Ways to combat smoking among young people. Effective drugs and medicines


The growth of tobacco consumption and the widespread nature of this harmful household habit determine the need to combat smoking as the most important social task. The problem of combating smoking worries both the general public and the country's government. Currently, the fight against smoking is carried out in one form or another in virtually all countries of the world.

Main directions in the fight against smoking:

– preventing non-smokers from starting smoking;

– liquidation “ passive smoking»;

– reduction of the toxic properties of tobacco products and the harmful effects of the smoking process;

– smoking cessation by smokers (smoking cessation, treatment).

As can be seen from the list of main directions in the fight against smoking, the forms of this fight are very diverse. At the same time, the main one, permeating all other forms of combating smoking, is medical propaganda of the harm of smoking. This is due to the fact that smoking is considered an action that is subject to a person’s conscious control.

Medical propaganda about the dangers of smoking is practically the only activity in the work to prevent the start of smoking. For this purpose, it should be widely carried out in schools, lyceums, colleges, higher educational institutions etc., including even kindergartens. A special place is occupied by preventing women from starting to smoke, for which not only the listed child care institutions are used, but also antenatal clinics, enterprises and organizations where many women work.

In addition, medical propaganda about the dangers of smoking is integral part administrative and therapeutic measures.

Heads of health authorities and institutions, along with expanding research on various aspects of the problem of smoking, are encouraged to strengthen the promotion of sanitary and hygienic knowledge among the population about the dangers of smoking, especially among schoolchildren, students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as among pregnant women.

At the same time, serious attention is paid to smoking issues in medical institutions and smoking medical workers. Now medical personnel It is prohibited to smoke while working in the presence of sick people and students. In the future, it is planned to ensure that employees of health authorities and institutions in general stop smoking. In this regard, the position is put forward that smoking is incompatible with the title and profession of a doctor. We must hope that doctors will fight this evil in a principled and professional manner.

To increase the effectiveness of explanatory work about the dangers of smoking, it is recommended to involve the general public in the fight against smoking: Red Cross and Red Crescent committees, educators, etc. Comprehensive plans for conducting medical propaganda on hygienic training and education of the population can play a significant role in this direction. It is quite clear that the first medical assistants - public sanitary inspectors - will take the most active part in this work.

In the fight against smoking, the emphasis is placed on medical propaganda and extensive sanitary and educational work (taking into account that smoking is a phenomenon that depends on the will and consciousness of a person), and great attention is paid to other ways to combat this evil. First of all, administrative measures to combat smoking are quite effective.

Administrative measures include allowing smoking only in certain places (this is reflected in the internal regulations of enterprises and institutions), prohibiting the advertising of tobacco and tobacco products, prohibiting smoking in transport and airplanes, and prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to children and adolescents. The provision of tobacco and tobacco products to military personnel has long been abolished. It should be noted that a reduction in advertising of smoking itself is also envisaged. For this purpose, the Russian Ministry of Culture has issued a letter of instruction, which proposes the following activities:

– establishment special places for smoking in all theatrical, entertainment and industrial enterprises, educational institutions and cultural and art institutions;

– reducing to a minimum the display of smoking on stage, if this is not related to the plot and line of behavior of the characters;

– extensive educational work about the dangers of smoking (movies, visual aids, themed numbers for satirical artists, book exhibitions, showcases, photo albums, question and answer evenings, etc.).

At the request of the population, announcers, TV commentators, artists, etc. do not smoke during television programs.

It should be noted that many citizens propose draft government decisions on a complete smoking ban. However, such projects are not feasible, because, on the one hand, as noted above, much in this direction is done administratively, and, on the other hand, categorical prohibitions, as a rule, give negative results, further contributing to the spread of massive bad habits.

Taking this into account, the anti-smoking program is designed to gradually reduce smoking until the mass eradication of this habit. Therefore, there is no prohibition on the production and sale of tobacco and tobacco products, which are produced in accordance with the demand of the population. However, it is envisaged to reduce the harmfulness of manufactured tobacco products by using premium grade tobacco for their production (containing 2-4 times less harmful substances than lower grade tobaccos), special filters that partially absorb harmful compounds from tobacco smoke etc.

The effectiveness of administrative measures is increased by targeted sanitary and educational work. Special attention is devoted to explaining the harm of “passive” smoking. Smokers are told in detail about the least in harmful ways smoking (pipe, dry tobacco, not finishing smoking, reducing the number of cigarettes smoked).

As already mentioned, smoking as a bad habit manifests itself very individually (impact on health, addiction, etc.). While many people can quit smoking without any complications, some smokers experience withdrawal symptoms and an irresistible craving for smoking. For people who want to quit smoking, treatment can be used - medication, reflexology and psychotherapy.

As a rule, it is difficult for a smoker to give up smoking tobacco, especially since there are many smoking people. The conditioned reflex constantly encourages him to continue smoking. Therefore, one of the indispensable conditions for smoking treatment should be the smoker’s strong desire to be cured of this bad habit.

Each patient receives individual instructions on the organization of work and rest. General recommendations for people for whom quitting smoking does not cause painful sensations(except for conditioned reflexes) in the first days after quitting smoking the following:

– carrying out physical exercises, especially deep breathing;

– long walks twice a day, thorough water treatments;

– restriction in food spices and fried foods, coffee, sweets, fats and creams, increased consumption of vegetables and fruits, drinking plenty of fluids– 6-8 glasses of liquid per day (juices, milk, tea with a little sugar);

– avoiding friends who offer smoking, removing ashtrays, etc.

Medicines are prescribed by the doctor individually. Among the medications for the treatment of smoking, the following can be used: rinsing the mouth with a 1-2% solution of silver nitrate before smoking, a tannin solution; drugs lobeline, cytisine, anabasine chloride, when prescribed, the patient must stop smoking immediately.

Very effective method Experience has shown that treatment for smokers includes reflexology, as well as psychotherapeutic methods, including hypnosis. In this case, treatment can be carried out in two ways: gradual withdrawal or immediate cessation of smoking.

Gradual withdrawal is used for smokers who, after immediately stopping smoking, exhibit violent reactions: depression, insomnia, refusal to eat, etc. These patients are recommended to have in a box or cigarette case limited quantity tobacco products that they cannot do without. For example, leave three cigarettes (cigarettes), one for smoking after meals, when the reflex is especially strong, and two more for “strengthening mental activity.” In this case, it can be recommended to cut or break the cigarette in half, since essentially the first 3-4 puffs are important for the smoker. Every day you need to reduce the number of puffs. At this stage, the patient should visit the doctor more often and share the results obtained with him.

If you immediately stop smoking, the patient gives away the remaining tobacco products and matches. He is offered to buy small bottles of dental elixir and drop 4-5 drops of it into his mouth if he wants to smoke. Instead of dental elixir, you can use mints, sugar, caramel, etc. The patient is taught that he should not smoke under any circumstances (especially during negative emotions).

Considering the great importance of the patient’s consciousness in the treatment of smoking, autogenic psychotherapy (both individual and collective) can also be used as a method of psychotherapy. This method is also being intensively developed in recent years for the treatment of many diseases.

The use of reflexology in the treatment of smoking is based on the fact that this bad habit is based on persistent conditioned reflexes. Reflexology is increasingly being used to treat smoking. Among the methods of reflexology, acupuncture has proven to be especially effective. Naturally, reflexology methods are used in combination with other types of treatment.

In addition to acupuncture, other reflexology methods can be used to treat smoking. Treatment with reflexology methods, as a rule, is not accompanied by complications for the body. It can be carried out both in hospital and in outpatient setting. In Russia, a network of reflexology rooms is being developed in clinics and hospitals.

In our country, it is planned to organize treatment for smokers in drug treatment clinics, departments and offices, as well as in clinics, medical units and other medical institutions.

Thus, the fight against smoking involves a wide variety of measures to influence smokers. Methods of rational psychotherapy, especially autogenic training, are widely used. Those who want to quit smoking learn the “secrets” of influencing the tone of their blood vessels, on autonomic functions, learn ways to strengthen willpower. Even visual propaganda tools have the same impact as psychotherapy. Visual propaganda attracts attention and makes the smoker think seriously. And this is already a success, because in this case The principle of hidden, indirect suggestion operates, which has a much greater influence on a person than direct suggestion.

Thus, the arsenal medical treatment smoking is quite large; The variety of types and methods of medical treatment guarantees that everyone who wants to get rid of the bad habit of smoking will be provided with effective, qualified medical care.

Quitting smoking has a beneficial effect on the state of mind and body of all smokers; no matter how old they are or how they feel. By parting with cigarettes, you are laying the foundation for your current and future well-being. If, for example, you quit smoking before the age of 50, you reduce your risk of dying by half over the next 15 years!

But what if you already have diseases caused by long-term smoking, say, heart and vascular disease, emphysema or stomach ulcer? The main consequences will be the same: the functioning of the heart and lungs will improve, the ulcer will heal. Even emphysema will not progress if you quit smoking!

Quitting smoking promises you many benefits. U smoking women Menopause, as a rule, occurs several years earlier than expected by nature. However, if you quit smoking, it will start on time. In men, studies show that smoking reduces sperm density, but in those who quit smoking it is restored to normal. Smoking reduces blood flow to the penis and therefore has a negative effect on erections, but if you quit smoking, erections will return to normal. Those who quit smoking have lower blood cholesterol levels, even if they do not change anything in their diet. Smokers, as a rule, lose many working days due to disability, since they are sick longer than non-smokers. Many ophthalmologists say that they can distinguish a smoker from a non-smoker by their eyes: some of the small vessels in the fundus of smokers are blocked, although this phenomenon disappears a few months after the last puff. Perhaps that is why many ex-smokers, according to them, began to see better. Wounds and scratches will heal faster if you stop smoking. “Crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes and tell-tale folds around the mouth are more noticeable in those who smoke. It is not yet clear whether this is due to the tension of the lips squeezing a cigarette, the habit of squinting the eyes from the smoke, or poor blood supply to the skin. Those who quit smoking have significantly fresher and younger-looking skin, likely as a result of an improved oxygen supply. Gustatory and olfactory sensitivity sharpens: you sense the taste of food more delicately and distinguish odors (including such unpleasant ones as the smell of smoke and rotting garbage).

How to get rid of nicotine addiction? There are many methods and approaches. The most effective is psychotherapy (hypnosis, autogenic training), which in some cases is supported by special medications (anabasine, Tabex, lobesil, lobelia, etc.), drugs, disgusting when inhaling tobacco smoke (silver nitrate solution and chewing gum containing it, protargol, collargol, etc.). The method of collective psychotherapy for smoking also has a beneficial effect on smokers. Almost 40% of smokers who completed her course eventually quit smoking.

But no treatment will have the desired effect if it is not supported by the strong desire of the smoker himself to definitely get rid of the bad habit, stop harming his health and shortening his life. You can quit smoking at any time – you just have to want to. The inability to quit smoking is often blamed on “cigarette dreams” and other unpleasant symptoms caused by long-term smoking, but in fact, this is rarely the real reason. As a rule, the root of evil is a lack of willpower. Contrary to popular belief, quitting smoking does not pose the slightest danger to health. Indeed, many smokers give up tobacco without any difficulty. Still, one should distinguish between occasional smokers and long-term smokers. In the most difficult situations, when the addiction to tobacco is strong, the help of specialists and the support of those around you - relatives and colleagues - is needed. In this case, quitting smoking on your own is not easy. According to American experts, approximately 70% of chronic smokers start smoking again after a few months.

You need to stop smoking right away, immediately. Some smokers try to get rid of their addiction to nicotine by gradually reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke, in every possible way postponing the moment of finally quitting smoking. This method is ineffective. To consolidate success when giving up nicotine, you need to, albeit temporarily, change something in your life - take up some new type of activity, change your team, or, for example, go on vacation, go on a trip. The condition is improving, but this is no longer associated with the cigarette. The vicious circle of nicotine addiction is broken. If a smoker decides to give up the addiction, and nothing has changed around him, then abstinence from smoking may be only a temporary phenomenon. Interferences can come from smoking friends or company, provoking the quitter to taste the “nicotine fruit” again, as well as personal troubles and problems that unsettle the person; finally, any little things that bring back memories of tobacco. In this case, it is enough to smoke at least once - and all your efforts will go down the drain. In this case, nicotine addiction returns very quickly. The smoker, in response to this, develops a feeling of hopelessness and doom, and making another attempt to part with the cigarette will be much more difficult.

Quitting smoking can also be hindered by some misconceptions about what will happen after you stop smoking. Some are afraid of gaining weight (this mainly applies to women). However, you need to consider the following things.

Firstly, in this case, only a few people, genetically predisposed to obesity, gain weight. The weight gain is usually small - about 2-4 kg.

Secondly, the health risks from smoking are immeasurably greater than from a slight increase in body weight.

Thirdly, several extra pounds unlikely to worsen appearance, which cannot be said about smoking. Yellowed teeth bad smell from the mouth and from clothes, wrinkled skin, graying hair and much more - isn’t this enough for men to avoid women?

Fourthly, smoking disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland, and the longer a smoker delays giving up cigarettes, the more serious his weight problems will be, based on irreversible metabolic disorders.

Some people are afraid that they won’t be able to fall asleep without taking a puff. Indeed, insomnia is one of the complications of the first “nicotine-free” weeks. But, having passed these tests, a person will become the master of his dreams. After parting with a cigarette, every fifth smoker notes that they begin to cough more often. And there is nothing surprising, much less bad, about this. On the contrary, a cough indicates that the lungs are beginning to recover and are in a hurry to quickly get rid of phlegm saturated with tobacco poisons and throw out a lot of dead and diseased cells.

Finally, long-term smokers believe that it is too late and their body is so poisoned that nothing can save them now. Of course, some damage may be irreversible, but it is never too late to stop, especially since the body will immediately begin to restore everything that can still be restored. Here are just some facts.

Already 10-15 years after giving up cigarettes, the mortality rate among smokers is only slightly higher than that among non-smokers. The same thing happens with the mortality rate from lung cancer. If current smokers have a 3-4 times higher risk of developing a heart attack, then within a year after quitting smoking it is halved. Those who quit smoking have a reduced susceptibility to stomach cancer. peptic ulcers. Several years without a cigarette reduce the likelihood of developing complications during pregnancy and promote normal births. healthy children. After quitting smoking, shortness of breath decreases, secretions of sputum and mucus from the lungs stop, the quality of the skin improves, and wrinkles are smoothed out. Positive changes in the body occur even in old age. Quite natural than formerly man quits smoking, the greater his chances of regaining his health. Delay is sometimes like death.

The first step to success is awareness of the problem itself. Unfortunately, many smokers, despite the barrage of information about the dangers of nicotine, do not consider smoking a problem and take its consequences lightly. They think that they are being scared in vain and that in fact everything is not so scary. Such views are a tragic delusion, but they sometimes realize this too late.

Quitting smoking is not giving up something good, but a significant victory over yourself and over tobacco.

First of all, try to answer the question: “Why do I even smoke?” An honest answer will help you break this habit more easily.

In addition, find the answer to the question: “Do I really want to quit smoking?” The success of the event depends on this.

What is your main argument for quitting tobacco? Find the one that suits you best and stick with it.

* I will free myself from a rather expensive and unhealthy habit.

* I can realize myself in life and become independent from tobacco.

*I will be physically in in better shape.

* I will free myself from the thought that I myself sacrificed my health and life to tobacco.

* I will be cleaner and fresher, free from the smell of tobacco.

* I will not set a bad example for my friends.

In addition to the listed general motivations for quitting tobacco, you may have a number of other reasons known only to you why you want to quit smoking. Think of them as values ​​that you will win if you make your wish come true.

Think through all the arguments for and against smoking.

There is not a single serious argument to justify smoking. There are a number of self-justifications, the purpose of which is the continuation of mastered smoking, supported by nicotine addiction, and the continuation of the usual lifestyle. Some examples:

* I know people who smoked their entire lives and lived to be 80 years old. Comment: they usually don’t talk about smokers who die early. Unfortunately, there are many more of those whom tobacco brought to the grave.

* I will immediately gain weight if I quit smoking. Comment: we must not forget that quitting tobacco means not only not smoking, but a change in your previous lifestyle! In fact, only a third of people who quit smoking gain weight, and only temporarily if their diet is adjusted accordingly and their weight increases. physical activity. If you fail to limit your weight gain, the risk is later life A few extra pounds will do much less than continuing to smoke.

*I am a moderate smoker and have no health problems. Comment: one might add that not yet. When using tobacco, i.e. smoking or chewing, the harmful effects and their manifestation are very individual. In any case, the concept of a “harmless cigarette” is dangerous myth.

* I tried several times to give up tobacco, but I didn’t succeed. Comment: many have succeeded in this after repeated attempts, why don’t you try again with the support of your teacher? The craving for smoking goes away within a couple of weeks, and you can follow these recommendations for relief. In the future, we advise you not to try smoking, even for fun, as you can lose everything you have achieved and you will become a smoker again.

* Smoking is a way for me to communicate with friends who all smoke. Comment: This is a ritualistic act and self-deception, as if smoking helps you communicate better.

* Smoking is relaxing and enjoyable for me. Comment: nicotine, which is part of tobacco, is a potent poison that first irritates the nervous system and then inhibits it. The price of temporary pleasure and vigor is too high if they are achieved by using tobacco. There are many harmless possibilities for this purpose.

*I have been smoking for so many years that there is no point in quitting now. Comment: It's never too late to quit smoking. Risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diseases respiratory tract or malignant tumor decreases significantly.

Don't put off your decisions. There is no need to hesitate. Preparation will not take much time. Set a specific day for yourself and tell your family members, friends, girlfriend, boyfriend about it. This will help you implement your decision faster.

Careful consideration must be given to choosing the right day. Choose a stress-free day to start not smoking. For example, the first day of vacation or a day different from the daily rhythm of life. Before this, get rid of tobacco belonging to your previous lifestyle, and from everything associated with smoking (ashtrays, lighters, etc.). Finish your “last cigarette” with a decidedly memorable ritual. Prepare yourself mentally to start the next day meaningfully. Make the first day of your new life extraordinary for yourself. Be sure to keep a diary where you write down all your feelings, experiences and achievements (before going to bed).

First of all, keep in mind your benefit. It starts from the moment you say goodbye to tobacco. From the list below you will find what giving up tobacco will give you:

* saving money;

* physical strength will increase;

* smell and sense of taste will be restored;

* your home and clothes will remain clean;

* unpleasant “yellow fingers” will disappear;

* the body's ability to resist many diseases will increase;

* the cough characteristic of a smoker will disappear;

* well-being will improve;

* communication with you will become more pleasant without the smell of resin;

* your life expectancy will increase. Your immediate circle will also benefit from the fact that you quit smoking: by not smoking, you spare the health of your friends and loved ones.

When implementing your decision, you need to think about what can support you and how to avoid starting to smoke again. Please note the following instructions.

* Find a replacement action for hands and mouth that are still accustomed to the cigarette. Use chewing gum, lozenges, or hold something between your fingers (for example, the Doctor Redox finger massager).

* Avoid, at least for the first month, situations and places where you willingly smoked. If you refuse an offered cigarette, you can answer: “Thank you, I don’t smoke” or “Thank you, I quit.” Replace old habits with new ones and resist temptation.

* In the first days, drink juices or water more than usual, especially when you want to smoke.

* Eliminate alcohol, spicy and spicy foods. Satisfy your increased appetite with low-calorie foods.

* Talk to friends about changing your lifestyle.

* Give your body more physical activity.

* Use nicotine patches or gum as directed by your doctor.

* Praise yourself in the evening for every successful day spent without tobacco.

There are a few rules to remember. Firstly, you cannot use negations - our unconscious psyche, and it is at this point that suggestion is always directed, does not know what the particles “not” and “no” are. Secondly, you cannot order yourself, you need to gently persuade yourself - the unconscious does not tolerate direct orders, it will do everything the other way around. The correct self-hypnosis in this case is: “How wonderful the world is without a cigarette.” In the case of a woman who has made the discovery that smoking people stink disgustingly, you should not dwell on negative images of disgusting actions - it is better to say to yourself: “From now on I will only smell like French perfume!”

According to scientists, if a person gives up smoking at least:

a) for a few hours, then his body will have a chance to begin the healing process;

b) for one day, then the probability of approaching heart attack begins to decline;

c) only for two days, then all body systems are freed from excess carbon monoxide;

d) for three days, then most of the nicotine will be removed from the circulatory system;

e) for one year, the blood supply to the brain, impaired as a result of smoking, will significantly improve;

f) for another two years, then the risk of a heart attack will not differ from the risk of a person who has never smoked;

g) for fifteen years, then the probability premature death will be the same as that of someone who has never smoked.

Currently, medicine practices several methods of quitting smoking: medication, means of the so-called substitution effect (pilocarpine, lobelia, anabasine, etc.), various types acupuncture and others, but they do not remove programming, which means they do not exclude relapses. Even when using hypnopsychotherapy, if the suggestion was aimed mainly at eliminating “use,” “habits,” and “attitudes,” but the “programming” remained, relapses are not excluded.

It seems appropriate to note here that humanity, in terms of getting rid of vices and various diseases, is perhaps in the stage of savagery, despite the fact that it is successfully comprehending the secrets of the cell, succeeding in genetic engineering and even in attempts to synthesize proteins. The time will come when people will be surprised that their ancestors treated therapeutic, infectious and other diseases with some kind of pills.

Indian yogis proved many centuries ago that human body super original and provided with reliable protection, in other words, his inner guard and doctor. A person should not get sick at all if he leads an appropriate lifestyle and controls his psyche and body. And even like that infectious diseases, like the flu, cholera, plague, he should not get sick, and if their agents have already taken over, then he should be able to extinguish the source of infection by mobilizing protective forces body. After all, before, not everyone got sick and not everyone died from such terrible diseases as influenza, smallpox, cholera; they often recovered without any treatment, but if only they knew how to mobilize their defenses!

The whole problem is that man has lost himself. He is capable of doing anything: wars, work, entertainment, and so on, but not himself. On Earth, perhaps, only true yogis, or rather mahatmas (teachers), lead a normal life and comprehend the miracle of nature - man. For them there are no petty worldly (especially philistine) problems, they are eternally healthy, because they have comprehended and mastered the most important, most amazing gift of nature - their psyche and through it they control the body. They comprehended something that we still have no idea about.

So, as we have already noted, each person is programmed for various types of activities, including harmful ones - drinking alcohol, tobacco. How to remove and erase a negative program in the mind? This is why there is a wonderful tool with which we have already begun to work - your hand. It is she who instantly “carries”, bypassing all obstacles, the corresponding signal into the subconscious.

One of the simplest ways to break the bad habit of smoking is to break bird cherry sticks and carry them instead of cigarettes. If you have a desire to poison yourself with poisonous tobacco suspension, take a stick in your teeth and bite it lightly. You will immediately notice a faint astringent taste, slightly reminiscent of the initial inhalation of tobacco smoke. If you don't have a stick, you can use a paper tube with a tiny piece of cheese inside. When you bite into it, you will also feel a slight coating of flavor.

We can also offer a more radical psychological technique. Twist cigarette-shaped tubes from strips of paper and glue them together so they don’t unravel. When the glue dries, on each such fake “cigarette”, make the following inscriptions large and juicy: “bronchitis”, “stomach ulcer”, “lung cancer”, “obliterating endarteritis”, “impotence”, “gastritis”, “heart failure” ", "frigidity", "stomach cancer", "fibromatosis", "infertility" and so on. Then carefully place all these blanks in a pack of your preferred cigarettes or cigarettes - and carry them with you. They wanted to poison themselves - they patted their pockets, found a packet, and pulled out a fake from it with the inscription, say, “pulmonary emphysema.” At this moment, you may smile or, conversely, curse. But then a very big thing will happen important process. If you plot the curve of the increase in your desire to poison yourself on the coordinate axis (remember, we have already talked about such a curve), then its peak will occur when you take a fake cigarette out of the pack. And as soon as you read the designation, for example, “impotence” or “frigidity,” the curve of your desire to self-poison will fall.

Many tobacco smokers are concerned about the question of whether it is harmful to quit smoking right away. Life practice, numerous publications on this issue, analysis of the diaries of former tobacco smokers show that no harmful phenomena arise from the human psyche and physiology. The manifestation of withdrawal syndrome is possible, when irritability, sleep disturbance, anxiety and some other phenomena that manifest themselves to varying degrees in everyone, and only in the first days after quitting smoking. They pass within one to two weeks and are replaced by wonderful mental and physical recovery, joyful mood and confidence in one’s strengths and capabilities.

And in order to quickly restore the body from harmful consequences smoking, we can recommend physical exercise, hardening of the body, auto-training. They will help you get rid of all the vices and shortcomings, make life interesting, purposeful, worthy, and therefore happy.

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A short overview of ways to quit smoking. Read on, maybe one of them will suit you.

Is it possible to quit smoking forever? The main thing is a strong desire to become a non-smoking person and a positive attitude towards the result. We have found ten ways for you to quit smoking.

Experts call effective methods that make it possible not to smoke for six months.

Official medicine today has proven the effectiveness of two methods. They come first on the list.

Medical assistance

The doctor will help you develop an optimal regimen for the period of quitting cigarettes and, if necessary, prescribe medications to help cope with stress. Everything is scientifically based and suitable for those who prefer official medicine.

Patches and nicotine gum

A way to quit smoking without a nicotine hangover - a patch or chewing gum delivers a minimal amount of nicotine to your body while you wean yourself off cigarettes. The method is suitable for those who cannot endure the time it takes to remove nicotine from the body. The disadvantages include the fact that then you will gradually have to wean yourself off the substitutes.

If you are a short-term smoker, a degree nicotine addiction If you are weak and don’t want to see a doctor, you can try some other methods.

Hypnosis or coding

The psychotherapist suggests to the patient that he no longer wants to smoke - in a state of hypnotic trance or without it. The main thing is that the person still wants to quit smoking and does not smoke for this reason, and not because of the fear of “breaking the coding.” If after some time a breakdown occurs, it is better to visit the doctor again and either strengthen or remove the received settings. The method is not officially approved.


Diseases have been treated for thousands of years by working with certain points on the body. Bad, disease-causing habits are no exception. The doctor sticks special needles into the desired points on the ears, and the craving for smoking disappears. Typically one to six sessions are required. The method is not suitable for those who faint at the thought of injections. It also cannot be called officially approved.

Hard work

Psychologists have recently found that intense and stressful work can significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked. Or even quit completely - after all, with a busy schedule, there is absolutely no time left for smoke breaks. The effect will be stronger if for career growth choose a company where smoking is completely prohibited.


For those who are attracted active image life, the method of replacing smoking with some kind of activity works quite well interesting view sports or fitness. Moderate and regular physical activity causes a biochemically determined feeling of pleasure. In this state, breaking your habits is much easier and more pleasant. In addition, sport has a good effect on appearance.


You can go kayaking down mountain rivers for a month, wander through the jungle or conquer some inaccessible peak. But you will have to choose a completely non-smoking team for this event - there are such people. If there is no one to “shoot” a cigarette, the strict travel schedule and heavy physical activity will soon make you forget about tobacco.

Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking"

Today, quitting “by the book” is very fashionable, alone and in virtual support groups. The book can be bought or borrowed from those who have already quit. The volume is small, and even a non-lover of the printed word can cope with it. Just don’t listen to those who say that the book didn’t help them - your goal is to quit, not to collect statistics.

Solo flight

You can throw away your last pack of cigarettes and go into the wilderness. Downshifting is gradually becoming fashionable. And, if the village chosen for living has a tent with tobacco products, then your choice is lonely weather stations in the taiga or a distant forestry cordon. If the nearest store is 50 kilometers away through the forest, you won’t run out for a smoke again.

Otherworldly Intervention

Everywhere there is a woman Manya or father Nikolai, who have a large percentage of those cured of tobacco addiction. It doesn’t matter what the method is based on – herbs, whispering over water or prayer. If you believe in these things, they work. “As if a grandmother whispered” is a completely harmless unofficial method with a 50% chance of success. That is, it will either help or not.

A bill providing for increased fines for promoting smoking and violating the rules for the sale of tobacco. Now citizens will pay from 3 to 5 thousand rubles for the sale of tobacco products to children, officials - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, legal entities– from 100 to 150 thousand rubles.

Experts with many years of experience told the Mail.Ru Health project where to turn if you decide to quit smoking, as well as what latest techniques doctors use to combat the bad habit.


According to statistics, greatest number smokers are concentrated in countries Eastern Europe, North Africa and Asia. If we talk about states, then in the Eurasian space Russia firmly holds the palm in terms of the number of smokers and deaths from tobacco. At the same time, our country is one of the few in which the number of smokers is growing, not decreasing.

According to statistics, 25% of smokers in Russia will die prematurely due to smoking. On average they will lose 10-15 years of life. Although we could live longer...

From a medical point of view, the basis of smoking is psychological reasons and problems, taking on great responsibility, constantly experiencing stressful situations, as well as an acute experience of social defenselessness.

A fairly new invention in the fight against smoking is electronic cigarettes. I want to say right away that no detailed studies have been conducted on them and doctors cannot recommend such a technique to anyone. Suffice it to mention that when examining cartridges with nicotine solution they contained benzopyrene (a strong carcinogen) and a host of other compounds that were not conducive to our health.

It is often reported that about 30 percent of smokers quit their bad habit with the help of such cigarettes. This can be explained by the fact that they could easily refuse without their help and simply had a firm attitude towards refusal, and electronic cigarettes simply became a “starting point.” Besides everything, constant use Electronic cigarettes do not destroy the behavioral stereotype of the smoker and, as it were, “delay” the final cessation of smoking. Since dependence on nicotine at the physiological level is formed, as a rule, after 15 - 20 years of regular smoking and mainly in men (if there is no predisposition to such dependence), in these cases a gradual decrease in the level of nicotine entering the body is justified.

In other cases, it is necessary to look for ways to increase motivation to quit smoking, because in practice we have to deal with a more rapid formation of addiction due to latent (hidden) dysfunctions of the thyroid gland, and chronic stress.

The use of electronic cigarettes, in addition, can create a fashionable culture, which is currently being done. Aromatic compounds with different smells of exhaled air are added to the cartridges; the design of such cigarettes is constantly being improved, making them fashion accessory. This situation can lead to the opposite effect and increase the number of smokers, especially among young people. Girls may suffer the most from this.

In conclusion, I would like to say that e-cigarettes are currently not a medical device that promotes smoking cessation. A gradual reduction in nicotine intake is justified only in rare cases and, as a rule, only in men.


Yu Yali, diagnostician, acupuncturist of the highest category, chief physician Chinese Center rehabilitation medicine"East Clinic".

The main goal of acupuncture in the fight against smoking is to give the smoker a persistent rejection of the taste and smell of cigarettes. Under the influence of acupuncture, blood supply to the brain accelerates, pathological reflexes are interrupted, the sensitivity of receptors, including olfactory and gustatory, sharply worsens. After this, the taste of cigarettes becomes sharp and disgusting, the smell of smoke is repulsive. For most smokers, this makes quitting smoking much easier. In addition, acupuncture increases the level of your own endorphins - “hormones of happiness”. It eliminates depression, irritability and anxiety.

Reflexotherapy is especially effective with a long history of smoking - 20-30 years. Before the session, you must refrain from smoking for at least 12 hours.

At the East Clinic, an acupuncture course consists of 7 to 15 procedures over the course of a month, every day or every other day. Before the procedure, you undergo diagnostics using traditional Chinese medicine methods. The procedure itself lasts 30-40 minutes. The needles are placed at a point between the eyebrows, on both sides below the line of the nose, and in the hands, between the big and index finger. The sensations are minimal, all needles are disposable. Doctors who perform procedures have highest category and work experience in leading public clinics in China for at least 10 years.

Of course, the procedure is effective if you yourself decide to quit smoking. Acupuncture is not a “magic pill” for smoking. However, our methods allow us to achieve effectiveness in 85-90% of cases.

I use a fairly old, proven method of auricular (i.e., on the auricle), long-term microneedling and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. During treatment, microneedles remain in the tissues of the auricle for several days, i.e. the effect lasts for a long time, which will allow the patient to quit nicotine quite easily.

IN difficult cases I combine therapy with new things, modern hypnosis, widely used in Europe and the USA. New hypnosis is different from traditional hypnosis. It contains minimal or completely absent direct suggestions (there are only indirect, veiled ones), many metaphors, and more contact with the patient in a hypnotic trance. The patient's sensations and condition during the session also differ from those experienced during traditional hypnosis. My patient quits in one session, very rarely in two sessions.

"120 to 80".

Existing methods“anti-smoking” drugs are known to everyone and, in essence, differ little from each other both in their mechanisms of action and in their effectiveness. If a person has matured enough to decide to quit smoking, then he has “become an adult” - and simply stops smoking without straining his will, that is, without driving himself into overstress, without experiencing withdrawal symptoms, without breaking himself, without resorting to outside help. If he has a need to quit smoking, but is unable to do so, then the help of a psychotherapist may well be effective. It will not consist in suggestions of any kind, but in formulating the correct request for help (maybe smoking itself is not a hindrance in life at all; eliminating early mental trauma, for all the troubles of today are a consequence of the unfinished business of our childhood; construction life scenario in accordance with your true desires, intentions and capabilities.

The problem is small visible part of a large iceberg, and not the ability to “blow or not blow smoke.”

Other materials from the “What’s new?” section


Approaches and methods to combat smoking in the world

Humanity has already had hundreds of years to make sure that the “fight against smoking”, or more precisely, the management and impact on excessive tobacco smoking (from the point of view of a given country, institution, person and at a given time) is a much more complex matter than it might seem at first glance.

This statement is confirmed by the evolution of approaches to the management of excess tobacco smoking in their temporal development, namely:

1st approach. Explanatory

Based on the fact that it is quite irrefutable with scientific point vision to establish the most significant facts of the harmfulness of tobacco smoking, especially paying attention to the consequences of smoking for young people, pregnant women, etc., to convey this in bright colors to the population, so that they, being “literate and conscious,” themselves stop smoking.

This approach has been around for many decades, even in Russia, and the phrase “a drop of nicotine kills a horse” is one of the pre-war techniques for clearly explaining the harm of nicotine to a recent peasant, for whom a horse is “our everything.”

The educational approach still succeeds in preventing and discouraging a number of people from smoking, but overall it certainly does not work. Therefore, the public, increasingly concerned about the truly epidemic nature and almost military-scale consequences of the spread of tobacco smoking (and this against the backdrop of depleting natural reserves), is moving to more drastic measures, namely:

2nd. approach. Restrictive-prohibitive

It is based on the recognition that mere knowledge about the dangers of smoking (and no longer refuted by the majority of smokers) for some reason does not stop the resumption and further spread of tobacco smoking. Therefore, various restrictions on tobacco smoking in certain places and at certain times have been introduced and continue to be introduced. A very intelligible version of this approach is the increased amount of health insurance for smokers, introduced in the late 60s of the twentieth century in the USA, and, together with other measures, made it possible to stop the decline average duration life in this country.

We have to admit that in those countries where restrictive and prohibitive measures are not well thought out and verified, and are carried out out of connection with other measures to ensure a healthier lifestyle for the population, this leads to the fact that “the severity of the laws is combined with low mandatory compliance.” Well-known Russian examples are massive non-compliance with the ban on smoking on trains and smoking breaks for students that have become common (including primary classes) secondary schools at recess.

Therefore, in those countries of the world that actually and even now value the health of their population, awareness is becoming more and more pronounced, and then more and more consistent application third approach, which should be called

3rd approach. Comprehensive elimination (including replacement) of the need for smoking

Comprehensive elimination and replacement of personal, social and national needs for excessive tobacco smoking on the basis of comprehensive scientific, cultural, economic, social, administrative and legal influence.

IN modern Russia(and before that in the USSR), unfortunately, we have to note only rather scattered and poorly connected measures of administrative, legal and scientific explanatory influence, which explains their extreme ineffectiveness.

Examples of harmonized international efforts to combat smoking

Until recently, coordination of international efforts to combat smoking was limited to the exchange of scientific data on the harm of tobacco smoke to human health. It was not until February 27, 2005 that the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) came into force. Its provisions limit and regulate international standards in areas such as

  • increase in prices and taxes on tobacco,
  • tobacco advertising,
  • sponsorship,
  • marking,
  • illegal trade,
  • passive smoking and others.

As of December 24, 2009, 168 countries of the world participate in the convention. The Bahamas was the last to join the convention (November 3, 2009).

Examples of restrictive (anti-tobacco) measures in individual countries of the world

There have always been people and institutions in the world with a heightened sense of responsibility for their health and the health of their offspring. Taking into account the various events (or at least statements) carried out in a number of countries by state and public institutions on a healthy lifestyle, greater accessibility of the media, more and more attempts are becoming known to take the path of getting rid of the smoking epidemic.

  • IN Spain The sale of tobacco products is prohibited in medical institutions, educational institutions. Smoking is prohibited in public transport, in premises where pregnant women work, in administrative buildings, in production workshops food products, in reading and exhibition rooms, in elevators, in theaters, cinemas, indoor sports facilities.

Opinion of tobacco product manufacturers on the fight against smoking

The main warning message should be formulated as “smoking kills” instead of the previous “The Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development warns...”. The content of additional inscriptions may be as follows: “Smoking causes heart attacks and strokes”, “Smoking is the cause of lung cancer”. “Smoking can cause a slow and painful death”, “Smoking can cause impotence”, etc. There are 12 of them in total instead of the previous four.

Mostly Russian manufacturers We fully agree with public opinion and fully support the WHO Framework Convention within the framework of the regulatory framework, and also believe that among all the major countries in the world, Russia now has the strictest regulation of the “tobacco issue.” In addition, on its official website, Tabakprom published the full text of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

Smoking cigarettes is addictive and addictive. Quitting smoking can be very difficult, but if you smoke, don't let that stop you. Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and other serious diseases in smokers. The likelihood of developing a serious disease such as lung cancer is much higher for smokers than for non-smokers. There are no safe cigarettes. (official statement from Philip Morris International)

WHO and World No Tobacco Day

To reduce smoking levels, WHO proposes a set of six approaches called “MPOWER”:

  • Monitor - tracking tobacco consumption and tobacco prevention strategies.
  • Protect - protecting people from tobacco smoke, in other words, banning smoking in public and workplaces.
  • Offer - offer of assistance to quit tobacco use
  • Warn - warning about the dangers associated with tobacco.
  • Enforce - introduction of BANs on advertising, promotion and sponsorship of tobacco products.
  • Raise - increasing taxes on tobacco products.

The WHO report argues that the most effective single strategy is to increase taxes on tobacco products, which could be substantially increased in essentially all countries, which would also provide a source of sustainable funding that would enable implementation and enforcement of the recommended mix of six strategies.

World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day is celebrated annually around the world on May 31st. On this day, events are held aimed at raising awareness of the population about the dangers associated with tobacco consumption, the work of tobacco companies, and the activities of WHO in the field of combating tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to claim their rights to health and wellness. environment and to protect future generations.

But there is also in this day reverse side! After every day without a cigarette , carried out in the UK in the spring, the frequency of serious accidents in industry and forestry increases sharply. English experts explain this by saying that a smoker, having abruptly given up cigarettes, is in a bad mood, irritated, and has difficulty concentrating. Hence all sorts of incidents. At the same time, scientists emphasize that quitting smoking is certainly beneficial for health, but it is best to do it gradually.


  1. Encyclopedia "Around the World"
  2. History of Russia. World, world history - History of tobacco
  3. Encyclopedia of Pipe Tobacco "History of Tobacco"
  4. Cigar | Cigarettes, cigarillos, zippo, hookah, lighters, matches, humidor
  5. Bogdanov I. Smoke of the Fatherland, or a Brief History of Smoking. M.: New Literary Review, 2007, p. 6-21
  6. Encyclopedia of Pipe Tobacco. History of tobacco.
  7. Digest
  8. Sober society - Smoking world. Collection of facts
  9. Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
  10. Boris Vinokur. America turns away from a cigarette. Nezavisimaya Gazeta (August 10, 2007). Archived
  11. The State Duma ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. NEWSru (April 11, 2008). Archived from the original on April 13, 2012. Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  12. Smoking in Italy | Useful information and tips for tourists in Italy | All about Italy | from "Wind Rose"
  13. New draconian fines for smoking in Italy
  14. Bhutan is the world's first smoke-free country! - Butane. Ru - News
  15. World news
  16. The Danish Queen has contributed to the fight against smoking
  17. Germany Quit Smoking - New Smoking Bans (ETODAY Online Magazine)
  18. Smoking ban
  19. About 1.4 million Dutch people will quit smoking this year. RIA Novosti (December 14, 2008). Archived from the original on April 13, 2012. Retrieved August 13, 2010.
  20. The world's strictest anti-smoking law has come into force in Finland. 1.10.2010
  21. South Koreans given a year to quit smoking | It's tobacco!
  22. Smoking in Singapore will become very expensive / Laws / Travel.Ru
  23. The fight against smoking in modern society
  24. Turkey has banned smoking in all public places:: Society:: Top.rbc.ru

– a set of measures aimed at reducing and preventing cigarette consumption. The process of smoking is the process of inhaling drugs, mainly of natural origin, in order to saturate the body with the substances they contain. active substances. Of course, cigarettes do not contain anything that could benefit the smoker’s body or those around him.

On the contrary, the substances contained there are classified as psychoactive substances.

Fighting smoking and nicotine addiction

According to WHO statistics, people on Earth smoke huge amount people - about 1.1 billion people. This is about one third of the adult population of the planet. And if smoking was once considered fashionable, now, in the civilized world, everyone understands perfectly well what a problem it really is.

Scientists cite deplorable statistics: smoking kills 3.5 million people every year. That's 10 people a day.

Initially, the fight against smoking began in Europe before the advent of tobacco there. One of the members of Columbus's expedition was imprisoned because "only the devil could give a person the ability to blow smoke from his nostrils."

Later, in 1575, a ban on smoking tobacco was introduced in Spain in those places where they were being conducted. After that in different countries smoking was treated differently.

In Russia, the smoking ban was introduced until 1685. This year, this ban was lifted in exchange for a very substantial reward for an American company selling tobacco in Russia.

IN modern world Most developed countries have active anti-smoking campaigns. In Russia, laws for smokers are tightened every year, and cigarette prices regularly rise.

Smoking is prohibited in educational institutions and institutions catering, in public transport, at bus stops, stadiums, hospitals and other medical institutions. Advertising of tobacco products on television, as well as photographs of people smoking for advertising, is prohibited. The sale of cigarettes to persons under the age of majority is prohibited.

The fight against smoking at the administrative level is often very effective. Because when a ban is introduced, punishable by certain material deprivations, not everyone will risk smoking a cigarette in one place or another, and then the absence of cigarettes can become a habit, this time a good one.

Test for smokers

Choose your age!

Basic methods and methods of disposal

Many people wonder: is it possible to quit smoking forever? They ask, but do not take any steps towards this. Although it would seem that this requires very little - desire.

Those who have it, both men and women, become non-smokers forever. There are several ways to do this. You can use your choice, or you can use several at once.

Ways to combat nicotine addiction:

  1. Medical assistance. The doctor examines each specific case, helps select individual treatment, and prescribes the drugs that will be most effective in this case.
  2. Nicotine patch and... This is a method for those whose smoking experience is already quite long and who simply cannot imagine themselves without a dose of nicotine. In this case, these two medications will be an excellent replacement for cigarettes - they will give a small dose of nicotine to the body every day. True, you will gradually have to wean yourself off them.
  3. . The psychotherapist suggests to the patient that he no longer wants to smoke and the patient does not smoke. Naturally, the patient should not be led to the session by force, otherwise there will be no effect. Therefore, in part, hypnosis is also self-hypnosis. And to avoid a breakdown, it would be better to go to the session again and get out of the state of hypnosis.
  4. Acupuncture. Or . By influencing certain points, doctors have treated more than one thousand years and more than one thousand diseases. Including bad habits. The doctor sticks needles into the right places, and the patient is cured of addiction. One to several sessions may be required. Not for those who are afraid of injections, of course.
  5. Intensive operating mode. It is believed that if a person is immersed in work, then he has no time to smoke. The more work, the fewer cigarettes. And if smoking is prohibited in the company where you work, then the fight against bad habit it will go even faster.
  6. Sports activities. Sport is a tool that helps to cope with many problems. Including defeating smoking. These two things are categorically incompatible. Moderate and regular physical activity promotes the production of pleasure hormones.
  7. Allen Carr's book, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. Very fashionable, which drove the whole world crazy. Quitting smoking alone is no longer so fashionable. And after reading this not too long book, you will have the opportunity to discuss this problem on forums with quitters like you.

These are the main methods to combat smoking. There are others, but we will look at them later. This is just something you can rely on. The main thing is desire.

At strong desire it will be possible to be content only with willpower and neglect everything else, and without it, a whole set of measures will not help. Everything depends only on ourselves.

Take the smoking test

Necessarily, before taking the test, refresh the page (F5 key).

Do they smoke in your home?

Carrying out recreational activities as one of the measures

The fight against smoking cannot be carried out without the support of government authorities. No one can be strong alone.

Our state is carrying out an extensive range of various activities aimed at directly combating it. These events are designed to warn and neutralize our enemy - substances that actively affect our brain and psyche, which are contained in cigarettes.

Possible forms of events

Here are some options for anti-smoking activities:

  1. , starting from childhood, can be carried out in kindergartens, schools and other children's educational institutions.
  2. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, carried out in the form of advertising.
  3. Systematic conversations with children about the dangers of smoking.
  4. Development special instructions, which will indicate the dangers of smoking and how to get rid of nicotine addiction.
  5. Mandatory warnings about the dangers of smoking on cigarette packs.
  6. Strict compliance with laws governing the rules.

Useful video on the topic

Consequences and possible complications

There are many versions about what consequences a sudden cessation of smoking can cause. Each body reacts to giving up a bad habit differently; there is no general approach. But in any case, this condition is temporary; after a certain period of time, the symptoms disappear.

And most often the manifestations of this withdrawal syndrome are the following sensations:

  1. Pain in different parts bodies and different strengths.
  2. Disruption gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, constipation.
  3. Increased or decreased appetite.
  4. Decreased immunity, tendency to colds, increased body temperature.
  5. Reduced performance.
  6. Unreasonable mood swings.
  7. Blood pressure surges.

Such symptoms can last from one week to several months. They may not come at all. It all depends on mental state person and his mood.

There is one more complication that people love to talk about and that worries everyone. This is weight gain.

There are several reasons that provoke this factor:

  • slow metabolism stimulated by nicotine;
  • increased appetite due to stress;
  • more free time that can be spent on snacks, previously this time was spent on lunch.

Quitting smoking abruptly or gradually is the choice of each person individually. For some, abruptly giving up cigarettes is impossible, and it will be more convenient to switch to a healthy lifestyle gradually, giving up one cigarette a day, for example.

The body gradually weanses from nicotine, and the negative consequences will not be expressed as actively. But, to each his own.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the general mood of the person. The craving for a cigarette can last for several more days, even weeks, especially if a person has been accustomed to smoking for several years at the same strictly designated time.

Traditional recipes to help

Since the fight against smoking has been going on since time immemorial, folk remedies on this topic have been invented in abundance. Among them there are those that are suitable for both men and women; they will have an effect not only on smoking, but will also add vitamins to the body and add male strength and female beauty.

Folk remedies – that’s what they are! The most effective folk remedy counts oat decoction.

But the treatment process will not be easy. It is worth noting that this decoction quickly sours, so it must be prepared immediately before use.

To prepare you will need:

  • oatmeal – 1 tbsp;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • calendula (buds) – 1 tbsp.

Preparation: pour oats with cold water and place in a cold place overnight, then boil for 10-15 minutes. Then calendula is added to the resulting decoction and infused for 45 minutes.

This decoction is strained and drunk when you want to drink water or smoke. Oats are an effective means of combating smoking, not only in the form of such a decoction, but also in the form alcohol tincture.

You need to pour two tablespoons of green oats into a glass of vodka or alcohol and let it brew for two weeks. Drink two dozen drops per 1/2 liter of water three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Pour 100 g of fresh raspberry flowers into 0.5 liters of vodka. This tincture should stand in the dark for 10 days, after which it should be taken 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

There may be other folk methods, but the main thing is to remember how beautiful and young we will become when we stop smoking cigarettes. How the condition of our skin will change, how our smile and hair will shine. You should always strive for excellence.

Effective drugs and medicines

The most popular and effective drugs for combating nicotine addiction are listed below:

  1. The most important drug that helps in the fight against smoking is the Nicorette patch. Chewing gum and a solution for inhalation are also produced under this brand, but in Russia they buy mainly plaster. It contains some nicotine. The smoker replaces the nicotine he gets from cigarettes with the nicotine he gets from the patch. Gradually the process of weaning occurs.
  2. "Tabex". Produced in tablet form. They are dispensed with a doctor's prescription, but in some pharmacies they can sell it without it, which is extremely undesirable, since only a doctor can choose the correct scheme reception. Available medical contraindications, and therefore self-medication is extremely undesirable.
  3. "Bullfight plus" Tablets that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Good remedy, which belongs to the category of dietary supplements and can be used simultaneously with taking other drugs. His goal is . In some cases, this goal is successfully achieved.
  4. "Nikomel". Caramels for sucking. Homeopathic remedy, which should be used when you feel an immediate craving for a cigarette.
  5. "Zyban." One of the new drugs, but already well proven in the consumer market. This is a drug that belongs to the category of antidepressants. It calms the nerves and is considered more effective than many others. It does not contain nicotine.
  6. "Lobelin." Drops or tablets. The drug can only be prescribed by a doctor, who will help calculate the dose of the drug. There are some contraindications, so you should not take the drug without consulting a doctor.
  7. "Cytisine." It comes in the form of tablets, patches or even films that are attached to the roof of the mouth. The dose is also selected individually with the doctor and is higher at the beginning of the course, gradually decreasing towards the end. The tablets give a visible effect already on the fifth day of use. The desire to smoke disappears.
  8. "Nicotinelle." Chewing gum itself various dosages. Of course, first of all, they are suitable for those who smoked less than a pack a day. It is still a little easier for them to quit smoking.
  9. "Gamibazin". Also chewing gum. Before using them, you should consult your doctor.
  10. "Champix." Contains a substance that blocks the effects of nicotine. Having lit a cigarette, a person no longer feels pleasure; smoking becomes disgusting for this person. This drug also alleviates withdrawal symptoms.

Cleansing the body after failure

In order to cleanse your body and recover after smoking, first of all, focus on healthy way life:

  1. Supporting respiratory system, you need to walk a lot fresh air, in the forest. It is necessary to frequently ventilate the rooms in which you work, live, and rest. You need to play sports in the fresh air.
  2. First, you should take expectorants. Of course, you don’t need to take pharmaceutical drugs, it will be enough traditional methods: decoctions of oregano, chamomile, coltsfoot, wormwood. Very beneficial effect herbal tea with honey and lemon.
  3. The digestive system also needs restoration. For breakfast, porridges made from slimy seeds are suitable - rice, oatmeal, flax-seed. Potato decoction is good for the heart and lungs.
  4. It is useful to take a multivitamin complex. It is especially worth focusing on vitamin C, retinol, vitamin B, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, rutin.

You need to move more, play sports, get enough sleep and watch your lifestyle. Then quitting smoking will not only benefit you in itself, but will also be the beginning of a new, healthy life, in which there is no place for bad habits, but only health and beauty!

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