Dismissal must be completed for 14 calendar or working days. For whom is the three-day work period established?

Many employees, having written notice of dismissal by at will, they are in a hurry to leave their previous place of work as quickly as possible, without working off. This is often due to the fact that they already have a new job and they are expected there. What is working off? Labor law standards do not define this term; as a rule, employees use it when communicating with each other.

Current legislation clearly establishes that an employee is obliged to notify the employer of dismissal in writing no earlier than fourteen days in advance. It is believed that such a period is necessary so that the resigning employee can transfer all his affairs, and the employer finds a replacement.

During this period, the employee is obliged to continue to perform his work, since otherwise he may be fired for absenteeism under Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (a certificate of absence from work must first be drawn up).

Nevertheless, there are situations when the period of work can be either more than 2 weeks or less.

Duration of work 3 days

For some cases, the law establishes a simplified procedure for terminating an employment contract. The period is also reduced:

  • The employee has just started work and is on duty. He can resign of his own free will without waiting for the end of the test - for this he needs to write a standard application. Work off upon dismissal during the probationary period is 3 days. In addition, the company can also initiate dismissal during the probationary period - then it warns about this 7 days in advance.
  • The employee is contracted to perform seasonal work. Such an agreement usually terminates automatically upon completion of the work. However, if the employee wanted to terminate it early on his own initiative, then he only needs to notify about this 3 days in advance.
  • An urgent contract was concluded with the employee employment contract for a period of no more than 2 months to perform any temporary work. If you want to quit earlier, you will also have to work 3 days.

Duration of work 14 days

The standard working time is two weeks. It is during this period that the company’s management must be notified by writing a letter of resignation.

The positive thing about in this case is that if the employee changes his mind during this time, he can withdraw his application. For example, those who resign by agreement of the parties or take leave with further dismissal are deprived of this right. However, it is no longer possible to withdraw an application if another employee has already been hired to replace the person leaving.

Nevertheless, the actual date of dismissal is set by the manager - and if you can come to an agreement with him, you will be able to quit earlier.

Important! You can also apply while on vacation or sick leave - current law does not prohibit doing this. The deadline does not change.

Duration of work 1 month

If an employee worked in management positions - director, deputy or chief accountant, then the law provides for such a case a working period of thirty days. At the same time, the director, if he is not the sole owner of the company, must convene during this period general meeting founders.

The same period of work is provided for people involved in the field of sports - athletes or coaches with whom a contract has been signed for a period of more than four months. As a result, if they need to terminate the agreement early, they will need to work in their current place for another month.

A situation may also arise when the employer-entrepreneur is absent for a long time and there is no information about him. Then his employee can terminate the signed employment contract in the local municipality, which will conduct this procedure within a month.

Dismissal of one's own free will without work

All employees who leave on their own initiative try to quickly end their relationship with their previous employer and begin new job. Many of them do not know whether it is possible to quit without working. But the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for cases and certain categories of citizens when dismissal at their own request without working off is guaranteed for them by the state.

These include:

  • All employees for whom the administration of their employer does not comply with, and sometimes violates, the conditions stipulated by concluded labor contracts and collective agreements.
  • Employees who achieve the established retirement age. However, this refers only to those workers who are just retiring. If he again enters into an employment agreement, he will not have the option of resigning without working.
  • If an employee of an economic entity quits and joins educational institution. In this case, the employee must know how to quit without working for 2 weeks. After all, a completed application is not enough; you must also attach supporting documents, which can be an enrollment order or a certificate from your place of study.
  • An employee has the right to quit without working if his husband or wife is transferred to work in another city or state. Along with the application, you must submit a corresponding transfer order or a summons document to the HR department.

The internal regulations of the enterprise itself may provide for other situations in which the day of writing the application coincides with the day of dismissal.

Please pay attention! However, some employees know how to quit their job without working. To do this, they can, upon notifying the employer, take out sick leave. This is due to the fact that the period of two weeks does not increase when the disease occurs. The employee is dismissed on the date specified by him, or the last day on the certificate of incapacity for work.

At the same time, they must take into account that if the company’s management can prove the invalidity of the submitted document, they may be fired under an article for violating the company’s rules of procedure or, even worse, prosecuted according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The most legal, sometimes not the easiest way for an employee to leave an enterprise without working off work, is still to come to an amicable agreement with his employer.

Dismissal without service at the initiative of the employer

This type of termination of the contract between an employee and his employer is not provided for by law. Speaking about this, we must first of all keep in mind the situation when the administration of an enterprise offers an employee either to resign of his own free will or to be fired in accordance with the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation for failure to comply with labor discipline. This situation may have positive aspects for all participants labor relations. Company without the need to prove and formalize large number forms, gets rid of an employee she doesn’t need, and he, in turn, gets a chance to resign on good terms.

When receiving the consent of an employee of the organization to the first option, the management of the company, as a rule, does not think about any period of two weeks, and proposes to reduce it to the minimum, that is, to terminate the contract on the same day.

Another type of dismissal that falls under this definition, there may be termination of employment relations by. The employer offers the employee deadline, basically, on the same day, resign by agreement of the parties, and in return he can pay him certain compensation amounts. All this is recorded in the form of an agreement drawn up in writing.

Vacation followed by dismissal as an alternative

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides an opportunity for a resigning employee, in cases where he has vacation days not taken off, to first take advantage of the rest days, and then only resign. However, this provision does not provide for responsibilities in this matter on the part of the employer. This means that without his consent, the employee will not be able to exercise the right.

If the management of a business entity does not object, then it can, if it wishes, take a vacation for the entire period it has, or for part of it. In this case, payment is paid only for the remaining part of the time not taken off.

The day of dismissal is the last day of rest. And the calculation is all necessary documents the employee must receive work on his day that precedes the vacation.

Important! The negative side of this option is the inability to withdraw the application during the vacation period.

Such a concept as " Working off"The Labor Code does not provide a definition; the legislator introduces the term " employer warning" A two-week period is needed for the manager to find a new person to fill the vacant position.

A person does not always change his job peacefully. When, for example, an employee has found another place of employment and is ready to take on new responsibilities, his current employer, not wanting to let go of a valuable personnel, “takes advantage” of the rule of law.

Is it necessary to work two weeks upon dismissal?

There is no direct indication in this regard in the code. However, in Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation situations are indicated when the relationship ends on the day the application is written.

  • Suitable for sane managers and enthusiastic employees, or when both parties have no desire to continue the working relationship, it occurs according to mutual agreement.

Art. 80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: “By agreement between the employee and the employer, the employment contract may be terminated before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal”

  • The law allows the employee continue education, providing the opportunity to resign upon admission to educational institution, completing graduate school, etc.
  • At moving for permanent residence, for example, abroad or to another city, you don’t have to work for two weeks. The application must be accompanied by a copy of your passport, section “registration”.
  • Disease interfering with the performance of work duties or deteriorating health because of work at hazardous production may cause emergency dismissal. You can’t do without going to the doctor and getting the appropriate certificate.
  • Care for a child under 14 years of age, for a disabled child, a sick family member or a 1st degree disabled person.

Art. 80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: “In cases where an employee’s application for dismissal on his initiative (at his own request) is due to the impossibility of continuing his work (enrollment in educational organization, retirement and other cases), as well as in cases of established violation by the employer labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts, the employer is obliged to terminate employment contract on time, specified in the application worker."

It is important to note that the violation behind the manager must be proven and have written confirmation.

Do I need to work 14 days when a pensioner is dismissed?

  1. social;
  2. on disability;
  3. long service pension;
  4. pension upon reaching retirement age.

Dismissal of working pensioners without service

Pensioner, for the first time having received such status, he has the right to resign without waiting for the end of his service. The same right also applies to working pensioner who decided to complete work experience, and this decision can be made repeatedly.

Dismissal without working for two weeks is enshrined in the collective agreement of the enterprise: its reasons and procedure.

Is working 14 days a week paid upon dismissal?

Pay wages should not be different or cut down.

Are public holidays included in the dismissal period?

When dismissing, all days in the calendar are counted.

Art. 14 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: “If the last day of the term falls on non-working day, then the day of expiration of the term is considered to be the next one following it working day».

How to calculate dismissal with 2 weeks of work according to Labor Code

Clause 1 Art. 80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: “The employee has the right terminate employment contract, having notified the employer about this in writing no later than two weeks. The specified period begins the next day after the employer receives the employee’s resignation letter.”


  • If the application was submitted on May 1, 2016, then the working period begins on next day , from the 2nd to the 16th. Thus, the employee will receive the payment on the 16th.
  • Must be taken into account date when the employer received the application. For example, if a document was submitted by mail on April 28, but only reached the manager on the 5th, then the period will be calculated from the 6th to the 20th.
  • When submitting an application in text need to write: “I ask you to fire me on the 20th,” without adding the preposition “with” before the date. So, the last working day will be the 20th.

Art. 14 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: “Time limits calculated in years, months, weeks expire on the corresponding date last year, month or week period. The period calculated in calendar weeks or days also includes non-working days.”

Is sick leave considered work upon dismissal?

Life is life, an employee can get sick when he has two or one week left before leaving. Get well and close sick leave he can within 6 months.

Sick leave is paid as usual, in 100% volume.

If the initiative to terminate the contract comes from the employee, the employer dismisses him on the day specified in the application. In this case, it does not matter whether the employee is sick or not.

Art. 80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: “Before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employee has the right at any time recall your statement. Dismissal in this case not produced, unless another employee is invited in writing to take his place..."

Before dismissal, you can go on vacation, but this has its own nuances. Firstly, enterprises have their own vacation schedule, which is drawn up at the beginning of the year. That's why reschedule vacation possible, but only by agreement new dates with guidance. You can write a statement that “due to family circumstances, I ask you to reschedule your vacation to... dates.” And so, the last day of vacation will become the last working day.

How long must a chief accountant work upon dismissal?

The chief accountant is the same employee as the others, he is subject to the provisions Art. 80 TK:

Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employee (at his own request)

The employee has the right terminate employment contract, having notified the employer about this in writing no later than in two weeks, unless another period is established by this Code or other federal law. The specified period begins on next day after the employer receives the employee’s resignation letter.

By agreement between the employee and the employer, the employment contract can be terminated and before the deadline notices of dismissal.

In cases where the employee’s application for dismissal on his initiative (at his own request) is due to the impossibility of continuing his work (enrollment in an educational organization, retirement and other cases), as well as in cases of established violation by the employer of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts, containing norms labor law, local regulations, terms of a collective agreement, agreement or employment contract, the employer is obliged to terminate the employment contract on time, specified in the application employee.

Before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employee has the right at any time recall your statement. Dismissal in this case is not carried out unless another employee is invited in his place in writing, who, in accordance with this Code and other federal laws the conclusion of an employment contract cannot be refused.

By expiration of the term notice of dismissal, the employee has the right to stop working. On the last day of work, the employer is obliged to issue the employee a work book and other documents related to the work, upon the employee’s written application, and make a final payment to him.

If, upon expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employment contract has not been terminated and the employee does not insist on dismissal, then the validity of the employment contract continues.

The main difference is that he bears greater responsibility for company finances. How financially responsible person, he needs to report and transfer cases, although these provisions are not spelled out in the law.

And, most importantly, do not forget to pick up the documents. “On the last day of work, the employer is obliged to give the employee work book, other documents related to the work, upon the written application of the employee and make final calculation».

Each case, however, is unique. It is better to consult a professional on how not to work for two weeks upon dismissal in a specific case.

Most working people who want to change their field of activity or move to another company are interested in the question: is it possible to quit without working? According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a resigning person is obliged to work in the same position for another 2 weeks after submitting an application, however, there are exceptions in which it is quite possible to resign of one’s own free will without working out. The easiest way is to reach an agreement with the manager, and if certain circumstances and grounds exist, you can leave the enterprise without violating labor laws.

Having found a new job, many people ask the question: is it possible to be fired without working? In this case, potential employers often require that a person begin work immediately after the interview and approval of the position; however, if he has not yet left his previous job, certain difficulties may arise.

Despite the fact that working for 14 days is the rule rather than the exception, one-day dismissal is also provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To leave the company in the near future after submitting an application, it is enough to know what is the basis for quick dismissal and what tricks there are that allow you not to stay in your previous job.

Application for dismissal without work

The legislation does not establish a form for an application for dismissal without working for two weeks, but in any case it must be drawn up in writing and in compliance with the following rules:

  • the document must clearly indicate the intention to terminate the employment relationship and the request for urgent dismissal without work;
  • the application must indicate the date of dismissal, otherwise the manager can take advantage of its absence and terminate the employment contract only after 2 weeks;
  • The signature of the resigning employee is always placed at the end of the application.

In most cases, employers have no problem signing the employee’s application, but there are situations when they categorically refuse to do this. It should be taken into account here that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish mandatory endorsement of this document, so those resigning can send it by registered mail, register with the secretary as incoming correspondence, or register in the office.

If, after two weeks from the date of submitting or sending the application, the employee does not go to work, then this will not be considered absenteeism, because he complied with all the conditions of the Labor Code and warned of his intention to resign in writing in advance. When the employer, after two weeks, continues to insist that dismissal is impossible and does not provide documents, the employee can go to court or file a complaint about a violation of his rights with the labor inspectorate.

Sometimes situations arise in which it is necessary to withdraw a letter of resignation. The review is also provided in writing, and the employer can refuse only if another employee has already been hired for the vacant position and an order has been drawn up for him. The form of such a document is not defined by law, but it is best to do it in writing, or simply make a note about the revocation on the resignation letter.

Reasons for dismissal without working for two weeks

To leave the enterprise as quickly as possible, you need to know in what cases dismissal without work is provided for by labor legislation:

  • if an employee is enrolled as a full-time student at a university and cannot or does not want to combine work with study;
  • when an employee retires and does not intend to continue working;
  • if the person leaving has violated internal rules company or Labor Code norms, and the manager insists on dismissal of his own free will. There is reverse side: It is quite likely that the article under which the contract with the subordinate was terminated may be included in the “reasons” column in the work book.

According to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal without service is also possible for other reasons:

  • if an employee moves to work in another city or country. A supporting document may be a passport with a mark on deregistration;
  • if the employee's spouse is sent for labor activity abroad. Here you may need a certificate of transfer from your previous place of work;
  • if a subordinate moves to another area for permanent residence. It is worth noting that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain clearly defined documents that must be provided to the employer to confirm their intentions to move, so the only correct solution is to discuss all the details with him in advance in order to avoid misunderstandings and disagreements;
  • if during medical examination it was revealed that the person cannot continue to work for certain indications. In this case, the employee can be dismissed at his own request in one day, but the manager has the right to demand relevant health certificates;
  • if the employee is caring for a sick relative or a disabled person of group 1. This will require a medical certificate.

Such valid reasons for dismissal without work are a legal basis for the early termination of employment relations, since they are all specified in Art. 80 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is worth considering that pregnant women, as well as pensioners and parents raising disabled people or children under 14 years of age, can also resign in this way. This also includes spouses who have three or more children under 16 years of age, or students under the age of 18.

How can you avoid working time without violating labor laws:

  • agree with the manager about dismissal on a certain day. This method is suitable only for those who maintain a friendly relationship with the director and can be sure that he will fulfill the terms of the oral agreement. If the employer promised to dismiss the employee on a certain day, but never did so, in the absence of grounds for quick dismissal, he will still have to work for 2 weeks if he wants, otherwise, if he does not show up for work within 14 days after submitting the application, considered absenteeism. This is fraught negative consequences: the director can safely fire a subordinate under paragraphs. and clause 4 of Art. 81, since an oral agreement is not evidence;
  • calculate your dismissal date in advance. For example, if you need to quit on September 14, then the application should be submitted on the 1st of that month. Many people forget about this method, although it is the most reliable;
  • write an application for leave with subsequent dismissal. It is advisable to submit the document as early as possible, the most important thing is to be in time before the start date of the vacation. This option has legal grounds, and you can resign when going on either regular or extraordinary leave;
  • go on sick leave for 2 weeks followed by dismissal without work. Everything is very simple here: all you need to do is visit a doctor, and then submit an application for leave at your place of work. Thus, after receiving a certificate of incapacity for work, the resigning employee can safely go to his old place of work to get a work book. It should be remembered that this method is only suitable for those who are really sick, since the law provides for punishment for both the doctor and the patient if the latter does not have any signs of illness and needs sick leave to solve his own affairs and problems. The application can be submitted directly while you are on sick leave, so that after leaving your job you can immediately pick up all the necessary documents from your previous place of work.

It often happens that the employer himself decides to fire an employee one day, but here it is worth considering that he does not have the right to do this if the latter is on vacation or sick leave. Many unscrupulous workers take advantage of this and take out several certificates of incapacity for work, thereby keeping their jobs and continuing to receive money.

How to quit on the day you submit your application?

There are circumstances in which you can complete 3 days of work instead of two weeks when leaving at your own request:

  • if the employee is on a probationary period;
  • if an agreement was concluded between the employer and employee for a period of less than two months;
  • when employed in seasonal work. In this case, the employee must notify his supervisor 3 calendar days before leaving. If the initiator of dismissal is the director, then he notifies the employee of the upcoming dismissal in writing 7 days before the date.

If there are such grounds, you can quit on one day when the employer has no objections. If the person resigning does not fall into any of these categories and does not have valid reasons for leaving the company on the day the application is submitted, then his only option is dismissal by agreement of the parties. In this case, it is enough to simply agree with the employer, write an application and receive your documents.

For those who don’t know whether it is necessary to work 2 weeks upon dismissal, or whether you can limit yourself to one day, this information has great value, because if there are grounds for canceling the work, then they should be used. This will allow you to start another job on time or begin other activities that were the reason for leaving your old job so quickly.

Often employers do their best to prevent legal dismissal employees, justifying this by the impossibility of replacing them with other people, and if the rights of those leaving are violated, they can contact the labor inspectorate or file a claim in court.

You definitely need to know how long the service will last upon dismissal - 14 calendar days or workers. The difference is significant, so an unscrupulous boss can take advantage of this. And you will have to work not for two weeks, but for three.

General information

If an employee quits, he is required to stay for another two weeks of work. The supervisor usually assigns work, as he needs to find a replacement for such an employee. But there are several categories of workers who are not subject to dismissal with 2 weeks of work. And therefore their date of dismissal coincides with the date of drawing up the application:

  • pensioners;
  • employees enrolled in educational institutions;
  • when a person moves to another locality;
  • in case of violation of the terms of the contract or the law.

If the boss violates this rule and forces him to work, the citizen has two options for developing the situation. He can work due date and leave or go to court. The latter option will require not only expenses, but also quite a lot of time. And by the time the court makes a decision, the dismissal will already take place.

As for the timing, we are not always talking about 14 days. For example, working out general director is 1 month. And for probationary employees and seasonal workers – only 3 days. If the number of subordinates at the enterprise is reduced, nothing needs to be worked out.

For all other employees, upon dismissal of their own free will, two weeks of work is obligatory. But, if desired, the employer can dismiss the employee without working out upon dismissal. And that's his right. If a subordinate leaves work without working the required term, this will be absenteeism, and he will be fired under the article.

Not everyone knows what day the work begins and how many calendar or working days need to be counted. First you need to understand when the countdown begins. This will always be the day after the application is submitted. From this day on, count down required quantity days. Further, when answering the question of how long an employee’s work period lasts upon dismissal - 14 calendar days or working days, it should be clarified that records are kept exclusively in calendar days.

Help: 2 weeks upon dismissal are counted according to the calendar, that is, working days, weekends and holidays are taken into account.


A sample application for dismissal with service can be found on the Internet or taken from a personnel officer. Using an example, it is written much faster, but if there is no example, then do not be upset. It is enough to know the simple rules for drawing up such documents. Often organizations develop a special application form.

Read also Features and cases in which an employee is dismissed for health reasons

If you have to write yourself, then you must follow the rules:

  1. Document header. Here write the name of the organization, as well as the full name of the employer. You also need to indicate the details of who is drawing up the document.
  2. After this, the request for dismissal and the reason for leaving work are indicated. It is imperative to set a departure date, taking into account fourteen days. If an employee calculates incorrectly, it’s not a big deal. Accounting will still double-check the day of dismissal before calculating payments.
  3. Then the date and signature are indicated.

After submitting a resignation letter, the employee can continue to perform his duties. job responsibilities, and this will be 14 days of work. The main thing is to make sure that the boss received the application. Therefore, it is better to notify your manager about your departure before resigning. If he does not want to release the employee, then he should send the document by registered mail.

If a subordinate has unused annual leave, he can use it. That is, if he goes on vacation after submitting an application, then this is considered working off. When the duration of vacation is longer, 14 days are counted.

The calculation day is not the last day of vacation, but the last day of work. Then the employee receives a work book and all payments. If he cannot return on time, the employer is obliged to inform him in writing of the need to receive a payment. You can take only 14 days of vacation, and sacrifice the other half and receive compensation for it.

Providing vacation instead of 2 weeks that a subordinate must work is not an obligation, but a right of management. The boss may refuse the employee, subsequently compensating for the leave. Therefore, everything here depends on the relationship between the parties, so you will have to negotiate with the employer.

But many workers, faced with a refusal from their superiors, simply go on sick leave. Of course, more often than not, they have to resort to not quite legal means receiving medical certificate, but they don’t have to work an extra 2 weeks. And this time can be spent looking for a new employer.

Citizens resigning with service have one undeniable advantage. By law, during the entire period, an employee can withdraw his application and remain in his position. But you need to take into account certain nuances. For example, if a person went on vacation instead of working, and management hired another employee in his place, then it will not be possible to return to his own position.

When resigning voluntarily, an employee usually must work for another two weeks after submitting an application. The Labor Code explains how to count 14 days of work. However, there are nuances that require special explanation.

Work for two weeks: how to count

Using an example, you can consider how to calculate 14 days of work upon dismissal if the application was submitted to the employer the day before New Year's holidays, usually lasting until January 8th. Having submitted it, for example, on December 30, the employee has the right to go to work on January 9 and work only 5 days - 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. And then, unless none of them fall on a day off. On the 13th the two-week period expires (14 days starting from December 31st), and on January 14th he can already rest or start work in a new place.

How to count two weeks of work upon dismissal if an employee is sick

In a similar way, dismissal with working hours is calculated in the event of illness of an employee who is about to leave the company. It doesn’t matter whether he submitted the application while on sick leave or fell ill after submitting it - all days of temporary disability of the employee are included in the 2-week period. The Labor Code - Article 81 - prohibits dismissing a subordinate during illness (if sick leave is issued) only on the initiative of management. Of his own free will, he has the right to write a letter of resignation at any time.

Citizens who categorically do not want to go to work often write a statement while on vacation, on its first day, and counting 2 weeks from this day. This is a completely correct and legal decision, since work is considered to be 14 days and during the period of well-deserved rest by the employee. In such cases, it is enough for the employee to go to the HR department on the last day of vacation to get a paycheck and a work book.

How to count 14 days upon dismissal by agreement of the parties

In Article 80 Labor Code a remark was made: the employee and the employer have the right to agree on dismissal from any day. If both parties agree to do without work, the law allows this. Therefore, when dismissing by agreement, it is often not required, since its participants try to respect each other’s interests as much as possible.