Stylish business cards. Creative business cards for designers

A business card is an integral part of the image of any entrepreneur. This is not only an advertisement for your products and services, but also the face of the company, so the production of this business tool should be approached with full responsibility, and we will help you with this.

A business card is not an advertising brochure

This is worth remembering for every person who is going to make their own cards for the employees of their company or for themselves personally. Pay attention to what format the future business card will be. Examples of sizes are varied, but it is worth choosing the standard 5 by 9 centimeters. This will be quite enough to accommodate important information, do not “blow the brain” of the future client with unnecessary trifles and place the card in the most compact wallet.

There should be a minimum of information. Conciseness and information content, that is, the phone number and address of the company, what you do, the name and surname of the employee, position. All. You shouldn’t cram in information about all your products and services, list the names of employees, and even less push in a map to your office. Most of these overloaded business cards end up in the nearest trash can before they even have time to warm up in the hand of a future client.

Variety of languages

One wrong decision can completely ruin your business card. Examples of incorrect business cards are entering information on them on different languages. If you decide to attract clients from other countries or you have business partners in different countries, then spare no expense in producing a batch of cards for foreigners.

By printing in different languages ​​on the same business card, you will ruin the company's reputation and will be known as greedy people. In business, this should not be allowed to flourish, and not to overwhelm the whole business with the wrong “face of the company.”

Rainbow of colors

Not so long ago, business cards were more fashionable if they had a variety of colors in their graphics. The fact is that even 10 years ago, using a color printer was a status symbol. Now this method is not relevant, and the era of minimalism has come. She touched on everything, including the business information cards.

Just looking at the examples of business cards (photo below) with the wrong choice of colors, you want to close your eyes, because it seems that you are holding in your hands not business information, but a dancing gypsy camp. Few people will want to cooperate with a company whose business cards have no meaning or taste.

Remember the three rules of an elegant card: minimalism, conciseness, and information content. This also applies to the colors chosen for decoration. Use your company's color scheme (if you have one), making sure that all the tones are compatible. Business cards, the design examples of which are correct, have no more than three or four colors that are completely in harmony with each other.

Also, the font color should be business black. You cannot write in a new shade on each line, even if you offer to buy paints.

How to arrange the elements?

Business cards, the design examples of which inspire admiration, differ in the arrangement of all elements.

To make the card truly work, order several types of printed business cards, this is the only way you can identify their shortcomings. Take the phone in one hand, and an informative “piece of paper” in the other, then swap them. If in any case the contacts were covered with your finger, then change the arrangement of the elements.

The company logo should be placed in the upper corner, or you can completely abandon it so as not to clutter the information view.

Materials for business cards

A business card does not have to be exclusively cardboard. Examples of materials for manufacturing: leather, wood, plastic, rubber, exotic base and others. It all depends on your imagination. But keep this point in mind: the raw materials for making cards must correspond to the line of business of your company. It would be unethical to give out business cards made from animal skin when you are raising funds for a rescue. rare species animals.

Companies involved in the production of business cards offer a lot of options for applying fonts: embroidery, burning, and simple application of information with paints. To ensure that the base of the card is in harmony with the method of applying letters and numbers on it, think carefully when choosing this or that design proposal.

An example of the right business card: professional production

To avoid being branded as a redneck and a person who does not respect business partners, never make business cards yourself. It is clear that everyone is chasing savings, but this should not affect the company’s reputation.

Nowadays, all offices have color printers, and you might think that it is possible to make cards yourself. If you are not a professional designer, then do not undertake to create, print, or even cut out business cards with scissors. This bad quality, possible bad taste, incorrect design. As a result, we saved two rubles, but lost a million by missing out on clients. Order business cards from professionals.

Business card holder

If you think that allocating money to purchase a business card holder for storing cards is a waste, then you are very mistaken. Would you personally like it if you received a business card from someone who took it out of his back pants pocket? I think not very much. First of all, it's unethical. Secondly, the card will be in terrible condition.

A person can sit down several times during the day. Thus, business cards become wrinkled and worn out, losing their entire appearance. Jacket pockets are also not able to preserve the original appearance of the card, so it’s worth purchasing a business card holder to store them. It will not only keep the “face of the company” intact, but will also emphasize the style of a business person.

A business card, the design examples of which we have provided you with, should become a business tool for attracting clients and partners, so don’t skimp on making it!

Good business card design is a rarity in Russia. If only because the culture of business cards in our country is a relatively new concept. In the USSR, business cards were banned. Business cards were used only by diplomats and government officials directly involved in working with foreign companies. Now business cards are ubiquitous. There are a lot of technologies for making business cards.

Really cool business cards!

Double-sided, with embossing, gilding, cutting, rhinestones... We don’t see any kind of business cards. Our compatriots often believe that the more expensive a business card, the more beautiful it is. Our collection includes business cards made of openwork metal, leather, and velvet. Made of stone and tracing paper, obsidian and binding cardboard.

I remember that the days of crimson jackets are gone) But cool business cards still meeting. The cost of one copy of such a business card can reach several thousand rubles. The manufacturing price does not scare such customers. But it’s rare that any of them are willing to pay for a good design of a classic business card on white cardboard.

Designer business cards

Designer business cards They are rarely gold and never stone) As a rule, these are business cards on paper, and as a rule, on good paper. The design of such a 2014 business card often says as much about the owner’s profession as the text on the business card. The best design tool for a business card is typography. Complex font solutions, play on words, kerning and leading.

The design of a good business card always has some basic idea, a clear idea. The more original this idea, the more interesting the design. You can’t just use an illustration from a photo bank; you don’t need an expensive photo shoot for a business card. You need imagination, you need imagination.

Usually, business card design is the most ordinary job for a designer. It is usually assigned to some kind of student intern, of whom there are always a dime a dozen in the office.

But sometimes the bosses demand to please some “very, very important client.” And it’s good when you have a lot of cool ideas in your head. But more often than not, when management says “we must,” the head says “all ideas are on vacation.”

For such cases, we have selected a collection of 100 different creative (and sometimes very unusual) business card design options. Not all of them are clearly perceived, but they can be applied in one form or another.

And remember:

The main task of a business card is to be constantly shown, and not hidden on long months to your collections or business card holders!

The design of a business card should provoke people to try to show it to their friends, colleagues, competitors, enemies, and even bears at the zoo. Then the one whose name and contacts are on the business card will have no end to clients.

Business card for car service.

Business card design idea: changing oil is quick and inexpensive

The idea of ​​the design is to force customers to use the business card as often as possible to check the condition of their car’s tires, while simultaneously showing it to their fellow travelers, acquaintances, and friends.

The business card is designed as a business card holder for other business cards, thereby reminding the owner where to safely store their valuable items.

The business card design in the photo looks interesting. But in reality it is very inconvenient. It is unlikely that any lady who needs to keep an eye on her husband will guess that this blank piece of paper should be sprinkled with soot or toner for a laser printer.

Business card for blogger and fashion store owner

In style, the business card design is reminiscent of clothing tags, reminding customers that it would be nice to have a cool shopping experience in this store.

If you put your business card in water and it changes color, it’s time to call a professional to replace the filter.

Such business cards require a corresponding business card holder. It is not appropriate to keep the Queen Mother's business card in the same place with the business cards of plumbers, electricians, DJs or car service technicians. Designer business cards can be kept like royalty. :)

A film is glued to the base of the business card, the color tone is very close to the color of the skin. If you stick this film on, you can quickly hide an unwanted tattoo.

The design is based on the fact that skateboarders love to tape over torn sneakers during practice. The business card has a film that can be torn off from the base and sealed over damaged sneakers, thereby becoming an advertising medium, almost like a billboard, albeit smaller in size. But the size is compensated by the mass application.

The business card design demonstrates that with this company, students are guaranteed to receive their diploma

The essence of this technology is the contactless exchange of information between objects at close range. It is used in large stores, for labeling goods, identifying animals and other similar areas.

Instead of the familiar www there are curly cutouts along the edge of the business card.

A business card serves several purposes:

  • actually like a business card
  • it consists of filters for smokers, which can be torn off and used just like a filter for a cigarette, reducing the proportion of nicotine received;
  • as an indicator of how many cigarettes you have already smoked after using the company’s services

The design idea is that people are not always comfortable using glasses. They can use a business card like a pinhole pin. The business card has a hole for this. People take out these business cards in stores or other public places and look at small inscriptions through them, thereby attracting the attention of other people to the optical salon brand.

Original salon slogan: we will return the original color to your car

The design idea is a logical connection between the Ebola virus and viral advertising. The Italian media made a big fuss in 2006 about the epidemic of this disease in Africa. Advertising agency decided to use this hype to popularize its brand.

The agency's official headquarters is registered in New York, in a telephone booth. They were not ashamed of this state of affairs and decided to make a original idea. The business card allows you to fold it into a phone booth shape.

In fact, they just give you candy. And only after unwrapping the wrapper do you realize that it’s half a business card. However, how to store it in a business card holder with leftover chocolate is not entirely clear. But at least the idea is “very tasty”

It immediately becomes clear what they offer you and what you will be like if you use their services.

Business card of a logistics company providing air transportation services

On the end of the business card there is an inscription: we do not transport less than this.

You can enter your desired weight on the business card yourself. Your trainer will help you do the rest.

Business card of a cleaning company specializing in window cleaning

Inside the box are various samples of wallpaper with information about the store's contact details.

Another design option for a business card for a sports club

The slogan says: what will teach your body to move here

Business card of a company providing childbirth services to those who, for medical reasons, cannot have one

The credit union telephone number is designed as a credit card number

The design of the business card allows it to be folded into a miniature chair.

How this works is little understood. Something like: knock your gift to yourself

Business card with a secret in the form of a scratch card

In order to obtain contact information, you need to scratch off the protective paint. Here it is used English game words Writing with a pen sounds like scratch - scratch, which means scratching something.

The business card is made in the form of a folded mini-map. By unfolding it, the client will receive a map to your location. We believe that this option is not very successful, since the business cards are disposable. An option with coordinates on the map in the form of a barcode on a business card would be much more practical.

The idea is certainly original, but not very practical. And the cost of producing such a business card will be very high. Will such a design pay off with an increase in the popularity of its owner and an influx of new clients - probably in some cases, yes.

For a narrow circle, this design is quite suitable, for example for a presentation. But for the mass and constant distribution of business cards to new clients - it’s unlikely. They may not understand such minimalism.

Very good decision for distribution at presentations of new products. And stylish, and presentable, and comfortable. In general - solid advantages.

The idea is that people really like to read things that are not written for them. The business card resembles a sheet on which some notes were made “not for everyone.” Therefore, if it ends up on a desk in the office, its contents will probably be read by all office workers.

A very good solution in terms of design and recognition. In a stack of business cards, this one will always stand out.

For clarity, add to your business card an impression of the correct bite of a person with healthy teeth.

Not good good idea under our legislation. Using elements of someone else's design can be very expensive for the company and a lot of nerves for your lawyers.

A little embossing in the business card design and it looks completely different, much more solid.

Metallic paint and metal elements make the business card very original and recognizable. The only drawback is a significant increase in the cost of its production. But if you love yourself, don’t deny yourself this design for your business card.

Another option for a business card for a dentist, with an open recommendation for using dental floss to clean your teeth. But the cost of such business cards is also affordable, most likely only for dentists.

If you use different types and grades of paper to design a business card, you can also achieve a very original and attractive design.

Minimalism in business card design is not always a bad thing.

Expensive to make, but the appearance is impressive. It really looks super voluminous.

Curly trimming of the edges of the business card also looks very good. And it's not that expensive to make.

A good option for a veterinarian or a lost animal search service, or a dog handler.

If business cards are supposed to be distributed exclusively to ladies, then a “cat theme” is a very good idea. But this design is not always popular among men.

Using original shapes in design is a good solution. You just need to think correctly about how to put information on such a business card so that it would be convenient for your client to read.

Not a bad idea for a passenger transport company

If your clients are elderly and fairly wealthy, then retro design will undoubtedly be appreciated by them. But if you have a youth club, come up with something more fun for the design of your business cards.

This business card format is very similar to the shape of a perfume tester.

You can get the full information from such a business card only by folding it correctly. But still, properly evaluate the imagination of your clients. If they don't have enough to fold it, you'll lose them.

Another option for playing on human curiosity. Everything that is crossed out is considered mandatory reading by people.

Another great idea for new product launches. One problem is that the service life is very limited.

A set of translucent layers allows you to mix and match clothes on a girl

To be honest, we don’t know which clients we can offer this business card design to.

Very cool idea selling household items detergents, or dry cleaning, or providing any other household services. Such a business card will serve for a very long time, and its owner will pay attention to the inscription every time.

Special paper makes it easy to distinguish a business card from a stack of others.

Business card holder for your clients with a full set of business cards from the entire company management

Don't be greedy - give your client contact information to the maximum, give not individual business cards, but a whole set.

The hole in place of the lens emphasizes the photographer’s openness to working with clients

Using more expensive materials for the base of a business card, instead of paper, allows you to give more weight and authority to its owner.

Even if wood doesn't give your business cards the authority they need, use thin sheet steel for their base.

Ideal for bike shop owners

Convince your customers to do business with you with business graphics that show sales and inventory.

Just a cool idea for a wedding salon or dating service

If you have read this post this far, have the courage to leave a few words of gratitude in the comments. We tried very hard to compile this collection of ideas. And we hope we deserve at least a minimum of praise. ;)

A business card is an indispensable attribute of every business person. Its main purpose is to provide information about a specialist or company and sell services. But is an ordinary white cardboard with dry text written on it really arousing interest? Hardly. Such business cards are usually automatically hidden in a pocket and then thrown away, or lie on the desktop for months. Creative people truly create for themselves. unusual business cards, which in themselves are an interesting souvenir.

Some will say that such business cards distract attention from the main information on them. We think differently: only original and memorable business cards can arouse real interest in a specialist and a desire to use his services. After all, if a person has made even such a banality as a business card phenomenal, then he certainly does his job “excellently.”

The most unusual business cards: photos

1. Business card of the creative studio Skill Lab. Made using press extrusion technology.

2. Business card of Grafanna, a company specializing in packaging design. If you look at a business card from a certain angle, it creates optical illusion. We see a solid image, which is actually located on different faces of the paper structure.

3. These delicious business cards come from a grocery store in Vancouver. Agree that their appearance evokes quite an appetite!

4. Business card of the Built-to-spec online store in the shape of a pistol. With one movement of your hand, you can turn the gun into a rectangle and read all the information.

5. Business card of L Multimedia company. Carrying it in your wallet may be awkward, but the shape is very creative.

6. Personal business card of the artist Noel Pelavin. They look especially impressive in stacks :) Maybe he gives them out in whole packs?

7. Limbo company business card. A little small, but how unusual!

8. But this business card is made of organic glass. To make just fifty copies you need to pay about $30.

9. Robot business card from Scizors. If you follow the simplest instructions on the business card itself, you can quickly make an interactive robot from a flat image.

10. Fabio Bortolotti business card in the form of a space invader! According to the designer who developed it, this mood was inspired by the video game Space Invaders, popular in Japan in the 1970s.

11. Business card of Alan McCormack, owner of an online store. The business card is made of walnut wood.

13. Business card for Tian Lan Photography, designed by Cohezion studio. Well, what other business card can a photographer have? By the way, the lens “cap” is removable.

14. And this is just a very stylish and modern business card. Black and white will always be in trend.

15. Business card for Paper Donut in the shape of a pyramid. You can twirl such a business card in your hands for a long time and even keep it as a souvenir.

16. Business card of a specialist who helps people cope with baldness.

17. Making a business card in the form of a keychain is a great solution! So some may not part with it at all. And if you need to have a custom-made shirt sewn, the sewing company’s contacts are always at hand.

18. Business cards that make you want to enjoy a banana or strawberry milkshake. And that’s all the manufacturer needs :)

19. Now this is a very impractical business card for Ryan Johnstone Electrical. But it is immediately clear that the enterprise’s activities are related to electricity.

20. Business card for a fitness trainer. He will stretch your muscles the way his business card knows how to do.

21. Editor Dan Rose showed all his talent in making his business card. The result is this interactive thing in the shape of a car. And not just any car, but a Nissan Skyline.

22. Business cards for designers should be especially original. So Roland Murillo created business cards for himself that are remembered by absolutely all the people who get their hands on them. They can be used as counters, as coasters for coffee cups, or just to have as an unusual item.

23. Business card “find” the right words" Jose Contreras loves to see people's reactions when he hands them his business card face down. But on back side There is a solution to the word puzzle.

24. Business card of stylist and hairdresser Yuki Suzuki. Regular bobby pins were used as hair for the images depicted on the business card.

25. Business card of the Flow yoga center in the format of a training mat - it can also be rolled into a roller. It's a pity that its size is not suitable for use in yoga classes :)

The list of creative business cards, of course, does not end there. New selections of all the most interesting and unusual things are waiting for you soon!

A business card is not just a way to contact you, but also a kind of indicator of your image and style. Correct design business cards will help you make new useful contacts and conclude profitable contracts. Below you can see examples of business cards.

How to design a business card?

The design of a business card is worth paying attention to special attention, because the attitude towards you from your business partners directly depends on how well and correctly it is done. A business card should not only contain your contact information, but also emphasize your status.

An originally designed business card with a well-thought-out concept will definitely be remembered by partners and clients and will form a pleasant impression of your person. See examples of business cards later in the article.

Before you go to a business card production company, you should read this article so that you don’t get another banal and gray business card. It is better to carefully choose the design and material for your business card. You can take note of the design examples.

Rules for design and types of business cards

A business card is a rectangular card, traditionally made of cardboard, its standard size is 90 x 50 cm. The following data must be present on it.

  1. First and last name.
  2. Contact phone number.
  3. Email address.
  4. If the business card is corporate, then the company name and its logo are required.

All business cards are divided into personal and business. A business card is used during negotiations and work meetings. Examples of their design are presented below. The requirements for them are stricter.

  1. The position of the owner of the business card must be indicated.
  2. It is advisable to indicate the owner's address, this is a sign of good manners.
  3. If the business card is corporate, it must contain the company address, field of activity and website address. A good addition to such a business card would be a list of services provided.

Personal business cards are designed in accordance with the wishes of the owner and can be of absolutely any design and execution. They are presented in an informal setting during acquaintance.

Classic business cards are made from thick cardboard, which is left matte or laminated. Plastic cards are popular now - they are more durable and look more attractive.

The material used for business cards can be completely unusual. There are business cards made of wood, metal or genuine leather. They will help you stand out with your individuality and originality.

Design secrets

The correct design of a business card can leave the necessary information in the head of the person who is studying it. It is best to highlight your first and last name in bold, easy to read font.

If you need to place not only text, but also an image on a business card, then the text should be placed on the right and the picture on the left. This way, information is better absorbed and remembered.

The design style of a business card should be chosen based on its purpose. If this is a business card, then it is better to stick to a classic design, conservative elements and strict colors.

If you are a person of a creative profession, then you can use bright colors, non-standard shapes and materials, original images. This business card will be an extension of your creative personality. The photo below clearly demonstrates a similar example of business cards.

Do not use too small a font when designing a business card; make it readable even for a person with poor eyesight.

An interesting solution would be to create a business card with a 3D effect. An embossed card or a more original business card can be created. You can see examples below.

The style of the business card should be harmonious. Do not use colors and fonts that are incompatible with each other. Your business card should convey integrity. Examples can be seen in the article.

Add creativity!

To be remembered, you can create a business card non-standard shape. It is not very practical to use, but the goal - to be different from the rest - will definitely be achieved. Any person will be surprised by such a non-standard business card. You will find examples in this section.

You can choose a business card from those presented in the article or create your own unique design. A high-quality business card will set you apart from the rest, help you make useful contacts and conclude lucrative contracts.