Vitamin complex for pneumonia in adults. It's time to think about what you are doing wrong...


Maria Bogatyreva

Pneumonia often develops against the background of a decreased immune response, at a time when the body cannot fight back pathogenic microorganisms. With low and weakened immunity, the disease is long and difficult.

In addition, treatment of pneumonia in adults is mainly carried out with antibiotics, which inhibit the growth of beneficial microorganisms intestines and other biotopes that play a dominant role in the formation of the immune response.

And the rehabilitation period is accompanied by the intake of vitamins and agents that stimulate and modulate the immune system.


In order to prevent the development of pneumonia and speed up the healing process, the body must receive the following vitamins:

In order to prevent the development of the disease, one should focus on antioxidants And omega 3 acids. After suffering from pneumonia, vitamins B and D will become useful. They reduce the number of beneficial intestinal flora that produce vitamin B, so it is necessary to replenish their supply with synthetic means.

The most relevant microelements that contribute to both the prevention of pneumonia and recovery from illness include selenium, iron, zinc. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, it will restore iron normal level hemoglobin, zinc will accelerate tissue regeneration. Besides, potassium will support the work of the heart, which is important after complicated pneumonia.

No less important is the introduction into the body nicotinic acid (PP or B3). This substance actively stimulates cellular metabolism and also regulates the functioning of bone marrow, which is disrupted after treatment with antibiotics. After long-term treatment antibiotics must be taken folic acid (B9).

Vitamins are biologically active substances, cofactors of vital bio chemical reactions. But during an acute infectious process acceleration of certain cellular chemical reactions can lead to potentiation of the inflammatory response.

The tissue reaction may manifest itself as swelling of the mucous membrane respiratory tract, allergic reaction. While taking vitamins and other medicines(antibiotics, glucocorticoids, anti-inflammatory drugs) the load on the liver increases significantly.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

The most popular vitamin and mineral complexes used for prevention and rehabilitation after pneumonia are:


To restore and optimize the body's immune forces, special medications are used, which are called immunostimulants And immunomodulators. They are taken to prevent complications of viral infections. respiratory diseases, for therapy chronic pathologies which often recur. The drugs normalize the functioning of the immune system.

Stimulants activate and strengthen mainly the cellular component of immunity. This leads to an increase in the number of immunocompetent cells, a rapid reaction of macrophages, lymphocytes in response to the introduction of microorganisms. These remedies are more relevant for frequent viral infections, which can be complicated by pneumonia.

Modulators are means that regulate immunity, that is, they balance the work of the cellular and humoral components. The number of cells responsible for the immune response does not increase, but their functions are normalized. Preferred for use in cases of frequent bacterial infections.

Important! For treatment in children, immunostimulants should be used with extreme caution, as they can give impetus to development autoimmune pathologies. If treatment with these drugs is necessary, the therapy process should be carefully monitored by a pediatrician.

Immunomodulators and stimulants can be:

  • natural, obtained from animal organs or human tissues (interferons, thymus preparations);
  • artificial.

Popular drugs

Modulators immunity is prescribed to prevent the development of complications in frequent infectious diseases, for example, chronic bronchitis, its obstructive form, sinusitis, a history of pneumonia, and so on. The most popular drugs from this group include:

Stimulants immunity are prescribed only by a doctor. The following drugs are widely used in the treatment of lung diseases:

  1. Lycopid. This strong remedy, which is used for tuberculosis, chronic diseases respiratory organs. The drug promotes the proliferation of lymphocytes and activates the production of antibodies.
  2. Derinat, Akavia– stimulants based on DNA and RNA molecules. They have pronounced healing and anti-inflammatory properties and activate all parts of the immune system. Relevant for long-term pneumonia, tuberculosis, obstructive disease.
  3. Immunal– a stimulant made from echinacea. Used to prevent influenza and its complications, including pneumonia.

As part of the prevention of development viral pneumonia during the cold season they use antiviral agents: Arbidol, Kagocel.

Drugs can be released in various forms, among which any patient can choose the most convenient one for himself:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • candles;
  • injections.


Immunomodulators, and especially stimulants, may have contraindications, they are recommended to be prescribed with caution in the following cases:

  • when planning pregnancy;
  • when carrying a baby;
  • during the lactation period;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • elderly patients;
  • patients with endocrinological pathologies.

It is impossible to take such drugs uncontrollably and for a long time; self-medication is excluded.

Attention! Prescribing drugs that affect the immune system involves analyzing the functioning of one’s own immunity by donating blood for cellular and humoral indicators. An immunologist and infectious disease specialist will help you understand the causes of decreased immune strength and frequent colds.


Frequent chronic infectious diseases, complications of viral infections often require drug intervention to protect the respiratory system. The modern pharmaceutical industry makes it possible to cope with bronchitis, pneumonia and their consequences with the help of drugs that stimulate or modulate the immune system. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.

Pneumonia refers to an inflammatory process in the lungs. This is a rather serious disease, manifested by weakened immunity, intoxication of the body, serious disorders in the area pathological process.

Pneumonia is dangerous due to its complications. With such a pathology, it is necessary to choose the right treatment after a thorough diagnosis.

What are the consequences of pneumonia?

No less important is the rehabilitation period after all therapeutic measures and repeated examinations. The recovery process should include methods that promote the regeneration of the affected organ, strengthen the immune system and prevent complications.

If you don't fight causative factor pathological process and do not complete all stages restoration activities, pneumonia can develop into more serious consequences. Complications of pneumonia include:

  • the presence of pleurisy (pathology of the pleura);
  • swelling of the lung tissue;
  • formation of pus in the lungs (abcess);
  • pneumosclerosis (connective tissue grows and an area of ​​the lung becomes denser);
  • bronchial obstruction (shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air and difficulty breathing);
  • gangrene of lung tissue (damaged lung tissue disintegrates);
  • acute condition respiratory failure(the function of gas exchange of carbon dioxide with oxygen is disrupted);
  • inflammatory process in the muscles of the heart (myocarditis);
  • pathology of the membranes of the brain (meningitis);
  • anemia (hemoglobin and red blood cell count decrease);
  • mental disorders are possible (in older people, people who abuse alcoholic beverages also suffer);
  • infectious development toxic shock(dysfunction internal organs when pathogens and their toxins spread into the bloodstream);
  • modification of a segment or pulmonary lobe(shrinks or shrinks).

Recovery stages

TO important stages recovery from pneumonia includes increased immunity. For children, as for adults, a strong immune factor that protects against pathogenic agents is important.

This includes a number of activities that cannot be avoided. These include:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • taking probiotics;
  • therapeutic exercise;
  • walks;
  • physiotherapeutic measures;
  • massage;
  • complete diet.

Vitamin therapy

The rehabilitation stage includes course application special complexes including various minerals and vitamins different groups. A pulmonologist may prescribe:

  • Complivit (for adults, take 1 tablet orally after meals, 1 time per day);
  • Multitabs (for children over 4 years of age and adults, 1 tablet during or after meals).
A complex of vitamins will improve the condition after illness

The trace elements zinc and vitamin C are very important for the restoration of the body ( ascorbic acid). Here it is necessary to choose the right combination of vitamins and microelements for their better absorption.


To strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to restore healthy intestinal microflora after treating pneumonia with antibiotics. Suppress pathogenic microflora and promote the growth of beneficial flora probiotics:

  • Enterozermina (suspension: 2-3 bottles per day for adults, children 1-2 drops per day; capsulated form: adults 2-3 drops per day, for children 1-2 drops per day. );
  • Bifiform (1 drop 3 times a day before or after meals (for adults), children from 1 to 3 years old 1 powder 2-3 times a day, older children 2 powders 2-3 times a day).

Therapeutic exercises

In order for the body to return to normal after a serious illness, vitamins alone will not be enough. Help improve your health physical activity, which should be very gentle.

Since the body is very weakened after illness, therapeutic exercises should begin with a small number of exercises (2-3). Begin exercise therapy systematically and steadily with breathing techniques, gradually adding physical activity.

Therapeutic exercises are aimed at restoring the formation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles (push-ups, swinging the upper abs, pull-ups without overexertion). The number of times for each type is determined by the exercise therapy instructor according to age.

It is recommended to conduct classes 2 times a day: 2 breathing techniques in the morning and 2 physical exercise. Breathing complexes strengthen the body, help increase lung volume and saturate red blood cells with oxygen.

Walks and daily routine

In addition to therapeutic exercises, leisurely daily walks in the open air in a park or forest plantation, in a coniferous forest, preferably in good weather, are included. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the entire body and improves immunity.

Leisurely walks in the fresh air strengthen the immune system

During the rehabilitation period, it is important to observe the period of sleep and wakefulness ( night sleep at least 8 hours, daily rest for 90 minutes for 60 days). It is also necessary to carry out sanitary hygiene standards(regular wet cleaning, airing the room twice a day, use a humidifier when the air is dry).

Physiotherapeutic activities

After treatment, residual effects are possible, which are expressed by a slight cough and sputum production. Inhalation and electrophoresis (with aloe extract) will help solve this problem.

For inhalations, essential oils (fir, frankincense) and herbal infusions are used to help remove accumulated mucus and relieve inflammation (in the absence of allergies). Salt mines are also shown to restore mucous membranes respiratory system.


It is prescribed when the body temperature returns to normal, even during the treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics. Massage (vibration) movements help improve lymph and blood circulation, mucus outflow, thereby improving lung function. At the same time, the back and neck area and chest are massaged.

Here it is possible to use essential oils of plants such as cypress sage, eucalyptus, pine, fir and lavender (they have bronchodilator, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties). Course – from 10 to 15 times.


One of important points in the rehabilitation of patients with pneumonia is dietary food, enriched with proteins. It is worth excluding spicy and salty dishes, smoked foods and sweets. The food is boiled or steamed.

The diet should include low-fat meats and fish, milk and lactic acid products, lots of vegetables and fruits, natural juices and fruit drinks.

In this case, there should be a moderate consumption of salt (the norm is 5 grams for adults, for children up to 9 months, salt is not added, from 1 year 6 months and up to 3 years 2 grams per day, from 7 to 10 years up to 5 g). The diet includes fractional meals, in small portions up to five times a day. Warm and plentiful drinks are also provided.

Sample menu for the day:

  1. Breakfast #1. Soft-boiled eggs - 2 pcs. Vegetable salad With vegetable oil– 100 gr. A piece of black bread. Milk 1 cup. + 1 bun.
  2. Breakfast No. 2. Rosehip decoction – 1 glass + lemon slice + 1 tsp. honey
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup (meat broth) – 250 gr. Fish fillet (steamed) – 120 gr. Mashed potatoes – 150 gr. Plum juice - 1 cup.
  4. Afternoon snack. Apple compote – 1 cup. Mandarin – 1 pc.
  5. Dinner. Curd casserole– 250 gr. Stuffed cabbage rolls with meat and rice – 250 gr. Fresh berries – 150 gr. Tea – 1 cup.
  6. Before bed. Cranberry juice (with sugar) - ½ cup.

For children, the volumes of dishes are selected according to their age category.


After suffering from pneumonia there is a specific and nonspecific prophylaxis. Specific is vaccination against many viruses that cause pneumonia.

Nonspecific prevention consists of points such as:

  • good sleep;
  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • compliance with sanitary standards;
  • regular and high-quality nutrition;
  • hardening procedures, physical exercises;
  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • sufficient stay for fresh air;
  • maintaining healthy intestinal microflora;
  • use of vitamins (course - 2 times per year).

Traditional medicine methods

For the general tone of the body, herbal tinctures (echinacea, calendula), mumiyo will be recommended.

Raisin decoction is easy to prepare. You just need to take 100 grams of raisins. and grind it. Next, pour 200 ml of water over the raisins and boil for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, cool. Strain the infusion (squeeze through cheesecloth). Take several times a day.

Pneumonia is a serious disease of viral or microbial origin, characterized by complete or partial defeat internal respiratory organs. The course of treatment lasts quite a long time, and recovery from pneumonia requires even more time and effort. This is due to significant weakening of the body after illness and the danger of developing severe consequences that can develop after an illness.

Types of pneumonia

There are three types of pneumonia - focal, parenchymal and interstitial. Staging accurate diagnosis necessary to formulate the correct course of treatment and take measures to restore the patient:

  • Focal - characterized by damage to a specific area of ​​the lung. At the same time, the remaining tissues of the organ are not damaged.
  • Parenchymatous - only the lobes of the lungs and connective tissues are affected. At running forms damage to the upper respiratory tract is observed.
  • Interstitial - inflammation develops in connective tissues, but the process does not extend to the alveoli.

Rehabilitation goals

After recovery, the patient is prescribed a number of rehabilitation measures which are aimed at:

  • Prevention and neutralization of newly formed sclerotic areas.
  • Preventing the development of tuberculosis.
  • Increasing the resistance of lung tissue to viral microorganisms.
  • Restoring normal lung volume.
  • Strengthening the immune system to prevent relapses.
  • Normalization general condition and strengthening protective function organism in specialized sanatoriums and resorts.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to regularly engage in therapeutic exercises, consume vitamin preparations, get a massage, stick to a diet. The doctor will also recommend vaccination, which will allow the development of antibodies that prevent recurrence of pneumonia.

Recovery Features

It is important to remember that treatment with antibiotics without gymnastic exercises may lead to side effects manifested by underdevelopment of the respiratory system. And carried out incorrectly rehabilitation procedures often becomes the reason that potent medications provoke the development of dysbacteriosis or hypokalemia.

In addition, improper recovery or its absence can lead to the following consequences:

  • Rapid pneumonia leads to intensive formation of dead tissue in the lungs and accumulation of fluid, pus and blood in the pulmonary alveoli. Due to pulmonary edema and destruction of the walls of the alveoli, oxygen is not absorbed properly, and the absorption of pus into the blood provokes poisoning of the body.
  • Insufficient body resistance to the inflammatory process and accumulated pus can lead to the development of acute abscess and sepsis.
  • The presence of an acute inflammatory process in the alveoli leads to an increase in temperature, which can lead to fatal outcome. Too rapid destruction of alveolar membranes leads to proliferation connective tissue and scars in the lungs, which causes a decrease in their plasticity and a deterioration in oxygen supply. Thanks to the restorative procedures carried out after inflammatory disease lungs, the formation of fibrous tissue can be prevented and it can be alleviated later life sick.
  • Due to dieback nerve cells And elevated temperature The activity of the nervous system may be disrupted.

How to recover from pneumonia

Rehabilitation after pneumonia in adults includes two stages:

  1. First of all, measures are being taken to neutralize the acute inflammatory process and minimize the course of the disease. If the patient has no complications, the first stage of rehabilitation lasts about 12-15 days. During this period, antibiotics are used, the action of which is aimed at combating the causative virus. Rehabilitation measures are carried out in a hospital.
  2. The second stage of rehabilitation includes recovery at a resort, sanatorium or at home. In the latter case, the patient is under the supervision of the attending physician. This stage should also include a strict diet and therapeutic exercises aimed at restoring lung function.

How long does it take for the body to recover?

The duration of recovery of the body depends on the type of disease suffered, the severity of its course and the individual characteristics of the human body.

Scars that form on the lungs after pneumonia can periodically provoke inflammation of the organ. Therefore, proper recovery will help minimize the traumatic impact of the disease.

Recovery of the body occurs gradually. Sometimes the rehabilitation period lasts more than 3 months.


After all the symptoms of the disease have completely disappeared, the patient can begin to perform simple breathing exercises, which over time should be replaced with gentle training. It should be remembered that patients must physically work in recovery period prohibited.

Exercises are performed twice a day. It is advisable to do two in the morning breathing exercises, and in the evening - two simple physical exercises. To distribute the load evenly, it is important to periodically replace the exercises with new ones.

Breathing exercises

  • Inhale as strongly as possible and, holding the air, count to ten and exhale.
  • Inhale the air in jerks without exhaling.
  • Take alternate shallow breaths and one exhale. Then, after holding your breath for 5 seconds, exhale.
  • Sit on a chair and lean against its back. In this position, alternate between quick deep breaths and exhalations.


  • With your feet shoulder-width apart, bend to the right and left side. Do 10 approaches.
  • In the same position, bend forward without bending your legs and reaching your toes to the floor. Repeat 10 times.
  • Stand up straight and twist your body in each direction 10 times.
  • Lie on your back and pull your legs towards your chest. Do 10-15 approaches.

It is also useful to inflate balloons and go for short runs. The latter can be replaced by brisk walking.

When can you exercise after pneumonia?

People who are used to leading active image life and regularly play sports, they strive to resume training immediately after recovery. However, after pneumonia, this should absolutely not be done immediately.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the patient’s condition and the presence of complications, it will be possible to engage in sports without high loads only after 3-6 months. Until this time, only simple gymnastic exercises are allowed.


Physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out both at home and in a hospital setting. Good effect provide inhalations and electrophoresis using aloe. To perform inhalations at home you can use soda solution, essential oil frankincense or fir oil. These components help not only cleanse mucus and phlegm, but also eliminate inflammation.

Physiotherapy allows you to eliminate clots of sputum and mucus from the bronchi and alveoli. Its accumulation can lead to the proliferation of connective tissue.

Traditional methods

Treatment with folk remedies, which is used as an addition to the main therapy, has a good effect. Before using medications self-cooking, you should consult your doctor. He will determine whether they can be combined with antibiotic drugs whether the patient is allergic to the medicinal plant used:

  • Wraps with garlic ointment. To prepare the ointment, you will need to grind the garlic until mushy and mix it with goose fat in equal proportions. The resulting product is used for rubbing the back and chest. After rubbing, you need to wrap your body with a warm, wide scarf.
  • Decoctions and infusions of herbs. Many medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory, antitussive and thinning effects, and also help improve immunity. Therefore, after pneumonia and during its treatment, it is useful to use infusions and decoctions of chamomile, calendula, ginseng, and St. John's wort.
  • A mixture of garlic and cahors. This tool facilitates and accelerates the process of mucus discharge and restores the alveoli. To prepare the medicine, Cahors is mixed with garlic pulp. The resulting mixture is consumed three times a day.
  • Propolis. Daily resorption of propolis allows you to quickly restore lung tissue.
  • Inhalations with fir oil. Fir is an excellent remedy, allowing for short terms dissolve accumulated mucus in the lungs. To prepare a solution for inhalation, fir oil should be poured with boiling water and left for three days.

Folk medicine also includes natural fruit drinks, compotes, and berry juices. Such drinks allow you to saturate your body with vitamins and useful substances, which improves the functioning of the immune system and has a general strengthening effect on the body. The number of drinks consumed may not be limited, since during pneumonia and during the rehabilitation period they help improve the discharge of mucus.

Proper nutrition

If you have pneumonia, you should choose foods that contain all necessary substances, and at the same time do not overload the body. You need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, natural juices and compotes, lean chicken and fish, dairy products, broths, honey, jam, cereals.

According to the recommendation of some doctors, during recovery it is useful to drink a little red wine every day - it perfectly eliminates the feeling of weakness and increases strength. However, it should be borne in mind that wine should not be consumed while taking antibiotics, as this can lead to the development unpleasant problems with health.

It is also necessary to drink plenty of fluids every day - it effectively removes toxins that have accumulated during illness.

Spa treatment

30 days after the patient has fully recovered, the doctor may recommend undergoing a rehabilitation course at a seaside or mountain resort. The most optimal regions for recovery after of this disease sanatoriums in Vladivostok, Crimea, the Caucasus, the Dead, Red or Mediterranean seas, as well as sanatoriums located in the Alps or mountainous Switzerland are considered.

Sanatoriums that have salt mines are especially useful for patients, as they perfectly restore lung tissue and suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In sanatoriums, patients are prescribed a whole range of treatment and preventive procedures, which include:

  • Physiotherapy and massage.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Psychotherapeutic sessions.
  • Wraps using paraffin and ozokerite.
  • Galvanization with drugs.
  • Electrical stimulation of the diaphragm.
  • Procedures with infrared radiation.

Prevention of pneumonia in adults

Such measures include:

  • Hardening.
  • Regular breathing exercises.
  • Timely elimination of foci of inflammation in the body.
  • Massage.
  • Avoid contact with sick people.

It is also necessary to protect the body from hypothermia, avoid stressful situations and take measures that will strengthen protective forces body. It is recommended to take complex vitamins after pneumonia for several months. And exclude salted, fried, smoked and other foods from the diet harmful products better for a whole year after the illness.


Maria Bogatyreva

Pneumonia often develops against the background of a decreased immune response, at a time when the body cannot fight back pathogenic microorganisms. With low and weakened immunity, the disease is long and difficult.

In addition, treatment of pneumonia in adults is mainly carried out with the help of antibiotics, which inhibit the growth of beneficial intestinal microorganisms and other biotopes that play a dominant role in the formation of the immune response.

And the rehabilitation period is accompanied by the intake of vitamins and agents that stimulate and modulate the immune system.


In order to prevent the development of pneumonia and speed up the healing process, the body must receive the following vitamins:

In order to prevent the development of the disease, one should focus on antioxidants And omega 3 acids. After suffering from pneumonia, vitamins B and D will become useful. They reduce the number of beneficial intestinal flora that produce vitamin B, so it is necessary to replenish their supply with synthetic means.

The most relevant microelements that contribute to both the prevention of pneumonia and recovery from illness include selenium, iron, zinc. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, iron will restore normal hemoglobin levels, and zinc will accelerate tissue regeneration. Besides, potassium will support the work of the heart, which is important after complicated pneumonia.

No less important is the introduction into the body nicotinic acid(PP or B3). This substance actively stimulates cellular metabolism and also regulates bone marrow function, which is disrupted after treatment with antibiotics. After long-term treatment with antibiotics, it is necessary to take folic acid(B9).

Vitamins are biologically active substances, cofactors of vital biochemical reactions. But during an acute infectious process, the acceleration of certain cellular chemical reactions can lead to a potentiation of the inflammatory response.

The tissue reaction can manifest itself in the form of swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, an allergic reaction. Taking vitamins and other medications (antibiotics, glucocorticoids, anti-inflammatory drugs) significantly increases the load on the liver.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

The most popular vitamin and mineral complexes used for prevention and rehabilitation after pneumonia are:


To restore and optimize the body's immune forces, special medications are used, which are called immunostimulants And immunomodulators. They are taken to prevent complications of viral respiratory diseases and for the treatment of chronic pathologies that often recur. The drugs normalize the functioning of the immune system.

Stimulants activate and strengthen mainly the cellular component of immunity. This leads to an increase in the number of immunocompetent cells, a rapid reaction of macrophages, lymphocytes in response to the introduction of microorganisms. These remedies are more relevant for frequent viral infections, which can be complicated by pneumonia.

Modulators are means that regulate immunity, that is, they balance the work of the cellular and humoral components. The number of cells responsible for the immune response does not increase, but their functions are normalized. Preferred for use in cases of frequent bacterial infections.

Important! For treatment in children, immunostimulants should be used with extreme caution, as they can give impetus to the development of autoimmune pathologies. If treatment with these drugs is necessary, the therapy process should be carefully monitored by a pediatrician.

Immunomodulators and stimulants can be:

  • natural, obtained from animal organs or human tissues (interferons, thymus preparations);
  • artificial.

Popular drugs

Modulators immunity is prescribed to prevent the development of complications in frequent infectious diseases, for example, chronic bronchitis, its obstructive form, sinusitis, a history of pneumonia, and so on. The most popular drugs from this group include:

Stimulants immunity are prescribed only by a doctor. The following drugs are widely used in the treatment of lung diseases:

  1. Lycopid. This is a powerful remedy that is used for tuberculosis and chronic respiratory diseases. The drug promotes the proliferation of lymphocytes and activates the production of antibodies.
  2. Derinat, Akavia– stimulants based on DNA and RNA molecules. They have pronounced healing and anti-inflammatory properties and activate all parts of the immune system. Relevant for long-term pneumonia, tuberculosis, obstructive disease.
  3. Immunal– a stimulant made from echinacea. Used to prevent influenza and its complications, including pneumonia.

To prevent the development of viral pneumonia during the cold season, antiviral agents are used: Arbidol, Kagocel.

Drugs can be produced in various forms, among which any patient can choose the most convenient one for themselves:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • candles;
  • injections.


Immunomodulators, and especially stimulants, may have contraindications, they are recommended to be prescribed with caution in the following cases:

  • when planning pregnancy;
  • when carrying a baby;
  • during the lactation period;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • elderly patients;
  • patients with endocrinological pathologies.

It is impossible to take such drugs uncontrollably and for a long time; self-medication is excluded.

Attention! Prescribing drugs that affect the immune system involves analyzing the functioning of one’s own immunity by donating blood for cellular and humoral indicators. An immunologist and infectious disease specialist will help you understand the causes of decreased immune strength and frequent colds.


Frequent chronic infectious diseases and complications of viral infections often require drug intervention to protect the respiratory system. The modern pharmaceutical industry makes it possible to cope with bronchitis, pneumonia and their consequences with the help of drugs that stimulate or modulate the immune system. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor.

Pneumonia refers to serious illnesses, fraught with consequences for the body that affect throughout life. Strengthening the immune system after pneumonia in children and adults will help minimize recurrent inflammatory processes, restore the health of the respiratory system. During treatment of pneumonia with antibiotics, the protective mechanism is weakened, since the drugs kill beneficial intestinal microflora, which reduces local immunity and negatively affects the entire immune system.

You need to know what will strengthen your lungs and increase resistance destructive action pneumonia, will restore immunity. There are many recommended measures in the treatment of the disease, efficient algorithm treatment, rehabilitation of a child and an adult after pneumonia is developed by a doctor. The scheme includes a list medicines, folk remedies, physiotherapy methods, gymnastics, massage to restore strength and immunity. By following the recommendations of doctors, you will quickly and safely overcome the recovery period from pneumonia, and in the future maintain the health of your respiratory system.

The state of the immune system after pneumonia is characterized pathological changes:

  1. General weakness body and increased susceptibility to various diseases.
  2. Decreased immune response to antigens.
  3. Bronchopulmonary defense mechanism is switched off due to illness.
  4. The body contains large number free radicals.

These factors are complemented negative consequences reception antibacterial agents, promoting the development of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, fungal infections begin to develop, viral infections, there is an imbalance of intestinal microflora. That is, a complex of problems develops that require a combination of treatment methods. They must be completed within 5 months, which are allotted for monitoring the patient after pneumonia. The adult and child who have recovered from the disease need to restore their immunity, allowing the body to return to healthy functionality.

Doctors identify the following progressive stages of rehabilitation of a patient after pneumonia.

  1. Initially, the focus is on destroying the pathogen.
  2. Then they move on to methods of regenerating damaged tissues of the lungs and bronchi.
  3. Prevention of complications of pneumonia.
  4. Restoring and strengthening the immune system.

The rehabilitation period begins in a hospital and continues at home or in a sanatorium.

Is it worth getting vaccinated?

Vaccination against pneumococcal infection- the best option for disease prevention. It is done for children, and at the request of adults. The vaccine is effective against meningitis, ENT diseases of a bacterial nature, infectious myocarditis, arthritis, erysipelas, and sepsis.

The antibodies produced when the vaccine is administered pose a barrier to the listed ailments, and the immune system is prepared to fight infectious agents. But vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee against the disease. It is useful in that it reduces the risk of contracting pneumonia and other diseases caused by pneumococcus, and also helps alleviate the disease and reduce the risk of possible complications.

For your information! Vaccinated children suffer from bronchitis 4 times less often than unvaccinated children. bronchial asthma, as a complication of pneumonia, occurs 7 times less often.

The conclusion is clear. You need to get vaccinated, but before that you should consult a therapist or pulmonologist. A vaccine against pneumonia can cause an unpredictable response from the body in people with immunodeficiency, and a reaction to the components of the drug in people with allergies.

Recovery after pneumonia in children

Children's immunity is at greater risk than that of adults. This is due to the formation of a protective mechanism, which continues after birth. Residual effects of pneumonia in childhood flow more severely. This is bronchitis, dysbacteriosis, asthenic syndrome. To alleviate the condition and prevent consequences, children are given comprehensive rehabilitation. Recovery stages children's immunity are:

  • bed rest;
  • therapeutic exercises from statistical to dynamic exercises;
  • chest massage;
  • breathing training;
  • free recreational complex, including physical education and recreational activities.

Each of their methods improves immunity and helps restore strength. Increased loads are allowed on the recommendation of a doctor.

Strengthening the immune system after pneumonia

Bringing the protective organism to the state it was before the disease allows healthy image life.

  • Balanced diet with preference healthy food without overusing sweets and fried foods.
  • Drinking plenty of water daily norm at least 1 liter of water plus compotes and other drinks.
  • Staying in the fresh air for up to three hours a day.
  • Adults exclude bad habits- alcohol, smoking.
  • Maintaining a sleep and rest schedule.
  • Ensuring wet cleaning and ventilation in the apartment.

Physical education, breathing exercises, massage

Complexes for restoring immunity for survivors of pneumonia were developed by physiotherapists. They are suitable for many, but remember that the attending physician adjusts the load according to the patient’s well-being. Take a consultation and start support with the following exercises:

  1. sit on a chair and begin to breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling with your arms out to the sides;
  2. start walking in place to speed up blood flow;
  3. turn your head left and right while simultaneously rising on your toes;
  4. bending towards the toes without bending the knees;
  5. We finish by walking with deep breathing.

The complex is suitable for adults, as well as children from three years. For doing exercises with children infancy it is necessary to spread their arms, raise their legs, stimulating breathing.

Breathing training begins with holding your breath for a few seconds. The delay time increases every day. Do up to 15 such inhalations and exhalations at a time. This exercise increases lung capacity. Breathing with delays should be repeated up to 10-12 times a day. If you learn to hold your exhalation for 1 minute, it will be good result to strengthen the immune system after pneumonia.

Massage with a cup is therapeutic and preventive. It promotes increased blood circulation and prevents relapses of the disease. The massage technique involves creating a vacuum in a jar with a burning cotton wick and moving the attached jar along the back. The direction of movement is near the line of the spine, around the shoulder blades, along the sternum from the sides. This type of massage prevents intercostal neuralgia.


The immunodeficiency formed during the illness helps to eliminate proper nutrition. The body is tired of fighting pneumonia, it needs quality nutrition. Therefore, eat enough proteins found in meat, eggs, legumes, and mushrooms. Energy will be replenished with carbohydrates from fruits and berries.

Give preference vegetable fats, eat nuts, cook with olive oil, sunflower oil, small amounts are allowed butter. Don't give up cereals and wholemeal bread. These are products containing fiber, which helps improve digestion and, therefore, strengthen local immunity weakened by pulmonary inflammation and antibiotic use.

To replenish microelements, you need to eat seafood, fish, vegetables, and herbs. Vitamin deficiency is compensated for by berries, fruits, and vegetables.

Folk ways to strengthen the body

At home, decoctions are used to strengthen the immune system after pneumonia medicinal herbs- St. John's wort, linden, calendula, chamomile, rose hips. They make compotes from dried fruits and jelly from fresh fruits, squeeze out juices, and make fruit drinks from berries.

The body receives microelements from honey; propolis tincture and bee venom are useful. You let the bees into your arms and let them bite you. The treatment regimen for stings is one bee on the first day, then a sting is added for another four days. Then there is a reduction in doses bee venom in reverse order. People say that 10 days and 30 bees help maintain immunity throughout the year.

Prepare delicious food for children vitamin mixture from prunes, dried apricots, lemon, nuts on a honey base. Let the kids eat a teaspoon of treats every morning. This will restore the immunity of those who have had pneumonia.

Physiotherapy and other rehabilitation methods

Restore immune system After pneumonia it’s difficult without physiotherapy. They are prescribed to enhance the effect of drugs, as well as as an additional therapeutic effect.

  1. Inhalation using a nebulizer that sprays microparticles medicinal compositions into the lungs.
  2. Hardware technologies - UHF, magnetic, laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation.
  3. Oxygen therapy using a mask.
  4. Salt caves - speleotherapy.

Sanatorium-resort treatment helps restore the functions of the respiratory system and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease. Resorts for the treatment of those who have recovered from pneumonia are located in the Caucasus, Crimea, and Altai.

Drug rehabilitation

The immunomodulatory program is developed by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics and severity of the pneumonia. Taking the antibiotic Cephalexin for pneumonia is recommended for adults, children, and the elderly. This is the medicine wide range actions with the least side effects. Its effect on the immune system is negligible, so it is better to treat pneumonia with drugs of this series (Cefazolin, Cephalex, Keflex).

Asparkam and Linex help restore microflora and eliminate the consequences of pneumonia. Immunomodulators effective for restoring immunity are:

  • Viferon, Interferon;
  • Amiksin, Arbidol;
  • Timalin, Visolen;
  • Levamisole, Lykopid.

Attention! Drug support for immunity should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. Prescribing medications on your own means harming your health.

Conclusion. Those who have had pneumonia need to constantly support their immune system. The consequences of the disease appear after several years. Take care of your health, do not let your body weaken. This can only be done by taking care of the immune system.