Test after menstruation is negative; there is no delay. Why no period: test negative

A woman begins to worry from the first day of her missed period. Regardless of the desire to have a child, a feeling of anxiety arises literally immediately. But a delay in menstruation may not always indicate pregnancy. Let's sort it all out possible reasons late menstruation.

If you haven't checked yet hCG level using a pregnancy test, then let's look at some basics now:

    How many days are in your menstrual cycle?

    If you don't track your cycle (although I highly recommend you do), then you may not know the answer to this question. Consequently, it will be very difficult for you to calculate the days of your expected menstruation every month and you will often make mistakes, believing that this is a delay.

    Did you have unprotected intercourse during ovulation?

    Let's say 4 weeks have passed since the last menstruation, and ovulation took place 14 days ago. These are averages. Did you have an unprotected "relationship" with a man 2 weeks ago? If yes, then the probability of pregnancy is very high. If 5 weeks have passed since your last menstruation, then remember the relationship that was 3 weeks ago and so on.

    If yes, then you are most likely pregnant. Although this is not a 100% determination method. Often there is a psychological pregnancy, when a woman wants to have a child so much that she may experience a delay, nausea, chest pain and other symptoms that are actually fictitious.

No period, but pregnancy test or hCG test is negative

If you are sure that you are counting your cycle correctly and you have not had sexual intercourse for last month, and the delay is still present, then it could be caused by other reasons.

Are you taking any medications or pills?

Problems usually arise when taking contraception. Hormonal contraceptives very often cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Especially if they are selected independently and taken without supervision from a gynecologist.

If problems arise while taking the pills, shouldn't you pay attention to other means of contraception? Let's figure it out. Your body is ready to conceive only 5 days out of the month. This includes the 3 days before ovulation (sperm can live for a maximum of 72 hours) and 24 hours after the egg is released from the ovaries. It is quite easy to identify these days and use this knowledge to prevent unwanted pregnancy. It turns out that it is not advisable to take hormones every day in order to be protected only 5 days a month. In any case, it is your choice, but you need to make a decision only after consulting a competent doctor.

Have you had any illnesses recently?

The disease can shift your menstrual cycle. Even a short illness can significantly affect hormone levels, leading to a slight delay.


Regular or severe stress wreaks havoc on your hormonal levels. How to improve the situation?

  • Get rid of a sedentary lifestyle. Even short walks once a day saturate your body with oxygen and help increase stress resistance.
  • Full sleep. Each person has his own minimum time that he should devote to rest. If this does not happen, the body becomes sluggish and reacts sharply to any anxiety and depression occurs. An adult usually needs 8 hours of sleep per day.
  • Vitamins. If your diet is not rich in variety, you may need to take additional vitamin complexes. Particularly useful in in this case there will be preparations of Magnesium and vitamin B. Freshly squeezed juices are also in a great way level up useful substances in the blood and improve your mood.
  • Massage is a great option for relieving tension and relaxing muscles. Believe me, this is not a luxury, but a necessity, which has a huge number of benefits not only for the body, but also for the mind.

Are you overweight?

Increased body weight leads to surges in hormonal levels, which invariably leads to delays. This does not mean that you need to suddenly lose a large number of pounds to return to a normal cycle. But you still have to make some effort.

The least you can do is reduce your consumption of sugar and wheat products. Plus a little physical activity every day. This will be a huge step towards getting yours back. women's health. Even daily walks will help you get a few steps closer to your goal.

Today, there are many services that help women in their quest to lose weight. These include calorie calculators, weight loss diaries, and simply communication on forums with women who have similar problems.

Are you too underweight?

If the level of fat in the body is excessively low, then this also leads to cycle disruption. It is necessary to establish the process of eating and consume only healthy products, which will contribute to gaining the necessary mass.

Do you travel frequently and work shifts?

Oddly enough, there are such reasons. Job biological clock very important for a person. And if a malfunction suddenly occurs in them, this leads to violations hormonal levels. Try to find ways to build your work or leisure schedule more kindly to your body.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

This disease is based on hormonal imbalance which interferes with the stability of ovulation. As a result, women with this diagnosis have an extended menstrual cycle and their chances of conceiving a baby are very low. Although the reasons of this syndrome have not yet been fully studied, one theory says that an increase in insulin production in the body is to blame.

Are you breastfeeding?

If you are currently a breastfeeding mother, the transition to a regular cycle may take some time. During breastfeeding, a breastfeeding woman receives a signal aimed at suppressing ovulation. Over time, the level of hormones will become sufficient and the first menstruation will begin, after a while the cycle will stabilize.

Have you recently given birth?

Delays can occur in women who are new mothers, even if they are not breastfeeding. Recovery regular menstruation may last about 2 years.

Other medical problems

There are a number of other reasons that lead to delay: menopause, problems with the thyroid gland and a number of others that need to be discussed with specialists.

Most women have a disorder menstrual cycle causes stress, thoughts about possible pregnancy and the question is - what to do next? Even if the delay is two days, a woman with a stable cycle already notices that your period didn't come. More more reasons For worries, it occurs when the test shows a negative result, even after a 10-15 day delay. What could this be connected with and what is the reason for the absence of menstruation?

What is a missed period?

A healthy menstrual cycle typically lasts between 26 and 32 days. Its length should normally be the same every month. The countdown starts from the day the menstruation begins. Accordingly, the absence of menstruation within the expected period +/- 2–3 days constitutes a delay. A serious reason to contact a gynecologist is an excessively short (less than 3 weeks) or, conversely, very long cycle (more than 5-7 weeks), as well as cycles of varying lengths.

From the first day of the menstrual cycle, the level of the hormone estrogen physiologically increases and the endometrial layer necessary for the adoption of fertilized eggs. On the same day, a follicle begins to form in the ovary, where the egg matures. By about 10 On the 15th day of the cycle, it leaves the follicle, which is the onset of ovulation.

In the place where the egg was previously located, a corpus luteum appears, producing progesterone. A deficiency of this substance often leads to miscarriage at 20 days of pregnancy. Fertilization of a new egg occurs in the fallopian tube, and further development the fetus occurs in the uterus. When conceiving, a delay in menstruation is caused by pregnancy. If conception does not occur, then from day 15 to 28 of the cycle the level of progesterone and estrogen drops and menstruation begins. In this regard, it is clear that often the reason for a delay in a negative test, even for 15–20 days, is a hormonal imbalance.

There is no need to worry if the delay lasts less than a week and occurs for the first time, and the test is negative. Even if a woman is completely healthy, she does not have any pathologies, 1 or 2 erroneous cycles per year are considered normal. But when there is no menstruation even after the 15th–20th day of the cycle, especially if they usually come regularly, this is the reason for seeking the advice of a gynecologist.

However, if there is no menstruation, this most often indicates pregnancy. Its likelihood especially increases if a woman develops the following symptoms from the 1st day of delay:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Nausea.
  • Breast enlargement.
  • White discharge.

In any case, if your period does not come even after 15–20 days of delay, a negative test result will puzzle any, even the most experienced mother of many children. To exclude possible defects the test itself, you can check it again after a few days or a week. It is also worth considering that there are cases when pregnancy has occurred, but the test, even after 10 or 20 days of delay, still shows a negative result. This can happen if a woman does not have regular monthly cycle or because of large quantity the fluid she drinks, kidney disease. However, most often the cause of misunderstanding is false negative results test.

Delayed menstruation and pregnancy symptoms

There are situations when a woman notices changes in her body that are characteristic of pregnancy, but despite this, the test stubbornly shows that she is not pregnant. And the woman wonders, what would that mean? On the one hand - a feeling of swelling of the mammary glands, vomiting, morning sickness, constant drowsiness, sharp changes moods and unusual food preferences, and on the other - a pregnancy test and only one line on it.

In case of a slight delay, there are several possible ways to resolve this issue:

  1. Wait 1-2 days and on the third day do the procedure again, using tests from different brands. It is recommended to carry out the analysis in the morning, before meals, using the first portion of morning urine.
  2. Contact your doctor to receive a referral for a blood test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. It is carried out exclusively in laboratory conditions. The result will show whether there is a pregnancy or not even before the delay, and even more so it will be reliable on the 10th–15th day.

If there is a long period of absence of menstruation, and the pregnancy test still shows 1 line, the woman should consult a gynecologist to undergo comprehensive examination and determining the presence of pregnancy using ultrasound.

Delayed menstruation in the absence of pregnancy

Unfortunately, sometimes there is a delay and negative test may not be the result of pregnancy, but of some health problems. If there is no menstruation for more than 10–14 days, the most common the violations are the following:

  • Physiological delay that occurs after childbirth. Associated with the production by the body of a woman who has just given birth hormone - prolactin. This substance has a direct effect on milk production and the suspension of menstruation.
  • Various hormonal imbalances. They can appear due to many factors. Only a gynecologist should identify and prescribe treatment.
  • Stein-Leventhal syndrome or polycystic ovaries. The most common factor causing absence menstruation in women. If a woman is sick, she has such bright severe symptoms, such as excessive male pattern hair growth (on the stomach, arms, face, back), increased oily skin and hair.
  • If there is no menstruation with a negative test and pain in the lower abdomen, we can talk about the development of some kind of gynecological disease. The diagnosis must be made by the attending gynecologist. Thus, fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, inflammation of the appendages or uterus, and even cancer of the female reproductive system are possible. The most common reason that menstruation does not come is inflammation of the ovaries, painful and discomfort.
  • Irregularities at work endocrine system or ovaries, causing dysfunction thyroid gland and development endocrine diseases. To identify it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the following organs: uterus, ovaries, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, as well as brain tomography.
  • Early menopause. It is a consequence of hormonal imbalances and problems with the endocrine system. This pathological condition is not a disease, but requires consultation with a doctor to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

If the test shows a negative result, but your period does not come even after 10–15 days, this may be caused by reasons that have nothing to do with diseases:

  • Strict diet, starvation, exhaustion, painful thinness, obesity.
  • Acclimatization associated with a sudden change of residence.
  • Excessive physical activity women. As a rule, they are typical for professional athletes or lovers of extreme conditions.
  • Severe emotional distress, exposure to chronic stress, as well as significant trauma and long-term illness.
  • The individual reaction of a woman’s body to taking medications, for example, oral contraceptives. The reason is quite rare and requires consultation with a gynecologist.

What should I do?

For any delay, regardless of its duration, in addition to the test, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and conduct an ultrasound, which shows the presence of pregnancy from the 5th day. Give a definitive answer to the question of whether it is present or not. new life inside a woman, a blood test can measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It can be carried out either on the 10th or 20th day of the delay. We can talk about pregnancy when the hCG concentration is 25 IU/l or more. The hCG test is repeated at 15–20 weeks to determine if there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

It is necessary to take into account that in addition to pregnancy, there are other factors that change the level of hCG in big side. For example, diseases such as kidney or genital tumors, as well as long-term use hormonal drugs, can lead to hCG levels exceeding 25 IU/l. Hydatidiform mole and malignant tumor uterus. But on the 15th–20th day of the delay, the level of hCG during pregnancy is calculated in three and four-digit figures, so if the delay is long, the levels of this hormone at the level of 25–30 units indicate an illness, and not about conception.

A few days before the test, you should not take any medicines, as this may lead to inaccurate results. It is also not recommended to do the procedure from the first days of the delay, or it will require reanalysis on the 7th day of absence of menstruation.

Finally, another reason for the absence of menstruation with a negative test after 10–14 days of delay may be an ectopic pregnancy. Exclude this pathology Only a doctor can do it after an ultrasound examination. If you are experiencing severe pain radiating to the back or leg, nagging spasms in the appendage area, weakness and nausea, fever and pressure surges, you should call immediately ambulance. Also, with an ectopic, most women have a spotting, but there may not be one, so you need to be guided by other symptoms.

How to determine the reasons for a delay in menstruation

First of all, if any deviations from the norm occur, you should contact a gynecologist, who will perform an appropriate examination on the chair and, if necessary, prescribe some of the following studies:

  • Determination of the rectal temperature graph. It is carried out by the woman independently starting from 1 day of delay.
  • Establishing hormone levels.
  • Conducting an ultrasound of the uterus, tubes, ovaries and other organs.
  • Computed tomography of the brain. Necessary to refute or confirm the presence of tumors.
  • Referral for consultation with doctors of another specialization.

Treatment options

The appointment of a gynecologist is directly related to the reasons that caused the delay in menstruation. Often, the doctor prescribes hormone treatment. In this case, it is recommended to take oral contraceptives or progestogens.

With polycystic ovary syndrome, which is the cause of infertility, first of all Drugs that stimulate ovulation are prescribed; in severe cases, surgery is required. In the case of a pituitary tumor, several treatment options are possible; the prognosis depends on the size of the tumor itself and its hormonal function. If prolactin concentrations are detected above 500 ng/ml, drug treatment is indicated.

Cycle disturbances lasting more than 10–14 days, which are not associated with the development of pathologies (nutrition, exercise), can be easily eliminated by adhering to healthy image life. A doctor will help the woman determine the reason for the delay. So, in case of significant sudden weight loss, it is necessary to balance the diet, and in case of obesity, give up fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. A nutritionist can help with this.

The presence of psychological problems and exposure to stress suggests contacting a psychiatrist. Can restore the body in 10–20 days healthy eating, correct mode day, excluding alcohol, cigarettes, coffee.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that a cycle failure of 5–7 days is considered acceptable. Therefore, if there is a delay of several days, there is no need to be particularly concerned. However, if menstruation is delayed for more than a week, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary to rule out the development of health problems.

Delayed menstruation is news that makes some women happy, but makes others sad or even frightened. The only way to check whether a new addition to the family is indeed expected soon is to take a pregnancy test. But if there is a delay in menstruation and the test is negative, what could this mean? There are many reasons - from pregnancy to early stages to infectious diseases.

Normal menstrual cycle

To determine whether a delay has occurred or not, you need to figure out how long the menstrual cycle takes. On average, most women have a menstrual cycle of 28. calendar days, or 4 weeks. This is considered a classic example normal operation organs of the reproductive system.

There are minor deviations of a few days from this figure, up or down. This is not a pathology and is perceived by doctors as physiological characteristics female body. After a year has passed since the start of the reproductive system and the appearance of menstruation (girls age 12-14 years) hormonal background is already returning to normal, and the girl herself can calculate the duration of her cycle in days.

If the number of days from the first day of the start of menstruation to the start of the next is not 28, but more or less, then do not be alarmed. If this situation repeats over several months or even years, then the arrival of menstruation with a shift of several days is not considered a delay.

Reasons why the arrival of menstruation may be delayed

Let's consider the main reasons for a possible delay.

Pregnancy is the first thought that comes to mind when you expect monthly discharge, but there is none. If confirmed " interesting situation“A delay in menstruation can turn into a subsequent absence of menstruation for more than 9 months. When an egg is fertilized, the uterine contraction function is blocked to preserve the fetus and prevent miscarriage. As a result, your periods should stop completely.

Another sign of pregnancy is swelling mammary glands. After several days of delay, the mammary glands of many women begin to enlarge and ache.

It is possible that during the day the lower abdomen will feel a little tight, and after 1 day of delay, white discharge may begin. Pregnancy after 40 years is not excluded, although the chances of conceiving a child are already decreasing.

Ovarian dysfunction

If there are no periods, and the woman’s cycle is irregular, lasts less than 3 weeks or more than 35 days, heavy or, conversely, scanty discharge(normally, a woman loses 100-150 ml of blood during one menstruation), the cause may be ovarian dysfunction.

This problem can cause a delay in menstruation. If the doctor has made this diagnosis, it means that the hormonal function of the ovaries is disrupted and requires treatment. The pathology is treated with the use of hormone-containing drugs.

If the cycle does not begin after 10 days of delay, and the test is negative, then this problem is almost certainly caused by ovarian dysfunction. White discharge and pain in the lower abdomen may also appear.

Stressful situations

Modern people are exposed to stress every day. Problems at work, school, relationships, with children - all this can lead to strong internal experiences. And as a result, quite often there is a non-occurrence of menstruation, calculated in days or even weeks.

What to do? Of course, stressful situations are inevitable and you cannot isolate yourself from them. You just need to learn that experiences directly affect a woman’s body, and try to pull yourself together in any current situation for the sake of your own health. Once the source of stress disappears, menstruation will occur within a week.

Physical activity

Very intense physical activity can cause a delay in menstruation. If a woman actively attends training for several months or years, this may affect her reproductive health. A woman’s endocrine system is greatly influenced by her lifestyle. Excessive load on female body disrupts hormonal levels, causing menstruation to disappear.

Working hard, which also includes stress, dulls the production of eggs and directly affects further childbearing.

Therefore, if there is a desire to have full-fledged healthy offspring in the future, then physical activity should be moderate. The body's recovery after training will not occur in a few days. This will most likely take weeks.


If there is no menstruation, and the woman has suddenly gained weight, then this could be the reason for the delay. This problem is common among overweight women, especially after 40 years.

Estrogens, female sex hormones, are synthesized in adipose tissue. If excess fat quite a lot (more than 15% of normal body weight), then polycystic ovary syndrome may occur. Thus, excess quantity Estrogen is converted into androgens - male sex hormones. As a result, menstruation stops.

To normalize the functioning of the endocrine system after a failure, it is enough to get rid of excess fatty tissue, that is, lose overweight.

This decision will not only help you get your menstrual cycle in order, but will also make it possible to conceive a child in the future. However, the problem will not be solved immediately. This may take several weeks.

Climate change

Even such a situation as climate change causes disruptions in female hormonal regulation. New places, environment, temperature - all this affects the menstrual cycle and can lead to a delay. Usually, after arriving from vacation, the reproductive system is restored and everything returns to normal within a week. If your period has not started after two to three weeks, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Hereditary factor

As in any other case, heredity has its place. If a delay in menstruation is a feature that is transmitted through the female line, then nothing can be done about it. This phenomenon is rare. The reason why heredity plays a key role is not fully understood.

The easiest way to find out if a stop is caused bloody discharge due to the resulting pregnancy, is to buy a pregnancy test. If the test strip shows positive result(2 stripes), then the delay in menstruation occurred precisely due to conception. Well, what to do if only 1 line appears on the test (negative result)? Does this guarantee that there is no pregnancy and why menstruation does not occur? First things first.

One stripe

The presence of one strip when menstruation is delayed can indicate many things. If the delay occurs for one of the reasons described above (ovarian dysfunction, stressful situations, physical activity, excess weight, climate change, hereditary factor), then the test will be negative. But there are also other aspects why one stripe is visible. The test may be negative for the following reasons:

Incorrect testing

Each manufacturer puts in a box with test strips step by step instructions or write the directions for use on the back of the package.

If the girl is still pregnant, then immersing the test strip in an insufficient amount of urine or removing it too quickly can affect the result, for example, it will be negative. The result will be more accurate if you do the test in the morning (preferably in the morning).

The test is ruined

Often tests are spoiled or expired. In this case, the test result will not be correct. For accurate results it is recommended to use this product only with the current expiration date, and when opening, check the packaging for integrity.

Low test strip sensitivity

There is a reagent present that comes into effect if the hCG hormone is elevated. Now they sell ultra-sensitive tests that can detect pregnancy with hCG from 10 mmU/ml (before the delay). If you do a test with a sensitivity higher than 20-25 mmU/ml before the delay, you can find a negative result, because the pregnancy hormone has not yet risen to the level that testing can determine. After the procedure, it must be repeated after 3-5 days.

It often happens that when menstruation is late, the lower abdomen feels tight and hurts during the day, white discharge is present, and the result is negative. Such pain should be the first signal to a woman that something is wrong in her body.

Possible reasons why the lower abdomen hurts during a delay may be:

  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • hypothermia,
  • infection,
  • kidney disease and urinary tract.

Let's look at these states in more detail.

Ectopic pregnancy

If 5, 10, 15 days have passed, and still no menstruation, then one of the signs of such a situation may be an ectopic pregnancy. The test may show a negative result, but the lower abdomen continues to bother you.

To find out whether a woman has an ectopic pregnancy or not, she should take a blood test for hCG. This method will show a more accurate result.

In this case, a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory, and the sooner the better. The occurrence of ectopic pregnancy is not excluded among women of childbearing age (from 20 to 35 years). It was she who could cause a cycle disruption.


The inflammatory process is a consequence of hypothermia. Cutting pains, burning, discomfort during sexual intercourse - all this may indicate the presence of diseases such as inflammation of the vaginal walls (vaginitis), inflammation of the uterine mucosa (endometritis). From adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages and fallopian tubes) mostly girls 20-30 years old suffer. Inflammation of the appendages can cause high fever (up to 39 degrees), as well as white discharge.

If during the day the lower abdomen feels tight and there is white discharge, then in this case it is better not to self-medicate, but to entrust your health to professionals.


Sexually transmitted infections can also cause a missed period if the test is negative. Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea - with these diseases the lower abdomen hurts, there is white discharge and bad smell. These diseases affect women aged 16 to 40 years. If you feel pain in your lower abdomen, you should definitely see a doctor.

Delayed menstruation – quite common occurrence among women of all ages. It doesn’t matter how old a girl is, each of the listed reasons can cause a delay in menstruation at any time.

If there is no menstruation for more than a week, and the pregnancy test shows a negative result, then this does not exclude conception. On the other hand, the presence of one stripe may also indicate some kind of disease. In any case, you should not make hasty conclusions, but rather see your doctor.

The female body is unique in its own way. When creating a woman, nature tried to optimize the functions of each organ as much as possible, use hormones and other elements so that a woman could conceive, bear, give birth and feed a child.

Individual cycle of the female body

All these functions are inherent in the body and begin to manifest themselves when a girl turns into a girl - at about 12 years old. Then the hormonal storm shakes the fragile child’s psyche and affects the family as well.

A teenager doesn’t understand much; there are a lot of questions regarding puberty. And when the most comes a clear sign- menstruation - it is better that the answers are given in the family, and not on the street. After all, the girl has to transform into a woman.

The process begins at 12–14 years of age. The main criteria for “growing up” are menstruation.

It is interesting that women usually forget when exactly the first day of menstruation occurred, but the emotions experienced on this day are remembered by many. After all, this feeling is very exciting, but at the same time joyful. The task of the family (mother) at this stage is to convince the girl that there is no reason to worry.

A side or additional factor of this restructuring is nervous excitability. Glands internal secretion begin to influence the teenager very strongly. In some way influences behavior external manifestation hormonal imbalance - irregular cycle.

Cycle disorders

Almost every girl or woman faces such a problem as temporary absence or delay of menstruation. For a young girl, a delay on the first or second day is not a problem; it is clear that stable periodicity of the ovarian cycle is not established immediately.

But if, for example, there is no menstruation for 10–12 days or more, this situation is often associated with pregnancy. But not always: there are many factors that can lead to a delay and are in no way related to successful conception.

Since there can be many reasons, only a doctor should understand such a problem as the absence of menstruation. Here a lot depends on the initial data, independence and responsibility of the girl.

It happens that before a stable periodicity of the cycle is established, the spread can be 10, 12 days or more. This situation is typical for girls who have recently learned that they are girls and there is nothing particularly wrong with an irregular cycle.

If before the delay there was a normal cycle, it is considered that the work of the gonads has become stable and acquired physiological cyclicity. Then even one or two days can cause anxiety and fear. Most often - groundless.

What could cause a delay?

In any case, if the cycle has changed a lot, has become completely irregular and there is no longer menstruation long period– more than 7–12 days – it is worth visiting a specialist and trying to find out the reasons.

The most common factors for delayed periods are 12 conditions:

  1. Pregnancy. The most physiological reason for delaying menstruation. A quick test that can be taken on the first day, or better yet, the second day of absence of menstruation, will help to establish this fact with great certainty. If it is positive, then there is no need to look for pathology - run to antenatal clinic, register.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. This is a wide group of reasons, including a change birth control pills or discontinuation of these drugs.
  3. Gynecological diseases. It is clear that in order to identify and eliminate one of these causes, consultation with a specialist is necessary.
  4. Disorders of the endocrine glands. For example, improper functioning of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus.
  5. Stress, nervous tension, depression - any factor that matters to a woman can cause not only a delay, but also a disruption of the cycle in the other direction - earlier menstruation.
  6. Hereditary pathology. Often such diseases not only disrupt the regularity of the cycle, but also make pregnancy itself impossible.
  7. Changes in environmental conditions: microclimate in the office, visiting a country with other weather conditions that are significantly different from those to which the body is accustomed (business trip, vacation), poor ecological environment, and so on.
  8. Extragenital (not related to the female genital area) diseases. This could be a pathology cardiovascular system, as well as hematopoietic, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract. This also includes diseases that have an infectious cause.
  9. Intoxication of the body. Including food, alcohol, tobacco, chemical and other poisoning, the use of particularly toxic medications.
  10. Gynecological manipulations, including cauterization of erosion, curettage, colposcopy, hysteroscopy.
  11. Climax. Hormonal changes related to age-related changes, the gonads slow down the pace of work. Age is individual for each woman, there is no clear schedule for the onset of menopause, the average is 45–50 years.
  12. Delayed menstruation after childbirth. The absence of menstruation with a negative test can be caused by the hormone prolactin.

The proposed 12 reasons should not be considered as the only ones possible states, in which there are no periods and a quick test does not show a positive result.

For any deviations in your health, it is better to visit a specialist.

The importance of a professional approach

This also applies in case of pregnancy. Take, for example, hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which home tests are “set up” to detect. It begins to be synthesized not on the day of conception, but only after the fertilized egg has successfully implanted into the wall of the uterus. But this may take her several days. Therefore, for short delay periods, it is recommended to repeat the test and select a higher sensitivity.

So it looks quite likely that the delay is 3 days, the test is negative, and there are no complaints or discomfort. Then do not panic under any circumstances, wait two to five days and repeat the quick analysis.

Put everything aside and immediately find an opportunity to visit a gynecologist if you have not had your period for more than 10–12 days. There is no need to worry or become hysterical, but you should consult a doctor.

Actions to take if your period is late

Of course, every woman chooses her own tactics in a situation where the delay is 3 days, the quick pregnancy test is negative, and the main reason for all this is unknown. You can find out and understand why such changes occur with the assistance of competent doctors.

The generally accepted duration of the cycle should be no less than 21 days and no more than 35 days, the average is 28 days, that is, exactly that many days should pass from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation.

Please note that to establish regular cycle it takes time. For example, a regular cycle of 28 days is established within about two years after the first menstruation. This indicator also has individual variations, but the average is 12–13 years. If the frequency is disrupted after established stability and there is no monthly discharge for a week or more, you should contact a specialist.

A delay of menstruation for five or even seven days can be considered acceptable and physiological if the test does not confirm pregnancy.

But, if a woman is bothered by negative phenomena and sensations, symptoms such as pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or general poor health appear, the search for the reasons for the delay in menstruation should begin immediately. And only with a qualified physician.

The doctor will examine, interview, prescribe tests and find out exactly the cause. A negative result of a quick pregnancy test (especially repeated), in the absence of menstruation, also has clinical significance: it allows you to eliminate one of the most common reasons delays.

If a woman’s periods often lose regularity or are not systematic, it is necessary to undergo examination by a specialist. Make sure the cause is not significant and eliminate it.

Diagnostic tests

A gynecologist, as well as other specialists who, depending on the identified cause (physiological or pathological), should be able to competently conduct an examination and prescribe necessary research. Based on the results, make a diagnosis and draw a conclusion about the need for treatment.

You should be prepared to repeat the pregnancy test. In a hospital setting, this is a more reliable analysis. Blood samples are submitted to the laboratory and examined there for the content of sex hormones. Considerable attention is paid to hCG.

It is this substance that is responsible for the development of the placenta. Therefore, the level of hCG will be increased if conception and implantation (fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall) still occurs. A negative result of a quick test for hCG has no clinical value: in a specialized laboratory its direct content in the blood, expressed as a number, is determined.

You will also need a smear and ultrasound of the organs. abdominal cavity and small pelvis. A CT or MRI scan may be necessary.

In any case, everything depends on related factors and examination results. Full list necessary tests will be compiled by a doctor.

The patient herself will only have to conscientiously follow all the instructions.

It is important to remember that if there is no menstruation in due date, and the woman conducts regular sex life, then you should come for a quick pregnancy test. When the situation arises that the test is negative and there is no menstruation on days 7–12, it must be repeated and if the result is negative again, immediately contact a doctor.

In this case, we may be talking about serious disorders in the woman’s body, which should be immediately identified and treated in order to avoid serious difficulties. Many of them can lead to pregnancy becoming impossible.

Every woman periodically faces the problem when menstruation does not come on time. A one-time delay of menstruation of up to 10 days is not considered a pathology. This is usually caused by natural causes, but frequent cycle failures indicate a malfunction female organs and about possible diseases, which require visiting a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of delayed menstruation

A delay of 2 weeks or more clearly confirms possible conception. To make sure of this, you should take a home pregnancy test or visit your doctor for an hCG test. If the period is shorter, the tests will give a false result, since the pregnancy hormone is not yet present or has not begun to be produced in sufficient quantities.

If your period is late by 3-4 days, this is due to natural effects. A delay of up to 5 days is caused by the following factors:

  • a cold suffered the day before;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • climate change, vacation trip;
  • change in diet, diet;
  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • stress, emotional overload;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • the body's reaction to taking medications;
  • use of oral contraceptives.

A delay of 5 days in menstruation often indicates a malfunction of the endocrine system. At the same time female hormones are produced in excess or insufficient quantities, which results in cycle disruption. If this continues for two to three months, it is better to consult a doctor to eliminate the cause.

A delay of 7 days in menstruation when pregnancy is excluded indicates more serious pathologies. A shift by a week is possible if the body is intoxicated due to alcohol or food poisoning, smoking, as well as due to exacerbation of chronic or acute diseases. Prolonged delay in menstruation may be a symptom of the disease:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. Dangerous due to lack of ovulation, increased levels male hormones, infertility. The signs of polycystic disease are increased growth hair on arms, legs, above the lip, oily skin, excess weight.
  • Ovarian cyst. Causes up to 8 days of delay. Accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, nausea. Neoplasms and tumors require surgical intervention, follicular cyst treated without it.
  • Cystitis. May cause a delay of up to 14–20 days, since not only the bladder, but also the ovaries. Accompanied by painful urination and burning.
  • Inflammation of the ovaries. There is nausea, stool upset, abdominal pain, atypical discharge from the vagina, elevated temperature.
  • Infections and inflammations. Caused by staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonas, Candida fungus. Signs include fever, itching, burning, rashes, and discharge.
  • Pituitary adenoma. Leads to change metabolic processes and endocrine system, which causes a delay of up to 11 days. The signs are headache, visual impairment, double vision, gigantism.
  • Acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, bronchitis. They break the usual cycle.

The test is negative, but there is no period - when should I go to the doctor?

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Every woman should keep a menstrual cycle calendar to monitor her health. This will allow you to notice the failure in a timely manner and take action. Normal female cycle lasts 27, 28 or 29, 30 days. A duration of 21–31 days is not considered a deviation. There are also atypical cycles lasting 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 days. If doctors have not found any pathologies and the rhythm is stable, there is nothing to worry about.

If the delay is up to 5-6 days, you need to check what could have served as a catalyst. If a girl was exposed to stress, gained excessive weight, had a cold, worked hard physically the day before, her menstruation shifted natural reasons. You should consult a doctor if this disorder continues for several months.

A delay of 10 days in one period is also not a cause for concern if there are objective factors that could influence this. If they are absent and the cycle failure recurs, you should visit a doctor for tests, check hormone levels, and exclude inflammatory processes.

A delay of 20 days in a negative test is a serious cause for concern. It is necessary to be examined by a gynecologist to identify possible illness. You also need to consider possible development ectopic pregnancy, which is accompanied severe pain and temperature, but shows a negative test. She requires emergency medical care, otherwise it will lead to serious consequences, even death.

If, in addition to the delay, other symptoms bother you for about a week, you should definitely consult a specialist. Consultation is needed in the following cases:

  • brown, scanty or copious discharge amid constant delays;
  • cycle shift by more than 31, 32 days;
  • temperature;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain during intercourse.

Can a test give a false result if there are no symptoms of pregnancy?

If a woman has a delay of 7 days or more and there is a possibility of conception, she first of all suspects pregnancy and rushes to take a test. This is especially true for couples trying to have a child.

To understand why the test shows a negative result, you need to understand the process of conception. Fertilization of the egg occurs at the moment of ovulation - on days 11–14 of the cycle. The fertilized cell moves towards the uterus. Implantation is carried out 7 days after DPO.

After this, the hCG hormone begins to be produced, the excessive growth of which is recorded using a one-time test. It rises gradually over a period of time until it reaches a level easily detected by strip strips. If you rush to use test strips on the 6th day of the delay, the test will show a negative result, since the cell has just begun to produce the pregnancy hormone.

Testing is best done after 12, 13, 14 days of delay. The first symptoms of pregnancy may occur 9–10 days after the expected period or later.

Many were faced with negative answers, which were later refuted by the doctor. Five factors cause a false home test result:

  • Failure to comply with the rules. It is better to use the first morning urine, in which the concentration of the hormone will be the highest.
  • Incorrect timing. Each manufacturer describes in the instructions how long you need to wait to get a reliable result.
  • Consuming large amounts of fluid. Water dilutes the concentration of hCG. If you urinate frequently, its level also decreases. Before testing, you must not drink or go to the toilet for 2-3 hours.
  • Defective test. To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to test with several strips of different brands. Testing twice every 24 hours at regular intervals is considered correct.
  • Expired date. You need to check the production date indicated on the packaging. The reagent used to detect the level of hCG may lose its qualities and give a false answer.

Diagnosis of the problem: Ultrasound and other examinations

The gynecologist performs a routine examination to identify abnormalities and possible inflammatory processes. Additionally, the following examinations are carried out:

  • hCG test to exclude pregnancy;
  • hormone analysis to check their balance;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis.

Ultrasound allows you to most reliably determine the presence of pregnancy even on the third day. Can also show ectopic pregnancy, polycystic, inflammatory or pathological processes, including neoplasms and tumors. A CT and MRI of the brain may be prescribed to rule out pituitary tumors.

After making a diagnosis, the gynecologist will tell you what to do. If necessary, prescribes treatment to eliminate the disease. If necessary, the patient is referred to the appropriate specialist: endocrinologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist.

What to do if your period hasn’t come and nothing hurts?

If you miss your period for 2, 4, 5, 6 or even 8 days, you need to wait. A delay of 5 days or less is most likely caused by natural factors. If this is not observed in the next month, there is no need to see a doctor. When 4 or more days of delay are repeated every period, it is better to undergo an examination. This will help to timely find out the cause, detect the violation and take appropriate measures.

When the delay is 10 days or more (12–15), you need to do a home test and check for pregnancy. It is best to carry out it two weeks after the expected start critical days. If the answer is negative and there is no menstruation, you must visit a doctor. After conducting tests and an ultrasound, he will identify the cause or confirm whether there is a pregnancy or not. When there is no conception, and up to 9 days or up to two weeks of delay are repeated systematically, consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory.

When nothing hurts or bothers you, but your period is late for 20 days, you definitely need to find out the reason. It happens that due to severe stress or due to sudden weight gain, menstruation does not begin on the 41st–42nd day of the cycle or even on the 60th.

After eliminating such factors, the rhythm of menstruation returns to normal. Knowing the reason that could lead to such violations, it would be correct to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. Some diseases do not show any symptoms long time, and only a failure of the female rhythm will indicate the emergence of a pathological process.

Some women use various methods to induce periods. If there is a delay of about 5 days and the test result is negative, they are considered effective. physical exercise, hot baths, large doses of vitamin C and herbal infusions. Menstruation comes when you consume 1 liter of decoction of elecampane, yarrow, oregano, nettle, rose hips, and knotweed during the day.

There are also drugs that can cause menstruation: Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Pulsatilla, Postinor, Mifegin. You cannot use such remedies yourself, so as not to harm your health, since the regimen for taking them is prescribed individually.

What do frequent delays in critical days indicate?

If a woman experiences up to 5 days of delay every month, this is most likely caused by disorders hormonal balance, stressful situations and other reasons. It is necessary to identify factors due to which menstruation does not come on time. After they are eliminated, the cycle returns to normal. It is important for every girl to have an established rhythm. This allows you to monitor your health, since any violations are detected by failures, and also helps when planning a pregnancy.

A delay of 11 days or more (up to 18–20) on an ongoing basis may indicate the development of a disease or inflammation. Ignoring symptoms will lead to complications and even infertility. When menstruation disappears, the body reports a violation. It may not be related to women's reproductive system, but turns out to be quite serious (tumors, adenoma).