This is the inner world of a person in words. What is the inner world of a person? The inner world of a woman

What is the inner world of a person?

We give three examples of writing essays on a given topic in the OGE in the Russian language. The essays are written in accordance with the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard, arguments from the text are given, and one’s own position is explained. Everything for you!

First version of the essay (based on the text by Ostromir “As a child, I had a favorite soft toy...”)

Definition of the concept

The inner world of a person is the life experience that he was able to gain from childhood to a certain age. For everyone it is individual, for everyone it is put together, like a puzzle, from objects, things, events that are especially dear to the human heart.

So, for example, the hero of the proposed text by Ostromir remembered for the rest of his life a children's toy - a teddy bear, with which he was practically inseparable during the nursery period. Having become an adult, having changed his interests to more serious ones, the young man made the bear cub his talisman, a guardian who helps him achieve his most desired goals. The toy became an integral part of his inner world, which he carefully protected from ridicule and had high hopes for it.

An argument from personal experience

In life, almost each of us has had to deal with examples of the value of things, but the value is not so much material as spiritual. For example, a child will value most in life a watch given by his father before his death, or a cross given by his mother before leaving a foreign country. They will be a memory of the road, that innermost feeling that he will experience every time he looks at his watch or clutches a cross in his hand. It is from such things that a person’s inner world is formed.


The inner world of a person is something that is hidden from others and sometimes manifests itself in the most unexpected little things: for some, in the love of a soft toy, and for others, in the memory of parents.

Second version of the essay (based on the text by Yu.V. Dragunsky “When I was six years old, probably, or six and a half...”)

Definition of the concept

In my opinion, the inner world of a person is a broad concept, including many nuances and aspects. These are the songs that we listen to in our free time, films that are etched in our memory, books that we want to re-read again and again, toys that have surrounded us since childhood. All our feelings and thoughts, and therefore our actions, are determined by what lies within.

Argument from the text read

For example, in the text by Yu.V. Dragunsky's hero, being a six-year-old boy, makes a rather difficult choice, based on the treasures of his own inner world. Between the desire to train his punching power and pity for his beloved childhood friend, his teddy bear, he chose the latter. Feelings, internal attitudes and rules did not allow him to hit the one whom he once considered a younger brother, with whom he shared his deepest secrets and desires.

An argument from personal experience

I think that each of us in childhood had a favorite toy with which we spent days and nights and which, having become lost in the whirlwind of adult problems, we forgot about. In fact, it was she who filled our inner world with special unique qualities.


Children's toys teach love, mercy, sensitivity, and the ability to sympathize. They help lay the foundations for awareness and perception of the world, nurturing our special character.

The third version of the essay (using the example of the text by Aleksin A.G. “I didn’t love this doll. Her height and external advantages were compared...”)

Definition of the concept

The inner world of a person is the reaction of consciousness to what surrounds us. If a person grows and is brought up in love, then his soul should give birth to love and mercy. But this is not always what happens.

Argument from the text read

For example, in the text by A.G. The girl Aleksina compensated for her internal complexes with her attitude towards toys. She treated them as subordinates, over whom she had unlimited power and whom she could easily punish without a twinge of conscience. Everything changed with the appearance of a huge doll, both in height and appearance similar to the owner. Now it seemed to the girl that it was not she who was unique among toys, but this doll. At six years old, the child did not understand why her mother was unhappy with her interaction with toys. Perhaps, with age, she will understand that not everything in life is decided by force and authority.

An argument from personal experience

If we recall stories from life, then surely each of us has heard stories of how children from the most prosperous families, raised in love and abundance, become asocial, one way or another trying to make up for some external or internal shortcomings.


In conclusion, I would like to say that it is very important to raise a child from childhood, pay attention to his toys, his attitude towards them and, if possible, correct the development of his inner world while this is still possible. Unfortunately, over time it becomes more and more difficult to change a person, and after 16 years it is almost impossible. The inner world of a person is the basis, a kind of foundation on which a person’s entire life is built.

INNER WORLD, EXTERNAL WORLD- concepts that fix the difference between everything that relates to mental phenomena sphere of man, and those that do not belong to it. This distinction is related to the relationship between the material and the mental, between the object and the subject, but does not coincide with them, since it is carried out in relation to individual consciousness. Thus, the phenomena of the external world for humans, along with material things and processes, include living beings and other people who also have an internal world. Knowledge about someone else's mental life is also a special type of knowledge about the external world. On the other hand, the object for a person can be the phenomena and processes of his own inner world: perceptions, memories, reflections, emotions, etc. In the history of philosophy, the difference between these worlds was described in terms of immanent and transcendental, subjective, transsubjective and objective. The following differences between objects of the external world and phenomena of the internal world are usually indicated: the former are localized in space and time, the latter do not have spatial existence and are less strictly connected with time; material objects of the external world can be physically influenced - moved, deformed, etc. - while phenomena of the internal world can only be directly experienced and explored through introspection; the former are available for observation by different subjects, they can be observed repeatedly; the latter are individual and allow re-examination only in acts of recollection. Many epistemological concepts (R. Descartes, D. Berkeley, D. Yum, I. G. Fichte, immanent philosophy, phenomenology, etc.) postulate the indirect nature of perception and knowledge of the external world and the direct reality of the internal world, as well as a special reliability phenomena of the latter in comparison with experience about external objects. Criticism of this position was undertaken by I. Kant, who, refuting the idealism of Descartes, argued that the experience of the inner world does not have privileged immediacy and reliability. In modern philosophy, similar argumentation is continued by the English philosopher P. Strawson in his work “Individuals” (1959), in which he argues that the identification of phenomena of any kind requires a connected system of publicly observable and fairly constant objects. Such a system is formed only by material objects of the external world. Therefore, only they can be described independently of other objects, while all others, and in particular the phenomena of the inner world, can be identified and described only in relation to the system of external objects. V.P. Filatov

The inner world is a concept that was originally used to designate a part of the living space that reflects the mental sphere. At the moment, the division into the inner world of the individual and the external in the scientific understanding is no longer carried out, although the phrase continues to be used synonymously with the concept of the mental. Of all the spectrums of possible manifestations of the psyche, the inner world reflects a state of peace and tranquility, a certain goodness and satisfaction.

The inner world is a representation of a certain reality, formed through the interaction of neurons and at the same time representing mental images about the world, one’s personality and the structure of this same inner world. It is different for each individual and is presented in a single unique variant, formed in a combination of factors of heredity, developmental characteristics, inherent abilities and acquired interests, type of nervous system and characterological characteristics. Further, with age, the formation of a specific internal structure is influenced by life experience, accepted social values, ideals that are a deep reflection of a person, and archetypal images.

Each of the presented human sense organs reacts in a specific way and brings its own individual information; accordingly, the inner world of different people is capable of being painted in different shades even under the same conditions. In this case, the function of reproducing what is received from the outside does not exist, as happens with dreams, but only a process of direct response to what is happening in reality occurs.

What is the inner world of a person

The inner world of a person is formed through direct interaction and establishing connections with society, and is part of consciousness. This is a structure of the psyche engaged in the processing of processes and further exteriorization in the processes of external activity (actions, behavior). It is through the external embodiment of internal and invisible work that we can judge the diversity, development and semantic content of the spiritual world, the components of which are psychology, values, personality (internal characteristics), and behavior. The activity of these components can be manifested with different strengths at different time periods, while the presence and development of each component changes when conditions change. When one will be in the shadow of the unconscious, and the other, on the contrary, will be brightly illuminated by conscious attention. From this interaction and fullness follow such characteristics of the inner world as its richness, harmony, depth, complexity and others.

Usually, a person is not able to completely control his inner world, as well as emotional manifestations, because he is not something effective, but only reacts to external changes. From this provision it follows that the inner world regulates the social society surrounding the individual and external conditions. However, for people who are more focused on their condition than on external events, the ability to control the processes of the inner world becomes simpler and more accessible.

Using an understanding of your inner world for a more successful and harmonious life is an undeniable truth, but at the moment no objective methods of knowledge have been developed. From the work done, phenomenological analyzes are of interest, representing the possibility of considering the individuality of the manifestation of the specificity of parts of the inner world, however, this does not give the right to extend these patterns to all people. Each reaction, each reflection of external events by the internal mirror is a characteristic fixed in space and time, which will change when any of the parameters changes.

Being a reflection of the external, the internal world is not a copy, otherwise it would be the same for everyone. It is initially subjective and refracts the displayed reality through its own filters. A rough metaphor for comparison would be a room of crooked mirrors, where, depending on the mirror, your image changes, but there is no copy of you. Also, several different people reflect each aspect of reality in completely different ways, putting all the resulting images into a multidimensional picture that has hundreds of differences from the other.

What does a rich inner world mean?

Formed on the basis of interaction with external space, the inner world is imbued with new elements and facets. When people talk about a rich inner world, they invariably mean the totality of human experience and imagination. At the same time, experience includes both the presence of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, this also includes erudition and the ability to reason and understand various subjects and their influence on each other. In addition to the width of perception, this also includes its depth, i.e. It is not enough to have a superficial understanding of all areas; it is necessary to understand at least a few of them in detail.

Life experiences that shape the inner world are based on travel and contact with other cultures, whether this is through direct interaction with other people or through art does not matter much. The spiritual world is enriched by reading books and watching films, listening to music and tasting a new dish. Any new experience a person receives invariably expands and enriches his inner world. Depth and richness are also influenced when a person does not need others for self-realization or relief from boredom. In principle, a spiritually rich person would be able to develop, travel, and teach others the wisdom of life while being forever locked in solitary confinement with only walls and a bed.

A person with a rich inner world is able to understand anyone else, since his space contains feelings, actions, situations and information about many life moments. This does not mean that he encourages everyone and joins everyone; rather, it reflects a certain ability to fit into any circle and situation, to understand the experiences of others, but to act in accordance with his beliefs.

How to develop your inner world

Developing your inner world means expanding your experience and harmonizing your reactions to external events. Good for this are those in which you dive into the depths of your personality. You may be studying a particular feeling or your reaction to a specific event, you may be looking at a trend in many relationships with loved ones, or you may be looking for something to do. The main thing in this meditative practice is regular acquaintance with yourself and your features.

The inner world exists regardless of how much you know it, but you can develop it consciously only by becoming familiar with the contents, perhaps by understanding the laws that operate in your reality, the idea of ​​development will disappear by itself.

Take regular walks and trips into nature - direct contact with the natural part of the outside world awakens you to activation and establishment in your inner space. In addition, if you go to new places every time, you automatically enrich your experience and broaden your horizons. In addition to the impact on the mental structure, regular contact with nature helps to improve well-being, which is also important for inner peace.

The relationship between the physical and the spiritual is very great, therefore, in order to develop the inner world, it is necessary to take care and develop your body. Physical exercise, proper nutrition, and plenty of fresh air will help you remove destructive factors in the form of poor health.

Designate the desired paths for your development and follow them, let every day be filled with something new, improving some skill. Even if you choose to learn a language and memorize a word every day, this expands your vision. And the regularity of the process triggers important mechanisms of habitual development. Try to develop different aspects of your personality rather than focusing only on the physical or intellectual. Usually such distortions lead precisely to the impoverishment of the spiritual world. Train your kindness and responsiveness, help those in need, please people you like, watch good films.

“He has a rich inner world”, “Only the inner world is important to me”, “I don’t want to let anyone into my inner world” and other similar phrases we hear almost every day. I think you, dear reader, have said or heard something similar. But what kind of world is this? Does it depend on the person himself or is it some kind of unchangeable thing that cannot be adjusted? I invite you to understand together the nuances of such a complex, but seemingly simple concept.

The inner world is a very interesting phenomenon. Everyone feels and understands when something does not correspond to him, but few can clearly say what his inner world consists of. So, someone romantically calls it the soul, someone appeals to scientific concepts such as “self-consciousness”, someone will say that this is a person’s individuality.

I believe that the inner world is a kind of core of a person, which defines him as a person and determines the success (failure) of socialization (incorporation into society). But as always, first things first.

General information about the inner world

I would like to introduce you to several facts that describe the essence of a person’s inner world. And then disassemble it into individual components. So, general information.

  1. The inner world is susceptible to external influences. Any accident can change it. For example, a person who grew up in anger and cruelty was sure that the whole world was like that. But after help from a random passer-by (let’s say our citizen from the example became ill, and the stranger called an ambulance and thereby saved his life), he instantly changes his views. And he himself begins to help people, although he has never done this before.
  2. There are no clear cause-and-effect relationships. Any outside influence can give unpredictable results.
  3. The inner world is a system prone to independent regulation and the desire for stability and stereotyping. As part of explaining this fact, the phrase “Get some sleep. The morning is wiser than the evening. Everything will “settle down” on its own. Overnight, the subconscious can actually independently respond to a problematic situation that has arisen, “rummage” through the archives and give an answer.
  4. The inner world develops in the unity of time (from past to future through the present). Its changes are not reversible. For example, if a person has experienced betrayal, then he will no longer be able to erase this experience. But he must learn to live with it.
  5. When we talk about the inner world, we mean subjective, often abstract elements. For example, clear knowledge and skills that can be transferred to someone are not the inner world of a person. This is an external, rather material world that has penetrated into a person and remains unchanged. But at the same time, if we are talking about a creative profession, then a person can express his inner world in paintings or in songs, but again, no matter how much he wants, he will not convey his “fuse.” That is why someone becomes a legendary singer, musician, artist, while someone remains unnoticed or quickly “fades away.”
  6. The inner world of a person consists of several interconnected and interdependent components. It is impossible to say unambiguously which of them is primary and which is secondary. However, if we differentiate them into biological and social, then perhaps the former (for example, abilities, temperament) trigger the formation of the inner world. Although, as social elements (experience, beliefs) accumulate, biological facts may turn out to be less influential.
  7. There is a theory according to which every person has hidden depths of the inner world. To activate them, you need either a collision between the external and internal worlds, or a conscious intellectual and spiritual search. That is, based on this theory, the answer to the question “Is it possible to develop, enrich, deepen inner peace?” will be positive.

Components of the inner world

According to the definition of Russian psychologist Vladimir Dmitrievich Shadrikov, the inner world of a person is “a need-emotional-informational substance that is formed during a person’s life on the basis of his individual properties and qualities and reflects the entire diversity of his existence.”

Thus, the inner world of a person includes both innate characteristics, for example, temperament, and acquired ones, for example, accumulated experience. Of course, you can write a separate article for each component. But since we are talking about their totality, in this material I want to briefly talk about each element of the inner world and how they are connected to each other.


Temperament refers to the innate properties of the psyche; in other words, it is a type of psyche. This is the speed of mental reactions, inhibition and excitation reactions. Unlike character, temperament is given to a person from birth.

It depends on the type of nervous system:

  • activity (“vigorous-slowness”, “swiftness-inertia”, “quickness-infantility”, transformation of external energy into internal energy, specificity of self-expression);
  • motor features (speed, pace, strength, sharpness);
  • emotionality (specific response to situations).

There are several theories of temperament. According to one, there are 4 types of people:

  1. Sanguine. Blood predominates in humans. The reactions of inhibition and excitation are strong, but at the same time they balance each other. The person is active. In practice, they often take on new things, help people, do not remain indifferent, clearly plan goals and achieve them, love life, and regularly broaden their horizons. However, emotions and feelings are often superficial.
  2. Phlegmatic person. Mucus predominates (of course, all this is in a figurative sense). The reactions of excitation and inhibition are strong, but inactive. Such a person is distinguished by his stinginess of reactions and emotions, endurance, and ability to adapt. You can hear the expression about him “he doesn’t let anyone into his inner world”, “slippery type”.
  3. Choleric. Yellow bile predominates. In such a person, reactions are unbalanced and strong, excitement prevails over inhibition. These are impetuous and nervous people. However, they are stable in their interests. Often in everyday life you can hear the phrase “he has a complex inner world” about them.
  4. Melancholic. Black bile predominates. The reactions of inhibition and excitation are weak. The person is characterized by emotionality and vulnerability. He is often in a state of internal struggle, reflection, and thoughtfulness. Poor in contacts and external manifestations of emotions, although in reality they are very deep. The phrase “fragile inner world” is about him.

However, there is no pure type; as a rule, we are talking about a combination of several, one of which predominates. A total of 24 combinations are possible.

Temperament largely determines a person's interests. The inner world, that is, its content, also depends on them, in turn. Interests are largely related to the characteristics of the physique and psyche, abilities. So, for example, according to another classification, three more types of temperament related to physique can be distinguished:

  1. Asthenic (schizothymic). He is a thin, wiry, tall man. He is stubborn and persistent, unsociable, and characterized by mood swings. Often such people spend time at home, reading books, working at the computer.
  2. Athlete (ixothymic). He is not flexible in his mind, he is impressionable and reserved. For this he often receives the title of superficial type.
  3. Pyknic type (cyclothymic). Externally it looks like a ball. He is distinguished by high communication skills, realistic views, and a wide range of emotions.

Extraversion – introversion

Another innate quality that determines the inner world.

  • For extroverts, energy is usually directed towards the environment. This makes their inner world more primitive, but their outer world is rich.
  • For introverts the opposite is true. All forces are aimed at working on oneself, creating one’s inner “corner” and keeping it intact.


These are innate personality characteristics that determine the individual’s greater success in any activity. Without constant development, abilities “die off.” Thus, it is important to find your passion and constantly improve your skills. Otherwise, a person may lose his uniqueness.

Inclinations are closely related to abilities. Inclinations are innate mental characteristics (rapid excitability, quick temporary connections, and so on). According to this principle, we can distinguish artistic, mental and average types:

  • The first is dominated by sensations, emotions, feelings, that is, wordless forms of perception; a holistic view of the world.
  • The second has verbal forms; differentiated perception.
  • The third type is balanced.

Every person has abilities. In their development they go through three stages: giftedness, talent, genius. Thus, a genius can be raised from every person.


This is the framework of the personality, formed in the process of interaction with the outside world. The unit of character is a trait. You can work on the trait system. To put it simply, character is the way a person reacts stereotypically to similar situations. Character is based on habits and innate characteristics.

Thus, it is a subjective representation of a person's social experience. This is how a person relates to life (others, himself, work, things, culture).

Motives and needs

The motivational-need sphere is the engine of a person. It determines his activity. Personal needs may be:

  • material (food, car, house);
  • spiritual (aesthetic, ethical, knowledge, recognition).

If the natural (biological) needs of all people are the same, then the social (cultural) needs depend on other components of the internal world and on the external space surrounding the individual.

  • Natural needs are associated with instincts.
  • Cultural - with will, experience, innate characteristics.

With the help of motives, we give meaning to any activity or stimulate ourselves. A set of stable motives that do not depend on external circumstances creates the direction of the individual. This also has a lot to do with inner peace. For example, against this background, people can be differentiated into selfish and unselfish, good and evil, in simpler terms.

  • Conscious motives include desires, interests, aspirations, inclinations, ideals, and beliefs.
  • Unconscious motives - attitudes. They come from the outside world (society, family), as a rule, and are formed in childhood. Attitudes are based on the individual's previous personal experience.

Values, beliefs, worldview

These are a person’s stable ideas about the world, himself and all internal and external connections. These are guidelines in life that determine the path of an individual. The structure of the worldview includes:

  • knowledge;
  • emotions;
  • norms and values;
  • actions.

All elements except the first are directly related to the inner world of a person. As a rule, values ​​and beliefs come from outside. However, they are based on innate characteristics.

Worldview is the inner world of a person. This is his personal life position. Worldview determines motives, which in turn, as we remember, dictate needs and behavior. However, behavior in turn is also determined by character and temperament.

Worldview implies the acceptance or non-acceptance of social norms, the prevailing way of life, and the environment. Why do some people from families of alcoholics emerge as worthy citizens, while others become just as alcoholics? It's all about worldview. Two people from our example missed the same situation, but through different prisms of perception. We are talking about innate mental differences, a changing environment, willpower, which, despite the same primary unfavorable conditions, gave different results.


Strong-willed is a person who is able to make decisions, make choices and bear responsibility for them. Often in this case, will is synonymous with freedom. A person builds his own life. Will determines consciousness and self-awareness as well.

Will is opposed to instincts. In many ways, the will determines the development of personality:

  • For example, when a person struggles with traumas, phobias and memories from suffering experienced in order to achieve internal balance.
  • Or when, despite the terrible feeling of hunger, he remains human (he doesn’t kill, doesn’t steal, but tries to find a job and honestly get a piece of bread).
  • Or, driven by the desire for revenge, he chooses a more moral act (pardon).

All this is included in the concept of “inner world”.

It is worth noting that it is the ability to think rationally, and not just follow instincts, that distinguishes us from animals. Will also allows us to concentrate our attention, go deeper into things, and focus on something. So, for example, the decision to expand your horizons and read an encyclopedia every day is a volitional decision. Will determines the organization, integrity and direction of a person’s inner world and life.

Emotions and feelings

As I already mentioned, emotionality is closely related to temperament. However, not all emotions are given at birth. Some are also formed in the process of education and self-education, personality development. The higher emotions, which play an important role in our topic, include the so-called social feelings:

  • moral,
  • intellectual,
  • practical,
  • aesthetic.

They depend on the person’s environment and the development of the entire society. However, this does not always happen. Have you ever heard the phrase (or perhaps felt) “I feel like I’m not from this generation.” Recently, for example, the aggressiveness and indifference of adolescents has increased significantly. However, there is always an individual about whom you can say “he has an old soul, he is not like that.” Feelings and emotions are perhaps the basis of the inner world. Through feelings, knowledge of the macroworld occurs, acceptance or non-acceptance of any phenomenon.

If a person considers himself “empty,” heartless, “who has sold his soul,” then we are talking about a feeling of loss of feelings. Yes, forgive the tautology, this happens. “Something burned out in me”, “I’m dead inside”, “She destroyed my inner world” - you can hear when communicating with such a person.

Experience, or accumulation of images

Why can different people perceive it differently when looking at the same picture, listening to the same song or watching the same movie? Or will someone not understand at all, while others will see the deep meaning?

It's all about the experience accumulated by our psyche, or rather images. You yourself may not always be aware of where they come from. And they are stored in the subconscious. Sometimes just one smell is enough for a situation to be perceived differently.


This is a person’s self-perception, that is, the idea of ​​oneself and “one’s own.” Self-image is closely related to beliefs and values. Moreover, mutual influence is noted. Within the framework of the self-concept, one can distinguish body image, self-image, ideal self and social self (how others see a person). Each element is connected to the others.

It depends on the self-concept:

  • internal consistency or inconsistency of personality;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-acceptance;
  • self-control;
  • self-approval.

The ideal self stimulates us to personal growth. However, like the social self (if the criticism is constructive). Through the Self-concept we filter incoming information and acquired experience. Because of this, people can see the same situation differently or, conversely, see themselves in the same situations differently.

The higher a person's level of self-acceptance, the more open they are and the better they accept other people. Often self-perception does not correspond to the real situation; a person has a distorted idea of ​​himself and the world around him. You can and should work on this and grow personally.


Thus, a person is a vessel that initially has certain “factory characteristics” (temperament). Then the inner world is the content with which a person fills himself and which is transformed under the influence of “factory settings”.

Each of the components described in the article is a puzzle of one mosaic called the “inner world.” This is a reflection of the world around him through the prism of his own feelings and emotions, needs, innate mental characteristics, acquired images, beliefs, desires and other elements. This is a person’s subjective (personal) representation of the world.

People with deep inner worlds are often called “difficult.” They are distinguished by their non-standard view of ordinary situations, they are reasonable, they see the world in several projections and scenarios at once, they are unique, and have good intuition. Of course, you want to communicate with such people, it’s interesting to be with them. But the question is: do they want it? And do you ultimately want to be someone who lives several lives at once, literally sees people and the world through, or, on the contrary, “understands nothing?”

Often such people are rejected and unaccepted by society because of their non-standard self-expression. In addition, they regularly face their own internal contradictions. They are acutely aware of social pain and injustice. To paraphrase a famous expression, their life can be called “grief from a deep and rich inner world.”

In conclusion, I would like to recommend you the book by V.D. Shadrikov “The World of Human Inner Life.” If you want to immerse yourself as deeply as possible into the topic of the inner world, then this is the ideal option. The book describes the essence of the inner world, its structure, functions, developmental features, the components and individual variants of their manifestations are analyzed in more detail, and even presents a comparative analysis of the inner world in normal conditions and in pathologies (mental disorders).

I hope that the time you have allocated for reading this material can be considered spent with benefit and interest. I would be glad if this resulted in positive changes in your inner world!

The inner world of a person is unique and inimitable; thanks to this phenomenon, people create works of art: painting, music, masterpieces of literature and cinema. The deep inner world of people enriches the planet and gives many useful discoveries.

What is the inner world of a person?

The concept of the inner world is very multifaceted, it can mean biological processes occurring in the body, such as the speed of connection of synapses, the location of internal organs, thinking processes, but to the same extent this concept can be attributed to the mental organization of a person, the state in which he is: harmony or chaos. Every person has an inner world, but for some it is the whole Universe, while for others it is a barely lit “small closet”.

The inner world of a woman

Men will never come closer to understanding what the inner world of a woman is like, because the beautiful representatives of humanity are a mystery to themselves. The inner female world is a treasury of different states, the ability to visualize events and phenomena and influence the world. If a woman is closed inside herself and does not allow herself to bloom and be beautiful, she will never inspire her man to achieve accomplishments. What helps a woman enrich her inner world:

  • communication with the Divine (singing mantras, heart-to-heart conversations with God);
  • reading developmental, psychological and spiritual literature;
  • handicrafts (the ones you like);
  • listening to classical music;
  • communication with friends, older women;
  • communication with nature.

The inner world of a man

Popular psychology describes a man’s inner world as a space in which he can indulge in dreams, thoughts, and psychologists believe that a man’s spiritual organization is more subtle and vulnerable than a woman’s. In his inner world, a man who is often externally successful is a little boy looking for approval and recognition that he could not get from his parents. A wise woman senses this and gives him respect and the opportunity to grow. Men contribute to the development of their inner world:

  • trips;
  • moderate austerities;
  • sport;
  • overcoming obstacles;
  • responsibility for the family;
  • sincere conversations with your soulmate.

Inner world of personality

What a person’s inner world consists of is difficult to describe - it is an individual phenomenon. Everything a person encounters throughout life leaves an imprint on the inner universe. Having encountered traumatic and tragic events in childhood, a person carries this within himself in the form of disharmony, expressed in phobias and neuroses; people with a “crippled” inner world attract failures in adulthood. A happy childhood forms in a person an internal image of a reliable island from which one can draw strength and heal the soul in the event of a life storm.

What does the inner world look like?

The deep inner world does not have a clear image in the usual sense; it cannot be touched or imposed a specific form. Each time it can be a different image or form, the content can be the same for a long time, if a person “sticks” to certain stereotypes, a rich inner world is in the person who strives for change and knowledge. The structure of a person’s inner world can be described in the following categories:

  • emotions– bright events are always accompanied by emotions and leave an imprint on the inner world;
  • feelings– (love, hatred, joy) are fueled by emotions and change the usual state of affairs;
  • worldview– is formed throughout life and has a great influence on the inner world; these are moral guidelines and principles.

How to know your inner world?

How to understand your inner world and not get lost? The ancient sages said: “Know yourself - you will know the world!” Man has differentiated phenomena and events into the categories of good and evil, while forgetting the truth that there is no absolute good and evil, therefore, getting to know themselves, people often pay attention to positive qualities, and shortcomings are ignored and not analyzed, but there is so much potential hidden there, without whose inner world is boring and insipid. To know yourself, you need to accept everything without reserve and decide to use it or transform what you don’t like about yourself into a new quality.

How to change your inner world?

Dissatisfaction with one's life, environment and events leads to the fact that a conscious person begins to wonder what is wrong with him, and how could things be different? Yes, a rich inner world is a true treasure, and if not, then it’s time to change. It is important to start with small steps - if you do everything at once, there is a risk of failure and no amount of motivation will help you further. Psychologists and esotericists give the following recommendations for changing the inner world:

  • work with the body (yogic practices, breathing techniques, basic daily exercises for the body - in a healthy body and the spirit will perk up);
  • mental practices - working with thoughts, filtering negative ones and replacing them with positive ones;

In order to change the internal content, it is important to stop:

  • condemn people;
  • engage in self-flagellation;
  • feel sorry for yourself.

Development of the inner world of man

The soul and inner world of a person are not in a frozen position and need constant development. A rich inner spiritual world nourishes the soul and its potential grows. From childhood, parents should instill in a child a sense of beauty, virtue and teach him to express himself and his emotions. Inner peace develops from simple actions and rituals:

  • correct - food should be medicine for the soul and body, everything with which a person fills himself becomes it;
  • interaction with nature - forests, water sources, clean air fill the body with energies;
  • helping other people and the ability to ask for help yourself in necessary cases - all people on higher planes are a single organism, helping others who need help, a person helps himself;
  • gratitude - to be in this state means to have a harmonious inner world, there is always something to thank life and God for;
  • the ability to rejoice and act from the circumstances offered by life, whatever they may be.

The inner and outer world of man

“Have you ever felt like you are out of favor with the universe?” – the heroine of the film “Cloud Atlas”, journalist Luisa Rey, asks physicist Isaac Sachs. What is this about? A person comes into this world with a specific mission and for trials. Inner worlds, outer worlds - everything is interconnected, they attract each other. People whose inner world is based on the desire to know the truth, the truth and the struggle for this may encounter an external world that will give them the basis for this struggle. Everything the inner world needs, the outer world provides it.

Books that shape a person's inner world

Good literature is like a friend and can even become a spiritual teacher for a person who knows himself. A read book for the soul and mind is time well spent, a huge resource and a “brick” in building the inner Universe. Books that shape a person’s inner world:

  1. « The Sage and the Art of Living» A. Meneghetti. Rise above everyday life, reason and answer useful questions proposed by the author: “Why did I come into this world?” “What is happiness?” "Who am I?"
  2. « A chest of magical stories. Therapeutic tales» N. Bezus. Traveling with the heroes of fairy tales, both children and adults will find something that is close to their beautiful inner world, touch the strings of the soul and provide a resourceful state.
  3. « Eat. Pray. Love» E. Gilbert. A book that became a worldwide bestseller and was brought to life on screen. The main character's struggles and search for support and love within herself. About how to find the light within yourself.
  4. « How to organize your inner world» G. MacDonald. The inner world can be like a blooming garden, beautiful and harmonious, or it can be in chaos, as a result of which the world, like a mirror, brings down problems on a person.
  5. « Life without limits» Nick Vujicic. A happy man with a rich inner world, who warms people with just a smile and a glance - he knows how to be happy - God did not give him arms and legs, but gave him a heart full of love.