Remove drooping corners of the mouth. How to lift drooping corners of lips

Hi all. I put off reviewing this for a long time this procedure, but still decided. I think this is for the better, since in half a year my opinion has changed many times. The first time I went to a cosmetologist to enlarge my lips was on March 8 this year. A. I decided to give myself a gift, so to speak.

The woman received in a private office. I found out her phone number from a girl who had already contacted her about this issue. I liked the result on it, and I wanted it too. A cosmetologist with extensive experience, if I’m not mistaken, the experience of injections, according to her, is 17 years. First, I called her and made an appointment for a preliminary consultation. I told her what I didn’t like about the shape of my lips. I was not happy with the asymmetry and drooping corners of the lips, and of course I wanted to add volume.

These photos clearly show my problem. The smile is somehow crooked, and even when I smiled, my lips simply stretched out into a straight line on one side, and on the other, the corner of the lip often continued to look down.

When I didn’t smile, but completely relaxed my face, i.e. I did it completely, showing a neutral expression on my face, I looked sad and tired. People often asked me what happened, if I was okay, when I had great mood. I just have to think for five minutes and just be silent. I was already a little sick of it by that point.

The cosmetologist offered me an unknown fifth-generation hyaluronic filler Yvoire (Ivor). And not Yvoire Volume, and a less dense version of it. She argued that it will moisturize the lips, they will remain soft, and there will be less pain and bruising. I agreed, and she made an appointment with me a few days later.

The procedure took about an hour in total. Applicable anesthesia took about 20 minutes of that time.

The first time was, of course, very scary. Needle and all that. Did it hurt? YesNot so much the injection itself, but the injection of filler. It looks like a bee stings. But I managed, for the sake of the result I was ready to endure. Looking ahead, I want to say that in terms of pain, this low-density filler was just as painful as all the others. The cosmetologist periodically gave me a mirror in my hands, and we decided where else to inject together. Nothing was clear, as the lips were swollen and red. But it seemed to work out well. Here I am going home, right after.

Straightaway severe swelling there wasn't. BUT during the day I went to bed and woke up with dumplings. Bruises appeared. My lips hurt. It was difficult to drink. The bruises lasted for several days. I won’t attach a photo, the quality is quite poor, I took the photo with dim lighting. When the swelling and bruising are left behind, lips were very peeling and peeling. I was surprised. They were always dry, and I hoped that now they would become moisturized, but alas.

I also noticed that before this my upper lip was smaller, but now it’s the other way around. Apparently they overdid it a little with the correction of the upper lip, and did not pay enough attention to the lower lip.

But it didn’t take me long to be upset about this, because after a month there was no trace left of the injections. And this is not self-hypnosis, even a couple of friends, privy to my affairs, began to ask where my lips had gone. Before this, I felt that hyaluronic acid had gathered in lumps in some places.. It wasn't visible, but I felt it. The lumps disappeared, and behind them the whole effect. I’m probably just a record holder for removing hyaluronic acid from the body. Instead of being disappointed in all this, I was already excited and rushed to the same cosmetologist. This time I asked for the drug specifically Volume. It cost a thousand rubles more - 9000 rubles. Last time I paid 8000r.

This time I was afraid to put a whole syringe into my lips, and asked to distribute the remainder into the nasolabial folds.

This time I was expecting just enormous swelling and bruising, I even bought a gauze bandage. But there were almost no bruises, and the swelling was no more than last time.

I liked the result from the 1.5 syringe much more. And the filler itself was nicer. He was a little less dependent on water in the body, the first one was directly guilty of this. You wake up with lips, and by the evening they are gone. My first experiments with bright lipsticks began. Before that, they looked downright pathetic on me.

But with baby lip balm, which many here really like.

No lipstick.

But sometimes the hyaluronic acid still disappeared somewhere in the middle of the day. Here, for example.

And it still didn’t last long; after a few months, it felt like half of the filler was left. I went back for injections, with the feeling that I was giving the procedure one last chance.

I went to another cosmetologist who uses Princess Volume. She accepts it in the salon, the cost is 11,000 rubles.

I liked it much more this time. She has a different approach to how to raise the corners of her lips. The first one injected directly into the space where the lips meet, into the corner itself. Which led to the skin thickening there, but things are still there.

And this girl was stabbing close to the corner upper lip, but somehow it felt like the needle was going through some kind of arc. I really liked the shape. Well, really not right away.

When I first saw myself in the mirror I was a little scared. I was even more scared when swelling appeared. I was already starting to think that this time I had finished the game after all. Moreover, the remaining swelling lasted for more than a week, and I was beginning to think that this was the final result. It looked like a real overkill. But now about three weeks have passed, and I’m 95 percent satisfied with the result. I leave a small percentage for the fact that the shape still needs to be corrected a little, but that’s not now.

Here is a collage of how my lips changed from the 1.5 and 2.5 syringes. In the middle photo you can see how the lips were still dry and crusty.

I’m already used to the filler in my lips, I don’t feel anything foreign. Simply fuller and denser lips, no lumps.

Result after 3 weeks from a 2.5 syringe.

I would also like to note the fact that lip augmentation cannot affect how the lips are colored, I see that in some places the asymmetry of the volume has been corrected, but this volume is flesh-colored, and in order for the lips to look perfect without lipstick, you will have to bother I’ll also get a tattoo, but I don’t think I’ll do that.

The other day I read an article by a cosmetologist about how you can extend the life of fillers. She advises taking the drug troxerutin. This is a venotonic drug. But in addition to the main effect, it affects the substance hyaluronidase, which promotes the excretion of hyaluronic acid.

I'm just retelling from what I remember, it may not be accurate. I decided to drink it, in any case, I work 11 hours on my feet, in the heat my legs get very tired and swell, if the drug helps maintain the effect of the fillers, I will be glad.

Overall, I was still satisfied, but not immediately. If I had known what kind of epic would be ahead of me, I most likely would not have decided to do it, but now I don’t regret it.

In conclusion, once again a photo of my changes in general.

In youth, when muscles and skin are elastic and elastic, you don’t have to worry about excessive expression of emotions. With age, all processes occurring in cells slow down, including the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The muscles also lose their former strength and elasticity, which is reflected on the face: a symbol of serious age-related changes wrinkles appear around the mouth and drooping of its edges.

The best way to lift the corners of your lips is with fillers. Technique for performing the procedure:

  1. treating the area where the drug is introduced with an antiseptic;
  2. applying an anesthetic;
  3. injection of filler based on hyaluronic acid;
  4. repeated disinfection of the area;

Problems that may arise after reversing the corners of the lips:

  • violation of facial proportionality;
  • destruction of anatomical features;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • even more drooping corners;
  • deformation and inflammation.

Medium viscosity preparations are used to perform the procedure. They fill quite well desired area and keep their shape.


Surgiderm 24 XP is intended for use after 35 years. The result after use can last up to a year; it does not concentrate, creating sphere-shaped lumps.

There is also “30 XP” - a remedy from the same manufacturer, but it has a much stronger composition than “24 XP”.

Ultra Smile Designed for use exclusively in the mouth area. Contains lidocaine. The duration of action of this filler reaches a year.
Belotero Basic

Contains hyaluronic acid with varying densities.

The principle of action of the drug: the most viscous part forms small implants, and the slightly less dense composition performs the function of tissue regeneration. External result lasts about a year.

To minimize the risk of various complications or even poor shrinkage of the injection gel after the procedure, the following rules should be followed:

Correction of drooping corners of the lips can be carried out not only with the help of fillers, but also with some other types of intervention, for example:

  • Lipofilling. This is the introduction of your own fat tissue from some other area of ​​the body. Despite the fact that this substance will not be perceived by the body as something foreign, the procedure will have to be repeated often to improve its appearance, since the fat is absorbed quite quickly.
  • Botox. This is very dangerous influence, since if the drug is administered incorrectly, the facial muscles can be immobilized, which is why the client at the beauty salon will not be able to smile or even talk as before.
  • Resection of the depressor muscle. Enough complex method, which involves excision of the muscle responsible for the drooping of the edges of the mouth and filling the resulting empty area with fatty tissue. The result has no time limits, however, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, it is impossible to correct the effect instantly.
  • Corrective threads. Installing a special thread takes no more than half an hour, and the procedure itself does not require a long recovery period. The result is noticeable almost immediately after the end of the operation: the edges of the area are tightened, the perioral wrinkles are reduced, and the patient’s appearance is instantly transformed.

Home massage:

Read more in our article about using fillers in the corners of the mouth.

Read more in this article

Causes of drooping corners of the lips

Any movement of the corners of the lips expresses a person’s mood: if they are raised, then he is happy, and if they are lowered, he is upset. However, with age, this area of ​​the face spontaneously droops and the appearance becomes gloomy and sad.

To know exactly why this occurs unpleasant phenomenon, you should refer to excerpts from anatomical reference books. There are muscles that “give out” your mood: levators and depressors. The first of them are responsible for the smile, for the joy reflected on the face, while the second just give the appearance a gloomy appearance.

If in youth, when the muscles and skin are elastic and elastic, you don’t have to worry about excessive expression of emotions, then with age all the processes occurring in the cells slow down, including the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The muscles also lose their former strength and elasticity, which is also reflected on the face: wrinkles around the mouth and drooping of its edges become a symbol of serious age-related changes.

Technique for lifting the corners of your lips using fillers

Techniques for carrying out procedures aimed at improving appearance It is not complicated, as it is carried out in 5 stages:

  1. treating the area where the drug is introduced with an antiseptic,
  2. application of anesthetic,
  3. injection of filler based on hyaluronic acid,
  4. repeated disinfection of the area,
  5. applying a soothing gel.

However, despite the apparent ease of performing the intervention, it should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist with a medical education.

Problems that may arise after reversing the corners of the lips

Like any other procedure, the injection of filler to lift the edges of the lips can be fraught with serious consequences that can completely ruin the patient’s appearance. To such results medical errors include:

  • violation of facial proportionality,
  • destruction of anatomical features,
  • facial asymmetry,
  • even more drooping corners,
  • deformation and inflammation.

To avoid such problems, you need to be as careful as possible in choosing a doctor and a clinic where the operation will be performed.

Preparations for the procedure

To perform this procedure, preparations of medium viscosity are used. They fill the desired area quite well and keep their shape.

Among the fillers for raising the corners, the following stand out:


Surgiderm 24 XP is intended for use after 35 years, when the problem of particularly pronounced age-related changes arises. The result after use can delight the beauty salon client for a year and amaze with the fact that the drug does not concentrate, creating sphere-shaped lumps.

There is also “30 XP” - a remedy from the same manufacturer, but it has a much stronger composition than “24 XP”.

  • Resection of the depressor muscle. A rather complex method that involves excision of the muscle responsible for the drooping of the edges of the mouth and filling the resulting empty area with fatty tissue. The result has no time limits, however, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, it is impossible to correct the result instantly.
  • Corrective threads. Installing a special thread takes no more than half an hour, and the procedure itself does not require a long recovery period. The result is noticeable almost immediately after the end of the operation: the edges of the area are tightened and the perioral wrinkles are reduced, therefore, the patient’s appearance is instantly transformed.

Watch this video on how to tighten the corners of your mouth with threads:

Prevention of drooping corners of the mouth and home remedies

You can also raise the corners of your mouth without using surgical methods. The following ways will help you improve your appearance at home:

  • In order to please yourself with your attractiveness for as long as possible, you need to take care of protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation. The radiation produced by the sun negatively affects the condition of the epidermis: it becomes drier, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and, in fact, the aging effect.
  • It will also help special care about the back, or more precisely, about posture. In order to delay the appearance of especially pronounced wrinkles, you need to watch your gait: your shoulders should be straightened and lowered down.
  • Jaw tension can also negatively impact the appearance of the area around the mouth. To neutralize constant pressure, you need to monitor the condition of this zone, or rather, ensure that the muscles are relaxed even during sleep.

A special role in preventing the occurrence undesirable effect massage plays, which can also be performed at home:

  1. tilt your head and make tapping movements in the mouth area for a minute;
  2. Make a sliding movement with your thumbs and middle fingers from your mouth to your ears 10 times;
  3. pronounce the sound “O” and smooth the skin around the mouth towards the ears with the middle and ring fingers 6 times.

The use of a preparation based on hyaluronic acid in the mouth area helps to refresh the appearance of the face: lifting the edges of the lips will help create the image of a friendly and joyful person. The duration of the result after using filler depends both on the characteristics of the patient and on the product used by the doctor.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to lift the corners of your lips with massage:

The corners of the lips are one of the important factors that can impress others and attract their attention. The drooping corners of the lips make the face look older, it seems tired, sad, helpless. If the corners of the lips are drawn down, this facial expression makes the person look older than his age. To lift the corners of the lips, there are many ways, including not only radical ones.

Why does such a nuisance appear? In some cases, the corners of the lips droop under the influence hereditary factors. It is believed that the cause of this problem is the internal state of a person, negative attitude to the outside world and people, constant skepticism, depression, sadness. This statement is based on the fact that unpleasant emotions provoke the appearance of such an expression. The facial muscles are constantly in a tense state, so the corners of the mouth begin to droop. To prevent the corners of your lips from drooping down, it is recommended to smile as often as possible and relax your facial muscles.

But usually this problem appears with age; mood or emotions indirectly affect the fact that the corners are omitted. As the skin ages, the volume of the cheeks decreases, firmness and elasticity are lost, skin sagging and wrinkles appear. Such changes are especially noticeable after 35 years. Therefore, it is very important for women to know how to lift the corners of the lips and sagging skin in order to maintain youth for many years.

We resort to the help of makeup

You can lift the corners of your lips at home using cosmetics (makeup artists often resort to this). Correcting the expression of your lips using makeup is not difficult, just master it simple techniques applying contouring agents. To do this you will need a concealer, a contour pencil, lipstick, and gloss.

To begin with, using a darkened corrector, you need to round the upper lip, respecting its natural boundaries. Using a contour pencil, carefully lift the corners of your lips upward, making more rounded lines on both sides. At the same time, do not paint over the skin in the corners of the lips. Next, apply a soft lipstick with a shimmering effect. With the help of such lipstick you can visually enlarge your lips, this will distract the eyes from the corners of your lips. The final touch is to lightly cover the contour with a gloss of a muted shade. It is not recommended to use too bright or dark cosmetics– they will only aggravate the problem by focusing on the shortcomings.

Application of hyaluronic acid

There are various ways to lift the corners of your lips. It all depends on the woman’s financial capabilities, indications or contraindications for certain procedures. Currently one of the most effective and safe ways lifting the corners is a tightening with hyaluronic acid injections. This procedure does not last long - about an hour. With the help of hyaluronic acid, the voids under the epidermis are filled, creases and wrinkles are pushed out. Typically, such a substance is not rejected by the body, since it is not foreign. And after a while, under the influence of enzymes, it disintegrates.

This correction of the corners of the lips occurs with the use of medium-density preparations (with their help, contour plastic surgery). The condition of the skin and how much the lips droop in the corners affect the amount of substance used. Before the procedure, treatment is carried out using antiseptic substance, local anesthetic. The specialist outlines the points where the drug is injected. After the procedure, slight swelling may be observed. Next, the specialist again disinfects the injection sites and applies a sedative.

Like any other way to lift the corners of the lips, contouring with hyaluronic acid has certain contraindications. It is not allowed to carry out such a procedure on the face in the following situations:

  • pathological processes in the organs of the hematopoietic system;
  • use of coagulant drugs;
  • inflammatory process around the mouth;
  • implants in the area of ​​manipulation;
  • tumor processes;
  • autoimmune diseases.

After this procedure for the corners of the lips, results are usually visible quickly. After the swelling is eliminated, the first changes are already visible, the skin tightens, becomes more elastic, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The duration of the effect usually ranges from 6 months to a year, this is due to the density of the administered drug, its quantity, and the presence of bad habits (smoking, the habit of constantly wincing).

Using fillers

Contour plastic allows you to tighten the skin and corners, fill folds and wrinkles with filler. Fillers are special injections that enlarge the places on the body where they are injected. Commonly used fillers are biologically compatible with the human body, therefore their main advantages are: safety, harmlessness, absence of contraindications and side effects. Collagen and its own are used as fillers. fatty tissue.

Adipose tissue is taken from various parts of the body - thighs, abdomen or buttocks. Next, the material is processed and liquefied. Since this material is safe, allergic reactions or rejection are absent. And the effect after the procedure lasts for more than three years. But such rejuvenation also has disadvantages - the fatty tissue must completely take root, so more than one procedure will be needed. When performing manipulations, the specialist uses local anesthesia.

Sometimes filler plastic surgery involves the use of silicone gel. But such a substance is foreign to the body, so allergic reactions and others may occur after its administration. side effects. And the result is not always the desired one, for example, one corner of the lips may be higher than the other. This type of lifting also has certain contraindications, which include:

  • period of childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • tumor processes in the body;
  • viral diseases skin;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Application of Botox

How to fix the problem with Botox? Currently, Botox injection procedures are widely used in cosmetology. It is able to relax the muscle system, after which the skin becomes smooth and even. This procedure is cosmetic surgery, only the risk of consequences is much less. There are also contraindications to injections: pregnancy and breastfeeding, inflammatory processes, skin infections, diseases endocrine system, course antibacterial therapy, individual intolerance.

In order to lift the corners of the lips with Botox, the specialist outlines points for future injections. The amount of botulinum toxin injected depends on the depth of the wrinkles. Manipulations are carried out after preliminary application of anesthetic cream. Recommendations after the procedure include: it is imperative to maintain an upright position for five hours, this helps prevent asymmetry. The effect lasts for about six months, after which it is necessary to re-raise the corners using this method. One procedure is enough to achieve instant results.

Application of corner lifting

The most radical method of solving a problem with the mouth is surgery. In facial surgery, a procedure called a corner lift is used - this is an operation that lifts the corners of the mouth. At the same time, loose skin is tightened and excess folds are removed. This type of plastic surgery is performed using local anesthesia. Rehabilitation period does not last long, there are usually no complications, the stitches are removed after a few days. The advantage of the method is that the recovery period is easy, and the effect lasts for a long time.

Conducting special gymnastics

Is it possible to independently achieve the desired effect, how to remove the problem on your own? There are special exercises to lift the corners of the lips, thanks to which the effect lasts for a long time. Lip gymnastics is a method accessible to every woman. It is important to systematically perform lip exercises; after a few months you can notice the first results of the training. What to do:

  1. Purse your lips, then lift the corners with your fingers. The duration of the procedure is a minute. Then relax the muscles.
  2. Use your fingers to stretch your lips.
  3. Tighten your muscles tightly while pronouncing the letter o. Repeat 20 times.
  4. Inhale and exhale air with the corners, first squeezing your teeth. Repeat 15 times.
  5. Take the pencil with your lips oral cavity, describe circles, triangles, first to the left, then to the right.

Such exercises can be performed more than once a day. Consistency and regularity in performing gymnastics means a lasting effect over a long time. But here you need perseverance and desire, since it will take more than one month to achieve the first results.

There are many methods to solve the problem. It is important to choose the most optimal one for yourself. If selected surgical methods or injections, it is important that procedures are performed only by specialists in medical institutions. The introduction of any substances in artisanal conditions is unacceptable.

Patients, especially women, often come to cosmetology clinics and offices with such an aesthetic problem as drooping corners of the lips, which give the face a dull and sometimes angry expression.

The main reasons for changes in facial contours and features are gravitational forces and age-related tissue changes, which manifest themselves in different ways for everyone, but mainly already in at a young age- from 25-30 years old. If it is impossible to influence gravity, then everyone can slow down the manifestation of age-related processes. What to do if the corners of your mouth are drooping?

Brief anatomy of facial muscles

The shape of the lips and their positioning depend mainly on several groups of facial muscles. You need to know the principle of their anatomy in order to correctly imagine how to raise the corners of your lips. In the thickness of the lips there are fibers of the circular muscle that border the oral cavity. It does not have bone fixation points, and therefore is especially mobile. Its function is to narrow the mouth gap and pull the lips forward in the form of a “tube”. Fibers from most other facial muscles, which form the buccal base.

In this regard, the tone and contractions of the orbicularis muscle are reflected in the others, the main of which are:

  • The levator anguli oris, which, fixed to the bone under the orbit in the area of ​​the “canine fossa,” is directed downward, where its fibers are woven into the orbicularis muscle and the skin of the corners of the mouth. When it contracts, the latter rise upward.
  • Lowering the corner of the lips - has wide base, which is fixed along the front surface lower jaw, slightly below the mental opening, goes upward in the form of a triangle and, reaching the corner of the mouth, is divided into bundles. One part of them is woven into the muscle that lifts the corner of the mouth and into the upper lip, the other into the skin of the corner of the mouth. When these muscles contract, the corners of the mouth are drawn down, giving the face a sad expression, and the nasolabial fold becomes straight.
  • The laughter muscle (not present in everyone) - one part of its fibers begins from the fascia of the masticatory muscle and the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. Bundles of its fibers are directed towards the midline and are woven into the upper lip, a muscle that raises the angle and the skin in the same area. In addition to the fact that the muscle stretches the mouth during laughter, its contraction forms a dimple in the corner of the mouth.
  • Incisive muscle - starts from the upper dental sockets, “goes” downwards and attaches to the circular muscle and the skin of the corner. When it contracts, the latter moves upward and inward.

The structure of the muscles of the perioral region

How to correct an aesthetic defect? Understanding the anatomical principles is especially important in cases where gymnastics is performed for the drooping corners of the mouth. Mimic muscles of unidirectional action have a common resultant force. Gradually, the tone of one group prevails over the tone of the other and does not correspond to what is necessary.

Due to the uneven tone of individual muscle groups and impaired biomechanics of contractions, microcirculation deteriorates and blood redistribution occurs. This leads to even greater spasm of some muscle fibers and relaxation of others, as a result of which disturbances in the position and coloring of the lips and the formation of wrinkles develop and intensify.

Is it possible to remove drooping corners of the mouth?

This aesthetic defect can be adjusted in various ways. The main ones:

  1. Massage and exercises (recommended as a preventive measure and for minor pronounced changes).
  2. Injection techniques (introduction of hyaluronic acid fillers and botulinum toxin-based drugs).
  3. Plastic surgery methods.

Massage and exercises against drooping corners of the mouth

The procedures can be carried out separately, but it is advisable to combine them by performing a massage before starting the exercises. For greater effect in order to relax spasmodic muscles, increase the tone of relaxed muscles and improve blood circulation in them, it is necessary to take a steam bath for the face for 10 minutes or apply hot compress. 5 minutes before the massage, apply moisturizer or vegetable oil.

Using the pads of the thumbs, set perpendicular to the skin slightly above the corners of the lips, painless pressure is applied ( acupressure) for 3 – 7 seconds. You can also massage in a circular motion from the side surfaces of the mouth downwards - to the lower jaw (7 times).

Another massage exercise - with the middle and ring fingers of both hands, with light pressure, hold the tissue in the middle of the chin for 3 seconds, then, without releasing the pressure, slowly move your fingers around the lips and connect them in the center of the upper lip (7-10 times ). After the massage, a superficial warm-up is carried out, which consists of lightly closing the lips and opening them during a short exhalation, as when pronouncing the sound “p” (up to 5-10 times).


An example of a set of such exercises:

  1. Smile, but only from the corners. Pull them up and at the same time to the sides, feeling their displacement to the infraorbital zone. In this case, the middle area should be relaxed (10 times).
  2. Using the pads of four fingers, except the first, fix the nasolabial area along the nasolabial fold - from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Move the latter upwards, exerting resistance with your fingers. You can open your lips a little so that their middle sections are not tense. Do the exercises slowly several times at first to feel the muscle contraction, and then gradually increase the pace. Repeat the exercise 30 times, making a short static delay on the last count, then relax, exhaling like a “horse snort.”
  3. Exercise in the horizontal direction. To do this, the index and ring fingers, closed together, are placed “edge” on the corners of the mouth (the index finger is adjacent to the skin), slightly pressing them. Only with them make a thin long smile, offering resistance with the installed fingers, then move the latter with a rolling motion to the middle so that the ring finger is on the skin, preventing the corners from moving, and return the fingers to their original position in the same way (repeat the exercise 10 times).
  4. Work in vertical position. Place the brushes horizontally on the sides of the cheeks, with the pads of the index and ring finger install, lightly pressing the fabric, on the top and lower lip(respectively) in the corner area. Collect the latter into “lumps” and try to lift them upward, and then release them, removing the pressure of the corresponding finger (upper and lower alternately in time with the movements). Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. Place the index and ring fingers on the upper and lower lips on both sides, closing the fingers of the same name in the center. After this, lightly press on the tissue so that the lips turn outward slightly, and move your fingers in a slow sliding motion from the middle to the top and to the sides towards the temporal region. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Injection procedures

Contour plastic

With more pronounced changes, drooping corners of the mouth can be tightened using a cosmetic injection technique, for which they are used. The effect of the procedure lasts for 6 months. up to 1 year. For this purpose, the tissues in the problem area are slightly collected with two fingers to reveal a fold directed towards the lower jaw.

A hyaluronic acid filler is injected into it, into the area of ​​several (2-3) horizontal lines perpendicular to the fold and directed from it to the center, as well as into the area of ​​the arc connecting the upper and lower lips in the form of a bracket and passing through the corner. This injection technique is called the “Mona Lisa Smile.” Additionally, the drug is injected into the area of ​​the nasolabial fold.

A beautiful, friendly smile can win you over in a matter of seconds. With age, facial features change and can significantly spoil your appearance. Women are starting to think about how to lift the corners of their lips and restore fading youth.


With the help of cosmetology, you can completely transform yourself in just a couple of hours. Modern methods allow you to carry out procedures quickly, efficiently and without consequences. You can correct the mouth line with filler. The facial muscles are not paralyzed and you look natural. The effect lasts up to a year.

A cosmetologist will tell you how to raise the corners of your lips.

During the procedure, a drug with hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. This is a natural, harmless component. Despite its relative safety, there are a number of contraindications:

  • pathology internal organs And infectious diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • colds;
  • intolerance to components;
  • scars and cicatrices in the lip area;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hemophilia;
  • severe skin pathologies.

Immediately before the administration of the drug, any anti-aging procedures are contraindicated. To avoid unpleasant consequences, consult your doctor.


This method has been used for a long time and is well studied. Botox injections paralyze nerve endings. As a result, muscle sensitivity and mobility are lost. The dosage must be carefully adjusted. Otherwise, the face may be distorted beyond recognition.

If everything is done correctly, the lowered corners rise to the desired level by long period. You should prepare for the procedure:

  • stop taking medications that affect blood clotting;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • postpone visiting the gym, sauna, spa, swimming pool.

Before the procedure, the doctor performs an examination, assesses the condition of the tissues and determines required quantity drug. The skin is disinfected, and Botox is injected into the desired points using a syringe. The last step is disinfection and cooling of the skin. If necessary, a numbing cream is applied.

Plastic surgery

An old and proven way to change your face - surgery. The results of the operation last a very long time. Modern technologies allow you to tighten the corners of your lips and look younger surgically almost painless. The face immediately looks younger, the condition of the skin improves. No additional manipulations are required.


You can use threads to lift the corners of your lips and make the oval of your face look toned and youthful. The latter are attached to thin needles, inserted under the skin and installed in the right places. Mesothreads create a strong frame and do not allow the corners to droop. The final result is achieved in 1.5–2 months. The advantages of the technique include fast rehabilitation, noticeable results from the very first days.

Do regular exercises at home.

Exercises for lip tone

Special classes will help correct the situation or prevent it. They don't take much time. You can easily handle them yourself.

  1. Smile at the corners of your mouth. They should rise up and at the same time to the sides. The middle of the lips is relaxed. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Fix the nasolabial area with your fingertips. Lift your lips upward against resistance. Do the exercise slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Do 30 times, then breathe deeply.
  3. Sing the sounds “A”, “O”, “U”, “Y”, “E”, “I”. Do this loudly 5-6 times a day.
  4. Position index fingers on the corners of the lips, and the nameless ones in the middle. Press with your ring fingers so that your lips turn out. Repeat 10 times.
  5. Place your hands on your cheeks. Using your index and ring fingers, close the skin of the corners of your lips. Slowly lift and lower, gently squeezing the skin with your fingers. Repeat 10 times.

The effect is achieved within several months. To maintain it, regular training at home is necessary.


The skin of the face is constantly visible. She is exposed daily environment and needs special care. Choose it based on your skin type and age. The drooping corners of the lips in young women indicate in the wrong way life: malnutrition, bad habits, insufficient mobility.

To maintain toned muscles and facial skin, you need to eat well, take vitamin and mineral complexes if necessary, and walk in the fresh air more often.

To prevent early age-related changes, it is recommended to perform the exercises described above.

Correcting facial imperfections is not difficult. You need to decide for yourself which path you will take. Each method has its pros and cons. Start with the simplest ones, and if the result is not satisfactory, move on to more complex ones. The very last option would be the plastic surgeon's office.