Which clinic has a good pediatric ophthalmologist? Pediatric ophthalmology

The interindustry scientific and technical complex (INTK) “Eye Microsurgery” needs no introduction. Over 30 years, 7 million people were cured here, and full examination and conservative therapy received more than 19 million patients! Within the walls of the Complex, 280 thousand operations are carried out per year. 85% in total surgical care constitute operations highest category complexity.

IN children's department advanced innovative methods for diagnosing and treating eye diseases are used. Every year in children's surgical department more than 20,000 completed surgical interventions in children with various forms diseases. Special attention The clinic focuses on working with premature babies. Over the past 10 years, MNTK has examined a total of more than 12 thousand premature babies at risk of developing retinopathy, performed more than 1.8 thousand laser and surgical interventions.


FSBI "Moscow Scientific Research Institute of GB named after. Helmholtz" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

One of the most famous ophthalmological clinics in the country annually sees more than 2,000 children with various eye pathology, ranging from congenital or acquired cataracts and glaucoma, ending oncological diseases and myopia.

At the same time, you can be sure that the child will be in good hands: the institute employs 39 doctors of science, 17 professors and 11 honored doctors of Russia.


Moscow Eye Clinic

The Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology of the Moscow Eye Clinic is known for its experienced doctors and in the newest ways treatments based on the developments of leading research centers and our own methods.

The center specializes in the treatment of such common diseases as myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, strabismus and amblyopia, fundus pathologies, optic nerve etc.

Hardware techniques are widely used here, which give good results in the treatment of strabismus and amblyopia, progressive myopia, pathologies of the optic nerve and retina. In most cases, when performing surgical interventions, the operation is carried out in a one-day mode, after which the child can return home.


Pediatric ophthalmology clinics "Excimer KIDS"

Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, amblyopia (“lazy eye”), strabismus, congenital cataracts and glaucoma, problems with the retina - that’s far from full list those problems that Excimer children's ophthalmologists successfully solve. The clinic has selected a good range of medical and diagnostic equipment, which allows you to determine the condition visual system child and draw up an individual prevention or treatment program for each. At the same time, specialists help children of all ages - from infants to teenagers.


Center for Vision Restoration at the State Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

No medical gowns and frighteningly white walls - in the center, operating on the basis of the authoritative Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, treatment is turned into a game. Here they know how to find an approach to each patient, and therapy is based on many years of experience, the use of proprietary techniques and the most modern equipment. In the center they apply latest methods hardware treatment, including phototherapy, magnetic stimulation, laser stimulation and much more.

The clinic employs world-famous ophthalmologists. So, scientific supervisor the center is the director of the State Research Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Sergei Eduardovich Avetisov.


Children's eye clinics "Yasny Vzor"

This network of clinics was founded by Dr. medical sciences, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, pediatric eye surgeon, author of numerous publications and innovative techniques Igor Erikovich Aznauryan. During his practice, he performed more than 20,000 operations, the effectiveness of which is 95%, and in the remaining 5% there is significant improvement.

Myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, nystagmus and diseases are treated at Clear Eyes tear ducts. They deal with farsightedness, childhood cataracts, ptosis and many other problems. For treatment they use their own, developed by clinic specialists, unique techniques and guarantee results.

In total, 9 clinics are open in Moscow (1 operates in Kaliningrad), as well as 2 surgical hospitals in Russia.


Family Doctor Clinic

According to patient reviews, multidisciplinary clinics"Family Doctor" has a good children's ophthalmology department. Qualified doctors will conduct studies (from visometry and computer perimetry to skiascopy and determination of color perception), make a diagnosis and give appropriate recommendations. If you wish, you can call a doctor at home.

As for manipulations, in “ Family doctor» probe the lacrimal ducts, hardware treatment myopia, astigmatism and amblyopia, and also remove eyelid tumors.


    full range of diagnostic techniques;

    individual vision training programs (Eye-training program), allowing you to correct visual impairment due to strabismus, astigmatism and other pathologies;

    modern therapeutic and surgical methods treatment of amblyopia, strabismus and myopia.

A pediatric ophthalmologist (pediatric ophthalmologist) deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the visual organs in children.

Eyes are one of the main human sense organs. With their help, a child learns about the world from the first days of life and receives up to 90% of information. IN childhood The development of the visual organs occurs very quickly. And to avoid possible complications and problems in the future, it is extremely important to promptly detect the presence of a particular pathology and prescribe adequate treatment. A pediatric ophthalmologist is on the list of those doctors regular visit which, including for preventive purposes, is necessary for every child from the moment of birth.

Reasons for visiting a pediatric ophthalmologist

    parents note a deterioration in the child’s vision (the child brings small objects close to his eyes, comes close to the TV, at school he has difficulty reading from the board or gets tired easily when reading books);

  • Diagnostic methods

    Among the diagnostic methods used by pediatric ophthalmologists at the EMC clinic in Moscow:

      ophthalmoscopy (examination of the fundus and eyeball using a special lens);

      visometry (determining visual acuity);

      skiascopy and keratorefractometry (diagnosis of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism);

      study of binocular vision;

      iridology (diagnosis of hereditary diseases);

      biomicroscopy (examination of the eyeball and eyelids under a microscope to identify chronic inflammation, risk of developing glaucoma or, fatigue and dry eyes);

      tonometry (measurement of pressure inside the eyes).

    Eye-Training hardware and software complex

    The EMC Children's Clinic has a modern hardware and software complex for the diagnosis and treatment of binocular and stereoscopic vision disorders (Eye-Training).

    Eye-training program is a program aimed at training “lazy” eyes and increasing visual acuity, which a children’s ophthalmologist conducts in a way that is interesting for the child, game form. Thanks to this technique, the balance of visual images between the eyes during strabismus is also restored, the stability of fixation is increased, and deep vision is trained.

    Treatment of strabismus in children

    The specialists at the EMC Children's Clinic also have extensive experience in solving the problem of strabismus. Depending on the cause of its appearance, the pediatric ophthalmologist draws up an individual treatment program.

    Strabismus, which appears in the first months of a child’s life, is usually associated with complicated pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes the reason is congenital pathologies: , various inflammatory diseases eye. In other cases, strabismus (usually convergent) may be associated with high farsightedness. Prevention of this type of disease is early diagnosis refractive pathologies (farsightedness or astigmatism), as well as timely correction with glasses, pleoptic and orthoptic treatment can be prescribed.

    If conservative therapy did not bring the desired result, the pediatric ophthalmologist may recommend surgical correction strabismus, after which therapeutic treatment is resumed.

    Ophthalmologists at the EMC Children's Clinic have extensive experience surgical treatment children with early age, which can significantly reduce the time of surgery and rehabilitation after the intervention. The clinic's anesthesiologists use special children's devices and medications to ensure the softest and safest medicated sleep.

    Consultation with a pediatric ophthalmologist

    First examination by an ophthalmologist

    It is important for parents to remember that many eye diseases do not have pronounced symptoms, and accurate diagnosis Only a literate child can.

    The first eye examination is usually carried out in the maternity hospital - in the first days of the baby's life. If this does not happen, it is necessary to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist within the first month. During the examination, the pediatric ophthalmologist will first perform a biomicroscopy of the eye: check the condition of the eyelids and tear ducts, examines the conjunctiva (the thin transparent tissue covering the outside of the eye), cornea and lens. The children's ophthalmologist will also check for congenital anomalies(strabismus, glaucoma, cataracts, etc.) requiring immediate treatment. An examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist at the EMC clinic also includes an assessment of the condition of the fundus using ophthalmoscopy.

    Visits to an ophthalmologist up to a year

    In the absence of any pathologies, a return visit to the pediatric ophthalmologist is recommended after 6 months, and then after a year. During this period there is active development child's eyes, refraction is established (farsightedness, astigmatism, congenital myopia or anisometropia - “ different eyes"), and screening at this age is essential to maintaining high quality vision in the future.

    Examination by an ophthalmologist at 2.5-3 years

    The next visit to a pediatric ophthalmologist at the clinic is required at the age of 2.5–3 years, when the child develops. This is the age at which development is possible concomitant strabismus, therefore, a determination of the nature of vision and the reserve of accommodation is added to the usual examination by a pediatric ophthalmologist in the clinic. In most cases it is early detection refractive errors and purpose effective treatment prevents the development of strabismus.

    Annual ophthalmologist examination

    Further throughout your life, an examination by an ophthalmologist must be carried out annually. At the age of 7–14, many children develop myopia, and timely therapeutic measures will help reduce the rate of vision deterioration. At 13–20 years old change hormonal levels And increased load on the eyes can cause headaches and pain in the eyes due to the presence of astigmatism - in this situation only a pediatric ophthalmologist can help. The EMC clinic has everything necessary equipment for quality treatment.

    Only an experienced and competent pediatric ophthalmologist can correct the above and many other vision problems. Moscow is currently at the forefront of scientific and medical advances. Specialists of the EMC Children's Clinic actively cooperate and regularly exchange experiences with colleagues from countries Western Europe Therefore, diagnosis and treatment at the European Medical Center are carried out in accordance with generally accepted international practice.

A pediatric ophthalmologist specializes in the treatment of pathologies of the visual system. If you notice that your child perceives the outside world differently than you, or he has difficulty mastering the surrounding space, this is a reason to contact an ophthalmologist. The sooner problems that arise are detected, the easier it is to correct them, curing eye disease.

Prices for pediatric ophthalmologist services

Diseases treated by a pediatric ophthalmologist

  • Lazy eye syndrome, where only one eye actually works.
  • Myopia is a disorder of far vision.
  • Farsightedness is a disorder of near vision.
  • Strabismus is a deviation of the visual axes of the eyes (or one eye) from the point of fixation.
  • Astigmatism - visual pathology, conditioned irregular shape cornea or lens.
  • Corneal erosion is damage to the epithelium.
  • Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and eyelids.
  • Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids.
  • Barley - purulent inflammation hair follicle.
  • Inflammation of the iris.
  • Dystrophy of the cornea and retina.
  • Syndrome tired eyes and “computer disease” is a consequence of excessive enthusiasm for gadgets.
  • injuries.

Reasons to contact a pediatric ophthalmologist

  1. It seems to you that the child, playing with the toy, does not see it or cannot examine it.
  2. The baby squints and looks around with one eye.
  3. The child often bumps into objects, and the reason does not lie in absent-mindedness.
  4. There is definitely something wrong with the student’s handwriting: he writes between the lines, does not fit into the cells, etc. At the same time, the child has problems reading: he has difficulty and/or does not always manage to recognize the text.
  5. Your baby began to experience discomfort during daylight hours, he began to complain of pain, pain, burning in the eyes.
  6. It is difficult for a child to focus his vision: he sees double vision, and the world around us visible through the veil.
  7. The baby's pupils are of different diameters.
  8. The eye turned red, and a network of dilated capillaries appeared on the sclera.
  9. The child's eyelids regularly swell.
  10. Due to vision problems of unknown etiology, the minor often has a headache.
  11. The child feels the presence foreign body in the eye.

All these conditions are reversible. A pediatric ophthalmologist working in our paid family clinic will help you resolve the issue in a matter of days: without nerves, tiring waiting in lines and spending on unnecessary medications. We only recommend those modern methods therapies that:

  1. have proven their effectiveness;
  2. suitable for the diagnosis;
  3. financially accessible to the average Muscovite.

How often should I contact a paid pediatric ophthalmologist?

According to national healthcare standards, in the first year of a child’s life, an ophthalmologist must conduct diagnostics three times: at 1, 6 and 12 months.

You also need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist for children when preparing documents to attend kindergarten and school.

During each academic year, even if the child has no complaints, he needs to be examined at least once by an ophthalmologist to monitor the quality of vision. If you experience any ailments that fall within the competence of an eye specialist, you should urgently seek his help.

Please note:
The services of a pediatric ophthalmologist at the LEKON clinic are paid. At the same time, their high quality justifies the investment, because we do not work for show, but really help young patients.

Pediatric ophthalmology is ours children's center Ophthalmology has a full range of equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in children. The department is headed by an experienced clinician with more than ten years of experience in European clinics.

Modern equipment allows for complete ophthalmological examination child of any age, nominate correct correction(glasses or contact lenses), if necessary, carry out complex treatment amblyopia, strabismus, myopia, using both traditional and modern computer techniques.

THIS IS INTERESTING: Few people know that newborn children have very low vision, which later gradually improves, improves and reaches normal indicators around the age of seven.

An early ophthalmological examination will allow timely detection of deviations from the norm and timely initiation of necessary treatment children's eyes. Nature has decreed that if it is not delivered in time correct diagnosis and do not carry out treatment before the age of ten years, and in some cases up to three to five years, then in the future even anatomically normal eye never gains the ability to have high vision.

How to prepare for a visit to the ophthalmologist?

Before examining children and adolescents (up to 16 years of age), the doctor collects anamnesis, i.e. history of past illnesses.

It is important to know how the child was born, on time or earlier, how much he weighed, whether chronic diseases, are other specialists observing, what allergies were there, what, as they put it, it is recommended to remember and clarify which ones medicines there was an allergic reaction.

In general, the examination of the child lasts about 2 hours(taking into account the expectation of pupil dilation). After such an examination, some patients will not be able to read, write, or do homework. After admission, a certificate is issued to the school.

If your child already wears contact lenses, then for a full primary or control appointment (every 6 months), you should come without contact lenses, but with glasses. Contact lenses should be removed at least 1 hour before visiting an ophthalmologist.

If you have registered your child for contact correction and for repeated control - come without contact lenses, wearing glasses, bring the lenses in a container, it is advisable to bring boxes of lenses (or foil from a blister) so that the doctor can make sure what parameters your child wears.

IN contact lenses You should come to the appointment only if the doctor says so. This is done only if the doctor needs to do a vision check and the child must be wearing lenses for several hours.

Why is it important to regularly visit a pediatric ophthalmologist?

Light energy, correct perception of images of the surrounding world by the eye - all this stimulates the growth of the child, his metabolic processes, normalizes and accelerates psychophysical development from the first year of life.

90% of information about the world around us is perceived through the eye, and children master the world around them primarily through vision. It is at this time that the connection between the eye and the cerebral cortex is formed and strengthened.

Absence or incorrect correction of refractive errors (farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism), strabismus, congenital diseases eyes, their late diagnosis can lead to irreversible consequences!

Pediatric ophthalmology in Moscow is well developed. And our ophthalmology clinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, which is constantly updated.

Very often, childhood strabismus is a consequence poor eyesight and is accompanied by neurological pathology.

Treatment of amblyopia (lazy eye)

Amblyopia (“lazy eye”) is incomplete visual acuity even when wearing glasses with the maximum full correction. It can be successfully treated only in childhood.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism can lead to squint. The risks are especially great in childhood!

This is due to the fact that eye muscles, with different visual acuity of the eyes, they work with different forces and gradually the eye begins to shift. Which in turn leads to an even stronger decrease in vision, increasing the onset of strabismus.

Sooner or later, all parents need the services of a pediatric ophthalmologist: some babies are born with disabilities, others acquire them, and some simply need a qualified examination for admission to a section, school or kindergarten. But in any of these cases, the specialist must be a true professional in his field, and also be able to get along with children. A list of the best pediatric ophthalmologists in Moscow is presented later in the article.

Karamyshev P. B.

The right to open the list of the best pediatric ophthalmologists in the capital goes to Pavel Borisovich Karamyshev, a specialist with little experience (only three years), but with an impressive rating of 8.88 out of 10. This rating is based on the overall professional information and the number of patient reviews with a “+” sign on different sites. Parents of young clients write that Pavel Borisovich is sincerely in love with his profession. He finds it well common language with children, despite little experience, knows everything about ophthalmology, and even more, and is also a very talented healer, combining drug and procedural therapy, selecting individual proportions for each specific child.

The services of ophthalmologist Karamyshev will cost from 3,000 rubles, and you can make an appointment with him at the 3Z clinic, on Boris Galushkin Street, 3.

Apaev A.V.

Alexander Vyacheslavovich Apaev is also very good specialist in pediatric ophthalmology, also practicing eye surgery. This is the doctor with highest level qualifications, which has been successfully helping children with vision for 9 years and has a rating of 8 out of 10. Comments confirm the successes of Alexander Vyacheslavovich both in therapy and surgery. He helped many children find the joy of sight, corrected squint or cured some eye infection. In all cases, this doctor works easily, with love for his work and children.

Ophthalmologist Apaev is always waiting for his little patients at the Moscow Eye Clinic on Semenovsky Lane, 11.

Kabanov I. B.

A real master of pediatric ophthalmology is Igor Borisovich Kabanov, a professor of medicine and a doctor of the highest category with 39 years of experience and a rating of 7.62 out of 10. In reviews, parents of patients call Igor Borisovich the best in his field. He knows how to adapt to each specific child, be kind and strict at the same time, while equally professionally providing necessary help. They note the amazing efficiency and dedication of Igor Borisovich. He is always open to help, even in the most difficult cases.

This pediatric ophthalmologist is seeing you at clinic No. 6." Medical services", which is located on Kolskaya Street, 2/3. He also works at the Health Clinic, which is located on Kosmonavtov Avenue, 3B.

Kononov L. B.

Worthy professional level Pediatric ophthalmologist of the highest category Leonid Borisovich Kononov, Candidate of Medical Sciences with 16 years of experience, also has it. Rating this specialist 7.27 out of 10. Since Leonid Borisovich’s main focus in his work is on eye surgery, in the comments he is called a doctor with golden hands and a “jeweler”, because his manipulations with the eyes are actually masterful and restore children’s vision even in very difficult cases. Children feel comfortable being examined and treated by Leonid Borisovich, because he communicates well with them, knows how to joke and console them.

Ophthalmologist Kononov sees patients at the Morozov Children's Hospital, which is located at 1/9 Fourth Dobryninsky Lane.

Chubar V. S.

A very good specialist among paid pediatric ophthalmologists is Candidate of Science Veronika Stanislavovna Chubar, who has been practicing for 8 years and has earned a rating of 7.19 out of 10. All reviews found on the Internet about Veronika Stanislavovna’s work are extremely positive. Parents, extremely satisfied with the help and good attitude towards their children, call the doctor smart, professional, kind and sincere woman. They also note that all of Veronica Stanislavovna’s recommendations, as well as answers to questions, are detailed, clear and very sensible.

From Tuesday to Saturday, with a schedule from 9:00 to 20:30, ophthalmologist Chubar conducts appointments at the Miracle Doctor clinic, which is located on Shkolnaya Street, 49. The cost of her services is from 1,800 rubles.

Ryabenko O. I.

A good pediatric ophthalmologist with the highest category is Olga Igorevna Ryabenko, who has been working in her profession for 17 years. The rating of this specialist was 6.32 points out of 10. The parents of Olga Igorevna’s clients really like her ability to voice and explain her every action. It is much more interesting for children to be examined using the machines, as they get answers to all their questions. The effect of Olga Igorevna’s prescribed recommendations for some patients was noticed the very next day.

Children's ophthalmologist Ryabenko is looking forward to seeing his patients at the OftalNova clinic, at 11/1 Pervy Nagatinsky proezd.

Zhukova N. N.

Children's ophthalmologist of the highest category, Natalya Nikolaevna Zhukova, has a rating of 5.83 out of 10, having been working in the profession for 24 years. Parents of children write that Natalya Nikolaevna is a very decent, patient and educated doctor. Neither children nor parents feel discomfort at the reception; she distracts kids with toys, teenagers with conversations. What parents especially like about Natalya Nikolaevna is that they can ask any question and receive a clear, reasonable, thoughtful answer to it.

The office of pediatric ophthalmologist Zhukova "OpticalNet" is located on Third Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street 12/1. In addition, she works at the Zelenograd Children's Clinic No. 105.

Gladkova O. V.

Candidate of Medical Sciences Olga Vladimirovna Gladkova has only been in the profession for five years, but has already earned herself a rating of 5.69 out of 10, as well as a base of regular customers. And judging by their warm reviews, they really love and appreciate Olga Vladimirovna. There are many comments in which parents call her the only one large number doctors who were able to accurately diagnose eye disease in a baby and solve this problem. The specialist is very nice and accommodating both with children and parents.

An appointment with pediatric ophthalmologist Gladkova can be made at the following institutions:

  • Medical center"SM-Clinic" on Volgogradsky Prospekt, 42/12. Here the cost of admission will be from 2,350 rubles.
  • "Children's Clinic" on Gagarin Avenue, 5/5. The cost of services should be clarified at the reception by phone, which can be found on the official website.

Kabulova N. B.

Good experience in the profession of children's ophthalmologist Nina Borisovna Kabulova, who has the highest qualification category and 38 years of experience. The doctor’s rating is 5.39 out of 10. In the comments, Nina Borisovna’s “old school” is noted only in a positive way: no familiarity, unnecessary conversations or chaotic reception. The entire examination, appointments, recommendations are strictly and to the point, but at the same time the attitude is good-natured, you can see the desire to listen, explain and help. Parents especially like that even with 3-4-year-old children, the doctor does not babysit, but speaks softly, but seriously, as equals, which makes them calmly and judiciously answer all her questions.

You can make an appointment with ophthalmologist Kabulova at any of the two branches of the Nearmedic clinic: on Maroseyka Street, 6-8/4 and on Marshal Zhukov Avenue, 38/1.

Plygunova N. L.

Nina Leonidovna Plygunova has been working in the profession even longer - as much as 42 years. She has a PhD and a rating of 5.33 out of 10. In pediatric medicine, she serves not only as an ophthalmologist, but also as an eye surgeon. Reviews about children's ophthalmologist Nina Leonidovna contain only good, grateful words. They write that she will never stop, simply “hanging glasses on the child’s nose,” first of all, she will thoroughly study his health and see what can be done to get rid of the problem. And judging by the numerous comments, it really helps, restoring and improving vision even for the youngest children.

Doctor Plygunova is happy to accept her patients in " Ophthalmology Clinic Doctor Yakovlev", which is located on Zoologicheskaya Street, 22. She also works in the Podolsk branch of this clinic at the address: Lenin Avenue, 107/49.

Pozharitsky M. D.

A very good pediatric specialist is Mikhail Dmitrievich Pozharitsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a doctor of the highest category with 32 years of experience. Mikhail Dmitrievich’s rating is 5.28 out of 10. Comments about this doctor are very pleasant and interesting to read: Mikhail Dmitrievich helped so many children, and in the most different situations. First of all, parents note his ability to conduct an appointment: clearly, judiciously, always without delays, as well as the presence of the most modern equipment and such warm treatment that the children even forget that they went to the doctor, and not just to visit a friend. Mikhail Dmitrievich explains and explains all manipulations with the eyes in great detail, hands over the test results and prescribes the most effective medications and procedures.

You can make an appointment with pediatric ophthalmologist Pozharitsky at the “Eye Diseases Clinic” located on Zoological Street, 22.

Dontsova S. M.

The list of the best pediatric ophthalmologists is completed by Svetlana Mikhailovna Dontsova, a doctor of the highest category with an impressive 38 years of experience. The specialist has a rating of 5 out of 10. Reviews note the ability to quickly and accurately make a diagnosis, literally see it even before the examination, and subsequently confirm it. Svetlana Mikhailovna always selects treatment that is individually suitable for a particular child, which has a positive effect on the quality and accuracy of treatment.

You can make an appointment with ophthalmologist Dontsova in the following clinics:

  • GMS Clinic on Second Yamskaya Street, 9.
  • A branch of the same clinic on First Nikoloshchepovsky Lane, 6/1.
  • Clinic "Chaika" on the 26th kilometer of Novorizhskoe highway, 5.
  • A branch of the same clinic on Lesnaya Street, 9.
  • And also on Krylatskaya street, 15/1.