Ultrasound of the ovaries on what day. Time for an ovarian ultrasound: when is the best time to do it?

Ultrasound examination of the ovaries is the most important examination for women aimed at diagnosing complications, pathologies or diseases reproductive system female body. The ovaries themselves are small glands that are located in the pelvic area in women. You can identify the shape, size and presence of pathologies in the ovaries in different ways, but the most popular and effective is ultrasound examination of the ovaries.

Who is prescribed an ultrasound examination of the ovaries? Indications for undergoing an ultrasound examination of the ovaries?

An ultrasound examination of the ovaries is best performed in conjunction with an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. This will allow you to visualize full picture health status of the genitourinary and reproductive systems. An ultrasound examination of the ovaries is prescribed if pathologies of the reproductive system are suspected:

  • In case of violations female cycle(duration or irregularity of menstruation)
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Various neoplasms
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Mastopathy
  • Infertility
  • IN diagnostic purposes for the prevention of whitening
  • How to prepare for an ultrasound examination of the ovaries?

    The main thing that needs to be done is to properly prepare for an ultrasound examination of the ovaries. You need to follow a diet and fill your bladder 2 hours before the examination. More detailed recommendations below.

    3 days before the procedure

    The evening before the event


    From your daily diet you need to exclude products that can contribute to increased gas formation: fatty fish and meat, carbonated drinks, brown bread, baked goods, dairy products, juices, legumes, vegetables and fruits

    Light dinner, last meal no later than 20:00. You should not eat meat and fish products, even if they are dietary.

    In cases where the examination is scheduled for the morning, breakfast on the day of admission is excluded

    If there is a stable tendency to constipation, then it is imperative to take a laxative orally no later than 16:00.

    Examination after 15:00 is possible light breakfast, but no later than 11:00

    Meals should be fractional, in small volumes, 4-5 times a day

    If the patient’s body does not tolerate laxatives well, then you can use a Besacodyl suppository (constipation suppositories)

    1-2 hours before the procedure, fill your bladder by drinking 1-2 liters of water

    2 days before the test, you need to do an enema to cleanse the intestines.

    IMPORTANT: Before the procedure itself, you should not smoke, take antispasmodics, or chew chewing gum, sucking lollipops and other sweets.

    Permitted for use: durum grain porridge, lean poultry, lean fish, cheese, tea, coffee.

    Sign up for an ovarian ultrasound

    How is an ultrasound examination of the ovaries done?

    Ultrasound examination of the ovaries can be performed using three different methods: transabdominal method, transrectal method or transvaginal method.

    With the transabdominal method, the pelvic organs are examined through abdominal wall patient. This method is absolutely painless and safe for the human body.

    With the transrectal method, a sensor with a disposable condom and applied gel is inserted into the rectum. This method is used extremely rarely and only in cases where the patient has contraindications for two other methods of diagnosing the ovaries. Discomfort may occur when the sensor is inserted and moved in the rectum. If you feel pain, tell your doctor immediately.

    With the transvaginal method, a sensor with a disposable condom and applied gel is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 3-4 cm. This procedure is less unpleasant than a standard examination on a gynecological chair. Pain and severe physical discomfort can be observed if patients have serious pathological abnormalities of the internal genital organs. This is the most informative method! It is best to be examined on the 10th day of the cycle. Important: in the 3rd trimester this method examinations can stimulate muscle tone, which leads to undesirable consequences.

    Cost of ultrasound examination of the ovaries

    Where to get an ultrasound examination of the ovaries in Moscow?

    At the DoctorStolet multidisciplinary medical center, you can always undergo an examination - an ultrasound examination of the ovaries. Our medical center located between the Konkovo ​​and Belyaevo metro stations. The journey from each of them will take no more than 10 minutes. Here you will find highly qualified personnel and the most modern diagnostic equipment. Our clients will be pleasantly surprised by our quite affordable prices.

    Ultrasound examination is affordable, comfortable and safe method, which allows you to identify the disease before the first symptoms appear. The investigation is also carried out if there are complaints indicating a malfunction in the work of a particular body. You need to understand how an ultrasound scan of the ovaries in women works and what it shows in order to fully realize the full value of this diagnostic procedure.

    Ultrasound examination of the ovary of women is carried out in the following situations:

    • Menstrual irregularities: delay of menstruation, shortening or lengthening of the interval between monthly bleeding, change in the volume of discharge, the appearance of acyclic intermenstrual discharge.
    • Pain in the lower abdomen of various types.
    • Appearance pathological discharge from the vagina (including bloody ones).
    • Preparing to conceive a child: monitoring ovulation.
    • Infertility is the inability to conceive a child within a year of regular sexual activity without using any contraceptives.
    • Miscarriage: spontaneous miscarriages at any stage.

    It is important to know: ultrasound of the ovaries, cervix and uterus is all an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. The doctor does not look at one organ separately - he evaluates their condition together and finds out the full picture of the disease.

    On what day of the cycle can an ovarian ultrasound be performed?

    In reproductive age, when the ovaries are functioning and menstruation occurs, a routine ultrasound of the pelvic organs is best done on the 5-7th day of the cycle. During this period, the endometrium is thinned, and nothing prevents the doctor from assessing the condition of the uterus and appendages. By special indications the study can be carried out on another convenient day. For example, to assess follicle growth, ultrasound is performed on the 8-12th day of the cycle and is repeated every 2 days until the desired result is obtained.

    An emergency ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs is performed when the following complaints occur:

    • Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
    • Bloody discharge from the genital tract.
    • The appearance of purulent discharge.
    • Increased body temperature.

    In these situations, an ultrasound can be done on any convenient day. Before the onset of menarche (the first menstruation in a girl’s life) and after menopause (the last menstruation), the time of the study also does not matter.

    How is an ovarian ultrasound done? Ultrasound diagnostic methods

    In gynecology, there are three options:

    • Transvaginal ultrasound. The sensor is inserted into the vagina. This is the most exact method diagnosis of ovarian pathology, since the distance to the pelvic organs is reduced. Performed in early pregnancy. Not performed on virgins.
    • Transabdominal ultrasound. The sensor is located on the anterior abdominal wall. This method does not allow identifying small structures: uterine or ectopic pregnancy is very early dates, . Performed on women of any age.
    • Transrectal ultrasound. The sensor is inserted into the rectum. In terms of information content, it is comparable to the transvaginal technique. Used in virgins.

    The choice of method is determined by the indications for the examination, the reproductive status of the woman and the technical capabilities of the clinic.

    Preparation for ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus

    Before performing a transvaginal ultrasound, you must:

    • Eliminate from the diet foods that increase gas formation in the intestines.
    • Do not eat 2 hours before the procedure.
    • Take a hygienic shower before visiting the doctor.
    • Empty your bladder immediately before starting the procedure.

    Preparation for a transabdominal ultrasound includes drinking a large volume of fluid - 1 liter of still water an hour before the examination. You cannot urinate until the procedure is complete. This preparation allows you to fill your bladder. The full organ displaces the intestinal loops, and the pelvic organs are clearly visible. With an empty bladder, the ovaries may not be visualized.

    How is ultrasound of the ovaries performed in women?

    Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is performed in a specially equipped room. The woman sits on the couch, laying down a clean sheet or diaper. For a transabdominal examination, it is sufficient to expose the lower abdomen. The doctor will lubricate the woman’s skin with a special gel to improve signal conduction, and then move the sensor across the abdomen in the desired direction. The procedure is completely painless, but there is an unpleasant tugging sensation over the pubis when the sensor is passed. Such sensations are associated with overcrowding bladder, and you just need to wait them out.

    During a transvaginal ultrasound, the woman completely undresses to the waist and lies on the couch on her back, with her knees bent and spread apart. The doctor puts a condom on the sensor, lubricates it with gel and inserts it into the vagina. The procedure is unpleasant, but painless. Women who have not given birth report some discomfort when the sensor is inserted. Women who have given birth usually do not have any complaints.

    Transrectal ultrasound is performed in the lateral position with knees bent. Before diagnosis, you must undress to the waist. The doctor inserts a sensor, wrapped in a condom and lubricated with gel, into the rectum. The procedure is very unpleasant, but you will have to endure it. Sometimes only a transrectal sensor can see some pathological processes of the pelvic organs.

    What can be seen with a gynecological ultrasound?

    Ultrasound of the ovaries can reveal various pathologies:

    • Anovulation as probable cause infertility.
    • Volumetric formations of the gonads: cysts and tumors.
    • Inflammatory diseases.
    • Ectopic pregnancy.
    • Anomalies of appendage development.

    An ultrasound scan helps find the cause pathological process and choose the optimal treatment.

    Gynecological ultrasound can also detect diseases of the uterus and fallopian tubes. The technique is actively used in diagnostics various conditions during pregnancy.

    Tell me, on what day of the menstrual cycle is an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries performed? The doctor advised me to undergo an examination, but the date was not indicated in the direction. Svetlana, 20 years old.

    Ultrasound of the uterus and ovary is done by default on the 5-7th day of the cycle, unless the doctor gives other instructions.

    The size of the ovaries is normal in women according to ultrasound

    The interpretation of the ultrasound is carried out by a gynecologist, taking into account the woman’s age.

    Normal sizes of the ovaries and uterus during reproductive age

    Interpretation of examination results begins with assessing the size of the uterus. Normally, women of reproductive age have the following parameters:

    • Length – 5-8 cm.
    • Width – 4-6 cm.
    • Anterior-posterior size – 3-4 cm.

    Slight deviation is allowed normal sizes uterus in any direction up to 1-1.5 cm.

    Normally, the uterus is located in the midline of the pelvis; it can be deviated anteflexio (forward) or retroflexio (backward). Both of these options are acceptable, only the angle of inclination matters. With a strong bend, complications associated with conception and gestation may develop.

    On ultrasound, the ovaries appear as ovoid formations located on the sides of the uterus. In the first phase of the cycle, 5-12 follicles are visible in the stroma of the organ. Closer to the time of ovulation, the doctor can see the maturing follicles and identify the dominant one among them - the carrier of the egg.

    Normal ovarian sizes:

    • Length – 2.5-3.5 cm.
    • Width – 2-3 cm.
    • Antero-posterior size – 1.7-2.2 cm.

    Closer to the middle of the cycle and ovulation, the ovaries slightly increase in size due to the growth of the dominant follicle. This follicle reaches a size of 1.5-3 cm. After ovulation is completed, the ovaries become smaller, and the corpus luteum is revealed in the stroma - a temporary gland that secretes progesterone. At the end of the cycle, the corpus luteum regresses. If the gland remains, you should think about pregnancy.

    Normal sizes of the uterus and ovaries according to ultrasound in a nulliparous woman

    Uterus nulliparous women remains within the generally accepted norm. The length of the organ is about 5-8 cm, width - up to 6 cm, thickness - about 3.5 cm. A decrease in these indicators may indicate congenital hypoplasia of the uterus. Exceeding this norm before birth occurs with hyperplastic processes and inflammatory changes.

    The thickness of the endometrium (the mucous layer of the uterus) during menstruation is 10-15 mm, but then in the first phase of the cycle it does not exceed 5 mm. In the second phase, the endometrium gradually increases to 10 mm.

    Normal sizes of the uterus and ovaries according to ultrasound in a woman who has given birth

    The uterus of women who have given birth is slightly increased in size:

    • Length – 6-9 cm.
    • Width – 5-7 cm.
    • Anterior-posterior size – 4-5.5 cm.

    The sizes of the endometrium and ovaries do not differ from those of nulliparous women.

    Normal sizes of the uterus and ovaries according to ultrasound in menopausal women

    IN menopause There is some reduction in the size of the uterus:

    • Length – 4-7 cm.
    • Width – 3-5 cm.
    • Anterior-posterior size – 2-3 cm.

    During menopause, the thickness of the endometrium should not exceed 5 mm.

    The size of the ovaries decreases during menopause:

    • Length – 2-3 cm.
    • Width – 1.5-2.5 cm.
    • Antero-posterior size – 1.5-2 cm.

    Follicles and the corpus luteum are not detected during menopause.

    How to calculate ovarian volume using ultrasound?

    The normal volume of the ovaries is 3-9 cubic meters. cm. You can calculate the volume of an organ using the formula:

    Ovarian volume = length × width × thickness × 0.532

    Determining the volume of the gonads is important in Diagnosis of PCOS, oophoritis, endometriosis, cysts, tumors and other pathologies. An increase in the indicator indicates that the size of the organ is increased, and it is necessary to look for the cause of this condition.

    Interpretation of ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries

    Ultrasound can reveal the following abnormalities:

    • Ovarian cysts: follicular, luteal, dermoid, paraovary, serous. On ultrasound, an ovarian cyst is visible as a round hypoechoic or anechoic formation, single-chamber or multi-chamber, without inclusions (with the exception of mature teratoma). With a cyst, the size of the appendage is usually increased.
    • Benign tumors. Defined as rounded with different structures.
    • Ovarian cancer. Ultrasound shows carcinoma as multilocular round formation with an uneven contour and thick walls. Multiple inclusions are detected inside.
    • . The definition speaks in favor of PCOS large quantity small cyst-follicles with a diameter of up to 10 mm and a number of at least 10 in the stroma of the organ.
    • Oophoritis. In the background inflammatory process the ovaries increase in size and acquire fuzzy contours. The echostructure of the organ may be heterogeneous. In the background chronic process calcifications are detected.

    It happens that the ovary is not visible on an ultrasound. This is possible in the following situations:

    • Congenital absence of one ovary. Even if one appendage is not identified, problems usually do not arise when conceiving and bearing a child. The paired ovary fully provides the necessary production of hormones.
    • Condition after removal of the ovary. A connective tissue cord is formed in place of the organ.
    • Ovarian hypoplasia. The organ is not located due to a pronounced decrease in size. This happens during menopause or against the background of premature ovarian failure.
    • Displacement of the gonads in the presence of tumors of the uterus or other pelvic organs.

    The ovary may not be visible if before the study the woman did not follow a diet, did not perform a cleansing enema, or did not fill her bladder for a transabdominal ultrasound. In this case, the organ is not visualized behind the intestinal loops.

    For the last six months I have not been able to understand what is happening to me. My periods always went normally, on time, lasting 5 days. IN lately Menstruation comes with a delay of several days, the discharge is scanty, lasting barely 3 days. I did an ultrasound. The doctor said that there is no pathology of the uterus, but the ovaries are not visualized on ultrasound. What does it mean? Elena, 37 years old.

    If the ovaries are not visible on ultrasound, and surgery to remove them was not performed, you should think about organ hypoplasia. At the same time, the ovaries decrease in size and with ultrasound scanning are not determined. This symptom may indicate early menopause or pathology endocrine organs. You need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to find the cause of this condition.

    Set free question doctor

    The normal size of the ovaries according to ultrasound in women is important indicator, which characterizes its reproductive system. Using ultrasound, you can determine the size and shape of the ovaries and their location.

    The data obtained as a result of the study must be compared with normal values. Regular examinations will help to identify in time possible deviations, which provoke diseases of the female reproductive system.

    Usually, during an ultrasound, the doctor diagnoses not only the ovaries, but also other reproductive organs. This method is called gynecological ultrasound. There are 3 ways to examine the ovaries using ultrasound:

    1. Transabdominal.
    2. Transvaginal.
    3. Transrectal.

    Transabdominal diagnosis

    Transabdominal diagnosis involves the use of a wide sensor. The doctor runs this device along the front wall of the woman’s abdomen, looking at the condition. internal organs. Until recently, this was the only way to examine the organs of the female reproductive system using ultrasound. Today it has been established that the transabdominal method allows us to identify only gross pathology.

    Transvaginal diagnosis

    Transvaginal ultrasound is performed using a special thin sensor that is inserted into the vagina.

    Transrectal examination

    Transrectal examination is usually prescribed for virgins. If the abdominal sensor does not detect any pathology, then a special device must be inserted into the rectum.

    To undergo an ultrasound and get reliable results, you need to prepare for the diagnosis in advance. If the doctor uses a transabdominal sensor, then 3 days before it is necessary to exclude foods that can cause fermentation from the diet. These include cabbage, black bread, carbonated drinks, and legumes. It is also advisable to drink sorbent or Espumisan, and an hour before the ultrasound you need to drink up to 1 liter ordinary water, since diagnosis is carried out with a full bladder.

    For a vaginal examination, the bladder must be empty, but 1-2 days before the examination you also need to take a sorbent. The same conditions must be observed before undergoing transrectal diagnostics. In addition, the rectum must be empty. If it is difficult to do this on your own, you can use glycerin suppositories, do enemas or microenemas, or drink a laxative.

    The attending physician should prescribe an ovarian ultrasound procedure for women. It all depends on the goals of the diagnosis. During a routine examination, it is advisable to conduct the study on days 5-7 of the cycle. The procedure can be done during menstruation or immediately after it. If the doctor needs to evaluate the functioning of the organ, then it is advisable to do an ultrasound several times during the cycle. For example, on the 10th, 16th and 24th day of the cycle.

    Pelvic ultrasound in women: when and on what day of the cycle is it recommended to do it

    Normal ovarian size

    To begin with, it is important to note that in a healthy woman of reproductive age, the ovaries can change in size. This is influenced by hormone levels and general condition body. Also, their size depends on the woman’s age, the number of pregnancies (both interrupted and those that ended in childbirth). As a rule, the right and left ovaries are not the same; the difference in size is usually no more than a few mm. If the ovaries are disproportionate, this may indicate inflammation or the presence of a tumor.

    The main indicator that doctors focus on is not the length or width of the ovary, but its volume. By comparing this indicator with the norm, the specialist will be able to determine the presence of cysts, tumors or other pathologies.

    Normal ovarian size for a healthy woman:

    1. Volume 4-10 cubic meters cm.
    2. Length 20-37 mm.
    3. Width 18-33 mm.
    4. Thickness 16-22 mm.

    It is not worth making a diagnosis based only on ultrasound of the ovaries, since the indicators have a fairly large scatter. For staging accurate diagnosis many factors must be taken into account.

    Reasons for deviations from the norm

    When the ovaries begin to work during puberty, they may undergo a number of changes. During pregnancy, they increase in size as blood flow to the genitals increases. This is necessary for the fetus to be nourished. useful substances. If the uterus with the fetus, which is continuously growing, gradually increases, then it is capable of displacing the pelvic organs upward. At the same time, the size of the ovaries increases by a couple of cm.

    It is also important to note that during pregnancy, the ovaries do not produce eggs and are not able to produce estrogen. But instead, the paired organs produce progesterone. This hormone is necessary for pregnancy and childbirth. After the birth of a child, the ovaries gradually decrease in size. As a rule, within 2 months the synthesis of estrogen is completely resumed and the woman’s body normalizes reproductive function. But if a woman is breastfeeding, then the restoration of the size of the paired organs slows down and their normal functioning begins only after breastfeeding is completed.

    The ovaries are located at the so-called ribs of the uterus. The distance from them to the uterus may vary, although gynecological ultrasound does not indicate such indicators. Normal operation paired organs excludes the presence of any neoplasms filled with fluid. The presence of other tumor-like growths is also considered a deviation from the norm.

    What should be the diet before an abdominal ultrasound?

    There are times when the doctor cannot detect the ovary using ultrasound. This is possible in the following cases:

    • congenital absence of an ovary;
    • removal of an organ during surgery;
    • premature exhaustion;
    • bloating;
    • adhesive disease of the pelvis.

    In the last 2 cases, you need to re-diagnosis, having previously prepared for it. It is recommended to take Espumisan or sorbent.

    Effect of age

    A woman’s reproductive function declines with age, and this process is also reflected in the size of the ovaries. With age, they decrease, and when postmenopause occurs, the ovaries become the same size. During this period normal indicators are considered:

    1. Volume 1.5-4 cubic meters. cm.
    2. Length 20-25 mm.
    3. Width 12-15 mm.
    4. Thickness 9-12 mm.

    When post-menopause occurs, the ovaries still continue to produce single follicles throughout the early years. Because of this, millimeter fluctuations in the size of paired organs are possible.

    Ovarian cysts

    Cystic formations frighten women most of all. If a doctor sees an ovarian cyst using an ultrasound, then you should not panic ahead of time. There are tumors that form due to changes in hormone levels. They usually disappear on their own. Such neoplasms are called physiological. These include:

    • corpus luteum cyst;
    • follicular cyst.

    If the doctor discovered a corpus luteum on the ovary during an ultrasound, then this is a luteal cyst. It appears where the mature egg has emerged from the follicle. The diameter of such a neoplasm is more than 30 mm. Many women worry about how this disease goes away. If pregnancy does not occur, then after several cycles the cyst disappears. During pregnancy, it can remain until the placenta completely takes over the production of progesterone. This period can last about 4 months.

    A follicular cyst forms at the site of follicle maturation. It usually grows from the first day of menstruation until ovulation. The diameter of such a neoplasm can reach 5 cm. Often the follicular cyst ruptures. This process is accompanied sharp pain in the stomach. In this case, there is no need to delay emergency hospitalization. But most often this tumor goes away on its own.

    The remaining cysts are classified as pathological neoplasms.


    To diagnose the presence of any disease, the attending physician may prescribe a woman an ultrasound examination of the ovaries. There are rarely cases where this type of ultrasound is performed separately from an examination of the pelvic or uterine organs. In some cases, it is necessary to examine only the ovaries to diagnose their active activity, which will reduce the risk of developing diseases of these genital organs. Visualizing these organs helps the doctor monitor ovarian activity.

    What is ovarian ultrasound

    This type of examination is necessary because the ovaries perform the function of producing hormones that determine the health of a woman’s reproductive system, her menstrual cycle. The maturation of the egg occurs in this paired organ. The procedure is prescribed if there is concern about the presence of a disease, it is performed within 10 minutes, discomfort does not cause any problems when carried out. It turns out that ultrasound of the ovaries is an accurate and harmless way to detect abnormalities and functional state organs.

    Methods of carrying out

    Ovarian examinations using a device ultrasound diagnostics is divided into three ways:

    • Transabdominal. This diagnosis is carried out using an external ultrasound sensor through the lower abdomen, the abdominal wall. Applicable for general examination. This method is suitable for girls who are not sexually active.
    • Transvaginal. This type of examination is considered better, more informative and accurate. An internal probe is used that is inserted into the vagina, which helps to see the ovaries as closely as possible. In this case, the examination process takes place without painful sensations. The method is contraindicated in the presence of uterine bleeding and for patients who are not sexually active.
    • Transrectal. Like the previous method, this examination is carried out using an internal sensor, but it is not inserted into the vagina, but through anal hole into the rectum. It is rarely used, mainly for a more detailed study of virgin patients, which cannot be achieved using the transabdominal method.


    In order for the attending doctor to prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis of the ovaries, there must be signs indicating the need for an examination:

    • irregular menstrual cycle, characteristic feature which is a delay in menstruation;
    • the possibility of inflammation processes occurring in the appendages;
    • complaints of pain in the lower abdomen;
    • painful periods;
    • Not menstrual bleeding;
    • diagnosis of the appearance of tumors;
    • excessive or, conversely, insufficient bleeding during menstruation;
    • long absence planned pregnancy.

    Preparation for ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries

    To successfully and effectively conduct an ultrasound examination, you need to do it on certain days of the menstrual cycle. So, to check the ovaries for the presence of neoplasms, the occurrence of pathologies, ultrasound is performed 5-7 days after the end of menstruation. If there is a need to check certain functions of the genital organs, then the day corresponding to one or another phase of the cycle will be determined by the doctor. Diagnosis is often prescribed in each of the four available phases, including to identify the causes of infertility and hormonal imbalance.

    In addition to the fact that the diagnosis is carried out on a certain day of the cycle, preparation for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries involves following a diet. Its main principle is to avoid products that promote gas formation. So, 4 days before the ultrasound examination, the patient needs to give up legumes, sweets, carbonated drinks and black bread. To achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to take a course of Espumisan or Motilium the day before the ultrasound. The night before or the morning of the procedure, you can give yourself an enema to cleanse your intestines.

    For transabdominal examination

    Transabdominal ultrasound of the ovaries in women is performed with a full bladder. Therefore, 1 hour before the procedure you need to drink a liter of still water. It can be replaced with tea. This is necessary for the ultrasound to reach the ovaries. Urination is prohibited until the end of the study, otherwise it will distort the reliability of the results.

    For transvaginal

    This type of research does not require special preparation. Enough advice regarding nutrition, taking carminative medications, and maintaining personal hygiene before the procedure. In addition, you should ask your doctor in advance whether the clinic has sensor-mounted condoms that protect the patient from infection in the vagina. If the doctor does not have them, then the woman should purchase them at the pharmacy.

    For transrectal

    The transrectal ultrasound diagnostic procedure is performed on an empty rectum. The day before the procedure you need to do an enema. To avoid the formation of gases in the intestines, it is important not to consume foods that form them. Recommendations for preparing for transrectal ultrasound are: general, suitable for all three types of ovarian diagnostics.

    Ovarian examination in women

    Depending on the type of ultrasound used, the process of the procedure differs, only the time is the same - no more than 10-15 minutes:

    • For the transabdominal method. In this case, the woman lies on the couch on her back. In this case, you should lift your clothes so that your stomach and groin area were left without her. The doctor moves a sensor over the stomach, having previously squeezed a little special gel onto the stomach. It is intended for better contact of the device with the skin. The movement of the sensor across the abdomen is accompanied by slight pressure.
    • For the transvaginal method. A narrow sensor is inserted into the vagina. The woman takes a position on the couch: on her back, bending her knees and spreading them slightly. At this time, the doctor, having put a condom on the device and lubricated it with gel, inserts the sensor into the vagina. To avoid discomfort, at this moment you need to relax.
    • For the transrectal method. The sensor is inserted through the anus into the rectum. The patient lies on the couch on his side, legs bent and pulled towards the stomach. The sensor, with a condom on and lubricated with gel, is carefully inserted into the anus. The device is small and narrow, so pain its introduction does not cause.

    Interpretation of ovarian ultrasound

    Diagnostics of the paired genital organs in question shows the contours, size and shape of the ovaries. In addition, through the screen of the device, the attending physician can see the structure of the follicles. Since the condition of the ovaries is unchanged throughout the menstrual cycle, and the characteristics of the follicles (their number and size) depend on the phases of menstruation, the doctor often prescribes a study at each stage. This is how the doctor checks for the presence of pathologies (cysts, tumors, inflammations) and the general condition of the organs.

    Normal indicators

    On the ultrasound machine screen, the doctor should see paired small oval organs located slightly behind and on the sides of the uterus. This arrangement is normal. The contours of the ovaries are lumpy, which is explained by the presence of follicles, uneven and clear. A slight difference in the size of the ovaries is acceptable (often the right organ is larger than the left). If the difference exceeds 5 millimeters, then there is a high probability of pathology.

    The following ovarian parameters are normal and are indicated in the transcript:

    • length – from 20 to 37 mm;
    • width – from 18 to 30 mm;
    • volume – from 4 to 10 cubic meters. cm.

    The follicles that make up the ovaries change throughout the menstrual cycle. Thus, the following sizes and quantities of these structural components are considered the norm:

    • 5-10 pieces, each 2-6 mm in size, on days 5-7 of menstruation;
    • 5-9 follicles not exceeding 10 mm, and the release of a dominant one measuring about 15 mm on days 8-10 of the cycle;
    • an increase in the dominant follicle to 20 mm and ovulation on days 11-14;
    • the appearance of a corpus luteum with a size of 15-20 mm instead of the previous follicle on days 15-18 of the menstrual cycle;
    • the growth of the resulting body is no more than 27 mm on days 19-23;
    • reduction of the corpus luteum to 10-15 mm on days 24-27 of menstruation.

    After the onset of menopause, women experience a decrease in the size of the ovaries, which is normal. This is explained by the fact that the functional activity of the organs in question decreases. So the optimal characteristics for women in the post-climactic period will be:

    • length – about 20-25 mm;
    • width – from 12 to 15 mm;
    • volume – 1.5-4 cubic meters. cm.


    An examination using an ultrasound machine allows the attending physician to detect pathologies in the ovaries and prescribe effective treatment based on the results. The following types deviations can be detected by a specialist:

    • physiological cyst (follicular, luteal, which occurs on corpus luteum);
    • polycystic disease (an increase in the size of the paired genital organs and the presence of a large number of cysts on them);
    • pathological cyst;
    • inflammation of the ovaries;
    • tumors like benign in nature, and malignant;
    • ovarian cancer.


    Ultrasound of the uterus and adjacent organs is an informative and accessible way to learn about possible problems reproductive system. As a rule, a woman is referred for a gynecological ultrasound of the uterus because of pain in the lower abdomen, perineum or lumbar region, as well as if she is bothered by painful menstruation.

    Ultrasound examination of the uterus helps determine pregnancy, including ectopic pregnancy. A pelvic ultrasound in women is done to see the structure of the organs of the reproductive system, their size and to detect even the slightest signs of pathology or disease. It is performed for both adult patients and girls.

    How is an ultrasound of the uterus performed?

    Transabdominal ultrasound of the uterus is a completely painless and safe method in which the doctor moves a sensor in the patient’s lower abdomen

    Ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries can be done using two methods:

    1. A transabdominal ultrasound is done like this: with a regular-sized sensor that emits ultrasound, the doctor moves it over the skin of the lower abdomen, lubricating it with a special gel;
    2. transvaginal ultrasound of the uterus requires the introduction of a special small sizes sensor in the vagina - such a study will be more accurate.

    In both cases, when the examination takes place, the patient is in a supine position. Both examination methods are completely safe and painless. Using ultrasound waves reflected by the organs, their structure and size are visualized on the device screen. Preparation for ultrasound of the uterus and appendages depends on the chosen research method.

    How to properly prepare for the examination?

    To obtain accurate indicators, it is better to come for examination using the transabdominal method with a full bladder, that is, after drinking fluids. The fact is that ultrasonic waves pass perfectly through liquid, but are actively absorbed by the air. A full bladder can make the picture clearer and provides a convenient position for examination of the pelvic organs.

    To prepare, one and a half to two hours before the procedure on the day of the transabdominal ultrasound, you need to drink about a liter of water or some other liquid. It is important that this liquid is not carbonated.

    To prepare for a transabdominal ultrasound of the uterus, you should drink about a liter of liquid 1.5-2 hours before the procedure

    A moderate desire to go to the toilet means that fluid has already entered the bladder from the stomach. In this state, you need to go for an ultrasound of the uterus and only then can you go to the ladies' room.

    If the study is performed transvaginally, on the contrary, it is required that the bladder be emptied. It is best not to drink any liquids before the test and to go to the toilet before the test.

    Also, to obtain more accurate data, it is better to observe about three days before the examination by any method. special diet. You should avoid eating foods and drinks that cause constipation and active gas formation in the intestines.

    What parameters are examined during an ultrasound examination of the uterus?

    1. The position of the uterus is determined. In normal healthy condition she leans forward; its deviation back is fraught with problems during the period of bearing a child, therefore this position is noted as abnormal.
    2. What are external boundaries uterus? If everything is good, there are no irregularities in them, the contours are clearly visible; tuberous borders of the organ indicate the presence of a tumor or fibroids; if the boundaries are blurred, this may mean that nearby tissues are inflamed.
    3. Organ dimensions. It should be approximately 70 by 60 mm in length and width, with an anterior-posterior dimension of 40 mm. If the uterus is smaller than these parameters, then we can assume that it is underdeveloped; if larger than normal, this result means the patient is pregnant or has a tumor.
    4. The echogenicity of the walls is checked. It is better if ultrasound is reflected equally everywhere; if hyperechoic formations are detected, this may indicate the presence of a tumor.
    5. The structure of the endometrium is measured, including the thickness of this layer. This parameter is usually called M-echo of the uterus. Here the relationship between the development of the endometrium and the period of the passing female cycle is made.

    Examination of the endometrium using ultrasound

    Over the course of 28 days (this is how long the menstrual cycle usually lasts), the condition of the inner layer of the uterus constantly undergoes changes, so the following descriptions can be found in data based on endometrial ultrasound:

    1. Regeneration phase (from 3rd to 4th days of the cycle). At this time, the endometrium is restored after menstruation.
    2. Proliferation phase (from 5-7th to 14-15th day of the cycle). During this time, the endometrium becomes thicker. By the 15th day its thickness increases to 8 mm, and sometimes up to 15 mm.
    3. Secretory phase. During it, the endometrial glands develop and begin to secrete substances to support the development of the fetus, this will be needed during pregnancy. The endometrium continues to thicken to 10-20 mm. At the end of the phase, decidualization of the endometrium occurs - positive conditions are created for the fetus that may appear.

    Interpretation of ultrasound examination data

    Uterine cavity

    It should look structurally homogeneous. The contours are without irregularities and are clearly visible. Their blurriness during an ultrasound scan of the uterus may indicate that an inflammatory process is underway. The detection of hyperechoic formations when deciphering data indicates the presence of problems such as polyps, fibroids, and possibly uterine cancer, which can be seen on ultrasound. The uterine cavity may be split into two sections. This phenomenon is called a bicornuate uterus. Below we will look at it in detail.

    Let us recall once again the average size of a healthy uterus:


    By healthy indicators it should be from 20 to 40 mm. in length, the anterior-posterior size should be 25-30 mm. During ultrasound of the cervix, its echostructure should be homogeneous.

    Visual differences between healthy and inflamed cervical tissue

    The cervical canal usually has a diameter of up to 2-3 mm. and filled with mucus. If, during an ultrasound of the cervix, the cervix itself or its canal is dilated, an inflammatory process may be occurring.

    Free fluid inside the pelvis

    Immediately after ovulation (about 15 days after the start of your last period, around the middle of your cycle), a few milliliters of fluid can be found behind the uterus. This is fine. On other days of the cycle, fluid found behind the uterus means inflammation of the appendages and nearby organs. This may be caused by sexually transmitted infections.


    The healthy size of the ovaries is on average 25x30x15 mm. The volume of one ovary is from 5 to 8 cubic meters. see If going beyond these parameters when decrypting data occurs in big side, we can conclude about polycystic ovary syndrome or oophoritis.

    When an ultrasound is performed, the boundaries of the ovaries should be clearly visible. It's okay if they are lumpy, the reason for this is the developing follicles. The homogeneity of the echostructure of the ovaries can be disrupted by small (literally a few mm) areas of fibrosis in the capsule.

    IN healthy organs several follicles with a diameter of 4-6 mm can be seen. and one follicle, the diameter of which can be up to 25 mm. (this is the so-called dominant follicle). If the follicle diameter reaches more than 25 mm, they speak of follicular cyst(this is a cavity with liquid inside).

    IN healthy ovaries several follicles can be seen, the largest of which is the dominant one

    Fallopian tubes

    If healthy woman do an ultrasound of the uterus, they should not be visible, in as a last resort- barely noticeable. The fallopian tubes become visible when ultrasound examination only when they harden, and this is usually a consequence of the inflammatory process. Also, the fallopian tubes can be seen on an ultrasound of the uterus if they develop ectopic pregnancy. Direct ultrasound of the fallopian tubes is performed to check their patency and prescribe therapy in case of infertility.

    Bicornuate uterus

    A bicornuate uterus occurs when the intrauterine development. It happens that with a bicornuate uterus there is also a double cervix. There may be an incomplete septum in the vagina. One section in a bicornuate uterus may be underdeveloped.

    To confirm the conclusion about a bicornuate uterus, additional examinations: Ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy, laparoscopy and others. Surgery on a bicornuate uterus, it is recommended to do it in special circumstances: if there have been miscarriages one after another or the inability to become pregnant has been confirmed. If necessary, the surgeon can restore a single cavity on a bicornuate uterus. Bicornuate uterus is fraught uterine bleeding, miscarriages, inability to get pregnant. Sometimes other anomalies are present along with a bicornuate uterus. They are usually associated with the urinary excretory system. It is possible to become pregnant, carry and give birth to a child with a bicornuate uterus, but the risk in this state of affairs is quite high.

    Examination of girls

    The relevance of examining girls and young women is confirmed by statistics according to which up to 50% of teenage girls have various kinds of problems with menstruation.

    25% of anomalies in gynecological field at modern girls combined with kidney and intestinal problems, so additional examinations are often required.

    The usual location of the uterus in girls is behind bladder, in the middle of the pelvis. The parameters of the uterus in girls depending on age are presented in the table:

    Age, yearsTotal length of the uterus with cervix, mmCervical length, mmUterus length, mmAnterior-posterior size, mmWidth, mm
    5 30 - 40 - 5 15 - 20
    6 30 - 40 - - 5 - 6 15 - 25
    7 35 - 50 - - 5 - 8 15 - 25
    8 35 - 50 - - 6 - 10 15 - 25
    9 40 - 50 - - 6 - 10 15 - 25
    10 45 - 50 20 - 28 35 - 40 6 - 10 20 - 25
    11 50 - 55 20 - 25 35 - 40 10 - 15 25 - 35
    12 55 - 65 20 - 25 35 - 40 10 - 15 25 - 35
    13 64 - 80 24 - 30 40 - 45 10 - 15 40 - 50
    14 69 - 80 24 - 30 45 - 50 20 - 25 40 - 50
    15 80 - 85 24 - 30 50 - 55 25 - 30 40 - 50
    16 80 - 85 25 - 30 50 - 55 35 - 40 40 - 54
    17 80 - 85 25 - 30 50 - 55 40 - 45 40 - 54

    When girls are examined, the transvaginal method for ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries is usually not available. The method of transabdominal examination is used, transrectal examination is rarely used (during this, the sensor is inserted through the rectum, the child is in a lying position with his back to the doctor, the knees must be pulled towards the chest). If a girl’s period has already begun, then it is better to conduct the study 5-7 days after the start of her last period. Before the procedure, you need to avoid foods that increase gas formation for 2-3 days. Immediately before the procedure, a teenage girl needs to drink 300 ml 30-45 minutes. up to 1 liter of liquid.