Types of brown eyes. What are the most beautiful eyes in the world for women and men? People with green eyes are wonderful friends

Eye color is inherited by one human gene, and from the moment of conception it is predetermined to have a certain shade. Scientists have calculated that there are 8 eye colors. And these are just the most common ones. But there are people on the planet who have the most rare color eye.

For example, Hollywood actress Kate Bosworth has eyes of different colors. The dark gray iris of her right eye contains age spot brown shade.

There are as many pairs of eyes in the world as there are people. No two personalities are identical, and no two pairs of eyes are identical. What is the magic of a look? Maybe it's the eye color?

From black to sky blue

Human eyes come in only eight shades. Some shades are more common, others very rare. The content of the melanin pigment in the iris determines what we call color. Once upon a time, about 10 thousand years ago, most people on Earth were brown-eyed. Genetics say that a mutation occurred, and people appeared with a lack of pigment. They gave birth to blue-eyed and green-eyed children.

The following shades are known: black, brown, amber, olive, green, blue, gray, light blue. Sometimes the eyes change color, more often this happens in babies. Meet unique people with an indefinite shade. Aishwarya Rai, a film star from India, is known not so much for her stunning figure and smile, but for the mystery of her eyes, which can be green, blue, gray or brown in different moods and are recognized as the most beautiful eyes in the world.

What are the most eyes in the world?

Most often, brown-eyed children are born on the planet. This color predominates in all parts of the world. It is believed that their irises contain a lot of melanin. It protects your eyes from the blinding rays of the sun. Astrologers associate brown-eyed people with Venus and the Sun. Venus endowed these people with her tenderness, and the Sun with ardor and passion.

According to sociological data, owners of such eyes inspire special trust in themselves. It is generally accepted that brown-eyed women are sexy and passionate. Whether this is so is unknown, but the fact is that the owner of the dark brown eyes Jennifer Lopez is a symbol of precisely these qualities. The second most common color is blue. People originally from Northern Europe have such eyes. According to statistics, 99% of Estonians and 75% of Germans have blue eyes. Many children are born with blue eyes. Within a few months the color changes to gray or blue. Adult blue-eyed people are rare. Blue eyes are found both in Asia and among Ashkenazi Jews.

American researchers say that most talented people with high IQ have blue eyes. Blue-eyed people are often strong, authoritative personalities; when communicating, trust in them arises intuitively. Cameron Diaz's light blue gaze, giving warmth and positivity, made her a Hollywood star. At the right moment he becomes hard and cold, and then again kind and warm.

The rarest eye shades

Black-eyed people are very rare. From Hollywood stars only Audrey Hepburn had this color. She once said that the eyes are the gateway to the heart, where love lives. Her gaze always shone with kindness and love.

Elizabeth Taylor had the rarest color. When she was born, her frightened parents took the girl to a doctor, who said that the child had a unique mutation. The future Cleopatra was born with double rows of eyelashes, and at six months the baby's eyes acquired a purple tint. Elizabeth drove men crazy with her gaze all her life, having been married 8 times.

The rarest color of the iris

The witch's eyes should be green. Only 2% of the world's population has green eyes. Moreover, most of them are female. There is no rational explanation for this phenomenon. Historians believe that human prejudices are to blame. All European peoples, including the Slavs, Saxons, Germans, Franks, believed that green eyed women have supernatural powers.

During the Middle Ages, the Inquisition was rampant in Europe. A denunciation was enough for a person to be sent to the stake. Most of the victims were women, who were declared witches for the most insignificant reasons. Is it worth saying that the green-eyed ones were burned first? So the population of people with the most beautiful color eye.

Today, 80% of green-eyed people live in Holland and Iceland. Astrologers believe that green-eyed women are the most gentle creatures, kind and devoted, but when it comes to protecting their family or loved one, they are merciless and cruel. Bioenergetics experts who divide people into energy “vampires” and “donors” claim that green eyed people do not belong to either one or the other, their energy is stable and neutral. Perhaps this is why they value stability and devotion in relationships so much, and do not forgive betrayal.

The most famous green-eyed beauty is Angelina Jolie. Her “cat-eye” broke a lot of hearts before it got to

Diversity is the norm these days. And rare eye color is a feature, not a flaw, like many others. At the same time, the beauty industry continues to consider people who do not look like they are starving or victims of serious illnesses as “too fat” or even “fat.” Therefore, many, in pursuit of a standard beautiful (that is, thin) body, sit on the most weird diets. The editors of the site invite you to read about the craziest diets in the world.
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Facts about eyes

Brown eyes are actually blue under brown pigment. There is even laser procedure, which allows you to turn brown eyes into blue eyes forever.

Pupils of the eyes expand by 45 percent when we look at someone we love.

The human cornea is so similar to the shark cornea that the latter is used as a substitute in eye surgery.

The fact is that you can't sneeze with your eyes open.

Our eyes can discern about 500 shades of gray.

Each eye contains 107 million cells, and they are all sensitive to light.

Every 12th male representative is color blind.

Human eye sees only three colors: red, blue and green. The rest are a combination of these colors.

Our eyes are about 2.5 cm in diameter and they weigh about 8 grams.

The structure of the human eye

Of all the muscles in our body, the muscles that control our eyes are the most active.

Your eyes will always remain the same size as at birth, and the ears and nose do not stop growing.

Only 1/6 part eyeball visible

On average over our entire life we we see about 24 million different images.

Your fingerprints have 40 unique characteristics, while your iris has 256. This is the reason why retinal scans are used for security purposes. People say “before you blink” because it is the fastest muscle in the body. The blink lasts about 100 - 150 milliseconds, and you you can blink 5 times per second.

The eyes process about 36,000 pieces of information every hour.

Our eyes focus on about 50 things per second.

Our eyes blink an average of 17 times per minute, 14,280 times per day and 5.2 million times per year.

The ideal duration of eye contact with someone you meet for the first time is 4 seconds. This is necessary to determine what eye color he has.

It's not the eyes that see - that's a fact!

We see with the brain, not with the eyes. In many cases, blurry or poor eyesight It is not caused by the eyes, but by problems with the visual cortex of the brain.

The images that are sent to our brain are actually upside down.

Eyes use about 65 percent of brain resources. This is more than any other part of the body.

Eyes began to develop about 550 million years ago. The most with the naked eye there were particles of photoreceptor proteins in single-celled animals.

Each an eyelash lives for about 5 months.

The Mayans considered strabismus attractive and tried to ensure that their children had strabismus.

The octopus's eyes do not have a blind spot and have evolved separately from other vertebrates.

Near 10,000 years ago all people had brown eyes until a person living in the Black Sea region developed a genetic mutation that led to the appearance blue eyes.

The wriggling particles that appear in your eyes are called " floaters". These are shadows cast on the retina by tiny filaments of protein inside the eye.

If you flood cold water into a person's ear, the eyes will move towards the opposite ear. If you flood warm water into the ear, the eyes will move to the same ear. This test, called the caloric test, is used to determine brain damage.

Facts about eye diseases

If in the flash photo you only have one red eye, there is a possibility that you have an eye tumor (if both eyes are looking in the same direction into the camera). Fortunately, the cure rate is 95 percent.

Schizophrenia can be detected with 98.3 percent accuracy using a common eye movement test.

Humans and dogs are the only ones who look for visual cues in the eyes of others, and dogs only do this when interacting with people.

Approximately 2 percent of women have a rare genetic mutation, due to which they have an additional retinal cone. This allows them to see 100 million colors.

Johnny Depp is blind in his left eye and nearsighted in his right.

A case has been reported of conjoined twins from Canada who share a common thalamus. Thanks to this they could hear each other and see through each other's eyes.

Facts about vision and eyes

The human eye can make smooth (not jerky) movements only if it is following a moving object.

Story cyclops appeared thanks to the peoples of the Mediterranean islands, who discovered the remains of extinct dwarf elephants. The elephants' skull was twice the size of a human skull, and the central nasal cavity often mistaken for the eye socket.

Astronauts can't cry in space due to gravity. Tears gather in small balls and begin to sting your eyes.

Pirates used blindfolds to quickly adapt your vision to the environment above and below deck. Thus, one eye got used to bright light, and the other to dim light.

The flashes of light you see in your eyes when you rub them are called phosphenes.

There are facts that there are colors that are too complex for human eye, and they are called " impossible«.

If you place two halves of ping pong balls over your eyes and look at a red light while listening to a radio tuned to static, you will see bright and complex hallucinations. This method is called Ganzfeld procedure.

We see certain colors because this is the only spectrum of light that passes through water, the area where our eyes originate. There was no evolutionary reason on earth to see a wider spectrum.

Apollo mission astronauts reported seeing flashes and streaks of light when they closed their eyes. It was later established that this was caused by cosmic radiation irradiating their retinas outside the Earth's magnetosphere.

Sometimes people suffering from aphakia - the absence of a lens - report that see the ultraviolet spectrum of light.

Bees have hairs in their eyes. They help determine wind direction and flight speed.

About 65-85 percent of white cats with blue eyes are deaf.

One of the Chernobyl disaster firefighters' eyes turned from brown to blue due to the strong radiation received. He died two weeks later from radiation poisoning.

To keep an eye out for nocturnal predators, many animal species (ducks, dolphins, iguanas) sleep with one with an open eye . One half of their brain hemisphere is asleep while the other is awake.

Almost 100 percent of people over 60 years of age are diagnosed with herpes eye upon opening.

Brown-eyed people are more trustworthy than blue-eyed people, such facts have been established by scientists.

However, as researchers from Charles University in Prague, it is not the eye color itself that inspires confidence. When a group of volunteers were shown photographs of the same men whose eye color had been artificially changed in different photographs, they were considered more reliable.

This suggests that It’s not the eye color itself that inspires trust, but the facial features inherent in brown-eyed people.

For example, brown-eyed men tend to have a rounder face with a wide chin, a wider mouth with raised corners, big eyes and closer eyebrows. All these qualities indicate masculinity and therefore inspire confidence.

In contrast, blue-eyed representatives of the stronger sex more often have facial features that are perceived as a sign of cunning and changeability. These are, as a rule, small eyes and a narrow mouth with drooping corners.

Women with brown eyes are also considered more trustworthy than those with blue eyes, but the difference is not as pronounced as for men.

One of the first features that attracts us to a person is their eyes, and especially their eye color. Did you know which eye color is considered the rarest, or why eyes can be red? Here are some interesting facts about human eye color.

Fact that brown eye color is the most common eye color

Brown eye color is the most common eye color in the world, with the exception of the Baltic countries. It is the result of the presence large quantity melanin in the iris, which absorbs a lot of light. People with very high concentrations of melanin may appear as if their eyes are black.

Blue eye color is a genetic mutation

All people with blue eyes have one common ancestor. Scientists have traced the genetic mutation that led to the appearance of blue eyes and have established the fact that it appeared 6000 - 10000 years ago. Until then blue eyed people there wasn't.

Most people with blue eyes are in the Baltic countries and Nordic countries. In Estonia, 99 percent of people have blue eyes.

Yellow eye color – wolf eyes

Yellow or amber eyes have a golden, tan or copper tint and are the result of the presence of lipochrome pigment, which is also found in green eyes. Yellow the eyes are also called “wolf eyes”, as this rare eye color common among animals such as wolves, domestic cats, owls, eagles, pigeons and fish.

The fact that green eye color is the rarest

Only 1-2 percent of people in the world have green eyes. Purely green eye (which should not be confused with marsh color) is a very rare eye color, as it is often eradicated in the family by the dominant brown eye gene. In Iceland and Holland, green eyes are most common in women.

The fact is that one person can have eyes of different colors

Heterochromia is a phenomenon in which one person can have different eye colors.. It is caused by too much or too little melanin and is a result of genetic mutation, illness or injury.

With complete heterochromia, a person has two different colors irises, for example, one eye is brown, the other is blue. With partial heterochromia, the iris is divided into two parts.

Red eyes

Red eyes often found in albinos. Since they have almost no melanin, their irises are transparent but appear red due to the blood vessels.

Fact about changing eye color

Eye color can change throughout a person's life. African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians are typically born with dark eyes that rarely change. Most children Caucasian at birth have light color eye: blue or blue. But over time, as the child develops, the cells in the iris of the eye begin to produce more melanin pigment. As a rule, Baby's eye color changes by age one, but can be established later by the age of 3, and less often by 10-12 years.

What eye color will the child have?

The formation of eye color is complex process, which is determined genetically. There are many combinations of genes that we get from both parents that determine the eye color you will have. Here is the most simplified diagram that will help you find out the eye color of your unborn child.

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Incredible facts

Brown-eyed people are more trustworthy than blue-eyed people, scientists have found.

However, as researchers from Charles University in Prague, it is not the eye color itself that inspires confidence. When a group of volunteers were shown photographs of the same men whose eye color had been artificially changed in different photographs, they were considered more reliable.

This suggests that It’s not the eye color itself that inspires trust, but the facial features inherent in brown-eyed people.

For example, brown-eyed men tend to have a rounder face with a wide chin, a wider mouth with raised corners, larger eyes and closer eyebrows. All these qualities indicate masculinity and therefore inspire confidence.

In contrast, blue-eyed representatives of the stronger sex more often have facial features that are perceived as a sign of cunning and changeability. These are, as a rule, small eyes and a narrow mouth with drooping corners.

Women with brown eyes are also considered more trustworthy than those with blue eyes, but the difference is not as pronounced as for men.

One of the first features that attracts us to a person is their eyes, and especially their eye color. Did you know which eye color is considered the rarest, or why eyes can be red? Here are some interesting facts about human eye color.

Brown eye color is the most common eye color

© Kichigin

Brown eye color is the most common eye color in the world, with the exception of the Baltic countries. It results from the presence of large amounts of melanin in the iris, which absorbs a lot of light. People with very high concentrations of melanin may appear as if their eyes are black.

Blue eye color is a genetic mutation

© MariaBobrova

All people with blue eyes have one common ancestor. Scientists have traced the genetic mutation that led to the appearance of blue eyes and found that it appeared 6000 - 10000 years ago. Before that time there were no blue-eyed people.

Most people with blue eyes are in the Baltic countries and Nordic countries. In Estonia, 99 percent of people have blue eyes.

Yellow eye color – wolf eyes

© Catalin

Yellow or amber eyes have a golden, tan or copper tint and are the result of the presence of lipochrome pigment, which is also found in green eyes. Yellow eye color is also called “wolf eyes”, as this is a rare eye color common among animals such as wolves, domestic cats, owls, eagles, pigeons and fish.

Green is the rarest eye color

© Zastavkin

Only 1-2 percent of people in the world have green eyes. Pure green eye color (which should not be confused with marsh color) is a very rare eye color, as it is often eradicated in the family by the dominant brown eye gene. In Iceland and Holland, green eyes are most common in women.

One person can have eyes of different colors

© Pio3

Heterochromia is a phenomenon in which one person can have different eye colors.. It is caused by too much or too little melanin and is the result of a genetic mutation, disease or injury.

© ajr_images/Getty Images Pro

With complete heterochromia, a person has two different colors of the iris, for example, one eye is brown, the other is blue. With partial heterochromia, the color of the iris is divided into two parts of different colors.

Red eyes are common found in albinos. Since they have almost no melanin, their irises are transparent but appear red due to the blood vessels.

© kasto

Eye color can change throughout a person's life. African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians are typically born with dark eyes that rarely change. Most Caucasian children have light colored eyes at birth: blue or blue. But over time, as the child develops, the cells in the iris of the eye begin to produce more melanin pigment. As a rule, Baby's eye color changes by age one, but can be established later by the age of 3, and less often by 10-12 years.

In rare cases, changes in eye color throughout life may also indicate certain diseases, such as Horner's syndrome, some forms of glaucoma and others.

The formation of eye color is a complex process that is determined genetically. There are many combinations of genes that we get from both parents that determine the eye color you will have. Here is the most simplified diagram that will help you find out the eye color of your unborn child.

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Whether you are a brown-eyed blonde or a blue-eyed brunette, you probably sometimes wanted to know what you would look like, for example, with green eyes. But not everyone knows that there are many factors, including nutrition and emotions, that can change the iris even without surgery. We will tell you the most interesting things, and also show, using the example of stars, how a radical change in eye color changes your appearance.

website collected for you interesting facts about how and why a person’s eye color can change.

1. How mood affects eye color

Vivid emotions are always a shock to the body. With intense joy or intense anger, not only does our heart rate change, our breathing quickens, or, conversely, our breath takes away, but also there is a noticeable accentuation of the color of the iris. It can become more saturated, sometimes darker, sometimes lighter.

Perhaps the most pure color can be observed in people experiencing happy moments.

If the baby was born with blue-gray eyes, then you may well be in for a surprise. The secret of blue eyes, also called "sky effect", lies in the low content of melanin in the iris, so light is scattered, and the low density of stromal fibers it appears even brighter - like blue. And most kids at 3–18 months of life, eye color may darken if there is an accumulation of melanocytes in the iris. In particular, among residents of mountainous regions it often happens that blue transforms into walnut. This largely depends on the color of the parents' eyes. Sometimes the full color appears by 10–12 years.

But In babies born with brown eyes, everything is stable, this is their bright shade for life. Due to the high melanin content, the outer layer of the iris absorbs and reflects light, resulting in brown. By the way, brown eyed people there is a special bonus - more low percentage eye diseases , but must be worn sunglasses. And also, according to research, in the Czech Republic, brown-eyed people are usually perceived as more reliable, but light-eyed women have fewer problems with negativity and depression.

By the way, recent studies have shown that eye color is affected by about 16 genes, which makes it much more difficult forecasting.

3. “Live” nutrition and cleansing the body of toxins

IN alternative medicine there is a theory about the relationship between the color of the iris and the condition internal organs. This direction is called iridology, but due to the lack of a solid evidence base, it is still classified as pseudoscientific. But Dr. Robert Morse, a detoxification specialist whose patients were about 1/4 million people, who has long been interested in iridology, notes: according to his observations, The upper quadrant of the eye is linked to brain health, and the inner circle - with digestive system. However, he says that an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet can significantly change eye color, and has created a series video about your research.

Women have a magical tool with which they can significantly change the shade of their eyes or make them more saturated. A " magic wands" - this is makeup in various shades, clothing, hair color and jewelry. For example, girls with brown eyes can significantly “lighten” their iris using outfits in golden, pink and light green colors.

And blue-eyed or green-eyed people will effectively enhance the richness of their eye color using jewelry made of turquoise, emeralds and stones blue shades. At the same time neutral white, gray and black colors will allow you to show your true eye color. By the way, if you wear glasses, ask your specialist to choose them with AR lenses, which will be more comfortable for you and also neutralize glare, which will allow others to see the color of your eyes without distortion.

5. Sunlight and location

Brown eyes- the most common on earth: they can be found 70% of the world's population on all continents - from Australia to Northern and South America. And in some regions, almost all residents - 95% of the Japanese, indigenous people of China, the Middle East, South America, Southern Europe and Oceania. In the USA, almost half of the people are brown-eyed.

There are more people with blue eyes in Northern Europe: in Estonia, Denmark and Finland - 89% of the population, in Germany - 75%, in Great Britain - 50%. Sometimes this shade is found in Syria, among Ashkenazi Jews, Tajiks and among the mountain Pamiris. By the way, in 2008, geneticists at the University of Copenhagen discovered that the blue iris is a mutation in the gene that arose 6–10 thousand years ago. Dr. Eyberg noted that " everyone originally had brown eyes, and the mutation reduced melanin production.” According to scientists, this first happened in the north-west of the Black Sea region.

But green eye color - only for 2 % inhabitants of the planet. The shade was formed due to the moderate content of melanin and a mixture of yellow-brown pigments. Most often found in residents of Spain, Ireland, Russia, Brazil, Iceland, and Pakistan. A The rarest eye color is yellow, it is formed in the presence of lipochrome pigment.

6. Laser “lightening” eye color

Previously, operations to implant an implant were carried out, which implied a high risk, sometimes it was a question of loss of vision, as happened with one Argentine Instagram star. But since 2011, they began to develop laser correction, which was invented by Dr. Greg Homer from the USA. Using a laser, melanin cells are destroyed, due to which the iris can be “lightened”. That is people with brown and black eyes can become blue-eyed, blue-eyed or gray-eyed.

By the way, The procedure lasts only about 20 seconds, and the final result is visible in 2–4 weeks. Homer was given this idea by a dermatologist friend who burns out moles and pigment with a laser. The first studies showed that the operation does not affect vision, but To study all the consequences, you need time with eyes of green-blue or hazel-green shades, which are also called Hazel." Doctors do not find vision problems in such individuals, and there is also no confirmation that this “gift” is transmitted genetically.

According to the observations of biologists, a uniform change in the shade of the iris is associated with processes in the nervous and endocrine systems, but often the reason lies in Rayleigh scattering and the amount of melanin. Chameleon eyes always react to stress, love experiences, fatigue, and color changes can also be caused by environment and climate change. A psychologists observe unpredictability in such people and a certain tendency towards mischief, in fact, we are talking about a mixture of temperaments.

The variety of eye colors in people is amazing, but the majority of the planet's inhabitants have gray, brown or blue irises. Much less common are blue, green, red, yellow eyes. The rarest eye color is purple, however, it is not easy to find such an anomaly, and therefore most people are sure that it is just a myth. But this is reality, and such a phenomenon can be seen at least in the photo.

The rarest eye color in the world

Violet eyes. Purple shade iris is the result of a mixture of shades of red and blue colors, so genetically it is simply a variant of the iris with blue pigment. Blue pigment is not at all uncommon; all blue-eyed representatives of the Caucasian race have it. Unlike blue eyes, blue and blue-lilac are much less common, but amethyst or violet are completely rare in the world. But, since genetics does not reject the possibility of the existence of lilac eyes, they can be seen.

Purple irises are found among representatives of one of the ethnic groups in the highlands of North Kashmir. The famous American actress, whose beauty captivated the whole world, had violet-colored eyes.

Doctors include lilac irises in the list of symptoms of Alexandria syndrome. The symptomatic picture of this genetic disease includes highly developed muscles, thick fingers, often patients have no hair on the body, and women have no menstrual cycle, although fertility is normal.

Green eyes. A pure green tint of the iris is rare, as is violet, but variations of this tint in combination with light brown or gray meet often. These chameleon eyes change shade against the background of clothes of a certain color. Among the green iris options are bottle green, light green, emerald green, grassy, ​​jade, emerald brown, leaf green and sea ​​wave.

There is unconfirmed scientific research the opinion is that the gene for green eyes is adjacent to the gene for red hair, but in practice, green-eyed people are brunettes and brown-haired, and occasionally even blondes are found. A green tint of the iris without any admixture of another color is present in 2% of the world's inhabitants. Most of them are residents of Central Europe and Russia. Of interest are studies according to which the color of the iris is influenced by a person’s gender: among the adult population of Holland green eyed men less than green-eyed representatives of the fairer sex.

Red eyes. The red color of the iris is an exception to the rule, since it is found only in albinos, who have a lack of melanin in their tissues.

With this genetic feature, the color of the iris is simply absent, and the tissue and collagen fibers of the iris are visible through blood vessels, which makes the eye color reddish. When blue pigment is present, the iris takes on a purple tint.

Golden or yellow eyes. The yellow color of the iris is a special case of the brown color. Yellow eyes, depending on the amount and density of pigment, can be either rich yellow-brown, gold, amber, or light yellow, which looks exotic and resembles the color of the eyes of cats or wolves.

Often such eyes have a dark rim on the iris. So, despite the light color, yellow eyes can be bright, attracting attention with their unusualness.

Black eye color. Brown eyes ranging from dark to light shades are the most common iris color on the planet, but the high concentration of melanin that makes eyes truly black is rare.

This feature is characteristic of the peoples of Africa belonging to the Negroid race, and the peoples of Eastern, Southern and Southeast Asia, who are representatives of the Mongoloid race. Often, ebon-black eye color is combined with a grayish or yellowish tint to the eyeball.

With congenital or acquired heterochromia, the color of a person's eyes varies. Heterochromia can be complete or partial. In the first case, the irises of a person's eyes will be different colors, both similar in shade and contrasting. With partial heterochromia, abnormal pigmentation can be central or sectoral, when one or more parts of the iris in one or both eyes are different in color.

The birth defect is due to a mutation, affects only the appearance of the eyes and does not carry additional problems. Acquired due to injury or chronic diseases heterochromia is accompanied by all sorts of complications, such as organic or functional transformations in nervous system. Interestingly, congenital abnormal staining of the eye shell is more common in girls, whereas strong half humanity rarely demonstrates such a phenomenon.