Dental procedure for sanitation of the oral cavity: what is it? Features and rules for carrying out treatment and preventive measures. Carrying out sanitation of the oral cavity

Paste, brush, floss and mouthwash all help keep your teeth and gums healthy. If your morning begins with the use of these personal care products and your day ends with their use, you are doing a lot to have a beautiful and healthy smile. But you can do even more! For those who want to prevent dental diseases initial stages and it is easy to eliminate them, there is sanitation of the oral cavity. You will learn what this is from the article.

Sanitation of the oral cavity and its essence

So, what is oral debridement? The name comes from the Latin word “sanatio”, which translates as “treatment” or “healing”. That is, oral sanitation is a set of procedures aimed at detecting all kinds of dental diseases, their elimination and further prevention.

Ideally, sanitation should be carried out once every six months. Then you won’t have to gather your courage and go to the dentist for serious treatment of an already advanced disease. With regular examinations, you can notice even the earliest inflammation of the gums or demineralization of the enamel and immediately eliminate them.

Planned sanitation of the oral cavity

Sanitation includes examination, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.

For the doctor to carry out sanitation, the patient’s desire is enough. Such sanitation will be called individual, that is, the patient himself took the initiative to carry it out. But there is also a mandatory, planned sanitation of the oral cavity, which needs to be completed by a certain circle of people, among them:

  • workers of confectionery factories and bakery plants;
  • greenhouse workers;
  • children attending child care institutions;
  • people in contact with acid fumes;
  • conscripts and military personnel;
  • students of military universities;
  • people preparing for surgery;
  • women planning a child.

In addition, children aged 7 to 12 years need regular oral sanitation. During this period, the complete formation of the jaw occurs. Therefore, monitor the condition oral cavity very important. If deviations are detected, the dentist can send the patient to the dentist, and the problem will be corrected in a timely manner.

People suffering from a number of chronic diseases such as tonsillitis, rheumatism, bronchial asthma, allergies, and those with heart defects, oral sanitation is recommended every 3 months.

Important: treatment and preventive measures can be carried out in clinics at the place of residence, work or study.

How is oral sanitation performed?

You already know in general terms what oral sanitation is, but in order to fully understand what it is, let’s look at its stages in more detail.

Arriving at the dentist's office, regardless of at will are you here or is it mandatory procedure To be allowed to work, the doctor will first conduct an examination of the oral cavity. Then a card will be created for the patient, in which all stages of treatment and manipulations performed will be noted. The dentist will draw up a treatment plan that will be followed in the future.

Using an image of the jaw, the doctor can create an accurate treatment plan.

If the oral cavity needs serious sanitation, the patient will need to do. What is this? This is a type of radiography. Thanks to the image, the doctor can find out about the condition, assess the position of the wisdom teeth in order to carry out effective treatment. The image will show all organs and tissues dental system: palate, zygomatic bones, mandibular canal, maxillary sinuses. The installed fillings will be clearly visible in the picture; the doctor can evaluate the quality of the filling and, if necessary, treat the teeth.

Not every patient needs to have teeth treated or removed, but almost always the doctor carries out hygienic procedures:

  • the surface of the teeth is cleaned of deposits;
  • the spaces between the teeth are cleaned;
  • If necessary, the gum pockets are cleaned.

After removing plaque, the enamel becomes noticeably whiter, and most importantly, this significantly reduces the risk of developing gum disease and caries. This cleaning should be done every six months.

Next, if the dentist finds teeth damaged by caries, he treats them: the affected tissues are drilled out and fillings are installed. If the patient has gum disease or tongue infections, bite problems, or needs to remove teeth that cannot be treated, other specialists may be involved:

  • periodontist;
  • orthodontist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist.

After treatment, the dentist tells the patient how to do it and recommends products that can be used at home. At this point, the sanitation of the oral cavity is considered complete. In some cases, it is necessary to register the patient with the clinic. Upon completion of all manipulations, the specialist can issue the patient a certificate of oral sanitation.

Features of oral cavity sanitation in children

Not all parents know what sanitation of the oral cavity in children is. But in schools and kindergartens, camps and sanatoriums it is carried out as planned. This event makes it possible to timely identify such oral diseases in children as caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, and periodontitis.

There are no fundamental differences in the implementation of sanitation in children and adults. In the same way, a treatment plan is drawn up for children, dental surfaces are examined, old fillings are replaced with new ones, and damaged teeth are removed.

Young patients are more likely to need additional treatment in an orthodontist, the need for prosthetics is observed much less frequently than in adults.

Do I need to get a doctor’s certificate confirming that I have undergone sanitation?

If you decided to undergo rehabilitation of your own free will, you may not need a certificate. But in some cases it’s definitely worth taking it:

  • Pregnant women may need a certificate from a dentist regarding oral hygiene when registering;
  • after childbirth, the same certificate will be needed for registration sick leave;
  • before carrying out almost any operation, a dentist’s opinion on the sanitation of the oral cavity may be required;
  • if a child goes to kindergarten or school, parents may be asked to provide a dental report;
  • a certificate is often required for official employment at enterprises;
  • it may also be required when extending the validity of your medical record.

By visiting your dentist regularly for oral hygiene, you can avoid the need to have teeth or implants removed. This not only saves your budget, but also eliminates discomfort, because it’s no secret that caries treatment is much less painful than periostitis or.

Everyone knows that to achieve a beautiful and mesmerizing smile, you need to maintain daily oral hygiene and devote at least 10 minutes a day to it. If this procedure is not taken seriously, then after a certain time, serious illnesses.

Having beautiful teeth is half the battle; they also need to be healthy. Today, dentistry has come a long way and doctors, with the help modern technologies and equipment can do a real miracle. Dreams of a flawless and healthy smile can actually become a reality.

To achieve this dream you need to fulfill complex of dental activities, which is called oral sanitation. What does the concept of rehabilitation mean? Sanitation is a preventive procedure that is primarily aimed at improving the health of the oral cavity, but also getting rid of the source of inflammation in order to prevent dental diseases. Even translated, this word means treatment and recovery. Sometimes during sanitation the dentist may discover the following diseases:

  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

A set of measures for rehabilitation and its types

To begin with, you should find out what set of procedures done by a dentist while sanitizing the oral cavity:

There are three types of sanitization:

  • periodic, it occurs during the annual medical examination;
  • planned;
  • individual.

Planned rehabilitation is usually carried out in kindergartens, educational institutions, sanatoriums, camps, boarding schools, and should also be done during pregnancy. In addition, planned sanitation should be done by people who suffer from dental diseases.

Periodic sanitation occurs for conscripts, disabled people and pregnant women. If an infection appears in the mouth, it can become a source of infection of many organs in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity before surgery, which reduces the risk of developing various complications, including purulent inflammation. Dentists are confident that if the source of inflammation is identified in a timely manner and then treated, this will lead to a quick recovery.

There are several diseases for which oral cavity sanitation is performed 2 times a year:

  • allergy;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of ENT organs.

When carrying out reorganization, it is necessary to determine all its stages. Below is an example step-by-step plan:

The patient also receives recommendations from the dentist regarding proper brushing of teeth, best pasta and a toothbrush. Most people want sanitization took just one visit, but this is impossible. In most cases, all dental work cannot be completed in one day, especially if it is required before surgery.

Rehabilitation procedure

To begin with, the doctor completely examines the patient’s oral cavity, and then opens a card in which he indicates all the stages of treatment. If the dentist discovers serious illnesses or the patient needs surgery, then you will definitely need to take a photo. Not all patients require dental treatment; in this case, the doctor simply prescribes a number of hygiene procedures:

  • teeth are cleaned of various deposits;
  • The spaces between the teeth are cleaned;
  • cleaning gum pockets.

After completion of all manipulations, the specialist, at the request of the patient, can issue a certificate of sanitation. Usually such a certificate necessary for employment, for registration of sick leave, when admitting a child to kindergarten or school, or before an operation.

During pregnancy, it is imperative to sanitize the oral cavity. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes restructuring due to changes hormonal levels and this can cause gum inflammation. There are also changes in acid-base balance saliva. Thus, a woman quickly loses calcium, and her teeth may become thinner.

If sanitation was not performed during pregnancy for any reason, then pathogenic infection can enter the body, affecting the fetus and breast milk. For this reason, many children in early age Caries appears on baby teeth.

According to the results of the study, every second pregnant woman suffers from bleeding gums and inflammation. If this problem is not solved, then gingivitis becomes more dangerous disease, for example, periodontitis and it is no longer so easy to cure. For these reasons, during pregnancy mandatory you should undergo sanitation of the oral cavity. It should be taken into account that all sanitization measures are best carried out in the second trimester.

The entire range of measures is carried out without harm to the health of the fetus. If a pregnant woman suddenly needs to have a tooth removed, there are now special painkillers for pregnant women, which do not affect the child.

Sanitation in children

As planned, this procedure covers almost all children's institutions. Everyone knows that baby teeth are much more susceptible to caries and other diseases for many reasons. Therefore, the child’s oral cavity should be sanitized constantly. If, during the first sanitation, the dentist discovered caries in a child, then the repeated procedure should take place a year later, but after that, sanitation should be carried out 2-3 times a year.

This can have a positive effect on the condition of children's teeth, when baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones and then the child in the future will have only strong and healthy teeth. And the improvement of the child’s oral cavity plays a big role in normal development child's body generally.

Those people who take care of their health will definitely follow all the dentist's instructions and carry out a set of hygiene procedures. These measures can be carried out at home, but no more. Oral hygiene is important for dental health, but in addition, it is the prevention of dental diseases.

It should be remembered that full oral sanitation cannot be performed at home. After all, there is no special equipment for this at home, and this research is distinguished by its complexity.


If you regularly sanitize the oral cavity, you can avoid many dental infections and diseases; the teeth will remain intact and there will be no need for their removal or prosthetics. This will save money and time. This the procedure is safe and she should devote her time at least once a year. Without a dental examination, people have no way of knowing what is happening in their mouth. Therefore, you should not save on the health of your teeth and the whole body as a whole.

Oral sanitation - what is it? How is this procedure done? You will find answers to these and other exciting questions in our article.

A person who cares about his own health knows that dental examinations need to be carried out regularly and even when there is no noticeable pain or other complaints. Some dental diseases do not manifest themselves in any way early stage development, and only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the presence of a threat. In the dental office you may hear that the oral cavity must be completely sanitized.

A specialist can recommend the procedure for both adults and children. Sanitation will depend on the condition of the teeth and oral cavity. Now let's tell you more about it. Oral sanitation - what is it and how is this procedure performed?


The term sanitation comes from the Latin word sanatio, which means “recovery.” Based on this, we can determine that this is a complex of therapeutic and health procedures necessary to ensure the health of teeth and gums. Sometimes the oral cavity is sanitized before surgery.

Stages of manipulation

Sanitation includes a set of the following manipulations:

  • treatment diseases of the oral cavity, including the elimination of caries;
  • restoration of the integrity of teeth and dentition through fillings and prosthetics;
  • removal of tartar and plaque using ultrasonic cleaning;
  • correction of bite and incorrect positioning of incisors;
  • tooth extraction;
  • elimination of inflammation in the oral cavity;
  • development prevention inflammatory processes in the future.

What is included in oral sanitation? The number of manipulations will depend primarily on the health of the patient’s gums and teeth. For some, it will include half the list of listed procedures, while for others, only removal of tartar and cleaning of enamel will be required.

Many, having heard a recommendation from a dentist about holding an event, are afraid that it will be painful. As a rule, it all depends on the procedures required in a particular case. And in case of risk of occurrence painful sensations The doctor will always suggest anesthesia.

Indications for use

To maintain dental health, everyone should visit the dentist's office regularly. It is recommended to visit it at least once every six months. However, sometimes it is worth visiting the dentist earlier. Sanitation is recommended in the following cases:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • preparation of documents when registering for pregnancy;
  • at the end of pregnancy;
  • before long-term hospitalization;
  • before installing braces;
  • before prosthetics;
  • preparation of documents for employment;
  • when planning a trip abroad;
  • when identifying a child in kindergarten or school.

Add to list necessary procedures When employees undergo annual medical examinations, oral sanitation may also be included. In this case, the dentist may recommend certain manipulations. However, the final decision about their implementation is made by the patient.


Are there any contraindications to sanitation? As a rule, they do not happen, but if there are any chronic pathologies, the procedure may be required even more often. Thus, it is performed on patients suffering from diabetes, tonsillitis, gingivitis, asthma and heart disease. And in a number of other cases, sanitation is indicated at least 4 times a year. If there is any disease in the body, the oral cavity is exposed to increased risk development of infections and destructive processes due to reduced immunity.

Stages of complete rehabilitation

To obtain a dental report, you need to visit the clinic and undergo a number of necessary procedures. The complete one includes the following steps:

  • dental examination;
  • making diagnostic assumptions regarding the need for dental procedures;
  • taking an x-ray of the problem area;
  • ultrasonic cleaning, removal of plaque and tartar;
  • drawing up a plan further treatment if necessary;
  • connection of other specialists - surgeons, orthodontists, periodontists, if available specific diseases oral cavity;
  • carrying out health procedures;
  • coating with gel polish containing calcium and fluorine;

  • registration at a dispensary in the presence of chronic diseases or pathologies that require long-term observation of the patient after their elimination;
  • issuance of a specialist’s conclusion (certificate of oral sanitation, a sample of which is established on a general basis for both private and public dental clinics);
  • drawing up an individual additional visit schedule if long-term monitoring is necessary.

Any option for sanitation of the oral cavity includes the removal of tartar and plaque. But the rest of the list of procedures - filling, prosthetics, implantation, tooth extraction, bite correction, etc. is carried out only if necessary and with the consent of the patient.

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children

Prevention should begin as early as childhood. Many parents mistakenly believe that there is no need to take care of baby teeth. And you need to start dental examinations only after their change. Dentists are trying to convince parents that the condition of baby teeth completely affects the health of the permanent teeth that will replace them.

Fortunately, strict monitoring of the child’s health, which includes dental prophylaxis, is carried out when registering children for kindergarten, school or health camp. These institutions do not accept patients without a special certificate from a dentist.

What procedures are performed on children?

  • treatment of caries and other diseases;
  • carrying out filling;
  • the need for fluoridation or silvering of individual units;
  • installation of braces for bite correction.

Parents should be attentive to the condition of their children. It affects not only the formation beautiful smile in the future, but also for development correct pronunciation all sounds. If a child is afraid of the dentist, measures must be taken to eliminate this fear. You can resort to some tricks yourself, or you can contact a child psychologist who will help you cope with the problem.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

It is recommended to undergo a dental examination at the stage of pregnancy planning. However, when registering, the doctor will still definitely give the woman a referral to undergo sanitation. Certificate that the girl passed this procedure, included in the list necessary documents for further monitoring of the patient. An appointment with a dentist should be made as early as possible so that the doctor can assess the state of your oral health and provide treatment if necessary.

Why is it recommended to strictly monitor the condition of your teeth during pregnancy? The fact is that this important period in the life of every woman, unfortunately, does not have the best effect on her health. Hormonal changes, fetal growth and presence concomitant diseases often leads to a lack of phosphorus, calcium and a number of vitamins. Because of this, a woman may experience such dental problems, How:

  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • swelling of the gums, swelling of the oral cavity;
  • the formation of white spots on the surface of the teeth;
  • the appearance of caries and other dental diseases.

To prevent the development of such processes in a pregnant woman, oral sanitation is recommended. What it is and why the procedure is performed should be explained by the doctor at the antenatal clinic.

Unfortunately, not all expectant mothers understand the importance of eliminating dental diseases during pregnancy. But even banal caries can cause irreparable harm healthy development child because it is an infectious disease.

Doctors recommend dental treatment in the second trimester of pregnancy, when it is possible to use local anesthesia. However, these deadlines may be changed in each specific case. Besides, modern dentistry allows for dental treatment during pregnancy without harming the developing fetus. Even x-rays Today, expectant mothers are not contraindicated. It is important that they are carried out using special equipment - a radiovisiograph. This device affects only a small area of ​​the body without causing harm to the entire body.

When the pregnancy comes to an end, expectant mother must make an appointment with the dentist again. At this time, the doctor must evaluate the woman's oral health to determine how much of an impact the pregnancy has had. Now it is important to determine whether there is a girl in the body infectious diseases which may affect the birth of a healthy baby.

Sanitation of the oral cavity at home. Is it possible?

Many people do not like to visit the dentist, and there may be several reasons for this. Some are afraid of pain, injections and the very atmosphere of the clinic, while others simply do not consider it necessary to spend a lot of money on it. In such cases, the question arises: is it possible to sanitize the oral cavity on your own?

This procedure cannot be carried out at home. This requires special equipment, materials and skills in performing dental procedures. It is not possible to carry out not only treatment, but also diagnosis of the condition of teeth on your own.

Preventative measures at home

However, some measures can be taken at home. Firstly, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene - regularly brush your teeth, use mouthwash, and floss. Secondly, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of sweet and refined foods. Thirdly, it is important to monitor the condition of not only the teeth, but also the entire body.


Now you know the answer to the exciting question: “Oral sanitation - what is it?” We examined the features of this procedure and its stages. Indications and contraindications for its implementation were also named. We hope that this information was useful to you.

Sanation (rehabilitation) is a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures to maintain oral health, includes fillings carious teeth and treatment inflammatory diseases. This is an integral part of preparation before dentures, surgeries and other types of interventions.

It is recommended that every person undergo oral sanitation regularly once every six months. This will allow you to identify and eliminate caries even further early stage, protect yourself from sudden toothache and save maximum quantity healthy teeth.

What is oral sanitation?

Full mouth sanitation includes the following procedures:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • removal of dental deposits (pigmented plaque and tartar) - carried out by ultrasonic or abrasive cleaning;
  • filling of all carious lesions;
  • treatment of detected diseases (pulpitis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • elimination of damaged teeth and dental roots that cannot be restored;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy of the mucous membrane (for gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis);
  • in the absence of one or more teeth - prosthetics;
  • removal of problematic “eights”;
  • if necessary, bite correction.

Types of sanitation:

  • individual (one-time) – when the patient applies independently (optional);
  • planned (therapeutic and preventive) - carried out for workers of industrial enterprises, as well as in schools and other educational institutions.

Who needs a certificate (conclusion) about reorganization

The procedure is mandatory (of course, with the right to refuse) for those who go on long business trips, long-distance expeditions, are planning hospitalization or are undergoing dispensary care.

When passing each medical examination and obtaining a medical record, an examination by a dentist is also required.

Sanitation is mandatory in the presence of the following diseases:

  • chronic bronchitis, asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus(any type);
  • diseases of the heart and joints (rheumatism, etc.);
  • allergy;
  • sinusitis.

After all the necessary manipulations have been carried out, you will be given a certificate stating “the oral cavity has been sanitized” with a signature, the doctor’s seal and the stamp of the medical institution.

Sanitation of the child’s oral cavity

Shown to schoolchildren and preschool age, as well as teenagers. Regular examinations are carried out in kindergartens (from the age of 3), schools, sanatoriums, and boarding schools.

You can also contact a dentist at a children's clinic near your place of residence. If necessary, the doctor will give the child a hyena lesson and show how to use a toothbrush and floss correctly. Children's baby teeth deteriorate faster because their enamel is thin and weak. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out monitoring 2-3 times a year.

Even if the child wears braces, it is still important to do preventive visits and remove accumulated bacterial plaque every 4-6 months.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

It is possible and necessary to sanitize your mouth during pregnancy. Ideally, a woman should go complex therapy oral cavity before conception. However, it is not too late to see a dentist if you have already found out that you are pregnant.

Having an infection in the mouth is a risk for both the expectant mother and the baby. Therefore, all dental diseases must be cured.

During pregnancy, teeth become fragile and quickly deteriorate. The reason for this is calcium deficiency in a woman’s body, hormonal imbalances, changes in the composition of saliva (violation of the acid-base composition).

Most safe period for dental treatment for pregnant women - the second trimester, when the risk of drug effects on the fetus decreases.

Why do you need mouth sanitation before implantation?

Dental implantation is complicated surgery, and the main condition for its success is sterility. Any infection, for example, from a carious lesion can enter the hole and cause an inflammatory process.

To eliminate the risk of infection, the dentist performs a complete sanitation of the mouth. Without this, no one can guarantee you 100% implant success. If you refuse sanitation, and after some time the dental implant falls out (does not heal), then you will have to do repeat surgery at your own expense.

1. Terminology of dental medicine

Doctor at any time dental clinic To identify the process of inflammation or establish its onset, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the oral cavity. Let's understand the terminology of dental medicine: sanitation of the oral cavity, what is it.

At the time of examination of the hard tissues of the chewing surfaces, destruction or demineralization, if any, is established. Then procedures are carried out to eliminate them in a comprehensive manner.

Professionals believe:
Oral sanitation is an important activity aimed at improving the health of all structures of the oral cavity.


  • removal of infection;
  • and elimination of everything that interferes with the restoration of the full functioning of the dentofacial system.
One of the types of therapeutic procedures to eliminate problems in the mouth, removing dental plaque

Types of planned treatment and preventive work:

  • examination using instruments of the mucous membrane and chewing row;
  • removal of stones;
  • elimination of caries cavities;
  • extracting bad roots.

2. Who is indicated for the prevention of dental diseases?

When we ourselves go to a consultation for preventative sanitation of the oral cavity, this is another examination of the teeth and the structures that support them. But sometimes, when we go through, for example, an ENT doctor, we are also prescribed a visit to the dentist. This can be explained close connection nasal cavity and jaw system. Is it shown to everyone?

The answer to the question of oral cavity sanitation, what it is and to whom it is indicated, can be answered unequivocally: everyone! Why? Because it is possible to prevent or stop the destruction of hard tissues or inflammation of soft structures if their condition is regularly examined. This means that sanitation of the oral cavity is an important measure for maintaining the health of the dentofacial system.

Sanitation of the oral cavity, what are these activities:

  • Measures to identify problems and pathology in the oral cavity: instrumental study and examination of internal tissues using additional ways(radiography in different versions).
  • Removing installed pathological changes: caries, inflammation.

Examination by a doctor of the bite and the location of the dentition at the first visit to the dentist

3. What does it mean to need oral sanitation?

Often during a comprehensive medical examination after a visit to the dentist they write to us: the oral cavity has been sanitized, what does this mean? Is this just an examination or some kind of procedure? We often hear this. Sometimes doctors mean a routine examination, while in other cases the need for therapeutic or even surgical treatment is implied.

The oral cavity needs sanitation, what is it?

The condition of mineral formations and mucous membranes can be improved through therapeutic procedures. To start them, the patient is examined, and health treatment is prescribed according to indications. Its implementation is necessary to restore the functionality of the dental system.

Recommended oral sanitation is preventive examination without symptomatic complaints, carried out twice a year. And if we talk about the term oral sanitation, what is this photo of a patient undergoing a procedure, below, then we are talking about a combination of measures to eliminate any problems in the mouth.

Procedure for removing impacted eights

4. The oral cavity has been sanitized, what does this mean?

Consultations regarding the occurrence possible pathologies are the most effective in general process control of oral health. They can be either periodic or regular visits. Sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out more often than usual during pregnancy, especially if problems arise. But what does it mean that the oral cavity is sanitized in each case?

If after a one-time visit or several visits to the dentist, the result turns out to be such that there are no dental diseases in the oral cavity, this means that the sanitation has been completed.

The action plan may include:

  • treatment of the surface layers of the tooth from a small amount of destruction by caries;
  • there may be a whole complex to stop inflammatory processes inside the soft and solid structures, including with electrophoresis or gum incision, etc.

At the end of the treatment process, the oral cavity is considered healthy and sanitized if there are no diseases or pathological phenomena.

When the oral cavity is sanitized during pregnancy, this means the completion of procedures aimed at stopping the occurrence of destructive or inflammatory processes.

But this is not a guarantee of dental health in a woman’s special situation. The usual timing of recommended prophylaxis is not appropriate. Caries or reaction of soft structures starts faster than in the normal state and any discomfort must be studied.