Soy lecithin. Application in the food industry

The emulsifier lecithin is a food additive that affects the formation of a homogeneous mass. This substance is an important component for proper chemical balance in the human body. The additive is used in the production of chocolate products, margarine and confectionery products. Most lecithin is found in egg yolks, sunflower seeds and soybeans.

How is the substance obtained?

It is from these products that the natural supplement is extracted. The food industry uses the emulsifier E322, which plays the role of an antioxidant and is very beneficial for the body in small doses. But its content in food products must be carefully monitored, since an excessive dose of even the most useful element could be harmful.

Natural soy lecithin is used to prepare food products more often than other varieties of this food additive. The fact is that it is obtained from waste from processing legumes, so production does not require the purchase of raw materials.

This processing method allows you to solve several problems at once. Firstly, there is no need to dispose of waste, since it will act as the main raw material in another technological process. Secondly, this significantly reduces the cost of the production of the substance itself and does not greatly increase the cost of food products to which it is added.

The benefits of soy lecithin have also received medical confirmation. This element takes an active part in the breakdown of complex fats that accumulate in the body. Medicines based on this substance are used to treat atherosclerosis, improve functional state liver, normalization of work nervous system.

Reviews of soy lecithin are positive character. People who have used drugs based on it note that their health has improved, the digestion process has normalized, unjustified nervousness has become rare, and the causeless state of anxiety has gone away.

Harm to the body has not been proven

Soy lecithin has no proven medical research harmful effects. As for an overdose of the substance, there has not been a single recorded case. The food additive in the total mass of the product makes up hundredths of a percent, which cannot lead to an overdose. Regarding medicines, they also contain many other elements, so it is not possible to establish the direct effect of excess lecithin on the body.

There are many articles circulating on the Internet about the dangers and benefits of the emulsifier E322. However, most of them consist of general phrases and do not provide any clarity to the reader. After reading them, even more questions arise. In general, it is better not to trust rumors and speculation without reliable information and not to risk your health. Questions of interest should be clarified with specialists.

Therefore, it is worth giving an unequivocal answer: natural lecithin has an exclusively positive effect and is an important microelement of the body, part of all cells. The danger comes from those food additives that are made from genetically modified products.

According to the law Russian Federation the use of such substances in the food industry is prohibited. However, many scammers, in pursuit of profit, ignore the prohibitions and add dangerous elements to products. The problem is that it is very difficult to identify attackers, and even more difficult to prove their guilt and bring them to justice.

Harmful substances have negative influence not immediately after consumption. They accumulate in the body for years, after which they begin their destructive effects. Therefore, the problem of control of producers must be resolved at the highest state level. It is necessary to tighten penalties for the use of elements harmful to human life and health, and to conduct inspections more often.

Applications of soy lecithin

Granulated soy lecithin is used as a so-called biologically active additives. It is useful for both older people and young people. This compound contains glycerin, polymolecular fats, phosphoric acid and vitamins involved in the transmission nerve impulses from the central nervous system.

Lecithin is involved in many processes occurring inside cells. Its ability to break down complex fats helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol build-ups on them and improves blood circulation. This is especially important for older people to avoid unnecessary strain on the heart.

Lecithin is also included in muscle tissue, so athletes need to eat right so that training is not in vain. Granulated lecithin can be taken as a preventive measure for absolutely healthy people. He doesn't have side effects and contraindications, therefore it is dispensed without a prescription from a doctor.

The daily intake of lecithin for an adult is 4000 milligrams. This value is valid for healthy body. During the course of treatment, the rate may be increased at the discretion of the doctor. As for the need for a substance at certain times of the year, there is no difference. The element is equally necessary for the body, as in summer heat, and in the winter cold.

Soy lecithin is a food additive widely used in industry to increase the shelf life of products. It prevents them from aging and so on. This substance is usually designated E322.

Effects of different types of lecithin on the body

Lecithin is a by-product released during the refining of sunflower, rapeseed, and soybean oils. Its effect on the human body depends on the type of plant from which it was produced.

If genetically modified (GMO) soybeans were used to create the emulsifier, then this substance may be harmful. Its use can negatively affect the health of the male half of the globe due to the presence in the plant of a certain amount of phytoestrogens (substances similar to female sex hormones).

When using lecithin from rapeseed oil, many scientists point to the toxicity of rapeseed, which also endangers the health of those who use the emulsifier in food or bio-additives. The use of sunflower lecithin does not cause allergic reactions, as happens with soy emulsifier.

How is it useful?

The benefits of soy lecithin are possible only if a non-GMO plant was used in production. Positive factors for consuming soy lecithin include:

Cardiovascular Support

The principle of action of the substance is based on the removal cholesterol plaques from the walls of blood vessels. The emulsifier prevents the combination of fat and cholesterol and their attachment. In addition, it makes the heart muscle more resilient thanks to additional beneficial substances, phospholipids.

Acceleration of metabolism

Breaks down some fats, prevents obesity, as well as a return to normal course liver function.

Improved brain activity

Thanks to natural lecithin, the work of both hemispheres becomes more productive, the development of those parts of the brain that are responsible for speech and the assimilation of large amounts of information is stimulated.

Protection against nervous diseases

Promotes the production of myelin, which is part of nerve cells. It is thanks to this function that soy emulsifier helps fight depression, insomnia, and chronic fatigue.

Respiratory support

The principle of action of the substance is based on participation in the production of surfactant, due to which gas exchange occurs in the lungs.

Liver and Gallbladder Support

Lecithin is a phospholipid that is synthesized by the liver, which is why it is regular use normalizes the work of this organ. The emulsifier also helps enhance the function of bile secretion.

Getting rid of nicotine addiction

The main component of lecithin, phosphatidylcholine, is converted in the human body into acetylcholic acid. The latter is struggling with nicotinic acid for nerve receptors.

Emulsifier harm

Soy emulsifier does not have many contraindications compared to the benefits it brings. For example, it can lead to allergic reactions with individual intolerance to soy.

And it also leads to the following complications at uncontrolled intake for food:

  • Memory deteriorates;
  • The function of the thyroid gland is impaired;
  • Are clogged bile ducts with existing gallstones;
  • Dizziness and nausea appear.
  • Violated water-electrolyte balance in the body, which leads to diarrhea.

It is for this reason that you should first consult with your doctor about taking the substance in food as a dietary supplement.

Which products contain emulsifier E322?

All fats and oils are rich in lecithin. Naturally occurring substance found in animals and plant products. There is also industrially produced lecithin.

There are several sources of phospholipid among plants:

  • Legumes (soybeans, peas, lentils, chickpeas);
  • Sunflower seeds;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Wheat,
  • Rice cereal;
  • Corn;
  • Nuts (peanuts, cashews, walnuts);
  • Yeast;
  • Avocado;
  • Olives;
  • Cabbage and carrots.

In animal products, the substance is found in eggs, liver, fish oil, caviar, beef, butter and milk, sour cream, cottage cheese.
An industrial emulsifier can be found in chocolate, vegetable spreads, baby food, soy products; cupcakes and other baked goods, ice cream.

How does a substance deficiency manifest itself?

Flaw soy emulsifier leads to the following violations:

  • In children under 3 years of age there is an increase intracranial pressure and as a result of this, headaches, tearfulness, irritability, and impaired speech development also appear.
  • In a child from 3 to 12 years old, a lack of emulsifier leads to a violation brain activity, to deterioration of memory, attention, aggressive behavior and mood swings, frequent fatigue and colds.
  • In adults, a deficiency in lecithin intake affects the mental and emotional state health, there is a tendency to depression and neuroses, headaches and insomnia, chronic fatigue and irritability.

Regardless of age, a lack of phosphatidylcholine leads to dysfunction digestive system, liver and kidneys. This frequent diarrhea, flatulence (colic).

Who needs an emulsifier most?

This supplement has great importance for babies and children, pregnant women and the elderly.

As a result of consuming the emulsifier, children develop and grow faster, and the connections between nerve fibers, which means memory and concentration increases.

During the period of bearing a child, women need a sufficient supply of lecithin, this is only 5-7 g per day. Thanks to the emulsifier, the nervous system and the fetal brain are correctly formed and laid the most important organs(heart, liver, lungs).

For older people, lecithin is indispensable. It allows you to avoid senile dementia, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis. The emulsifier helps maintain vigor and clarity of mind, strengthen memory.

How to choose?

The emulsifier is now sold as part of many biologically active additives and vitamins. Thus, Essentiale Forte is used as a hepatoprotector of the liver; it contains lecithin.

To choose the right supplement with E322, you need to consider whether you are allergic to soy. In case of its absence, a substance based on soy lecithin will be the most effective. It contains more phospholipids, which means it is more effective than an emulsifier based on sunflower oil.

You must choose a dietary supplement that has a non-GMO label (GMP certificate).

An oily supplement is better than a granular form because it uses more modern technologies to obtain an emulsifier.

Powdered lecithin is most convenient. It can be easily dissolved in tea, juice and added to food.

The supplement is called Lecithin or Omega-3, there is also NSP lecithin, UM lecithin and other dietary supplements.

How to take the emulsifier?

Take with meals, 1 teaspoon three times a day. Add it to cool or warm drinks and dishes. In the treatment of psoriasis, multiple sclerosis and others serious illnesses the dosage of the additive is increased to 5 tbsp. l. substances per day.

For small breastfed babies, lecithin is recommended at 1/4 teaspoon per day. For artificial babies, the emulsifier is initially contained in the infant formula.

You can learn more about the types of lecithin, its harms and benefits in the following video:

Soy lecithin is widely used in modern medicine as a way to support the health of patients with obesity, liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, and other cardiovascular diseases, as well as improve memory and eliminate depression. When taking it, it is important to take into account contraindications and the person’s age.

Lecithin, food additive E 322, food manufacturers add chocolate and products with chocolate icing, margarines and spreads, bakery and confectionery products.

Lecithin is an essential component of the human body. Its deficiency leads to a number of serious diseases.

Emulsifier lecithin E 322– a food additive that is responsible for creating homogeneous emulsions. Vegetable lecithins, soy or sunflower, are used for food production.

Lecithin is a furnace in which fat is burned

The name of the substance comes from the Greek word “lekithos”, which means “egg yolk”. It is there, and also in sunflower seeds and soybeans, that you should look for lecithin.

Lecithins are a group of complex lipids that perform essential functions in the human body.

Lecithin: composition

The composition of lecithin molecules includes:

  • glycerol
  • fatty acids - stearic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic
  • phosphoric acid
  • Choline is a vitamin-like substance, a raw material for the synthesis of nerve impulse transmitters - neurotransmitters.
Lecithin: functions

The main task of the substance is to build cell membranes in the body. Biological membranes are responsible for metabolism, transport of metabolic products, and cell integrity.

Lecithins are necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses and for the formation of the body's energy reserve.

Lecithin: beneficial properties

One of the main properties of lecithin is the fight against bad cholesterol, which makes the substance effective for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It promotes proper absorption of fats.

Lecithin is a necessary tool for maintaining the normal functioning of the nervous system. It helps to increase mental activity, improves memory, helps with depression.

Lecithin is one of the means to maintain liver health.

Lecithin helps with some skin diseases– psoriasis, neurodermatitis.

Lecithin in products

For food production, soy lecithin or sunflower lecithin is most often used.

Soy lecithin Made from purified soybean oil with minimal heat treatment.

Sunflower lecithin produced using sunflower oil extraction.

E 322 is a natural herbal food additive, a natural emulsifier.

Lecithin: harm

Is lecithin in food harmful? This question is asked by many healthy eating advocates who are wary of food additives E.

To date, there are no studies confirming the negative impact of E 322 on human health. In addition, lecithin is the most important component of the human body. The substance is used not only in the food industry, but also in the medical industry. Lecithin is produced in capsules and granules as a dietary supplement to prevent atherosclerosis, improve the functioning of the liver and nervous system.

Soy lecithin may be made from genetically modified raw materials - this is the main danger of consuming products containing lecithin, according to some consumers. There is also no official information about the dangers of using GM products, but their quantity is currently strictly regulated. There are numerous discussions on this matter, which you can join on our portal:

Before comparing the benefits and harms of lecithin, you need to understand what it is in principle.

What is it?

Lecithin is a natural emulsifier consisting of choline, residues fatty acids(monounsaturated and saturated), glycerol and phosphoric acid residues.

This compound was first isolated from egg yolk. Today it is mainly obtained from animal products, cotton seeds, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, corn grains and soybeans. The last source is the most common. This is why people often ask “what is soy lecithin?”, even though the compound does not necessarily have to do with soy.

The main role of lecithin in the human body is as an emulsifier. This compound has a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail. This gives it the ability to break large fat particles into smaller ones, making them easier to mix with water and digest.

This is the traditional explanation for the benefits of lecithin.

However, there is one more thing. The connection is good source choline, which takes part in the process of methylation - joining the methyl residue (CH3) to the molecule.

Proteins and nucleic acids. Especially great value has DNA methylation. Since the addition and removal of methyl residues from DNA molecules is extremely important for changing the activity of genes. And this affects absolutely all functions of the body.

Positive effects on health

Methylation processes are extremely important. However, they have not been studied well enough. In addition, lecithin is by no means the only source of choline. Therefore, today the main health benefits of this compound are attributed to its emulsification activity.

Treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. One of the main explanations for the benefits of lecithin is that it improves lipid profile.

Taking 500 mg daily has been proven to reduce levels of:

  • total cholesterol in a month by 40.66% and by 42% in two;
  • low-density lipoproteins (LDL) - by 42.05% after a month and by 56.15% after two.

Despite the fact that it has now been proven that the level of total cholesterol is weakly related to a person’s diet and does not significantly correlate with the risk of developing atherosclerosis, for some people its reduction may be beneficial.

First of all, these are those who eat wildly a lot fatty foods. And also patients with hyperlipoproteinemia.

As for lowering LDL levels, in this case the properties of lecithin may be useful for a larger number of people. Because one type of LDL—small sticky particles—is actually associated with high risk diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Immunity Boost. Another reason why soy lecithin is beneficial for the human body is its immunomodulatory functions. The compound improves immunity by enhancing the activity of macrophages. It has a particularly strong effect on patients with diabetes. Stress management. The human body contains hormones that are associated with stress. These are cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Some substances can reduce the level of these hormones and thereby suppress stress.

Lecithin is a rather complex complex, and it contains elements that can suppress the activity of cortisol and ACTH. These are phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine complex.

It was found that the effect of lecithin on the psyche is truly remarkable. It can significantly reduce the level of anxiety assessed on the Spielberg scale.

Benefits for nursing mothers. Lecithin is just the dietary supplement that can be taken for breastfeeding. Because it thins milk and prevents blockage of the mammary ducts. Improvement of the digestive system. The emulsifier lecithin works as a natural lubricant for the intestines. It normalizes the amount of mucus in the intestines and has a positive effect on the condition of the internal lining of the intestinal wall.

This type of activity is useful for relieving symptoms in various inflammatory diseases Gastrointestinal tract. The most significant therapeutic effect identified for the treatment of ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Prevention of dementia. This benefit of lecithin is associated with the presence of choline in it. There is no definitive scientific evidence yet that this dietary supplement can significantly alleviate the symptoms of senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease, but it is very likely that it helps prevent them.

How does it affect the process of losing weight?

Positively. Lecithin accelerates the breakdown of fats and thus accelerates metabolism.

However, you should not perceive this compound as some kind of miracle diet pill.

Indications for use

Based on the properties, we can highlight the main indications for taking soy lecithin. This:

  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder that interfere with the normal absorption of fats;
  • inflammatory and ulcerative bowel diseases;
  • hypercholesterolemia;
  • depression and/or chronic anxiety;
  • painful dryness skin;
  • lactation period;
  • diabetes mellitus(only with the permission of the attending physician);
  • old age(the need to prevent age-related decline in cognitive abilities and memory impairment).

How to take?

Only a doctor can give exact instructions for the use of soy lecithin. General recommendations are:

  • for prevention neurological diseases– 5000 – 10,000 mg per day, dividing the dose into several doses (treatment period – 6 months);
  • to eliminate depression and anxiety – 400 mg 3 times a day for a month;
  • for liver pathologies that interfere with the absorption of fats - 500 mg three times a day;
  • at ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome - 3000 - 4000 mg three times a day;
  • to reduce cholesterol levels – 500-900 mg three times a day;
  • when breastfeeding – 1200 mg 4 times a day.

Can dietary supplements be dangerous?

The most common harms of lecithin are associated with: side effects, How:

  • bloating and pain in the abdomen abdominal area;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • mild skin irritation.

Some people are concerned about the theoretical harm of soy lecithin due to the fact that it may contain soy protein impurities.

In addition, some people are allergic to this product. However, when it comes to soy lecithin, there is nothing to fear. The amount of protein from this plant in the supplement is so small that even people with severe allergies to soy products can take it.

However, this does not mean that the supplement is completely safe. In fact, it has not been studied so well that such conclusions can be drawn.

For example, recent evidence has shown that gut bacteria produce trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) from lecithin. This substance is atherogenic. That is, it promotes education atherosclerotic plaques.

Trimethylamine N-oxide is especially high in the blood of people who have had a heart attack. But it is not yet known whether the accumulation of TMAO led to heart attack. Or an increase in the level of this substance is a reflection of severe atherosclerosis. It is also unknown whether lecithin taken as a supplement can enhance TMAO production. But there are certain concerns in this regard.

Interaction with other medications

The instructions for the use of lecithin state that it cannot be used in conjunction with medications that reduce blood clotting, which include non-steroidal pro-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin), antiplatelet drugs (clopidogrel).

Moreover, the effect of lecithin in in this case so significant that it is forbidden to combine it even with herbal medicines used to combat inflammation and reduce blood clotting.

  • medications that affect acetylcholine levels;
  • detoxifying agents that remove heavy metal toxins;
  • medications used to treat age-related cognitive changes, including nootropics.

To accept it or not: conclusions

Like any other dietary supplement, this compound has its supporters and opponents. Objective data suggests that the benefits and harms of lecithin have not been fully studied.

Therefore, many experts advise to still exercise some caution. Do not rely on lecithin without clear indications for this. Do not take dietary supplements constantly. Follow the permitted dosage.

Any mother wants her baby to grow up healthy, smart and strong, so she tries to feed him properly, give him fresh fruits and multivitamins. But in connection with the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the question has arisen: is soy lecithin in products harmful or beneficial for children? Let's look at the facts and, based on them, draw the appropriate conclusion to dispel doubts about whether soy lecithin in baby food (baby formula, porridge) is harmful...

Does soy lecithin have any beneficial properties? Yes, it does! Lecithin is an essential building block of the peripheral and central nervous system. So the PNS is 15% lecithin, and the CNS is 30%. The conclusion from this is obvious: for our body this is very useful substance!

It is involved in the intrauterine formation nerve tissue and fetal brain. IN mother's milk the lecithin content is almost 100 times higher than its entire amount in a woman’s body. This is a good argument in favor of this substance. It is extremely important for the central nervous system, where lecithin is responsible for memory, concentration, thinking, and this is what we are trying to stimulate and develop in our children. The choline it contains promotes memory development.

An important argument in favor of the harmlessness of soy lecithin for children is its ability to help absorb vitamins A, E, D, K, ensure normal fat metabolism, and stimulate the formation of red blood cells– hemoglobin and red blood cells. And for a child, vitamins are extremely important, because a lack of vitamin A can lead to delayed development and growth, vitamin E - to weight loss, vitamin D - to the appearance of rickets, vitamin K - to blood clotting disorders.

The composition of soy lecithin looks like this:

Phospholipids -98%, of which phosphatidylcholine 20-24%, phosphatidylserine 18-22%, phospholipid structures also contain linoleic and linolenic acids.
A lack of linoleic acid in the body leads to hair loss, deterioration of the skin, and linolenic acid leads to growth retardation.

Undoubtedly, soy lecithin is important for the liver, which consists of 50% of it. With its help, fats are transferred from liver cells and the consistency of bile is normalized.

To a healthy person 5-7 grams of lecithin are required daily.

In addition, it is a component of biological membranes and helps in energy production, which is extremely important in childhood. Children cannot spend a second in peace - they crawl, run, jump, climb, so they need nutrition, including soy lecithin.

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about soy, which is strongly associated with GMOs, because soy is often used in the production of the latter. There are some subtleties here, since soy lecithin is made from soybean oil, which is first very well purified and filtered. Science has proven that lecithin plant origin much more effective than substances of animal origin.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether soy lecithin in infant formula and other foods is harmful. However, do not take without due doubt all the information reported by the media. The statement that soy is unambiguously harmful is erroneous. Take, for example, the Chinese, for whom soy is a very popular product, and they are known to be a nation of long-lived people. This means that soy is not so harmful! So you can simply boil potatoes and they will be healthy, or you can make chips out of them, which will be very harmful product.

In conclusion, we recommend that if you see soy lecithin in baby cereals, formulas or other baby food, you carefully study the composition on the packaging and the name of the manufacturer, so as not to give your child a risky drug. Ask your pharmacist, look on the Internet for information about this means. And when you are sure that the company is not of dubious origin and is responsible for its products, give food with lecithin to your baby.