My dog ​​is vomiting, what should I do? The dog is vomiting water and thick white foam or food

Vomiting in dogs is not a sign of death dangerous disease, as many people think about it. In these animals (as in cats) gag reflex well developed. This is largely due to the nature of the dogs’ diet. By nature they are predators who do not disdain carrion. If an animal has eaten something very “fragrant”, protective mechanisms are activated, expressed in vomiting. In a word, this is a normal physiological reflex.

But this doesn't always happen. When a dog vomits bile, it is always a good reason to visit the veterinarian.

This is the most important endogenous secretion, designed to improve the digestion of fats. It is synthesized in the liver and is intended for its accumulation. gallbladder. After eating, it enters the thin section of the gastrointestinal tract (through the bile ducts), promoting the emulsification of lipids and their subsequent absorption by the body.

Thus, vomiting of bile in dogs occurs when this secretion enters the stomach from the intestines, causing irritation and triggering the gag reflex. How to determine its presence in the stomach contents? It turns greenish-yellowish. By the way, vomiting in this case is a very good option. Sometimes a situation occurs when a dog does not have a developed gag reflex, as a result of which bile remains in the organ cavity. All this can easily lead not only to an ulcer, but even to perforation of the stomach. Bile is an aggressive secretion.

Vomiting is typical in the early morning or late evening. The latter is especially typical for those dogs who receive their rations only once a day. In addition, this can happen in any case when the intervals between meals are too long, or with diseases of the stomach that cause atony of the latter.

The latter is especially common in older dogs, but similar cases are not uncommon even in puppies. Dogs of all breeds are affected; no gender predisposition has been identified.

Symptoms and types

In general, you don’t need to deal with the symptoms for a long time: if a dog vomits bile in the mornings and evenings, then clinical signs and without that it is obvious. But to make it easier for the veterinarian to subsequently determine what exactly caused this pathology, owners need to pay attention to the following:

  • Chronic intermittent vomiting containing bile.
  • As we said, happens in the morning or late evening/night. At the same time, the dog refuses to eat.
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort, which manifests itself in inappropriate behavior dogs: she whines, growls, and may even howl in pain.
  • Nausea: the dog tenses from time to time, looks “somewhere into the distance”, while the animal grunts, due to specific movements it seems that he is about to vomit.
  • Very often observed, caused by a serious disruption of the digestive process.
  • Since in severe cases the dog doesn't eat anything, she quickly develops symptoms of exhaustion: weight loss, sunken eyes, pallor of all visible mucous membranes. The wool becomes thin and brittle.

Read also: Diarrhea with blood in a puppy: causes, treatment

Important! If you notice a pet’s “passion” for eating grass (and after this the animal is guaranteed to vomit), then know that in this way he gets rid of the “garbage” accumulated in the stomach. It wouldn't hurt to take him to the vet.

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The owner must inform the veterinarian of all the symptoms he observes. You need to remember if your pet has suffered from any gastrointestinal diseases. intestinal tract, and also whether he ate something “wrong” in lately(chicken bones, for example). It is very important to remember exactly when the vomiting appeared, and after what exactly it happened.

The veterinarian will perform a complete examination of your pet. A complete urine sample is required, since the data obtained from this helps to identify serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract.

As a rule, vomiting often accompanies many infectious diseases, which are quite accurately determined in the course of the above-described analyses. If nothing can be reliably determined, the veterinarian resorts to radiographic and ultrasound examination abdominal cavity sick animal. It is important to note that before X-ray examination It is imperative to feed the dog barium gruel: this way you can easily identify cases of gastrointestinal blockage, atony of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. In addition, gastroendoscopy is indicated.

Therapeutic techniques

In cases where the root cause has not been determined, the specialist will carry out symptomatic treatment. If it's a matter of hyperacid gastritis, medications are prescribed to lower acidity levels. Medicines to relieve spasms are also prescribed smooth muscle. N and at first the dog may be shown medications similar to the usual activated carbon or Smecta, which minimize the damage caused to the mucous membrane of the organ by bile coming from the small intestine.

In most cases, dogs respond well to treatment. It is only important to remember that your pet will need quite a long therapy, which does not need to be interrupted. The decision on the duration of treatment should only be made by a veterinarian. Note that in many cases, vomiting in dogs is due to the fact that they are given a very large amount of food at once on an empty stomach. It is because of this that many experienced breeders strongly advise against feeding working dogs once a day.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that vomiting in pets is certainly a sign of some catastrophic dangerous pathology. Fortunately, this is not the case. A dog may vomit due to the same poor-quality food or food intolerance to some product. Everything is individual. But when a dog vomits foam, it is still worth taking it to the veterinarian, since the underlying cause of what is happening may be quite serious.

In many cases, vomiting is caused by trivial. This happens if the dog eats something “wrong,” but there are often cases when voracious dogs, capable of eating a whole lot of food in one sitting, vomit. The stomach can react very violently to this: vomit will come out until there is nothing left in the cavity of the organ. It is then that foam will come out, representing a mixture of gastric juice and mucus. The same thing happens when for “self-cleaning”. But in all these cases, more than one foam will come out; you can always see food/grass impurities, bone fragments, etc. in it.

Foamy vomit in dogs is very common, suffering from other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often in this case, regurgitation is observed in the morning, after a night's sleep. This is due to the fact that by morning a large amount of acid accumulates in the stomach in the form of gastric juice. It greatly irritates the organ, resulting in vomiting. If your pet has it in the morning, regularly, accompanied by discharge large quantity flaky foam, this almost certainly indicates the presence of some kind of inflammatory disease Gastrointestinal tract.

Besides, If your dog vomits in the morning, this sign indicates that your pet has. Not only people suffer from this pathology! And in this case, it is advisable to review the animal’s feeding regimen, if necessary, in consultation with an experienced veterinarian.

Similarly, by the way, it can even manifest itself. When a dog develops this pathology, its intestines (and sometimes its stomach) become swollen from an excess of gases. This can happen either immediately after eating (poor quality food) or subsequently, due to... This happens if the dog played and ran immediately after a heavy meal. In the latter situation, the gases simply have nowhere to go, which is why they follow the path of least resistance, that is, into the stomach. But the reasons for vomiting in this case are quite obvious, since the injured animal rolls on the ground and howls in pain.

With flatulence, white foam in the vomit is noticed quite often. Other symptoms may include restlessness, restlessness, and refusal to obey "sit" and "down" commands. In this case, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian, since the consequences of an advanced case of flatulence will most likely be very serious (even to the point of bloat). In addition, in such a situation, even intestinal rupture with the subsequent development of fecal peritonitis cannot be ruled out...

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Other possible predisposing factors

White, stringy foam and vomit - one of the most characteristic featuresrabies. This is a deadly infectious disease for humans, transmitted through the bite of infected carriers. Of course, foamy vomiting in itself is not a reason to call a special team of veterinarians: this may be necessary if the dog suddenly becomes numb, eats only inedible objects, is afraid of water, etc. Of course, trying to somehow treat a pet even with the slightest suspicion of rabies is deadly!

Another “pathogenic” cause of foamy vomiting may be infectious tracheobronchitis. It is a highly contagious infectious disease upper section respiratory organs in dogs. In this case, white foam and mucus are constantly secreted through the mouth (although these secretions are not always a sign of vomiting). All this content comes out directly from the respiratory organs, while vomiting itself is caused by hard and persistent cough irritating the corresponding receptors. As in any other case of infectious diseases, the dog has nose is hot, persistent fever is possible. In addition, the animal becomes lethargic and noticeably apathetic. So if you notice that your dog is vomiting white foam only when coughing, and in this case the foam comes out along with decent portions of semi-digested food, then, most likely, diseases of the stomach and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract have nothing to do with it.

In general, the reasons for what happens to an animal can be extremely diverse. In particular, almost any kidney disease (severe intoxication), or can lead to indigestion and, accordingly, vomiting. The more severe and prolonged the attacks, the sooner you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.

What causes yellow vomit to appear?

If your dog is vomiting yellow foam and not eating, the color of the vomit is easy to explain. By the way, a similar phenomenon can be observed in animals that eat only once a day. The yellowness in all these cases is explained by a noticeable admixture of bile in the vomit. If you notice periodic cases of “yellow burps” in your pet who eats only once a day, you can try to correct the situation yourself, without visiting a veterinarian. To do this, you need to transfer the dog to two or three meals a day, dividing the usual daily norm for the appropriate number of servings.

But if there are no significant changes for the better even after this, we strongly recommend that you still show the dog to the veterinarian. The fact is that such a development of the scenario may well indicate serious difficulties with digestion food masses. In addition, this is typical for some cases (that is, inflammation of the gallbladder). At the same time, from time to time, accumulated portions of bile are released into the intestines, causing severe irritation and, accordingly, leading to severe vomiting. In this case, the dog urgently needs the help of a qualified veterinarian, since such a pathology may well lead to death.

Read also: The dog's eyes turn sour: causes, symptoms, treatment

Foamy mucus and blood

What if a dog vomits foam and blood? This is the most serious form of pathology, and if detected, the animal should be immediately taken to a veterinarian. Most likely, the matter is in the opened an ulcer somewhere in the stomach or small intestine, or in general in this situation we have to talk about perforation ulcerative lesion. Besides, similar symptom may equally indicate a serious infectious disease digestive system . Also bloody foam is sometimes evidence of penetration of the wall of the stomach or intestines by sharp objects.

For example, chicken or beef bones carefully provided by the owner, the fragments of which are no duller than a knife. Finally, blood sometimes indicates poisoning with some particularly toxic poisons; sometimes neglected animals are brought to this point. cases of helminthiasis(the appearance of vomit with mucus is especially characteristic).

Finally, if the vomit is not only thickly stained with blood, but also has some small and numerous inclusions, this sign may well indicate the disintegration of a malignant tumor. However, such neoplasms very rarely go unnoticed at this stage, and the owners of the animal most likely know about their pet’s cancer.

Not good at all when a dog vomits brown foam: this indicates a deep “buried” bleeding defect. During the passage of blood, it manages to be partially digested, coming out in a slightly modified state.

Bloody vomiting will in most cases be accompanied by, which can also be painted in color cranberry juice. If a bloody “belch” is accompanied by at least bloody diarrhea, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian as quickly as possible, since any delay may result in death. Please note that if these symptoms occur, it is advisable to take a sample of vomit with you so that the veterinarian can more easily understand what exactly he is dealing with.

A little easier if the dog vomits pink foam, slightly tinged with blood. Most likely she is sick. This is another type of extremely contagious upper respiratory infection. respiratory tract. The main symptom is a painful, dry cough, accompanied by other symptoms. The latter include nasal discharge of mucous exudate, lethargy, loss of appetite and intermittent fever. Similar types of “cold” diseases in dogs (like parainfluenza, for example) can also cause the development of a similar clinical picture.

By the way, where does blood get into the foamy liquid in all these cases? It's simple. From a constant and painful cough, the mucous membranes of organs are damaged, thinned, which is why they can begin to “leak” blood. Let us remind you once again that the dog vomits at the same time - precisely from severe cough, the digestive organs are in in good condition(usually). Thus, if a dog coughs and vomits white foam continuously, then most likely it is due to some kind of respiratory disease. It is very possible that this is some kind of infection (“”, for example).

When she comes...

Sudden or regular vomiting in a dog. Read and find out how to alleviate your pet's condition.

What is vomiting in a dog?

Vomiting occurs in a pet due to stimulation of the vomiting center of the brain. This is a fairly common occurrence.

Thus, vomiting is an involuntary eruption of stomach contents. The smell of the dog's vomit is sour, it yellowish color, in the structure - partially digested pieces of food.

Let us clarify that vomiting is not a disease. However it may be nonspecific symptom illnesses or disorders in four-legged friend.

Signs that precede vomiting in a dog

At first glance, this phenomenon may seem sudden. Although an attentive owner will notice several signs preceding vomiting:

  • Restless behavior;
  • Salivation;
  • Frequent swallowing movements.

When a dog vomits, the muscles of the stomach and abdomen simultaneously contract. This causes a sharp increase intra-abdominal pressure. At this time the ring lower section The esophagus (sphincter) relaxes. The contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and oral cavity. The neck stretches out, the dog makes a sharp bubbling sound.

The described condition is painful for the pet, but it cannot be helped instantly. As already described, vomiting is just a symptom. To solve the problem, determine the type of vomiting that will indicate a possible cause.

What type of vomiting does a dog have?

  • Multiple

    At first, the dog vomits infrequently. Then the phenomenon begins to repeat again and again, eventually vomiting is observed in a white or white dog. yellow foam. This type of vomiting indicates irritation of the dog's stomach and indicates some infectious diseases, such as hepatitis.

  • Vomiting once
    • Bloody vomiting in a dog: causes

      A dog's vomit may contain fresh blood. Vomiting blood in a dog will indicate a rupture of the mucous membrane, which could occur anywhere from the oral cavity to the upper small intestine. Bleeding is usually caused by a foreign body, tumor, or ulcer. If the vomit is colored coffee grounds, this indicates the destruction of red blood cells gastric juice. Therefore, the condition is caused by damage to the stomach or duodenum.

    • Psychogenic vomiting, stress

      Sometimes the cause of vomiting is pet is stress or fear. An animal vomits when it is upset, excited or scared about something. For example, some dogs may vomit during thunderstorms.

    What should an owner do if a dog is vomiting?

    The listed causes of vomiting in a pet require urgent contact with a veterinarian at the clinic and the appointment of appropriate treatment.

    The only time you shouldn't worry is when your dog vomits once or twice a day. The pet appears healthy and has no signs of illness. We will talk about what these diseases can be further.

    Diseases and conditions that cause vomiting in dogs


    Any substance that can have an effect on the body can be called a poison. negative impact. Some poisonous substances may attract dogs and appear appetizing to them. The consequence of accidentally eating such a substance will be poisoning.

    The four-legged animals explore and taste everything around them. They hunt rodents, explore landfills, and are interested in the trunks of cut trees and thickets of weeds.

    The dog's curiosity brings it into contact with insects, animal corpses and poisonous plants. For this reason, it is often difficult to determine the source of poisoning. Except when the owner knows exactly what the dog ate. You should sound the alarm if your pet shows signs of poisoning.

    Signs of poisoning

    • Hypersalivation (increased salivation);
    • Nausea and vomiting;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Hallucinations;
    • Convulsions, coma.

    In some cases, poisoning leads to the death of the animal. Therefore, if you notice signs of poisoning, immediately contact your veterinarian at the clinic. If a specialist manages to find out what toxic substance has entered the dog’s body, he will be able to select an antidote - an antidote.

    If the poison the dog ate is unknown, the doctor will remove the substance from the stomach by inducing vomiting. His next task will be to delay the absorption of poison from the intestinal tract with the help of special drugs and speed up its elimination with a laxative.

    Viral disease

    Some unvaccinated dogs vomit as a result of infection viral disease. The causative agent of the disease enters the body while playing with other animals or eating various objects while walking.

    Vomiting in a dog: causes

    • Infectious hepatitis B acute form

      This is a highly contagious disease that can only be transmitted to dogs. The virus has a detrimental effect on the kidneys, liver, blood vessels. In the acute form of the disease, the dog experiences diarrhea, vomiting with bile and blood, and lack of appetite.

    • Parvovirus infection

      The virus infects epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal tract, affecting lymph nodes, bone marrow, heart. Parvovirus can affect dogs of any age, but the disease most often affects puppies under five months of age. Sick animals experience lethargy, lethargy, lack of interest in food, vomiting, severe pain and bloating.

    • Coronavirus infection

      The virus is transmitted through direct contact with the secretions of sick animals: saliva and feces. Signs and symptoms of infection may vary depending on the severity and nature of the disease. It can be sluggish (hidden) or rapidly leading to death. Coronavirus begins with depression, lack of appetite. Then vomiting mixed with blood and diarrhea appear. The animal's body becomes dehydrated and the dog loses weight.

    Without the help of a veterinary specialist, the listed diseases lead to the death of your four-legged friend. In order to help your pet's immunity, he needs regular vaccinations.

    The next condition that can cause vomiting in a pet is heatstroke.

    Heat stroke: signs. How to help your pet

    Four-legged friends, just like people, cannot tolerate high temperature. Cooling with rapid breathing becomes ineffective when the air temperature approaches body temperature. As a result, the animal’s body overheats, and a condition arises in which the dog requires emergency assistance.

    Signs of heat stroke are:

    • Frequent noisy breathing;
    • Redness of the tongue and mucous membranes;
    • Viscosity and thickening of saliva;
    • Vomit;
    • Rectal temperature more than 40 °C.

    To help your pet, immediately place it in a cool place. For example, in a room or car with air conditioning. Sometimes when heatstroke The dog is unable to stand and move independently. In this case, a bath with cool water or watering with a hose will help.

    If the temperature is elevated to 41 °C, a water enema will help the animal. This method is used to quickly lower a pet’s body temperature in emergency situations.

    Let's move on to next reason the occurrence of vomiting in a four-legged friend.

    Vomiting in a dog due to helminth infection: treatment and prevention at home

    Why are helminths dangerous?

    A severe infestation of roundworms is deadly for puppies. In animals it is observed bloated belly, dull and lacking shine wool. Infection is accompanied by vomiting (sometimes with helminths), diarrhea, weight loss and slow growth. Sometimes helminths form a dense lump in the puppy’s intestines. This leads to obstruction of the organ, rupture of its walls and the inevitable death of the pet.

    Helminths are transmitted from animals to humans through kissing or unwashed hands. Children who spend a lot of time with four-legged friends are especially often infected.

    Solving the problem

    The best way to avoid infecting a dog, and therefore a person, with helminths is prevention. It consists of observing sanitary and hygienic rules for keeping the animal, as well as regular preventive anthelmintic treatment.

    Experienced dog owners and breeders use it to prevent worm infection in their pets. anthelmintic drug Prazitel. Let's find out why.

    Prevention is everything. Use Prazitel

06/19/2017 03/02/2019 by Evgeniy

Every loving owner is very attentive to the health of his own dog. Any signs of illness cause him concern and anxiety. There is nothing abnormal about this, because our pets are no less susceptible to various ailments than people.

When a dog vomits some time (or immediately) after eating almost undigested food, owners usually begin to look for the reasons for such a violent reaction in the foods they feed. Is it dangerous this symptom? We will talk about this in this article.

What causes vomiting

It is worth noting that vomiting is only an uncontrollable reflex and is generally caused by the stomach’s rejection of consumed food. There are a great many reasons for this (both physiological and pathological).

If an animal that is otherwise quite healthy vomits, then there is nothing wrong with it, provided that the condition remains stable. However, any signs of deterioration in health may indicate the pathological nature of the symptom and indicate the onset of the disease.

Be that as it may, you should never ignore the fact that your dog has vomited, so it is better to consult a doctor immediately.


It is worth noting that most often vomiting does not pose a danger and is nothing more than the result of the process of self-cleansing of the stomach provoked by:

  • eaten grass;
  • too big a portion.

In the latter case, the contents are usually ejected immediately, especially if the dog ate hastily. In addition, it is not uncommon for nursing bitches to regurgitate some partially digested food just to feed their babies.

Don’t worry too much if vomiting occurs due to:

  • pregnancy;
  • strong emotional stress;
  • motion sickness in the car;
  • heat;
  • diet changes.

It is not considered a problem in a situation where:

  • the pet’s general well-being does not deteriorate;
  • he remains active, alert and energetic.

Quite often, food eruption does not occur immediately, but, for example, after an hour, during active play or under the influence of other non-hazardous external factors.

Vomiting indicates a serious problem if the attacks occur after short time repeatedly. Here's something to be suspicious about:

  • poisoning from spoiled food or chemicals;
  • infection with any infection;
  • the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • worms.

Vomiting can also be caused by foreign bodies or tumors entering the stomach.

The presence of diseases is indicated by a number of fairly unambiguous signs:

  • high temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • frequent paroxysmal vomiting;
  • problems with digestion;
  • loss of appetite;
  • apathy.

All these symptoms indicate the occurrence of pathological processes in the pet's body. As a rule, they are related to digestive disorders. Among the most common diseases found in dogs are the following:

  • enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer.

What to do

First of all, you should call a doctor. While he is driving, it is necessary to continue monitoring the animal and evaluate:

  • frequency of urges;
  • presence of other symptoms;
  • appetite;
  • the nature of the erupted masses.

The doctor will need to talk about the dog’s diet, its habits (primarily its tendency to pick up garbage), and contacts with other animals.

Since vomiting in any case leads to dehydration, it is necessary to provide the pet with the opportunity to replenish fluid loss. If he does not want to drink, water is forced into his mouth using a syringe. Never scold your dog for getting dirty in the house.

Before the doctor arrives, it is better for your pet to fast - eating food in this situation often leads to a worsening of the condition.

Treatment should be carried out only after staging accurate diagnosis, in a situation where this is impossible to do for any reason, it is necessary to begin symptomatic therapy.

How to help

If the animal is sick from motion sickness or you think that such a nuisance may happen, give the dog before leaving the house special remedy- Serenia. This drug sold in veterinary pharmacies.

All medications commonly prescribed in this case, are divided according to their mode of action into two categories.

The first includes agents that stimulate peristalsis. Thus, the consumed food actively moves through the intestines and cannot return in the form of vomiting. Such drugs are ideal for dogs prone to nausea, but are contraindicated in cases of poisoning from poor-quality food or chemicals. The most effective in this group is Metoclopramide.

Another group of medications acts directly on the brain center responsible for the gag reflex. They suppress its activity, and thus the urges are neutralized. The previously mentioned Serenia and Ondansetron also fall into this category.

If the vomit contains bile, you should start complex therapy aimed at stabilizing the biliary system. It is worth understanding that such an animal must undergo diagnostics, without which it is impossible to accurately pinpoint the cause.

In any case, if signs are identified pathological condition The dog is left without food for 24 hours. Then, for a speedy recovery, a strict diet is prescribed.

In general, inexperienced dog owners should know that in most cases it is possible to avoid vomiting if you do not treat your pet to the following harmful foods:

  • sausage;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried.

Such dishes primarily irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach. In fact, bones are also harmful to dogs, especially boiled ones. The latter have zero content nutrients, and not every dog ​​is able to digest them. In addition, they often cause constipation.

Both very cold and too hot dishes are contraindicated for dogs.

Very often, owners of a four-legged friend (dog) are faced with such an unpleasant process as vomiting. This may or may not be a serious cause for concern. But what to do if your dog is vomiting?! Not everyone knows, so let’s look at it in detail step by step, when you need to ring the bell and run to the vet, what causes vomiting in dogs, how to provide first aid?

From this article you will learn:

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What is vomiting? Symptoms.

Dogs have the ability to heal themselves. Vomiting in a dog is manifestation defensive reaction body, allows you to get rid of junk food or foreign body(, rope, wood chips, needles, etc.), poison, toxic substance, etc.

Vomit- This is a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach. The main symptoms of vomiting in dogs are: nausea, drooling, restlessness, poor appetite, refusal to eat.

The very manifestation of vomiting in dogs is not an independent disease, it is a symptom of many diseases.

Physiological vomiting in dogs

  • Vomiting in dogs caused by overeating. During feeding, the dog should receive food in doses, since most dogs do not know a sense of proportion and exhibit excessive appetite. Feed your pet at the same time and follow the dosage (food or natural nutrition) otherwise, excessive feeding of the dog will lead to diseases of the digestive system.
  • The dog regurgitates puppy food during feeding (semi-digested food).
Diseases that cause vomiting in dogs (pathological vomiting in dogs)
  • Meningitis, encephalitis, abscess, brain tumor are organic disorders of the central nervous system.
  • With hepatic and renal failure, vomiting in dogs can also be accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea). The cause may be intoxication with drugs, poisons circulating in the blood during poisoning ( carbon monoxide, chlorine, etc.).
  • Diseases of the stomach and duodenum (ulcer, gastritis, stomach tumor). Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Such gastric vomiting occurs mainly after eating, after 30-60 minutes.
  • Diseases (damages) of the intestines, liver and kidneys, inflammation of the peritoneum. Arises intestinal vomiting due to antiperistaltic movement of the intestines, as a result, the intestinal contents enter the stomach. Symptoms: nausea, then vomiting food, bile and eventually feces.
Types of vomiting in dogs

  • Vomiting of blood (with gastrointestinal diseases).
  • Vomiting with a foul smell (smell of ammonia - if liver failure, sweet smell - diabetes mellitus, the smell of rotting is a problem in the intestines or oral cavity).
  • Vomiting accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea) and fever (often with infectious diseases).
  • Vomiting and refusal to eat - often due to poisoning.
  • The dog eats grass, then vomits - cleansing the stomach.
  • Vomiting after eating (after 30-60 minutes or more) – with gastrointestinal diseases.
For a person who is faced with a difficult situation for the first time - vomiting in dogs, it is difficult to independently determine the causes of its occurrence, and there are a lot of them, we strongly recommend not to self-medicate and experiment on your pet - everything can end very badly.

What to do if your dog is vomiting?
Be sure to seek help from a veterinarian; you may need to additional research: X-ray, ultrasound, blood test, etc. or call a veterinarian at home.
Before the veterinarian arrives or before going to veterinary clinic, under no circumstances scold your dog for dirty things, watch general condition dog's body and symptoms. Remember everything that has happened to the dog over the last 2-3 days (diet, contact with other animals, etc.) - all this will help in further diagnosis.

How to provide first aid if a dog is vomiting?

Treatment of vomiting in dogs

To treat vomiting in a dog, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence in order to make a correct diagnosis.
The following drugs are used for treatment:
  • Starvation diet;
  • No-shpa or Papaverine - relieve pain in the abdomen (stomach and intestines), relieve spasms;
  • Smecta - removes toxins;
  • Omez - to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach;
  • Cerucal or Metoclopramide - antiemetics, calm the vomiting center in the brain, normalize contractions of the stomach and intestines.
  • If a dog has frequent and excessive eruptions from the mouth throughout the day, this leads to dehydration, in which case it is necessary to hospitalize the dog in a veterinary clinic and put on a drip to replenish the loss of fluid.
  • After the vomiting stops, it is necessary to “put” the dog on a gentle diet for several days (5 - 7 days), depending on the cause of the dog’s vomiting.

A gentle diet for dogs

A gentle diet consists of a low calorie content of food: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled rice, boiled chicken and beef, in the first days give food in very small portions and often, then gradually increase the portion and reduce the frequency of feeding. After a certain number of days, gradually switch to your normal diet. On the first day of the transition, maintain a 50% to 50% ratio (50% regular food, 50% diet food), on the second day, a 75% to 25% ratio, and on the third day, give regular food.