Growth hormone: how to increase hormone levels. How to increase growth hormone in the body without drugs

Nikolay Kutsenko, 24 years old:

Please tell me what products contain somatotropin, and how can I make up for its deficiency? What can a lack of this hormone lead to?

Answer from our expert

A somatotropin called somatotropic hormone or GH is produced in the anterior part of the pituitary gland. In children and people with unclosed growth plates, it causes bones to grow in length, for which this substance is called growth hormone. HGH is also called as it stimulates collagen production, improving skin condition.

Growth hormone promotes the formation muscle tissue and prevents its destruction. It inhibits the growth of adipose tissue, promoting fat burning by increasing the ratio of muscle tissue to fat. Somatotropin acts on bone tissue, causing it to absorb calcium.

The level of the hormone reaches its maximum concentration in the blood at night, so people who work night shifts are deficient. Hormone deficiency is especially dangerous for children. Its deficiency leads to development and mental retardation in children. physical development.

An excess of the hormone when the growth zones are not closed leads to the development. If the growth zones are closed, and there is an excessive concentration of growth hormone in the blood, thickening of the bones and soft tissues occurs, resulting in the development of a disease called.

Increase hormone levels naturally Products containing animal protein help. These include:

Foods rich in vegetable protein. These include nuts, beans, peas and all legumes, nuts and seeds.

Video: 5 Foods to Grow Naturally Without Exercise

The hormone somatropin is produced by the anterior pituitary gland throughout life. About the purpose of this substance in human body known only to doctors. Meanwhile, this hormone works real miracles with your well-being and appearance. However, he has many side effects with intravenous or intramuscular injection. This article describes how to increase your growth hormone levels using folk remedies and what are the consequences of its constant use in injectable form.

What is somatropin and how does it affect the body?

Peak production of this substance by the anterior pituitary gland occurs between the ages of one and ten years. It is during this period of time that the body grows most intensively: bone tissue, internal organs, muscles, skin, teeth. A colossal amount of energy is required for the growth process to proceed normally.

In some cases, the endocrine system is disrupted and the growth process may stop. In this case, the child may be diagnosed with dwarfism or muscle atrophy, as well as certain skeletal diseases. Adults may also be diagnosed with a disease that requires high doses of the hormone (acromegaly, anterior pituitary adenoma). In this case, injections of somatropin are prescribed intravenously or intramuscularly; the dose is prescribed individually, depending on the patient’s age and the severity of the disease.

Artificially synthesized growth hormone is currently available in two forms:

The most well-known somatropin drug pharmaceutical market- "Jintropin", it can be purchased at any pharmacy with a prescription from a doctor. The cost of the drug is quite high - for a box with 10 ampoules, 10 units of the drug in each, you should pay about seven thousand rubles. This amount of medicine lasts on average for two weeks. It is also possible to increase growth hormone naturally, without resorting to injections, but of course, it is not so effective.

Indications for use and side effects with regular use

Indications for use injectable drug:

  • slow growth of skeleton and muscle tissue in children, due to a deficiency of growth hormone produced endogenously by the pituitary gland;
  • growth retardation caused by certain chronic diseases internal organs(for example, with chronic renal failure such a need may arise);
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome;
  • osteoporosis;
  • autoimmune diseases, which are accompanied by lack of body weight and muscle atrophy.

If there is a disability, the patient can receive the drug for free. What about people who do not have disabilities? How to increase growth hormone levels without injections? This can be achieved at home, but with serious illnesses such a result will not be enough. But, for example, it is possible to reduce pain due to osteoporosis or arthritis by adjusting the diet, as a result of which the level of endogenous somatropin will increase.

Side effects when administered in high doses injection form drug:

Somatropin in the world of sports and bodybuilding

Not only sick people, but also amateur athletes worry about how to increase the secretion of growth hormone. About ten years ago, information about the effect of the hormone on body quality was leaked into the public domain. Since then, somatropin has become a favorite among bodybuilders for reducing body fat and increasing muscle hypertrophy (volume). Almost every gym regular knows how to increase growth hormone in the body without resorting to using pharmacy ampoules. Of course, the effect is weaker, but it also occurs.

The effect of growth hormone on body quality (subject to a daily dose of 20-30 units of Jintropin):

  • reduction of subcutaneous fat (even women with their “estrogen fat” somatropin allows you to dry up to 8-10% of body fat);
  • increase in volume muscle mass;
  • a surge of energy - workouts become long, intense, without compromising nervous system athlete, there is no “overtraining” effect, which will inevitably appear in those who do not take somatropin;
  • the effect of growth hormone injections also affects cartilage and bone tissue: it can grow and become stronger. It is also an excellent prevention of diseases such as arthritis and osteoporosis.

Almost any experienced bodybuilder knows how to increase growth hormone levels. These are some changes in diet, intermittent fasting, building muscle tissue, adjusting sleep patterns. Each of these methods is described below.

Somatropin for children: indications for use and consequences of use

Growth hormone has been used for decades to treat muscle atrophy and dwarfism in children. The hormone has helped tens of thousands of children around the world grow to average human height, while without the use of the drug they could have stopped at 1.35-1.40 m and not grown higher. Regular injections of somatropin helped them reach 1.65-1.70 m, that is, normal average human height. At the same time, bone, cartilage and muscle tissue also showed a normal rate of development, as expected healthy person.

Alas, not all children responded positively to exogenously supplied somatropin. The minimum values ​​of the own (endogenous) hormone in the blood did not increase. Such low absorption of the hormone occurs in approximately 5% of cases. Advice about how a child can grow without injections will not help in this case either. Such problematic absorption of somatropin is associated with personal intolerance and is quite rare.

Are there any side effects of using injectable somatropin? Fact increased hormone growth in children with exogenous intake has been studied by scientists for decades different countries, and today we can say with confidence: practically no side effects on the body and there are no far-reaching consequences from using the drug. In this case, the hormone was used both in moderate and increased doses. In some cases, there was a discrepancy between the growth rate of muscles and skeleton, however, this clinical picture can be corrected with the help of sports activities, physiotherapy and massage. A course of somatropin for a child should be carried out under the close supervision of an orthopedist, endocrinologist, and immunologist. Supervision by specialists will help minimize side effects and determine the optimal dosage for each individual case.

How to increase somatropin levels without using pharmaceuticals?

Drugs that increase growth hormone can be used in both children and adults:

  • "Jintropin";
  • "Ansomol";
  • "Somatropin".

There are also a number of Chinese generics that cost about half as much original drugs. Alas, they have not passed mandatory certification and the presence of somatropin in them has not been confirmed by anything. Therefore, an attempt to save on similar drugs maybe in best case scenario not bring any effect, and at worst - lead to adverse reactions or poisoning by auxiliary components.

How to increase growth hormone naturally:

  • Maintain a sleep schedule - the hormone is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland during sleep, from approximately midnight to three o'clock in the morning. It is during this period of time that you need to be approximately in the second phase of sleep, for this you should fall asleep at about nine o’clock in the evening.
  • Should be exercised regularly strength training and build muscle mass - the production of somatropin is closely related to the activation of muscle fibers.
  • Taking gamma-aminobutyric acid supplements.
  • Increasing the amount of protein foods in the diet and completely abandoning simple carbohydrates.
  • Sufficient amount in the diet nicotinic acid and B vitamins.
  • Quitting use alcoholic drinks- they attack the human endocrine system and inevitably lead to the leaching of vitamins, minerals and a decrease in the production of testosterone, somatropin and other neurotransmitters and hormones.

How to increase growth hormone levels by regulating your own weight?

At first glance, weight is a rather insignificant indicator. Most people are not obese and consider themselves completely healthy people. This is a mistake: when performing a bioimpedance analysis of the body, it turns out that the percentage of muscle mass in such people is negligible, and the amount of fat (including abdominal and visceral) is off scale. Talking about health in such a situation clinical picture impossible.

You can increase your growth hormone levels by adjusting your weight in the following way: change your diet so that you completely get rid of visceral fat. To do this, you will have to give up many products that were previously very loved. But the production of somatropin will increase - this will return a youthful appearance, vigor, and give you excellent health. In addition, the appearance of the body will improve - it will become more athletic and muscular.

Somatropin and sleep: an obvious relationship

As mentioned above, sleep has a direct effect on the production of growth hormone. If we consider that about 90% of somatropin is released into the blood at night, it becomes obvious that with insomnia or lack of sleep, the hormone is simply not produced. The person looks older, feels weak and sick, and muscle tissue decreases.

How to increase the production of growth hormone through sleep? It’s very simple: set up a routine so that you fall asleep no later than ten o’clock in the evening. This habit will ensure normal hormone production for a person of a given age. Of course, with the help of sleep you cannot achieve off-scale somatropin levels in the blood, but you can establish its regular production.

Somatropin and nutrition: what to eat to increase the level of the hormone in the blood

How to increase growth hormone naturally? You must completely stop eating sugar and simple carbohydrates. This advice may seem very trivial, but diet has a direct impact on the level of production of essential hormones.

You should also read up on information about intermittent fasting. This is a guaranteed method that allows you to increase growth hormone in men and women.

Modern studies have proven that after two days of fasting, the level of somatropin produced increased by an average of 250%. This is a very significant indicator. You should proceed with fasting with caution: such experiments with nutrition can only be carried out by a completely healthy person. At chronic diseases organs gastrointestinal tract there is a risk of worsening your health.

Somatropin and physical activity: how to train to accelerate hormone synthesis

Physical activity promotes the release into the blood of not only growth hormone, but also neurotransmitters responsible for good mood and vigor. That’s why regular exercise, both strength-training and athletics, is so important.

Every adult should devote himself to physical education for an hour at least two or three times a week. Even if you have health problems and contraindications to performing certain exercises, you can practice swimming or gymnastics. Regular, albeit not big physical activity will not allow the endogenous production of somatropin to stop.

Recent studies have shown that high-interval physical activity is particularly good at stimulating the release of growth hormone into the blood. It should be noted that if after training a person suffers from insomnia or spends the evening drinking alcoholic beverages, then one cannot count on the production of the hormone. Only regularly observed healthy image life and integrated approach will help improve the situation with deficiency of neurotransmitters and hormones.

GABA Supplementation and Changes in Somatropin Blood Levels

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) acts as a special substance that can become integral part some neurotransmitters and help increase their secretion. Regular use of drugs with GABA helps to increase the proportion of endogenous somatropin production by approximately 30%.

GABA can be taken in tablet form ("Aminalon"), as part of sports nutrition(for example, almost all amino acid complexes contain GABA) or enrich your diet. Nuts, avocados, and some types of fish contain high amounts of gamma-aminobutyric acid. GABA drugs also have a positive effect on sleep - this will indirectly help increase the production of growth hormone.

Guys, hello! Now we will deal with synthetic human growth hormone and its side effects, otherwise I get a lot of questions about this from you.

Many websites, anti-aging clinics, supplement companies and celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone claim that HGH injections are safe and that there can be no side effects from using synthetic human growth hormone. They paint tempting pictures of how these injections can improve your quality of life. For example.

  • Muscle tone and strength will increase, while the amount of body fat will decrease.
  • Energy and stamina levels will increase.
  • Hair color will be restored. Hair will become thick and healthy.
  • Your mood will improve and depression will go away.
  • There will be fewer wrinkles on the face and the skin will tighten.
  • Will improve blood pressure, cholesterol levels and vision.
  • will become better memory and mental clarity will increase
  • There will be more sexual powers.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Be forever young, bright and sporty! How much are you willing to pay to get this result? Would you spend a couple hundred dollars, a thousand or more? Well, that's exactly what a lot of people do.

They dismiss the real and present dangers of artificial growth hormone injections for these promises. Knowing the desire of many people on this site to try growth hormone injections to increase height, I hope this article will help you separate facts from rumors. Helps you understand what exists natural ways, allowing your body to maximize its ability to produce and regulate this important hormone without dangerous side effects of synthetic growth hormone. Let's start by answering a few basic questions.

What is somatotropin or human growth hormone?

Human growth hormone (HGH) is a hormone of the hypothalamus that is produced by the anterior pituitary gland. This hormone is also called somatotropin. It plays an important role in metabolism, gaining weight, reducing body fat, and much more.

Human growth hormone stimulates liver cells to release polypeptide molecules known as somatomedins. The most studied is insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). HGH, together with IGF-1, affects all body systems. Some of their functions are given below.

  • Promotes muscle development.
  • They connect tissues, increase linear growth and restore the body.
  • Makes the skeletal structure stronger.
  • Regulate various functions related to metabolism.
  • Contribute to normal operation brain
  • Promotes heart health.

Human growth hormone production decreases with age. It has been established that after 18–25 years, the level of hGH production by the pituitary gland decreases by 50% every 7 years. Along with it, the level of IGF-1 decreases. This leads to a number of unwanted symptoms, which are usually associated with the aging process.

  • Fat accumulates.
  • Muscle mass is lost.
  • Cognitive functions (memory, speech, perception) are impaired.
  • Strength and endurance decrease.
  • Bone fragility increases.
  • Sleep is disturbed.

How did growth hormone become the elixir for a vibrant life?

Before we talk about the main effects of HGH injected into the body, we need to understand how it became so popular. To do this, we must go back to 1990, when the reputable medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine published a study by endocrinologist Daniel Radman and his colleagues - “Effects of the use of growth hormone in men over 60 years of age.”

The study involved 21 people aged from 61 to 81 years. Generally healthy, but they had low levels of IGF-1. Twelve men were given injections of a growth hormone drug three times a week for six months. The other nine men did not receive injections. People who received somatotropin injections experienced a decrease in fat tissue, an increase in muscle mass, and an improvement in mobility in the area. lumbar region spine.

The media picked up on these findings, but ignored Dr. D. Radman's warnings that were part of the study. In particular, these warnings addressed the side effects that some participants received growth hormone and that the long-term effects of the drug were unknown. Dr. Radman also wrote in his report about the high cost similar treatment and that age-appropriate exercise programs can achieve similar results without injections. Journalists did not take this into account.

As with any medical advertising, people are sold the idea that pills and injections can cure their problems. From this a multi-billion dollar industry was born. All sorts of “anti-aging specialists” with new tests to determine biological age appeared everywhere. For some, they recommend expensive hormone injections in combination with proprietary food additives To reverse the aging process, they offer others to increase their height and weight. What most of these "specialists" actually do is reverse their clients' bank account and increase their medical expenses.

Years later, due to continued misuse of Rudman's 1990 paper, The New England Journal of Medicine took the unprecedented step of adding a clarification on its website.

If people buy synthetic growth hormone based on a study published in a journal, they will be deceived. Please be advised that Dr. D. Radman's comments explaining the details of his research are published on the article page.

Side effects of growth hormone.

To be completely honest, it must be said that there is a need for growth hormone injections for some groups of the population. Thus, HGH can be used to treat children and adults who have significant growth hormone deficiency. However, endocrinologists from around the world strongly recommend not to use injections unless absolutely necessary, as a means of losing weight, increasing height, or for rejuvenation.

The famous gerontologist Robert Neil Butler said about this:

“Although tests with the introduction of artificial growth hormone gave positive results(at least in the short term), it is clear that negative side effects can also occur in the form increased risk cancer development, cardiovascular diseases and changes in behavior."

One of the main dangers of human growth hormone injections is uncontrolled influence on the concentration of IGF-1 in the blood. This may lead to serious problems with health.

  1. Swelling in the arms and legs.
  2. Carpal carpal tunnel syndrome and symptoms of arthritis.
  3. Headaches and general pain in the muscles.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Abnormal growth of bones and internal organs.
  6. High blood pressure.
  7. Bloating.
  8. Hardening of the arteries.

For these reasons, human growth hormone injections should always be done carefully and with the help of a qualified practitioner who has clinical experience in managing your type of hormone deficiency.

Natural Strategies to Optimize HGH.

The side effects of HGH injections are real and significant. Most of the dangers are that the body is no longer able to control the effects of HGH injections through its hormonal filters and restore balance if necessary. Fortunately, natural strategies can safely improve your body's ability to produce HGH without side effects.

1. Get enough sleep. The highest concentration of growth hormone occurs during deep sleep. Numerous studies make it clear that insufficient sleep or disruption of sleep patterns can significantly reduce the secretion of human growth hormone. According to endocrinology professor Richard Auchus:

“Peak growth hormone production occurs during sleep. You can easily get people with low level growth hormone, waking them up several times during the night. I always tell people that if they want to normalize their hormone levels, they need to get a good night's sleep."

2. Avoid foods with high glycemic index. Insulin slows down the production of HGH. High glycemic index foods can wreak havoc on your blood insulin levels, causing them to spike or rise above normal, healthy levels. Not only will this increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but it can also have a significant effect on growth hormone secretion, reducing it.

3. Reduce abdominal fat. If you have excess fat around your abdomen, you are reducing your body's ability to produce growth hormone. Typically, a person with excess body fat abdominal cavity also suffers from insulin and leptin resistance. By restoring leptin sensitivity, you gain 3 positive influence on health: reduced fat, improved blood sugar control, increased production of growth hormone and IGF-1.

4. Intense physical exercise. The type, duration, and intensity level of your training programs will have varying effects on growth hormone secretion. There are a number of studies that show that short-term, intense training, during which the lactate (anaerobic) threshold is raised, stimulates the production of growth hormone for at least 24 hours.

5. Eliminate late dinner. Your last meal before bed may have an effect on your body fat rather than on your growth hormone production. Carbohydrate food eaten before bed will nourish fat cells and suppress the production of growth hormone. However, a high protein, low carbohydrate meal eaten a few hours before bed will serve two purposes. Firstly, it will not greatly increase the level of insulin in the blood, and secondly, it will contain building material in the form of amino acids and proteins to produce growth hormone.

Just expect to eat on dinner no more than 200 calories and have dinner at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

6. L-arginine. This important amino acid, properly delivered to the body, can lead to increased production of growth hormone. Combining L-arginine intake with physical exercise, especially with strength training or interval training, can lead to an even more significant increase in growth hormone production.

7. L-glutamine– the most common free amino acid in the human body. Research shows that taking even small amounts of L-glutamine (2000 mg) can increase growth hormone secretion.

8. Glycine. This amino acid can also have a positive effect on growth hormone. Research shows that glycine plays an important role in normalization of sleep structure.


Sufficient levels of growth hormone are important for growth, good health and recovery. The question is what you choose: increase the level of this hormone naturally or use synthetic drugs.

The dangers of HGH injections are real. These dangers become even more real when you use the services of unqualified individuals. To protect you from the side effects of injections, I have given 8 safe and natural methods, which will help your body optimize its ability to produce its own growth hormone.

If you have anything to add, write in the comments.

That's all for today. All the best to you.

Best regards, Vadim Dmitriev

The topic for this issue was suggested to us in the comments under the video by buzabmw, for which special thanks to him.


First of all, I would like to note that the secretion of growth hormone begins to decline after 20-25 years. Moreover, its concentration changes greatly throughout the day, so to be sure that your growth hormone secretion has decreased, you need to take several tests within one day.

Also latest research do not confirm that the use of exogenous growth hormone reduces the production of intrinsic growth hormone.

However, these are all lyrics. Now from this brief introduction it is necessary to move on to the main part of the discussion - how to increase the production of your own growth hormone and why this should be done in general.

Growth hormone is responsible for stimulating tissue growth, regulates metabolic processes, slows down catabolism processes, accelerates fat burning, increases the body's ability to store glycogen, accelerates regeneration processes, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joint-ligamentous system, increases sexual activity, improves blood composition by reducing bad cholesterol, rejuvenates the body, increases life expectancy and, as is clear from the name of the hormone itself, is responsible for human growth during the period of open growth zones of bones.

As we said above, the secretion of growth hormone throughout the day is not constant. Its main concentration is observed at night, an hour after you fall asleep.

Increased tension in the central nervous system, poor nutrition and sleep disturbances reduce production natural hormone growth.

Exercising, following a daily routine, nutrition and proper healthy sleep, on the contrary, favor an increase in its secretion.

In one study, scientists found that reducing rest between sets has a positive effect on the production of growth hormone.

Also hunger or sharp drop temperature environment, which are also a kind of stress, have a positive effect on the secretion of GH.

That's why contrast shower or acupuncture will have a positive effect on increasing its level.

During the experiments, it was found that training at high altitudes in rarefied air also increases the secretion of GH.

During experiments on old rats, scientists were able to return the secretion of growth hormone to normal in two cases. In the first, they forcibly reduced the amount of calories consumed for 2 months, forcing the animals to constantly feel hungry. In the second case, they reduced the effect of somatostatin, which is a natural GH inhibitor, as a result of which the concentration of growth hormone in the blood in both the first and second cases returned to the levels of young individuals.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that if you eat right, play sports, devote proper time to rest, do hardening, you will get rid of bad habits and maintain a positive outlook on life, you will not only avoid the stigma of being a sad shit, but you will also significantly improve the quality and length of your life.

How to Increase HGH Production Naturally updated: May 21, 2017 by: rorshax

Somatotropic hormone is produced by cells of the anterior pituitary gland (somatotrophs) under the control of hypothalamic factors - somatostatin and somatoliberin. It promotes the growth of bones, soft tissues, internal organs and muscle tissue, affects carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Acting through somatomedins (insulin-like growth factors synthesized in the liver and other tissues in response to the action of somatotropic hormone), somatotropic hormone accelerates the synthesis of amino acids and their incorporation into the protein molecule, and reduces the level of urea.

Synonyms: somatropin, somatotropin, growth hormone, growth hormone.

The main functions of somatotropic hormone:

  • stimulation of bone and soft tissue growth;
  • increased glycogenesis in the liver;
  • activation of protein synthesis in the liver and muscles;
  • utilization of glucose in tissues;
  • anti-insulin effect (decreased cell sensitivity to insulin);
  • stimulation of fat breakdown;
  • anti-catabolic effect (inhibition of protein breakdown);
  • participation in collagen synthesis;
  • regeneration of damaged tissues, wound healing;
  • retention of potassium and sodium in the body;
  • increased calcium absorption in the intestine and its absorption into bone tissue;
  • immunostimulating effect (increased number of T-lymphocytes);
  • stimulation of fluid excretion through sweat glands;
  • control cholesterol levels.

The secretion of somatotropin is pulsating in nature, its level in the blood changes throughout the day. Peak production occurs at night, at the beginning of the deep sleep phase.

Temperature fluctuations have a positive effect on the regulation of somatotropin production processes, therefore, a contrast shower is recommended for patients with GH deficiency.

Growth hormone is synthesized throughout life. Its secretion is maximum in early childhood, during puberty the highest levels of somatotropin in the blood are observed; with age, production gradually decreases.

The level of somatotropic hormone depends on the age and gender of the person:

  • newborns: 5–53 µg/l;
  • children under 1 year: 2–10 µg/l;
  • older children and teenagers: 1–20 µg/l;
  • women under 60 years of age: 0–18 µg/l, over 60 years: 1–16 µg/l µg/l;
  • men under 60 years old: 0–4 µg/l, over 60 years: 1–9 µg/l.

An excess or deficiency of somatotropin causes a disorder metabolic processes and leads to the development of serious pathologies. Both with a decrease and with an increase in the level of growth hormone, changes occur in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Hormonal imbalance negatively affects the entire body.

Elevated somatotropin levels

Increased production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland leads to continued growth of bones and soft tissues after puberty. If the disease begins in early age, then gigantism occurs, if in maturity - acromegaly. With acromegaly, thickening of the hands and feet, enlargement of facial features, and an increase in the size of internal organs are observed. The disease is accompanied by neurological disorders, work disorders cardiovascular system.

Increased production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland also occurs with the following diseases and states:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • Laron's syndrome;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • post-traumatic and postoperative conditions.
Somatotropin prevents the aging process, improves contractile function heart, normalizes liver and kidney functions, increases mineral density bone tissue and muscle tone.

An increase in somatotropin levels in the blood can be caused by taking medicines(insulin, glucagon, estrogens, dopamine, corticotropin, norepinephrine, serotonin, alpha-adrenergic receptor stimulants, beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists, bromocriptine, arginine, vitamin PP).

Reduced somatotropin levels

A decrease in the synthesis of somatotropic hormone occurs due to genetic predisposition (chromosomal diseases, hereditary dwarfism, congenital defects of metabolism, pathology or injury, Down syndrome, Noonan).

Growth hormone deficiency causes delayed growth or puberty in children. Somatotropic insufficiency is the main cause of the development of pituitary dwarfism, characterized by a sharp lag in the growth and physical development of the child.

The causes of somatotropic insufficiency can be:

  • intracranial tumors, including pituitary tumors;
  • pituitary cysts of the brain;
  • underdevelopment of the pituitary gland;
  • hypopituitarism syndrome;
  • infectious and toxic damage to the central nervous system;
  • hyperfunctionality of the adrenal cortex (Itsenko-Cushing syndrome);
  • radio and chemotherapy;
  • side effects of certain drugs [progesterone, glucocorticoids, alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists, beta-adrenergic receptor stimulants (Isoproterenol), serotonin receptor antagonists (Metisegride), dopamine receptor antagonists (Phenothiazide), somatostatin, Probucol, glucose, Bromocriptine].

A decrease in the level of somatotropic hormone in adults is accompanied by metabolic disorders, hypoinsulinemia, and disorders of the thyroid gland.

Night sleep plays a very important role in normalization hormonal levels. For normal synthesis of growth hormone, it is necessary that continuous sleep lasts at least 8 hours.

Symptoms of somatotropin deficiency:

  • decrease in the mass and strength of skeletal muscles, muscle atrophy;
  • decrease in bone mass, fragility of bones, joints, ligaments;
  • increased deposition of fat on the body;
  • hair loss;
  • dry, thin skin;
  • increased sweating, especially during night sleep;
  • chronic fatigue, low motivation;
  • memory impairment, problems with concentration and attention;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system, depletion of the heart muscle;
  • erectile dysfunction in men, decreased libido in women.

How to determine the level of somatotropic hormone

The concentration of somatotropin levels under normal conditions varies widely, the secretion of the hormone is influenced by periods of sleep and wakefulness, physical activity, stress, hypoglycemia, as well as the production or intake of corticosteroids and estrogens. After eating, the level of somatotropic hormone decreases sharply, and on the second day of fasting it increases approximately 15 times.

A single determination of the level of somatotropic hormone has no diagnostic value, to make a diagnosis, use the average value of three determinations within 2–3 days.

To determine the level of growth hormone, tests with insulin, clonidine, STH-RF (somatoliberin, growth hormone releasing factor), arginine, glucagon, levodopa, pyridostigmine are used. To clarify the diagnosis, tests are repeated at intervals of several months.

An X-ray examination of the skull is carried out to visualize the shape and size of the sella turcica and the condition of the skull bones, which makes it possible to identify pathologies of the pituitary gland. Computer and/or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain can be used for the same purpose.

Increased production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland leads to continued growth of bones and soft tissues after puberty.

How to increase growth hormone naturally

Somatotropin prevents the aging process, improves the contractile function of the heart, normalizes liver and kidney function, increases bone mineral density and muscle tone.

Impact on physiological mechanisms By regulating the production of growth hormone by certain natural factors, optimal levels of somatropin can be maintained. The best way To activate its production is the correction of lifestyle and diet.

Ways to increase the concentration of somatotropin in the body:

  • balanced diet;
  • good sleep;
  • contrast shower.
  • To stimulate the synthesis of somatotropin, a combination of strength and aerobic exercise is considered optimal. It is recommended to train at least three times a week. An increase in the level of somatotropic hormone begins after 15 minutes of exercise, and its maximum concentration is observed towards the end of the workout. If it is not possible to exercise regularly gym, you can go for a run every day or walking at an active pace.

    A properly formulated diet plays an important role in maintaining the health of the body as a whole, and endocrine system in particular. To activate the production of growth hormone, a low-carbohydrate diet is prescribed - foods with a high glycemic index are excluded from the diet, while simultaneously enriching it with proteins (they contain amino acids that stimulate the production of somatotropin). It is recommended to consume meat and dairy (fermented milk) products, fish, eggs, nuts, and legumes.

    Night sleep plays a very important role in normalizing hormonal levels. For normal synthesis of growth hormone, it is necessary that continuous sleep lasts at least 8 hours.

    Growth hormone deficiency causes delayed growth or puberty in children.

    Temperature fluctuations have a positive effect on the regulation of somatotropin production processes, so a contrast shower is recommended for patients with GH deficiency.

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