The dog has pigment spots on his back. Types of allergies in dogs

We know very little about the time of the appearance of the first domestic animals; there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles preserved about that period of human life when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated animals, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when man received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists assume that every domestic animal has its wild ancestor. Proof of this is archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During excavations, bones belonging to domestic animals were found ancient world. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, domesticated animals accompanied us. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals caused by humans. For example, let's take America or Australia as clear evidence of this theory. Almost all domestic animals were brought to these continents from Europe. These animals have found fertile soil for life and development. An example of this is hares or rabbits in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge quantities and went wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. The first confirmations in chronicles and legends we meet are a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used by humanity in the ancient era. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied a niche pet and a mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used various animals to catch mice, such as weasels or genets.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animal is farm animals that directly benefit humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live directly in the same room with a person.

The second type is pet animals (companions), which we see every day in our houses or apartments. They brighten up our leisure time, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them are almost useless for practical purposes. modern world, for example, hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species can often belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A prime example of this is that rabbits and ferrets are kept at home as pets, but are also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some waste from pets can be used, for example, the hair of cats and dogs for knitting various items or as insulation. For example, belts made of dog hair.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can notice that many families who keep animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing a pet and caring for it.

If you have interesting observations of your pet’s behavior or would like to share information about some pet. Or you have a nursery, veterinary clinic, or animal hotel near your home, write to us about them at , so that we can add this information to the database on our website.

The main skin diseases dogs and their first symptoms, which every owner needs to be able to identify at home.

We continue our series of articles dedicated to caring for our pets and today we’ll talk about what skin diseases in dogs are most common and what their first symptoms should be paid attention to first. This approach will allow the owner to prevent the development of complex, difficult-to-treat diseases, which are fraught not only with significant financial costs, but can also lead to serious complications. The material in this article is closely related to the rules and features, so we recommend reading these articles as well. If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments after each article.

Smell of a dog

Dogs have no skin sweat glands, however, it contains sebaceous oils in large quantities, the secretion of which serves to protect the surface of the skin from external influence, stimulates proper hair growth and serves as an identification tool for dogs. The smell of each dog is unique in the world of these animals and serves business card by which each dog identifies each other.

When interacting with atmospheric oxygen, fixed oils secret sebaceous glands dogs oxidize, which enhances the odor. Many owners begin to complain that their dog begins to smell like “dog.” In the vast majority of cases, this is normal; the concentration of the secretion of the sebaceous glands can vary and depends on the breed of the dog, the characteristics of its feeding and care, as well as on individual characteristics. However, if the smell of “dog” begins to be mixed with sour, putrid, fecal aromas or the smell of acetone, this may signal the development of skin diseases in dogs or metabolic disorders. In this case, the owner needs to be more attentive to the health of his pet and conduct a simple independent examination, based on the results of which he can decide whether to contact a veterinarian or not. Regular bathing of the dog or dry grooming of its coat may be sufficient to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

First of all, you need to check the entire surface of the skin, the external auditory canal, the oral cavity, anal hole and the genitals of your pet, since these areas are often the source of development causing odor bacteria in dogs.

The first symptoms of skin diseases

When examining yourself, you should pay attention to the following conditions and skin conditions of dogs:

  • The presence of scratches, scratches, licks or signs of biting on the skin.
  • Formation of scabs, crusts, subcutaneous formations and other defects on the surface of the skin.
  • Too much large number fleas
  • Focal or diffuse redness of the skin.
  • Does your dog’s skin peel, and if so, in which areas is it more severe – on the back, belly, head or limbs.
  • Soreness in some areas of the skin with or without visible changes.
  • Areas with elevated temperature, which is easy to determine by touch.
  • Round, scaly patches on the face, paws, or other areas of the skin. It is important to determine the condition of the coat in this area - whether it is thinner, whether the hairs are held tightly, whether there is baldness (alopecia), whether there is a clipping effect and other conditions that are different from healthy areas of the coat.
  • Availability brown plaque, resembling ground coffee, on the inner surface ears in dogs.
  • Dry, flaking, or otherwise irritated skin.
  • Presence of a rash.
  • Physical damage.
  • Presence of blood or pus.
  • The presence of lumps, lumps, swelling in or under the skin, and whether there is a change in skin color from normal.
  • Does your dog have black spots on his skin?
  • The presence of swelling, redness and discharge in the genital area.
  • Crusts of dried feces in the anal area.

An animal's behavior can also reveal a lot about the presence of skin diseases in dogs. Pathological foci that somehow bother the dog will attract his attention. The dog will try to lick, scratch, and bite areas that are very itchy or painful. Animals often rub these areas against surfaces. Such changes in the animal’s behavior may indicate various kinds of diseases, both of the skin and system-wide pathologies of the body. Let's tell you more about them.

Diseases that cause changes in the skin of dogs

All of the following skin diseases in dogs and system-wide conditions can cause symptoms on the coat and skin of animals. Some can be cured at home, while others require accurate differentiated diagnosis and treatment in a veterinary clinic. In any case, they cannot be ignored, since such problems do not disappear on their own.

Fleas on dogs

However, the situation becomes significantly more complicated when the dog's immune strength is reduced as a result poor care, inadequate feeding or due to associated serious illnesses. The volume of “anti-flea” substances in the animal’s blood decreases, fleas become more active and the growth of their population literally crushes the dog’s health, further aggravating its condition.

In any case, you need to monitor the number of fleas on your dog. But what number of fleas is considered normal? If you run your palm over the dog's body in the area abdominal cavity or back side limbs - these are the places where there are always the most fleas; you may notice 1-2 escaping fleas or not notice any. In this case, there is no need to worry, especially since dog fleas very rarely bite a person, only when there are a lot of them. If five or more hastily retreating insects are noticed, a lot of bites are noticeable on the skin, and a lot of flea excrement in the form of scattered black dots is visible at the base of the coat, the dog should be treated for fleas, which is quite possible at home.

For this purpose, there are many insecticidal preparations sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies. You can use any product, following all the rules of the instructions for use. It is worth noting that bathing with flea shampoo is always more effective than sprays. As for flea drops or collars, they are more suitable for preventing the spread of infestation than for treating it.

Allergies in dogs

Dogs often suffer from allergies, but their symptoms are different from those of humans. The animals show no signs of drooling, tearfulness, sneezing or coughing, but are very itchy. It can be so strong that animals wipe off fur in the itchiest areas of the body and teeth down to the gums.

Such a strong reaction in dogs may be due to hypersensitivity to common allergens such as pollen, dust, dust mites, mold, some plants, and cosmetics for animals. At seasonal allergies The dog's skin peels, it becomes dry, and hair falls out, which is often observed in winter.

In addition, allergies in dogs can be a consequence of exposure to ingredients in commercial prepared foods, or to specific foods in the diet - beef, chicken, wheat, corn or soy. Fillers and dyes in ready-made food can be considered foreign to the dog’s immune system, that is, they can cause the development of allergic reactions. carried out exclusively in a veterinary clinic. More information about this disease can be found in.

Skin nonspecific infections

Bacterial or fungal skin infections often develop in weakened animals when the pathogen gets into the wounds of scratching, flea bites and other consequences of skin diseases in dogs. Such infections are called secondary and nonspecific, since their pathogens are always present on the skin of dogs, but can cause a pathological reaction only in an already sick animal against the background of existing, primary diseases.

Often such diseases are accompanied by pain, bad smell, swelling, redness around the edges, the presence of pus and blood in the lesions. In addition, there may be a dried crust of particles of blood, lymph and pus.

Often such conditions require professional diagnostics, since pathogens can already penetrate the blood and cause general condition, called septicemia. In this case, more complex treatment. Local lesions can be treated with such agents as Vishnevsky's liniment, levomikol, chlorhexidine.

Infectious diseases

Some specific infections dogs show symptoms in the canine skin area. These include leptospirosis and others. A common characteristic symptom for all viral and bacterial infections, most often is an increase in the animal’s body temperature.

Scabies in dogs

Scabies diseases of dogs include:

  • . Mites of the genus Sarcoptes are capable of chewing tunnels between layers of skin, so it would be more correct to call the disease intradermal scabies. The characteristic symptoms of sarcoptic mange are severe itching The animal's skin peels and hair falls out, and severe allergic reactions are possible.

Stress or boredom

A dog may lick and bite its skin excessively, especially in the limb area, when it experiences prolonged stress, such as a change in ownership, lack of proper care and feeding, or frequent physical abuse by the owner or other animals. This behavior leads to the appearance of pathological foci in the places of the most active impact on the skin.

It is necessary to schedule a visit to the veterinarian in a timely manner as soon as any abnormalities characteristic of skin diseases in dogs have been noticed or the animal begins to excessively scratch, lick and bite some areas of its body. This will also be required in cases where treatment at home does not give the required result.

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Red spots on a dog's belly are very easy to detect, because this particular part of the body is not covered with hair. Similar symptom may indicate both serious illness, and for conditions that are not life-threatening to the animal. It is very important to know the reasons for the appearance of spots and correlate them with other signs possible diseases and clearly understand: when you can cope with the problem yourself, and when you need to see a doctor.

The appearance of slight redness is not a reason for emergency treatment. veterinary clinic. After all, sometimes a red spot can appear as a result of rubbing with a new leash-harness, and to eliminate the problem it is enough to use regular Vaseline.

Other common causes of red spots on a dog's belly include:

  • Allergic reaction.

Allergies are fairly easy to recognize by the accompanying symptoms. If a food allergen enters the animal’s body, vomiting and polydipsia will occur. Also, if the bare skin of the abdomen for a long time came into contact with chemicals, synthetic drugs, then a contact allergy will appear. In this case, in addition to flat, reddened areas of the skin, you will notice that the animal is constantly itching.

In order to rid your pet of allergic spots, it is necessary to exclude its further contact with the allergen. To do this, it is recommended to give the animal only food marked “Hypo-allergenic”. If there is a suspicion that red spots on the dog’s belly appeared after contact with chemicals, then you need to carefully bathe the animal in clean water(using completely natural products).

  • Prickly heat.

If your pet is too hot, heat rash may appear. The red rash is usually localized not only on the stomach, but also on the ears, in the folds of the skin. The dog itself may not react to the rash, but suffer from polydipsia and lethargy. If no action is taken, wet scabs will eventually develop and may begin to fester and ooze. bad smell. At this stage, the animal usually actively “licks” the affected areas.

To prevent heat rash, it is necessary to ensure adequate cooling of your pet in hot weather. Fluffy breeds especially suffer from such problems. It is best to move the walk to early morning and late evening. If the animal is constantly outdoors, then you need to provide constant access to a drinking bowl and periodically wash the pet with cool water. The heat rash itself can be lubricated with hydrocortisone ointment or Calamine lotion.

  • Tick ​​and flea bites.

If, after the treatment, a non-fading spot remains on your pet’s skin, you should contact your veterinarian. It is likely that the remains of the tick will have to be removed.

Reasons requiring specialist help

When examining an animal and making a diagnosis yourself, you must be extremely careful not to miss signs of dangerous diseases. After all, if redness skin is associated with infection and a malfunction of the immune system, then it will not be possible to do without the help of a veterinarian.

Fungal infections

When infected with a fungus, red spots appear in the dog's groin and lower abdomen. The animal may whine during trips to the toilet and often itch. If left untreated, the spots quickly develop into small ulcers that spread to the paw pads, ears, nose and even the mouth.

  • Therapy program.

It is prohibited to give the animal any medications on your own. The veterinarian selects medications after examining the results of a blood test and a smear taken. Before contacting a specialist, you can only wipe the sores with a weak solution of chlorhexidine to alleviate the dog’s condition.


Almost perfectly smooth, round red spots on a dog’s belly may indicate the presence of ringworm. If hair has fallen out in place of the reddened areas, and the animal itself is constantly itching and behaves restlessly, then there is no doubt about the diagnosis.

  • Treatment program.

All that can be done at home: isolate the dog (after all, there is a risk of infection). The veterinarian will prescribe antifungal and immunomodulatory drugs.


The disease develops as a result of infection of the hair follicles. In this case, you can notice reddish papules in the lower abdomen, as well as in groin area. Folliculitis most often develops after Staphylococcus intermedius enters the body (sometimes a granuloma develops in parallel). The disease can also be caused by hypothyroidism.

  • Treatment program.

The affected areas are freed from hair and treated with an antibacterial solution. Further, depending on primary cause diseases, antibiotic therapy or the use of local antiseptics is prescribed.


If, when pressing on the reddened areas of the skin, lumps are clearly felt, then it is likely that the cause of the problem is a benign or malignant tumor.

  • Treatment program.

First of all, the veterinarian will determine the nature of the tumor by performing a biopsy. Benign tumors can resolve without outside intervention. But if the tumor is malignant, the animal will have to undergo radiation or chemotherapy.

How to make a diagnosis yourself

To help people without medical education To independently make a primary diagnosis, veterinarians have developed a specific algorithm. So, if reddened areas are noticed on the dog’s stomach, then you need to proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. examine the entire body of the animal to understand the area of ​​distribution of the lesions (sometimes during such an examination a tick can be detected);
  2. monitor for changes in your pet's behavior (sudden fatigue, unexplained thirst, constant itching etc.);
  3. compare the symptoms with the location of the rash;
  4. if the diagnostic picture matches the description of one of the above diseases, provide the dog with all possible assistance;
  5. If it is not possible to determine the cause of the rash, or the treatment did not help the animal, then contact a veterinarian.

Sometimes the use of corticosteroid ointments or creams eliminates only the external manifestation of the disease in the form of spots and itching. But in the long run, such treatment will harm the animal. It is imperative to identify and eliminate the root of the problem in order to prevent complications and possible relapses.

It must be remembered that in most cases, red spots on a dog do not indicate any serious health problem. The dermatological deficiency will quickly disappear after using the simplest external remedies. However, it is very important to keep an eye on associated symptoms and contact your veterinarian if any negative changes occur.

You can also ask a question to our site's staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

    The Chihuahua has red spots that are flaky on his stomach and in some areas of the skin, but he doesn’t itch and behaves as usual, they look like sores, you can see that he doesn’t touch them, he doesn’t scratch them, what could this be? They are especially observed in the groin area on the stomach on the paws. Thanks in advance

  • Hello. My shepherd has red spots on his stomach, neck and nose. Her hair is long, sometimes itches on her neck, she sleeps peacefully, she hasn’t lost her appetite. I treat the spots with peroxide. Please advise what tablets are needed or what else. The veterinarian is 60 km away.

  • Elizabeth 20:34 | 30 Sep. 2018

    Hello! I have a dachshund for 6 months. First dog. We fed Proplan food for puppies of small breeds with chicken and a red spot appeared on her stomach, she scratched it, there were also red inflammations in the corners of her ears, and in her armpits too. We went to the veterinarian and they said they suspected chicken in the food. I have been wiping all her wounds with chlorhexedine 2% for the 2nd day now. We bought hypoallergenic food and nothing happens. I understand that only 2 days have passed, but is this definitely an allergy or can we assume that it is something else? Thank you very much.

  • Anna 18:16 | 24 Sep. 2018

    Good afternoon Tell me, what breed does the puppy have? German shepherd appeared as a lump on her leg, next to her belly, she is 3 months old. What could it be? I also noticed loose stool, we don’t feed her with food, I cook it myself (meat, cereal, dairy products). I’m worried that it might be ringworm, because there’s a cat in the yard who was sick, but the doctor said it’s not contagious, they’ve already given 2 injections, and the tail has begun to heal.

  • Galina: Hello Dasha. My dog ​​(8 years old) has yellow bumps about 4 cm in size on his back, which then break through, he licks them, but new ones come out. Please tell me what this is and what to do. In general, he is afraid of any treatment, snaps, and does not let strangers near him.

  • Hello. On the dog's stomach (closer to the fold near hind paw) a red spot appeared, smooth, without peeling. In the middle of this spot there is a red dot, barely noticeable. The dog constantly whines and chews this place. What could this be, please tell me. The dog is 2 years old.

  • Hello! We have a 2.5 year old East European Shepherd. Every summer, red spots appear on the stomach. The dog feels good, does not itch, eats, and is energetic. We apply flucinar. It helps, but when we come in from the street, new bright red spots appear. Treated against ticks: collar and Brovekta. Moreover, this is not our first dog and everyone had such a situation in the summer. We walk along the slope and tall grass, but also on asphalt too. Washed my belly tar soap- better. But when we return from the street, it’s all over again. What to do?

  • Hello! My dog ​​has red spots ( small size), under the front and rear legs in the groin. I bought a flea collar, but he constantly sniffs himself out...Can you tell me what it could be?

  • Good afternoon My puppy has groin area a single red oval-shaped spot appeared, diameter larger side approximately 5 mm. Doesn't scratch, doesn't lick, behavior is calm, within normal limits.
    Pug puppy, 5 months old, allergenic, just finished giving him a course of children's diazolin (50 mg), on Saturday (06/23) we stopped eating turkey meat, as it turned his face red and pimples appeared around the eyes, he is currently eating Acana monoprotein fish.
    The puppy was treated against ticks with drops of Prac-tic 06/19. Over the weekend we were at the dacha, running on the grass, swimming in the pond. I didn't find any ticks on the puppy. Wash it after every walk.
    Please tell me what could be the reasons for this red spot? Is there a need to urgently go to the vet at this moment?

  • Hello, we have a German Shepherd puppy. Today he stopped eating, is lethargic, and I also found one large red spot and several small ones on his stomach. The spots are smooth in appearance and have clear boundaries. What could it be? Thanks in advance.

  • Good evening! I have a pinscher dog, 15 years old, she developed folliculitis, and she also has bumps on her stomach that are not correctly shaped, flat, dense, superficial, and in some places there are depressions in the form of an ulcer, but they do not get wet, they are dry. The veterinarian a year ago, when there were no ulcers, but just lumps, said that it was not worth operating because of his age. Can I treat them with something? The dog is active, runs and jumps, but periodically licks them, although they are dry

  • Good evening, Dasha! I hope for your help, because... at 20-00 pm our veterinarian does not answer the phone. The picture is like this: they came from a walk (through the forests, along the hills), wiped their paws and whole body with water, as usual (it’s hot now - I wet the fur and head with water) and saw in the lower abdomen, on the sides of the middle, where there is almost no fur, bright spots - red, even crimson, scarlet in size: 2 spots - a little larger than a pea, 3 spots - smaller than a pea, two of them had black “grains” in the center - I carefully touched them with a wooden toothpick, they fell off, as if they were dirt. Our Labrador girl, 2 years 3 months, was sterilized at 1 year of age (during sterilization we tested her for anesthesia drugs - there was an allergic reaction to sodium thiopental IV, we used another drug for anesthesia), we vaccinate and worm on time. I wasn't sick with anything. Last year, at the end of May, there was an allergic reaction to some kind of vegetation - they mowed the grass in the park, and she lay on it, playing with another dog - manifestations They were like this: first on the forehead, then all over the head there were swellings the size of 3 kopecks, I called the veterinarian, they injected me with diphenhydramine once - everything went away in a couple of days, they didn’t put anything on me, they didn’t give me any more injection tablets. While I was writing to you, I stopped to look at my tummy; the spots had increased in size: the big ones, up to 1 kopeck, had spread. I touched one spot again with a toothpick (it seemed to me that there was some kind of dark spot), there is no dot, and the tip of the toothpick “is smeared in the same color as stains (raspberry). I'm very worried, what should I do?

  • Good afternoon. The dog was switched from natural to drying; after a month, hair came out on his butt, a small area was bald. We went to the doctor and they said it was an allergy. They prescribed Polysorb, Zodak, shampoo based on birch tar, flea and tick treatment, purina ha food. We have been doing everything as the doctor ordered for a week now, we see no improvement, red spots have appeared in the groin area and in the ear, but there is no itching. Please tell me how long it takes to treat an allergy on average. And is it possible to switch the dog to natural breeding, or is it no longer worth it?

  • Hello, we have a little dog, about seven eight years old, she started pulling out her fur and a red spot appeared on her tummy which she constantly licks and it will tell you what it could be and how to help

  • Dasha, hello! Today we went to the veterinarian. Firstly, it’s stressful for the dog, well, he’s so scared, he even chatters his teeth and sheds so much hair from fear, this has already been verified. That’s what happened when they took him for surgery - out of 20 dogs, none of them were so afraid. No question The redness may also increase due to stress, because now fireworks have started, which we are also terribly afraid of, so at this time we have been using Adaptil and stopstress drops for 4 years. Two veterinarians are inclined that the dog has dermatitis. They didn’t take blood, they canceled suprastin, they did it to the withers drops, I forgot the name - they smell like essential oils and prescribed Sinaflan ointment. Dasha can’t ask us everything, because... the dog is struggling. I forgot to tell you that the stains were only on one side, and from Saturday on the second side they appeared abruptly. I already washed his place, changed the bedding, washed the toys. What is this?

  • The dog has a reddish belly, with reddish pimples on one side. The dog’s behavior is normal, it does not itch or lick these places. The veterinarian treated the withers with flea drops, prescribed Akriderm ointment, Suprastin. There are no changes. Please tell me what it could be?

    • Hello! Alternatively, allergies. But the use of suprastin (or other antihistamines) will not be of any use without identifying the allergen. First you need to discover what leads to increased sensitivity. Start with your diet. Switch to a hypoallergenic one, continue treatment, and observe for a week or two (remember, all pimples and redness will not go away at once, a miracle will not happen in a day or two). Chase the worms (sometimes such a reaction occurs to them). Was the dog lying on its stomach on a chemically washed floor, on a cold floor (maybe on snow)? Girl/boy, age, neutered or not, diet, when was the last vaccination and deworming, were there any recent illnesses or were any medications/vitamins/new supplements given? Without a complete medical history, even during an in-person examination, it is impossible to say what is wrong with the animal.

      Hello! We have a Karelian-Finnish husky, male, 8 years old, neutered. Vaccination was in the spring, at the end of November they gave Prazitel tablet (we give it after three months, the last one was milprazone). Yes, they started giving vitamins 8b 1-Adult multivitamins, they gave it for 5 days, but because I didn’t eat and stopped. The dog is a hunter, he was hunting about a month ago, the frost was about -20, then they noticed the first three, what looked like red spots, but decided that he had injured himself on the crust. Then they went away, but the stomach remained pinker than always. Then one pimple appeared. That’s when we went to the veterinary hospital. At the moment there are a lot of red spots on one side, which at first looked like pimples, the stomach is reddish, it doesn’t scratch or lick, but we noticed that after a walk it becomes redder. Dasha, exactly a year ago, the dog also spent about 20-25 minutes hunting ice water, fell through the ice, while they were rescuing, they ran to the car, was wrapped in a woolen sweater, they called the veterinarian - they already injected ceftriaxone at home, the course, everything seemed to be fine. Could there be a reaction to frost and cool weather now? The veterinarian is inclined to believe that the symptoms were bites, so they treated them, but they became worse than before.

      you're welcome =) When your pet recovers, then thank the doctor who will get you back on your feet. Try wearing a warm blanket outside, at least for the duration of your walks. Look, maybe the situation will improve. It may turn out that the skin on the belly was actually frozen and that’s why it reacted this way. Or maybe it really is an allergy. Maybe there is something wrong with the diet? My cat became allergic to the food she had been eating for many years. It turned out that the manufacturer changed something in the recipe, the composition changed, and she reacted like that. I had to change the manufacturer, but it took a very long time for the old lady to select the food (the taste didn’t suit her, then again the allergy began even to hypoallergenic food). I stayed on oatmeal for a week to relieve all this sensitivity. And then she gave me a new food to try. Maybe they changed the food suddenly? This also happens. You need to discuss all this with your veterinarian at your appointment. Were they really not asking such questions when they were collecting their life history?

      Do not use anything before taking the test! Ideally, you should stop taking medications within a few days (they spoil the picture). Well, our town is also not very large, but we do biochemistry in our own laboratory (we simply specialize not only in small pets, but also in large productive animals: cows, horses, sheep, pigs). Without us biochemical analysis It’s impossible on the spot, transporting blood to the capital every time will be quite expensive =) But you should general analysis submit it so that the leukogram is correct.
      Regarding tumors, don’t panic so much. The animal is still young, and the picture is not that great for a neoplasm (the appetite has not changed, there is no exhaustion, the hair is not shedding, the general condition has practically not changed). Again, based on a blood test, the veterinarian may suspect that there is some kind of neoplasm in the body, but then an x-ray is needed to determine the location. They brought us a cat, they also thought it was cancer (she lost 4 kg in six months, stopped eating, began to sleep poorly, and some spots were also found). It turned out you know what? Trite fleas! they are so old cat They tormented her because she was constantly itching and stopped eating, so she lost weight =)) Everything will be fine!

Since you have dared to buy a dog, now you need to clearly understand: you will have to take a lot of care of it. In this article we will look at the most common ones, such as pyoderma, dermatomycosis, scabies, etc., look at photos and, most importantly, find out treatment methods.

The most common skin diseases of dogs

When you notice strange dark or red spots on your pet's skin, or notice that the animal is shedding a lot or itching, there is reason to worry. There are ailments that appear at certain times of the year, and if they are not treated, the disease will haunt the pet all year round. For example, eczema may begin in the spring and end in the fall.

Below we will answer the questions why your pet sheds and what to do when the animal itches. Perhaps the spots on the puppy's belly are a reaction to dirt, but there is no need to risk it. Let's look at the most famous skin diseases, as well as methods of treatment at home.

A veterinarian from the Veterinarian Advice channel Lina Vet will talk about diseases.

A common pathogen is the tick. It usually attacks during warm periods of the year, such as summer and early autumn, and causes symptoms in the animal such as red spots and scabies, and has forms of sarcoptic mange.

Sarcoptic mange

Sarcoptic mange is characterized by tunnels that mites and larvae gnaw through the skin. To identify this mite, you should take a scraping from the area that looks affected and send it for analysis.

Vivid symptoms of sarcoptic mange:

  • the appearance of dark spots;
  • scabies;
  • excessive shedding and dandruff.

Treatment of sarcoptic mange:

  • the pet must take medicinal baths;
  • receive insecticides;
  • Sarcoptic mange is also treated with medication.


This disease is also known as red scabies. Like sarcoptic mange, it is distinguished by the appearance of spots on the body: in the head, on the stomach, on the limbs. Previously, sick dogs were euthanized, but now veterinarians are trying to treat red mange. Unfortunately, the mite can move, so treatment often fails.

Demodex is a permanent resident on the dog’s body, but a decrease in the animal’s immunity leads to its activation and the manifestation of the disease. There is no seasonal predisposition to the appearance of demodicosis.

If treatment for ticks is started without delay, the animal is immediately shorn. Getting rid of a tick takes several weeks. It is true that ticks are especially active in the warm season, but if the disease is allowed to spread, they will live in your pet all year round.

Fungal skin diseases

Rare fungal diseases for dogs are also dangerous for humans, so if you suspect a fungus, you need to take immediate action.

If your pet is sick with dermatomycosis, you need to take action. Treatment occurs with medication.


Dermatomycosis is fungal disease, which affects mainly puppies.

Symptoms of dermatomycosis are:

  • severe shedding;
  • redness of skin areas;
  • areas of the skin are red and very flaky and itchy.

The dog itself can recover from dermatomycosis if its immunity is improved. Treat ringworm with antifungal agents and also give injections. At home, it is also a therapeutic bath.

Bacterial skin infections

Pyoderma is a disease where organisms gnaw their way deep into the skin, causing irritation. Pyoderma then spreads throughout the skin and may appear on the face, groin and abdomen.

Pyoderma often affects puppies, and characteristic signs help to distinguish it. dark spots on the body. If pyoderma is not treated at least at home, the infection will develop and continue to affect the layers of skin and coat.

Allergic skin diseases

Often skin diseases are associated with allergies. An allergy is a reaction of an animal’s body to certain irritating antibodies. It may appear as red spots on the belly or heavy shedding.

Shedding is a normal process for an animal, but shedding that lasts too long and at the wrong time of year, and is accompanied by enormous hair loss, is bad. Such molting may indicate allergies and poor health.


Hypothyroidism is characterized by a disease thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is serious because the immune system attacks the body instead of fighting the disease.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  • spots on the belly.
  • one of the symptoms is lethargy.
  • Symptoms of hypothyroidism are dry skin, pyoderma, sparse hair.

Treatment of hypothyroidism is based on the use of hormonal drugs. In addition, to prevent hypothyroidism, you should always keep immune system pet on top.


Eczema is an insidious disease, but not contagious. The appearance of eczema is influenced by many factors. Eczema can be dry or weeping, but pets are more likely to get weeping eczema. To identify the symptoms of wet eczema, the owner carefully examines the withers and belly of the dog. The disease often begins in the head. Characteristic symptom eczema - scabies.