Test to check for macular dystrophy. A simple but effective Amsler test

The Amsler test is used to test central vision. A simple test reveals early symptoms such retinal pathologies as macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular edema of the retina.

Instructions for using the Amsler grid

The test is a grid of 7*7 cells with a black bold dot marking the place of visual fixation.
Each eye is checked separately.

  • The test is carried out in good light at a close distance.
  • Wear reading glasses (if you use reading glasses).
  • Keep the Amsler grid at a reading distance (35 cm).
  • Cover your left eye with your hand.
  • Look with the other eye at the center point

  • When looking at the point, pay attention to the area around the line and point.
  • Now close your right eye and repeat the test

How to interpret the test?

Normally, the vertical and horizontal lines of the grid are straight, without kinks, distortions or darkening.

After the test, answer the following questions

  • Did you see distortion of the lines, spots around?
  • Did the cells differ in size and shape?
  • Are the grid lines the same thickness and color?

If the answer to any of the questions is positive, contact an ophthalmologist immediately for examination.

It is necessary to check your vision once a year, even if there are no symptoms of deterioration. If they are present, you should be examined more often. The check takes place using ophthalmological tables. There are several types that are used to examine adults and children. Let's find out what tables there are for vision testing and how they differ.

What tables are there for vision testing?

Eyesight is checked at an ophthalmologist's office. He uses tables to determine whether there are refractive errors and at what stage he is at visual pathology. Next, with the help of equipment and instruments, the causes of visual impairment are determined, and all the necessary parameters are established for the selection of means for correcting visual pathology.

The most common table that is used to determine visual acuity is called the Sivtsev table. Almost everyone has known her since childhood from school medical examinations. It consists of printed signs with two large letters at the top - “Ш” and “Б”. There are other methods and ophthalmological tables for checking vision. Let's look at them in order.

What are the features of the Sivtsev table and how is it applied?

The table, created by the scientist, ophthalmologist Dmitry Aleksandrovich Sivtsev, is made in the form of a poster with printed optotypes - W, Y, B, I, K, M, N, inscribed in 12 lines in different orders. Gradually the optotypes decrease from the 12th line to the 1st. To the right of the letters is the letter V. It is expressed not in diopters, as many believe, but in a conventional unit. To the left of the optotypes is another value indicating the distance (D) at which a person without vision problems can freely see the letters. The poster is illuminated with 700 lux lamps.

The right and left eyes are checked separately. The patient sits on a chair, straightening his back, five meters from the table and covers his eyes with a plastic shield. The doctor shows the letter with a pointer, and the person being tested must name it. If he named all the signs, visual acuity is complete. If errors are made, then there is a refractive error. Next, the ophthalmologist calculates the acuity index. If the value is less than 0.1, the patient is diagnosed with myopia (myopia); if the value exceeds 0.1, the patient is diagnosed with farsightedness (hyperopia).

Golovin table

It is similar to the table proposed by Sivtsev. In it, the optotypes are Landolt rings - black circles with a gap on one side. Golovin’s method is more reliable, since it is almost impossible to remember rings, like letters. When passing a commission at the military registration and enlistment office, this is the table that is often used.

To examine children who do not yet know letters, and Landolt rings are too complex symbols for them, Orlova’s table is used, which depicts not a circle or letters, but animals, fruits and other pictures that the child can name.

Optotypes of Pole

This is a vision testing method created by the domestic ophthalmologist and scientist Boris Lvovich Polyak for medical, social and military medical examination. On the poster, sticks, strokes, and rings located close to the patient’s eyes act as optotypes. The width of the gaps that the patient sees, the thickness of the lines, which differs between those being tested, show what his visual acuity is.

Snellen chart check

Another table for checking visual acuity was invented by Hermann Snellen, an ophthalmologist from the Netherlands. The table was created back in 1862, but today it is considered one of the most accurate. It consists of 11 lines and capitals Latin letters. They gradually decrease in size, starting from the 10th top line. Large letters of the 11th row should be distinguishable from 60 meters by a person with good eyesight. Also, the absence of refractive errors allows you to see lines located below the 11th line from a distance of 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6, 5 meters (as the letters decrease).

During the examination, the patient is located at a distance of 6 m from the stand. He covers one eye with his hand and reads the letters with the other. Visual acuity is determined by the lowest row that the patient can see. The doctor will calculate the readings in diopters.

The table is used mainly in Western countries, since the distance in it is indicated in feet, and the letters are in Latin.

Siemens star

The Siemens method is another vision testing method in which the table is a star of 54 black rays on a white background. The diameter of the star is fixed (10 cm). The rays stretch from the edge to the center. The edges form a circle. A person without impairments visual functions from five meters he sees how the black rays merge in the middle of their length. At this moment, 2.5 cm remains to the center of the star. At a distance of more than 5 m from the poster, the rays gather into a blurry image gray.

If a person has a visual pathology, the rays merge with the white background, overlap each other, and closer to the center they become distinguishable again. In this case, the star acquires a black background, and the rays become white, that is, it turns into its own negative.

The advantage of the technique is that it helps to identify not only hypermetropia and myopia, but also astigmatism, in which outer border rays form an ellipse, not a circle.

Duochrome test

It is used to determine myopia and farsightedness. The vision test table is a rectangle divided into two halves. One half is painted red and the other half is painted green. The letters are located in the center of the quadrangle. The patient looks at the poster and tells the doctor which color letters on the field are easier for him to distinguish. If he sees optotypes on a red background, then he has myopia; if he sees signs better on a green background, he suffers from hypermetropia. With good vision, optotypes are visible on both halves of the rectangle. If the patient already has vision problems, then the test is carried out with glasses or glasses that he wears. After the procedure, the doctor will adjust optical power correction means used by the patient.

Amsler grid

The Amsler grid or lattice is used to test central vision, making it possible to identify retinal macular degeneration, scotomas, and metamorphopsia (distortion of objects in shape and size). The grid is a large black square with small squares inside on a white background. There is a black dot in the center of the lattice. The patient looks at it from a distance of 30 cm with one eye for about 5 seconds, after which he approaches it 10 cm and looks again for 5 seconds. Next comes the starting position. With good vision, all lines and angles of the grating will be straight. If they are bent, then we can talk about problems with the retina.

The doctor decides which table to use for testing, based on the indications.

Eye examination at the ophthalmologist and at home

Is it possible to test visual acuity at home? You can make Sivtsev’s table yourself. To do this, you will need 4 A4 sheets with the optotypes depicted on them. They can be downloaded online and printed. You need to fasten the sheets with tape and place them on the wall. Another option is to use online services for verification. You will not be able to accurately determine your visual acuity at home, but it is possible to find out if you have vision problems. If you notice that you have difficulty distinguishing between optotypes, make an appointment with your doctor and get tested.

One of the methods for diagnosing various abnormalities of the central region of the retina (the so-called “macula”) is the Amsler test or scotometry. Its simplicity and accessibility for independent use at home, as well as its high information content, have become decisive for recommendations by ophthalmologists. That is why now, in a couple of minutes, without leaving your computer, you can easily conduct a preliminary analysis for scotomas, metamorphopsia, macular edema or vision diseases such as age-related macular degeneration or signs of diabetes.

What is the Amsler grid?

The Amsler test is based on a special grid or table, which is a square measuring 20x20 small squares. That is, these are 400 squares on a white or black background, located close to each other - a kind of lattice. All grid lines are strictly parallel and perpendicular to each other.

When taking the test, you must focus your gaze on a point located at the central intersection of the grid lines.

How to conduct testing correctly?

  1. You must take the test responsibly - you should not be sick, feel unwell or tired. Drinking alcohol, any medicines and ongoing stress can also skew test results.
  2. If you always or most often wear glasses or contact lenses, you definitely need to wear them. For reliability, you can wipe them - clean and transparent glasses or lenses guarantee the correctness of the test.
  3. When performing the test, look only at the dot and do not look away. The head should be straight and the eyes should be completely open and not squinted.
  4. Not least important is good lighting in the room. It is preferable that it be natural rather than artificial.
  5. Eyes are diagnosed separately, so the test is usually started with the eye with a smaller dioptre deviation.

Checking your vision with the Amsler test

  1. Sit so that you are comfortable and free from distractions;
  2. if you wear glasses or contact lenses, it is better to wear them;
  3. the head should be straight, and the Amsler grid should be located exactly in front of you at a distance of about 30 cm;
  4. if you see better with your right eye, close it first (and vice versa). Use a sheet of paper or other object for this, but it is not advisable to cover your eye with your hand, as in this case the test results will be distorted;
  5. With an open eye, look carefully at the Amsler grid and concentrate on the point in the middle for 4-6 seconds;
  6. then gradually begin to reduce the distance between the face and the grid to 20 cm, without taking your eyes off the central point, carefully watching for distortions in the lines and angles of the Amsler grid;
  7. after which the same steps must be repeated with the other eye.

The Amsler test, in addition to the version on a white background, has an equally common version on a black background. The only difference in the second embodiment will be to bring the mesh closer to the face until the red spots on the sides are visible. When checking the right eye, the right spot will disappear, and when checking the left eye, the left spot will disappear.

How to correctly interpret the results?

For a person with good vision without deviations, the table will look like what it really is - parallel lines, right 90-degree angles and squares of the same size.

Any other options make it clear that the patient has problems, perhaps these are signs of macular degeneration. IN in this case Do not put off visiting an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

This is especially true for older people - after 40-45 years, the risk of developing macular degeneration increases significantly. Therefore, passing a test based on the Amsler table becomes mandatory procedure when passing through an ophthalmologist.

Author of the article: Vladislav Solovyov

Amsler test (TA) (Amsler grid, Amsler lattice) - the simplest and quick way checking the central visual field to identify pathologies of the central region of the retina (macular degeneration). Normal when performing TA visible image should be the same on both eyes, the lines should be smooth, without distortions, spots or crooks. TA is a square grid with 192 equal cells, in the middle of which there is a bold dot.
Age-related macular degeneration was first described by Otto Haab in 1885. TA was developed by Swiss professor of ophthalmology Marc Amsler and has been widely used since 1945. A very similar test image was proposed as early as 1752 by an English optician named James Ayscough, which however was not used to diagnose defects in the central visual fields.


1. AMSLER test (test for determining macular degeneration)
The simplest and fastest way to check the central field of vision (the time it takes is 10-15 seconds). Perform it regularly (even daily) to evaluate your vision and possible appearance the first symptoms of age-related macular degeneration.
1. Put on glasses or contact lenses (if you usually wear them).
2. Place the net in front of you at a distance of 20-30 cm.
3. Cover 1 eye.
4. Focusing on the center point, evaluate the rest of the grid.
Are all grid lines straight and level?
Are all the lattice squares the same size?
Are there any areas where the drawing is distorted, clouded, or discolored?
Repeat the test for the other eye.
Normally, when performing the Amsler test, the visible image should be the same in both eyes, the lines should be smooth, without distortions, spots and curvatures, which corresponds to the norm.

2. Amsler test
The Amsler test (Amsler grid, Amsler grid) was developed by Swiss professor of ophthalmology Mark Amsler (1891-1968) and has been widely used since 1945.
The Amsler grid test is designed to identify pathologies in the central region of the retina (macular degeneration). The test is also designed to show whether there is damage optic nerve. The Amsler grid is a square lattice with 192 equal cells, in the middle of which there is a bold dot.
How is the Amsler grid test performed?
1. Position yourself so that the distance from the grill to your eyes is equal to the length of your outstretched arm.
2. If you usually wear glasses or contact lenses, you should now be wearing them, i.e. You should be able to see the dough grid clearly.
3. Cover one eye with your hand or a piece of paper.
4. With the other eye, look at the dot in the middle of the grid. Look at it for 3-5 seconds, then begin to gradually approach the table, without taking your eyes off the point in the middle, until you reach a distance of about 20 cm.
5. Do the same with the second eye.
If during the test all lines of the Amsler grid were smooth and continuous, then no signs of pathologies in the central region of the retina (macula) were identified.

3. Macular degeneration of the retina
Macular degeneration is a group of diseases in which the central part of the retina (macula) is affected and depleted and, consequently, central vision is impaired. Age-related macular degeneration is the most common cause of vision loss in people over 50 years of age.
The disease is associated with dysfunction of the macula, which is responsible for central vision. The exact cause of macular degeneration is not known, but there are a number of factors that contribute to its development:
- age (the risk from the age of 55 years is 10%, from 75 years – 30%)
- hereditary predisposition
- gender (women are more prone to macular degeneration)
- light color eye
- race (Caucasians are more susceptible to macular degeneration than African Americans)
- obesity or high fat diet
- lack of vitamins and minerals
- smoking
- cardiovascular diseases
- ultraviolet radiation

The initial stage of the disease (dry macular degeneration) usually develops gradually and painlessly, accompanied by the following symptoms:
- difficulty reading and doing work that requires seeing small details clearly
- the need for brighter lighting when reading
- difficulty adapting in the dark (when a person enters a dark one from a lighted room)
- blurred vision
- distortion of printed text
- difficulties in recognizing faces
- blind spot in the field of view
- hallucinations
These symptoms may first develop in only one eye, so they are often ignored.
With wet macular degeneration, a sudden loss of central vision can occur. Added to the above symptoms are distortion of straight lines and a gradually increasing blind spot.

Macular degeneration of the retina is diagnosed on ophthalmological examination, during which the patient's complaints are listened to and an examination of the fundus of the eye (ophthalmoscopy), fluorescein angiography (examination of retinal vessels), determination of visual fields and an Amsler grid test (for the presence of distortions) are performed.

At the initial stage of macular degeneration it is used drug treatment in order to stop its further progression: means to strengthen blood vessels eyes, improvements metabolic processes in the retina, vitamins.
An effective method of treating wet macular degeneration is the intraocular administration of the drug Lucentis, which is injected into the eye cavity and suppresses the activity and growth of newly formed vessels and retinal edema, leading not only to stabilization, but also to improvement of vision. Usually 5 injections are given per year, the course of treatment lasts 2 years.
In some cases, with wet macular degeneration, laser coagulation retina, thereby blocking bleeding from newly formed vessels.

Watch your diet; it should be balanced and contain the vitamins your eyes need.
Give up bad habits, in particular, from smoking.
Check the organization of your workplace and the correct lighting, especially when doing work that requires eye strain or reading.
Wear sunglasses in bright sunshine.
Visit your ophthalmologist regularly (1-2 times a year).

4. Retinal dystrophy
Retinal dystrophy (thinning) is a series of retinal diseases that occur both independently and under the influence of other diseases. It is caused by disturbances in vascular system eyes and damage to cells responsible for distance vision and color perception.
Retinal dystrophy is one of the causes of deterioration or total loss view as in at a young age, and in old age. Very often, the initial stage of retinal dystrophy is asymptomatic, and a person is not even aware of the disease he has. However, dystrophy leads to serious complications- rupture and detachment of the retina, which is manifested by severe deterioration and loss of vision.
Central retinal dystrophy is changes that occur in the macular area (the place of clearest vision of the retina). This type of dystrophy includes macular age-related dystrophy and serous central retinopathy.
Central retinal dystrophy occurs in two forms:
- dry – yellow-white metabolic products accumulate between the retina and the choroid in the form of granules;
- wet – intraocular fluid or blood leaks or “sweats” through the walls of blood vessels; at wet dystrophy visual acuity decreases sharply.

- general diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, kidney disease, adrenal glands)
- local (myopia, uveitis)
- eye injuries
- genetic predisposition

- decreased visual acuity
- deterioration or loss of peripheral vision
- difficulty with orientation in poor lighting
- “flies” before the eyes

On initial stages retinal dystrophy is treated with medication to stop its further progression: vasodilators, angioprotectors, corticosteroids, antioxidants, agents for dilating and strengthening the blood vessels of the eye, improving metabolic processes in the retina, vitamins.
Physical methods of treatment include phono- and electrophoresis, ultrasound, microwave therapy and laser coagulation (prevents retinal detachment and is used as its prevention).
As usual with retinal diseases, the earlier treatment begins, the more effective it is.

5. Amsler grid r.VIKI
The Amsler grid or Amsler grid (Marc Amsler) is used in ophthalmology as a simple functional test to check the central region of the visual field of the eye. It was invented by Swiss ophthalmologist Marc Amsler. A very similar test image was proposed as early as 1752 by an English optician named James Ayscough, which however was not used to diagnose defects in the central visual fields.

6. Marc Amsler de.wikipedia
Marc Amsler (5. Februar 1891 in Vevey, Schweiz; † 3. Mai 1968) war Professor der Augenheilkunde an der Zurcher Augenklinik der Universit;t Z;rich. Er ;bernahm diese Stelle 1944 von seinem Vorgnger, Prof. Alfred Vogt. Vorher war er seit 1935 Chefarzt der Augenheilkunde in Lausanne, wo er diese Stelle von Jules Gonin (1870–1935);bernommen hatte. Obwohl er am besten f;r seinen Amsler-Gitter-Sehtest mit Hilfe des Amsler-Netzes bekannt war, hat er auch Fortschritte in der Kenntnis der Uveitis erzielt. Der Amsler-Gitter-Sehtest war die Weiterentwicklung eines Sehtests von Edmund Landolt. Man pr;ft damit den Ort der h;chsten Sehsch;rfe (Gelber Fleck bzw. Makula) derRetina, wobei Makuladegeneration erkennbar wird. Amsler hat auch ber Keratoconus publiziert. 1951 fhrte Amsler die erste Hornhautverpflanzung an der Z;rcher Augenklinik durch. Er war an dieser Stelle bis 1961 t;tig, danach wurde sie von Rudolf Witmer (1919–1992) bernommen.

Vevey; (French Vevey, French Prov. Vev;) is a city in western Switzerland, in the French-speaking canton of Vaud. One of the main centers of the Swiss Riviera.
Vevey is located on the shores of Lake Geneva, between Lausanne and Montreux, in the center of the traditional Lavaux wine region.

7. Marc Amsler en.wiki
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marc Amsler (born February 5, 1891 in Vevey, Switzerland; died May 3, 1968) was a professor of ophthalmology at der Zurich Eye Clinic at the University of Zurich. He took the position as professor of ophthalmology in Zurich in 1944. His predecessor was Prof. Alfred Vogt. Prior to assuming the position at Zurich, Dr. Amsler was chief ophthalmologist in Lausanne, since 1935. His predecessor there, under whom he worked beforehand, was Jules Gonin. He is best known for the Amsler grid test. He also contributed to the progress in understanding of uveitis. The Amsler grid was an improvement over the initial work done by the ophthalmologist Edmond Landolt. The grid tests the function of the macula, a part of the retina, so that macular degeneration can be identified. Amsler also published works on keratoconus. In 1951, Dr. Amsler performed the first corneal transplantation at the Zurich Eye clinic. He was professor and chief of the Zurich Eye Clinic until 1961. His successor was Rudolf Witmer.
Marc Amsler (born 5 February 1891 in Vevey, Switzerland; died 3 May 1968) was a professor of ophthalmology at the Zurich Eye Clinic of the University of Zurich. He took up the position of professor of ophthalmology at the University of Zurich. Zurich in 1944 His predecessor was Professor Alfred Vogt. Before taking up his post in Zurich, Dr. Amsler was the chief ophthalmologist in Lausanne, since 1935 his predecessor there, under whom he had previously worked, was Jules Gonin. He is best known for the Amsler test grids. He also contributed to advances in the understanding of uveitis. The Amsler grid is an improvement over the original work done by ophthalmologist Edmond Landolt. The mesh tests the function of the macula, a part of the retina, so that macular degeneration can be identified. Amsler also published work on keratoconus. In 1951 year dr. Amsler performed the first corneal transplant at the Zurich Eye Clinic. He was professor and head of the Zurich Eye Clinic until 1961. His successor was Rudolf Witmer.
Uveitis - inflammation choroid eyes (uveal tract). This disease is a common cause of low vision and blindness (about 25%). If you have uveitis, you should urgently consult an ophthalmologist. The main symptoms of the disease are “fog” before the eyes, blurred vision (even possible total blindness), eye redness, photophobia and lacrimation[

Keratoconus (from ancient Greek - “horn” and “cone”) is a degenerative non-inflammatory disease of the eye, in which the cornea thins and takes on a conical shape. Keratoconus can cause severe vision loss. Most often, patients complain of photophobia, double vision, and image blurring. The disease is the most common form of corneal dystrophy.
Swiss ophthalmologist. He taught and practiced, was a professor at the Eye Clinic of Zurich. In 1944 he became a professor at the University of Zurich.

8. Macular degeneration r.VIKI
Macular degeneration - common name for a group of diseases in which the retina of the eye is affected and central vision is impaired. Macular degeneration is based on vascular pathology and ischemia (malnutrition) central zone retina, which is responsible for central vision. Age-related macular degeneration is one of the most common reasons blindness in people over 55 years of age.
Age-related macular degeneration was first described by Otto Haab in 1885.

Vision is a great gift given to us by nature. How often do we not think about this until we feel that problems are appearing with our vision. Then a person is ready to undergo dozens of examinations, pay any money, just to preserve precious eye health. No need to wait until the last minute. Test your vision at home - it's very simple. To do this, use the following methods, many of which are familiar to you from childhood.

How often should you have your eyes checked?

Vision should be checked regularly. Young children undergo annual medical examinations by an ophthalmologist. Typically, at such appointments, congenital vision problems are identified and treatment is started on time.

Teenagers should see an eye doctor twice a year. People under forty years old - once every 24 months, and after forty - annually. If a person is diagnosed with any pathology, then visits to the ophthalmologist’s office become even more frequent.

Interesting: World Vision Day is celebrated every second Thursday of the tenth month. This date was noted by experts from the World Health Organization in order to give reason to think about the problems of blind people, about the possibility of instantly losing their own vision due to stupidity. On this day, people began to understand how important it is to look after their health and their eyes in particular.

How to test your eyesight at home

There are several ways to find out if your eyes are okay. Let's look at popular and effective methods.

Golovin-Sivtsev table

At home, you can check your visual acuity using a poster with letters familiar to us from childhood. It is called the Sivtsev table. The poster is freely available on the Internet. It is enough to print it out on A4 format and place it at a distance of five meters from you. Take into account the lighting in the room, the color and dullness of the paper on which the table is printed.

Instructions for using the Sivtsev table:

  1. Hang the poster at the required distance so that it does not shake or move.
  2. Cover one eye with a piece of paper or cardboard. A closed eye should not be closed, otherwise the test result will be incorrect.
  3. Try to read the letters line by line from top to bottom. It only takes three seconds to recognize one symbol and say its name out loud. This is exactly the time given for one letter.
  4. Close your other eye and repeat.

Results: if you easily read the first 10 lines, then rejoice - your vision corresponds to indicator 1. The fewer lines you saw, the worse the sharpness of your eyes. Gradually reduce the distance between the table and the eye, while measuring it. If you find a strong deviation from the norm, you should immediately see a doctor.

Interesting: there are people whose vision exceeds the norm and is equal to 1.3 or 1.4. But for the most part people see poorly. There are indicators of 0.7, 0.3 and even 0.04.

Orlova table

Orlova’s table works in exactly the same way as the previous described vision testing technique. It is intended for children younger age who have not yet learned their letters well. Instead, they name the picture they see. By analogy with Sivtsev’s table, Orlova’s poster consists of twelve lines and hangs five meters from the baby’s eyes.

Result: a child with good eyesight can easily name the figures on the top ten lines. If he cannot do this, bring the table closer to him and measure the distance. Be sure to share the results of the test with your doctor when you come for your appointment.

How to check a baby's vision

Not a single table will help you check your baby's vision. He simply cannot answer your questions. There is an old method that our grandmothers used.


  1. From ordinary black bread, make several round pieces with a diameter of no more than a few millimeters.
  2. Place the baby on a white sheet.
  3. Remove all bright toys from the line of sight so that they do not distract the baby.
  4. Scatter these rounds on the sheet and watch the child’s reaction.

Result: a 6-month-old child should be interested in even such small objects. If this does not happen, then this is a reason to go to the clinic.

Important! Don't forget that home diagnostics has very high degree errors. A mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.

How to determine farsightedness and nearsightedness

A round table will help determine the presence of farsightedness or myopia. We advise you to print it on a color printer so as not to fall into the trap of the color variations of your personal computer. Settings, screen resolution, color scheme - all this can affect the outcome of the experiment.


  1. Look closely at the table for one minute.
  2. Determine for yourself which side of the circle seems much brighter and more intense to you than the other.

Result: If you think that green is much brighter than red, then you are farsighted. If you see scarlet as a richer color than green, then you are nearsighted.

Astigmatism test or Siemens Star

Astigmatism is a visual ailment that is characterized by a violation of the shape of the lens and, as a result, blurred vision. The test is designed taking into account the uniform refraction of light rays in different planes.


  1. Look carefully at the drawing. Do all the bars appear uniformly clear and saturated to you? Are there any gaps or poorly painted lines?

Result: if you find a poorly visible line, then immediately run to the ophthalmologist. If you don’t see any differences between the stripes, then there are no problems.

When using any of the tests suggested above, remember that this is not a panacea. Even if, according to the results of all home checks, your vision is enviable, still visit an ophthalmologist at least once every two years. A competent specialist will see the changes occurring in the first stages and prescribe preventive treatment. As you know, treatment is more difficult than prevention.

Amsler table

This test is also called the Amsler lattice and the Amsler grid. Testing determines the presence of disturbances in the central visual fields. Externally, the table looks like a grid field with a thick black dot in the very middle.


  1. Concentrate your gaze on the black dot, that is, on the center of the square.
  2. Use your peripheral vision to observe the edges of the bars.

Result: Evaluate what you saw. If the edges of the mesh are smooth, then everything is fine with vision. In some cases, the square may bend. This symptom indicates the presence of macular degeneration. You cannot hesitate to contact a doctor.

How to protect yourself and preserve your vision

If you work in an office, a bank or any other institution where employees constantly sit in front of a monitor, use our rules:

  1. The distance from the eyes to the computer screen should not exceed 0.5 meters.
  2. The computer or laptop should not be located opposite the window. Light from the window hits the screen, then reflects and glares. The eyes begin to strain.
  3. Maintain good hygiene. Keep your work area clean. Wipe the keyboard and monitor with special wipes.
  4. The lighting in the room should be bright enough, but not in your eyes.
  5. If you feel that your eyes are tense and tired, then start doing eyeball exercises. Look into the distance, then move your gaze to an object located nearby. Repeat the exercise ten times. Close your eyes several times and relax them. Make some rotational movements eyeballs left, then right.
  6. Before going to bed, you can relax your eyes by applying warm compresses. Chamomile tincture or regular freshly brewed tea will do.
  7. Impact your vision from the inside. Change your daily diet. Add tangerines, oranges, pumpkin, carrots, persimmons, and bell peppers to it. Blueberries, honey, apricots and so on also have a positive effect on the body.

Video - Tables for vision tests and exercises

Parents must teach their children during school breaks do relaxing exercises for the eyes. This will reduce tension, eye tone, and eliminate fatigue.

Testing your vision at home is a simple procedure. If you care about your own health, then try checking your visual acuity yourself. Testing will show at least an approximate indicator.