1 egg contains. Beneficial properties of protein

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

The chicken egg is one of the most affordable, tasty and nutritious foods nutrition, known to man from time immemorial. Inside the dense shell there is a transparent, multi-layered protein mass, which has different densities to be held in the center of the core -. Protein is an almost colorless viscous liquid, odorless, has a gluing property, and forms a dense foam when whipped.

Egg white calories

The calorie content of egg white is 44 kcal per 100 grams of product.

90% of egg white is water, the rest is proteins of various types, such as ovoalbumin, ovomucin, lysozyme, etc. Egg white also contains:, vitamins, essential minerals: , (calorizator). Protein does not contain fat or cholesterol, so it is an ideal food for those recovering from viral, colds and other diseases. Fresh protein chicken eggs has bactericidal properties, is necessary for hematopoietic processes, improves the functioning of brain cells, and is a preventative against the formation of cataracts. Egg white is a powerful immunostimulant and has the ability to neutralize negative influence external environment.

In terms of nutritional value, an egg can replace 200 grams and 50 grams of meat. Chicken eggs have the highest digestibility among animal products, which is 97-98%, that is, the egg is almost completely absorbed by the body

Egg white harm

Excessive consumption of eggs provokes an increase in the level of “bad” cholesterol, which is fraught with the risk of cardiovascular diseases. And protein can cause allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance to the product.

Egg whites for weight loss

Athletes-bodybuilders for effective “drying” of the body (reduction of fat with minimal loss muscle tissue) often use an omelet made from just egg whites. Various diets include both whole eggs and separate whites. Examples include , .

Egg white in cooking

The most common dish made from egg whites is the airy meringue dessert (or meringue, it’s more common). Meringue is prepared as a separate delicacy, or coated with protein mixture on pies and cakes, then baked to a delicious crust. Protein cream - the name speaks for itself; it is used to fill tubes, eclairs and baskets, and is used as a layer for sponge cakes. Almost no dough can do without egg whites, be it bread, pastries, pancakes or dumplings with dumplings. Fresh egg whites are added to minced meat for cutlets or rolls so that the finished products do not fall apart. Boiled egg whites (either as part of a whole egg or on their own) are ingredients in many appetizers, salads and soups.

Other uses of egg white

Chicken egg white has been successfully used in medical purposes- with its help you can significantly facilitate painful sensations for burns, stop strong nosebleed. Taking fresh egg whites internally will relieve pain and sore throat, restore lost voice and is indicated for poisoning, especially with mercury vapor.

In cosmetology, egg white is used to prepare masks to improve the condition of hair; it is included in many products that smooth out wrinkles and maintain skin tone. An excellent mask for oily skin - and egg white, the mask removes oily shine and gives the skin a matte finish.

For more information about chicken eggs, their sizes, weight, categories, see the article.

You can learn more about the benefits and harms of eggs from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Especially for
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The egg is considered a unique and original food product. It is very valuable in its composition and influence on human body. It is used not only as a food product, but also in medicine, cosmetology and other areas. If you look at the inside of the egg, it consists of two elements:

  • Protein;
  • Yolk.

How many calories are in the boiled egg white of one egg without yolk, how many calories are in the egg white

Most of the protein is ordinary water, and only the natural protein itself is allocated only 20% of its total mass. One cannot help but be interested in the question of how many calories are in egg whites, if they are so valuable and healthy. Protein itself is low in calories. food products and is mainly albumin. Protein contains many healthy ingredients and substances that have a positive effect on the human body. Consists of:

  • Vitamins K and group B;
  • Neocin;
  • Choline;
  • Protein;
  • Amino acids;
  • Minerals.

Each of these components has an auxiliary function for the body, because it helps different metabolic processes carried out faster, promotes the appearance of cells, hormones, and also has tonic and antitoxic effects. So, how many calories are in an egg white without the yolk? The average caloric content of 100 grams of protein is 44.4 calories. This is very little, so even people on a diet can safely eat this product and not count calories.

Considering that the size of the eggs is ambiguous, and the weight as well, it is impossible to talk about the exact number of calories in the egg white of one egg. There are small, medium and large eggs. Their calorie content will vary from 70 to 80 or more calories. 1 white of one egg contains no more than 20 units. For consumption, the egg is recommended boiled or fried, that is, after undergoing heat treatment. Such an egg is absorbed by the body much faster and more voluminously than the raw product.

Does the caloric content of cooked protein change?

Usually, when preparing a product, its calorie content changes significantly. When boiled, egg white retains its calorie content at its original level, so the question of how many calories are in boiled egg white disappears by itself. Both raw and cooked, the nutritional value per 100 grams of protein averages 44 kcal. When frying, protein calories will be higher due to the use of fat or vegetable oil. If you fry a whole egg, its calorie content will be on average about 360 units per 100 grams.

The yolk is another component of any egg. The composition of this component is also very rich in various useful substances and minerals. For example, the yolk contains huge portions:

  • Vitamins A, D, E;
  • Biotin;
  • folic acid;
  • microelements.

The calorie content of the yolk is about 60 calories per 100 grams of product. With this in mind, it is quite possible to even go on a diet that includes eating eggs. Their caloric content is minimal, but the benefits are simply colossal. Due to the valuable composition of this product, you can saturate your body with useful substances and minerals.

You don't have to eat just eggs. It is great for various dishes and used in cooking. In this case, they add taste and a touch of piquancy to the finished dish. With them, even a sandwich will be tastier and more satisfying, and, in fact, healthier. Moreover, they will not add significant calorie content to the sandwich. Absolutely anyone can profit from an egg. This is one of the quick options for a snack and food in general. In addition, it is very tasty and will allow you to immediately satisfy your hunger.

Food component Contents of 100 g of raw egg Contents in raw egg, 1 pc. (50 g) Protein content (28 g) Contents in yolk (16 g)
Squirrels 12,6 6,3 3,7 2,6
Fats 12 6 0 6
Carbohydrates 0,68 0,34 0,18 0,16
Water 70 35 24 7

Chicken eggs - enough useful product nutrition present in the diet of almost every person. The composition is rich in amino acids, minerals and vitamins of different groups.

How many proteins are in 1 egg (white + yolk)

A significant part of the composition of the egg is made up of proteins - about 13 g per 100 g of product. In 1 piece first category, weighing 50 g - about 6.5 g. The amount of this nutrient element There are different things in the white and yolk. The yolk contains fewer amino acids, it has more calories, and the protein content does not exceed 16%. The main protein components in the yolk are phosphovitin, livetin, and vitellin.

When cooked, the product does not lose its beneficial properties. Protein content in a boiled egg: 1 pc. – 6 g, in 100 g – 12 g.

The protein contains a protein called ovalbumin (~ 68% of the protein composition), which has antibacterial and restorative properties, the rest is avidin, conalbumin, ovomucin and ovoglobulin. Thanks to a large number beneficial amino acids, the product is perfectly absorbed by the body. The protein content of egg whites is 13%, the largest part being water – about 80%.

Fats in 1 egg, raw and boiled

The majority (160 kcal) comes from the yolks - more than 70%. The total fat content of a raw egg is 11%; when boiled, this figure remains virtually unchanged. One piece weighing 50 g contains 5.5 g of fat.

Yolks contain 30 g of fat (per 100 g), while whites have zero fat.

The yolk contains many unsaturated fatty acids. Some of them are linoleic, oleic, and stearic, representing, respectively, the groups of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated acids. Due to the cholesterol it contains, daily consumption of the product should be limited to 3 pieces.

Carbohydrates in eggs

For lovers healthy image life and those losing weight should not worry about eating chicken eggs, because their carbohydrate content is less than 1 g. More precisely, 0.7 g. A product of the highest and first category, whose weight reaches 80 g, includes about 0.5 G.

The indicator for the yolk (per 100 g of weight) is 1 g, for the white - 0.65 g. Carbohydrates in the product are represented only by sugars. When cooked, the indicator remains virtually unchanged - 0.8 g per 100 g.

BZHU table - nutritional composition of raw chicken eggs

Eggs are complete sources of microelements and vitamins. Due to its balanced composition, the product is recommended during the diet, for severe physical activity. It is used to increase muscle mass and burning fat deposits.

Egg white is a powerful immunostimulant that has pronounced bactericidal properties. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that has adhesive properties. When whipped, it acquires a dense foam-like consistency. It turns white during heat treatment. The product improves brain function, participates in hematopoietic processes, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

In terms of nutritional value, one egg replaces 50 g of meat and 200 ml. Protein has the highest degree of digestibility among animal products (98%).

Useful properties

The main advantage of egg white is the absence of fat in its composition. This is absolutely dietary product, approved for use during weight loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the best way to cook egg whites? Cook. This heat treatment method preserves it nutritional value, useful properties. Just 1-2 minutes of cooking is enough to destroy the dangerous salmonella bacillus. Frying protein is not recommended because it disrupts the structure of the product (the denaturation process starts), resulting in reduced energy value product. Besides, this method heat treatment leads to the entry of oil into the body, which carries carcinogens that are dangerous to digestive system and liver.

Interestingly, egg white begins to “set” at a temperature of +60 degrees, and hardens at +65 degrees. At the same time, the yolk acquires a dense consistency at +65 degrees, and at +73 degrees it becomes completely hard.

What does egg white consist of? From fats (0.3%), carbohydrates (0.7%), proteins (13%), water (85%), vitamins, enzymes. Everything is present in it important amino acids for the construction of protein in the human body. In addition, it contains lysozyme, a compound that neutralizes harmful microorganisms, including putrefactive ones.

How long can you store boiled egg? No more than one week. However, to avoid loss of beneficial properties, the product is recommended to be consumed within 3 days after preparation. Raw eggs Store in the refrigerator at +4 degrees for up to 5 weeks.


Egg white is a source of easily digestible protein, from which, according to Darwin's theory, the first cellular structures arose 3.8 billion years ago. Proteins play an important role in the human body. Thanks to them, metabolism, respiration and digestion processes are carried out. Protein consists of bones, nails, hair, muscles, tendons, cartilage, and skin. Protein deficiency in the body leads to weakening of the skeleton, thinning of the mucous membranes, deterioration of the protective barrier, susceptibility to various infections, and rapid aging. Egg white has bacterial activity and strengthens cardiovascular system, increases the level of “good” cholesterol. Used externally to treat skin problems, damaged joints, strengthen nails, hair, give firmness and elasticity to the dermis.

The most important source of protein in our body is bird eggs. Information about how many grams of protein are in one egg, various types have birds different meanings. The most commonly consumed are chicken and quail eggs.

In addition, nutritionists, experts healthy eating and athletes take into account the amount of pure protein in an egg, while cooks or those losing weight are interested in how many grams of protein are in one egg - as one of the components of a highly nutritious product.

Such different feathered eggs

The amount of protein in bird eggs depends on the total weight of the different eggs. So, for example, an average chicken egg weighs 50-55 g, a quail egg - 10-12 g, a goose egg - 200 g, a guinea fowl egg - 25 g, a pheasant egg - 60 g, a turkey egg - 75 g, and a duck egg - 90 g. Ostrich eggs (900 g) hold the top spot in terms of weight, with the Australian emu bird taking second place (780 g). If egg white makes up 55-60% of its total mass, then it is easy to calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg in waterfowl or exotic birds. In official cooking they are not recommended for consumption, as they believe possible source infectious diseases even after heat treatment.

How many grams of protein are in the white of one egg?

Chicken or quail protein consists of 87% water and only 11% of the main nutrient - protein. The remaining 2% is formed by various minerals and ash. To calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg, you need to know the category of chicken eggs, which takes into account many parameters, including the weight of the product. This table will help you navigate and find out the desired result without using calculations:

Formula for calculating the mass of protein in an egg

Knowing the category of chicken eggs, you can easily calculate how much 1 egg white weighs. How many grams, for example, are in the first category egg white? Its weight can be seen in the table; it is approximately 55-65 grams. Protein in the total mass of an egg occupies 56% in a chicken egg and 60% in a quail egg. For convenience, it is believed that the yolk occupies 1/3 of the mass of the egg, and the white - 2/3. Calculation formula: find out the weight of the egg in accordance with its category and multiply by 2/3. Therefore, when calculating (or from the table given in the article), we get 36.7-43.3 grams of protein as a product.

For example, a quail egg contains, on average, 6 g of protein.

For athletes and people who adhere to healthy lifestyle rules

The main role in the exceptional nutritional value and benefits of eggs is played by biological value- this is what nutritionists call the degree of product absorption. Eggs are an easily digestible food; they are 98% digestible by our body, so they nutritional value is the reference. To build muscle mass, athletes need to consume 2-3 g of high-quality protein per 1 kg of their body weight. Having found out how many grams of protein are in one egg, you can calculate required quantity product in the diet for effective muscle building. Boiling or frying eggs without adding oil does not affect the volume of protein and it remains unchanged.

But fried egg with butter contains 14 g of protein, omelet - 17 g of protein, and with the addition of grated cheese - 15 g. Protein is a low-calorie product (44 kcal per 100 g). Eating a two-white omelet for breakfast every day helps you lose weight by 67% more than eating other foods with the same calorie content. Many people who are losing weight have a question about why 100 grams of eggs contain 12.7 g of protein (protein), and the same amount of egg white contains only 11.1 g. It turns out that the yolk is almost 1.5 times richer in protein than protein: 16.3% vs. 1.1%.

How to properly consume egg whites?

Nutritionists recommend be sure to expose the egg or white heat treatment. Doctors do not recommend eating raw eggs, as they are only 50% digestible by the body and can also become a source of salmonellosis. Do you know how many grams of protein are in one egg? By boiling two soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, you can get a personal daily norm protein.

Liquid yolk, if you are not allergic to its components, will be excellent choleretic agent, will reduce the risk of heart attack and become an obstacle to the development of cataracts. Egg whites will provide beneficial enzymes, protein, B vitamins and glucose, vitamin K, niacin, choline and essential amino acids, helping in the synthesis and regeneration of cells and tissues of our body. There are no contraindications for egg whites, except for individual intolerance.