Removal of endometrioid cyst. Endometrioid ovarian cyst - general concepts

- pathological cavity formation on the surface of the ovary, consisting of accumulated menstrual blood surrounded by a membrane of endometrial cells. An endometrioid ovarian cyst in some cases may not manifest itself for a long time, in others it may be accompanied by abnormal menstruation, infertility, pain, right up to the clinic “ acute abdomen" Diagnosis of endometrioid ovarian cyst is based on ultrasound and laparoscopy data. Treatment for endometrioid ovarian cysts includes surgical removal pathological formation and long-term hormonal therapy.

General information

Endometrioid ovarian cysts, in contrast to functional cysts, have a different mechanism of development and in the vast majority of cases are bilateral. In gynecology, endometrioid ovarian cyst refers to a common manifestation of the genital form of endometriosis, in which cells of the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the uterus are found in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina and abdominal cavity. The resulting endometriotic lesions are functionally active and hormonally dependent, and therefore cyclically undergo a menstrual-like reaction. The proliferation of monthly bleeding endometrial tissue in the ovarian cortex leads to the formation of endometriotic ovarian cysts (“chocolate” cysts), filled with thick, dark brown contents that cannot find a way out.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst develops in women of reproductive age (30-50 years), usually against the background internal endometriosis, can be combined with uterine fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia. The size of an endometrioid ovarian cyst can reach 10-12 cm. The histological sign of an endometrioid ovarian cyst is the absence of glands in its wall.


Despite large number theories of the origin of endometriosis, the exact causes of the disease are still unknown. According to the implantation hypothesis, endometriosis and endometrioid ovarian cysts can occur during retrograde menstruation, when endometrial cells migrate with blood and take root in the tissues of the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and abdominal cavity.

The introduction of endometrial fragments is also possible during surgical procedures that injure the uterine mucosa: gynecological and obstetric operations, diagnostic curettage, medical abortion, diathermocoagulation of the cervix. It is also believed that endometrioid lesions may be the result of metaplasia of remnant embryonic tissue, genetic defects (familial forms of endometriosis) or weakened immune responses.

There is a connection between the development of endometrioid ovarian cysts and endocrine disorders in the body: decreased progesterone levels, increased estrogen levels (hyperestrogenism) and prolactin, dysfunction thyroid gland, adrenal cortex. Provoking factors in the development of endometriosis can be: any emotional stress; long-term use of the IUD; endometritis, oophoritis, liver dysfunction, obesity, unfavorable environment.


Expressiveness clinical manifestations endometrioid ovarian cyst depends on a number of factors: the degree of spread of endometriosis, the presence concomitant diseases, psychological state patients, etc. In some cases, the formation of an endometrioid ovarian cyst is asymptomatic or manifests itself as a disorder reproductive function(infertility). An endometrioid ovarian cyst may be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, which intensifies during menstruation and during sexual intercourse. Sometimes the pain can be very severe, and when large size and rupture of the cyst capsule, the clinic of “acute abdomen” develops.

Endometrioid ovarian cysts are characterized by heavy periods, prolongation of the menstrual cycle with spotting before and after menstruation. Symptoms of intoxication may appear: weakness, nausea, fever.

The growth of an endometrioid ovarian cyst can lead to local changes in ovarian tissue: oocyte degeneration, follicular cysts, the appearance of scars that impair normal functions ovary. With the long-term existence of an endometrioid ovarian cyst, an adhesive process in the small pelvis can be detected with dysfunction of the intestines and bladder (constipation, flatulence, impaired urination). An endometrioid ovarian cyst is a serious gynecological pathology that can be complicated by suppuration, rupture of the cyst walls with spillage of its contents into the abdominal cavity and the development of peritonitis.


A gynecological examination does not always reveal signs of endometriosis. With an endometrioid ovarian cyst, one can detect the presence of a sedentary, painful formation in the ovary and its enlargement before menstruation. The diagnosis of endometrioid ovarian cyst is established based on the results of ultrasound of the pelvic organs with Doppler measurements of the uteroplacental blood flow, MRI and laparoscopy:

  • Ultrasound with Doppler. Determines the lack of blood flow in the walls of endometrioid ovarian cysts.
  • Tumor marker research. When determining the level of tumor marker CA-125 in the blood, its concentration may be normal or slightly increased.
  • Diagnostic operations. In the presence of infertility, hysterosalpingography and hysteroscopy are performed. Diagnostic laparoscopy is the most precise method diagnosis of endometrioid ovarian cyst. A biopsy and subsequent histological examination of the focus of endometriosis in ovarian tissue is necessary to identify the likelihood of its malignancy.

Treatment of endometrioid ovarian cyst

Treatment of endometrioid ovarian cysts can be conservative (hormonal, nonspecific anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy, taking immunomodulators, vitamins, enzymes), surgical (organ-preserving removal of endometrioid lesions using laparoscopic or laparotomic access) or combined. Complex treatment endometriosis is aimed at eliminating symptoms, preventing disease progression and treating infertility. Treatment tactics for endometrioid ovarian cysts depend on the stage, symptoms and duration of endometriosis, the patient’s age and the presence of problems with conception, concomitant genital and extragenital pathology.

Conservative treatment

If the size of the endometrioid ovarian cyst is small, it is possible to carry out a long-term hormone therapy using low-dose monophasic COCs, norsteroid derivatives (levonorgestrel), prolonged MPA, androgen derivatives, synthetic GnRH agonists. Pain syndrome associated with the growth of endometrioid ovarian cysts is relieved by taking NSAIDs, antispasmodics and sedatives.

Surgical treatment

If ineffective conservative therapy For endometrioid ovarian cysts larger than 5 cm, a combination of endometriosis and infertility, the risk of complications and oncological alertness, only surgical treatment is indicated.

Women of reproductive age who want to have children try to avoid radical operations(oophorectomy, adnexectomy). The preferred methods of surgery for endometrioid cysts are enucleation of heterotopic lesions or ovarian resection. It is advisable to remove foci of endometriosis and endometrioid ovarian cysts with pre- and postoperative hormone therapy.

Postoperative management

Preoperative hormone therapy can reduce foci of endometriosis, their blood supply and functional activity, and the inflammatory reaction of surrounding tissues. After surgical removal of an endometrioid ovarian cyst, appropriate hormonal treatment promotes regression of remaining endometrioid lesions and prevents relapse of pathology.

The term endometriosis is used in medicine to refer to a common gynecological disease caused by the growth of endometrioid tissue in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus or in other organs outside the uterus. In this case, there arise pathological foci, which become more and more numerous over time. In addition, endometriosis develops adhesive process in the area of ​​the sacrum and abdominal cavity, which interferes with the normal functioning of nearby organs.

So the pathology itself is characterized by very unpleasant symptoms, in particular severe pelvic pain, menstrual irregularities, etc., and is also the cause of severe complications, one of which is often infertility, the issue should be urgent.

After conducting a series diagnostic studies the doctor determines the most effective therapy, starting, first of all, from the localization of the pathology, as well as physiological characteristics female patients. In some cases, the problem can be dealt with using conservative treatment methods, including hormone therapy, immunostrengthening drugs and other means. But there are situations when drug treatment does not give the expected effect or is completely contraindicated, then endometriosis can only be cured with the help surgical intervention.

Indications for surgical treatment

The main goal of any endometriosis should be complete removal of pathological foci. Only surgery can fully cope with this task, and subsequent surgery can be aimed at preventing relapses of the disease. However, there are situations when, without surgical intervention it’s impossible to get by. So indications for surgery serve:

  • endometriosis;
  • availability;
  • (adenomyosis), occurring together with fibroids, complicated by uterine bleeding;
  • ineffective even in uncomplicated forms of endometriosis.

Types of operations

Any surgical intervention for endometriosis is carried out with the aim of excision or coagulation of lesions. For this purpose they can be used the following methods:

  • (minimally invasive surgical technique with minimal incisions);
  • laparotomy(global incision of the abdominal wall to gain access to the internal organs);
  • with the help vaginal access;
  • with the help laparoscopy and vaginal access.

Most doctors agree that it is even necessary, if possible, to carry out organoplastic operations, resorting to radical techniques only in the most extreme cases, when all other surgical and drug options the treatments did not produce results. This is especially important for patients of childbearing age who want to preserve their reproductive function in order to have children in the future.

Today effective method Treatment of endometriosis, which allows preserving the generative function of a woman, is laparoscopy, which is used to remove pathological foci from the pelvic peritoneum, ovaries, as well as endometrioid cysts and adhesions.

Thanks to the laparoscopic method, the doctor can radically remove lesions while minimally injuring the patient. In addition, such a minimally invasive operation allows you to avoid many postoperative complications, as well as eliminate the unpleasant ones, which consist in pain syndrome, menstrual irregularities, dyspareunia, functional infertility, etc.

can be performed repeatedly, given the chronic and recurrent nature of endometriosis. Sometimes repeated operations are carried out only to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. The nature of the pathology and the extent of its spread determines the scope of laparoscopy.

Surgery to eliminate foci of endometriosis on the pelvic peritoneum

When the pathological process is localized in the pelvic peritoneum, surgical treatment involves the following steps:

  • a thorough examination of the peritoneum, as well as the rectouterine and vesicouterine cavities, fallopian tubes and ovaries, uterosacral ligaments, uterus, and certain parts of the rectum;
  • establishing the size and extent of the detected endometrioid lesions;
  • creating conditions optimal for removing lesions, which may include dissection of existing adhesions and other manipulations;
  • excision or coagulation of foci of endometriosis using laser, thermal destruction, electrocoagulation or other methods.

Surgical treatment of ovarian endometriosis

When existing on the surface of the ovaries for a long time, a characteristic adhesive process develops, in which adhesions occur between the uterosacral ligaments, the posterior surface of the uterus and other organs. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is not enough to just empty the cyst; it is necessary to completely remove its capsule.

When removing an endometrioid ovarian cyst, the operation is carried out as follows:

  • the affected ovary is released from the adhesions. Adhesions are cut, as a rule, using surgical scissors;
  • then the organ is resected within normal, healthy tissues, the cyst is enucleated, its capsule is excised;
  • after this, the cyst bed must be treated using an electrode or laser to ensure reliable hemostasis;
  • All internal organs The abdominal cavity is washed, and the removed cyst capsule is sent to the laboratory for further histological examination.

It is worth noting that it is much easier to remove the capsule if the size of the cyst does not exceed three centimeters. If it is not possible to completely remove the capsule, it is excised in parts.

In women of advanced reproductive or postmenopausal age, suffering from ovaries with large cysts and frequent relapses diseases can be performed adnesectomy(removal of ovaries). The expediency of this operation can also be explained by oncological alertness. Spaying can also be done through laparotomy.

Surgical treatment of retrocervical endometriosis

The volume of the required operation is determined, first of all, by the degree of spread of the pathology and the involvement of other organs in the process. Before the operation, be sure to use an intravaginal and rectal sensor, as well as colonoscopy.

It is believed that surgical removal retrocervical endometriosis is the most difficult task to complete, since it is necessary not only to remove pathological foci, but also to restore normal anatomical structure and the functioning of the pelvic organs.

IN recent years V medical practice if necessary surgical treatment this type of endometriosis is most often used laparovaginal method, in which the lesion is first excised vaginally, but at the same time a laparotomy is performed to clarify the extent of the pathology and control over the removal of the lesions. After all the manipulations, the affected area is treated with a laser or electrodes.

It is very important to note that the effectiveness of surgical treatment is ensured to the greatest extent by a thorough preoperative examination of the patient, which makes it possible to detect and also determine the extent of the spread of the pathology. In addition, even at the diagnostic stage, it is important to analyze the stages of surgical intervention and prevent the possibility of complications.

How is the effectiveness of treatment assessed?

A woman can consider herself completely cured of endometriosis if she has had no symptoms for five years. relapse of the disease, she felt well and did not show any clinical manifestations of pathology.

If endometriosis is diagnosed in a woman young, doctors always try to do everything to preserve her ability to bear children. In this case, the main criterion for the patient’s health can be considered the onset of pregnancy and successful childbirth. It should be noted that in today's gynecological practice, the use of effective minimally invasive surgical methods allows to achieve this result in more than half of the aged patients 20-36 years old.

The endometrioid ovarian cyst is one of the most dangerous, as it most often degenerates into malignant tumor, can grow rapidly and tends to rupture during active sports or physical activity. The neoplasm responds poorly to conservative treatment and requires careful medical supervision.

About the disease

Endometrioid ovarian cyst, according to the ICD-10 code, refers to “non-inflammatory lesions of the ovary, fallopian tube and broad ligament of the uterus (N83).”

An endometriotic cyst is often mistakenly called endometriotic or endometrial.

On ultrasound it looks like a tumor or capsule consisting of endometrial cells - the tissue lining the inside of the uterus. In the center of the sac is condensed bright brown menstrual blood. Because of the color of the contents, the endometrioid cyst is also called “chocolate”.

It occurs due to the pathological growth of the endometrium of the uterus, in which the cells of the inner layer begin to grow outside its boundaries, attaching to the loose tissue of the ovary.

Important! An endometrioid cyst is considered one of the most dangerous, as it has a tendency to grow rapidly, and when it ruptures and releases its contents, it causes acute peritonitis. If the walls of a large cyst (more than 10 cm) are damaged, then the abundant release of menstrual blood clots accumulated in the cavity can be life-threatening for the patient and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Also, this type of cyst is prone to inflammation and the appearance of purulent foci, which then spread to the ovary itself, tubes and uterus.

Difference from other cystic formations


Endometrioid cyst is hormone dependent.

At a certain period of the menstrual cycle, its tissue begins to bleed, just like the cells of the endometrium itself in the uterus.

Almost every month the tumor increases slightly in size.

If it happens hormonal imbalance(a sharp jump in estrogen production), then growth can be very rapid.

A distinctive feature of a “chocolate” cyst is that there are no glands in its walls.

Education almost always occurs against the background of internal endometriosis. The size of the tumor is usually small, ranging from 3-5 centimeters, and rarely exceeds 20 cm in diameter.

Patient age

Mostly, the neoplasm appears in women aged 28 to 50 years. Among women postponing the birth of their first child for late date, the tumor occurs much more often than in those who gave birth before 30 years of age.

After the onset of menopause, an endometrioid cyst is almost never detected initially. It is not diagnosed in girls during puberty.

Is the formation on the right and left appendage different in any way?

Most often, endometrioid cysts occur on both ovaries.

Since the blood supply to the right gland is more intense than to the left, the tumor on the right will always grow faster than the left. Also, with unilateral development of the cyst, it is diagnosed more often on the right ovary.

Symptoms and treatment for both cysts of the right and left ovaries are the same.

Can it resolve on its own?

The tumor cannot completely disappear without surgery. Hormonal therapy, folk remedies and dietary changes can only slow down its growth and, in some cases, reduce its size by a couple of centimeters.

Important! Since the tumor is extremely dangerous due to complications, if a cyst is detected, you must carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations and do an ultrasound every 6 months to monitor tumor growth. If the size increases significantly, laparoscopy will be required.


Doctors still cannot give a 100% answer to the question of why a tumor appears. But it is generally believed that formation occurs when endometrial cells penetrate into the loose tissue of the ovary. When might this happen?

At the moment of disruption of the flow of menstrual blood through the cervix and its flow into fallopian tubes, and then into the ovary.

For any injury to the mucous layer of the uterus that can occur during an abortion, gynecological operations, cauterization of cervical erosion, as well as during the procedure of scraping endometrial tissue.

Also, additional factors that contribute to the entry of menstrual blood into the ovary are:

  1. pathologically increased diameter of the fallopian tubes;
  2. a very narrow canal of the cervix, which prevents the normal flow of menstrual blood;
    playing sports during menstruation;
  3. sexual relations during heavy menstruation.

True, there are studies proving that only 10% of women, when blood gets on the ovaries, can subsequently develop a cyst.

Therefore, additional factors influencing both the appearance and growth of the tumor are:

  1. heredity - when endometriosis occurs in a woman, the risk of cysts appearing in her daughter increases;
  2. disorders of the thyroid gland and associated hormonal imbalances;
  3. an increase in estrogen and a decrease in progesterone as a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries.

Also, the growth of an already existing cyst leads to:

  1. decreased immunity due to infectious diseases;
  2. severe stress;
  3. too long (several years in a row) use of an intrauterine device;
  4. inflammatory diseases such as endometritis;
  5. sexual infections;
  6. first birth after 35 years.

All other factors - Not proper nutrition, obesity, diabetes mellitus great influence have no impact on the development of education.


A small cyst (up to 3 cm) does not cause discomfort. As education grows, the following signs appear:

  1. nagging pain in the lower abdomen, intensifying at the location of the tumor;
  2. aching pain in the area of ​​the cyst when playing sports and other physical activity;
  3. pain during sexual intercourse resulting from emerging adhesions;
  4. heavy periods, with a long course, sometimes “smearing” for five or seven days in a row;
  5. minor bleeding outside the cycle;
  6. severe pain during menstruation, and pulling discomfort appear 3 - 4 days before the start of the cycle.

Also, as the cyst enlarges, it begins to put pressure on bladder, as a result of which appear frequent urge go to the toilet, as well as flatulence and minor constipation.

Due to hormonal imbalance, the appearance ceases to please. The condition of the skin worsens, dryness, male-pattern hair growth, nervousness and irritability appear.

Mild nausea appears from time to time, worsening before menstruation.
A woman usually comes to the doctor after the appearance of unpleasant symptoms(pain, intermenstrual discharge) and prolonged inability to conceive a child.


Did you do an ultrasound?


During standard examination It is extremely difficult to detect an endometrioid cyst on the chair. As a rule, based on the patient’s complaints, the doctor can assume the presence of a neoplasm, but its type is determined only by ultrasound. Additionally in diagnostic purposes the following examinations are prescribed:

  1. hormone tests;
  2. urine and blood analysis;
  3. if you have doubts about determining the type of cyst, use MRI of the pelvic organs.

Treatment methods

Conservative therapy helps slow tumor growth and reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms. This treatment is permissible only for small formations on the left and right ovaries that are not prone to growth and rupture.

If there are risks of complications, those wishing to have children in the future are offered surgical removal of endometriotic lesions while preserving the ovary itself.

Depending on the size of the cyst, laparoscopy or laparotomy is performed.

Reference. In severe cases, if it is impossible to preserve the ovaries, the glands themselves are removed along with the cyst, sometimes along with the uterus. This operation is rarely performed on women under 50 years of age.

Treatment without surgery

First of all, the gynecologist will prescribe hormonal therapy, anti-inflammatory and painkillers, as well as vitamin therapy and herbal teas to maintain immunity.

At small size cysts, the doctor will select contraceptives for the patient that stabilize hormonal background, and will also prescribe painkillers and antispasmodics to relieve pain and discomfort as the tumor grows.

Laparoscopy and laparotomy

How is laparoscopy done?

In most cases, the doctor chooses laparoscopy to remove a small “chocolate” cyst.

Removal surgery is performed through small punctures in the abdominal cavity and allows the affected tissue to be removed without affecting the ovary itself.

During surgery, the cyst tissue is “husked” and removed.

Are you planning a pregnancy?


Sometimes the neoplasm itself is discovered in a pregnant patient in the first trimester of pregnancy. The operation is not performed, but expectant mother is under increased attention from doctors, regularly doing ultrasounds.

The risks in this case are quite high, since the growing uterus puts pressure on the tumor and it can burst, which will lead to acute peritonitis and pose a threat to both the mother and the unborn baby.

If the cyst grows sharply, a decision may even be made to remove it before delivery. But in many cases, due to a sharp reduction in estrogen production in the body, the cyst decreases in size and sometimes even completely resolves.

After removal of the cyst, in the absence of contraindications, pregnancy is possible after 4-6 cycles.


Measures to prevent cyst growth are prevention inflammatory diseases female genital area, reception contraception to avoid artificial abortion, proper nutrition and regular examinations by a gynecologist. If the beginnings of a cyst occur, taking hormonal medications, herbal medicine and healthy image life will help to avoid tumor growth and degeneration into a malignant form.

Endometrioid cyst is one of the most dangerous species ovarian neoplasms. If the size is small, it is necessary to be treated by a gynecologist - hormonal drugs. If there is even the slightest risk of growth of the formation, it is better to remove it as quickly as possible.

In gynecological practice, the most commonly diagnosed disease is endometriosis, which is characterized by pathological proliferation of endometriotic tissue.

Endometrioid is a hormone-dependent benign that belongs to one of the forms of endometriosis.

It is formed mainly against the background of reduced immunity and hormonal disorders of childbearing age.

More often, a neoplasm develops in the presence of a benign process in the muscle or inner layer uterus.

An endometrioid ovarian cyst is cavity formation, arising on the surface of the organ, filled with clots of menstrual blood and surrounded by a capsule of endometrioid tissue.

Endometriotic cysts are non-functional tumors that often form on the ovaries on both sides. They develop as a result of hormonal disorders of the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Occurring malfunctions endocrine organ lead to the fact that the cells lining the uterus from the inside enter the fallopian tubes and gonads.

Spreading foci of endometrioid tissue are hormone-dependent, therefore, monthly menstrual bleeding contribute to the appearance of tumor formations containing dark brown clots of coagulated blood.

If the formations are small in size after a course of hormone therapy, there is a chance of spontaneous resorption of the endometrioid cyst.

The size of the neoplasm reaches a maximum of 12 cm, the degree of its increase depends on the characteristics of the body and the changes occurring in it. There are cases when the size of the tumor is 5-6 cm and does not increase over many years.

In such cases, only if attempts to conceive are in vain are diagnostic measures, and neoplasms are detected in both ovaries, right or left.

As a rule, ovarian endometrioma is not accompanied by bright pronounced signs, and only when the formation enlarges or when it ruptures do obvious symptoms occur.

If the disease constantly progresses, over time this can lead to the involvement of the supraovarian appendages in the pathological process, which significantly aggravates the situation and provokes the development of a more pronounced clinical picture.


The pathological process develops in the left ovary, on its surface or inside. As the tumor progresses and increases in size, signs appear in the form of pain in the lower abdomen on the left side.

An endometrioid cyst of the left ovary eventually leads to disruption of menstruation (more often manifested by the absence of menstrual flow).

Diagnosing left-sided benign education carried out using ultrasound. In some cases, together with the main tumor, it is possible to identify smaller foci of abnormal growth of endometrioid tissue.


According to statistics, endometrioid cysts of the right ovary are diagnosed much more often than those on the left side or on both sides. The reasons for the predominance of abnormal endometrial growth in the right ovary are not fully known.

Scientists explain this as follows: the blood supply to the organ located on the right is provided by a larger number of vessels and capillaries compared to the left; accordingly, the main follicular reserve (ovarian reserve) is laid down here.

With the growth of endometrioma of the right ovary, menstruation disorders, severe pain in the lower abdomen with right side, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the bladder.

Dermoid cyst

With significant progression of ovarian endometrioma, changes in ovarian tissue are noted, which subsequently contributes to the development benign tumor with a dense capsule filled with mucus-like liquid including particles of hair, fat, sebaceous glands, bone tissue.

The neoplasm appears when large sizes painful sensations lower abdomen, lower back, disorders of the digestive and genitourinary systems.

Elimination of pathology is carried out through surgery.

Ovarian cyst rupture

The most dangerous and common complication of an endometrioid cyst is rupture corpus luteum ovary. The cause of the complication is the large size of the tumor.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst leads to the contents of the capsule entering the peritoneal cavity. The lack of timely medical intervention in case of rupture leads to inflammation of the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum.

When a right ovarian cyst ruptures, the resulting cutting pains are felt in the pelvic area, somewhat more intense on the affected side. Accordingly, rupture of the left ovarian cyst is accompanied by more pronounced sensations on the left side.

Symptoms and signs of rupture

Symptoms of rupture manifest themselves acutely; in some cases, the pathological process leads to loss of consciousness.

The main signs of a ruptured ovarian cyst:

  • increased temperature (37.7 – 39 degrees);
  • the first manifestations of a rupture are sharply occurring severe pain in the pelvic area with more pronounced sensations from the side tumor formation ovary;
  • signs of intoxication appear (nausea, turning into vomiting);
  • dizziness and weakness develop;
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • blood pressure levels decrease;
  • heart rate increases;
  • arise heavy bleeding from the genitals.

Symptoms of a ruptured cyst appear almost immediately and can lead to the formation adhesive processes and intestinal obstruction.

Causes of pathology

Rupture of an ovarian cyst occurs in the absence of treatment, as the disease progresses. There are the most common reasons that lead to rupture:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • frequent sexual intercourse;
  • injury to the pelvic area;
  • lifting weights;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary organs;
  • poor blood clotting.


Rupture of an ovarian cyst is a serious condition that poses a threat to a woman’s life. At heavy bleeding the likelihood of developing anemia and hemorrhagic shock increases.

One of dangerous consequences the gap is purulent inflammation peritoneum, requiring complete removal organ and freeing the abdominal cavity from accumulated blood.

Therapy for rupture

Surgery is used to treat the rupture.

Laparoscopic surgery is a low-traumatic method of eliminating pathology and is used for early detection.

During the procedure, several small incisions are made in the anterior abdominal wall for the introduction of special devices - manipulators, with the help of which the necessary manipulations are carried out.

Laparotomy is surgically, used when the capsule ruptures and enters blood clots into the peritoneal cavity, which is accompanied by a deterioration in the patient’s condition.

During the operation, an incision is made in the abdominal wall, through which the surgeon removes the tumor along with the ovaries and cleans the abdominal cavity. Surgical treatment is performed under general anesthesia.

Symptoms and signs

Endometrioid cysts on early stages formations have no characteristic features.

Further manifestation of ovarian endometrioma depends on the size of the tumor formation, the individual characteristics of the organism and the degree of development of the pathology.

At the beginning of development, the following symptoms occur:

  • menstruation disorders;
  • feeling of pain during sexual intercourse;
  • painful periods;
  • bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

If the above symptoms are left unattended over time, this leads to the development of other, more pronounced manifestations:

  • menstruation becomes longer and is accompanied by heavy bleeding;
  • in other cases, there is no menstruation or slight discharge;
  • there is a constant feeling of weakness, apathetic state;
  • nausea appears;
  • as the tumor grows, intense pain appears in the lower abdomen;
  • body temperature increases (high numbers may be symptoms of rupture);
  • infertility;
  • feeling of pain in the lumbar region.

In severe cases, signs of cyst rupture develop. The formation of adhesions in women leads to constipation, bloating and disruption of the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Important! Despite the widespread opinion and fears associated with the possible degeneration of a benign process into a malignant one, it should be noted that cystic formation when adjusting your lifestyle and nutrition, it can resolve on its own!


Diagnostic measures for ovarian endometrioma include comprehensive examination, which starts with gynecological examination using mirrors.

Ultrasound examination with Doppler allows you to identify a cyst, determine its location, size, and lack of blood supply in the capsule.

For a more thorough diagnosis of neoplasm of endometrioid tissue, MRI of the pelvic organs and diagnostic laparoscopy are performed.

The level of tumor marker CA-125 is determined, which may increase slightly. In order to exclude a malignant process, a biopsy examination is prescribed.

Why is an endometrioid ovarian cyst dangerous?

Despite the benign nature of the cyst, this form of endometriosis without appropriate treatment leads to the following complications:

  • rupture of the capsule and penetration of its contents into the abdominal cavity;
  • as the size of the tumor increases, pressure occurs on nearby organs, as a result of which their functioning is disrupted;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • twisting of the leg, which leads to necrotic processes in the female organ and requires oophorectomy;
  • Ovarian endometrioma, under certain conditions, can cause the development of a malignant process.

Treatment methods

The treatment regimen for endometrioid ovarian cysts depends on the clinical picture, the degree of progression of the pathology, the woman’s age, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

In the early stages, drug treatment is carried out, including the use of hormonal therapy and traditional methods.

With significant enlargement of the endometrioid ovarian cyst and the development characteristic symptoms surgical intervention is used.

Conservative therapy

Treatment without surgery is possible when the size of the endometrioid ovarian cyst does not exceed 5 cm, in the absence of a malignant process and severe clinical manifestations.

Conservative treatment consists of taking:

  • hormonal medications;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • drugs to boost the immune system;
  • enzymes;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • painkillers and antispasmodics.

Timely initiation of treatment for early stages quite long, but when completing the full course it leads to tumor resorption and recovery.


Treatment of endometrioid cyst with medications aimed, first of all, at normalizing hormonal levels. For this purpose, the drugs Marvelon, Duphaston, Janine are prescribed.

Quite often the disease is accompanied infectious processes. To eliminate them, it is prescribed combination remedy Terzhinan, which contains an antibiotic wide range actions.

Folk remedies

Treatment of endometrioid cysts without surgery is also carried out using folk remedies. This treatment is auxiliary to the main one drug therapy and is used only after the permission of the attending physician.

To remove inflammatory processes, improvements general condition and to enhance the effect of drug therapy, various herbal infusions inside and vaginal tamponade.

For treatment gynecological diseases Infusions from boron uterus are prepared to help normalize hormonal levels. For vaginal tamponade, liquid honey containing a large amount of useful substances is used.

For positive effect during the treatment of cysts and endometriosis folk remedies required to pass full course therapy prescribed by a specialist.


Hormonal therapy consists of the use of combined oral contraceptives(COOK).

Such drugs are used in the early stages of pathology, but more often in rehabilitation period to normalize hormonal levels and prevent the formation of new lesions.

The following drugs are prescribed for oral administration:

  • dydrogesterone (has a progestogenic effect);
  • norethisterone (a synthetic hormone that has similar effects to natural progesterone);
  • dienogest (has antiandrogenic activity).

Medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera), which has a progestin and antitumor effect, is prescribed by injection.


More often, an endometrioid cyst is diagnosed when its size exceeds 6-7 cm and is accompanied by clinical manifestations.

In such cases, surgery is used to eliminate the ovarian tumor.

There are several in various ways surgical treatment, during which:

  • surgery to remove the tumor together with the capsule;
  • excision of the tumor and around adjacent tissues;
  • removal of the endometrioid cyst together with the affected ovary (oophorectomy is performed in women after 35 years with significant progression of the disease).

After removal of the endometrial ovarian cyst, treatment is prescribed hormonal contraceptives, which normalize hormonal levels and prevent the future appearance of new lesions.

During the rehabilitation period, electrophoresis is used, laser radiation, acupuncture and magnetic therapy.


To preserve the female organ and reproductive function, removal of the endometrioid ovarian cyst is performed using laparoscopy, which is a minimally invasive operation.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia; during the procedure, the surgeon makes three small incisions on the anterior abdominal wall, through which the device is inserted, with its help all necessary manipulations are carried out under visual control on the monitor.

Laparoscopy is the most safe procedure, after which there are practically no scars and the risks of complications are minimal.

After removal of the tumor of the left or right ovaries, a diet is prescribed and the daily routine is adjusted with sufficient time for rest and sleep.


Endomethioid ovarian cyst occurs against the background of reduced immunity and hormonal disorders. To date, scientists have identified the main reason for the appearance of endometrioid tissue in steam rooms. female organs failed.

Most doctors in the field of gynecology are of the opinion that the cause is retrograde menstruation, which involves the migration of endometrial cells along with blood particles into the fallopian tubes and gonads.

Other factors contributing to the development of the disease include:

  • operations in the uterine cavity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • excess weight;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.


A small endometrioid cyst that does not affect reproductive function may be present in female body for many years without showing itself in any way.

As the disease progresses, it may develop serious complications in the form of infertility and adhesions in the pelvis.

Negative influence pathological processes in the ovary is also manifested by the development of serious clinical manifestations, the most dangerous of which are signs of peritonitis.

To prevent serious consequences it is necessary to apply for timely medical care and exclude self-medication, which can only worsen the situation.


Prevention methods include following some recommendations:

  • timely detection and treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • proper nutrition;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • timely diagnosis and correction of hormonal disorders;
  • preventive examinations twice a year;
  • careful planning of pregnancy and regular monitoring by an obstetrician-gynecologist during gestation.


In most cases, the prognosis of the disease is favorable; after surgery to eliminate the tumor formation, normal life returns menstrual cycle and it becomes possible to plan a healthy pregnancy.

Endometrioid cyst and pregnancy

Very often, women when planning pregnancy during diagnostic examination are faced with a diagnosis of endometrioid cyst.

If the size of the tumor is small, pregnancy will help to reduce it. This is due to the production of progesterone, which suppresses the growth of endometrioid tissue.

If the tumor size exceeds 7-8 cm, it is prescribed surgical treatment before conception.

Any dysfunction of the sexual sphere poses a threat to a woman’s reproductive function, and sometimes her health and life.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases prevents the development of infertility and preserves a woman’s health.