Dream interpretation white balloons. Burst balloons in a dream

Balloons in ordinary life associated with holidays, fun and smiles. However, in a dream they take on a completely different meaning and in most cases represent empty hopes and vain aspirations. Also, this symbol can portend serious changes, as will be indicated by the circumstances and details of the dream. This article will answer the question of why you dream of balloons.

Despite the fact that most dream books claim that balloons in a dream are a harbinger of unrealistic hopes, this does not mean at all that the situation is hopeless. There is a possibility that you are simply doing something incorrectly or that you simply don’t need it.

When interpreting a dream, the most important thing is the number of balls. If there were countless of them, then changes can await both on the personal front and in work and even relationships with people. A favorable dream that speaks of success in the love field is a dream in which balls were rapidly flying upward. Regarding your career, there is a high probability that long-standing problems will soon be resolved. In addition, such a dream encourages you to have a good rest with friends.

A dream in which balloons were on the ground indicates that the dreamer is preoccupied with his thoughts. The interpreter recommends making every effort to make life shine with bright and interesting colors again. Think about what you need for this. Perhaps you just need to take a break from work and take some time for yourself.

Serious troubles at work await the one in whose dream the balloons burst. There is a risk that this dream predicts a change in work and all the attendant consequences. It seems that you have established yourself as not a very reliable and responsible employee, for which you will soon have to pay. Despite work-related moments, peace and grace are expected in your personal life. The main thing is not to hide your experiences from them and share painful things with your family.

Have you dreamed of children blowing up balloons? Most likely, in reality you will have to deal with problems related to them. You should be very careful and attentive so that this does not adversely affect the emotional development of your offspring.

Did you inflate them yourself? This means that a joyful event will happen in your life soon. But this is only if they did not burst, because after such a dream, it will most likely not be possible to avoid financial losses.

If other adults were involved in this exciting activity, then you should reconsider your employment. Perhaps among your tasks there are those that take too much time and do not bring the desired result. You need to firmly understand for yourself in which area to direct all your efforts and purposefully move towards your goal.

A dream in which the balloons burst one after another promises disappointment. Your attitude will change towards people or your own principles that you have followed for many years. There is also a high probability of quarrels with people, which can be avoided if you watch your words and actions. The bursting of the balloon promises that harsh reality will soon ground your dreams and hopes. There is also a chance that something important to you will have an unfavorable outcome.

If you dreamed of a poorly inflated balloon, then this indicates problems with people of the opposite sex. It seems that now is not a very successful period in your life in terms of love relationships.

A dream in which balls fell to the ground foreshadows a deterioration in mood caused by problems in relationships with loved ones. It is possible that jealousy and mistrust will occur. It is important to try to cope negative emotions and try to calmly sort out all the problems.

Happy love is foreseen in the life of a dreamer who held a bunch of multi-colored balls in his hands. It’s especially good if you’ve experienced positive emotions and joy. The dream in which the wind carried away the balloons has a completely opposite meaning.

Sometimes in a dream you can see unusual vehicles. Why do you dream about a balloon in a dream? Unfortunately, as the dream book says, a balloon in a dream is a sign that you have to say goodbye to all your hopes and expect unpleasant surprises from fate. In business and at work you are also welcome serious problems. But there are also dream plots that bring good news: a person releases balls into the sky - all problems will disappear from life very soon.

Why do you dream of a balloon with a basket on which people fly? For all its beauty, this is a rather fragile transport, so the dream book says that if you dreamed of a hot air balloon, this is a sign of the collapse of your hopes.

Seeing a hot air balloon in a dream - what does it mean? The correct interpretation largely depends on plot outline- whether there was a flight on a balloon, whether a sleeping person watched the balloon soar above his head. Information about the number, size and color of the balls is also important. To correctly read a dream, it is important to remember the psychological situation, emotions, altitude, and speed with which you soared above the ground. For correct interpretation, it is necessary to know the place and time of the flight, the area over which it was made.

Small details and insignificant circumstances, details allow different interpretations of dreams that seem at first glance to be identical. They provide an opportunity to expand understanding of the plot. It is quite possible to compare such details with lighthouses, because they will lead to a correct understanding of the future. Why you dream of a hot air balloon in the sky can be understood by interpreting all the signs in the dream.

Who saw the dream: woman, man, girl, child

  • A man had a dream with a balloon - he wants to conquer and give all of himself to the woman he is crazy about. But his soft character does not allow him to do this.
  • A woman saw a similar dream - she really wants to give birth to a child;
  • IN a girl's dream A multi-colored bunch of balloons appears - true love awaits the bride. If she saw that the wind was carrying the ball away, her love would be unrequited.
  • If a child sees a dream, an important event for him will be disrupted.

You saw a bunch of balloons or one balloon

Why do you dream about balloons? If in your dream you saw balloons rising into the sky, the number of which you could not count, they prophesy a lot of problems and troubles. All of them will relate to work, financial losses and relationships with business partners. In order to resolve the conflict, it will take a lot of effort, the ability to properly manage financial flows, as well as the talent to find common ground with people of radically opposing views.

If you inflate a balloon, you are dreaming of an unrealistic goal, and in the name of fulfilling this empty dream, you are wasting a lot of your precious time.

A dream in which you see a lonely balloon in the sky - not really good sign fate, because he prophesies trouble in the very near future. An unexpected turn, because balloons are usually an attribute of our happiness - they accompany the most pleasant moments of our lives. But the dreams in which they appear promise a person a whole series of troubles and disappointments.

You dreamed of a large balloon with a basket

Why do you dream of a hot air balloon in the sky? In a dream, you are floating in the sky on a ball with a basket - this sign symbolizes moving to distant lands. If you're in the sky pretty long time, then you won’t have to see your home for quite some time. Typically, such a dream is seen by those who plan to leave temporarily or for permanent residence in another country.

Why dream of a balloon with a basket, on which you rise up and then safely descend - you will be promoted up the career ladder, which you dreamed of, but very soon you will regret this long-awaited success.

You dreamed that the ball either rises or freezes - this sign predicts protracted stagnation in affairs that had a strong start. You must show great willpower, ability to take a punch and patience to push off the ground and start moving forward. In a dream, you decided to throw away the ballast from the ball - you will be able to overcome an insidious disease.

In your dream, you independently rise into the sky in a hot air balloon - this symbol prophesies an unsuccessful trip and troubles. Another version - career growth and well-being in the family. A radically opposite message will be brought into your life by a dream in which you rose up on a balloon, and then fell sharply - deception, misfortune, betrayal, perhaps even from friends or loved ones. Fly on a balloon with a partner in a dream - after conflict situation you will be able to find common ground.

A red heart-shaped balloon in the sky promises you happy love.

What color was the ball you saw?

  • If you saw a red ball in a dream, this is a message that you are a person with unique abilities, talents that you did not even suspect;
  • An orange balloon in a dream - you secretly hope that all your ambitious desires will come true;
  • Black color promises misfortune and trouble;
  • Pink - you dream a lot, but everything will turn out to be empty hopes, you will be disappointed in the person you love very passionately. Yours difficult relationships They are held on by a thread and can break at any moment.
  • Blue color of the ball - your path to success is open;
  • The color blue predicts a life with which you will always be satisfied.

If you released a balloon into the sky

  • You had a dream in which a balloon flies away from your hands - luck will leave you due to your frivolity and carelessness. There is another version of such a dream - your dreams are not destined to come true, your plans are not destined to come true.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of balloons in the sky? graduation party or a wedding - this means that disappointments and unpleasant troubles will very quickly leave you and you will rejoice at the arrival of a white streak in your life.
  • If a balloon bursts in your dream, this is not a very good sign, as it speaks of losses, unsuccessful transactions and financial problems. Such a dream will greatly upset people who are involved in banking or finance.
  • You saw a ball falling from the sky - a symbol of the fact that your hopes for love happy ending- wedding - in vain.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Our dreams are a hint from the subconscious about what awaits us in the future, what we need to be careful of, what actions not to do in order to protect ourselves and loved ones from danger, or vice versa, what we need to do to bring joy and prosperity to our home. Understanding the language of dreams makes it possible to personally open the door to your future for the short term or longer term. What fateful events are entailed by a dream in which you see a balloon? Let’s ask the compilers of famous dream books.

Miller's Dream Book - disappointments and troubles

This famous dream book believes that a dream in which a hot air balloon is involved prophesies only troubles and disappointments. The hope of improving your financial situation will become unrealistic. A dream in which you rise up in a hot air balloon is a sign indicating the threat of disaster. And moving or temporarily leaving the danger zone will not save you from it - danger will follow you everywhere. If you dream of a bunch of colored balls, then your loved ones will come to your aid and help you get out of a streak of bad luck.

A dream in which you are flying in a hot air balloon with a basket warns that you may not achieve your goals.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - you have moved away from the goal

A well-known Bulgarian clairvoyant gives her interpretation of a dream with a balloon: to fly on it - you are warned of danger, you are moving away from your intended goal. Falling from it is a symbol of the collapse of illusions. A distorted perception of reality has forced you to waste a lot of precious time on trifles and has caused you to quarrel with your loved ones; giving up illusions will bring good luck and mutual understanding into your life. You dream of a balloon with a basket - expect good news.

Freud's Dream Book - Become aware of your desires

This dream book connects all dreams with psychological states person. According to his interpretation, a balloon floating in the sky in a dream means that the sleeping person has desires of a sexual nature, which in reality are also included in the category of sexual dreams. Inflating a balloon in a dream - those who see such a dream will never have problems in bed with spouses or lovers.

Modern dream book - waking travel

A dream in which the plot is a hot air balloon flight - you have an exciting journey ahead, but it will be overshadowed by problematic situations. If in your dream we are talking about a difficult flight and there is a question of dumping ballast, this is a signal that real life In dead-end situations, it is dangerous to take responsibility for the health and fate of people close to you. This warning is also relevant for issues of financial support for the family. If in your dream you catch balls with your hands, quarrels and major disagreements await you in the family and among business partners.


Dreams in which the main character is a balloon usually bring negative events, most often disappointments and failures. This is a sign followed by troubles and serious difficulties. It will indicate the vector of trouble, so when you wake up, you will know where the harsh wind is coming from. This means that you will have time to prepare for the blows of fate in order to endure all these trials with honor. Having seen such a dream, you will be well prepared for all upcoming adversities and will be able to bypass an obstacle or misfortune; take a number of certain measures in order not to take wrong steps.

Your destiny is in your hands, everything depends on your desire, skill and performance, and a dream will only help you see your future a little earlier.

Video “Why do you dream about a Balloon”

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells the receipt of unusual and unexpected news. Sometimes this can promise some interesting events. Trying to inflate the balloon and not being able to do this means that the business you have in mind will burst, and you should not particularly count on a favorable outcome of events. Seeing how someone else is cheating him means that you are wasting your time, do not indulge yourself with illusions. Seeing him falling portends love relationship, which will be overshadowed by your jealousy. The rising one promises success in business and improved financial condition.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The airship is a symbol of ghostly dreams. The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

Solomon's Dream Book

A hot air balloon is a pipe dream.

Dream book for a bitch

An inflatable balloon - useless and unrealizable dreams, a decline in business, unsuccessful trips.

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream - an unsuccessful trip will bring disappointment and grief.

Modern combined dream book

After flying in a dream on an airship, be especially attentive to yourself, you may make a big mistake.

If you dreamed of a falling airship, you will be deeply disappointed.

If you yourself suffered a wreck in a dream, this foreshadows the losses that you will suffer after...

If you see balloons in a dream, it means that trouble awaits you in the near future. Most often, balls are an omen of failure in work or business. They denote financial loss, betrayal, deception. It is worth making every effort and using all your experience to solve upcoming problems with as little damage as possible.
Balloons also symbolize the ephemerality of hopes and the illusory nature of the implementation of cherished plans. This may serve as a signal for a more thorough analysis of upcoming projects and ideas.
If in a dream you observe a large number of balloons in the sky, this indicates that there is little joy and fun in your life, which means you need to solve existing problems and enjoy every day. If the balls you see are on the ground, think about the sublime, take your mind off troubles.
If you see yourself flying in a hot air balloon, this marks a trip that will not be entirely successful...

Why do you dream about balloons? A balloon is created for fun, celebrations and laughter. This is real. But in a dream, as often happens, everything turns upside down. In any case, in the interpretation of the authors of dream books. For example, Miller’s famous dream book is laconic about a hot air balloon you dreamed about. According to the book, the balloon symbolizes lost hopes and prophesies all sorts of misfortunes to the sleeper. At the same time, for some reason it stands out business life, which Miller’s dream book predicts a clear decline in the foreseeable future. It is significant that even such a seemingly favorable plot as a hot air balloon flight this dream Nick interprets it as “an unsuccessful trip.” In other dream books, flying in a hot air balloon is interpreted less categorically and warns of the possibility of making a major mistake. In the article about the “bubble,” Miller’s dream book once again mentions balloons. And again - in negative context. So, if the sleeping person...

I dreamed in the morning that it was early winter, a big holiday was coming, and people at the fair were taking away free inflatable balloons. As I approached the shelves, as always, I got the most nonsensical ones. Among the gloomy balls I found two bright ones (red and pink), and then a stranger snatches them from me and yells: “How dare you rob me - the mother of four children! You have no conscience!” He pulls the balls towards himself and, naturally, breaks them.

Here a new batch of balls was delivered - not so beautiful, but also not bad. I inflated one (blue) to test its strength, but it turned into a bag. Someone simply took the rest of the balls away, laughing maliciously.

I walk away and cry over my bad luck and unhappy fate. And no one will even regret it. All the people grabbed the free balloons and left.

What could this dream mean?

The balloon (balloon) is a symbol of the penis. If the ball (ball) is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball (ball), a ball (ball) hanging down or lying on something, indicates problems with potency.

A ball (ball) flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon (ball) indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Flying in a hot air balloon symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you watch the flight of balloons or balls, then you tend to be more involved in sexual fantasies than the real thing. Drop your timidity.

Go to: General dream book

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Why do you dream about balloons?

Balloons in real life are a symbol of joy, celebration and cheerful mood. However, if you see them in a dream, then in reality you should not expect anything good.

Balloons seen in a dream foreshadow troubles; they often promise problems at work and difficulties in business. Often such a dream promises a financial crisis, deception and betrayal.

If you saw balloons in your dream, this may be a warning that you should be more careful when making decisions. Therefore, before you say anything, it is a good idea to think about your words several times.

A lot of balloons in a dream may indicate that in real life you have too few positive emotions and lack bright events. Try to diversify your dull everyday life, turn to your close friends for help.

That you should think more about beauty and...

Balloons are a popular attribute of holidays and fun times. Therefore, if such an object appears in a dream, few people expect any trouble. Whether this is right and what fate has prepared for us, we’ll figure it out now.

Why do you dream about balloons?

You may be surprised, but bright balloons are an unfavorable symbol that foreshadows the emergence of various problems. Most often, troubles will concern the work area or business. In the near future, you should expect tricks from your colleagues, as well as risky projects. During this period, the risk of dismissal increases. Balloons in a dream warn that you need to think carefully about every step so as not to cause serious consequences.

A dream in which children inflated balloons promises problems with them. The dream book recommends as much time as possible during this period...

Balloons in a dream The popularity of balloons at parties is a controversial issue, but, nevertheless, it is an enduring fashion. What is the dream about: Balloons were used for a specific celebration, for example, were they heart-shaped balloons to celebrate Valentine's Day? Did they make animals or something else out of them? Does this mean the desire to give shape to something insubstantial and fragile according to your will? English dream book

It will clearly be in decline.

Balloon- means an unsuccessful trip.

Freud's Dream Book

balloon- is a symbol of the penis.

If the ball is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well- Your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid balloon, a balloon hanging down or lying on something- speaks of problems with potency.

Ball flying into the distance- speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

Burst balloon- speaks of your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Hot Air Balloon Flight- symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Since childhood, we have associated balloons with a festive mood and fun, because these multi-colored flying whimsical figures evoke joy and positive emotions. What does it mean if you dreamed of a balloon? This is certainly not an accident, but a sign. Which one - we invite you to find out from our own complete collection dream books.

Star dream book

  • Seeing balloons in a dream - most likely your dreams will remain only dreams that are not destined to come true.

Home dream book

  • Balloons in a dream indicate your desire to have fun at some party.
  • Also, if you dreamed of balloons, this means that you are deluded or prone to making mistakes. Have no illusions.

Dream book of healer Akulina

Interpretation of dreams: balloon - a period of difficulties and difficulties will soon pass, and without much effort. So you can relax and dream a little about the future. You will overcome all obstacles with ease, just as a carefree flying balloon strives upward.

English dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: flying in a hot air balloon - hot air balloons add a little romance to our everyday life, allow us to isolate ourselves from all problems on earth, “to leave them below.” But sometimes a balloon may not be as safe as it seems at first glance. There is a certain risk of falling from a height and remembering this fall for a long time.
  • Dream interpretation: flying in a hot air balloon - did you feel safe being in a basket above the ground? Think about what emotions and sensations you experienced? What was the brightest, most memorable? Was the flight calm and smooth or fast and decisive? Answering these questions will help you more fully understand the dream and remember important details. Flying may indicate your desire to get a promotion. But exactly how it should happen—smoothly or rapidly—the dream of flying in a hot air balloon will tell you.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • This dream book gives the following answer to the question - why do you dream of a hot air balloon in the sky: probably, your plans are not destined to come true. Be careful, various dangers and failures await you.
  • Seeing balloons in a dream means your love will be mutual, but only when the beauty of your beloved loses its current shine and splendor. The girl will feel awkward, confused and therefore will not show herself to you, but you will certainly capture her mind and heart. Mentally she will always be next to you.
  • Why do you dream of flying in a hot air balloon? You are a dreamer, as your friends and acquaintances tirelessly repeat. Instead of the real world, you give preference to the world of dreams and fantasies, which is why you often suffer. But a very big surprise awaits you ahead - the person dear to you is no longer able to tolerate your world of utopias, which is why he may well erase you from his life for a long time. long term or even forever.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Interpretation of dreams: balloon - seeing balloons in a dream - means a carefree period of life. You won't be nervous about anything, because there won't be much reason for it. All difficulties will evaporate like water and you won’t even remember them anymore.

Gypsy dream book

  • Why do you dream of a big balloon? Balloons in a dream look strong on the outside, but it is worth remembering that inside they have air, or otherwise, emptiness. Don't be fooled by the rich and flashy colors of balloons. In real life, this advises you to more carefully and scrupulously consider all incoming business proposals, as well as personal requests.
  • In any case, hot air balloons in the sky in a dream indicate an influx of funds. Moreover, for interpretation it has no of great importance the way to interact with the balloon is to fly in a hot air balloon in a dream or simply see balloons in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's dream book: a balloon is a symbol of unfulfilled hopes and failures. Troubles are still standing in your way. Regardless of your zodiac sign, a difficult period will come in the business sphere of life, so try to gather your thoughts and not give up.
  • Why dream of flying in a hot air balloon - there is a high probability of an unfavorable and unsuccessful trip. It’s better to postpone your upcoming tour or business trip for a while.
  • Dream Interpretation: inflating balloons - children inflating balloons - this dream suggests that you can forget about a calm and quiet life. You won’t be able to stay in silence and take a break; get ready for active action.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: balloon – in Sigmund Freud’s interpretation, a balloon means the male genital organ, phallus. If the ball is tightly inflated and elastic, and easily soars up, then in the sexual sphere of your life you are successful and happy. Now you, like no one else, are popular among members of the opposite sex. Most likely, this will continue to be the case in the future. A deflated ball hanging down is a sign of ailments in an intimate matter. It's time to get examined by a competent specialist.
  • Dream interpretation: balloons in the sky - a balloon rising into the sky and disappearing into the distance - speaks of your sexual desires, which for one reason or another did not come true. Your desire grows and does not go away. Find a way to let off steam.
  • A balloon that burst or deflated to its original state in a dream indicates your indifference to your sexual partner. Also, such a dream may signal the presence of hidden or unresolved problems in sexual life.
  • Dream Interpretation: flying in a hot air balloon – flying in a hot air balloon in a dream is a symbol of your detachment from the real world. Stop building castles in the air, come down to earth. This dream also speaks of your desire to die unexpectedly and suddenly during sexual intercourse.
  • Watching balloons fly in a dream indicates your commitment to sexual dreams and fantasies. You are replaying in your head a hundred sex scenes with your participation, which you don’t even dare to hint about in real life. Stop being so modest, give free rein to your feelings.

Dream Interpretation of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima

Airship (airship, balloon) - symbolizes unfulfilled hopes and dreams. This dream suggests that your goals are set incorrectly, and therefore you will not be able to achieve them. Make changes to your plans taking into account life situation and do not live only in hopes of a cloudless future. Get busy and don't waste time. (cm. )

Solomon's Dream Book

Why do you dream of balloons? Solomon’s dream book interprets this dream in this way: Your dream, which you have come up with for yourself, will unfortunately not come true. You'll have to adjust your life plans a little.

Dream book for a bitch

  • Why does a girl dream of balloons - an inflatable balloon is a symbol of empty and unrealizable dreams, failures in the business sphere of life, as well as an unfavorable time for traveling anywhere.
  • If you dreamed of flying in a hot air balloon, this is a warning about an upcoming failed trip. Plan everything carefully, then you won’t have to reap the bitter fruits of your spontaneity.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • A balloon bursting in a dream means that all your fantasies are unrealistic and, most likely, will remain so.
  • A balloon flying in the sky means that changes are taking place in your life or will soon occur, which you cannot influence.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

  • Dream Interpretation: inflating balloons - such a dream warns you that you may fall in love with a person who does not inspire respect and respect, and in general does not deserve you. Be careful when choosing a partner.
  • If you saw in a dream how a balloon suddenly burst, this is a harbinger of your participation in some dubious adventure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a balloon in a dream means having a very talkative friend who you cannot rely on. Excessive talkativeness can harm you.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why do you dream of a lot of balloons - a lot of balloons in the sky in a dream - indicates that all your plans may collapse. Your dreams are too unrealistic and they are not destined to come true. Don’t be upset, perhaps you should assess your strengths more soberly. If you look at balloons, this is a sign of the existence of distant, transcendental dreams. (cm. )

American dream book

A balloon in a dream is an amazing mental, disembodied flight of the soul, but contact with land is not lost. It is also a symbol of the fact that you have childlike spontaneity and freedom.

Women's dream book

  • In a dream, a balloon is a harbinger of failure and the collapse of all hopes. Great difficulties are looming in your life, be prepared for it.
  • Why dream of a hot air balloon with a basket - going up in a hot air balloon - the upcoming trip will not be as happy and carefree as we would like. Most likely, something will not go according to plan.

General dream book

  • A balloon in a dream means that soon one of your relatives or friends will move to a new place. You will take an active part in the housewarming celebration.
  • Why dream of flying in a hot air balloon - flying in a hot air balloon means that in the near future you will live in better conditions, relocation is also possible.

Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

  • If you dreamed about a hot air balloon - unfortunately, your dreams will definitely not come true in the near future.
  • The ball flew high into the sky - in real life you are increasingly immersed in the world of dreams and fantasies, you almost do not feel support and support from the outside.
  • If you dreamed about a balloon bursting, it means that sad events that will happen in your life will bring you back to reality. Finally, stop living only with dreams and empty hopes. These castles in the air built in your head will only bring you frustration and sadness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a balloon with a basket - an empty balloon without people - your environment does not share your opinion, so you can’t expect support from them. But if the balloon was not empty, there were people sitting in it - this means that in your endeavors and ideas you will not be alone, but will find allies.

Big family dream book

  • Why do you dream of inflating balloons - if you can’t inflate the balloons - prepare for the fact that everything will not go according to the previously planned scenario, so you should not hope for successful completion business
  • Inflating balloons in a dream or watching other people inflate them means in vain flattering yourself with empty hopes.
  • The “balloon” dream is a harbinger of strange and unusual events and news in life. The ball also symbolizes the sincerity of your hopes and aspirations.
  • The dream “falling balloon” is a symbol of dashed hopes. Your personal life will go hand in hand with jealousy and quarrels.
  • If the balloon strives upward, good luck awaits you in business. However, if the ball becomes motionless in the sky, then a certain pause is expected in the business sphere. How long it will last depends only on you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Inflating balloons in a dream means falling in love with an unworthy person who is only good on the outside. Don’t buy into the outer shell, take a closer look at the person.
  • Seeing a hot air balloon in the sky, flying very fast, driven by the wind, indicates unrequited love.
  • Throwing away unnecessary cargo and ballast from a balloon - soon you will stop suffering from a disease that has been haunting you for quite some time. for a long time, and also get rid of annoying people and burdensome obligations.
  • Letting go of the balls means that you will soon be overcome by new worries and worries, so be mentally prepared for this.
  • In general, the balloon symbolizes unfulfilled hopes and failures in the business sphere. But this does not mean that the situation is completely hopeless. Rethink your plans for the near future. By making adjustments, you can count on the situation changing for the better.

Dream Interpretation - Giant

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: inflating balloons in a dream - You want more from your life, although you live no worse, and even better than many. Look around - your life can be called happy and carefree. You almost never get bored thanks to your lively mind and varied interests.
  • Dream Interpretation: Decorating an apartment or a car with balloons in a dream means your main advantage is optimism, so use it to overcome all the difficulties encountered along the way. The secret of your happy life lies within you, you just need to learn to listen to yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving or receiving balloons as a gift means small but very pleasant surprises await you. (cm. )
  • Dream interpretation of playing with balls or just seeing them - cooperate with other people - this way both parties will benefit. It will also be possible to avoid unfounded, groundless grievances.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Seeing you flying in a hot air balloon means the speedy realization of your wildest and most cherished desires. Everything is going well and successfully for you.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Dream Interpretation: flying in a hot air balloon - be careful, with such a fast pace of life you may not notice the person who wants to share his whole life with you. Look around - perhaps he is already waiting for you very close.

Dream book for girls

  • Why do you dream about colorful balloons - holding a bunch of balloons is a symbol of good luck in your personal life, your love will be mutual and happy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a balloon has flown away - means unrequited, unhappy love.
  • Balloons bursting in a dream - come down from heaven to earth, otherwise you cannot avoid failure. Assess the current situation soberly and carefully consider your actions. The meaning of this dream should be given only on those days when you dream prophetic dreams. Otherwise, just forget about this dream.

Modern combined dream book

  • Flying in a hot air balloon (airship) in a dream - pay more attention to what you are doing, otherwise various kinds of mistakes cannot be avoided. It is worth taking action before an unexpected moment occurs.
  • If in a dream you see an airship falling, then you may encounter certain difficulties on the way to your goal. Be prepared to overcome them, otherwise you will experience great grief in the future. If you fall along with the airship, losses are coming due to your irrational behavior in some life circumstances. Be careful, there is a risk of life-threatening injury.
  • A balloon in a dream means failures and obstacles on the path of life.
  • I dreamed of going up in a balloon - to an unsuccessful and empty trip. Better postpone your trip for a while.

Modern universal dream book

IN everyday life Balloons are associated with fun, parties and joy. But when interpreting, it is important to take into account your current condition. Can your dream be combined with reality? Is there a place for holiday and celebration in your life?Pay attention to whether in your dream the balls are in flight or lying quietly on the ground? If the balls lie motionless, this means that you have a desire to elevate your own or someone else’s thoughts. If the balls fly, they symbolize high spiritual qualities, as well as love of life and optimism. With such a character, life is much easier for you, so do not change your attitude towards life. Look around - is there anyone else in your dream besides you? These people bring joy and happiness into your life.


A balloon in a dream can be interpreted in different ways, it all depends on the surrounding details. So, for example, if you are holding a bunch of colorful balloons, then this is a sign of happiness and good luck in life. But inflating a balloon means you want more from life, although now you have more than those around you. Always try to think only about good dreams, and then they will begin to come true one by one.