How is the Allen test performed? Special methods for examining the cervical spine

In case of illness respiratory tract inhalations are effective local treatment. They help moisten dry coughs, thin mucus, facilitate its easier removal, and relieve sore throat. Doctors recommend inhalation for asthma to eliminate spasms, it is useful this procedure and with such complex diseases, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis. However, most often these procedures are used for colds, pharyngitis and bronchitis.

Indications for treatment

Inhalation has been used in the treatment of colds since time immemorial, and it has always been effective remedy treated cough, and viral diseases helped stop the progression of the disease “inside the body.” Previously, inhalations were usually done:

  • if you have a dry cough during a cold;
  • if the cough is wet, but sputum discharge is difficult.

This list has now been expanded, and home inhalations are also shown:

  • for bronchitis to thin sputum;
  • for sore throats, pharyngitis, laryngitis to relieve inflammation and relieve pain;
  • during asthma attacks (only with special inhalers);
  • during rehabilitation after suffering from pneumonia.

However effective inhalation will only be subject to certain rules for its implementation. Sometimes this simple procedure can significantly worsen the patient's condition.

Types of inhalations at home

At home, the easiest way is to inhale over steam. Also sold in pharmacy chains large number nebulizers suitable for home use. When performing inhalation over a saucepan or kettle, the patient breathes hot steam, the steam particles are large and they can only penetrate the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Such procedures moisturize and lubricate the upper respiratory tract; inhalations are effective for colds, flu, laryngitis, and pharyngitis.

If a nebulizer configured for medium particles is used, then the drug mixtures reach the small bronchi and bronchioles. This type of inhalation is indicated for bronchitis. Treatment of the lower respiratory tract and lungs is carried out in a hospital setting, and the use of procedures with a nebulizer setting for small particles is indicated only after consulting a doctor.

Mistake No. 1. Using a nebulizer for other purposes is one of common mistakes home treatment. The regulator needs to be correctly adjusted to the size of the particles that penetrate the bronchi during the treatment of colds.

Suitable for carrying out the procedure at home:

  • Steam inhalation over a pan of hot steam. They are indicated for colds, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Warm steam moisturizes dry mucous membranes, helps to liquefy and remove mucus, which makes coughing easier and relieves painful sensations in the throat.
  • Inhalation over the spout of the kettle. They are carried out for laryngitis, acute respiratory viral infections, and influenza. They are designed to moisturize the nasopharynx, tonsils, and disinfect the oral cavity from microorganisms.
  • Inhalations with a nebulizer ( steam inhaler) are cold procedures. Here the patient breathes not steam, but a split suspension of water and medicine, their temperature is not higher than +30 °C. The place of humidification is selected using the regulator: when set to large particles, the medicinal suspension enters the nasopharynx, with medium particles it reaches the bronchi, and when set to small particles it enters the lungs.

Both home-prepared formulations and medications purchased at the pharmacy are used as medicinal mixtures for inhalation.

Mistake No. 2. Using homemade formulations for the nebulizer. They clog the sprayer, and when applied essential oils make it difficult for the patient to breathe.

The general rule is this: for steam inhalations take homemade compositions, for nebulizers - pharmaceutical drugs, diluted in saline solution.

Among the frequently used and effective compositions for inhalation over steam are:

  • Baking soda. For the procedure you need to take 4 tsp. substances for every liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, and then removed from the heat and inhaled. The composition thins mucus, removes inflammation, and eliminates attacks of dry cough.
  • Alkaline mineral water (still). It is used in the same way as soda solution.
  • Boiled potatoes. This classic version inhalations, which are used for colds. You need to take medium-sized potatoes in their skins and boil them in boiling water. Then grind it into a puree along with the peel, and sprinkle the paste with dry soda on top. Breathe over the steam until the hot mixture releases it.
  • Onion juice. Add onion juice to boiling water (one medium onion per 1 liter of water) for flu, all types respiratory infections, viral pharyngitis and laryngitis. The remedy is used at the very beginning of the disease, before fever appears.
  • Garlic juice. For inhalation, you need 3-5 peeled and crushed cloves for every liter of boiling water. Directions for use: same as onion juice. This recipe is used for prevention during epidemics. For preventive purposes, inhalations are carried out for no longer than 7 minutes.
  • Essential oils. Cedar, eucalyptus, sandalwood, bergamot, anise, fir, spruce are suitable for steam procedures; you need to take one type or 2-3 at the rate of 3 drops for every 200 ml of boiling water. Such procedures are good for relieving inflammation and hyperemia in case of sore throat, and soothing cough.

Error No. 3. Inhalation when the temperature rises above 37.2 °C. For diseases with fever (temperature above +37.6 °C) steam inhalations prohibited. This worsens the patient's condition.

Features of steam procedures

When carrying out the procedure, the following rules are observed:

  • The pan is placed on the table when sitting at the table, or on the knees if on the bed, but in both cases a folded cloth is placed under it (the bottom is hot).
  • The lid is not opened until they cover themselves with a towel and begin to breathe.
  • Do not bend too low over the hot steam, so as not to burn the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.
  • While breathing over the steam, cover your head and shoulders with a bath towel or blanket (required).
  • The procedure takes no more than 15 minutes for an adult.
  • During inhalation, if the throat is being treated, then inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. If you have a nose, then, on the contrary, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

For inhalation with a nebulizer, use only saline solution and pharmaceutical products. Do not fill the tank with herbal decoctions or soda solution. Among the products that can be used with a nebulizer at home are:

  • Saline solution. An excellent moisturizer that relieves itchiness and redness.
  • Alkaline mineral waters: Essentuki (4, 17), Borjomi. They are indicated for sore throats, colds, and pharyngitis.
  • Soda buffer. Special soda for inhalation with a nebulizer. Suitable for colds, pharyngitis and flu. Helps remove mucus and moisten the throat.
  • ACC (aminocaproic acid). Rather, it is a prophylactic drug that is prescribed for colds in complex treatment.
  • Immunomodulators: Interferon, Derinat. Used at the very beginning of the disease: ARVI, influenza, viral rhinitis and laryngitis, as well as for prevention.
  • Pharmacy alcohol tinctures chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, Rotokan, Tonsilgon N, Malavit. Treat colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis.
  • Antiseptics: Miramistin, Chlorophyllipt, Decasan. They are used for rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis.
  • Mucolytics: Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Fluimucil, ACC. Used for bronchitis, they help to liquefy viscous sputum and remove it.
  • Bronchodilators: Berodual, Berotek. Prescribed to relieve asthma attacks and prevent the development of bronchospasm in false croup.
  • Antibiotics: Dioxidin (the most popular), Ceftriaxone. They are also used to treat the upper respiratory tract and bronchi. However, these drugs are used even when other drugs have not helped get rid of upper respiratory tract diseases.
  • Glucocorticosteroids: Pulmicort, Dexamethasone, Cromhexal. Used to relieve spasms. Inhalations with Pulmicort effectively stop attacks false croup(it affects children under three years of age).

Medicines are always diluted with saline; the ratio is determined by the doctor in each specific case. For children, consultation with a pediatrician is required before inhalation.. Many drugs are not used in pediatric practice. Medicines prescribed for children differ in dosage and duration of the procedure.

Features of inhalation with a nebulizer:

  • Before using the device, be sure to read the instructions.
  • Fill the reservoir with medication for one procedure.
  • Treat children under the supervision of an adult.
  • During the procedure you cannot talk, read, or watch TV.
  • After the end of the session, all removable parts, the mask and the reservoir are washed boiled water and dry. This must be done after each procedure.
  • You cannot put essential oils and other homemade compounds into the nebulizer; the device may be damaged.

Before use, you should check the regulator settings.

Inhalations for children

The use of an inhaler is indicated for babies up to one year old; at this age, special masks are used for them, which allow the procedure to be carried out lying down, while the baby is sleeping. Adults provide the child with peace during the period of manipulation. For example, they read a book, or just talk to him if the child is not sleeping.

The duration of the procedure for children depends on the drug and the age of the baby.

For small child up to three years of age, it is carried out only after consultation with a pediatrician. The doctor determines the remedy itself, the dosage and duration of the procedure for each specific case, and will tell you how to carry out the treatment correctly.

Mistake No. 4. Self-prescribing therapy for a child in best case scenario will not help, and at worst, it will provoke a more complex disease.

Steam inhalations for children up to three years old are not carried out due to high risk the occurrence of laryngospasm. For older children, they are done if the procedure is well tolerated by the child. Adults must be present with children during the procedure.

Duration of steam manipulation for children to school age is up to 5 minutes, for junior schoolchildren- up to 10 minutes, for teenagers - up to 15.

Parts of the nebulizer that need to be washed

When manipulation is not done

Sometimes inhalation can be harmful. To the reasons that don't allow you to breathe medicinal mixtures, include:

  • the patient's temperature is above 37.2;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of seizures in the baby;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • epilepsy or other diseases of the central nervous system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • suffered a stroke or heart attack.

The procedure is carried out 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals. At the end of the inhalation, the patient is changed into dry clothes. He is not allowed to drink, eat, smoke or talk for the next hour. Bed rest must be observed for two hours after the procedure; at the same time, you should not go out into the cold.

Mistake No. 5. Failure to comply with bed rest after inhalation. This behavior does not contribute to healing, but leads to a worsening of the patient’s condition.

Inhalations are effective way get rid of cough, choking and sore throat, but treatment must be carried out correctly, observing all the rules and restrictions. Otherwise, it will not only not have the desired effect, but may also cause harm to the patient.

Inhaling vapors of medicinal herbs and drugs improves sputum discharge, moisturizes the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx, and relieves inflammation. Carrying out inhalation at home relieves colds, helps cope with coughs, sore throats, and runny nose. To carry them out, you need to have a regular teapot, a small saucepan or a special device on hand - a nebulizer.

For ailments associated with diseases of the upper respiratory tract (cough, runny nose, stuffy nose), four types of inhalations are used:

  • steam;
  • heat-moist;
  • wet;
  • oil

To carry out steam inhalations at home, you do not need to have special equipment. The temperature of the inhaled steam should be maintained between 45 and 55 °C. Steam is used to treat just the beginning of a cold, which is accompanied by a cough, poor mucus discharge, sore throat, liquid discharge from the nose. They use infusions medicinal herbs, essential oils, pharmaceutical products.

The solution for warm-moist inhalation is heated to 40-45 °C. It contains medications that have anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator properties. It could be like simple remedies: salt, soda, saline solution, and hormonal medications and mucolytic drugs. This type of physiotherapy helps improve the discharge of phlegm from the lungs; it is practiced when inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.

To carry out wet inhalations, purchase a nebulizer. With its help, ENT diseases are treated at home using medications of different effects:

  • antibacterial;
  • antihistamine;
  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial.

The operating temperature of the treatment solution is from 30 to 40 °C. The device is convenient to use; it makes inhalation easy for infants and young children.

Essential oils contain medicinal substances in concentrated form. Using oil inhalation, inflammation of the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx is relieved. To carry out the aromatic procedure, take water heated to 50 °C.

What can you do with inhalations?

Options medicines There are many that can be used for home inhalations. Medicines help in the treatment of respiratory diseases traditional medicine and pharmaceutical drugs.

For rhinitis

On early stage Warming up with steam helps the disease. Eliminate nasal congestion, reduce the volume of mucus, restore nasal breathing can be done using infusions prepared from medicinal herbs:

  • calendula (flowers);
  • chamomile;
  • linden flowers;
  • mint;
  • yarrow.

Boiled potatoes in their jackets help a lot, lightly knead them directly in the pan and breathe over the steam. The steam procedure reduces cold symptoms, warms all parts of the nasopharynx, and suppresses reproduction pathogenic microflora. Enhance the effect by adding 4-7 drops of aroma oil. Fir, anise, and thyme are good for a runny nose.

  • raspberry fruits (3 tsp), eucalyptus (1 tsp), calendula flowers (1 tsp);
  • celandine (1 tsp), chamomile (2 tsp), St. John's wort (1 tsp), yarrow (3 tsp);
  • plantain (2 tsp), celandine (2 tsp), mint (3 tsp).

The collection components are crushed and mixed in the specified proportions. For brewing, take 4 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture and boil for 5 minutes.

Adults and during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman’s life; at this time the body is more susceptible to colds than usual. The fetus may be harmed by taking medicines Therefore, the choice of treatment regimen is approached with extreme caution.

Inhalation procedures using saline are safe for expectant mothers. They treat wet cough, nasal congestion due to rhinitis. At elevated temperatures, inhalations must be abandoned.

Linden decoction helps with attacks of dry cough. Take 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. crushed raw materials, boil for 2 minutes, breathe in healing vapors, covered with a blanket. It is useful for mothers and safe for the fetus to inhale warm vapors of mineral water during a dry cough.

Pour 0.5 cups of Borjomi into 1 liter of heated water and calmly and deeply inhale the alkaline vapors. Inhalation procedures are carried out 2 to 3 times a day. When coughing and sore throats, breathe through the mouth, and when you have a runny nose, inhale steam through your nose.

For children

For a child with a cold, inhalation is given for about 5 minutes. Folk remedies do not cause allergies. The doctor recommends steam procedures at the first sign of a respiratory disease, if the child’s body temperature is normal.

Among plants, children are allowed to use infusions of eucalyptus, sage, and chamomile. Potato steam, inhalation with soda, salt, propolis (aqueous solution), and mineral water will not harm the child. Among the medications, the doctor may prescribe for inhalation:

  • "Pertussin";
  • "Mukaltin";
  • "Berodual";
  • "Atrovent";
  • "ACC";
  • "Lazolvan."

How to make an inhaler correctly

Those who are used to doing everything in the house with their own hands have no problem constructing inhalers from scrap materials. The fastest way to build a device for steam procedures is from a small teapot (teapot) and a sheet of A4 writing paper.

A funnel is made from it, which serves as an analogue of a mask for inhaling steam. Insert it into the spout of the kettle. When heated, vapors come out through a spout and a paper funnel. It is convenient to inhale them, they are concentrated in one place.

Rules for inhalation at home

Incorrectly performed inhalation will bring harm to the sick person instead of benefit. First of all, if you have symptoms of illness, go to the doctor. Only a specialist can say for sure whether a patient needs steam procedures, in what quantity and quality.

Before starting aerosol (steam) treatment, familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. It includes the following items:

  • age limit - from 0 to 2 years;
  • purulent processes in the nasopharynx;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medicinal (herbal) product;
  • serious pulmonary and cardiovascular pathologies;
  • tendency to nosebleeds;
  • increase in body temperature.

If all of the listed contraindications are not relevant to the patient, then he can choose the method of performing the procedure and the type of inhalation.


If the doctor prescribes pharmaceuticals for inhalation therapy, you will have to purchase a nebulizer. They are always on sale, so all that remains is to decide on the type of device, there are only three of them:

  • compression;
  • ultrasonic;
  • mesh nebulizer.

The compression device is suitable for coughs. Spraying of drugs occurs in fairly large drops. Solutions are used in several types: medicinal, herbal, oil.

The entire procedure can be described as a sequence of stages:

  • At the first stage, the device is filled with a medicinal solution; its volume cannot exceed 4 ml.
  • The next step is to rinse and dry the mask. She washes only with soft detergents, diluted in warm water.
  • The dry mask is put on and adjusted to the size of the face using clamps.
  • The duration of the procedure for a child is 5 minutes, an adult inhales the medicine until it ends.
  • The inhalation ends by washing all parts of the device.

Additionally, you need to follow some more rules. Do not smoke before and after the procedure for 60 minutes, take food 1.5 hours before (after) inhalation. If the problem is a runny nose, then the medicine is inhaled through the nose and released through the mouth.

Steam treatments

Observing general rules inhalations, achieve success in the treatment of ENT diseases. For colds, doctors recommend using baking soda at home. It disinfects mucous tissues and neutralizes harmful microorganisms.

Soda inhalation is carried out no more than 2 times a day. At the same time, the steam temperature is always monitored. It should not exceed 55 °C. Soda solution recipe:

  • hot water (55 °C) - 1 l;
  • soda - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • iodine - 1 drop.

Inhaling the vapors of onion and garlic helps with a cold. The heads are cleaned, crushed to a pasty state, take 50 g of each ingredient, mix with 2 tbsp. l. boiling water and inhale medicinal vapors for 10 minutes.

You should have a bottle of eucalyptus oil at home. At the first sign cold runny nose You need to make an inhalation solution of boiling water (1 l) and 5 drops of aroma oil once a day. The duration of the procedure is only 10 minutes.

To avoid getting burned by hot steam, you need to know how to breathe correctly during the procedure. Most often, inhalation injuries - burns of the mucous membrane - occur during steam procedures over a pan. It depends on the type of cold whether you breathe through your nose or mouth. If you have a runny nose, do this with your nose, if you have a cough, do it with your mouth. Breathing should always be calm and measured.

Basic mistakes: bending low towards a container with hot liquid, sharply inhaling vapors, starting the procedure when the working solution is at a high temperature. To avoid burns, children under 8 years of age inhalation treatment It is recommended to use steam only with a nebulizer. The above describes how to do inhalation with its help.

Inhalations at home without an inhaler

Without an inhaler, the procedure is carried out using a pan or other container. There is always a risk of getting a burn, so this method of treatment is not recommended for children, the elderly, patients with poor coordination of movements and those who are overexcited.

How to make the procedure as effective as possible in terms of treatment and as comfortable as possible, everyone decides for themselves. Everyone will benefit from simple tips:

  • The handles of the container are not metal;
  • The walls of the pan and the bottom are thick, retaining heat for a long time;
  • furniture for the steam procedure includes a table and a comfortable chair; do not place the pan on your knees or on a soft surface, as it may tip over;
  • You will need 2 large terry towels, wrap one tightly around the sides of the pan, and cover your head with the second.

Before using medicinal solutions with herbs, medications, and aromatic oils, exclude the possibility of allergic reactions.

To achieve therapeutic effect control the temperature of the treatment solution, observe the recommended duration and frequency of steam procedures, do not start treatment immediately after a meal, do not eat, drink drinks, do not talk, do not smoke after its completion for 30-60 minutes.

For a sore throat it is very simple and effective remedy. The main thing here is to start at the initial stages. But sometimes, due to certain circumstances or laziness, we do not start treatment immediately and a sore throat develops into a cough. Inhalation is an excellent remedy for colds and coughs. For sore throat medical workers Inhalations are not recommended.

I remember before there were no inhalers like there are now. They did inhalations over a saucepan or kettle. Basically it was a saucepan with a decoction of herbs and a blanket to cover on top. Moreover, it was effective and people recovered without medications.

How to make cough inhalations at home

Inhalations are sometimes a salvation that help with a runny nose, cough, colds. Previously, I remember, my mother always treated us only folk remedies. And they bought medicines only in extreme cases, and then only as prescribed by a doctor.

But before carrying out inhalations, it is best to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for their implementation, as well as contraindications. We only need positive result. Everything should be only for the good.

Can children have inhalations?

Children can have inhalations if prescribed by the attending physician; you should not self-medicate. If you do inhalations over steam, then everything must be under the supervision of adults. Children under three years of age are not recommended to inhale over steam. School-age children can do inhalations as prescribed by a doctor and under adult supervision.

If you have a nebulizer, use inhalations only after consulting a doctor, as the doctor monitors the child’s condition and prescribes correct treatment and drugs. A nebulizer is usually used for more serious illnesses.

Basic rules for inhalation:

  • It is very important to take your temperature before inhalation. If the temperature is above 37 degrees, then inhalation is not worth doing.
  • Some herbs or essential oils may cause allergies. Give the first inhalation a test inhalation for about 2 minutes to determine if you have an allergy. For allergy sufferers I recommend inhalation with mineral water or baking soda.
  • I would especially like to note that inhalation should be done a couple of hours after eating. And after inhalation, it is better not to eat for about an hour.
  • It is very important to follow all the rules. When the water boils, wait a couple of minutes and then breathe over the steam. Do not lean too low over the steam to avoid burns to the upper respiratory tract.
  • If you breathe over a saucepan or kettle, be sure to wrap yourself in a towel or warm blanket. After inhalation, change into dry clothes.
  • After inhalation, you should not talk for about half an hour, and you should not go outside.
  • Special attention I would like to point out that the duration of inhalation should be 10 minutes.
  • Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, it is important that the clothes do not squeeze your chest.
  • Prepare the solution for inhalation at home, immediately before use. After inhalation, the solution must be poured out and cannot be reused.
  • When you cough, inhale the solution through your mouth, and when you have a runny nose, inhale it through your nose. Calmly inhale and exhale the steam, without haste.

For bronchitis, inhalations with soda and herbal decoction are useful. For a sore throat, you can do inhalations with essential oils: eucalyptus, fir, pine, etc. For a runny nose, you can use pine inhalations, inhalations with fir oil, and also soar your feet if there is no temperature. Don't forget to drink warm and plenty of fluids.

For any cold, the best thing to do is bed rest. Start treatment immediately, do not start the disease so that the condition does not worsen.

What can you do with inhalations?

Inhalation with baking soda. Soda is most often used. Or add a little soda to the herbal decoction. Baking soda thins mucus and promotes its removal. Our pediatrician once recommended inhalation with soda for coughing.

Soda inhalation is very easy to do. Add a spoon to a liter of boiled water baking soda. You should not pour the soda into boiling water, but immediately before the procedure, that is, a couple of minutes after the water boils.

Coniferous inhalations. Most often we used pine needles, but you can use spruce and fir needles. Very good effect I use it for runny nose, colds and coughs. If there are no pine needles, then you can use pine essential oils for inhalation at home. A couple of drops of essential oil per liter of water is enough.

Inhalations with medicinal herbs. Inhalations with medicinal herbs are very common. In addition to ease of use, efficiency can also be added. herbal decoction. Most often brewed are sage, oregano, coltsfoot, chamomile, eucalyptus, linden, pine buds, lavender, mint, cedar needles. All these herbs have wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant properties. Reduces sore throat, cough, and sore throat.

Usually several herbs are mixed. But you can brew one herb without mixing it with other herbs. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of herbs and add a liter of water, put on fire and bring the herbs to a boil. Immediately before inhalation, you can add a spoonful of soda to the herbal decoction.

We always did inhalations with pine needles, chamomile, eucalyptus, coltsfoot and water with the addition of baking soda. As a rule, improvements are observed after just a few procedures.

Inhalations with mineral water. We use mineral water for inhalation with a nebulizer. We buy Borjomi water at the pharmacy, on the advice of a doctor. The doctor prescribes the time and proportions for us.

Before use, the water must be degassed; open the bottle and leave it open for about three hours. If you don’t have a professional inhaler, then heat the water in a saucepan to 45-50 degrees, now you can breathe above the steam.

Inhalations with boiled potatoes. I remember as a child, my mother often did this inhalation, it was very simple and accessible. We will boil the potatoes in their skins. The potatoes need to be washed well, boiled, and the water must be drained. Let the potatoes cool for a couple of minutes and breathe over the steam, wrapped in a blanket or towel.

Inhalations with essential oils. I use essential oil for colds and coughs tea tree. I drip it into the aroma lamp, you can drop a drop on a handkerchief or palm and inhale the aroma. I want to say that you need to take only high-quality essential oils. You can use fir, pine, and eucalyptus oil. I have Primavera oils. It copes well with any cold without medication. copes well not only with colds, but also with many other diseases. The truth is in combination with rinsing and warm teas from raspberries, black currants, viburnum, herbal teas.

Inhalations must be done carefully so as not to get burned by the steam, so as not to spill the broth and not get burned by boiling water. Precautions are very important.

How often should you inhale?

Inhalation is medical procedure, which must be combined with warm drink, gargling. You can steam your feet if you don't have a fever. That is, you need to be treated in a complex manner.

Inhalations are recommended to be done for 7-10 days in a row, that is, until recovery. We do inhalations once a day until the condition improves, since steam inhalations dry out the mucous membrane. A very simple and affordable way to breathe over a decoction of herbs, boiled potatoes, or do inhalations with soda.

Contraindications for inhalation

  • Often a cough or cold is accompanied by a high fever. At a temperature, inhalation is contraindicated, as is steaming your feet.
  • For nosebleeds or tendency to nosebleeds.
  • If you have high blood pressure or if you are prone to high blood pressure. For cardiovascular diseases.
  • With pulmonary tuberculosis, with purulent processes.
  • In case of angina, inhalations are also contraindicated.

In case of unpleasant symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, difficulty breathing, etc., the procedure should be stopped immediately.

Inhalations are carried out for children and adults at the first signs of the disease. For sore throat, cough, bronchitis, colds, runny nose. But again, I would like to repeat that everything needs to be done as prescribed by the doctor.

Doing inhalations using an inhaler is an ideal option. But if there is no special device, then we can breathe with a saucepan or a kettle. If you are breathing over a pan, then you need to lean over it and wrap yourself in a blanket. And if it is above a kettle, then the spout of the kettle must be closed. You can make a funnel of paper or cardboard and place it in the wide part of the kettle, and then breathe over the steam. Inhalations at home are a simple and affordable method of treatment.

Inhalations, along with taking various lozenges, are a good way to combat the unpleasant symptoms of ENT ailments. In addition to the beneficial effect on affected organs and membranes, inhalation procedures significantly strengthen local immunity respiratory system, which helps speed up the process of organized therapy.

To obtain the proper effect, inhalation must be carried out correctly, in compliance with the correct order and all its nuances. About this and much more useful information regarding inhalation procedures, read today.

Inhalation is one of the typical and used therapeutic techniques. It is never the basis of any therapy, but it always helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms illness and speeding up the process of its treatment.

The list of diseases for which inhalation procedures will be really useful and effective is quite long. As a rule, inhalations are used for:

  • exacerbations of chronic diseases of the respiratory system
  • ARVI of many formations and any complexity
  • fungal diseases of an ENT nature
  • bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis
  • cystic fibrosis
  • final stages of treatment
  • respiratory complications of HIV infection
  • need for prevention stagnation in the human respiratory system

To put it simply, any pathology accompanied by and is already theoretically an indirect prescription for inhalation. Despite this, the specific properties of some diseases are a contraindication to the implementation of inhalation procedures, so before the latter it is extremely important to exclude their presence.

The optimal solution when prescribing inhalations is a consultation with a doctor.

Do not forget that self-medication may not always be sufficiently justified and effective. In the absence of the proper knowledge, it is better not to experiment even with, at first glance, completely safe inhalations. It should be remembered that in the process of treating pathologies of the body, the main thing is not to harm, therefore it is undesirable to ignore visits to the doctor.


As was rightly noted above, inhalations are not always possible. Due to some specificity - exposure to steam, inhalation procedures have a number of contraindications.

Typical ones are:

  1. elevated body temperature
  2. exposure to
  3. ailments cardiovascular system medium and high severity
  4. pulmonary insufficiency and other lung problems
  5. high sensitivity to the components of the inhalation solutions used
  6. presence of ulcers in the respiratory system
  7. age up to 2 years

Particular attention should be paid to the use of inhalations for ongoing allergies. The fact is that not every allergic reaction of the body is able to react normally to the steam entering it and can intensify.

Whether this is possible in a particular case cannot be determined by a person without special medical knowledge. Therefore, our resource strongly recommends that people sensitive to allergens be extremely careful and attentive in terms of inhalation. Otherwise, you can use this therapy method without much fear.

Methods of performing inhalation procedures

All inhalation procedures, formally, should be divided into two types according to the type of implementation:

  • The first ones are implemented through the use of specialized devices ().
  • The second is carried out using improvised means (usually inhaling vapors over a container with a very hot inhalation solution).

Naturally, when using special devices, the efficiency of the procedure is noticeably higher. This is due to the fact that the mask we put on eliminates the risk of evaporation of inhalation vapors, and they all reach required areas respiratory system.

Despite this, proper inhalation with improvised means is also quite effective. Which method is better to resort to – decide for yourself. We can only recommend the use of nebulizers, but if there is no possibility of purchasing them, then you should not despair either, because there are, so to speak, old-fashioned methods of inhalation.

Optimal frequency of events

Nebulizer - an effective and safe device for inhalation

Many people being treated at home are interested in how often should inhalations be carried out? In fact, this question is quite multifaceted and it is difficult to give an exact answer, especially without knowing the specifics of a particular clinical case.

Naturally, important role in determining the frequency is the illness the patient has. But given the diversity possible diseases, you should start from the inhalation technique used.

Judging by the reviews of many doctors, it is optimal to carry out inhalations:

  • 2 times a day (in the morning and before bedtime) when using steam inhalations
  • 3-5 times a day when using dry inhalation (inhalation of onion, garlic vapor, etc.)

It is very important to follow the basics of inhalation procedures. These include, for example, the duration of one event – ​​10-15 minutes. You should also monitor how the body reacts to the operations performed.

If inhalations are effective and have a positive effect on the patient, then there is no need to refuse them. Otherwise, at a minimum, you should reduce the frequency of implementation of the procedures, and even better, completely abandon them by finding an appropriate alternative.

The procedure for inhalation

Inhalation procedures are, of course, an inexperienced component of therapy, but they have some peculiarities. To obtain the proper effect from inhalation, it is extremely important to comply with these rules, otherwise the operations being implemented will be useless. The truly correct order of inhalations is as follows:

First of all, it is important to decide on the type of procedure to be performed. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • what inhalation technique will be used - using improvised means or hardware
  • how high will the temperature of the inhalation solution be - cold (up to 30 degrees Celsius), warm-moist (up to 50) and completely steam (more than 50)

Much will depend on the conclusions drawn - choice inhalation drugs, duration of the procedure and its technique.

So, having decided on the method of inhalation, you will have to prepare the appropriate medicinal solution. The technique of its manufacture will be discussed below. In short, when using nebulizers, its essence lies in the exact dosage of some ready-made drugs, and when implementing inhalations with improvised means, it lies in the preparation of certain products and their preparation.

After the solution is prepared, inhalation is carried out directly in compliance with the required rules.

Note! The time and frequency of inhalation procedures for children under 14 years of age should be halved compared to how they are performed for adults.

By the way, about the rules for inhalation procedures. They are different for hardware and non-hardware techniques. In the case of the first, you need:

  1. inhale the vapors until the prepared solution has completely evaporated (if the correct dosages are observed, otherwise, breathe them for no more than 8 minutes)
  2. During the operation, breathe evenly and deeply
  3. do not be distracted by anything and carry out the procedure in a single, continuous manner, even for a few seconds

When using improvised means, you must:

  1. breathe in pairs for 10-20 minutes
  2. cover yourself with a fabric that is poorly permeable to air and sit over a container with a source of vapor
  3. also, do not be distracted from the implementation of the operation and breathe evenly, deeply

In general, the described inhalation rules are extremely simple to follow, so you should not ignore them. Do not forget that the effectiveness of not only the inhalations themselves, but also the entire course of therapy depends on the competent implementation of these.

The best products for inhalation procedures

Perhaps, along with observing the inhalation technique, it is extremely important to properly prepare the inhalation solution during the inhalation process. Dosages, manufacturing methods and other features of the products used should be determined exclusively by the treating doctor.

But, if this is not possible, you can turn to the use of completely safe, generally accepted and easy-to-prepare solutions.

First of all, let’s pay attention to nebulizer products, namely:

  • Pure saline solution. The amount should be determined experimentally by pouring about 30 milliliters and seeing if they are enough for 7-8 minutes of continuous inhalation. This duration, by the way, is optimal for safe inhalation procedures using hardware.
  • Narzan or Borjomi. In principle, they do not have any special differences from saline in terms of use. The only thing that should be noted is the specificity of the use of inhalations mineral waters. It is better to carry them out for 5-6 minutes, no more.
  • Interferon. It is used strictly according to the instructions supplied with it, which describe in detail the dosages for each age.
  • Essential oils. The optimal solution would be to add 15-20 drops of these in that amount saline solution, which is enough for 7 minutes of inhalation procedures. Such a symbiosis will be the most convenient, safe and effective in terms of treatment. Essential oils in pure form cannot be used.
  • Herbal decoctions (, etc.). For high-quality inhalation of the respiratory tract, 20 milliliters per procedure is enough. At positive reaction For herbal inhalations, the amount of solution used can be increased, but not significantly (up to 30-35 milliliters).

You can learn more about inhalations from the video:

Why does your mouth dry out and how to get rid of the unpleasant symptom?

Inhalation solutions for “grandfather’s” inhalations can be prepared in three main ways:

  • The first is to boil the potatoes and onions. For this inhalation product, you will need to take a saucepan with 3 liters of water, place 3-5 medium potatoes and one peeled onion in it. The resulting mixture should be brought to a boil, and then used to inhale the vapors. It is also permissible to use this solution a second time, but there should not be more than a day between adjacent inhalations, otherwise their effectiveness will be practically zero.
  • The second is to inhale the vapors of onion, garlic or horseradish root. In this case, it is necessary to grate about 50-100 grams of the marked products and use the raw materials as a source of inhalation vapors.
  • The third is to mix water and any of the essential oils. It is advisable to heat the resulting mixture, as in the case of potatoes. It can be heated to a boil or to medium temperatures - it all depends on the individual preferences of the patient. Remember: the lower the temperature of the inhalation solution, the longer the inhalation procedure should be carried out (up to a half-hour period).

Before using any of the described methods, be sure to eliminate the risks allergic reaction on the components of the products used. Otherwise, inhalations will only cause harm, intensifying the course of existing respiratory tract pathology.

Summarizing today's story about inhalation procedures, let's pay attention to the advantages this method therapy. In general, with the exception of existing contraindications, inhalations are characterized exclusively on the positive side.

Their most significant advantages are:

  • Beneficial effects on the mucous membranes and organs of the respiratory system. Thus, when the respiratory tract is dry, inhalations moisturize them, increasing the secretion of mucus, and during normal functioning, they tone and improve general immunity. Also, inhalation procedures increase the rejection of a runny nose, which greatly speeds up the fight against the main cause of respiratory pathologies.
  • Giving tone to the entire body, which occurs due to stabilization respiratory function. This, by the way, is observed with inhalation therapy for absolutely any ailment.
  • Eliminating the causes of cough and enhancing the processes of liquefaction and sputum discharge. This happens due to the beneficial effects of inhalation on the human bronchi. By gently acting on them, steam not only stimulates increased production of sputum, but makes its discharge more pleasant and painless. In addition, inhalation procedures eliminate bronchospasms, which helps to at least temporarily neutralize the cough reflex.
  • Strengthening local immunity respiratory system, which, again, speeds up the process of therapy for absolutely any ailment. Inhalation procedures have this property due to the fact that high temperatures steam and its components almost always kill unfavorable microflora.
  • Simplicity and speed of procedures. Perhaps no one will argue with this. On average, one full inhalation with the preparation of all necessary means takes no more than 20-30 minutes. Compared to many other procedures, inhalation measures are much more economical in terms of time spent. This is especially beneficial considering high efficiency inhalations.

As you can see, inhalation procedures are characterized exclusively positively. Naturally, all the advantages are achieved only with the competent and systematic implementation of all inhalation measures. We hope that the material presented today was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good health to you!

It's so easy to catch a cold during the cold season. A sick person wants to get rid of an unpleasant sore throat, runny nose and cough as soon as possible. It has long been recognized as a proven and fast-acting method. But there is not always a special device for this procedure at home, and the cost does not always allow you to add an inhaler to the list of unexpected purchases. And choosing the right device will take quite a lot of time.

Home inhalation can also be made safe.

As a way out of the situation, you can make your own inhaler. A properly assembled inhaler from improvised materials will be an excellent replacement for a nebulizer, albeit for a short time.

But before you start making a homemade inhaler, it’s worth knowing how the electrical device works.

Inhaler device

So, an inhaler is a medical device designed for inhalation procedures. The device operates as follows: the medicinal solution is poured into a special flask, under the influence of a special mechanism the substance is sprayed into tiny particles, forming a mist that the patient breathes through an attached tube with a mask.

Modern doctors are increasingly prescribing inhalations for respiratory diseases, both inflammatory and chronic. The advantage of using special inhalers is their safety and the ability to accurately dose medications.

The respiratory organs are very complex system which requires careful treatment.

Since ancient times, inhalations have been used to improve the functioning of the respiratory system. But they were carried out a little differently, people breathed over boiling water with herbs brewed in it. This method reached Soviet times, but it is quite dangerous, especially when applied to small children. Firstly, you can burn the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with hot steam, and secondly, one awkward movement and hot water may end up on a person, which leads to very sad consequences.

Indications for inhalation

Modern doctors quite often recommend inhalation therapy, especially for young children, as it is the most effective and safe way. Security mainly lies in the fact that, unlike conventional medications, the inhalation solution does not travel through the entire body, where it loses some of its medicinal properties.

Most often, inhaler treatment is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Asthma.
  • Colds, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis. Both in their acute form and in their chronic form.
  • Pneumonia at an early stage, with the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Acute and chronic bronchitis.
  • Diseases of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  • Complications after surgery.
  • Tuberculosis.

For sore throat an excellent remedy will become inhalation.

Is it possible to make an inhaler with your own hands?

Inhalations allow you to treat diseases from a common cold to more serious ones. Inhalation can be of the following types:

  • Wet;
  • Steam.

These methods differ in the temperature of the steam. For very young children it is better to use the first method, but for older children it is suitable. There are several ways to assemble an inhaler from scrap materials yourself. The main thing is that the structure is airtight. The lid of the jar or bottle should fit tightly and release steam only from a specially made hole. Also, when inhaling at home, you should carefully observe the dosage so as not to make a mistake. You should follow safety rules and do not use boiling water to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.

How to assemble an inhaler at home

There are three most common ways self-made inhaler:

From a plastic bottle

For this you will need: clean plastic bottle, a thermos where hot water will be poured, scissors and 2 lids.

Blank for an inhaler from a bottle.

The question of how to make an inhaler from a bottle at home will be answered with fairly simple instructions. So, the first thing you need to do is cut off a third of the bottle, drawing markings and cutting off the excess edges, you get a pretty decent mask. It needs to be cut so that it covers the nose and mouth. If the inhaler is made for a child, the mask should be cut smaller. Next you need to make the valves. The first will be for exhalation, the other for inhalation. To prepare the first one you need to do the following:

  • The first step is to remove the gasket from the inside of the cover.
  • To do this, you need to carefully cut it along inside, and leave a small tail, no more than 3 millimeters.
  • Next, a 3-millimeter hole is cut in one lid, and a half-centimeter hole is needed in the other.
  • The gasket with the hole must be carefully placed on the bottom of the lid and screwed into the thread.
  • The resulting valve is designed to inhale the solution.

For the second valve, you will have to make an additional hole in the neck of the bottle. Next, the hole is closed with a piece of electrical tape. The last step in creating such an inhaler is to pour a hot medicinal solution into a thermos. One valve is attached to the thermos, and a person must breathe through the second.

From a glass jar

For such an inhaler you will need a knife and scissors, a plastic lid for cans, a rubber hose of narrow diameter, about fifteen centimeters long, and a plastic bottle.

A hole the diameter of the neck of a bottle is cut in the center of the lid, and another 1 cm hole is made at the edge. The tube will be attached there. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, preferably with a wavy line. The last step remains - assembling the device. To do this, the neck of the bottle is screwed into the hole in the lid for the jar, and a tube is attached to the other. The resulting structure is installed on the can.

An inhaler made using a can.

Before use, you need to make sure the inhaler is sealed. To check this, you need to cover the tube with your hand and blow into the bottle. If air does not flow, then everything is done correctly. If the device is leaking air somewhere, you need to seal it with electrical tape, plasticine or any other in a suitable way. That's it, the device is ready for use. For inhalation, you need to pour heated water into a pan, put an improvised inhaler in it, pour the medicinal solution through the bottle and put it on the fire until steam begins to form, which you need to breathe.

Inhaler from a teapot

Perhaps the simplest and quick way make a home inhaler. For this you need a kettle and an A4 paper sheet.

Everything is simple here: the medicinal solution is poured into the teapot, cover with a lid. Roll the sheet into a funnel and insert it into the spout. Put the kettle on to warm up, as soon as steam is formed - you can use the device for its intended purpose.

Contraindications for inhalation

Medical practice shows that inhalation therapy is a very effective and safe way to treat the organs of the respiratory system. However, for quality treatment must be observed correct use inhaler. It's worth remembering that:

  • At body temperature above 37 degrees, inhalation is contraindicated.
  • Therapy can be carried out no earlier than an hour and a half after eating.
  • After the procedure, you should not talk or smoke for an hour.
  • You should also refrain from street walks for a couple of hours after the session.
  • Inhalation should take no more than ten minutes.

At elevated temperature inhalation is unacceptable.

Medicinal solutions

Not only an inhaler can be made from available materials. It turns out that you can mix a completely effective medicinal solution from what you have in the kitchen or in home medicine cabinet. The most important thing is that such mixtures do not require a lot of time and money, are also absolutely harmless, and can only bring benefits to a person.

Inhalation solutions that can be prepared at home: