Message natural and associated petroleum gas. What is the difference between natural gas and associated petroleum

Natural gas – this is a mixture that consists of: 88-95% methane (CH 4), 3-8% ethane (C 2 H 6), 0.7-2% propane (C 3 H 8), 0.2-0.7 % butane (C 4 H 10), 0.03-0.5% pentane (C 5 H 12), carbon dioxide (CO 2), nitrogen (N 2), helium (He). There is a pattern: The higher the relative molecular weight of the hydrocarbon, the less of it is contained in natural gas. Application:

1) fuel in industry and in everyday life, because CH 4 + 2O 2 = CO 2 + 2H 2 O + 890 KJ

2) obtaining halogenated hydrocarbons and hydrogen chloride:

CH 4 + Cl 2 → CH 3 Cl + HCl, CH 3 Cl - chloromethane - solvent, raw material for organosilicon compounds; HCl - production hydrochloric acid

3) production of unsaturated hydrocarbons: 2 CH 4 → C 2 H 2 + 3H 2, (C 2 H 2 - acetylene - ethylene - welding and cutting of metals); C 2 H 6 → C 2 H 4 + H 2 (C 2 H 4 – ethylene – ethene - production of polyethylene, ethanol, acetic acid)

4) production of hydrogen and soot: CH 4 → C + 2H 2, (C – soot → rubber and printing inks, H 2 → ammonia NH 3)

5) obtaining oxygen-containing organic compounds:

CH 3 ─ (CH 2) 2 ─ CH 3 → 2CH 3 COOH + H 2 O, CH 3 COOH - acetic acid, production of dyes, medicines….

Passing petroleum gas be located above oil deposits or dissolved in it under pressure.

Contains hydrocarbons that are rational use divided into mixtures:

1) gas gasoline(pentane (C 5 H 12) and hexane (C 6 H 14)) are added to gasoline to improve engine performance;

2) propane - butane(propane (C 3 H 8) and butane (C 4 H 10)) in liquefied form as fuel;

3) dry gas(similar in composition to natural) to produce C 2 H 2 - acetylene, H 2 and other substances as fuel: CH 4 + H 2 O ↔ 3H 2 + CO; CO + H 2 ↔ CH 3 OH, CH 3 OH - methanol

About synthesis gas

CH 4 + O 2 → H 2 O + HC, HCHO – methanal, formic aldehyde.


Arenas, aromatic hydrocarbons – organic compounds whose molecules contain stable cyclic structures - benzene rings, with a special nature of bonds. General formula:CnH2n-6, where n ≥ 6.

Physical properties:

C6H6- benzene– liquid, colorless, characteristic odor, boiling point = 80°C, melting point = 5.5°C, insoluble in H 2 O, density = 0.879 g/cm³, molar mass = 78.11 g/mol, good solvent , poisonous. Discovered by M. Faraday in illuminating gas in 1825.


The molecule is flat, the carbon atoms are combined into a regular hexagon, and are in a state sp 2 – hybridization, bond angle = 120°; length (CWITH)=0.140 nm.Six unpaired non-hybrid p-electrons form a single π-electron system (aromatic nucleus), which is located perpendicular to the plane of the benzene ring, overlapping each other above and below this plane.

Chemical properties

I. Similarity with saturated hydrocarbons.

1. Qualitative reactions. Resistance to conventional oxidizing agents: solutions of bromine water (Br 2 aq) do not discolor (at normal conditions), and potassium permanganate (KMnO 4).

2. Substitution reactions:

A) Halogenation, interaction with halogens (when heated and in the presence of catalysts): C 6 H 6 + Cl 2 FeCl3 C 6 H 5 Cl + HCl, chlorobenzene

B) Nitration, interaction with concentrated nitric acid (when heated and in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid):

C 6 H 6 + HNO 3 H 2 SO 4 C 6 H 5 NO 2 + H 2 O, nitrobenzene

B) Alkylation, interaction with halogen derivatives (with heating and in the presence of catalysts) (Friedel-Crafts reaction):

C 6 H 6 + C 2 H 5 Cl AlCl3 C 6 H 5 C 2 H 5 + HCl, ethylbenzene

II. Similarities with unsaturated hydrocarbons. Addition reactions:

1. Hydrogenation, addition of hydrogen (with heating and in the presence of catalysts): C 6 H 6 + 3H 2 t kat C 6 H 12, cyclohexane

2. Halogenation, addition of halogens (in light and in the presence of a catalyst):

C 6 H 6 + 3Cl 2 lighting C 6 H 6 Cl 6 , hexachlorocyclohexane, hexochlorane

3. Unlike unsaturated hydrocarbons, they do not interact with H 2 O, hydrogen halides, or KMnO 4 solution.


1. Isolation from natural sources: oil, coal;

2. Aromatization of oil: 1) dehydrogenation of cycloalkanes: C 6 H 12 t kat C 6 H 6 + 3H 2 ;

2) cyclization and dehydrogenation of alkanes: C 6 H 14 t kat C 6 H 6 + 3H 2;

3) trimerization of alkynes: 2C 2 H 2 t kat C 6 H 6


1. Solvent; 2. Additive to motor fuel; 3. In organic syntheses: obtaining nitrobenzene, aniline and dyes; chlorobenzene, phenol and phenol-formaldehyde resins, etc.

Biological action

Short-term inhalation of benzene vapor does not cause immediate poisoning, therefore, until recently, the procedure for working with benzene was not particularly regulated. In large doses, benzene causes nausea and dizziness, and in some severe cases, poisoning can lead to fatal outcome. Benzene vapor can penetrate intact skin. If the human body is exposed long-term exposure benzene in small quantities, the consequences can also be very serious. In this case, chronic benzene poisoning can cause leukemia (blood cancer) and anemia (lack of hemoglobin in the blood). Strong carcinogen.


Oil - dark, oily liquid with a peculiar odor, lighter than water and insoluble in it (this explains large number environmental disasters associated with oil spills during production and transportation at sea and on land).

Oil contains mainly straight and branched alkanes, cycloalkanes (naphthenes) and aromatic hydrocarbons. Their presence and ratio in oil depends on its field. There are also organic compounds that contain oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and other elements, as well as high-molecular substances (resins and asphalt substances).

Petroleum products. Fractional distillation of “crude” oil leads to the formation of:

1) gasoline contains hydrocarbons C 6 - C 9, boil at temperatures from 40 to 200 ° C, used for internal combustion engines;

2) naphtha contains hydrocarbons C 8 - C 14, boils at temperatures from 150 to 250 ° C, is used as fuel for tractors;

3) kerosene contains hydrocarbons C 9 - C 16, boil at temperatures from 220 to 275 ° C, used as fuel for turbine engines, cracking to lower hydrocarbons;

4) gas oil or diesel fuel boil at temperatures from 200 to 400 ° C, used as fuel for diesel engines;

5) fuel oil contains hydrocarbons C 20 - ..., high boiling, it is divided into fractions: solar oils– diesel fuel, lubricating oils- automotive, aviation, industrial, etc., petrolatum– basis for cosmetics and medicines. Sometimes they get paraffin– for the production of matches, candles, etc. After distillation, it remains tar, which is used in road construction.

Associated petroleum gas

Associated petroleum gas (PNG) - a mixture of various gaseous hydrocarbons dissolved in oil; they are released during the extraction and distillation process (these are the so-called associated gases, mainly composed of propane and butane isomers). Petroleum gases also include petroleum cracking gases, consisting of saturated and unsaturated (ethylene, acetylene) hydrocarbons. Petroleum gases are used as fuel and to produce various chemicals. From petroleum gases, propylene, butylenes, butadiene, etc. are obtained through chemical processing, which are used in the production of plastics and rubbers.


Associated petroleum gas is a mixture of gases released from hydrocarbons of any phase state, consisting of methane, ethane, propane, butane and isobutane, containing high molecular weight liquids dissolved in it (from pentanes and higher in the homologous series) and impurities of various compositions and phase states.

Approximate composition of APG


APG is a valuable hydrocarbon component released from mined, transported and processed hydrocarbon-containing minerals at all stages of the investment life cycle before the sale of finished products to the final consumer. Thus, the peculiarity of the origin of associated petroleum gas is that it is released at any stage from exploration and production to final sale, from oil, gas, (other sources are omitted) and in the process of their processing from any incomplete product state to any of the numerous final products.

A specific feature of APG is usually the low consumption of the resulting gas, from 100 to 5000 Nm³/hour. The content of hydrocarbons C3 + can vary in the range from 100 to 600 g/m³. At the same time, the composition and quantity of APG is not a constant value. Both seasonal and one-time fluctuations are possible ( normal change values ​​up to 15%).

The gas from the first separation stage is usually sent directly to the gas processing plant. Significant difficulties arise when trying to use gas with a pressure of less than 5 bar. Until recently, such gas in the vast majority of cases was simply flared, however, now, due to changes in state policy in the field of APG utilization and a number of other factors, the situation is changing significantly. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of Russia of January 8, 2009 No. 7 “On measures to stimulate the reduction of pollution atmospheric air products of combustion of associated petroleum gas in flares”, a target indicator for flaring of associated petroleum gas was established in the amount of no more than 5 percent of the volume of produced associated petroleum gas. At the moment, the volumes of extracted, utilized and flared APG cannot be estimated due to the lack of gas metering stations at many fields. But according to rough estimates, this is about 25 billion m³.

Disposal routes

The main ways of APG utilization are processing at gas processing plants, generating electricity, burning for own needs, injection back into the reservoir to enhance oil recovery (maintaining reservoir pressure), injection into production wells - the use of “gas lift”.

APG utilization technology

Gas flare in the West Siberian taiga in the early 1980s

The main problem in the utilization of associated gas is the high content of heavy hydrocarbons. Today, there are several technologies that improve the quality of APG by removing a significant portion of heavy hydrocarbons. One of them is the preparation of APG using membrane units. When using membranes, the methane number of the gas increases significantly, the lower heating value (LHV), heat equivalent and dew point temperature (both hydrocarbons and water) are reduced.

Membrane hydrocarbon units can significantly reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide in the gas flow, which allows them to be used to purify gas from acidic components.


Gas flow distribution diagram in the membrane module

By its design, the hydrocarbon membrane is a cylindrical block with permeate, product gas outlets and an APG inlet. Inside the block is a tubular structure of selective material that allows only a certain type of molecule to pass through. General scheme flow inside the cartridge is shown in the figure.

Operating principle

The installation configuration in each specific case is determined specifically, since the initial composition of APG can vary greatly.

Installation diagram in basic configuration:

Pressure scheme for APG preparation

Vacuum scheme for APG preparation

  • Pre-separator for cleaning from coarse impurities, large droplets of moisture and oil,
  • Receiver at the input,
  • Compressor,
  • Refrigerator for additional cooling of gas to a temperature of +10 to +20 °C,
  • Fine filter for gas purification from oil and paraffin compounds,
  • Hydrocarbon membrane block,
  • instrumentation and automation,
  • Control system, including flow analysis,
  • Condensate recovery system (from separators),
  • Permeate recovery system,
  • Container delivery.

The container must be manufactured in accordance with fire and explosion safety requirements in the oil and gas industry.

There are two schemes for APG preparation: pressure and vacuum.

Natural gases are gases in a free state or in a bound form of the atmosphere, surface or interior of the Earth, and even gases found in the waters of the world's oceans. Natural gases are often the result of geological or biological activity; these are gases of the “current moment”, that is, produced and released at the current moment in time (volcanic - during a volcanic eruption, biochemical - during the activity of saprophyte bacteria decomposing protein remains, etc.)

Associated petroleum gas is also a kind of natural gas, but it is dissolved in oil or is located in the “cap” of oil fields. That is, it is once formed gas that remains in a stable state until oil production. As a rule, it is not released into the environment by itself, does not undergo changes and does not interact with the inhabitants of biocenoses.

Differences in composition:

natural gas is methane and ethane (mainly), associated petroleum gas contains significantly less methane and ethane, a significant proportion of propanes, butanes, heavy hydrocarbon vapors, non-hydrocarbon components (helium, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen sulfide, marcaptans, etc.)

Another major difference is the harmfulness factor. Natural gas is, in principle, safe for the environment; in addition, it is actively used in everyday life (all of our kitchen stoves run on this fuel). But once in a while you’ll be tormented by recycling (at least in our country, with the mentality “it’s easier to throw it away than to put it in good hands"), because most of it is simply burned in flares and colossal harm is caused to nature.

6. Main products obtained from associated petroleum gases.
Main products: methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, pentane, isobutane, isopentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, hexane and heptane isomers.

Associated petroleum gases are divided into the following fractions:

1) Dry gas - similar in composition to natural gas.

2) Propane-butane fraction - a mixture of propane and butane.

3) Gas gasoline is a mixture of pentane and hexane isomers.

The most important petroleum products

During the refining process, petroleum is used to produce fuel (liquid and gaseous), lubricating oils and greases, solvents, individual hydrocarbons - ethylene, propylene, methane, acetylene, benzene, toluene, xylo, etc., solid and semi-solid mixtures of hydrocarbons (paraffin, petroleum jelly , ceresin), petroleum bitumen, carbon black (soot), petroleum acids and their derivatives.

Liquid fuel obtained from oil refining is divided into motor fuel and boiler fuel. Gaseous fuels include hydrocarbon liquefied fuel gases used for municipal services. These are mixtures of propane and butane in different ratios.

Lubricating oils designed to provide liquid lubrication in various machines and mechanisms are divided depending on the application into industrial, turbine, compressor, transmission, insulating, and motor oils.

Greases are petroleum oils thickened with soaps, solid hydrocarbons and other thickeners.

Individual hydrocarbons obtained from the processing of oil and petroleum gases serve as raw materials for the production of polymers and organic synthesis products. Of these, the most important are the limiting ones - methane, ethane, propane, butane; unsaturated – ethylene, propylene; aromatic - benzene, toluene, xylenes. Also, products of petroleum refining are saturated hydrocarbons with a high molecular weight (C 16 and higher) - paraffins, ceresins, used in the perfume industry and in the form of thickeners for greases.

Petroleum bitumen, obtained from heavy oil residues by oxidation, is used for road construction, for the production of roofing materials, for the preparation of asphalt varnishes and printing inks, etc.

One of the main products of oil refining is motor fuel, which includes aviation and motor gasoline.

Petroleum gas is a gas that is dissolved in oil under reservoir conditions. Such gas is obtained during the development of oil deposits due to a decrease in reservoir pressure. It is reduced to a level below the oil saturation pressure. The volume of petroleum gas (m3/t) in oil, or as it is also called the gas factor, can range from 3-5 in the upper horizons to 200-250 in deep layers, if the deposits are well preserved.

Associated petroleum gas

Oil gas fields are oil fields. Associated petroleum gas (APG) is a natural hydrocarbon gas, or rather a mixture of gases and vaporous hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon components that are dissolved in oil or are located in the “caps” of oil and gas condensate fields.
In fact, APG is a by-product of oil production. At the very beginning of oil production, associated petroleum gas, due to imperfect infrastructure for its collection, preparation, transportation and processing, as well as the lack of consumers, was simply flared.
One ton of oil can contain from 1-2 m3 to several thousand m3 of oil gas, it all depends on the region of production.

Use of petroleum gases

Associated petroleum gas is an important raw material for the energy and chemical industries. This gas has an increased calorific value, which can range from 9 thousand to 15 thousand Kcal/m3. However, its use in power generation is complicated by its unstable composition and the presence of many impurities. Therefore, additional costs are required for gas purification (“drying”).
In the chemical industry, methane and ethane contained in associated gas are used to produce plastics and rubber, while heavier components are used as raw materials for the creation of aromatic hydrocarbons, fuel additives with a high octane number and liquefied hydrocarbon gases, namely liquefied propane-butane technical (SPBT).
According to information from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MPR), of the 55 billion m3 of associated gas that is produced every year in Russia, only 26% (14 billion m3) is processed. Another 47% (26 billion m3) goes to the needs of industries or is written off as technological losses, and another 27% (15 billion m3) is flared. Experts' estimates suggest that the combustion of associated petroleum gas causes a loss of almost 139.2 billion rubles, which could have been obtained from the sale of liquid hydrocarbons, propane, butane and dry gas.

Oil gas flaring problem

This process is the cause of large-scale emissions of solid pollutants, as well as a general deterioration of the environmental situation in oil-producing regions. During the process of “technological losses” and APG combustion, carbon dioxide and active soot enter the atmosphere.
Due to gas flaring in Russia, approximately 100 million tons of CO2 emissions are recorded each year (if the entire volume of gas is flared). At the same time, Russian flares are notorious for their inefficiency, that is, not all of the gas burns in them. It turns out that methane, which is a much more dangerous greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, enters the atmosphere.
The amount of soot emissions during the combustion of oil gas is estimated at approximately 0.5 million tons annually. Combustion of petroleum gas is associated with thermal pollution environment. Near the torch, the radius of thermal destruction of the soil is 10-25 meters, and flora- from 50 to 150 meters.
The high concentration in the atmosphere of combustion products of such gas, namely nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, causes an increase in the incidence of lung and bronchial cancer in the local population, as well as liver damage and gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, vision.
The most correct and effective method The utilization of associated petroleum gas can be called its processing at gas processing plants with the formation of dry stripped gas (DSG), a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (NGL), as well as liquefied gases (LPG) and stable gas gasoline (SGG).
Proper utilization of oil gas will make it possible to produce about 5-6 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons, 3-4 billion m3 of ethane, 15-20 billion m3 of dry gas or 60-70 thousand GWh of electricity every year.
It is interesting that on January 1, 2012, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On measures to stimulate the reduction of atmospheric air pollution from products of combustion of associated petroleum gas in flares” came into force. This document states that mining enterprises must recycle 95% of APG.

Petroleum gas composition

The composition of petroleum gas may vary. What does it depend on? Experts highlight the following factors, affecting the composition of petroleum gas:

Composition of oil in which gas is dissolved
conditions of occurrence and formation of deposits that are responsible for the stability of natural oil and gas systems
possibility of natural degassing.

Most associated gases, depending on the region of production, may even contain non-hydrocarbon components, for example, hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, helium and argon. If hydrocarbons predominate in the composition of petroleum gases (95-100%), they are called hydrocarbons. There are also gases containing carbon dioxide (CO2 from 4 to 20%) or nitrogen (N2 from 3 to 15%). Hydrocarbon-nitrogen gases contain up to 50% nitrogen. Based on the ratio of methane and its homologues, the following are distinguished:

  • dry (methane more than 85%, C2H6 + higher 10-15%)
  • fatty (CH4 60-85%, C2H6 + higher 20-35%).

Based on geological characteristics, associated gases from gas caps are released, as well as gases that are dissolved directly in oil. In the process of opening up oil reservoirs, gas from oil caps most often begins to gush out. Further, the main volume of APG produced is made up of gases that are dissolved in oil.
Gas from gas caps, also called free gas, has a “lighter” composition. It contains a smaller amount of heavy hydrocarbon gases, which compares favorably with gas dissolved in oil. It turns out that the first stages of field development often have large annual volumes of APG production with a predominance of methane in its composition.
However, over time, the production of associated petroleum gas decreases, and the volume of heavy components increases.
To find out how much gas is contained in a certain oil and what its composition is, specialists carry out degassing of an oil sample taken at the wellhead or in reservoir conditions using a deep sampler. Due to incomplete degassing of oils in the bottomhole zone and riser pipes, oil gas taken from the wellhead contains a higher amount of methane and a smaller volume of its homologues, compared to gas from deep oil samples.

Composition of associated petroleum gas from various fields in Western Siberia
Region FieldGas composition, wt.%
CH 4 C 2 H 6 C 3 H 8 i-C 4 N 10 n-С 4 Н 10 i-C 5 N 12 n-C 5 N 12 CO 2 N 2
Samotlorskoe 60,64 4,13 13,05 4,04 8,6 2,52 2,65 0,59 1,48
Varieganskoe 59,33 8,31 13,51 4,05 6,65 2,2 1,8 0,69 1,51
B ash k o r t o s t a n
Arlanskoe 12,29 8,91 19,6 10,8 6,75 0,86 42,01
Vyatskoe 8,2 12,6 17,8 10,4 4,0 1,7 46,2
Udmurt Republic
Lozolyuksko-Zurinskoe 7,88 16,7 27,94 3,93 8,73 2,17 1,8 1,73 28,31
Arkhangelskoe 10,96 3,56 12,5 3,36 6,44 2,27 1,7 1,28 56,57
Perm region
Kuedinskoye 32,184 12,075 13,012 1,796 3,481 1,059 0,813 0,402 33,985
Krasnoyarsk 44,965 13,539 13,805 2,118 3,596 1,050 0,838 1,792 17,029
Gondyrskoe 21,305 20,106 19,215 2,142 3,874 0,828 0,558 0,891 29,597
Stepanovskoe 40,289 15,522 12,534 2,318 3,867 1,358 0,799 1,887 20,105

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Full characterization of petroleum gases in a liquefied state makes it possible to use them as a high-quality, complete fuel for automobile engines. The main components of liquefied petroleum gas are propane and butane, which are by-products of oil production or refining at gas and gasoline enterprises.
The gas combines perfectly with air to form a homogeneous combustible mixture, which guarantees a high heat of combustion and also avoids detonation during the combustion process. The gas contains a minimal amount of components that contribute to carbon formation and contamination of the power system, and also cause corrosion.
The composition of liquefied petroleum gas makes it possible to create the motor properties of gas fuel.
In the process of mixing propane, it is possible to ensure a suitable saturated vapor pressure in the gas mixture, which has great value for the use of gas-cylinder vehicles in different climatic conditions. It is for this reason that the presence of propane is very desirable.
Liquefied petroleum gas has no color or odor. Because of this, to guarantee safe use in cars, it is given a special aroma - odorized.

Remaining associated gas, which oil producing companies do not flare or inject into the reservoir, ends up for processing. It needs to be cleaned before it can be transported to a processing plant. Gas freed from mechanical impurities and water is much easier to transport. In order to prevent the precipitation of liquefied fractions into the cavity of gas pipelines and to facilitate the mixture, heavy hydrocarbons are filtered out.
By removing sulfur elements, the corrosive effect of associated petroleum gas on the pipeline wall can be prevented, and by extracting nitrogen and carbon dioxide, the volume of the mixture that is not used in processing can be reduced. Gas is purified using various methods. Upon completion of cooling and compression (compression under pressure) of the gas, you can begin to separate it or process it using gas-dynamic methods. These methods are quite inexpensive, but they do not make it possible to isolate carbon dioxide and sulfur components from oil gas.
If sorption methods are used, then in addition to the removal of hydrogen sulfide, drying of water and wet hydrocarbon components is also carried out. The only drawback of this method is the poor adaptation of the technology to field conditions, which causes a loss of approximately 30% of the gas volume. In addition, to remove liquid, the glycol drying method is used, but only as a secondary process, because besides water, it does not release anything else from the mixture.
All of these methods can be called obsolete today. Most modern method is membrane cleaning. This method is based on the difference in the rate of penetration of different components of petroleum gas through membrane fibers.
When gas enters a processing plant, it is separated into base fractions by low-temperature absorption and condensation. Some of these fractions immediately become final products. After separation, stripped gas is obtained, which contains methane and an admixture of ethane, as well as a wide fraction of light hydrocarbons (NGL). Such gas is easily transported through pipeline systems and used as fuel, and also serves as a raw material for the production of acetylene and hydrogen. Also, using gas processing, liquid propane-butane for automobiles is produced (i.e., gas motor fuel), as well as aromatic hydrocarbons, narrow fractions and stable gas gasoline.
Associated petroleum gas, despite the extremely low profitability of its processing, is actively used in the fuel and energy industry and the petrochemical industry.

Natural gas comes in different modifications. Thus, it can be presented in a standard form or classified as incidental. What are its characteristics in both cases?

What are the features of associated gas?

Along the way natural gas refers to a substance that is a mixture of wide range hydrocarbons that are initially dissolved in oil. They are obtained through the distillation of appropriate raw materials. Associated gas is mainly represented by propane, as well as butane isomers. Sometimes the product of oil distillation can become methane and ethylene. Associated gas is actively used in the chemical industry. It is a sought-after raw material in the production of plastic and rubber products. Propane is among the most common gases used as automotive fuel.

What are the specific features of conventional natural gas?

Under natural gas V regular form refers to a mineral that is extracted from gas-bearing formations in a finished form, which, as a rule, does not require deep processing. In some cases, the type of gas in question may be in a crystalline state - in the form of gas hydrates. Sometimes it is dissolved in oil or water.

Conventional natural gas is most often represented by methane, sometimes by ethane, propane, and butane. In some cases it contains hydrogen, nitrogen, and helium.


The main difference between associated gas and natural gas is that the first is a product of oil refining, the second is extracted from the bowels of the earth in finished form. They also differ in their scope of use, and to a large extent in their chemical composition.

Natural gas in its usual form is most often used as a fuel for heating residential and industrial premises, to ensure the functioning of power plants, and production facilities in factories. But it is worth noting that associated gas (if the company producing it manages to develop a sufficiently cheap technology for its production) can be used as fuel for heating premises large area and ensuring work industrial equipment. In turn, ordinary natural gas is also used as a raw material in the chemical industry - for example, in the production of acetylene.

A small table will help us show in more detail what the difference is between associated and natural gas.