweet smell - diabetes mellitus, the smell of rotting is a problem in the intestines or oral cavity).
  • Vomiting accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea) and fever (often with infectious diseases).
  • Vomiting and refusal to eat - often due to poisoning.
  • The dog eats grass, then vomits - cleansing the stomach.
  • Vomiting after eating (after 30-60 minutes or more) – with gastrointestinal diseases.
For a person who is faced with a difficult situation for the first time - vomiting in dogs, it is difficult to independently determine the causes of its occurrence, and there are a lot of them, we strongly recommend not to self-medicate and experiment on your pet - everything can end very badly.

What to do if your dog is vomiting?
Be sure to seek help from a veterinarian; you may need to additional research: X-ray, ultrasound, blood test, etc. or call a veterinarian at home.
Before the veterinarian arrives or before going to the veterinary clinic, under no circumstances scold your dog for dirty things, watch general condition dog's body and symptoms. Remember everything that has happened to the dog over the last 2-3 days (diet, contact with other animals, etc.) - all this will help in further diagnosis.

How to provide first aid if a dog is vomiting?

Treatment of vomiting in dogs

To treat vomiting in a dog, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence in order to make a correct diagnosis.
The following drugs are used for treatment:
  • Starvation diet;
  • No-shpa or Papaverine - relieve pain in the abdomen (stomach and intestines), relieve spasms;
  • Smecta - removes toxins;
  • Omez - to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach;
  • Cerucal or Metoclopramide - antiemetics, calm the vomiting center in the brain, normalize contractions of the stomach and intestines.
  • If a dog has frequent and excessive eruptions from the mouth throughout the day, this leads to dehydration, in which case it is necessary to hospitalize the dog in a veterinary clinic and put on a drip to replenish the loss of fluid.
  • After the vomiting stops, it is necessary to “put” the dog on a gentle diet for several days (5 - 7 days), depending on the cause of the dog’s vomiting.

A gentle diet for dogs

A gentle diet consists of a low calorie content of food: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled rice, boiled chicken and beef, in the first days give food in very small portions and often, then gradually increase the portion and reduce the frequency of feeding. After a certain number of days, gradually switch to your normal diet. On the first day of the transition, maintain a 50% to 50% ratio (50% regular food, 50% diet food), on the second day, a 75% to 25% ratio, and on the third day, give regular food.

Vomiting in dogs is not uncommon, and there are many reasons for this reaction. There is no need to panic right away, as this is not always the case gag reflex talks about serious problems. What should you pay special attention to and how to behave if your dog starts vomiting?

The dog cannot tell about its health, so only by external signs the owner may find out that not everything is all right with his beloved pet. As you know, vomiting is preceded by nausea, and it can affect the dog's behavior:

  • the animal often licks its face;
  • refuses food, does not drink water;
  • profuse salivation occurs;
  • the dog shows anxiety and constantly moves chaotically;
  • The pet's stomach growls and belches loudly.

In addition, often before vomiting, the pet may have a bowel disorder: both diarrhea and.

Quite often, dog owners confuse two concepts - vomiting and regurgitation; if in the first situation the food comes out in the form of digested liquid, then in the second it does not have time to go through the processing process.

Causes of vomiting in dogs

Of course, this phenomenon cannot be called pleasant, but it also has its own positive aspects. Vomiting is, first of all, a defense mechanism of the body, with the help of which all poisonous, toxic substances and foreign objects are released from it. By cleansing itself in this way, the body protects itself from negative influences.

Among the causes of vomiting are the following:

Vomiting often signals some kind of disease and in most cases has distinctive characteristics. The main symptoms of vomiting in dogs:

  • vomiting blood can be a symptom of oncology, ulcerative lesion or gastric bleeding, the blood can be bright scarlet or brown, it depends on the duration of the bleeding;
  • vomiting several hours after eating - often occurs against the background of cancer;
  • vomiting with bile ( yellow), excrement indicates intestinal obstruction, or helminthic infestation (in this case, the animal begins to eat grass at every convenient moment, after which vomiting occurs);
  • if vomiting occurs repeatedly, is accompanied by diarrhea, and a clear ammonia smell emanates from the mouth, then this is a sign of a disorder of renal function (renal failure) or uremia;
  • repeated vomiting may be a sign of inflammation of the pancreas, gall bladder, or hepatic colic;
  • A dog vomits on an empty stomach or as soon as it eats, which means it most likely has gastritis.

Vomiting with white foam

Often dog owners are afraid of their pet vomiting foam containing foam. white. Is there any cause for concern?

In fact, there is an explanation for this phenomenon at the physiological level. If vomiting occurs some time after the dog has eaten, then it is during this period that food is pushed from the stomach further along the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach itself turns out to be empty and its walls, as a protection against corrosion gastric juice, are covered with a layer of mucus.

The mucous coating contains proteins and polysaccharides, which promote the formation of structural cellular masses after swallowing air.

If your dog is vomiting white, foamy discharge, there is no need to worry too much, as this phenomenon confirms that the animal does not have any serious illnesses. If this happens once, then no treatment is required. If this happens many times, then a trip to the veterinary clinic becomes mandatory.

Does your dog vomit white foam on an empty stomach? This means that we may be talking about a violation of the functions of bile secretion, which should normally flow into large intestine after every meal. In this case, the liver secretes the necessary enzyme fluid during hunger, which irritates the intestinal walls. After this, a forced movement of bile into the stomach occurs. The dog's vomiting is not severe, after which the pet is again ready to eat. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, and normally can be repeated once every 7 days.

But if the vomit is covered not with white, but with yellow foam, then this is a sign of a serious illness.

Correct actions when a dog is vomiting

Do all owners know what to do, and even more so, what is best to avoid if their pet starts vomiting? Of course, first of all, there is no need to panic and assess the situation sensibly. Even if necessary medical care, the owner must comply with the following rules:

  • A dog that vomits is not to be blamed. There is no point in scolding your pet for something he cannot control. After all, this natural process that cleanses the body of harmful effects, is necessary for further successful treatment.
  • Don't try to stop vomiting.
  • Only the owner can assess the situation and find out the cause of this phenomenon. Maybe the dog ate too much food, was poisoned, suffered a heatstroke, etc. - the more accurate the data received by the veterinarian, the sooner effective treatment will be determined.
  • The owner of the dog must record the number of vomits, their consistency, shade, contents, as well as associated symptoms- all this is valuable information for diagnosing the disease.
  • When vomiting, the body requires maximum cleaning, so you should not feed your pet for the first day. If the vomiting has passed on the second day, then you can introduce liquid food without salt and spices into the diet.
  • The same applies to drinking - you will have to give it up for a day, and in return offer the dog to lick ice cubes. If vomiting does not recur within two to three hours, then you can give your dog some low-fat chicken broth.

After you can give your pet food, you should take care of it. dietary nutrition. Suitable foods include turkey breast, chicken breast, and fresh herbs. As for cereals, it is better to give preference to brown rice and rolled oats. During this period, the dog needs to be fed in small portions, up to six times a day. Food must be fresh and warm.

If the vomiting process is completed, then already on the third day you can introduce the pet’s usual food into the diet.

Diagnosis and treatment of vomiting in dogs

IN veterinary clinic carry out diagnostic test for the treatment of vomiting in dogs if it does not stop and is accompanied by alarming symptoms. It includes the following procedures:

  • general blood test;
  • abdominal radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum.

Drug therapy is prescribed according to clinical picture and consists in eliminating the accompanying symptoms:

  • To eliminate gastrointestinal spasms, No-shpa (Drotaverine) or Papaverine is prescribed.
  • To eliminate nausea and normalize gastric contractions - Cerucal.
  • At increased acidity gastric flora and eliminate irritation, the drug Omez is prescribed.
  • If vomiting has led to the risk of dehydration, then two drugs are prescribed by drip at once - Glucose and infusion solution Ringer.
  • To remove toxic components from the pet’s body, absorbent agents are prescribed - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon.
  • The homeopathic veterinary remedy Verokol is often prescribed and used as first aid until vomiting completely stops.

If there is a dog living in the house, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it may get sick. And in some cases, first aid is provided by the owner decisive action in the success of the entire treatment. The same applies to vomiting, which can be either a natural or pathogenic phenomenon.

The dog is vomiting, why does this happen and how to solve the problem? Let's try to understand this issue. After all, with similar symptom Many owners face this problem.

Nausea and vomiting are scary, you don’t know what to do with the dog and how to help him. Should you immediately run to the vet, or can you wait? You will read the answers to all these questions below.


A dog can vomit for various reasons. Some conditions are completely natural and do not pose any danger. These are the so-called physiological ones. These include:

  • Overeating.
  • Vomiting hair.
  • Reflex to drugs.
  • Puppies spitting up.

Excess food has a negative effect. Many dogs do not know how to regulate the volume on their own and swallow everything they see on the plate. Then they burp back.

Owners should monitor the amount given to the dog. Hair vomiting is a normal bowel cleansing process and often occurs during the shedding season when the dog licks off more hair.

Burp up food for puppies - ancient way feeding, characteristic of almost all predators. Here are a few causes of nausea and vomiting that are not particularly dangerous but require routine monitoring and veterinary attention:

  • When driving in a car.
  • Single yellow.
  • When changing food.

If he gets sick in the car, try not to feed him too much, consult your veterinarian about what medications you can give before the trip.

Reason yellow vomit most often it is dry food and lack of water. You need to water the dog more, perhaps change the diet. If you give your dog a different food and he vomits, go back to the old one.

Introduce new food gradually. Contact your doctor immediately:

  • Repeated foamy vomiting.
  • The appearance of blood or bile.
  • Regular in the morning.
  • After an injury.


The dog becomes concentrated, hardly moves, licks his lips, swallows saliva. Then he burps, often with an unpleasant odor.

In most cases, after nausea, the dog vomits. The discharged masses may contain white foam. This is a sign of intestinal infection or poisoning. At the same time, the dog’s temperature may rise and diarrhea may appear.

It happens that dogs vomit unexpectedly, without nausea. This is a sign of problems with the central nervous system. Special attention This condition should be addressed after an injury, with a cold or high temperature.

This may be a symptom of meningitis. Vomiting blood is a sign intestinal bleeding. This dangerous condition, you need to immediately go to the doctor, or even better, call him at home.

Its cause may be a tumor, ulcer, or injury to the stomach by a foreign body. The next day appears dark stool. If she starts to feel sick and vomit bile, then the problem is in the intestines.

This may be enterocolitis, intestinal obstruction, worms, mesenteric vein thrombosis. The condition also requires immediate help specialist Nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting with an ammonia odor, is a sign of liver failure.

She appears more often in the morning. At first the attacks are sporadic, then they become more frequent. At acute poisoning with hepatotoxic poisons it is repeated at once.

If it smells like acetone, your dog may have diabetes. Putrefactive is characteristic of chronic problems with the intestines or gums.

First aid

We need to determine the reason, we have already talked about this. The owner cannot always do this on his own; he needs the help of a specialist.

If it is abundant and foamy, you should give it something to drink and take it to the doctor. When a dog vomits food, you need to reconsider its diet and portion sizes. When you are sure that you are feeding your dog properly, go to the vet.

This symptom can be caused by a stomach tumor or pyloric stenosis. If the dog is vomiting blood, leave the dog alone and call an ambulance immediately veterinary care. If you suspect central vomiting, try to get the dog to the clinic as quickly as possible.

With meningitis and injuries, the condition develops acutely. When vomiting occurs every few weeks and then becomes more frequent, it may be a sign of a brain tumor.

The pathology requires serious intervention, and in many cases the dog cannot be saved. When a dog feels sick and vomits, the owner must carefully monitor him so as not to miss an illness that requires immediate treatment.

Vomiting in a dog is not an independent disease, but only a symptom indicating the presence of one or another health problem in the dog. What causes vomiting? The dog vomits because, for one reason or another, the vomiting center of the brain is irritated and, as a consequence, there is a reflex emptying of the stomach contents. The triggering of reflex vomiting in dogs occurs due to the stimulation of multiple receptors in gastrointestinal tract, peritoneum, vestibular apparatus and many other organs and tissues of the animal.

Nausea and vomiting in dogs, symptoms

A dog that is vomiting usually behaves very restlessly, does not find a place for itself, and tries to hide in a secluded place. Signs of nausea in dogs include frequent licking, excessive drooling, and sometimes smacking. Nausea in an animal does not always end with vomiting.

When a dog vomits, the animal stretches its neck and lowers its head down, a rhythmic contraction of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm occurs, after which the animal regurgitates the contents of the stomach; if the stomach is empty, then vomiting foam with bile can be observed in dogs. Separately, it is worth mentioning such a physiological condition as belching or regurgitation in dogs. Regurgitation differs from vomiting in that it occurs without involving the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.

Pathological and physiological vomiting in dogs

Vomiting is one of the protective mechanisms aimed at cleansing the animal’s body of potentially poor-quality and dangerous food that could have been eaten by mistake. In addition, females feed puppies with chewed and semi-digested food through regurgitation; vomiting also occurs when the stomach is full of food, which in general can be attributed to non-pathological vomiting; such vomiting occurs in healthy animals and does not imply diseases of the internal organs.

Vomiting that occurs in dogs against the background systemic diseases can be called pathological. When an animal vomits pathological character, then most often it does not protect the animal from the disease, but only aggravates its course. That is why pathological vomiting requires compulsory treatment. Vomiting in dogs can lead to severe dehydration and imbalance of water and electrolytes, which in itself, without proper treatment, can lead to the death of the animal from dehydration. In addition, an animal with constant vomiting cannot normally consume and assimilate nutrients food, which leads to rapid depletion of the body’s energy reserves and inevitably reduces the likelihood of a successful outcome of the disease; vomiting in a puppy is especially dangerous.

Diseases of dogs accompanied by vomiting

Vomiting in dogs can be a leading symptom of a variety of diseases. The reasons can be very diverse. Diagnosis of the nature of the occurrence of a symptom such as vomiting largely determines the correctness of the diagnosis.

So what are they pathological conditions Can vomiting occur in dogs?

First of all, vomiting accompanies almost all diseases of the digestive system in dogs; such vomiting is often classified as gastrointestinal. Poisoning with inappropriate food, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastric volvulus in dogs, gastroenterocolitis, hepatitis, liver lipidosis, foreign bodies in the stomach and intestines of the dog, infectious diseases digestive system (coronavirus infection of dogs, etc.), helminthiases (worms in dogs), that’s far from full list diseases of the digestive system, which may cause vomiting in dogs.

Another group of diseases, an integral symptom of which is vomiting in dogs, is damage to the central nervous system, namely the brain, which in one way or another leads the vomiting center to a state of excitement. Traumatic brain injury in dogs, intracranial hypertension with hydrocephalus or brain tumors, violation cerebral circulation or meningitis in dogs, peripheral vestibular syndrome, heat and sunstroke.

Vomiting in the diseases described above is called central, because it does not arise due to stimulation of peripheral vomiting receptors in the digestive organs, but due to the primary involvement of brain receptors in the process

Severe vomiting in a dog is often accompanied by accompanying signs of intoxication: dehydration, general lethargy, the dog does not eat, and reacts poorly to food. external stimuli, is often in a comatose state, may be secondary signs dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (the dog has diarrhea and vomiting).

Treatment of vomiting in dogs

Vomiting in a dog requires immediate treatment. Remembering that vomiting is not a disease, but a symptom, we must realize that it is not possible to cure vomiting without identifying the underlying disease that causes it. Once we have started to treat the cause of the vomiting, e.g. intestinal infection, we should simultaneously work on preventing the recurrence of vomiting (antiemetic drugs) and treating its adverse effects on the body, such as dehydration in dogs and exhaustion. If your dog is dehydrated, a drip will help your dog cope with the lack of fluid in the body, vitamins will raise the overall tone of the body, and nutritious, well-digestible food will quickly gain strength for further recovery.

If your dog vomits repeatedly, then this is a reason to visit the veterinarian. The nature of vomiting can be very different and largely determines the cause of vomiting. When diagnosing the cause, everything is important: the circumstances during or after which the dog vomits, the frequency of vomiting, the contents of the vomit, its color, the presence or absence of a connection between the occurrence of episodes of vomiting and food intake, etc.

The connection between vomiting and food intake. Vomiting can occur on an empty stomach, during a meal, immediately after a meal, or some time after a meal. A dog often vomits on an empty stomach in the presence of chronic inflammatory problems with the stomach and intestines, uremia. If a dog vomits after eating food (during meals or immediately after), then one may suspect the possibility of esophageal diverticulum, reflux esophagitis, a foreign body in the stomach, or severe gastritis. peptic ulcer stomach and/or intestines, tumors of the stomach and/or esophagus. If a dog gags 1.5-2 hours after eating undigested food, then one may suspect a violation of the evacuation of stomach contents, its atony. If your dog's vomiting is associated with the administration of medicinal substances, then it is likely that either the drugs themselves cause this kind of reaction (drug intolerance) or vomiting is provoked by taking them too quickly intravenous administration(drug intoxication). When the body is intoxicated, the dog constantly vomits; vomiting can be spontaneous or constant and does not depend in any way on food intake.

Consistency and contents of vomit in dogs has important diagnostic value.

If your dog vomits foam(white, white foam) or mucus, then we can suspect the animal (both primary and secondary against the background of uremia), intoxication, vomiting against the background of peripheral vestibular syndrome. Mucus and foam can be observed in vomit and in case of intestinal obstruction or if there is foreign body in the dog's stomach.

If dog vomits bile(yellow or green), then we can assume both the presence of problems with the liver and intestinal obstruction below the junction of the bile duct. In addition, the dog vomits bile if the vomiting is prolonged, debilitating and all the contents of the stomach have already been expelled with vomit, and active antiperistaltic contractions of the stomach and intestines persist, which provokes the reflux of bile from the duodenum into the stomach. The dog is vomiting water or food immediately after eating or drinking water in case of poisoning with non-benign food, acute gastritis, and also the cause may be gastric volvulus in dogs, a foreign body in the stomach.

But the most unpleasant and threatening conditions can be considered in which The dog is vomiting blood. Vomiting blood in dogs can look different, sometimes you can see small red streaks (indicating bleeding of low intensity), heavy blood clots or black vomiting indicates massive bleeding into the stomach cavity and requires emergency delivery of the animal to a resuscitation center for diagnosis and treatment emergency care. The dog is vomiting blood if there is: insufficiency of the coagulation system, opening of a tumor in the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhagic gastritis, a stomach ulcer in a dog, perforation of the stomach by acute foreign objects(the dog ate chicken bones), dog poisoning rat poison etc.

If your dog vomits worms, then you should show the animal to a doctor and give deworming tablets for dogs. Worms in dogs cause vomiting or are present only in very severe cases; if a dog has worms, it is advisable to send them to a laboratory for analysis. - the best treatment.

Preventing vomiting in dogs

Vomiting in animals can be either a symptom of illness or a one-time safe event - cleaning the stomach.

How to distinguish one from the other? What measures to take if your dog is vomiting? How urgently should you contact a veterinarian?

So what is vomiting? This an uncontrolled reflex action that forces the animal to immediately empty its stomach. Therefore, by the way, It is unacceptable to scold a dog if he vomits on the carpet or sofa. After all, this cannot be called disobedience or self-indulgence.

It happens that a dog deliberately “forces” itself to empty its intestines.

As a rule, this happens during a morning walk. If you notice that your pet on an empty stomach began to eat grass on the nearest lawn, and then vomited, most likely there is no need to worry. Especially if the dog's behavior is otherwise normal. Thus animals simply get rid of hairballs and other debris that have settled in the stomach.

Vomiting white foam

White, foamy vomit, often containing mucus, is a signal that something has recently been eaten. food accumulated in the dog’s intestines, but the stomach remained empty. If you notice such foamy discharge once and in general the dog is cheerful and calm, most likely the cause was one of the following list:

  • the food at the last meal was spoiled;
  • the animal ate something inappropriate - picked it up from the floor or while walking;
  • cartilage, a pebble, or another small hard object got into the stomach;
  • worms;
  • It may also be that the dog simply got seasick in the transport or was nervous.

When should you sound the alarm?

There are situations when foamy vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • traces of blood in vomit;
  • constant excessive salivation;
  • belching;
  • tearing eyes;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth - putrid or ammonia-like;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • the dog whines, nervously walks from corner to corner, or, on the contrary, suddenly becomes sleepy.

If there are accompanying symptoms, you cannot wait - you need to urgently contact a veterinarian.

We can talk about oncology, acute cholecystitis, renal failure, hypoglycemia, diabetes or.

Liquid yellow vomit

The dog is vomiting yellow liquidyellow tint masses indicates that the dog is vomiting bile. If the dog itself decided to cleanse its stomach (for example, it ate grass on an empty stomach, as described above), then there is nothing to worry about. If you see such vomiting “out of the blue” or very often, then it may be that:

  • the dog eats low-quality food that contains preservatives, or is malnourished;
  • the animal has contracted worms;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer begins;
  • The dog has liver problems.

Vomiting after eating

Why does my dog ​​vomit after eating? If your dog vomits only once after eating undigested food and this did not happen again in the future - probably the pet simply ate very quickly. But Regular events of this kind may indicate:

  • cholecystitis;
  • floppy stomach syndrome;
  • expansion of the esophagus.

In the first case, the vomit will be mixed with bile, in the second and third cases it will be mucous.

Treating vomiting at home

Strictly speaking, Vomiting cannot be treated: it is a symptom, not a disease. In most cases You shouldn’t even try to stop it yourself. After all, if you slow down the natural process of cleansing the body, intoxication may begin or worsen.

If the dog vomits for a long time, vomiting is accompanied by some of the symptoms described above - it means you need to contact a veterinarian.

What can you do before visiting a specialist?

Before calling the veterinarian or taking your dog to him, follow the steps from this list:

  1. Immediately, as soon as you notice that your pet is vomiting, free him from a hard or tight collar or muzzle. Otherwise, the dog may choke on vomit and begin to choke.
  2. Do not feed or water your dog for 3-4 hours after an attack(or until the doctor allows it). This may irritate the sensitive stomach lining. After 3-4 hours, you should start giving water in very small portions - literally a few sips every 20 minutes.
  3. Monitor the animal carefully and prepare answers to the veterinarian’s possible questions in advance. How often and under what circumstances did vomiting attacks occur? What did the vomited mass look like? Are there any accompanying symptoms or changes in the dog’s behavior? What happened to your pet in the last few days, how were the walks? Clear information and quick answers are the key to ensuring that the doctor can quickly make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

My dog ​​has diarrhea and vomiting, what should I do?

The combination of nausea and diarrhea may be a sign of an infectious or chronic disease pancreas, as well as severe poisoning. This, again, is a reason to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

While waiting for the doctor, make sure that the animal has access to water - the rule “do not water for 3-4 hours” does not work here, because constant dehydration occurs. Be sure to monitor the color of your dog's stool: yellow, white or gray indicates liver damage, black indicates internal bleeding.


Choose. If you want to feed your animal “naturally”, buy good fresh food and cook according to the rules.

While walking, do not allow yourself to dig through garbage, contact with stray animals, do not pick up anything from the ground, or drink from puddles. And always contact a veterinarian if there is the slightest reason for this.

Remember: owner negligence can cost the animal its life!

Additionally, watch this short video on what to do if your pet is vomiting: