Socionics. Psychological test with mailboxes

It is not always possible for a person to immediately determine Is he intuitive or sensory?. Each of us has both, just to varying degrees. Both sensory and intuition are functions perception, but the perception is different. What does the sensor perceive first? All material, physical in this world. Shapes, colors, smells, tastes, temperature, dimensions of space, balance of forces in space, physical characteristics of a person, the ability to exert volitional pressure, pressure.

What does the intuitive perceive? Of course, the intuitive also sees and feels objects of the material world. However, he is designed in such a way that all physical stimuli do not seem to reach his consciousness, being pushed aside intuitive signals. For example, he may not feel the taste of food during lunch, because at that moment he is thinking about some idea. It is impossible to be at the same time “here, now” and in the future, and the intuitive, carried away by dreams into future, or, conversely, moving in his memories to past, often looks scattered and impractical in reality.

If you find it difficult to determine Are you intuitive or sensory? think about what things scare you in this life most often. Intuitives and sensory people have completely different fears, and this can also be the key to determining the type. So what are they afraid of?

Sensory feel very anxious about the situation unknown. It is difficult for them to predict changes in the future, and therefore the unknown is not known to them in the literal sense. Intuitive people always see the likely development of events and are better prepared for changes. Intuitive people can also worry about the future, but only if they foresee dangerous moments in it. Sensors are worried precisely because the future for them is a blind spot, in which they do not understand or see anything. And it's scary.

Intuits are afraid of circumstances in which they may be required to strong-willed pressure, the ability to defend oneself in a situation pressure, including physical. It is intuitive people who often engage in various types of wrestling, not in order to be able to fight well, but in order to simply feel more confident. And they always have to overcome some barrier, even in a situation where self-defense is actually required, in order to hit a person. They are never completely confident in their strength. And often they cannot distribute it correctly. An intuitive friend who started taking karate once told me: “I used to be afraid that I wouldn’t be able to defend myself if I was suddenly attacked on the street. And now I’m afraid that I won’t calculate my strength and inadvertently kill the attacker :)”

Sensory afraid don't calculate the time, do not catch the right moment. The overwhelming majority of sensory people wear wristwatches, and at home you can also see a clock in their room, in the kitchen, in the hallway. They constantly check the dial and are very worried if they can’t leave on time. Sensors are not very good at managing time, and therefore they often feel completely helpless when they are late. Therefore, they try to avoid such situations.

Intuits they feel time from the inside, and therefore these questions bother them less. They are afraid of something else. For example, the need care for the sick or a small child. It is difficult for an intuitive person to take care of a person’s health and needs and maintain physical comfort. It is often difficult for him to even take care of himself! What can we say about others. This is a huge responsibility, which the intuitive prefers to avoid if possible.

Sensory a situation where something is required can also frighten invent, fantasize, come up with original and non-standard solution to the problem. The sensory person is a realist and prefers to use proven, working methods rather than hypothetical ones that are not yet known whether they will work or not.

Intuita the need to decide here and now is frightening pressing task. Moreover, it may not be complicated at all. Intuitives often have a hard time with what they consider basic things, for example, cutting bread at a party, setting a table, or choosing quality products in a store.

Thus, the fears of intuitives and sensors are very different, and that is why they need each other's support. It is important for all of us that close people and friends can relieve our worries and worries by lending a reliable shoulder at the right time.

I think many people are already familiar with the concept of Socionics.

Socionics, information psychology is a non-academic direction in psychology that studies human perception of information about the surrounding reality and information interaction between people; in a narrower applied sense - a theory about one of the aspects of psychological compatibility, the key concept of which is the type of information metabolism (TIM, sociotype). Socionics finds practical benefits in the application of such a classification to partial analysis and prediction of human relationships. Socionics was created in the early 1970s by the Lithuanian sociologist, psychologist and economist Aushura Augustinaviciute. The main material for the creation of socionics was the work of Carl Jung “Psychological Types”.

Your TIM is determined by your:




Rationality/Irrationality .

To determine the socionic type, there are various online tests and questionnaires, by filling which you can undergo typing on specialized forums. Below, I want to give a test I liked with mailboxes. I think many people will be interested in going through it.


Take a look at these mailboxes and choose a few that you would prefer to use yourself. Count the boxes with which numbers, you got more: even or odd.


Extrovert or Introvert.

Majority odd numbers, speaks about your EXTRAVERSION. Majority even numbers - INTROVERSION.

For accuracy, check the characteristics table.



The face is mobile, there is a lot of facial expressions;

A little restless, fussy;

As a rule, he “climbs onto the stage”;

Enjoys evaluating and nominating others and himself;

Has a strong need to achieve goals;

Initiator, inspirer, organizer;

Takes responsibility;

It is difficult for him to carry out self-analysis;

It is difficult for him to control his internal state;

Sees the situation quite objectively;

Wastes his energy;

Prefers the offensive;

Wants to be significant (needed) for everyone;

In relationships he acts according to the principle: “I am for him”;

Impacts people directly;

Manipulates objects, rearranges them;

Communicates readily with everyone;

Has a lot of things to do;

He often deals with things at the same time;

Motto: Improve and change yourself daily!

The face is inactive, calm.

Outwardly he looks self-absorbed;

Acts only when absolutely necessary;

Not inclined to put forward - neither others nor himself;

Tries to avoid failures;

An inventor, but with difficulty implementing his plans;

Acts when he knows he must;

It is difficult for him to analyze what is happening around him;

It is difficult for him to control the events taking place;

Sees the situation more subjectively;

Saves, saves your energy;

Prefers defense;

Motto: “Meaningful for those chosen by me”;

In relationships he acts according to the principle “He is for me”;

Affects by field, distance, relationships;

Walks between objects, looking for the best place;

Makes contact selectively;

Motivates himself for internal changes;

Has one or two favorite things;

Deals with affairs more often sequentially;

Motto: Find the optimal balance between yourself and the world!


Logician or Ethicist.

Majority odd numbers, indicates that you - ETHICAL.Even-LOGICIAN.



The power of ethics in relation to people;

He subtly senses his need for others, knows how to improve relationships;

Independent in solving problems of human relationships;

Usually persuades others;

It is much more important not to spoil the relationship, so he often promises more (what is expected of him) than he can deliver;

When assessing the actions of others, he uses the criteria of “good-bad”, “honest-dishonest”, “necessary-unnecessary”;

Able to make a good impression;

When he writes a report, he praises everyone and himself;

He is not afraid of any feelings, he is ready to exchange a feeling of admiration for hatred, as long as there are at least some feelings;

To improve the climate during communication, he can manipulate the feelings and emotions of others.

The concepts “truth” or “falsehood” can carry a relative meaning for him;

Sees and understands the complex world of other people's feelings;
In relationships with people, he behaves according to etiquette and, mainly, in accordance with the situation. What is ethical is what improves the situation and the relationship;

He is very careful in his logical reasoning. It is important to him whether this statement is scientific, or at least generally accepted. One does not dare to discover or invent something new;

Prefers scientific literature in his free time (to keep abreast of science news);

The suspicion that someone will think that he is “stupid” causes confusion;

Can experiment with fashion and extravagance in clothing

The power of logic in relation to the objective world;

He tries to do everything himself, he proves his need to others by deeds;

Independent in solving problems and tasks of the objective world

Usually proves that he is right;

At all costs, he tries to keep his word; if he cannot do something, he will say it right away;

When assessing the actions of others, he uses the criteria “logical-illogical”, “right-wrong”, “reasonable-unreasonable”;

When reporting for work, he tends to talk about what has not been accomplished, about his own and other people’s mistakes and shortcomings;

He doesn’t know how to talk about his feelings and avoids it. Feelings force him to act in favor of his loved one, and not to speak;

His own feelings are a little-known area for him. They are stable, but they also take longer to mature, they need to be tested by logic.

Sees and understands the cause-and-effect relationships of events, can easily explain to others “why”;

Tries to strictly follow etiquette, observe the rules of decency, does not allow himself to be creative in these areas;

He gravitates towards science and allows himself to be “disrespectful” towards authorities and scientists. Has his own opinion about all the phenomena of life;

In his free time, he prefers fiction (love, emotions, ethics, subtleties in relationships);

The suspicion that someone will think that he is a “bad person” causes confusion;

Tries to dress elegantly.


Sensorik or Intuit.

Majority odd numbers indicates - INTUITION. Even numbers assigned SENSORY.



Believes that his intuition will not let him down;

Focuses on objects only when absolutely necessary;

Lives, as it were, both in the past and in the future;

Sees general patterns and trends;

Feels the need to become an object of desire (to be loved);


Believes that a person is unique;

Absent-minded, forgetful in everyday affairs because he is immersed in another reality;

Has an internal tendency towards asceticism;

Physical contact with others is difficult;

Does not feel or take into account distance;

Insensitive to pain;

The process of processing information will be delayed;

The object environment is chaotic;

Idea generator;

Indifferent to dress: may be either too extravagant or haphazard, or formally elegantly dressed;

Difficulty perceiving space, confuses left and right;

The eyes “look and do not see”;
The gait is uncertain, as if floating a little, ready to give way to everyone;
Has the ability for extrasensory, supersensible knowledge;

It is more successful to take care of others than of oneself, but this requires colossal strength and energy;
Changes himself under the pressure of the world;
Has a lot of things to do, often at the same time.

Believes that his senses will not let him down;

Has a clearly defined rhythm of life;

Lives in the “here and now”;

Sees details, changes happening around;

Searches for the object of his desire, achieves his physical realization;


Believes that no people are irreplaceable;

Collected, attentive in everyday affairs;
Sensory hunger is unbearable;

Believes that one cannot deny oneself anything;

Naturally makes physical contact;

Feels and manipulates distance;

The pain is unbearable;

Instantly processes information;

Strives to organize the subject environment;

He is well-groomed “like a lawn”, “regards” the way his loved ones dress;

It is difficult to perceive the current time sequence of events (he has a diary);
The eyes of a person who sees very well and notices everything;

The gait is distinct, self-confident, unyielding, sometimes graceful;

A little aggressive;

He is always able to take care of himself, and at the same time he always helps those around him.


Rational or Irrational.

If most of the mailboxes you like have odd numbers, you - IRRATIONAL. If the number of boxes under even numbers, you - RATIONAL.



Behind the object in peaceobserves with the right eye (left hemisphere);

Behind the object in dynamicsobserves with the left eye (left hemisphere);

There is always a certain leanness;

Movements are fixed (“as if on hinges”), somewhat constrained. Often the gait is angular, the posture is straight, with dignity;

Looks emotionally dry, secretive, isolated, cold;

Emotions are more manageable, they react to emotions with an emotion, to an action with an action, without swaying, but immediately and decisively;

More resistant to external factors: magnetic storms, weather changes, etc.;

After doing the right thing, your health improves;

Cooking food - with the goal of acquiring a pleasant feeling of satiety. Can wait calmly and for a long time for food;

Cannot communicate with a person until some kind of attitude has been formed;

Purposeful, does not like to be distracted, feels that he might break down;

Outwardly, he is often lean, thin, youthful;

When preparing a text, first writes an idea, then enriches it with material and examples. (Deductive approach);

Cooking food to end the unpleasant feeling of hunger. When hungry, you are in a bad mood (angry or sad);

Cannot act until he is overcome by some feeling;

Easily adapts to changing circumstances and switches on. But it may lose its purpose;

Outwardly, it often becomes blurred, ages faster, and gets fat;

When preparing a text, he types in a lot of information, then deletes what is unnecessary and writes a conclusion (inductive approach);

Motto: Use all the possibilities of circumstances and meetings.

And so, you passed the test, and now you know exactly who you are:

Extrovert/Introvert, Logician/Ethicist,Intuit/Sensorik, Rational/Irrational.

Now, let's get acquainted with the 16 main TIMs of socionics:

  • "Don Quixote", “Seeker” - intuitive-logical extrovert (logician, intuitive, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Dumas", “Mediator” - sensory-ethical introvert (ethicist, sensory, introvert, irrational)
  • "Hugo", “Enthusiast” - ethical-sensory extrovert (ethical, sensory, extrovert, rational)
  • "Robespierre"(Descartes), “Analyst” - logical-intuitive introvert (logician, intuitive, introvert, rational)
  • "Hamlet", “Mentor” - ethical-intuitive extrovert (ethicist, intuitive, extrovert, rational)
  • "Maxim Gorky", “Inspector” - logical-sensory introvert (logical, sensory, introvert, rational)
  • "Zhukov", “Marshal” - sensory-logical extrovert (logician, sensory, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Yesenin", “Lyric” - intuitive-ethical introvert (ethicist, intuitive, introvert, irrational)
  • "Napoleon" (Caesar), “Politician” - sensory-ethical extrovert (ethicist, sensory, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Balzac", “Critic” - intuitive-logical introvert (logician, intuitive, introvert, irrational)
  • "Jack London"“Entrepreneur” - logical-intuitive extrovert (logical, intuitive, extrovert, rational)
  • "Dreiser", “Keeper” - ethical-sensory introvert (ethical, sensory, introvert, rational)
  • "Stirlitz", “Administrator” - logical-sensory extrovert (logical, sensory, extrovert, rational)
  • "Dostoevsky", “Humanist” - ethical-intuitive introvert (ethicist, intuitive, introvert, rational)
  • "Huxley", “Adviser” - intuitive-ethical extrovert (ethicist, intuitive, extrovert, irrational)
  • "Gabin", “Master” - sensory-logical introvert (logician, sensory, introvert, irrational)

For your convenience, select your team based on the table:

Note Maxim Gorky in the Delon table.

And so, now you know your sociotype. In the following articles, I will introduce you to various descriptions of your Tims. Perhaps this will help someone to get to know themselves and the people around them better!

Touch type, or sensory - this is the one who, as psychologists say, “lives here and now.” His perception is extremely specific; he easily notices not only large, but also the smallest changes in objects nearby, in everyday life, on the street, in the clothes of the people around him. It happens that he can photographically accurately reproduce even a glimpse of a picture. The sensory person perfectly senses the needs of not only his own body, but also other people. He is sensitive to comfort and coziness, which, as a rule, he easily organizes around himself (since he strives for this). It is difficult for him to wait for prosperity to come. He needs to get what he wants today (even better - now). His motto is action. Focused on detailed perception, the sensory person can perform routine work without irritation, enjoying the thoroughness and accuracy of his actions. He is characterized by the ability to quickly switch, follow changes in circumstances and easily adapt to them.

Unlike the sensory type, perception of the intuitive type, or intuitive - holistic. What does this mean? For example, when reading a text, an intuitive person sees the entire word as a whole, in contrast to a sensory person who perceives it by individual letters. (This is why, in particular, it is so difficult for an intuitive to “read” a text, and the best proofreaders are sensory readers.) An intuitive person grasps the general contours (of a room, a house, a landscape...), while a sensory person sees well, first of all, the details.

Intuitive integrates direct impressions into images and symbols. He can, moving away from distracting external trifles, “see” the deep essence of phenomena or processes. Therefore, the external manifestations of everything that exists are for him only an impetus to awaken his imagination, to feel the desire to invent something new, to make predictions for the future. Just as easily, he can think about the past, sometimes reliving it, as if it were happening to him again and again. In everyday life, an intuitive may be absent-minded, not noticing what is happening around him, since his thoughts take an arbitrary direction, quickly breaking away from specifics and immediate impressions. It is extremely difficult for such a person to perform routine work, because with each repetition of the same action he is drawn to bring something new into this action, different from the previous one, although this new may not always turn out to be better than the well-tested old one.

It is probably clear to the reader that the intuitive type does not really like to engage in economic activities or create comfort and coziness around themselves. Although it cannot be said that he is indifferent to all this, he can sometimes not notice the disorder, since his thoughts are somewhere in the clouds and are not focused, like the sensory type, on specific objects immediately surrounding him.

Here, as well as in the logic-ethics pair, we can easily notice the inverse relationship. A sensory person, whose attention is entirely occupied by specific objects in the surrounding world, is unlikely to be immersed in dreams and fantasies for any long time. The intuitive, accordingly, will not bother looking at the details of the objective world - the image is more dear to him than reality. Thus, every person is either at one or the other typological pole - he is either a sensory person or an intuitive person.

Let us illustrate the above again with examples from Tolstoy’s novel. Let's start with sensors.

One of the most captivating sensory images of the novel is that of Countess Natasha Rostova. So she runs into her mother’s bedroom in the evening - she really wants to talk about Boris, who is in love with her:

“Mom, we can talk, right?- Natasha said. (...) And she grabbed her mother’s neck and kissed her under the chin. In dealing with her mother, Natasha showed an outward rudeness of manner, but she was so sensitive and dexterous that no matter how she wrapped her arms around her mother, she always knew how to do it in such a way that her mother was neither hurt, nor unpleasant, nor awkward.

Well, what are we talking about today?- said the mother, settling down on the pillows and waiting until Natasha, having kicked her legs and also rolled over herself a couple of times, lay down next to her under the same blanket, with her arms outstretched and taking on a serious expression. (...)

- Tell me mom, is he cute? (...)

- You completely turned his head, why? What do you want from him? You know you can't marry him (...). Because he is young, because he is poor, because he is related, because you yourself do not love him (...).

Natasha didn’t let her finish, she pulled the countess’s big hand towards her and kissed it on top, then on the palm, then turned it over again and began kissing her on the bone of the upper joint of the finger, then in between, then again on the bone, whispering: “January, February ,... May.”

So, the sensory type perfectly feels his body, its needs - Natasha takes a long time to settle down and get comfortable in her mother’s bed, and this is never something that happens to sensory types. The hands of a sensory person, if desired, can be sensitive and dexterous; they are able to touch in such a way as not to cause inconvenience to another, because the sensory person is well aware of the needs of the body not only of his own, but also of another person.

And, finally, Natasha expresses her love for her mother quite concretely and sensorially - she kisses her hand this way and that, both on the bone and separately.

But what the sensory person absolutely cannot do is wait. His perception of “here and now” makes waiting for anything completely meaningless, because life passes, and every moment of it passes irrevocably - this is something the sensory experiences very hard: “Natasha, who easily and even cheerfully endured the first time of separation from her fiancé, now became more excited and impatient every day. The thought that her best time, which she would have spent loving him, was being wasted in such a way, for nothing, for no one, persistently tormented her. (...) Her letters to him not only did not bring her any comfort, but seemed like a boring, false duty. She did not know how to write because she could not comprehend the possibility of truthfully expressing in a letter even one thousandth of what she was used to expressing with her voice, smile, and gaze.”(Note, express emotionally and sensorially.)

The sensory person, as a rule, is confident that he is right. If some idea has taken possession of him, he will look for all possible ways to realize his plan. Willpower, dedication and determination, as a rule, lead him to his goal. Let's remember how Natasha Rostova influences her mother so that she allows the carts to be given away to remove the wounded, instead of taking out her own things - after all, the advancing French army was already not far from their estate:

“This is disgusting! This is an abomination!- she screamed...- It cannot be that you ordered (...). Mama, this is impossible; look what's in the yard!- she screamed.- They remain...

- What's wrong with you? Who are they? What do you need?

- The wounded, that's who! This is impossible, Mama!

The Countess looked at her daughter, saw her face ashamed of her mother, saw her excitement, understood why her husband was now not looking back at her, and looked around her with a confused look.

- Oh, do as you please!”

We have already noted that sensory people are well aware of the needs of the body, both their own and others, so they know how, for example, to care for the sick very well - remember the same Natasha, who does not leave the wounded Prince Andrei day and night.

Sensory people are often also excellent cooks, artists in cooking, in the ability to satisfy the most refined and whimsical taste. This is precisely the kind of person described by Count Ilya Andreevich, the head of the Rostov family, who with great pleasure and knowledge of the matter is organizing a dinner in honor of the war hero, Prince Bagration: “The Count in a dressing gown walked around the hall, giving orders to the club housekeeper and the famous Theoktistus, senior cook of the English Club, about asparagus, fresh vegetables, strawberries, veal and fish for Prince Bagration’s dinner. From the day the club was founded, the Count was its member and foreman. He was entrusted by the club with arranging a celebration for Bagration, because rarely did anyone know how to organize a feast so generously and hospitably.”

Sensors are also very attentive to their appearance; no detail escapes their attention. For example, sensory perception can be completely “unsettled” by the fact that something in his clothes is not very fashionable or causes inconvenience, or a button or a ribbon suddenly came off, or a neighbor at a cafe table accidentally spilled tea on him...

Probably, the reader, even from such a brief description, has already understood that it is among the sensory types that there are more practical, active people.

Now let's talk in more detail about intuitives , and this time we will include in our psychological analysis one of the main characters of the novel - Count Pierre Bezukhov. Pierre is the illegitimate son of the famous Catherine's nobleman, the very rich Count Bezukhov. Pierre painfully searches for meaning in everything that happens, although outwardly he seems to be a dissolute young man, his lifestyle does not meet with the approval of others. All the more unexpected for Pierre himself and those who hoped to receive at least a small share of the enormous wealth of the dying old Count Bezukhov was the news that his entire fortune had been bequeathed to Pierre. And Pierre turned from an object of contemptuous ridicule into an influential representative of high society and a very enviable groom - Count Pierre Bezukhov.

Let us recall that the intuitive is characterized by a holistic, general perception of the world around him, a desire for a philosophical search for the meaning of what is happening, and a desire to penetrate into its essence. It is these questions that concern Pierre Bezukhov, which he reflects on in a conversation with Prince Andrei Bolkonsky: “On earth, precisely on this earth (Pierre pointed to the field), there is no truth - everything is lies and evil; but in the world, in the whole world, there is a kingdom of truth, and we are now children of the earth, and forever- children all over the world. Don’t I feel in my soul that I am part of this huge, harmonious whole?”

The integrity of intuitive perception, in which it is difficult to notice specifics and go into the details of existence, allows the intuitive to easily connect in his imagination events and facts that could not actually happen at the same time and in one place. Therefore, among intuitives there are scientists, philosophers, science fiction writers, and dreamer-poets who are able to guess the possibilities inherent in this or that phenomenon. Intuition also determines sensitivity to everything new and unusual, the ability to see the prospects in a given situation.

Being cut off from the surrounding reality, the intuitive is nevertheless often able to discern the future result of some present event:

“And at that very moment Pierre felt that Helen not only could, but should be his wife, that it could not be otherwise.

He knew it at that moment as surely as he would have known it standing under the aisle with her. How and when it would happen, he did not know; he didn’t even know whether it would be good (he even felt that it was bad for some reason), but he knew that it would be.”

The reader, of course, remembers that this prediction of Pierre was realized not only by his marriage to Helen, but also by his divorce from her.

And with regard to momentary reactions to what is happening, the intuitive may turn out to be completely helpless, since, while physically present in some place in space, at the same time he is often in a completely different place with his thoughts.

This is how Tolstoy describes Pierre's trip to St. Petersburg.

“Will you order the suitcases to be brought in? Make the bed, would you like some tea?- asked the valet.

Pierre did not answer anything, because he did not hear or see anything. He started thinking at the last station and kept thinking about the same thing.- so important that he did not pay any attention to what was happening around him.”

This is why intuitive people often look absent-minded; it also happens that they have a poor sense of their body in space and sometimes turn out to be awkward: “Pierre was clumsy. Fat, taller than usual, broad with huge red hands, he, as they say, did not know how to enter the salon and even less knew how to leave it (...). Besides, he was distracted. Getting up, instead of his hat, he grabbed a triangular hat with a general’s plume and held it, tugging at the plume, until the general asked to return it.”

Just like for a sensory person, waiting for something is not a favorite pastime for an intuitive, but his own rich imagination helps him fill life with meaning, even if nothing happens in the world around him - after all, the intuitive does not have this strong connection with a specific object.

Another important manifestation of intuitiveness is the ability to discern in what is happening around possibilities that are hidden from the specific gaze of a sensory person. Therefore, the intuitive’s attention is often directed to everything new, unexpected, promising a promising prospect in a given situation, a creative approach to the assigned task. The last property of intuitive nature is very figuratively described by Tolstoy in the image of the artilleryman, Captain Tushin:

“Soon after the departure of Prince Bagration, Tushin managed to light Shengraben. (...) The enemy cannons in his imagination were not cannons, but pipes, from which an invisible smoker released smoke in rare puffs (...). “Come on, our Matveevna,”- he said to himself. Matveevna imagined in his imagination a large, extreme antique cast cannon. The French appeared to him like ants near their guns (...).

He himself imagined himself to be of enormous stature, a powerful man who threw cannonballs at the French with both hands.

- Well, Matveevna, mother, don’t give it away!- He was saying, moving away from the gun, when an alien, unfamiliar voice was heard above his head:

- Captain Tushin! Captain!

Tushin looked around in fear.

- Are you crazy? You were ordered to retreat twice, and you...

“Well, why did they take me?”- Tushin thought to himself, looking at the boss with fear.

- I... nothing- he said, putting two fingers to the visor.”

This is how it happens with intuitives: captivated by battle, Captain Tushin, in the heat of battle, which he embellishes with his own imagination, completely forgets about danger, behaves in the excitement of battle just like a small child.

Let us note in conclusion that it can never be the case that in the psyche of a particular person only one pole is present exclusively in the complete absence of the other. We have already made this remark in the alternative pair of signs ethics - logic. The same can be said about the sensory-intuition pair.

Indeed, an intuitive cannot always just have his head in the clouds? After all, every person has, whether he wants it or not, to take care of his home, clothing, health, and this is all in the area of ​​sensory. In the same way, it is difficult to imagine a person who would never fantasize about anything, predict events, or try to assess the situation “as a whole.” And all this is an intuitive area. Therefore, both sides are always present in the psyche of every person, but one manifests itself, as a rule, much stronger than the other.

Outwardly, the sensory type (19-21) looks quite confident, his gaze is specific, directed at the object that currently occupies him. His interest can be of both a logical (19, 20) and ethical (21) nature.

Unlike a sensory person, the intuitive’s gaze wanders to an unknown place (22, 24), it is unfocused, it is felt that some pictures pass before his mental gaze that occupy him much more than what is nearby. The intuitive is also characterized by an interested look, somewhat reminiscent of the look of a child when he sees a new toy (23); in this look one can feel the expectation of something new, promising, which a person sees behind the simple appearance of the object.

Sensory people have a tighter, more confident gait; they literally “walk on the ground,” feeling good about themselves, their body in space, while for intuitive people, as one young man noted, “all corners are mine.” Indeed, the intuitive often stumbles upon these very corners, his gait is devoid of confidence and stability, precisely because he senses his body in space much weaker than the sensory one.

Let's summarize what was said above.


- perceives the world as a sensory reality, in its specific forms, sensations, color and smell;

- is more interested in the result of the work actually performed;

- easily remembers details and textures of objects in the surrounding world;

- household disorder causes unbearable discomfort to him;

- feels well the needs of her body.


- his consciousness easily goes into the world of imagination;

- he is most interested in tempting opportunities and prospects;

- It is easier for him to notice the general outlines of an object than its details and texture;

- he calmly puts up with household disorder if he is passionate about his work;

- he has a poor sense of his body and its needs; for example, he may not realize that he is hungry or sick.

Let's summarize some results.

If the scale logics -ethics answers the question about the priority of interest: subject, fact, theory, abstraction, or - a person, people’s relationships, their feelings; then the scale sensory -intuition characterizes the way of selecting information: specifically, in detail, with a good vision of details - sensory, or in general, with the introduction of your own imagination - intuitively?

The question is often asked: “Who is better, an ethicist or a logician, a sensory person or an intuitive?”

Of course, no one is better than another, but everyone is good and useful in their own field, fulfilling their social role. If we are talking about production activities, scientific work, technological processes of organizing economic activities, the fight against crime, military service - of course, balanced logics in these areas will be more effective than emotional ethics, but in the social or humanitarian spheres - where skill is required to understand and feel the condition of each person, in medicine, in organizing the service sector, in educational work, in the intricacies of spiritual experience, in art - it is hardly possible to do without ethicists. Everyone is good in their place.

The same can be said about the second pair of mental properties, respectively, about sensors and intuitives. Without intuitives, foresight, fantasy, creativity, originality in solving problems, religion, poetry are unthinkable - everything that deviates from specifics. And all this is wonderful, but... without sensors, intuitives would die of hunger, freeze from the cold in winter and would not be able to realize their ideas or implement them in life.

It is probably no coincidence that socionics, despite its undoubted promise, has not yet gained its wide public recognition, because it is dealt with mainly by intuitive types who are perfectly able to see the exciting possibilities of using this knowledge. But for sensors, this area is not yet of interest on a large scale. However, to implement something you need sensory capabilities, the ability to “break through” a new direction, allocate money for its development, etc. Let us, however, hope that now it will not take decades for socionics to finally find its rightful place among the sciences person.

“Does he like me? The fact that just now, a second ago, he took my hand, does it mean that he wants to be closer to me? Or was he just carried away by the story? I wonder if we will kiss after the movie? Should I invite him over? Will he be okay with me?

How many times have all these, and millions of other, no less important questions rushed through your head in a restless round dance, when you seemed to listen with interest to what He was saying and even (well, at least it seemed so to you!) smiled in response with his most seductive smile. After all, you like Him so much! Although... will you feel as good in bed as at a table in a cafe?

Just think how many times the most seemingly promising relationships did not turn into romance because they did not work out in bed. And vice versa, how many marriages began with successful sex! Whether we like it or not, sex determines everything. And the 21st century, the revolution of morals and the progress of television have absolutely nothing to do with it. It’s just that today we know that having fun is natural. What could be better than the pleasure of sex with your loved one?!

So why sometimes, despite the depth of the feelings that connect us, the sincerity of mutual interest and the intensity of heartbeats, in bed
can you only talk? And why suddenly the night with that guy, whom you didn’t really take into account, turned out to be so enchanting? Is it even possible to explain what happens behind the bedroom doors?

It’s possible, answers socionics. Among the characteristics that determine our psychological types, there are two such as sensory and intuition. It is these two opposing concepts that underlie our sexual behavior. The fact is that initiative in sex, confident assertive actions and a leading role - the most natural behavior for a sensory person - are completely uncharacteristic of intuitives. Not because they were raised this way or because sex ranks last in their value system, not at all! An intuitive person can really love sex and her partner, but... be shy. If the initiative he shows does not receive a response, the intuitive becomes incredibly upset.

And the sensory one, on the contrary, gets excited, adds pressure, tries something else - in general, he goes to any lengths to involve his partner in his sexual game. And therefore, if his movements can be described as confident and strong, intimacy for an intuitive is rather the most gentle touches, stroking, barely audible kisses and elusive touches of eyelashes. In short, everything that makes sex so exciting, sensual and emotional. In other words, it turns it into Love.

This defining pair of features is complemented by the concepts of disputability and resolution developed by Jung. “Discussive” (“discussing”) types (the first and fourth quadra) tend to talk about emerging problems and find a solution that suits both, and “resolution” (“decisive”) types (the second and third quadra, respectively) tend to resolve the dispute without discussion, with one in one fell swoop. And, although this sign in itself does not determine how a person feels the world in general and his sexual partner in particular, it allows one to subdivide already identified sensory And intuitives into clearer groups.

1. Decisive sensors - “Hunters” (Zhukov, Gorky, Napoleon, Dreiser)

Both a man and a woman hunter are a born leader, a bright, strong and self-confident person, sincerely unaware of the existence of such a thing as compromise. Demanding submission, and, of course, taking the initiative in sex completely upon herself.

A true macho, such a man will not even think of asking whether the woman agrees to belong to him (and only to him!) entirely and completely - he simply cannot imagine that it could be otherwise! Therefore, hard spanking and impromptu wrestling may well become part of his erotic program, and rape may be his favorite game. He expects complete submission - no more, no less. It would be fair to note that he takes full responsibility for the success of your bed date - and, it should be noted, he copes with this task brilliantly.

The life of a Huntress Woman is a constant pursuit of success and struggle. Including with men. These are exactly those successful business women, perfect from hair to toe, who themselves stand at the head of the empires they have created. They always know what they want, from whom, and how to get it. Her favorite weapons are intelligence, sarcasm and naked irony. And, of course, self-confidence.
Oddly enough, win?
You can beat her (and also find out what she is capable of in bed, and her abilities in the bedroom are in no way inferior to business successes) by resorting to weapons that are completely opposite - demonstrative weakness, helplessness and inability not only to resist her onslaught, but even to think about him.

If you recognize yourself in the Huntress,

Your ideal lover is a kind of page boy who idolizes his mistress and is ready to fulfill her whims around the clock. With him, you won’t have to seem kind, sweet, affectionate and homely - to hell, be yourself! Make demands, correct, insist, demand your own! But don’t forget to praise, because you do it like no one else. The Deer man will idolize you forever.

It is possible that outside the bedroom walls you may be attracted to a shy and slightly naive Man-Child. However, once you are alone with him, you will be disappointed: he will not become a page, moreover, he will begin to demand attention and affection. And your outright authority will frighten him. Relationships with a Man-Father are doomed even at the dating stage, because he embodies everything that you hate in the opposite sex: a patronizing and at the same time (just think!) condescending attitude. A fight with another Hunter can be bright and exciting, but it requires too much effort to last long: you will have to constantly fight for leadership, and you will not recognize second roles.

2. Decisive intuitives - “Deer” (Yesenin, Hamlet, Balzac, Jack London)

The opposite of the domineering Hunters, Deer are touching creatures, unable to stand up for themselves, with huge, sad eyes and a kind heart.

The ideal of a Deer man is a confident, passionate woman who makes her own choices. In other words, he chooses him. And for him. Next to her, he becomes submissive and obedient, respects her and greedily catches orders, orders and changes in her mood. Occasionally he may show character in order to immediately listen with pleasure to a remark. It is enough to take such a man by the hand and lead him - not only will he not be indignant, but, on the contrary, he will see in you the woman of his dreams.

The Deer Woman dreams of a strong, domineering man, strong-willed and reliable, like the entire Wall of China. Next to him, she can be herself: weak, dependent on her loved one, dreamy and a little sad. If she resists at first, it is only to check that she has really found the one who is destined for her - after all, her man will not be afraid of refusal in any form, there are no barriers for him. This means that sex with her will be a worthy reward for him.

If you recognize yourself in the Deer Woman,

Your ideal lover is the one who knows perfectly well what, when and how to do with you. He doesn’t wage a long siege and doesn’t ask for your permission: after all, having started discussing upcoming intimacy with you, there is a chance of never moving beyond conversations! Quite frank, flavored with your memories, but still conversations! If you feel strength in a man, and in the literal sense - he persistently squeezes your hand, pulls you towards him, - in a word, in every way makes it clear that he does not intend to let you go home today - have no doubt, you won’t be bored at night! And if you decide to resist a little, do not deny yourself this insidious female pleasure.

Relationships with other types of men:

What other men could there be? The Father Man may seem like the right man at first glance, but his kind and protective attitude will forever keep you on friendly terms. The Man-Child is definitely not one of those who takes the initiative in sex, and outside the walls of the bedroom he doesn’t make much of an impression: you have enough charm of your own! It’s not worth trying with men of your type: mutual concessions that no one demanded
broad gestures that no one expected add up over time into a string of mutual grievances and reproaches that none of you can overcome.

3. Discussing sensory people - “Parents” (Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)

Energetic and experienced sexual partners, especially sensitive to touch. They can’t stand it when strangers or people they don’t like take them by the hand. They are proactive, but unlike Hunters, they do not clearly dominate. Sex happens out of sympathy, trust and is based on warm, kind feelings.

The Father Man is truly interested in your inner world. You can trust him with all your secrets, fears and doubts - he is not...
How will it help you deal with it?
?, explaining from his wealth of experience that most of them wouldn't scare a mouse, but would be endlessly fascinated by you. For this serious person, there is nothing more attractive than sincere feelings and genuine emotions. As for experience, the less you have, the better. Father is very sensitive to admiration, but he no longer believes words, but what your body tells him.

The Mother Woman is the embodiment of good power. Next to her, all fears and doubts disappear, and the comfort she creates exudes home, peace and happiness. She chooses a man for herself, from those who were attracted by the warm fire of her hearth, and always chooses an intelligent and kind man. And, of course, a little awkward, not independent, unable to take care of himself in small things. Puts order in his things, affairs and head. Supports them in career matters, guides them on the right path, and helps them in important endeavors.

If you recognize yourself as a Mother Woman, your ideal lover should be gentle, sophisticated, loving and creative when it comes to the endless strokes of foreplay that you love so much. Rush and instant attack have the opposite effect on you: you just get up and walk away. Seeing a gaze fixed on you, full of sincere and selfless adoration, take the initiative into your own hands: you have found the one you will take to your place this night.

Relationships with other types of men:

The Hunter's onslaught is unpleasant for you because you by nature cannot stand pressure and value harmony in relationships, including sex.

The indecision, sadness and whims of the Deer Man seem feigned to you, and psychological games are not something you are good at and something that definitely should not be in your bedroom. The Father Man evokes in you understanding, respect and warm feelings - in short, everything except excitement. You happily discuss the weather, philosophy, his affairs at work with him and work on home improvement together... But in your new tastefully furnished bedroom you want only one thing - to sleep. So don't complicate your life - leave him as a friend. Sex is still a completely different pleasure.

4. Discussing intuitives - “Children” (Robespierre, Don Quixote, Dostoevsky, Huxley)

Impressionable, sincere and talented, unadapted to everyday life and its routine, Children captivate with their defenselessness and interest in life. They are affectionate, trusting, kind, and try to cheer up others when they feel bad and help when necessary.

The Man-Child will never try to get into bed with the woman of his dreams. It’s not that he’s not interested, on the contrary! In his dreams, he had already imagined hundreds of times how it could be... But things are unlikely to progress beyond compliments and admiration. He needs to be encouraged, instilled with confidence in his own abilities, and even better, taught what and how to do. Help in some important matter for him. Show concern and concern. And then there will be no price for him!

If you recognize yourself in the Woman-Daughter,

Your ideal lover stands firmly on the ground, knows what he wants from life and calmly goes towards it. Loyal, caring and gentle, he will create all the conditions for you so that you can continue to admire the world around you and fill his stable world with colors and touching emotions. The main condition for you to end up in his bed is your trust in him. Therefore, take a good look at the one who is always there when it’s hard for you and always knows what to do in all life situations. Rest assured: the bedroom is no exception.

Relationships with other types of men:

You can have fun in bed with someone you trust infinitely, and this, of course, is the Father Man. You have a lot of mutual understanding with the Deer Man, but you don’t feel any attraction to him, it’s purely a spiritual connection. Like all women, Hunters make an impression on you, but you are unlikely to dare to be intimate with them: it remains to be seen whether they will think about your pleasure
and comfort. With other children
You will be interested at first, but over time you will feel uncomfortable: after all, everyone in your couple requires attention and care! And you can’t really take care of yourself either.

As you can see, in sex, the best choice for each of us is a dual. The features of our psyche, responsible for psychological compatibility with “our”, dear, person, make themselves felt in the bedroom. Socionics is at its best again. But we should not forget that no matter how ideally accurate and fantastically brilliant science may be, there is something that can resist any of its postulates. This something is Love, it lives in each of us and is capable of any magic. Especially when it comes to such a miracle for two loving hearts as sex.

It is not always possible for a person to immediately determine Is he intuitive or sensory?. Each of us has both, just to varying degrees. Both sensory and intuition are functions perception, but the perception is different. What does the sensor perceive first? All material, physical in this world. Shapes, colors, smells, tastes, temperature, dimensions of space, balance of forces in space, physical characteristics of a person, the ability to exert volitional pressure, pressure.

What does the intuitive perceive? Of course, the intuitive also sees and feels objects of the material world. However, he is designed in such a way that all physical stimuli do not seem to reach his consciousness, being pushed aside intuitive signals. For example, he may not feel the taste of food during lunch, because at that moment he is thinking about some idea. It is impossible to be at the same time “here, now” and in the future, and the intuitive, carried away by dreams into future, or, conversely, moving in his memories to past, often looks scattered and impractical in reality.

If you find it difficult to determine Are you intuitive or sensory? think about what things scare you in this life most often. Intuitives and sensory people have completely different fears, and this can also be the key to determining the type. So what are they afraid of?

Sensory feel very anxious about the situation unknown. It is difficult for them to predict changes in the future, and therefore the unknown is not known to them in the literal sense. Intuitive people always see the likely development of events and are better prepared for changes. Intuitive people can also worry about the future, but only if they foresee dangerous moments in it. Sensors are worried precisely because the future for them is a blind spot, in which they do not understand or see anything. And it's scary.

Intuits are afraid of circumstances in which they may be required to strong-willed pressure, the ability to defend oneself in a situation pressure, including physical. It is intuitive people who often engage in various types of wrestling, not in order to be able to fight well, but in order to simply feel more confident. And they always have to overcome some barrier, even in a situation where self-defense is actually required, in order to hit a person. They are never completely confident in their strength. And often they cannot distribute it correctly. An intuitive friend who started taking karate once told me: “I used to be afraid that I wouldn’t be able to defend myself if I was suddenly attacked on the street. And now I’m afraid that I won’t calculate my strength and inadvertently kill the attacker :)”

Sensory afraid don't calculate the time, do not catch the right moment. The overwhelming majority of sensory people wear wristwatches, and at home you can also see a clock in their room, in the kitchen, in the hallway. They constantly check the dial and are very worried if they can’t leave on time. Sensors are not very good at managing time, and therefore they often feel completely helpless when they are late. Therefore, they try to avoid such situations.

Intuits they feel time from the inside, and therefore these questions bother them less. They are afraid of something else. For example, the need care for the sick or a small child. It is difficult for an intuitive person to take care of a person’s health and needs and maintain physical comfort. It is often difficult for him to even take care of himself! What can we say about others. This is a huge responsibility, which the intuitive prefers to avoid if possible.

Sensory a situation where something is required can also frighten invent, fantasize, come up with original and non-standard solution to the problem. The sensory person is a realist and prefers to use proven, working methods rather than hypothetical ones that are not yet known whether they will work or not.

Intuita the need to decide here and now is frightening pressing task. Moreover, it may not be complicated at all. Intuitives often have a hard time with what they consider basic things, for example, cutting bread at a party, setting a table, or choosing quality products in a store.

Thus, the fears of intuitives and sensors are very different, and that is why they need each other's support. It is important for all of us that close people and friends can relieve our worries and worries by lending a reliable shoulder at the right time.