Causes of dry eyes. Pathological conditions associated with decreased production or secretion of tear fluid

Our eyes are very vulnerable. After all, they are more susceptible to a wide variety of damaging factors than other organs.

One of the conditions that causes considerable discomfort is dry eyes. The causes and treatment of this phenomenon are worth knowing to each of us. This will avoid such an unpleasant problem.


Dry eyes are a complex disorder. It causes a significant decrease in tear fluid production. Another name for this syndrome is xerosis of the conjunctiva and cornea. Nature provides for the constant presence of liquid in the upper layers eyeball. This allows you to provide nutrition and hydration to the organ of vision. In addition, tear fluid plays an important role in the refraction of light rays. A decrease in its quantity leads to serious problems.

Knowing what causes dry eyes (its causes), and the treatment will need to be selected accordingly. Generally this syndrome may take the form of a separate disease, or may also manifest itself as one of the signs of a more serious pathology.

The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon may appear:

Sjögren's disease, which affects the exocrine glands, in our case the lacrimal glands, giving the eye fluid an unusual thickness and viscosity; - hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy and menopause; - acceptance of such medicines, as antidepressants and steroids, as well as cold remedies; - long-term wearing without timely replacement contact lenses; - low level air humidity, which is typical for tropical countries and for rooms equipped with air conditioning; - work in hot and windy weather; - smoking; - prolonged work at a computer monitor; - anatomical features of the body or neurological diseases, which do not allow a person to completely close the palpebral fissures; - lack of vitamin A in the body.

Depending on the causes of dry eyes, different treatments may be prescribed. For example, from infectious diseases(they sometimes also cause this unpleasant syndrome). Sometimes the restoration of the health of the organ of vision will be facilitated by the elimination of the pathology of some internal organs.

Sometimes dry eyes have completely unusual causes. And in this case, treatment of any diseases will not be needed at all. So, one of these reasons is rare blinking of the eyelid. Older people often suffer from dry xerosis. Due to their age, they often have impaired tear production.

Children's problems

Many are sure that eye diseases, apart from congenital ones, do not occur at a very young age. And even if a child begins to blink frequently and rub his eyes, few parents immediately pay attention to this, believing that such a condition will go away on its own. However, people can suffer from vision diseases at any age. Dry eyes also sometimes occur in children. All parents must know the causes and treatment of pathology. This will allow you to provide timely necessary help to your child.

You cannot ignore your child's complaints. After all, dry eyes can indicate a variety of health problems. The reasons for this condition may be:

1. Allergic reactions. They cause itching and redness of the eyes and are often accompanied by skin rashes, runny nose, shortness of breath, hypersensitivity skin and cough. 2. Infectious eye pathologies. They are caused by fungi, viruses and bacteria that have entered the conjunctiva. These harmful microorganisms can cause inflammation and swelling of tissues, as well as the appearance of erosions. 3. Prolonged contact with gadgets and computer work, especially in poor and too harsh lighting, as well as reading in the dark and concentrating on one point for a long time. 4. Autoimmune and genetic disorders, oncology, Felty's or Sjögren's syndromes, malfunctions endocrine system. 5. Eyelid deformities associated with trauma or congenital, preventing the eyes from closing completely.

What is the cause of dry eyes in a child, only a pediatric ophthalmologist can say.

Main symptoms

In what cases can we talk about the occurrence of dry eye? Such a pathology manifests itself both externally and is reflected in a person’s well-being. In this case, the patient may complain of such ailments as:

Feelings of dryness in the eyes; - pain, burning, discomfort; - lacrimation; - feeling of sand in the eyes or a foreign body; - sticking of eyelids; - redness of the eyeballs and increased capillary pattern.

Interestingly, this syndrome causes increased lacrimation. However, such a liquid is not able to perform its functions due to the reduced content of protein and salts in its composition. This leads to the fact that, despite the presence of tears in the eyes, proper hydration does not occur. This liquid evaporates very quickly, and the feeling of dryness reappears.

Therapeutic measures

How to eliminate dry eye mucosa (causes)? The treatment is quite in a simple way will save a person from this unpleasant syndrome. In order to improve the production of tear fluid, the body will need the right amount of moisture daily. Volume drunk clean water should be at least one and a half liters per day.

How else can dryness and burning of the eyes (causes) be eliminated, and the treatment be carried out without medication? Eating appropriate products will help you get rid of discomfort. Their list includes fish oil and sea ​​fish, cod liver and various nuts (walnuts are especially good). These products are distinguished by their high content of fatty acids.

The body must also receive large number vitamins This will also eliminate the causes of redness and dryness of the eye. And sometimes treatment with more serious means may not be necessary either. Similar sources of vitamins are carrots and cherries, blueberries and black currants.

Another way to significantly improve eye health is hygiene, which must be observed when working at a computer. This applies to the work and rest regime. Every hour while sitting at the monitor you need to take breaks of 10 to 15 minutes. This will give your eyes rest. It is advisable to keep TV viewing to a minimum.

Before starting any treatment, it is important to establish the cause of this pathology. If it is, for example, Sjögren's disease, then the body most likely has serious systemic ailments. In this case, it will be useless to treat the organs of vision without treating the underlying pathology.

If the causes of dry eyes are identified, and treatment with folk remedies is more preferable for a person due to intolerance by his body chemicals, then you can use various compresses and baths, as well as mixtures based on basic and essential oils. There are natural remedies from xerosis, which should be taken orally. Let's consider healing recipes traditional doctors in more detail.

For indoor use

Improve the hydration of the mucous membrane and at the same time enrich it necessary vitamins tincture will allow fish oil on blue cornflower. These ingredients are taken in equal proportions and heated for twenty minutes in a water bath. After this, the resulting mixture is infused for ten days in the dark. It is recommended to take the drug three times a day, one tbsp. l. Fish oil in this recipe can be replaced with flaxseed oil.

If the causes of dry eyes are clear, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out using a decoction of St. John's wort in milk. To do this, take 7 tbsp. prepared healing herb. This volume is mixed with a glass of milk and boiled for ten minutes. The decoction is taken twice a day in the mornings and evenings in a volume of 0.5 cups half an hour before meals.

An excellent source of vitamin A, which is very beneficial for the eyes, is carrot juice. It is recommended to take it freshly squeezed in a volume of 150 to 200 ml. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add a little finely chopped parsley to this juice.

Lotions and rinses

For the pathology of dry eyes, traditional medicine recommends a decoction of mulberry leaves. It is made from one tbsp. l. raw materials placed in a glass of water. The finished decoction should be infused for 30-40 minutes and then strained. In the prepared warm potion, you need to moisten a cotton swab and apply it to your eyelids. This is important for relieving symptoms of xerosis such as burning and dryness. This lotion also helps with eye fatigue.

In the next recipe traditional medicine three ingredients are used at once. These are crushed cumin seeds (1 tbsp), cornflower petals (1 tsp) and plantain leaves (1 tsp). The composition of medicinal components is steamed in a glass of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes. How, using such an infusion, can the causes of dry eyes be eliminated and treated? Drops of the strained drug are instilled into the conjunctival sac. This should be done five times a day. In this case, you need to drop three drops into each eye.

The simplest and most affordable way is to use lotions with green tea. To do this, it (either leaf or packaged) is brewed without adding sugar. It is recommended to place the sachets that have already released their scent on your eyelids, holding them for 5-10 minutes. A similar procedure It is advisable to do it twice a day - morning and evening.


To eliminate dry eye syndrome traditional healers An infusion of calendula flowers is recommended. They need to be taken in a volume of 2 tbsp. l. and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The drug must be infused for two hours. The strained infusion is used for baths, as well as for eyelid lotions.

Another folk recipe contains ingredients such as 40-50 g of fresh parsley and 15 g of rose hips or rose petals. The mixture of these components is placed in a saucepan and poured cold water in a volume of 1.5 l. Next, the mixture is brought to a boil over low heat. The cooled and filtered decoction is used for baths, as well as for morning and evening eye rinsing.

Use of oils

Dry eye pathology can be eliminated using drops. Perfect for this sea ​​buckthorn oil, which has strong restorative and anti-inflammatory properties. You can increase eye moisture by placing 1-2 drops of this oil in each eye. Such a remedy will be effective under such inflammatory diseases, like conjunctivitis and blepharitis.

Another folk recipe recommends using camphor oil. It is kept over low heat until a powder forms. Add 3 drops to the resulting raw material olive oil and after stirring, lubricate the eyelids with this mixture. The procedure must be carried out daily.

Skin problems around the eyes

This question worries women very often. They strive to find out what causes dryness around the eyes, and try to use the most effective and safe treatment.

Yes, this zone is very thin and therefore very vulnerable. Its dryness is due to negative impact external as well as internal factors. The causes of this skin condition can be various eye diseases, as well as allergies and unsuitable cosmetics.

The most common cause of dry skin around the eyes (and the appropriate treatment is prescribed) is blepharitis. This pathology is nothing more than chronic inflammation of the eyelids. Its main symptoms, in addition to dryness, are itching of the skin, redness and irritation.

However, there are other causes of dry eyes. And treatment in each specific case should be aimed at eliminating them. These reasons include:

Allergies; - problems with the cornea of ​​the eyes; - use of washes and shampoos that are not suitable for the skin; - application causing allergies cosmetics.

It is worth remembering that each person needs to identify the causes of dryness under the eyes and begin treatment immediately. After all, the most negative consequences This condition may cause vision problems. This issue is especially acute with dry skin of the eyelid, which has a direct connection with the eyeball.

Folk remedies for healthy skin around the eyes

In addition to drinking enough fluids and proper nutrition You can also use many recipes containing natural substances. Once upon a time, some of them were used by our grandmothers, who did not even know about cosmetics, manufactured industrially. Let's look at some of these recipes:

1. Curd mask. For it you need to take 2 tbsp. dairy product and mix it with cream, milk and honey, taking 1 tsp each. each ingredient. It is recommended to add a few drops of olive oil to the mixture, as well as essential oil rosemary. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 10 to 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

2. Honey. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. To prepare this mask, take a little melted honey and flour, mixing them with beaten egg whites. The mixture is applied to the face, leaving it until completely thickened. After this, carefully and carefully wash off the mask with warm water.

3. Herbal compress. To prepare it, pour boiling water over dry parsley and chamomile flowers. The solution is infused for an hour. Afterwards it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The procedure begins with applying an oily solution of vitamin E to the eyelids. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Next, the eyelids are moistened with herbal infusion. After a twenty-minute procedure, the face is washed with warm water.

Do not forget, before carrying out the procedures yourself, you must make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Dry eye syndrome – complex disorder, in which the production of tear fluid and its chemical composition. Another name is xerosis of the cornea and conjunctiva. Since tear fluid is constantly present on the surface of the eyeball, providing the function of moisturizing, nutrition and participating in the refraction of light rays, when its quantity decreases, serious problems with all functions organs of vision.

Dry eye syndrome can manifest itself as a separate disease or be a sign of a more serious pathology in the body. The reasons may be:

  • Sjögren's disease (Sjogren's) - damage to the exocrine glands, in in this case lacrimal, in which the production of tears decreases - it becomes thick and viscous;
  • hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause);
  • taking medications - steroids, antidepressants, cold medications;
    long-term wearing of contact lenses without timely replacement;
  • insufficient air humidity - staying in hot countries, working in windy weather, in the heat, also in air-conditioned rooms;
  • smoking;
  • long periods of work at the computer;
  • incomplete closure palpebral fissure because of anatomical features or neurological pathology;
  • lack of vitamin A.


The syndrome is characterized by vivid manifestations both in the external picture and in the patient’s well-being. The patient experiences the following ailments:

  • feeling of dry eyes;
  • pain, burning, discomfort;
  • feeling of the presence of a foreign body, “sand” in the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • increased fatigue of the visual organs;
  • redness, increased capillary pattern;
  • sticking of eyelids.

Lacrimation does occur with this syndrome, but the tears are watery, they have a reduced content of salts and protein, so the necessary hydration of the mucous membranes does not occur. The tear quickly evaporates, and the feeling of dryness appears again.

Therapeutic measures

For better production of tear fluid, you need to give the body more moisture - drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day. The diet should contain foods containing fatty acids– sea fish, fish oil, cod liver, nuts, especially walnuts. Black currants, carrots, cherries and blueberries will be useful as a source of vitamins. Hygiene when working at a computer can significantly improve the situation. It is necessary to take breaks every hour for 10–15 minutes, giving your eyes rest. Watching TV should be kept to a minimum.

Before starting treatment, it is advisable to establish the cause and eliminate it. For example, Sjögren's disease is often associated with serious systemic diseases, therefore, treatment of the visual organs without treatment of the underlying disease will be ineffective.

At home, to eliminate dryness, you can use compresses, eye baths, mixtures based on essential and base oils. Some products are also intended for internal use.

Recipes for oral administration

To improve the hydration of the mucous membrane and as a source of vitamins, you need to take fish oil infused with blue cornflower. Take fat and grass in equal quantities, heat for 20 minutes in a water bath, leave in a dark place for 10 days, take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. You can use flaxseed oil instead of fish oil.

A folk remedy for burning, stinging and the feeling of “sand” in the eyes is a decoction of St. John’s wort in milk. Take 7 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, boil in 300 ml of milk for 10 minutes. Take ½ cup of decoction in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.

It acts as a source of vitamin A, which is beneficial for vision. carrot juice. It is advisable to take it in the morning, freshly squeezed, in an amount of 150–200 ml. You can add a little chopped parsley to it.

Recipes for lotions and rinsing

Make a decoction of mulberry leaves - 1 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of water. Leave for 30–40 minutes, strain. Soak a cotton swab in a warm broth and apply to the eyelids for 5-10 minutes for fatigue, burning and dryness.

Grind thoroughly 1 tbsp. l. cumin (seeds), 1 tsp. cornflower petals and 1 tsp. plantain leaves, steam them with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for up to 1 hour. Strain the infusion, instill 3 drops 5 times a day.

A simple and affordable way is to use green tea lotions. Brew loose leaf or bagged tea without adding sugar. After drinking tea, place the tea bags on your eyelids and hold for 5–10 minutes. Do it morning and evening.

Brew 3 tbsp. l. chamomile in 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 1.5 hours. Rinse with filtered infusion using a cotton swab 2-3 times a day.

Grate the potatoes on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of them. Soak a cotton swab or gauze in fresh juice and apply to the eyelids for 20 minutes. Do it every evening and after this procedure do not strain your eyes for the rest of the day.

Take 3 tbsp. l. dried fucus seaweed, pour 1 liter of boiling water into a thermos. Leave overnight, then strain the infusion and pour into ice cube trays. Place in the freezer and wipe the upper and lower eyelids with frozen infusion cubes 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks. This method is also suitable as a preventive measure.

Suitable for washing and rinsing folk remedy- mint decoction. Take 2 tbsp. l. mint and pour 2 liters of water. Boil, simmer the herb for 15 minutes, remove, let cool and strain the broth. Use morning and evening.

Pour 2 tbsp. l. marshmallow root 200 ml cold water, leave for 8 hours and use for lotions and rinses. Marshmallow reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes and improves the secretion of the lacrimal gland.

Dissolve 1 tsp. honey in 3 tbsp. l. warm boiled water. Apply this solution to your eyes and apply lotions up to 3 times a day. Honey improves the hydration of the mucous membrane and nourishes the tissues with essential microelements.

Bath Recipes

Pour 2 tbsp. l. calendula flowers 500 ml boiling water. Leave for 2 hours, strain. Make baths from the resulting infusion; you can moisten gauze and apply lotions to your eyelids.

Pour 6 tbsp. l. eyebright herbs 500 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain the broth. Do eye baths for 5-7 minutes. You can make compresses with the decoction for fatigue or burning eyes.

Take 3 tbsp. l. violet leaves, pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2-3 hours. Use the strained infusion for baths and rinses 2-3 times a day. Instead of violets you can take pansies or rosemary herb. Decoctions should be prepared and used in the same dosage.

Take a bunch of fresh parsley (40–50 g), 15 g of rose or rose petals, pour 1.5 liters of cold water and place in a saucepan over low heat, bring to a boil. Remove, cool, filter the broth. Use it for baths and rinses morning and evening.

Recipes with oils

Sea buckthorn oil has strong anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. To treat dry eye syndrome, you can instill 1-2 drops of oil and lubricate your eyelids with it. It will be especially effective if there is inflammatory process– conjunctivitis or blepharitis.

Pour camphor oil into a spoon and hold over low heat until a powder forms. Add 3 drops of olive oil into it, stir, lubricate your eyelids. Repeat daily.

Igor Aznauryan

Ophthalmologist, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, doctor medical sciences. Chief physician networks eye clinics"Clear Eyes"

Modern ophthalmologists have found out Computer Vision Syndrome who most often suffer from dry eye syndrome. These are those who spend a lot of time in front of gadget screens.

Many may not even be aware of their diagnosis. We will tell you the symptoms:

  • feeling of sand and dust in the eyes;
  • pain;
  • burning;
  • causeless lacrimation;
  • I often want to rub my eyes.

Doctors test dry eyes in another way - the Schirmer test. This is an examination that shows the amount of tears. Special pieces of paper are inserted under the eyelids to absorb tears. It is painless, takes a minute and gives an accurate result.

Before discussing the direct causes of dry eyes, let's figure out what it should be like normally. Fully moisturized - the tear that constantly washes the eye is responsible for this. And here there is important nuance- quality of tears.

Yes, and tears can be of high quality, and sometimes not so good. There are two components in tears: water and fat (lipid). The balance of these components is a quality tear. If the balance is disturbed, dry eyes occur.

Now let's look at the reasons for this condition.

What Causes Dry Eye Syndrome

1. Gadget screens

We mean any screen - computer, tablet or phone. If you look at any eye for too long, your eye begins to dry out. The fact is that bright light makes us concentrate and look more closely. We are too involved, and our eyes simply “forget” to blink. The point is that blinking is unconditioned reflex, we don’t think about it. And this reflex slows down when our attention is excessively focused on something.

2. Dry air

We have dry air everywhere. Batteries work in the office and at home in winter, and in summer. And on the street: just remember what it’s like to walk in the heat - your throat gets dry, not to mention your eyes.

Dry air dries up the tears that should wash the eye. And it is even more dangerous than a computer screen.

Few people know that our cornea (it is transparent outer shell eyes) does not have blood vessels, that is, she feeds on tears. For example, a tear must deliver oxygen to it. How will she do this if she dries out under the influence of dry air? The less oxygen and nutrients the cornea receives, the worse its condition.

3. Hormones

This reason is purely female. During menopause, which can begin quite early age, the amount of estrogen in a woman’s body decreases. These hormones affect fat metabolism. They also reduce the amount of fatty components of tears. This means that the consistency of the tear changes, it becomes more liquid and cannot stay on the eye. In such cases, women may experience causeless lacrimation.

4. Contact lenses

Even if you remember to take them off at night, if you change them every day and are sure that your containers are sterile, you still cannot avoid dry eyes.

Wearing lenses for a long time = dry eye syndrome. This is an axiom. Lenses disrupt the tear layers, deteriorate their quality and dry out the eye.

Ideally, you should not wear lenses every day, but only when necessary. Of course, for a person with poor eyesight this is simply impossible. Replace lenses with glasses? Again, this is inconvenient for many.

Therefore, when poor eyesight two ways out:

  • Ask your doctor to prescribe artificial tears and drop them into your eyes constantly.
  • Get laser vision correction if you have no contraindications, and forget about lenses. However, preparation for the operation must be carried out correctly - see the next point.

5. Laser vision correction

Dry eye syndrome often worsens after laser vision correction. But this happens if the preparation for correction was carried out incorrectly. Before surgery, the above-mentioned Schirmer test, a dry eye test, should be done. And if necessary, treat this syndrome, but not with drops, but with more effective laser stimulation. If this technology is followed, then laser correction it will go without problems.

6. Medicines

Some medications cause dry eyes. These are usually antidepressants and oral medications. The drugs affect hormonal background, which, in turn, affects the fatty component of tears. The tear film loses its stability and the eye dries out. In parallel with taking these medications, it is better to use artificial tears.

7. Chronic diseases: diabetes, conjunctivitis, blepharitis

Diabetes mellitus, besides many others unpleasant consequences, also causes dry eyes. But with proper compensatory therapy, such a problem does not arise.

During treatment conjunctivitis use antibiotics that impair the quality of tears. Therefore, after treating this disease, it is imperative to be treated for dry eye syndrome.

Blepharitis - chronic inflammation eyelids, which also disrupts the quality of tears. Until it is treated, dry eyes will not go away.

How to treat dry eye syndrome

  • Use drops with artificial tears. However, choosing your own drops, although it won’t do any harm, will also do no good: now there are drops with different compositions, so your doctor should choose the ones that are right for you.
  • Get laser treatment. Modern ophthalmologists treat dry eye syndrome not only with drops. Circulatory laser stimulation of the lacrimal glands is a type of physiotherapy that improves the production and composition of tears. Moreover, unlike drops, one course of treatment lasts at least six months.
  • Treat concomitant diseases leading to dry eye syndrome.
  • Buy an air humidifier.
  • Set an alarm every 10 minutes when working at the computer. This will be a signal that it's time to blink properly.
  • For those who wear contact lenses, undergo laser vision correction if there are no contraindications.

And finally, let me remind you: anti-glare glasses for working at the computer, glasses with holes for relaxation - these are all successful marketing ploys. They are absolutely useless for the eyes.

Those who spend most of their time sitting at the computer, reading e-books or simply using various newfangled gadgets, wears contact lenses, is familiar with unpleasant sensations occurring in the eyes: pain, burning, redness, fatigue.

People living in cities with heavy gas pollution and working in hazardous industries also complain of discomfort in the visual organs, which is commonly called dry eye syndrome.

Dry eyes are affected by many factors - environment, sleep patterns, working at a monitor.

How to deal with unpleasant symptoms? What to do to sore eyes have they regained the poetic status of “beautiful eyes”? After all, computers and mobile phones have become so firmly established in daily life, and corrective lenses allow many people to feel more confident that It is quite difficult to abandon these achievements of civilization.

The answer is simple: Medicinal drops for dry eyes will help. They are inexpensive, easy to use and effectively eliminate fatigue, redness and pain.

What is dry eye syndrome

While blinking tear secretion is released, which “wraps” the cornea with a protective film. After a few seconds it breaks, causing the eyelids to blink again and restore its integrity.

The mucous membrane, devoid of fluid, dries out, bursts in some places, so-called “blood proteins” appear. So dry eye syndrome not only causes significant discomfort, but also worsens general view eye.

Dry eye syndrome is accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • fear of light;
  • burning;
  • feeling of the presence of “sand”;
  • rapid fatigue.

Dry eye syndrome in lately quite a common occurrence. About 15% of people seek help from specialists specifically for this disease. What causes excessive dryness of the organs of vision?


Tears protect the eyes because have antimicrobial properties and protect the organs of vision from the entry of dangerous microorganisms and fungi into them.

If tears are not produced in the required quantity, eyes become defenseless against pathogens of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and other infections.

In addition, viruses, along with the blood, can enter other organs, which provokes the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

Contact lenses

Many people have replaced their usual glasses for vision correction with comfortable lenses. But no matter how soft the surface of the lenses, they are foreign body and cause microfriction. Tear fluid helps reduce this friction.

Contact lenses irritate the eyes and cause dry eye syndrome.

If it is not enough, the eyes begin to experience discomfort. That's why It is important to drip moisturizing liquid for those who use contact lenses.

In addition to discomfort, wearing lenses without special drops leads to corneal injuries, the proliferation of dangerous microorganisms leading to inflammation.

Indoor and outdoor climate

Excessive dryness of the eyes is also caused by the state of the surrounding climate.

Spending a long time in a dusty or smoky room or moving from cold to warm causes dry eyes.

Polluted cities in large cities or being in a hot climate with increased dryness also provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Working conditions

Cramped and dusty offices, constant contact with office equipment, hot workshops, working outside in cold and windy weather contribute to the development of dry eye syndrome.

A person whose work involves computers is susceptible to dry eye syndrome.

These are the most common reasons occurrence of dry eyes. An unbalanced diet can also lead to illness., deficiency of vitamins A and B2, taking diuretics or contraceptives.

Age affects the condition visual organs, reducing the quantity and worsening the quality of tear fluid. Statistics show that more than 70% of people have retirement age this syndrome is noted.

For whom are drops for dryness indicated?

People whose professional activity associated with constant dust (plasterers, road workers, construction workers) or prolonged contact with office equipment (designers, system administrators), are susceptible to dry eye syndrome.

Drops are indicated for those people whose work affects their vision.

Those working in hot workshops are also at risk, truck drivers, people who constantly wear lenses. In such cases, it is necessary to use drops for dry eyes - inexpensive but effective.

These drugs will also be useful for people with hypersensitive eyes, allergy sufferers, those who live near highways with a large flow of cars, patients who develop cataracts or glaucoma.

Features of the composition

Most drops for dry eyes, both high-priced and inexpensive, consist of four main elements:

To ease the well-being of the visual organs, speed up metabolic processes In them, pharmacologists add vitamins, microelements, synthetic and natural additives to the preparations.

Important to know! Some drugs contain components that are contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation and for children. You should read the instructions carefully.

How do drugs work?

Drops for dry eyes are designed to correct insufficient fluid secretion, moisturizing and relieving irritation.

Manufacturers of such drops are trying to create inexpensive drugs.

Such drops will be suitable for those who wear contact lenses and those whose activities involve computers or hazardous production, not to mention avid travelers who often change climate.

Types of eye drops for dryness

There are several types of medications designed to treat and eliminate the cause of dry and tired eyes.

Drops for dry eyes are divided into several types

Drops are divided into groups:

  • vasoconstrictors. If the organs of vision are affected heavy load, the vessels dilate, become injured, and “blood protein” appears. The drops constrict blood vessels, causing redness and burning to go away;
  • vitamin. In some diseases of the cornea and eyes, the visual organs require additional nutrition. Inexpensive drops from dry eyes with vitamins compensate for the loss useful substances, good for prevention;
  • antibacterial. If dry eye syndrome is caused by infectious diseases, then such drops neutralize the effects of harmful microorganisms on the surface of the eye, relieve redness and discomfort;
  • antihistamines. The drops are designed to combat painful lacrimation and redness of the eye mucosa in people prone to seasonal or food allergies;
  • medicinal. These drugs are designed to treat a specific eye disease identified during diagnosis, and eliminate not only the disease, but also the symptoms accompanying it;
  • moisturizing. Capable of long time eliminate dry eyes (for example, when wearing lenses), thereby relieving a person of unpleasant sensations.

Pay attention! If drops for dry eyes are inexpensive, this does not mean they are of low quality.

The main attention is to the shelf life of the drug.

Anything made with distilled water cannot be stored for long without the addition of preservatives. And preservatives are never used in production eye drops!

List of the best inexpensive eye drops

The price of medicine depends on its composition, therapeutic effect and “promotion” of the brand. Inexpensive drops for dry eyes sell for around 300 rubles. if the price of the drug fluctuates around 800 rubles, he wide range impact.

"Vizin". A popular remedy that acts almost instantly, maintaining the effect for several hours. Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age and patients with glaucoma. Has an anti-edematous effect, constricts blood vessels.

Contains tetrizoline hydrochloride, which relieves tension in the walls of blood vessels. Not suitable for long-term use because it is addictive. Costs on average 150 rubles. for 15 ml.

"Innoxa"(“cornflower blue drops”) – a hypoallergenic preparation from natural ingredients. Moisturizes, soothes tired, dry eyes, has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, relieves irritation caused by wearing lenses.

Contains chamomile extracts, cornflower, witch hazel, sweet clover and elderberry. The price of a sterile bottle of 10 ml is on average 550 rubles.

"Oxial"- the leader among inexpensive drops for dry eyes based on hyaluronic acid. Eliminates pain, redness, burning, minor hemorrhages, has a wound healing effect, and stops inflammatory processes.

The composition, in addition to the named acid, includes sodium, calcium, magnesium salts, boric acid, patented preservative Oxide. The price of a 10 ml bottle is approximately 400 rubles.

"Natural tear" is almost a complete analogue of a human tear. It has a mild, moisturizing effect on dry corneas, eliminates irritation and burning, and is suitable for people wearing lenses.

Contains water-soluble polymer solution Duasorb, which is close in composition to human tears. A sterile 15 ml bottle costs from 300 rubles.

"Hilo chest of drawers"- inexpensive drops for dry eyes in a convenient container, which is designed to prevent the penetration of external bacteria, so the solution can be stored at room temperature for 3 months. Drops moisturize cornea, create a thin tear film without blurring vision.

The drug is perfect for those who use contact lenses or spend a lot of time looking at a monitor or driving.

Main active substance drops – sodium hyaluronate In addition to it, sorbitol and sodium citrate are present. 10 ml of the drug costs from 460 rubles.

"Systane"- moisturizing drops for dry eyes. They are inexpensive and are good at relieving irritation and dry eye syndrome caused by conjunctivitis or computer fatigue. Composition of drops n does not contain traditionally added hyaluronic acid.

Eliminate unpleasant symptoms alkali metal salts, boric acid, organic polymers. 15 ml of the drug costs about 550 rubles.

Important to remember! Before using medication for dry eyes, be sure to study the rules. Wash your hands thoroughly, open the bottle, pull down the lower eyelid, and slightly raise your head.

Carefully instill the product into inner corner eyes, trying not to touch the surface with the pipette. After blinking slightly so that the product is distributed over the eyeball.

Preventing dry eye

To prevent the occurrence of an irritating disease, The following preventive measures will help:

  • ten-minute rest after 45 min. work at the computer to relieve eye strain;
  • special gymnastics for the eyes, helping to relax the eye muscles;
  • ventilate the room, do wet cleaning to avoid dust, quit smoking;
  • frequent blinking allows you to eliminate dryness;
  • Necessarily use drops against dry eyes, choosing inexpensive drugs that can protect the eyes from burning, redness, with subsequent more serious consequences.

Not only drops can overcome dry eye syndrome, but also light massage

It is a mistake to ignore the onset of dry eye syndrome, hoping that everything will go away on its own.

When the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to act urgently. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing vision. Inexpensive drops for dry eyes will “smooth out” unpleasant pain and return to the eyes healthy looking and shine.

Learn about the causes of dry eyes in this video:

This video will tell you about the drug "Systane Ultra":

The following video will tell you how to cure dry eye syndrome:

Dry eyes or dry eye syndrome is an eye disease caused by “dry eye,” which in turn is caused by either decreased tear production or increased tear evaporation. Tears are essential for maintaining eye health and providing clear vision. In people with dry eye syndrome, either an insufficient amount of tears is produced, or the properties of the tears and, as a result, their quality are impaired. Dry eyes are a common problem, especially for people over 40 and office workers.

Dry eye syndrome

Causes of Dry Eyes in the Office

By the middle of the working day at the office, you may feel a little lethargic and notice that you often rub your eyes. Most likely, the air in your office is too dry. The second cause of DRY EYE SYNDROME is working at a computer for eight hours a day, which really has a negative impact on your eyes. After all, we blink much less when we are focused on a computer or mobile phone. Turning on the air conditioner, not blinking, and fluorescent lighting all contribute to eye fatigue, itchy and dry feelings, and drowsiness.

Did you know that the air in the office is often five to seven times dirtier than the air outside? When we turn on the air conditioner, we always close the windows, creating a sealed “bubble” of dirty air circulating throughout the office. Source harmful substances are: office equipment, detergents, even paper. Scary, isn't it? Plants can help clean the air! You can protect sensitive dry eyes from harmful substances yourself by purchasing a small plant for your office desk. And ophthalmic moisturizing solutions, preferably without preservatives, such as HILO-KOMOD®, HILOZAR-KOMOD®, HILOMAX-KOMOD®, HILOPARIN-KOMOD® will help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the syndrome.

Why do we feel dry eyes?

With each blink of the eyelid, tears are distributed evenly across the surface of the eye, known as the cornea. Tears provide lubrication, reduce the risk of eye infection, and wash away foreign objects, and also keep the surface of the eyes smooth and clean. Excess tears flow through small drainage channels into the inner corners of the eyelids and then into the side of the nose. The appearance of dry eye syndrome leads to improper tear formation and distribution.

  • Not enough tears. Tears are produced by glands around the eyelids. With age, with various diseases or how side effect Some medications interfere with this process. Adverse conditions environment conditions such as wind, or a dry climate can also affect the amount of tear production due to increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the eye. When normal operation glands are disrupted and tears evaporate too quickly, dry eye syndrome may develop.
  • Low tear quality. Tears are made up of three parts: fat, water and a sticky substance (mucin). Each component performs a function to protect and nourish the surface of the eye. Thin layer fat helps prevent evaporation of the aqueous layer, while mucin is involved in the even distribution of tears over the surface of the eye. If tears evaporate too quickly or unevenly due to deficiencies in any of the three layers, the cornea may develop dry eye syndrome.

The most common form of the syndrome is in which an insufficient amount of the aqueous layer of tears is produced. This condition is called keratoconjunctivitis sicca, also called dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a complex of signs of xerosis of the surface of the eyeball due to prolonged disruption of tear production or increased tear evaporation. People with dry eyes experience following symptoms: irritation, gritty eyes, itchy or burning eyes, sticky eyelids, a feeling of something foreign in the eyes, excessive tearing, discomfort when wearing lenses, or blurred vision. Intensification of the syndrome can lead to damage to the cornea and deterioration of vision. Treatment for dry eye syndrome is aimed at restoring and maintaining normal amount tears in the eyes to minimize discomfort and dry eyes, as well as to maintain eye health.

What causes dry eyes?

The following factors contribute to the occurrence of dry eye syndrome:

  • Age Dry eye syndrome can be part of the natural aging process. Many people age 65 and older experience some symptoms of dry eye.
  • Floor- women are more prone to the syndrome due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, use oral contraceptives and menopause.
  • Medicines- some medications, including antihistamines, decongestants, medications to reduce blood pressure or antidepressants, may reduce the number of tears.
  • Diseases- a person with rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or problems thyroid gland more often than others susceptible to dry eye syndrome. In addition, problems associated with inflammation of the eyelids, cornea or eye muscles, can cause dry eyes.
  • Wearing contact lenses worsens the water-fat balance of the cornea, which contributes to “dry eyes”.
  • Environmental conditions- exposure to smoke, wind and dry climates increase the evaporation of moisture, resulting in symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Inability to blink regularly, such as when looking at a computer screen for a long time long period time may also cause moisture to dry out from the surface of the eyes.
  • Other factors- Long-term use of contact lenses can be a significant factor in the development of dry eye syndrome. In addition, eye surgeries, such as laser vision correction, can lead to poor performance. lacrimal glands and to “dry eyes.”

How to diagnose dry eye syndrome?

Dry eyes can be diagnosed using comprehensive examination eye. The examination of the patient, with particular emphasis on assessing the quantity and quality of tears produced, should include the following steps:

  • Patient history to determine the symptoms the patient is experiencing, the presence common problems health problems, medications you take, or environmental factors that may be causing your dry eye problem.
  • External eye examination, including paying attention to structure and blinking ability.
  • Evaluation of eyelids and corneas using bright light and lens. A slit lamp examination may be performed to diagnose dry eye syndrome and confirm any damage to the eye.
  • Study of the quantity and quality of tears for any pathologies. Special dyes are instilled into the eyes in order to better observe the uniformity of its distribution or with breaks and highlight any changes in the cornea of ​​the eye caused by an insufficient number of tears.

Using the information obtained from the patient's examination, the optometrist can determine whether the patient has dry eye syndrome and advise on treatment options.

Dry eye treatment

One of the main approaches used to treat dry eye syndrome in order to increase the quantity of tears and improve its quality is the use of moisturizing ophthalmic solutions, such as HILO-KOMOD®, HILOZAR-KOMOD®, HILOMAX-KOMOD®, HILOPARIN-KOMOD®.

Dry eyes may have chronic condition, but at timely treatment you can keep your eyes healthy with a more comfortable experience and protect your vision from external factors.

  • Adding a tear. Mild cases of dry eye can often be treated with targeted addition of tears in the form of HILO-KOMOD® solution. These drops can be used as needed to supplement the natural hydration of the eyes. Hylo-KOMOD® moisturizing ophthalmic solution does not contain additives that irritate the eyes, and does not contain preservatives.
  • Saving tears is a complementary approach to reducing dry eye symptoms to keep natural tears in your eyes longer. This can be done by blocking the tear ducts through which tears normally drain. Tear ducts can be blocked using tiny silicone or gel-like plugs, which can be removed if necessary.
  • Surgery used to permanently block the tear ducts. Either way, the goal is to keep existing tears in the eyes for as long as possible to reduce problems associated with dry eyes.
  • Improving tear quality. The best recipe— moisturizing ophthalmic solution HILO-KOMOD®, which helps to increase the formation of tears, as well as food additives with omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Treatment of inflammation of the eyelid or cornea. HILO-KOMOD® solution or special ointments are suitable. In addition, it will help reduce inflammation warm compresses and eyelid massage.


You can also help yourself. To relieve dry eye symptoms, do the following:

  • Remember to blink regularly when reading or looking at a computer monitor for a long time. Take frequent breaks from work.
  • Maintain good eye hygiene wash your face regularly with warm clean water. Increase the level of humidity in the air at work and at home.
  • Buy for the office houseplant and humidifier.
  • Install on your desktop larger size font, tilt the monitor slightly downward.
  • Wear sunglasses , especially with frames that fit your face well to reduce exposure to wind and sun.
  • Observe food diet , including foods that contain essential fatty acids in your diet can help reduce dry eye symptoms.
  • Avoid anything that increases dry eyes, for example, an excessively warm room, a hairdryer, or smoke.
  • Drink more fluids(8 to 10 glasses per day).
  • Use HILO-KOMOD® moisturizing ophthalmic solution, to moisturize the eyes

Thus, to prevent the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, you need to eat right, blink regularly, and maintain eye hygiene. And to treat “dry eyes” it is necessary to use moisturizing solutions, such as HILO-KOMOD®, containing substances that are as similar as possible to natural tears.