Modern technologies in speech therapy. Modern technologies for speech therapists in the conditions of federal state education

The article outlines my experience of introducing innovative technologies in my own practical activities of a preschool speech center in the light of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education with priority areas: strengthening the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being; creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age characteristics; correction of speech disorders in preschool children; formation of prerequisites for educational activities; formation and development of intellectual and communicative competence of preschool children with speech disorders.

A good speech therapist teacher must learn constantly!

Innovative experience, in my understanding, is “keeping your finger on the pulse” of modern pedagogy, and my preschool children, who attend classes at the speech center of our preschool educational institution, have special educational needs.

Mastery of innovative pedagogical technologies is a requirement for the professional qualifications of a teacher of the 21st century!

In the work of a speech therapist, modern technologies are becoming increasingly important. They contribute to achieving the greatest possible success in overcoming speech disorders in children, serve to create a favorable emotional background, and contribute to the inclusion of intact mental functions in work and the activation of impaired mental functions. Being on the border of contact between pedagogy, psychology and medicine, speech therapists use in their practice, adapting to their needs, the most effective, innovative technologies that help optimize the work of a speech therapist teacher.


Children with speech disorders are often mentally unstable; they have an unstable psycho-emotional state, decreased performance, and rapid fatigue. Speech therapy classes for such preschool children are hard work. The use of innovative technologies in speech therapy practice serves as an effective addition to the generally accepted most popular classical technologies and techniques developed in the mid-late 20th century.


By creatively varying the compatibility of different teaching technologies, systematically and purposefully using them in practice, in accordance with the individual physical capabilities of each child, the correctional and developmental process becomes more effective and efficient.

Innovative technologies in modern speech therapy practice at a preschool speech center with the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

“Create ideas and develop them. And then you can be called modern teacher“- notes Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor E.N. Smirnov.

It’s nice when children go to classes with a “speech therapist” with joy and desire, in anticipation of what awaits them today. What could be waiting for them? Attractive environment of the speech therapist's workspace, aesthetic design, game teaching aids. This is the only way to interest a child and invite him to dialogue. And, of course, a smile! A smile encourages the desire to communicate, trust, and creates a friendly emotional background.

Implementing the priority directions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, I, as a representative of the younger generation of Modern Speech Therapy, have to constantly look for ways to improve and optimize the process of learning and development of children. Thus, the process of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders in the speech center of a preschool institution is aimed at:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being;
  • creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age characteristics;
  • correction of speech disorders in preschool children;
  • formation of prerequisites for educational activities;
  • formation and development of intellectual and communicative competence of preschool children with speech disorders.

The innovative technologies I use in my own speech therapy practice are based on the priority areas of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

  • Palming;
  • Technology of finger and hand massage (with elements of self-massage);
  • “Su-Jok” - therapy;
  • Body-oriented technologies.
  • Gaming technologies;
  • Visual modeling technology;
  • Mnemonics;
  • Information Technology.

The above types of technologies cannot be considered in speech therapy as independent; they become part of generally accepted time-tested technologies, and bring into them the spirit of the times, new ways of interaction between teacher and child, and new incentives for the speech therapist teacher.

Health-saving technologies:

To maintain performance throughout the entire speech therapy session (individual-subgroup or subgroup) and relieve muscle tension in children-speech therapists, I use body-oriented technologies: relaxation techniques in contrast to tension in combination with exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, stress relief eye muscles- Palming. This exercise is ancient, it belongs to yogis. The use of kinesiological exercises (a set of movements) allows you to activate interhemispheric interaction in children with speech disorders, increase their resistance to stress, improve mental activity, help improve memory and attention, mood and well-being. Technologies of finger and hand massage, “Su-Jok” - therapy, expand ideas modern specialist for the development of fine motor skills.

Gaming technologies:

Gaming technologies are integral part pedagogical (educational) technologies: problem-solving, gaming, computer, dialogue, training. The problem of using gaming technologies in the educational process in pedagogical theory and practice is not new. However, in the system Russian education gaming technology remains to this day " innovative technology" Play is the leading activity of children preschool age, on its basis, readiness to study at school is formed. The purpose of using gaming technology in speech therapy practice is to increase motivation for classes, increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental work, and develop higher mental functions.

A toy, like a hero, helps create motivation, a game situation, surprise moment. One of children's favorite toys is a ball. Children with speech impairments have difficulty in such movements as passing the ball from a short distance (throwing it, hitting the target with their palms, trying to catch the ball), rolling and grabbing the ball. Verbal games with a ball are an excellent solution to problems of consolidating speech skills in a mental sense based on ideas and without relying on visuals, developing general motor skills, and self-control skills when performing a task.

Construction in the preschool period is a game on the basis of which productive activities are formed. They contribute to the development of cognitive processes, speech, emotional, creative development, independence and arbitrariness of processes. Children's construction refers to an activity in which children create various play crafts from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, etc.). In my speech therapy work, I successfully use the Tangram puzzle game. The game promotes the development of attention, imagination, thinking, combinatorial abilities, and fine motor skills.

Visual modeling technology:

Processes of development of the phonemic aspect of speech (perception, ideas, skills sound analysis and synthesis) require children to become familiar with the structure of words. Traditional technology visual modeling allows children to “see” sounds, words, carry out complex types of work to determine the position of a sound in a word, and visually represent qualitative characteristics sound. Corrective and developmental work on development grammatical side speech (forms of inflection and word formation, prepositional-case constructions) with the use of special schemes and modules of word games in the process of sound pronunciation correction develops children’s imagination and an intuitive form of word transformation.


Correction of sound pronunciation is impossible without working on the expressiveness of speech, its meaningful duplication in activities such as retelling, memorizing poetry, tongue twisters. The essence of mnemonics is that for each word or small phrase a picture (image) is created. The use of symbolic analogy techniques facilitates the process of memorization for children. Mnemonics uses the natural mechanisms (visual-figurative memory) of the brain and allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information.

Information Technology:

ICT in the work of a modern teacher:

1. Selection of illustrative material for classes and for the design of stands, groups, offices (scanning, Internet, printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material for classes, familiarization with event scenarios.

3. Familiarity with periodicals and the work of other teachers.

4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write reports and analyzes every time, but rather just type the diagram once and then only make the necessary changes.

5. Creating presentations in Power Point to increase efficiency educational activities with children and pedagogical competence of parents in the process of conducting parent meetings, master classes, “Round tables”.

6. Exchange of experience: creating your own mini-sites on popular portals, publishing materials pedagogical activity on various sites.

Innovation Applicable to pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of new things into the goals, content, methods and forms of education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the child. technology criterion The main criterion for the “innovativeness” of a technology is to increase the efficiency of the educational process through its application.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN Speech Therapy: art - therapeutic technologies; modern technologies of speech therapy and finger massage; modern sensory education technologies; body-oriented techniques; “Su-Jok” therapy; cryotherapy; information Technology.

Types of art therapy: music therapy (vocal therapy, playing musical instruments); iso-therapy (non-traditional drawing techniques); kinesiotherapy (dance therapy, body-oriented therapy, logorhythmics, psycho-gymnastics); fairytale therapy; puppetry; mnemonics; creative play therapy (sand therapy); laughter therapy; aromatherapy; color therapy (chromotherapy).

“Art therapy” is a means of free self-expression. In a special symbolic form: through drawing, games, fairy tales, music - we can help a person give vent to his strong emotions, experiences, and gain new experience in resolving conflict situations. The main goal of art therapy is to develop a person’s self-expression and self-knowledge through creativity and to increase his adaptive abilities.

Corrective tasks of music therapy: normalization of neurodynamic processes of the cerebral cortex, normalization of biorhythm; normalization of neurodynamic processes of the cerebral cortex, normalization of biorhythm; stimulation of auditory perception (activation of right hemisphere functions); stimulation of auditory perception (activation of right hemisphere functions); improvement general condition children; improvement of the general condition of children; improving the quality of movements (expressiveness, rhythm, and smoothness develop); improving the quality of movements (expressiveness, rhythm, and smoothness develop);

Correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas; correction and development of sensations, perceptions, ideas; stimulation of speech function; stimulation of speech function; normalization of the prosodic side of speech (timbre, tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of intonation); normalization of the prosodic side of speech (timbre, tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of intonation); formation of word formation skills; formation of word formation skills; formation of the syllabic structure of a word. formation of the syllabic structure of a word.

Elements of music therapy During a relaxing speech therapy massage, pieces that have a sedative effect are used, and during an active massage, pieces that have a tonic effect are used. It is also possible to use tonic pieces of music during dynamic pauses and articulatory gymnastics.

Isotherapy techniques used for speech development: “blotography” technique; "blotography" technique; finger painting; finger painting; drawing with soft paper; drawing with soft paper; poke painting with a hard semi-dry brush; poke painting with a hard semi-dry brush; drawing on glass; drawing on glass; nitcography; nitcography;

Drawing on semolina; drawing on semolina; technique of drawing with leaves, sticks, pebbles, etc.; technique of drawing with leaves, sticks, pebbles, etc.; cotton wool imprinting technique; cotton wool imprinting technique; “cork impression” technique; “cork impression” technique; palm painting. palm painting.

Body-oriented techniques: bioenergoplasty – bioenergoplasty – combining the movements of the articulatory apparatus with the movements of the hand; stretching stretching - alternating tension and relaxation in different parts of the body, normalizes hypertonicity and hypotonicity of muscles; exercises for relaxation exercises for relaxation – promote relaxation, introspection, recollection of events and sensations and are a single process; breathing exercises breathing exercises – improve the rhythm of the body, develop self-control and volition.

They develop the corpus callosum, increase stress resistance, improve mental activity, and help improve memory and attention. Exercises such as “Fist – rib – palm”, “Bunny – ring – chain”, “Bunny – goat – fork”, etc. Kinesiological exercises – Kinesiological exercises are a set of movements that allow you to activate interhemispheric interaction:

Speech therapy massage Massage of the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus helps to normalize muscle tone and thereby prepare the muscles to perform complex movements necessary for the articulation of sounds. Performing speech therapy massage techniques requires a clear diagnosis of the state of muscle tone not only of the muscles involved in articulation, but also of the muscles of the face and neck.

Finger massage massage of the palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored balls; massage of palm surfaces with stone, metal or glass multi-colored balls; pin massage; pin massage; massage with nuts and chestnuts; massage with nuts and chestnuts; massage with hexagonal pencils; massage with hexagonal pencils; rosary massage; rosary massage;

Fairytale therapy – Fairytale therapy is a method that uses the fairy tale form to speech development personality, expansion of consciousness and improvement of interaction through speech with the outside world. The main principle of fairy tale therapy is the holistic development of the individual, caring for the soul.

Corrective tasks of fairy tale therapy: creating a communicative orientation of each word and statement of the child; improvement of lexical and grammatical means of the language; improving the sound aspect of speech; development of dialogic and monologue speech; the effectiveness of playful motivation for children's speech; the relationship between the visual, auditory and motor analyzers;

Elements of fairy tale therapy: cooperation between the speech therapist and children and with each other; creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the classroom, enriching the child’s emotional and sensory sphere; introducing children to the past and present of Russian culture and folklore.

Doll therapy – Doll therapy is a section of art therapy that uses a doll as the main method of psychocorrective influence, as an intermediate object of interaction between a child and an adult. The goal of puppet therapy is to help smooth out feelings, strengthen mental health, improve social adaptation, increase self-awareness, resolve conflict situation in collective activity.

Mnemonics is a system of techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. Mnemonics helps in the development of: coherent speech; associative thinking; visual and auditory memory; visual and auditory attention; imagination; accelerating the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds.

The essence of mnemonic schemes is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is created. Thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams - drawings, the child easily reproduces textual information.

Sand therapy promotes: improvement of practical communication skills using verbal and non-verbal means; enrichment vocabulary; development of coherent speech; encouraging children to active actions and concentration; development of imagination and imaginative thinking.

Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy is the application of essential oils and oil suspensions to improve human health. Smells control mood, calm overexcited nervous system, increase performance. Types of aromatherapy: baths; spraying; inhalation; massage.

Possibilities of using IT in speech therapy: increasing motivation for speech therapy classes; organizing objective monitoring of children’s development and activities; expansion of the plot content of the traditional play activity; the ability to quickly create your own didactic material; visualization of acoustic components of speech; expanding the range of non-verbal tasks;

Provide an unnoticeable transition for the child from play activities to learning activities; significant opportunities in the development of HMF: schematization, symbolization of thinking; formation of the planning function of thinking and speech; Due to increased emotional tone, the material being studied is transferred more quickly into long-term memory.

The wording “Innovative technologies” may imply new approaches to working to eliminate a particular disorder, oral or written speech, as well as software and hardware technologies that help the speech therapist in his work.

Most schoolchildren entering speech therapy centers have deviations in speech development of varying structure and severity. As a rule, children with speech disorders have problems in the development of perception, attention, memory, mental activity, varying degrees motor underdevelopment and sensory functions, spatial representations, features of receiving and processing information. These children experience a decrease in interest in learning and increased fatigue. Children are often ashamed of their speech imperfections, become nervous, irritable, and uncommunicative, which leads to the formation of a feeling of inferiority and the development of a difficult character.

This contributes to the formation of a negative attitude towards learning and is one of the reasons for school failure. Such children need urgent help speech therapist, so speech therapy work in a secondary school takes important place in the process of preventing and overcoming student failure.

To interest students and make learning meaningful, we need non-standard approaches, individual development programs, and new innovative technologies. The process of presenting material in a speech therapy lesson should be somewhat different, more individualized, than in a classroom lesson. One of these innovations is computer technology, which has recently been widely used in the field of special education as adaptive and easily individualized learning tools.

A personal computer, equipped with a variety of application software, in the hands of a trained specialist is a powerful development tool that can quickly implement tasks that would take years in traditional approaches.

Thanks to a computer, in a shorter time it is possible to solve such problems as replenishing vocabulary, forming a grammatical system, filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech, forming coherent speech, developing spelling vigilance, which helps improve literacy. Students become more interested in the learning process and develop skills of independent work and self-control.

In order to increase the efficiency of correctional work on speech therapy classes computer technologies are used.

The school is equipped with a speech therapy room for biofeedback. The work of the office began in November 2007 in the form of lessons in health-improving breathing exercises and speech correction classes. Classes are held 2-3 times a week with school students. Forms of conducting classes are group and individual. Individual classes for stuttering correction.

The biofeedback method allows the patient to see and hear how his body works. It turns the body's sound signals into an exciting game. Using this method, the child learns to breathe correctly, i.e. We form a diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing with a long, uniform exhalation. As a result of training, the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. After developing the diaphragmatic-relaxation type of breathing, we begin speech training using this type of breathing.

At each stage of the work, entertaining stories from a computer program are used.

The practice of using the method has shown that after 12-15 sessions, children’s physiological indicators significantly improve: the DAS indicator increases, the number of respiratory movements approaches the norm. Excessive psycho-emotional and muscle tension was eliminated.

Positive dynamics are observed in speech development. The patients’ speech became clearer, smoother, and freer; speech uncertainty and fear of speech decreased.

The advantages of the program are that all examination results and indicators of the sessions performed are automatically entered into the patient’s individual card, where they are stored in the form of graphs, tables, and audio speech recording files. The results of the session can be saved and printed.

The biofeedback method is used in combination with traditional correctional techniques (relaxation exercises are widely used).

To visualize computer classes and in order to increase the effectiveness of correctional work in speech therapy classes, the “Computer workshop for conducting speech therapy classes in elementary schools” (a computer project developed under the leadership of V.I. Varchenko) is used. It is intended for practical development of knowledge, skills, and abilities with children 6-10 years old. The workshop included 20 computer games and about 1,500 didactic exercises. Its main element is a computer game. The use of animation elements makes it possible to make the learning process in speech therapy classes more interesting and varied. The game situation allows you to assimilate the material as if unnoticed by the child. The game allows you to show initiative and creativity.

Didactic material is selected in accordance with the requirements of the general education program. 1-4 grades, based on programs and methods used in speech therapy (Lalaeva, Levin, Yastrebova, Sadovnikova). Curriculum includes five sections: preparatory; filling gaps in the sound side of speech, filling gaps in the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, developing coherent speech, developing individual qualities of students.

The main advantages of the workshop, which, in our opinion, significantly complement the traditional work of a speech therapist, include the following:

  • computer game increases attractiveness educational material;
  • dividing the material into sections, rather than into classes, allows you to plan lessons in accordance with the characteristics of the program in which the child is studying and the level of his speech development;

It should be noted that the use of computer games when working with problem children is multifunctional in nature. This means that not only the assimilation of knowledge and the development of the basic qualities of students occurs in accordance with the goals of the classes, but also the development of attention, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive activity. Voluntary regulation of students’ activities also develops: the ability to subordinate their activities to given rules and requirements, restrain emotional impulses, plan actions and foresee the results of their actions. We have seen the high effectiveness of classes using specialized computer programs. Appeared real opportunities for high-quality individualization of children's education, the motivation and emotional interest of children in classes has increased significantly. This structure of training not only makes the work of a speech therapist much easier, but will also allow one to achieve significantly better and more sustainable results than using only traditional techniques.

What other computerized developments exist that help a speech therapist in his work?

I would like to dwell on one more specialized computer speech therapy program “GAMES FOR TIGERS.” The computer speech therapy program “Games for Tigers” is intended to correct general speech underdevelopment in children of senior preschool and primary school age.

The program allows you to effectively work on overcoming speech disorders due to dysarthria, dyslalia, rhinolalia, stuttering, as well as secondary speech disorders.

The exercises presented in the program are structured in such a way that the child thinks that he is playing with the hero of the program Tiger Cub, talking to him, helping him, traveling through the magical Land of Sounds and Words, in fact he is learning, and each task helps him overcome speech disorders .

Excellent drawings, three-dimensional images, sound accompaniment of actions, cognitive orientation of the exercises, a playful interactive form of presenting educational material and a cheerful presenter Tiger Cub - all this makes the program attractive and helps to increase the motivational readiness of children for speech therapy classes.

It is built on the basis of the methods of Efimenkova, Kasha, Levina, Lalaeva. This program allows you to correct speech disorders effectively and in a shorter time. A series of exercises is proposed in 4 blocks: – sound pronunciation, Prosody, Phonematics, Vocabulary. There are more than 50 exercises in total. This allows you to work on:

  • sound pronunciation;
  • prosodic components of speech;
  • phonemic awareness;
  • lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

At the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, in the laboratory of computer technologies for teaching children, specialized educational computer programs for children with special educational needs. With great pleasure, speech therapists work with such programs as “Timeline”, “The World Outside Your Window”, “In the City Yard”. With their help, you can work quite effectively on enriching vocabulary, developing coherent speech, learning the ability to conduct a dialogue, etc.


The program is intended for children with a variety of developmental problems studying in special schools, special classes at public schools, preparatory groups in kindergartens, and rehabilitation centers. It can be used by employees of medical and pedagogical consultations, diagnostic and audiology centers, school psychologists, speech therapists, teachers of mass kindergartens and schools, and parents. The program is especially useful for those children who experience difficulties in analyzing the phenomena of the surrounding reality, communicating, systematizing and verbally expressing accumulated impressions and ideas.

First program of the cycle “TIME TAPE” will help to identify, systematize, expand and enrich the experience of impressions that was accumulated by the child himself throughout the entire previous period of life.

“IN THE CITY YARD.” By performing exercises that seem like games to a child, he will master new ways of thinking about the world, learn to reason, and rethink what seemed known and already understood. The authors have created a unique learning tool - “Kaleidoscope”, which allows you to collect dozens of options for pictures of the life of an ordinary city yard in any season of the year, experiment with signs, comprehend the boundaries of permissible changes, and establish a correspondence between an image and a word.

Speech therapists use the program “DELPHA-142”, which helps to work on some pronunciation skills and elements of writing. The speech therapy simulator "Delfa-142" is a comprehensive correction program different sides oral and written speech of children. The simulator allows you to work with any speech units from sound to text, solve a variety of speech therapy problems: from correcting speech breathing and voice to developing the lexical and grammatical side of speech, introduce game moments into the process of correcting speech disorders, repeatedly duplicate the required type of exercises and speech material, use various stimulus material (pictures, letters, syllables, words, sentences, sounding speech), work at different levels of complexity depending on the student’s capabilities, simultaneously with speech therapy work, carry out correction of perception, attention, memory.
The scientific director of the project and the author of methodological recommendations is professor, head of the department of correctional pedagogy and special psychology of APKiPRO O.E. Gribova.

Computer complex for speech therapy "SPEECH KALEIDOSCOPE" created on the basis of the methodology for staging and automating sounds, working on breathing, voice formation, developed by the Department of Deaf Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen under the guidance of Associate Professor L.P. Nazarova (1992). It can be used in working with children who have various speech disorders (speech pathologists, hearing impaired, deaf children), as well as with children who do not have any organic or functional disorders. The application of the program is designed for any age: from preschoolers to adults. There are wide possibilities for using the complex in working on pronunciation: on breathing, voice, intonation, tempo, verbal and logical stress and speech sounds such as vowels and consonants, except for plosives and affricates .

Conventionally, in the computer complex program, 4 groups of modules can be distinguished according to their purpose: Group I is intended for working on breathing and voice; Group II – to work on speech sounds; III group– to work on pronunciation in general; Group IV – for the development of auditory perception and auditory control of one’s own speech.

The computer complex "Speech Kaleidoscope" can be used at different stages of teaching pronunciation: at the stage of sound production, during the correction and differentiation of sounds from each other and at the automation stage, i.e. allows you to master not only sound pronunciation, but also improve it and pronunciation in general. For this purpose, the program provides 2 game options in almost every module.

Hardware and software complex – “VISIBLE SPEECH-3”– is considered the best visualizer in the world today, and has a high cost.

The visual pronunciation simulator is a product of our production, developed at the “Special Educational Technologies” center as a more affordable analogue of the versions of the “Visible Speech” program.

Such computerized developments are auxiliary in speech therapy and deaf pedagogy. In many cases, they simply revolutionize age limits, the pace and quality of correctional work.

Interactive technologies are not only a way to entertain children and teach them something in game form. This is also great way creating an environment conducive to the recovery of people with different psychological and specific diseases and deviations.

In particular, this applies to children suffering from speech development defects. Therefore, modern speech therapists are increasingly resorting to the use of innovative interactive technologies in working with such children.

Interactive technologies are the best assistant of any speech therapist!

It is worth remembering that work of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard implies some restrictions and responsibilities that the speech therapist must observe. Therefore, the program of training and work with children suffering from speech defects should be approached with all responsibility.

Unfortunately, the methods that private speech therapists practice do not always fit into the Federal State Educational Standard, so speech therapists working in preschool educational institutions have to come up with new ways of working with children in order to achieve positive results.

Fortunately, modern technologies have come to help the speech therapist. These include interactive programs that will help the child in an entertaining way, using the acquired experience, to correct defects and deviations in his speech.

Modern technologies in the work of speech therapist teachers they help to significantly speed up the process of correcting defects and the child’s recovery. Now children will be able, while playing, to completely get rid of their problems and become full-fledged members of society.

What is the benefit of interactive technologies in the work of a speech therapist?

Although such technologies are not yet widespread among speech therapists, the speech therapist of the future will be provided with a large number of diverse programs that will help him in his work and will greatly facilitate the achievement of positive results.

Interactive technologies and their role in speech therapy diagnosis and treatment are underestimated today. Their benefits are quite high, as it makes it easier for the speech therapist to work with the child in the first place, turning often necessary and long sessions into interesting game, which helps the child understand how to correctly pronounce certain sounds.

Special interactive complexes will simplify the work of a speech therapist and will provide children with more joy and interest in classes. Such complexes include, for example:

  • Speech therapy complex "Wunderkind" with multi-touch touch screen and microphone. Such a complex not only helps with the child’s speech development, but also instills in him the skills to handle computer equipment. Any programs and games necessary for the child’s speech development are suitable for the speech therapy complex.

Programs designed specifically for speech therapists include the following games:

It is also worth remembering that, in addition to the above games, the use of ICT in the work of a speech therapist implies the use huge amount various educational games. Such games-programs can greatly facilitate the work of the teacher and quickly achieve positive results.

The work of a speech therapist is not only working with children, but also working with parents!

It is worth remembering that the work of a speech therapist is reinforced at home. The child must consolidate the knowledge acquired from a speech therapist at home with the help of his parents. And interactive games in this case will be good helpers not only for the teacher, but also for parents.

A good speech therapist will always explain to parents that support from them is important for the child, and practicing at home will bring positive results closer. By showing parents how to work with interactive games, the speech therapist receives the support of the child’s family and achieves results faster than other teachers.

Usage interactive games in the work of a speech therapist is the best way to find a common language with a child and expand your work experience without going beyond the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Modern speech therapy is characterized by a constant search for ways to improve and optimize the processes of development and learning of children. For this purpose, modern speech therapy technologies are used. When used, classes become more effective.

This is an active mechanical procedure, the purpose of which is to correct various speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia and others). Massage helps strengthen and relax articulatory muscles, improves kinesthetic perception, and stimulates muscle sensations.

Main types of speech therapy massage:

  • manual (classic);
  • hardware (using vacuum, vibration devices);
  • point (impact on biologically active points);
  • self-massage (the child performs the procedure independently).

There is also massage with probes, stones, herbal bags, chestnuts.


  • short hyoid frenulum (as the cause of dyslalia);
  • rhinolalia;
  • involuntary salivation;
  • voice disorders;
  • alalia;
  • dysgraphia;
  • violation of the tone of the muscles involved in articulation;
  • stuttering of a neurotic nature;
  • lack of clear pronunciation.

On full course 10-20 sessions are needed, sometimes more. The duration of the session is determined by the psycho-emotional state of the child (the presence or absence of fear, nervous tension). The average procedure time is 5-6 minutes.

It is imperative to choose an experienced specialist who can establish emotional contact with a young patient.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the ability to perform at home;
  • simplicity and painlessness;
  • positive effect on the nervous and muscular system;
  • increasing the elasticity of muscle fibers;
  • improvement of vascular function;
  • normalization of speech breathing;
  • reduction in pathological motor manifestations of the muscles of the speech apparatus (convulsions, hyperkinesis);
  • increasing the amplitude of articulatory movements.


  • viral diseases;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin diseases.

The baby’s motor sphere is closely related to the development of his mental properties. There are a number of effective techniques:

  1. Breathing exercises. They improve the rhythm of the body, promote the development of volition and self-control. Classes must be conducted in a well-ventilated room or with an open window. They can be done both standing and sitting.
  2. Exercises aimed at relaxation. With their help, you can relax, remember some events and sensations.

  1. Stretching is a set of exercises involving tension and relaxation of various parts of the body. It is very good to use them for hypotonicity and hypertonicity of muscles.
  2. Bioenergoplasty. This method based on combining movements of the hands with movements of the articulatory apparatus. It synchronizes the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, improves speech and thinking.

Finger gymnastics

It is very effective for speech development. When children exercise and move their fingers rhythmically, their speech centers in the brain are activated. At the same time, children additionally learn to concentrate and distribute it correctly.

Finger games also train your memory well, because you need to memorize poems and a certain sequence of finger movements. The latter become flexible, mobile and strong. This will help you master writing skills faster in the future.

You can start doing finger gymnastics from the age of six months. You should set aside at least five minutes for it every day.

Local hyper- and hypothermia

This method was created and developed by the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Center for treatment of cerebral palsy. It is one of the areas of cryomedicine, which uses the healing factor of cold effects on tissues and organs. The technique corrects muscle tone and normalizes muscle reactions. To carry it out you need warm water and ice.

There are several options for influence:

  • alternate use of thermal and cold factors;
  • first hypothermia, then hyperthermia;
  • hyperthermia only;
  • only hypothermia.


Contraindications to the procedure:

  • epilepsy;
  • ARVI;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • cold allergy.

The main movements through which you can learn to navigate well in space are running and walking.

Types of exercises:

  • walk and run in pairs in a circle while maintaining distance;
  • line up in pairs in a column, in a circle, scattered;
  • walk around the hall changing directions: left, right, counter-movement, snake, diagonally;
  • walk with a change of leaders;
  • uniform contraction and expansion of the circle.

This method develops the emotional-volitional sphere and promotes high-quality speech correction. Sand therapy was proposed by Carl Gustav Jung, the founder of analytical therapy. It helps to improve the skills of practical communication using verbal and non-verbal means. In the process of classes, individuality is revealed, psychological difficulties are resolved. In addition, sand therapy develops imaginative thinking, coherent speech, cognitive functions, and enriches vocabulary.

Playing with sand is used both for individual work and in groups. Conventionally, three types of activities can be distinguished:

  1. Educational. They develop tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands, and help in learning a number of skills (counting, writing, reading).
  2. Projective. Promote the development of imagination and creativity.
  3. Cognitive. They teach about the diversity of the world around them.

To organize the process you need several things:

  • clean, sifted sand (not too fine and not too coarse);
  • sandbox (waterproof wooden box);
  • miniature figures (people, animals, plants, vehicles, natural materials and many others);
  • water.

Game options:

  • creating fingerprints and palm prints;
  • alternately squeezing and unclenching fingers immersed in sand;
  • sliding your palms along the sand (circular, zigzag movements);
  • drawing all kinds of patterns on the surface of the sand;
  • burying objects in sand and then blowing it away to reveal what was hidden.

Advantages of the method:

  • working with natural materials that have their own positive energy;
  • activation of sensitive nerve endings on the tips of the fingers;
  • relieving the child’s muscular and psycho-emotional tension;
  • improvement of visual-spatial orientation;
  • development of hand motor skills.


  • skin diseases;
  • damage to the hands (scratches, cuts, abrasions);
  • availability bronchial asthma or allergies to dust;
  • increased child anxiety.


Among modern speech therapy technologies and techniques, mnemonics are very popular. This is a set of techniques and rules that facilitate the process of memorizing information. Its essence is that you need to come up with pictures for words or small phrases. As a result, all text is drawn in diagrams. Looking at them, the baby can easily reproduce a verse, riddle or tongue twister.

Using mnemonics, you can achieve the development of auditory and visual attention, memory, associative thinking, and coherent speech. In addition, the process of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds is accelerated.

Lesson results:

  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • the emergence of interest in memorizing poetry and inventing stories;
  • increasing knowledge about the world around us.

Fairy tale therapy

The technique is a separate branch of psychotherapy and first appeared in St. Petersburg. It consists in using the fairy-tale form for the speech development of the individual, expanding consciousness and improving interaction through speech.

Fairytale therapy involves the use not so much of already invented stories, but the creation of new ones.

Types of fairy tales:

  1. Meditative.
  2. Psychotherapeutic.
  3. Psychocorrectional.
  4. Psychological.
  5. Didactic.

List of corrective tasks of fairy tale therapy:

  • the relationship between the motor, auditory and visual analyzers;
  • effective game motivation of children's speech;
  • improvement of sound speech;
  • improvement of lexical and grammatical language means;
  • creating a communicative orientation of all children's statements.

Fairytale therapy methods:

  • drawing fairy tales;
  • creation of dolls;
  • storytelling and writing.


This is a modern speech therapy technology, which is a complex of musical-speech, speech-motor and musical-motor exercises. Classes are conducted by a speech therapist teacher at a school or preschool (preschool educational institution).

As a result of classes, children learn to switch from one type of activity to another, move expressively, develop creativity. They develop endurance, strength, agility, and a sense of balance. Also, muscles are trained and strengthened, and beautiful posture is formed.

Logorithimics helps calm active children and encourages slow ones.

Lesson options:

  • dancing, singing;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • a combination of singing and breathing exercises;
  • games with onomatopoeia;
  • pure talk;
  • singing and walking in different directions.

Logorhythmics is necessary in the following cases:

  • during the period of intensive speech formation;
  • dysarthria;
  • insufficiently developed motor skills and coordination of movements;
  • excessively fast or slow intermittent speech;
  • stuttering.

Exercises should be done taking into account the child’s characteristics. When something doesn’t work out for him, he needs to simplify the task. If you have problems with sounds or fine motor skills, then it is important to increase the number of appropriate exercises.

Music therapy

Music increases the tone of the cerebral cortex, causes pleasant emotions, stimulates blood circulation and breathing. It helps to develop the skill of listening and analyzing the sound of melodies.

Music therapy is used for the treatment and prevention of a number of pathological conditions.

Lesson options:

  • listening to music;
  • singing;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • elements of theatricality;
  • music drawing.

Music therapy results:

  • normalization of emotional state;
  • developing skills in using voice;
  • elimination of fears of speech and movement disorders;
  • development of a sense of rhythm, independence, activity;
  • stimulation of auditory perception;
  • reproduction of musical images.


Isotherapy classes help individuals express themselves and realize their creativity. The goal of the technique is the development of coherent speech, articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills.

There are several options for classes:

  • drawing on semolina;
  • finger painting;
  • blotography.

Color therapy

This is a modern speech therapy technology designed to correct speech and psychological disorders. Scientists have long proven that colors affect the emotional, intellectual and psychological state people.

The teacher organizes the work as follows:

  • children take toys and objects of certain colors and perform with them different actions and simulate situations;
  • discuss the work done with repeated repetition of the necessary sounds.

Results of color therapy:

  • awareness of special color preferences;
  • increased sensitivity and susceptibility;
  • expansion and deepening of the perception of colors;
  • expanding the ability to manage emotional-volitional processes;
  • increasing interest in cognitive activity.

A large number of speech therapy technologies allows you to choose from them what is suitable for a particular child. After all, he himself must show interest in classes and experience them. positive emotions. This is very important to achieve good results.