The effect of alcoholic drinks on the heart and blood vessels. Heart rhythm disturbances

There are many misconceptions about the effects of alcohol on the heart, and some claim that moderate alcohol consumption is even beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The influence of alcohol contributes to the development of dangerous heart diseases such as hypertension, ischemia, heart attack and failure, and therefore alcohol cannot be beneficial.

Alcohol affects the heart not only on its own, but also in the form of toxic impurities and additives in some drinks. For example, energy cocktails popular among young people contain substances that can damage the heart and other organs.

You can significantly reduce or even eliminate the risk heart attack And cardiovascular diseases, observing healthy image life.


Risk factors for heart attack

Today we know that there are several factors that contribute to heart and blood vessel disease. Some of them we cannot influence in any way (heredity, gender and age).

The occurrence of cardiovascular diseases depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Every negative factor contributes to the formation of these diseases.

A number of factors have been scientifically established that most contribute to the occurrence of heart disease.

Risk factors that we cannot control:

  • age;
  • heredity.

Factors influencing cardiovascular vascular system:

  • ecology (polluted air, elevated background radiation);
  • smoking;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • overweight (obesity);
  • regular stress, noise;
  • psycho-emotional stress, fast pace of life;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • high cholesterol;
  • frequent use of medications;
  • physical inactivity;
  • excessive alcohol consumption.

The effect of alcohol on the human heart

Alcohol toxin is a cellular poison because it seeps into cellular structures and destroys them. Alcohol also leads to increased blood pressure, which also has an adverse effect on the cardiovascular system. Even after a single use, alcohol provokes a disruption in cardiac activity that lasts for several days, and during the 7-hour period after alcohol, the heart even functions under excessive load.

Pulsation becomes more frequent, and the nutrition of the myocardium is disrupted, the elements of the capillary network narrow and burst due to blood thickening. Such processes often manifest themselves externally: for example, a red nose is a fairly common sign of an alcoholic. The blood supply to the myocardium is also disrupted, which provokes the development of cardiac hypoxia.

With each consumption of alcohol, such processes become more and more difficult, taking chronic form. As a result, the drinker develops constant shortness of breath, tachycardia, cardialgia, which is accompanied by vascular atherosclerosis, as well as arterial hypertension. The result of such pathological disorders is myocardial failure, which often leads to the death of not yet old men of 40-45 years of age.

Is there any benefit to alcohol for the heart?

At times, some patients suffering from various arrhythmic lesions experience an improvement in their condition after drinking alcohol, which manifests itself:

  1. Improving general well-being;
  2. Decline in pathological activity.

This phenomenon does not last long and is explained by the property of alcohol to restrain foci of ectopia and sinoatrial activity. A temporary decrease in arrhythmic symptoms most often occurs with ventricular arrhythmia. During alcohol breakdown, arrhythmogenic substances are released, which will subsequently only aggravate the course of the arrhythmia.

  • at times, such heart pain is typical for a heart attack, then the painful symptoms are compressive and increasing in nature, often not going away even within an hour;
  • Pain in the heart can occur during an angina attack, which usually lasts no more than half an hour. The pain seems to compress the heart muscle, radiating to the shoulder area and left arm;
  • Cardialgia may indicate the development of chronic heart failure, which is often found in young people. In this case, the patient is concerned about shortness of breath, chest pressing pain, arrhythmic manifestations and dizziness.

Heart disease caused by alcohol

Under the influence of alcohol, coronary vascular tone is disrupted, which leads to disruptions in the distribution of magnesium and calcium elements. This explains the occurrence of cardialgia, which often ends in arrhythmias, ischemia, heart attack, hypertension, dystrophic changes. Alcohol-induced damage to the myocardium and vascular system develops under the influence of acetaldehyde, a toxic alcoholic product that leads to profound physical, chemical and structural organic damage.

The influence of alcohol contributes to the development of dangerous heart diseases such as hypertension, ischemia, heart attack and failure, and therefore alcohol cannot be beneficial.

As a result of systematic alcohol abuse, myocardial functionality decreases significantly. A similar factor causes massive swelling of cardiac cellular structures. As a result, the structure of the heart fibers is disrupted, the membranes of myocardial cells are destroyed, etc. Alcoholism provokes excessive ventricular excitability and blocks the conduction of the heart. In the future, these disorders lead to the development of vascular atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Subsequently, people dependent on alcohol have elevated blood pressure. As a result, the load on cardiac activity increases significantly, which leads to the formation alcoholic heart or cardiomyopathy of alcohol origin. This phenomenon received this name because appearance organ:

  1. The heart cavities become enlarged;
  2. The heart itself also enlarges due to connective tissue growths.

If, when such a pathology is detected, the patient stops drinking strong drinks, then myocardial poisoning by alcoholic toxins stops. With continued alcohol abuse, a decompensatory syndrome is formed, in which the rate and strength of myocardial contractions is significantly reduced, and myocardial failure develops. This condition can no longer be eliminated, because it is irreversible.

Alcohol dependence provokes the development of numerous cardiovascular changes and accelerates the onset of coronary disease. The negative impact of alcoholic beverages on the myocardium and vascular system is difficult to overestimate. Sometimes this effect is increased due to toxic impurities contained in alcoholic products. In canned beer, for example, there are cobalt impurities that act as preservatives. If you constantly drink such drinks, cobalt will begin to accumulate in the tissues of the body and will have an intense toxic effect.

Alcohol and heart disease

Unfortunately, today there are relatively few convinced abstainers among the population, and even the presence of heart disease, for which it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, does not prevent them from drinking alcohol. Even in relatively healthy patients, regular alcohol abuse causes the development of serious pathological conditions of the heart and other organs.

Persons who already have cardiovascular pathologies, you should seriously fear for your life if they continue to abuse alcohol even with such a diagnosis. Already 20-50 ml. The purest alcohol has a negative impact on the patient’s heart condition in all respects. Regular drinking alcoholic drinks calls:

  • rise blood pressure, since alcohol reduces efficiency antihypertensive drugs, then the probability of development hypertensive crisis increases significantly;
  • the risk of hospitalization due to myocardial ischemia increases, which begins to rapidly progress, becomes more aggressive and is accompanied by severe complications;
  • the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke increases in ischemic patients;
  • development of many concomitant pathologies that worsen the course of the main heart disease;
  • sudden death of the patient due to exacerbation of the disease.

Therefore, drinking alcohol is unacceptable in the presence of pathological disorders of the cardiovascular system. If the patient suffers from persistent alcohol dependence, then he needs to undergo appropriate treatment for alcoholic cardiomyopathy.


The main requirement for the patient is a complete abstinence from alcohol, therefore, not only a cardiologist, but also a narcologist takes part in the treatment of cardiomyopathy of alcohol origin. Duration of therapy pathological condition may be months, and difficult cases years, because the myocardium takes a very long time to recover after alcohol damage.

A serious correction of the diet is necessary, its enrichment with vitamins and proteins, which are usually lacking in alcoholic cardiomyopathy. This pathology accompanied by damage to others internal organs like liver, kidneys, respiratory system, therefore, the therapy is versatile and is aimed at restoring all affected organs.

  • if there is alcoholic heart syndrome, adrenergic blockers are prescribed, and daily dose increase gradually, these drugs help stop the enlargement of the heart and even help reduce it;
  • Cardiac glycosides, diuretics and antiarrhythmics are also prescribed;
  • protein deficiency is compensated by taking amino acids and anabolic steroids;
  • For metabolic recovery, drugs like Trimetazidine, Phosphocreatine, Levocarnitine are indicated.

If the alcoholic heart is accompanied by serious lesions, then drastic methods of an operational nature are used. But such operations are performed quite rarely and in the presence of exceptional indications.

The effect of alcohol on the heart is extremely negative and even dangerous, since the heart is the main circulatory organ in human body Therefore, if ethanol gets into the blood, it is the heart that takes the hit first. According to statistics, over 1/3 of deaths caused by heart disease are caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Within five to seven hours, when the ingested ethyl alcohol circulates inside the body, the functioning of the heart is impaired.

Effects of alcohol consumption on the heart

The heart rate increases to 100, metabolism is disrupted, including the nutrition of the heart muscle. When blood containing alcohol is distilled, the work of the heart becomes intensified, the load placed on this organ increases many times over, therefore, with alcohol intoxication, the heartbeat quickens, blood circulation is impaired, and the blood pressure, this leads to the destruction of small vessels and the most obvious manifestation of this is the red color of the nose in people who drink frequently, as well as redness of the whites of the eyes, usually in the morning after drinking alcohol. Representing a cellular poison with a direct effect, ethanol affects the heart cells and increases blood pressure (in the case of even a single dose - for several days), poisons the nervous system.

Excess fat accumulates in the heart muscle, which leads to degeneration of the muscle, which becomes more flabby, as a result of which the heart performs its job worse. The result is atherosclerosis, as well as hypertension.

When drinking alcohol in each case, the likelihood of cardiomyopathy, as well as cardiac arrhythmia, greatly increases. Reliable evidence has been obtained of a direct link between alcohol and coronary death and heart attack. A study was conducted in emergency rooms regarding atrial fibrillation, which is a type of cardiac arrhythmia. The results of this study definitely indicate that ethyl alcohol caused 2/3 of all cases of this arrhythmia.

The studies described above indicate a direct connection between the amount of alcohol consumed and the likelihood of developing heart disease and attacks. Absolutely no limit has been identified for the rational consumption of alcoholic beverages, up to which the likelihood of heart disease would be completely absent. Any dose of alcohol has a negative effect on the heart.

Medical sources use the concept of “alcoholic heart.” This syndrome, also known as cardiomyopathy, sometimes appears with a short history of alcohol abuse.

Causes of the negative effects of alcohol on the heart

There are several known causes of “alcoholic heart” (alcoholic cardiomyopathy).

The first is the toxic effect of alcohol, as well as its metabolic products, on the heart muscle.

The second reason is disruption of the heart due to a deficiency in protein production. Their synthesis is disrupted due to the effects of alcohol on the liver. A person who drinks alcohol greatly reduces the absorption of vitamins belonging to group B, which play an extremely important role for proper cardiac function.

Heart pain is inextricably linked with recent alcohol consumption. It often appears the very next day after drinking alcohol. In the morning after drinking, in some cases, there are heart beats, shortness of breath, fear of death, dizziness, increased secretion sweat. Some people who drink alcohol suffer from swelling of the legs. All of these signs indicate heart failure.

When examining the heart drinking man In almost 100% of cases, it detects an increase in the thickness of the walls, as well as an increase in the width of the heart cavities, and arrhythmias are recorded - heart rhythm disorders.

Treatment of heart pathologies caused by alcohol is a complex task. The heart muscle has its own biochemical memory - with specific alcoholic influences, arrhythmias occur again and again. Collateral effective treatment heart abnormalities caused by alcohol is an absolute abstinence from alcohol.

Ways alcohol affects the heart

Alcoholic drinks affect this organ 3rd in different ways. These include the effects of ethanol itself, as well as its breakdown products, which are toxins, the influence of vitamin B1 deficiency and the influence of additives contained in alcoholic beverages (previously, for example, cobalt chloride was added to beer as a foam stabilizer, it caused severe harm to the heart, leading to cobalt cardiomyopathy).

Ethanol, in addition to its effect on the myocardium itself, leads to a change in vascular tone with the distribution of ions throughout the cardiac tissues. The latter is a very important aspect of the proper functioning of the heart. When the ion balance is disturbed, this creates a risk of arrhythmia. Due to the constant intake of alcohol in the heart muscle, the development of dystrophy of cardiac muscle cells occurs, while growth around the blood vessels connective tissue. Its layer around the vessel, acting as an additional “waterproofing”, prevents oxygen from entering the vessel and nutrients, which are dissolved in the blood. In such a situation, the heart muscle cells work at the limit of their capabilities. When there is a deficiency of oxygen in biological tissues, ischemia occurs. Some myocardial cells die, and connective tissue grows in their place. As a result, it turns out that the number of heart cells decreases, as does their ability to contract rhythmically.

In the case of drinking alcohol in the presence of such cardiac disorders, all pathological processes intensify, in particular, arrhythmic contraction and ischemia. In this case, the risk of transition from ischemia to infarction and the transition of arrhythmic individual contractions to lethal forms of arrhythmia increases.

Of course, not every person who drinks alcohol dies due to cardiac arrest. However, damage to this organ occurs in 54% of people who regularly drink alcohol. Of course, this is far from 100%, but still the majority. The likelihood of a fatal arrhythmia when drinking alcoholic beverages doubles, and if there is any heart disease at the same time, it increases threefold.

Alcohol leads to heart disease in quite a few early age- usually from the age of 35, people who constantly abuse alcohol experience symptoms hypertension, interruptions in cardiac function, discomfort in the heart area, since due to the effects of ethanol, this organ is significantly weakened, becoming covered with fat, therefore it becomes increasingly difficult to continuously circulate blood, this leads to heart attacks and strokes, often causing early death. Cardiologists in the United States use the term "spring" heart, indicating that disturbances are often observed after the holidays. The question of safer and more dangerous doses of alcoholic beverages remains unresolved.

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Alcohol consumed regularly by a person in any case affects blood vessels. At the same time, there are quite a lot of opinions, even in the professional medical environment, regarding the negative or positive influence ethanol in this context.

How does alcohol affect the heart and blood vessels? How serious are they? negative consequences for the body as a whole? How to reduce potential harm? You will read about this and much more in our article.

The effect of alcohol on human blood vessels

Fans of alcoholic beverages and ardent opponents are interested in the answer to this question: does alcohol narrow or dilate blood vessels? Numerous studies often show contradictory results, as a result of which even experienced professionals are not always able to clearly define the line between the potential benefits and harms of drinking alcohol for medicinal or recreational purposes.

How are things really going? The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. The process of direct influence of ethanol on blood vessels depends primarily on the dose of alcohol taken, the individual state of health of the person, as well as entry level blood pressure in the resting phase.

One interesting fact is worth noting. Despite what many people think individual species alcoholic products are more beneficial for blood vessels, in fact this is not the case.

Naturally, high quality and natural product, for example, good red wine or expensive vodka in this context are more preferable than low-alcohol drinks of dubious quality, which may contain various dyes, low-quality industrial alcohol, preservatives and other little-known components.

However, after oral ingestion of any alcoholic beverage, pure ethanol enters the bloodstream. It is he who affects the systemic blood flow, penetrates into soft fabrics and the brain. The remaining ingredients continue to be processed by the stomach and metabolized by the liver, kidneys, and are also excreted unchanged.

What does science say about the mutual dependence of alcohol and vascular tone? The specific effect of alcohol on the human heart and blood vessels occurs as follows. Immediately after ethanol enters the blood, the vessels temporarily become dilated, mainly arteries and arterioles. The total duration of an effect of this kind varies widely and lasts from a couple of minutes to several hours, since it depends on huge amount factors, including external weather conditions.

After partial metabolism of alcohol has passed, the body’s cardiovascular system launches self-regulation processes aimed at restoring the primary normal level pressure and pulse. In this situation, a so-called reflex spasm is formed, which is a fairly rapid narrowing of blood vessels. In most cases the process feedback more pronounced than the primary expansion under the influence of ethanol.

How can alcohol be beneficial for blood vessels? Numerous worldwide studies in the context of the effect of ethanol on the human body as a whole indicate that the use of strictly limited small doses of products can cause additional component complex prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

What are the boundary standards? Modern doctors have generally agreed that the optimal dose is one milliliter of pure ethanol per kilogram of adult body weight. Based on these data, it is possible to more or less clearly determine relatively safe standards for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

There will be no harm to the body if you drink once every few days 50 ml of vodka, 330 ml of beer, one glass of dry red wine, or 30 ml of pure 90 percent alcohol (not together, but any of the proposed drinks).

As you can see, the above-mentioned standards are very modest and in the vast majority of cases people exceed the recommended dosages, sometimes tens of times.

What happens to blood vessels with constant alcohol consumption: consequences and complications

Frequent excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverages can cause a number of pathological consequences for the body, both short-term and long-term. The most common problems:

  • Increased heart rate. Excessive alcohol consumption becomes main reason development of tachycardia, which in turn can become hazardous factors potential development of myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • Pathological increase in blood pressure. It is well known that when drinking alcohol, the blood vessels first expand, then sharply narrow. In case chronic alcoholism such fluctuations have a clear negative effect on the heart and blood vessels in general. So in some patients it is constantly observed increased level blood pressure, and hypertension also develops;
  • Heart rhythm disturbance. Toxic damage to peripheral vessels can also spread to the main veins and arteries. In parallel with this process, the formation of pathology of the main cardiac muscle occurs with the development of atrial fibrillation, congestive processes and a significant increase in the risk of thromboembolism.
You might be interested... Complex pathological process the development of problems with blood vessels, as mentioned above, begins with peripheral circulatory system, however, gradually affects large blood vessels. Often microthrombosis vascular network reduce muscle tone and disrupt innervation, which in turn leads to a decrease in the flexibility of the circulatory system as a whole, as well as its ability to respond to changes in various conditions, including external ones.

How to reduce harm from alcoholic drinks?

This question worries many people who cannot, for some reason, completely stop drinking alcohol, but understand the danger it poses to the cardiovascular system as a whole. Top tip It sounds banal, but quite simple and clear. You need to drink less.

In any endeavor there must be a measure, and this is especially true regular use alcoholic drinks. The optimal, of course, would be to drink alcoholic beverages within the established recommended standards, but from a practical point of view, this is almost impossible to do. In any case, try to limit the amount of alcohol you put into your body.

It is advisable to choose the highest quality products, without any foreign impurities or alcohol of unknown origin, and it is best to purchase products with only one component, for example, vodka, wine, cognac, and of the highest possible quality.

Don't forget to eat well and especially do not drink alcohol at the same time as medicinal substances and other components that can enhance the toxic effect of ethanol on human organs and systems (carefully read the instructions and labels for purchased products).

Those people who do not drink alcohol at all are advised not to start doing so. Based on the observations of American specialists, there is quite a high level mortality among those who drank alcohol in moderation.

It has been established that abstainers suffer much less often than those people who drink alcohol in moderation.

Many experts are critical of the benefits of red wine for the cardiovascular system. Direct comparisons between studies are lacking. Thus, it is impossible to say that alcohol has some beneficial, protective properties for the body. The effect of alcohol on the heart cannot be positive. Red wine contains a certain amount of antioxidants - this is one of the reasons why the drink is classified as healthy. Eating foods that contain antioxidants does not reduce mortality. The most common is vitamin E. The likelihood of a heart attack when consuming it also remains. If the body urgently needs antioxidants, they can easily be obtained from berries, fruits and some vegetables. Red wine is still alcoholic drink. About the dangers of alcohol for the heart we'll talk further. It is important to know the consequences of drinking too much alcohol.

The effect of alcohol on the heart: experiments conducted and their results

Research on this topic is often carried out in the USA. It is important to understand how alcohol affects the heart; can the effect really be positive? The goal of one of the studies was to identify the benefits of alcohol for the human heart. Experts conducted about 54 studies, the results of which showed that only 7 of them were carried out without errors. The result of the analysis, which was carried out without error, is this: the mortality rate of abstainers is approximately the same as the mortality rate of moderate drinking people, however, in the latter, the activity of the heart is significantly impaired during life.

The effect of alcohol on the heart provokes a certain number of diseases that develop as a result of its consumption. First of all, it must be emphasized that the effect of alcohol on the heart is truly poisonous. He is capable of the shortest possible time destroy muscle cells. If it doesn't happen complete destruction, it is important to remember that they are still partially damaged. Alcohol products can significantly increase blood pressure. The heart of an alcoholic is difficult to treat in the future.

After a person has taken a certain dose of alcohol, his heart cannot function fully for 7 hours. An alcoholic's heart is weak, a person's pulse may be rapid, it can be 95-100 beats per minute. Metabolism and nervous system are also disturbed, the heart and blood vessels are stressed, muscle nutrition is poor. It is also important to know that alcohol disrupts blood circulation in the capillaries, the vessels shrink, thicken, and burst. A person may experience oxygen starvation. The effect of alcohol on the heart is destructive.

After drinking alcohol, the heart muscle accumulates large number fat, moreover, it loses its former appearance and becomes flabby. Negative influence alcohol for the heart is undeniable: such drinks significantly disrupt its functioning. As a result long-term use Alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis and hypertension. If a person stops drinking these drinks forever, he has every chance of being cured and regaining health. In order to encourage the population to quit drinking, it is important to conduct various alcohol campaigns that are aimed at limiting the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Heart and alcohol: what happens as a result of the interaction?

In very common cases, alcohol leads to arrhythmia and cardiomyopathy. Drinks provoke myocardial infarction much faster, sudden death. Cardiac arrhythmia occurs as a result of alcohol poisoning or due to excessive consumption. Numerous studies around the world provide evidence that the more often a person drinks alcohol, the higher the likelihood of dying from a heart attack. It is important to remember that alcoholic drinks in any dose have an effect on the heart. The dosage of reasonable and excessive levels of consumption is not specified anywhere.

Surely you have often heard the term “alcoholic heart”. It can be found in reference books medical literature. The second name for alcoholic heart is cardiomyopathy. The disease can occur even if a person has recently started drinking alcohol. This problem can occur for several reasons. The first of these is the negative impact of alcoholic breakdown products on the body, which leads to the formation of disorders in the heart muscle. There is not enough protein available. In addition to the heart, alcohol affects the liver. Addiction leads to disruption of protein synthesis. This is what happens as a result of liver damage. A sufficient amount of B vitamins is not supplied, but they are the ones needed for the normal functioning of the heart.

Characteristic symptoms of cardiac dysfunction

Those people who regularly drink alcohol experience cardiac dysfunction, in particular, the day after drinking alcohol. If a person drinks a drink in the evening, the next morning he may experience interruptions in his heart function. Characteristic symptoms: dizziness, lack of air, frequent shortness of breath. As a rule, people who drink alcohol experience thickening of the walls and expansion of the cavities of the heart, resulting in disorders heart rate. It is important to note that shortness of breath occurs quite often. Treatment is difficult because the heart muscles have a special biochemical memory, which can cause recurrent symptoms.

In order to cure the above problems, a complete abstinence from alcohol is necessary. Alcoholic products cause significant harm to the heart, primarily due to the content ethyl alcohol. Toxic substances also have a negative, destructive effect on organs as a whole. Impurities and various additives have a negative impact, which cause severe damage to the cardiovascular system.

The harm of alcohol to the heart also lies in the following: alcohol causes vascular tone to change, the ion balance is disrupted, and as a result, arrhythmia occurs. Myocardial cell dystrophy is one of the most common problems associated with alcohol consumption. Connective tissue begins to grow around the vessels. The vessel is covered with so-called additional insulation, which prevents the ingress of oxygen and nutritional components. Myocardial cells are not able to receive oxygen in sufficient quantities, as a result of which they begin to die.

If a person drinks alcohol and already has heart problems, it is important to remember that in this case ischemia intensifies, there is a considerable probability of its transition to a heart attack. Damage to the cardiovascular system occurs in every second person who drinks alcohol.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for treatment alcohol addiction really is not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaf(she said it was good for the heart), so within an hour he left with the men to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods...

The harm of alcohol to the heart has long been recognized by doctors around the world. Medical statistics claim that it is the love of alcoholic beverages that causes 35% of sudden deaths.

Effect of alcohol

After drinking alcohol, alcohol continues to remain in the blood for about 5-12 hours and circulates throughout the body, poisoning everything. critical systems and organs. How exactly does it affect the heart?

Ethyl alcohol is a poison that destroys myocardial cells and increases blood pressure. Under its influence, the pulse quickens to 100 or even more beats per minute. Alcohol toxins cause vasospasm, which impairs the nutrition of the heart muscle and its oxygen supply.

At long-term use alcohol, a significant amount of fat accumulates in the myocardium, as a result of which the heart muscle gradually degenerates and is unable to perform its function. The result is the development of severe diseases.

What heart diseases does alcohol cause?

As a rule, the harm of alcohol on the heart begins to manifest itself after just a few months of close “friendship” with alcohol. The person begins to experience difficulty breathing and often complains of palpitations and chest pain. These are the first signs of heart disease.


Coronary insufficiency

Alcohol provokes a sharp rise in the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine in the blood. It is known that these hormones are produced during severe nervous tension, stress or mental disorders. With an increase in their content in the blood, the heart muscle needs more oxygen and nutrients. If the heart is healthy, it can withstand such stress. However, for alcoholics, taking even a small portion of alcohol can lead to coronary insufficiency, in which the vessels are unable to supply the myocardium with oxygen and necessary substances.


The diseases described above often lead to the development of very serious illness– coronary heart disease (CHD for short), which affects coronary arteries and the blood supply to the myocardium is disrupted.
IHD occurs in various forms, which are characterized by different clinical manifestations. The main ones:

  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • heart failure;
  • angina pectoris;
  • cardiosclerosis;
  • sudden coronary death.

During a heart attack, an area of ​​the myocardium that is insufficiently supplied with blood undergoes necrosis.


Exposure to alcohol poisons provokes an increase in the size and weight of the heart (cardiomegaly). A person constantly feels tired and has an arrhythmia. Swelling of the legs, shortness of breath and cough develop.
Although the answer to the question of whether alcohol affects the heart has long been known, many alcoholics hope that their similar fate will somehow be avoided. However, experts warn: exposure to ethyl alcohol in the vast majority of cases leads to dangerous irreversible changes this is vital important body, and every drop of alcohol may be your last.