The cat has a strong white discharge. Bleeding in a pregnant cat: what to do

Any problems with a pet's health always sadden the owners. Especially when the cat is bleeding. Here, animal owners often panic and begin to frantically search for the cause of such difficulties.

The most the right decision there will be an immediate appeal to veterinary clinic, because it is precisely this that will be able to prevent deterioration and quickly put the cat in order.

Bloody discharge due to urolithiasis

Speaking about why a cat has bleeding in general, diseases of the genital organs and bladder. Indeed, they most often play a key role in such inflammatory processes.

Despite the fact that these ailments are treatable, they often lead to death, so it is important to make a timely decision about the intervention of specialists.

Bloody discharge in cats can be a consequence of poor diet. Lack of sufficient iron in the diet or minerals can lead to very disastrous results for overall metabolism. The balance in the body is disrupted and it refuses to work correctly.

Reasons bleeding very diverse. Here we are talking about kidney problems. By the way, cats with physical inactivity are often susceptible to this problem. Therefore, you should understand whether a particular animal is at risk and use preventive measures.

Bloody discharge after pregnancy

If the cat bloody discharge after pregnancy, this may indicate tissue rupture.

Often, specialists use hemostatic agents. Well, if the cat has lost a lot of blood, surgery may even be required.

Purulent spotting with a greenish tint may indicate inflammation of the cat’s genital organs. There are some prerequisites here:

  • violation of sanitary standards;
  • infection;
  • internal diseases.

By the way, the cause may also be a fetus stuck in the cat’s womb. A process of decay occurs, due to which the mother is exposed to intoxication. Of course, this could also be ordinary remnants of the placenta, the abundant release of which is not so terrible. Simple antibiotics will help here. However, in more severe cases, surgery will be required.

If you see drops of blood along with milk that come out as discharge from the genitals, then you can judge about inflammation of the mucous membrane.

A cat's body, which is weak after pregnancy, may not be able to cope with such a complication. However, with a calmer initial stage the animal does not even need to be separated from its offspring.

Treatment of bleeding

Purulent-bloody clots should not be neglected under any circumstances. It is important here to take all available measures to protect the cat from further complications. Any loving owner must understand that only his actions can ensure the pet’s condition improves and prevent death.

If vaginal discharge appears, except during estrus, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Actions will be taken there to establish signs of such formations. The doctor will conduct tests, take a smear and perform an ultrasound if necessary. Next, he will prescribe treatment, which will be based on the results obtained. Often this complex methods, which include regimen, medications and procedures.

Although bleeding may indicate large quantities diseases, a specialist will not need much time to determine the cause.

And after the cat has completed the treatment period, the doctor will tell you about preventive measures that will help avoid recurrence of such problems. Their implementation is mandatory and very useful not only in the matter of bleeding, but also for maintaining general health pet.

Regardless of how the cat is treated, the main thing is to surround it with care and attention. Only in this case, blood secretions from the loop will be less severe and burdensome for the animal. And after some time the cat will be able to return to normal life.

With your pet. You can often hear that the process of giving birth to babies almost certainly must be accompanied by some complications and difficulties. Fortunately, this is far from the case, and it is rarely necessary to really help the animal. Other breeders are concerned about discharge before childbirth: they also believe that discharge from the external genitalia must necessarily indicate something unpleasant and deadly... Is this really so, is it necessary to immediately contact a veterinarian?

Let’s immediately deal with one important nuance. There is discharge during pregnancy, and there is immediate prenatal discharge. If your cat has any “leaking” from the external genitalia, and there is still a month left before giving birth, immediately take your pet to the veterinarian. Discharge during such a period is an unambiguous pathology, indicating the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs reproductive system cats.

Discharge that appears shortly before birth does not pose any danger. It is very likely that your pet is simply losing a mucus plug from the cervix. This can happen about three days before giving birth. If mucous discharge appears much earlier than this period, you should contact a veterinarian. Early removal of the plug does not bode well for either the cat or her offspring.

Mucus plug, what is it and what is it for?

Any animal lover who has experienced childbirth in their pets at least once probably knows about the existence of the cervix. This is the tubular part of the organ, the function of which can be compared with the intestinal sphincters, for example. In the normal state (when the cat is not pregnant), the cervix is ​​always tightly closed due to contraction of muscle tissue. This reliably prevents pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora from entering the organ cavity.

The uterus must always and in all cases remain sterile! Everything else is a deviation from the norm.

At the time of birth, a certain number of microbes may enter the organ cavity, but, as a rule, the body is able to cope with them on its own.

True, there is one nuance. During pregnancy, the cervix is ​​no longer closed so tightly. This is due to the fact that subsequently the organ will still have to relax, since otherwise the cat will not be able to give birth. It is at this time that the mucous plug acquires special significance: it serves as a “plug” that does not allow dirt and microorganisms to enter the organ cavity.

Cork is impermeable to air and other factors external environment. Its damage during pregnancy is always fraught with extreme danger. unpleasant consequences. In cases where the integrity of the “plug” is broken in the last three to five days before birth (brown mucus), nothing bad will happen. This is a completely physiological phenomenon, and it poses no danger either to the cat itself or to its offspring.

But in situations where the plug is damaged long before birth, this does not bode well: pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, dirt and others negative factors external environment. All this leads to the development of severe inflammatory processes.

Signs of mucous plug coming off before childbirth

If the cat is fairly clean and regularly licks the genital area (and right before giving birth, she does this all the time), then you may not notice anything. But the classic signs discharge is the appearance of mucous discharge from the external genitalia. They are normally pink, but may have a reddish-pinkish or even brown. Let us emphasize once again that this is a completely normal phenomenon, and it does not pose any danger to the health and life of the animal.

But with normal prenatal discharge, the animal’s behavior should also remain normal. Since the animal feels the approach of birth, it becomes restless, constantly running around the house in search of the most suitable place for kittens.

If something is wrong, the cat may meow “hysterically,” avoid contact with the owner, and react inadequately to attempts to palpate its stomach. If such signs appear, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Causes of pathological discharge

As a rule, in veterinary practice there are following reasons pathological, unnatural discharge during the prenatal period:

  • Any inflammatory processes localized in the uterine cavity.
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage.
  • It happens that to form a mucus plug, the body used too large volumes of a binder, causing the mucus to “leak” yellow(or brown) can be observed throughout pregnancy. Hypothetically, such a phenomenon in itself does not pose a danger. Unfortunately, excessive “fluidity” of the mucus plug can lead to its complete, premature destruction. We have already talked about what this entails above.
  • Quite rarely, but there are cases when, due to severe hormonal disorders, a pregnant cat develops signs of sexual heat, accompanied, among other things, by the release of eggs. At the slightest sign of this, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, as any hormonal disorders that appear during pregnancy (even during pregnancy) late stages) are fraught with miscarriages, as well as the birth of weak and defective kittens.
  • Ruptures of uterine tissue.
  • Pathologies of the placenta, including cases of its detachment.
  • Intrauterine death of kittens. Often even the most inexperienced breeder can find out about this, since the death of fruits is often accompanied by putrefactive decomposition (maceration). The smell and appearance of the discharge are appropriate; in severe cases, even being near a pregnant cat can be extremely difficult. Thick, white or green purulent discharge may appear.

Pathological discharge in pregnant cats is often accompanied by other alarming signs: apathy, lack of appetite, inappropriate behavior . Note that to the number negative symptoms This also applies to the cat’s reluctance to lick the area of ​​the external genitalia in the presence of discharge from them. Since such behavior (craving for cleanliness) is inherent in cats at the genetic level, the absence of this trait indicates a very in serious condition animal.

What kind of discharge should you call a veterinarian for?

Discharge of clear mucus in the first weeks of pregnancy is completely normal. At this time, the formation of a mucous plug in the cervix occurs, and the “technological surplus” from this process is released into the external environment.

Depending on the color, smell and consistency, as well as the time of appearance (immediately before birth or long before it), the discharge can be either physiological or pathological, indicating the need to urgently call a veterinarian.

To accurately determine the nature of the “leaks”, you need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • Bloody or bloody discharge that appeared a few days before the kittens were born - bad sign. If more than a tablespoon of blood is released, and its volume continues to increase, we are clearly talking about intrauterine bleeding. At the slightest suspicion of this pathology, you must urgently contact a veterinary specialist.
  • If around the middle of pregnancy your cat develops reddish-brown bloody discharge, this is a very bad sign. Most likely, it indicates placental abruption and intrauterine death of all offspring (the probability of this is very high). With properly prescribed treatment and a certain amount of luck, there is a chance to save offspring. In more severe cases, a decision may be made to surgically remove the entire uterus and ovaries.
  • Expirations greenish color with a disgusting smell, it is very bad. The appearance of such signs clearly indicates not only the intrauterine death of all offspring, but also the putrefactive processes occurring in the mother’s body. There is practically no chance of saving kittens; with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that treatment will require surgical removal the entire uterus. However, here everything depends on the intensity of putrefactive-necrotic processes.
  • Appearance greenish, greenish-white, yellowish discharge - Very warning sign, since they indicate the development of purulent inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.

Prevention is the key to health!

Thus, not all prenatal discharge in cats is normal, and if any occurs, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Even with timely treatment, there is no guarantee of preserving the life of kittens (or even the cat itself), and therefore every effort must be made to avoid the development of this type of pathology:

  • Remember that in healthy cats the development of birth pathologies is practically excluded. In general, carefully monitor her, choose only high-quality food, and bring her to the gym at least once a quarter. preventive examination to the veterinarian.
  • In the second half of pregnancy, try to isolate the cat in a room where there is no tall objects furniture and sharp corners so that the pet cannot injure its enlarged belly.
  • Be sure to get all vaccinations prescribed by your veterinarian, as they will reliably protect your cat from many infectious diseases.
  • A pregnant cat should be protected from drafts, but at the same time make sure that she does not sleep near heating appliances. Sudden changes temperatures are bad for intrauterine development fruits
  • Make it a habit to carefully observe your cat’s behavior for at least ten minutes a day. The sooner you notice any deviations from the norm, the sooner you can help her.

Most importantly, remember that any discharge from a pregnant cat that appears no earlier than a couple of weeks before the “official” due date is potentially dangerous!

Of course, there are situations when they have a completely natural origin, but much more often their appearance is a consequence of severe pathological processes. Only an experienced veterinarian in a well-equipped clinic can save the life of a pet and her offspring.

Pyometra in a cat is purulent inflammation uterus, which is accompanied by purulent or purulent-bloody discharge from the vagina. Pyometra is associated with hormonal imbalance (often associated with ovarian cysts).

Most often, this disease occurs in unsterilized dogs and cats over 5 years of age that have not had offspring or have been retired from breeding. However, in lately Cases of pyometra in young (2-3 years) animals have become more frequent. Pyometra can occur in a closed or open form, and one form can transform into another.

With an open pyometra, the cervix is ​​open - pus with blood flows out quite freely, especially in the lying position and when standing up. In the closure form, the cervix is ​​closed and pus/mucus accumulates in the body and horns of the uterus.

The reason may be hormonal imbalance, sexually transmitted infection, giving hormonal drugs to suppress estrus. Also, pyometra in a cat can occur after a complicated birth, when the placenta is retained, or when there are dead unborn fetuses in the uterus.

According to the observations of veterinarians, more than half of the cases of pyometra in cats are associated with the use of drugs such as "Contrasex" to suppress sexual activity.

A typical picture of pyometra in a dog: 2-4 weeks after estrus, the dog suddenly begins to drink a lot, appetite worsens, the volume of the abdomen increases, vaginal discharge appears in color from red-plum to “coffee au lait” with a characteristic unpleasant smell. Not all animals exhibit pyometra with such a “classical” set of signs. Some people simply “do not stop estrus”; others have an unnoticed increase in the abdomen (especially in obese animals). Well, discharge, accordingly, does not happen in all cases.

In cats clinical signs pyometra are usually not as bright as those in dogs. Cats are very clean animals, so vaginal discharge is most often not visible. But you can notice that the cat began to “lick” every 5-15 minutes.

For staging accurate diagnosis For an experienced veterinarian, a clinical examination and detailed story animal owners about the development of the disease. In doubtful cases, an x-ray or ultrasound can be done. Test results for pyometra can vary and are only valuable for combating complications.

The most effective and rational treatmentcomplete removal uterus and ovaries. If you leave even a fragment of an ovary, it is possible postoperative complications, incl. pyometra of the uterine stump. If the animal is not old and the disease is not advanced, the cat recovers quite quickly and lives happily for a long time.

Conservative methods (antibiotics, IVs, hormones) can only suppress the signs of the disease in best case scenario until the next heat. Dozens of cats and dogs have died or been serious complications and were urgently operated upon after attempts conservative treatment pyometers. This is especially true for the use of OXYTOCIN, beloved by veterinarians, “to free the uterus.” It is necessary to understand that when the cervix is ​​closed, the administration of oxytocin with high probability may lead to uterine rupture.

Signs of pyometra in a cat:

  • Decreased or completely absent appetite.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Enlarged abdomen.
  • Discharge from the loop. They may be bloody or cloudy white and foul-smelling. The cat may leave stains on the bedding.
  • The cat licks its belly longer than usual, until the fur on its belly completely falls out.
  • The cat is more anxious or angry than usual.
A cat may exhibit just one or several signs from this list.

If you notice any of these signs in your cat, you should consult a doctor.
If the uterine wall is thin, it may rupture with pyometra and pus may enter the abdominal cavity. Then saving the cat will be much more difficult.

Absolutely effective method prevention of pyometra - sterilization of the cat (from the age of 8 months).
If the cat is for breeding, you should not give the cat hormonal drugs to suppress estrus, only herbal sedatives (such as Kot Bayun).
It is also necessary to prevent uncontrolled matings of cats, only planned ones and with a trusted cat.
During childbirth, it is necessary to ensure that the cat does not give birth for more than a day, there are no more than 3.5 hours between kittens, and there are no long-term inconclusive contractions.

And now the scary photos.
This is what a healthy uterus removed during sterilization looks like healthy cat(left) and the slightly enlarged uterus of a still healthy cat (right).

And photographs of purulent pyometra.

What was inside her was pyometra

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Whenever we go out into nature, we take our favorite animals with us. They are our devoted companions during our walks. We love watching our pets in natural conditions. Yes, what a pleasure it is for cats and dogs to frolic in the garden, the living greenery of the forest or on the river bank. But nature not only gives joy and pleasure, but also poses danger.

A cat's discharge may consist of liquid substances, which does not include urine. They mainly appear on the external genitalia. It is worth noting that the discharge may be bloody, gray, cloudy and even watery.

It is important to notice this phenomenon in time. In some cases, this is no big deal. But often discharge indicates that the animal has health problems. Moreover, they can be of any nature. In any case, the cat should be immediately shown to a veterinarian in order to exclude the worst possible outcomes. There are several main reasons why cats have discharge.

So, first of all, this phenomenon can be considered normal only if it occurs in postpartum period. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the color, so dark green and brownish-red discharge should not cause concern to the animal’s owners. After all, we are talking about the recovery period after childbirth; it usually lasts 3 weeks. Sometimes discharge appears in cats during estrus, if it is “untouched” by the cat. This phenomenon occurs over several days and does not pose any danger.

Moreover, this phenomenon is quite difficult to distinguish from blood in the urine. Therefore, diagnosing anything on your own is difficult, and generally dangerous for the animal’s life. If a cat has suffered a vaginal injury, then bleeding may accompany it throughout its life.

The color of the discharge during this period can range from dark green to black. As in the previous case, all this persists for 3 weeks. If we are talking about the period of pregnancy, then any discharge in cats at this time is dangerous. There is no point in waiting and hoping for the best; you need to take the animal to the veterinarian. So, all of the above is considered to be harmless phenomena, further we'll talk about more serious cases.

Urogenital infections are often accompanied by discharge from the genitourinary tract. They may be pinkish or even opaque. In the latter case, we are talking about a purulent infection. Most likely, the animal is developing pyometra; you need to start fighting it immediately. This disease is a serious tumor. A cat's pyometra must be removed in a timely manner so that it does not lead to death.

The next reason for discharge may lie in cancer of the urogenital tract. With this phenomenon, the discharge is reddish or purulent. They mainly appear in the vaginal area. Pulling and self-medication is prohibited; the animal should be given qualified assistance immediately. Often, mucous discharge signals the presence of vaginitis. This disease is fraught with serious consequences. It is an inflammation of the vagina, in which action must be taken immediately. Blood clotting disorders lead to abnormal blood discharge.

It is important to recognize discharge in time, because for some reason many owners do not attach any importance to it. Ultimately the animal suffers and it all ends fatal. Obviously, you don’t want to lose your pet due to inattention. Therefore, you need to know some information. In particular, about the most terrible diseases, such as pyometra.

But if we are talking about pus, then you should consult a doctor. What is pyometra in cats and how to properly deal with it? By the way, if the injury was “removed” by an experienced specialist, then there is no need to worry. Otherwise, more serious problems. Sometimes animals have an abnormal location of the ureter or some problems with the sphincter. In this case, discharge occurs, the cause of which is the pooling of urine in the vagina.

This “combination” promises constant irritation, which is where, in fact, everything comes from. Sometimes cats have some defects in the rectum or fistulas. Therefore, watery feces travel through this channel through the intestines into the vagina. This is where the strange discharge comes from. In any case, whatever the nature of this phenomenon, we need to fight it. You should not wait until the situation changes on its own, this can lead to serious consequences and the animal may eventually die.

If you do not address this issue in time, you may be left without a pet. Pyometra in cats, which is not so easy to treat, is often found in these animals. Therefore, if any discharge appears, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In most cases, the first thing an owner needs to do when bleeding is detected in a pregnant cat in the loop area is to show the animal to a veterinarian. It is important to know that bleeding can be either normal or pathological. The main task of the owner is to give the cat maximum attention throughout pregnancy in order to notice dangerous symptoms in time, but to make an accurate diagnosis and further treatment should only be trusted by a veterinarian.

In the first 3 weeks from the beginning of pregnancy, a cat may have pinkish or brown tint, which can be confused with blood. In this way, unfertilized eggs are gradually removed from the body (from the uterus). They are dense, stringy discharge, which even look like leeches. Further, until the very birth, a healthy pregnant cat should not have any bleeding or discharge, with the exception of birth process. For this variant of the norm, the following criteria are:

  • The discharge appeared directly during childbirth, after the end of active contractions.
  • The color of blood is scarlet or red-brown.
  • Bleeding lasts no more than 8-10 minutes.
  • The total volume of blood discharge does not exceed 2 tablespoons.
  • There is no strong unpleasant odor.

Any other characteristics of bleeding or its occurrence over time early stages(especially in the second trimester of pregnancy) – a sign physiological disorders the process of bearing offspring, which can be dangerous for the cat and future kittens. Possible pathological causes include:

  • Miscarriage, which can occur due to premature death of the fetus or injury to the abdominal area, in response to which the uterus reacts by rejecting the embryos;
  • Frozen pregnancy, when the development of fetuses stops and they remain in the uterine cavity, decomposing and causing inflammatory processes. This is one of the most dangerous symptoms during cat pregnancy, since unborn offspring provoke intoxication of the body. As a result, operation failure may occur different systems body, but the kidneys react especially quickly to this situation.

  • “Natural selection”, when even in the early (and sometimes late) stages of pregnancy the body rejects embryos with pathologies, which can also be accompanied by bleeding.
  • Placental abruption, which is accompanied by the appearance of discharge dark brown and poses a danger to the cat and future offspring. If detachment occurs near the end of pregnancy (8-9 weeks), the offspring has a better chance of survival. In this case, urgent measures are usually not taken, and the cat remains under observation until the birth process.
  • Inflammatory processes in the uterus, other organs of the reproductive or urinary system.

Cat behavior

Cats themselves are clean animals. Any discharge during pregnancy (including blood) may remain unnoticeable to the owner, since the pet will lick everything. In this case, remaining blood in the tail area and constant licking of this area may be a warning sign. Some owners perceive frequent licking of the loop as an indicator of the pet's cleanliness, but in reality, in this way the animal is trying to reduce the pain of the inflamed area. In addition, you should pay attention to other alarming symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • depressed state.

If the bleeding is profuse enough, then traces of it may remain on the floor, in the tray or on pieces of furniture. This means that the pet is unable to cope with self-care due to excessive discharge or due to a state of weakness that does not allow maintaining hygiene, so the pet should be taken to a specialist.

What to do

If blood is detected in a pregnant cat, prompt attention to a veterinarian is often critical. The life of the offspring and the animal itself may depend on this. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination with ultrasound and complex tests. Based on the results obtained, he will advise what is best to do next: remove or maintain the pregnancy. Depending on its duration, he may also offer:

In addition, it is assigned rehabilitation therapy or antibiotics in case of inflammatory processes.

Attention! In the event of fetal death, the only way to save the cat is to induce premature labor or surgery, supplemented by subsequent restorative treatment.


Simple precautions will help to significantly reduce the risk of bleeding in a cat during pregnancy and carry her healthy offspring. For this it is important:

  • Prepare your body for conception with balanced nutrition and vitamin supplements to support immunity (after consultation with a veterinarian).
  • Get your required vaccinations on time.
  • Avoid active and active games during pregnancy, which may cause injury to the abdominal area.
  • Ensure a comfortable room temperature and absence of drafts.
  • Give your cat enough attention to notice changes in behavior and health in time.

Veterinarian advice for bleeding in a pregnant cat: video