The impact of dental disease on overall human health. Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the composition of saliva

Every person wants to have healthy, strong teeth, but this requires proper and thorough oral care and balanced diet. However, many people neglect hygiene and do not pay attention to the foods they eat. Because of this, various diseases develop, which cause inconvenience and sometimes lead to terrible complications. Let's consider what a healthy tooth is, how and how to avoid caries and other diseases.

Signs of healthy teeth

Of course, only a professional doctor can accurately determine whether your teeth are healthy or not, after conducting an examination and necessary research. But there are several signs by which you can make a conclusion about the health of your teeth:

  1. A healthy tooth does not have a yellowish or any other tint.
  2. No unpleasant odor from the mouth, there is only fresh breath.
  3. The gums are pinkish, they don’t bleed when brushing your teeth, no painful sensations.

If you notice that your teeth do not correspond to the listed signs, you should urgently consult a doctor to cure existing ones and prevent the occurrence of other diseases. Healthy teeth and gums can be easily maintained by following simple rules, which we will consider next.

10 secrets to maintaining healthy teeth

Regular and proper brushing of teeth

It is necessary to brush your teeth so that bacterial plaque does not appear and food particles do not remain. Most diseases appear due to bacteria that actively multiply in the mouth. To avoid this, you need to regularly brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste twice a day. The brush will help get rid of bacterial plaque and food debris, and the paste will neutralize the acids that bacteria produce and strengthen tooth enamel.

To have healthy whites must be effective. It’s not enough to just brush your teeth. It is necessary to treat the surface of all teeth. There are many different techniques cleaning, and which of them is the only correct one, not a single dentist can say with certainty. But it is known for sure that you need to brush from the base of the tooth to its cutting part. Two minutes of active work is best time for this procedure. No longer necessary, as it can damage the enamel. After such thorough and regular cleaning, each of your healthy teeth will thank you.

Visiting the dentist

Many people are afraid of visiting, but you should look your fears in the eye. If you take good care of your oral cavity, a visit to the dentist will be just preventive measure. And then the fear of the dental chair or painful sensations is reduced to zero. You need to see a doctor once every six months. This is explained by the fact that almost any dental disease manifests itself during this period of time. A visit to the dentist will help identify this disease. early stages and make his treatment easier.

Correct selection of brush and paste

A properly selected toothbrush and toothpaste for you will help you avoid various problems. The brush should be used with artificial bristles and a comfortable handle. But the most important thing is to choose the stiffness of the bristles. It is better to avoid hard ones in any case, and if you have increased sensitivity teeth, then in general you need to carefully approach the choice so as not to harm yourself.

There shouldn't be any toothpaste either. The condition of your teeth and gums also plays an important role when choosing a cleaning product. You can’t choose a common pasta for the whole family. Everyone’s dental condition is different, and everyone’s toothpaste should also be personal.

Cleansing the entire oral cavity

To really have healthy teeth, it is necessary to care for the entire oral cavity. Bacteria successfully multiply not only on the surface of the teeth, but also on the cheeks, gums, and tongue. But use regular toothbrush in this case it is impossible. It is better to use various elixirs that will not only cleanse your mouth of bacteria, but also freshen your breath.

Compliance with sanitary rules

To have healthy teeth, each family member should have their own toothbrush. Under no circumstances should you use one. This promotes the transmission of various bacteria and the formation unpleasant diseases. Nobody wants to have it in their mouth huge amount bacteria. And even more so, we don’t want strangers to get into our mouths. You should thoroughly rinse and dry your teeth cleaning utensils. In humidity, pathogens multiply quickly, and you then put them back in your mouth. In addition, you should not forget to replace your toothbrushes with new ones every three months.

Using floss

If you dream of having healthy, beautiful teeth, then brushing alone is not enough. Dentists recommend using floss (dental floss). If your teeth are too close together, it is simply impossible to brush between them with a regular toothbrush. And various bacteria very often multiply in the spaces between the teeth. Such caries can only be identified with professional help, and its treatment requires considerable experience of the doctor, since it is very difficult. Dental floss will help remove stuck food particles. You should use it after every meal and immediately before brushing your teeth. After such careful care, each healthy tooth will delight you with its appearance and absence of diseases for a long time.

Use toothpicks carefully

You need to use toothpicks very carefully. Using floss is not always convenient, but toothpicks are available in every cafe, restaurant and home. It is better to use wooden ones, but plastic ones are also suitable. But the use of any metal objects (needles, paper clips) is prohibited. They can ruin even the healthiest teeth. Because of them, the enamel is destroyed, and bacteria penetrate deeper and actively multiply.

Protecting teeth from sugar and various acids

Many foods that you used to consider healthy have a detrimental effect on your teeth. For example, various fruits and juices contain concentrated acids that destroy enamel. The worst sweet product for teeth is sucking candy. Due to the fact that they remain in the oral cavity for quite a long time, excellent conditions are created for the development of bacteria. Chocolate is less dangerous for the oral cavity. The cocoa beans included in its composition neutralize the effect of sugar. Eating spicy foods is also good for your teeth, as it produces more saliva and washes away food debris from the surface of your teeth.

Other foods that we consider harmful, on the contrary, have a positive effect on teeth. For example, tea and coffee. Tooth enamel is strengthened with tea and also regulated acid balance in the mouth. And natural coffee neutralizes many microorganisms, in particular those that cause caries.

Proper nutrition

Fluoride and calcium are the main elements on which dental health depends. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium. It can enter the body with food or be produced under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To always have enough vitamin D, you need to eat veal, poultry, butter, sea ​​fish and eggs. Calcium is found in yogurts, cheeses, spinach and broccoli. And fluoride is found in black tea, wholemeal bread, and fish. All of these products are available in almost every refrigerator, so it’s easy to maintain your teeth.

Load on teeth

Each person's teeth can withstand different loads. Someone can open a bottle with their teeth or crack a nut. But it should be remembered that the oral apparatus is not designed for such loads, and very soon people who practice this use of teeth will greatly regret it. Many seamstresses often bite threads with their teeth. But even this procedure can be very harmful. This damages the enamel and weakens the teeth. Grinding your teeth is very harmful. This is often done by children who urgently need to be weaned from it. But for some people it happens voluntarily during sleep. Then you need to use special mouthguards that will save your teeth from such a destructive effect.

Despite all of the above, you cannot always spare your teeth. You need to chew hard fruits, vegetables and other foods. You were not given teeth so that you can constantly eat mashed potatoes and minced meat. If you do not use them as intended, they weaken and lose their functions. After all, in nature, what is not used dies. Therefore, simply adjust the load on your teeth.

So, we looked at ten basic rules for dental care. By following them, you will preserve your oral cavity for a long time and forget about diseases, including caries. Remember that healthy teeth mean a healthy smile. And by smiling, you will make everyone around you happy and you yourself will be happy.

Oral hygiene in children

Every parent wants to keep their child's teeth healthy. Healthy child always cheerful, cheerful and makes his family happy. It is extremely important to teach your child to take care of his teeth. Children's baby teeth need special care, because their health is a prerequisite for the growth of strong permanent teeth. Parents should learn how to choose the right dental care products for their children.

You need to start taking care of dental hygiene the moment your baby gets his first tooth. And at a time when teeth have not yet begun to grow, you need to get rid of food debris in your mouth using napkins.

How to choose hygiene products for children? Until the baby turns three years old toothpaste cannot be used. You need to brush your teeth with a special gel. At four years old, the child already knows how to spit out the paste, so you can start using it. When does a child appear permanent teeth, then you need to care for them in the same way as adults. Although during this period you can still use special children's toothpaste.

As your child grows, you need to choose a toothbrush that is appropriate for his age. The cleaning brush head should be no more than three lower teeth. For very young children, it would be even better to use not a brush, but a device that you put on your finger and brush your teeth. Thus, there is less chance of harming teeth and destroying enamel.

Basic rules for child oral care


In this article, we reviewed the basic rules for caring for the teeth of adults and children, which will help keep the oral cavity healthy and prevent the development of various diseases, including caries. Follow these simple tips and stay healthy.

Even in ancient times, doctors believed that all organs and systems human body are in close relationship. Deviations in the work of one of them immediately affects a person’s well-being and echoes to other organs. And the connection between teeth and internal organs has already been scientifically proven. In the oral cavity, the reaction to a disease of a particular organ is reflected, as in a mirror.

What does the color of tooth enamel mean?

Only absolutely healthy person– a beautiful “Hollywood” smile, distinguished by the natural healthy color of not only the teeth, but also the mucous membranes. The natural color of enamel is different for each person. But sometimes the color of teeth can tell a lot about a person’s health.

* Yellow enamel is a sign of problems with the biliary tract. Often yellow teeth in heavy smokers. When the immune system weakens, tooth enamel takes on a brown tint.

* Mother-of-pearl color is observed in people with low hemoglobin levels in the blood.

* Milk-colored enamel indicates a lack of minerals in dental tissues. This is also a sign of increased thyroid activity. Very often a disadvantage minerals, especially in the early childhood leads to the appearance of gray spots or yellow streaks on the teeth. This sign may also indicate excessive use of antibiotics. In some cases, taking, for example, tetracycline during pregnancy, may subsequently affect the color of his tooth enamel.

Teeth are the connecting link between human organs

Every person has noticed that there are cases when an outwardly healthy tooth, which does not have even the slightest signs of caries or other disease, is pierced by severe pain. Many believe that this occurs as a result of inflammation of the dental nerve. They are probably partly right. Because exactly nerve endings They give us signals about malfunctions in the body.

Sometimes it happens that the pain occurs in place for a long time extracted tooth. This once again confirms the connection between teeth and organs, and their pain is a signal of malfunctions in the body.

Even in childhood various disorders, especially in metabolism, and causing various allergies, etc., become the cause abnormal development jaws and teeth. In this case, teething may occur with a delay, defects in the development of the jaw occur, and an incorrect bite is formed.

Various transferred in childhood infectious diseases, such as measles, scarlet fever, influenza, etc. cause disturbances in the functioning of the oral mucosa and lead to diseases - pulpitis, periodontitis and osteomyelitis, although there may not be caries.

The connection between teeth and organs most often manifests itself when it is disrupted water-salt metabolism. This causes bleeding gums and increases the risk of dental caries. Diabetes mellitus often accompanied by alveolar pyorrhea. Gastritis, chronic colitis, peptic ulcer stomach or intestines and other gastrointestinal diseases cause the appearance of plaque and cracks on the tongue, its swelling, small ulcers and erosions on the mucous membrane, and weakening of the gums.

Lack of vitamin C and other vitamin deficiencies lead to loosening of teeth, gums ulcerate, and bad smell. In turn, the connection between the condition of teeth and the health of the body has the opposite direction. Diseases of the gums and teeth, if not eliminated in a timely manner, can cause a number of severe disorders in the functioning of various organs.

If the chewing apparatus is insufficient, the motor and secretory function of the stomach may decrease, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart may occur. vascular system associated with intoxication of the body due to the presence of acute foci of infection. There are many examples when signs of heart failure, and sometimes severe attacks angina pectoris resolved after completion of the course dental treatment And complete removal source of toxic infection.

Teeth and their correspondence to human internal organs

To have a complete understanding of how oral diseases are related to internal organs, you need to familiarize yourself with which organs the teeth are responsible for.

* About kidney function, genitourinary system, as well as ear diseases, signals are given by the upper and lower incisors.

* Failures in the functioning of the biliary tract are indicated by diseases of the fangs.

* Premolars (small molars) will indicate the presence of bronchitis, pneumonia, polyps or weak functioning of the large intestine.

* And the condition of the molars will help you find out how the spleen functions, digestive tract, excretory system.

* Diseases of the cardiovascular system most fully reflect Wisdom teeth. If they are seriously ill, it’s time to pay close attention to the heart. Sometimes aching teeth wisdom - harbingers coronary disease, birth defect heart and other cardiac abnormalities.

Take a closer look at the condition of your teeth. The appearance of tartar is evidence of malfunctions endocrine system, signs of peptic ulcer.


First physical cause All the reasons are, of course, caries. Tooth decay is caused by oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which convert sugar into lactic acid, which eats away enamel.

These bacteria live in our mouths and eat tiny pieces of carbohydrate food that stick to our teeth.

To starve them, it is enough to maintain oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice a day (in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bed), and ideally after each meal.

In ancient China, henbane was often mentioned as a base for medicinal paste. It was also used to get rid of toothache in Egypt, Greece, Rome and in the countries of the Middle East and Central Asia.

The Romans called henbane “tooth grass” (Latin - “herba dentaria”). The Roman physician Scribonius Largus proposed removing “tooth worms” by smoking teeth with smoke from henbane seeds. At the same time, the Bukhara doctor Avicenna believed the best remedy for caries, fumigating the patient with a steaming mixture of onions and henbane.

Bacteria living in the mouth have a terrible sweet tooth. So most better protection from caries is to reduce sugary drinks, foods ( white sugar, honey and products that contain them). You should know that caries causes the most destructive effect during the first 20-40 minutes after eating. Moreover, the degree of destruction depends on the amount of sugar. Therefore, after each meal or drinking sweet water, it is important to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with a mild saline solution from water and sea ​​salt. To prevent and treat caries, it is also useful to rinse your mouth with a decoction of calamus and sage. It is very useful for the safety of teeth to replace sweet water thawed, silicon water or green tea with stevia or licorice root, which are the best natural sugar substitutes.

In order for your teeth to have enough calcium, you should eat flax, sesame, cabbage as often as possible, and also eat foods rich in silicon, without which calcium is poorly absorbed. A lot of silicon is contained in horsetail. Therefore, it is useful to drink a decoction of it along with sweet herbs - licorice root and stevia.

To treat caries, pour 1 tablespoon of dry sage and calamus with 1 glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and rinse your mouth. You should also keep a cotton swab containing the infusion on the affected tooth for 30 minutes. The procedures should be repeated until the caries goes away within several months.

To treat caries, you should attach a pea of ​​propolis to the diseased tooth for half an hour. Place a cotton swab on top. The procedures should be repeated until the caries goes away within several months.

Sauerkraut is known to successfully treat periodontal disease. This cabbage is known to help treat stomach, liver and many other diseases. But it will also help you with periodontal disease. To do this, you should chew it for a long time. And also rinse and massage your mouth cabbage juice. It will take about 1-2 weeks before you notice how your bad teeth are getting better.

This recipe helps well if you have periodontal disease, bleeding gums, this procedure also strengthens the gums, whitens and strengthens the teeth, and is a good preventive measure to maintain their health. Mix a spoonful of fine sea salt with a teaspoon olive oil. Rub your teeth and gums with this morning and evening for five minutes. If you don’t have olive oil, then use any other that is available in your house, but know that then healing effect will decrease.

It's very effective folk remedy dental treatment. Calamus penetrates into the roots of teeth and anesthetizes them, and propolis fills all microcracks. Teeth are completely healed naturally! Take 250 ml of a 40% alcohol solution and 250 ml of distilled water and add half a glass of calamus roots. This is the first infusion. To prepare the second, take another 250 ml of a 40% alcohol solution and 250 ml of distilled water, and add 15-20 grams of ground propolis. Leave both infusions for 7-10 days. Both tinctures are used simultaneously. Mix one tablespoon of calamus tincture and a teaspoon of propolis tincture. Rinse your mouth with this for 2-3 minutes. The procedure is done before bedtime, or can be done during severe pain. After 1-3 days, the pain will completely go away. Duration of treatment is 3-5 weeks.

If you do not drink alcohol, you can use the following treatment methods: To treat teeth, rinse your mouth with a decoction of calamus. And also attach a pea of ​​propolis to a sore tooth for half an hour. And repeat this for so many days until the caries goes away (at least a month). Propolis can also be used effectively as “sugar-free gum.” Scientists have known for a long time that propolis has antibacterial and antifungal properties. To this day, researchers at the University of Rochester in New York have confirmed that propolis is particularly effective in fighting bacteria, causing caries, since it is capable of completely depriving them of the nutrient medium.

Propolis allows you to heal and strengthen teeth and enamel, because it contains about 300 useful components, and it contains 400 times more vitamin A than carrots. It is useful to chew propolis 1-3 g per day after meals. It has been proven that adding 1 drop of propolis to toothpastes and mouth rinses protects against periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, and protects against caries and premature aging of teeth. Adding 3-5 drops to water or food increases local immunity digestive system, promotes healing of ulcers, relieves irritation.


Scientists have already proven that sodium fluoride, found in many toothpastes, is toxic substance. A full tube of toothpaste contains enough of it to kill a child.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) are used as foaming agents in toothpaste. They can damage the epithelial membranes of the mucous membrane. They destroy cellular protein, causing the membranes to begin to leak toxins. In addition, SLS penetrates into groundwater after use. It is toxic to fish and other organisms. And we brush our teeth with these chemicals every day. Maybe there are more natural and natural ways to have clean, white teeth? Let's ask nature.

Instead of toothpaste, you can chew young wheatgrass. Through chewing, the grass turns into small, soaked cellulose fibers. Each fiber like a brush cleans your teeth. Moreover, grass juice is alkaline. Almost all cereal grasses have this property - good brushing of teeth: wheat, rye, oats, wheatgrass, ryegrass, bluegrass, timothy, fescue, etc.

To give this the necessary medicinal properties and smell, it is enough to add a leaf of yarrow, mint, St. John's wort, oregano, thyme or a sprig of rowan, willow, bird cherry, serviceberry to the cereals. Choose for yourself the herbs that effectively help you. In summer it is better to chew them, and in winter to make decoctions and tinctures from them. Dried leaves raspberries, lemon balm shoots, marshmallow roots, pine needles - pine needles give vigor to the body. You can also brush your teeth with powder made from ground chestnut grains.

A wonderful remedy for cleaning teeth and healing the whole body is larch resin. And in the so-called third world countries they chew sugar cane.
Willow bark also cleans teeth very well. You can chew a thin willow twig, although the bitter taste is not for everyone.

A sprig of cedar or pine. The tip is softened by the teeth and becomes fibrous, and then it can be used like a regular brush. The branches are forever green, no need to prepare them for the winter. You can chew cedar gum.

Grind the roots of calamus and galagan (also known as perstach erecta, cinquefoil erecta) into powder (the roots are naturally dried) in a ratio of 1:1. Brush your teeth like you would with toothpowder.

It is advisable to drink only key ice water, diet with predominance raw vegetables and fruit prevents bad breath. To prevent the appearance of microcracks in the enamel, do not eat foods with a contrasting temperature (for example, coffee with ice cream) and do not smoke.

There is one more thing for brushing your teeth. wonderful remedy- radish. If you chew a piece of radish every day before going to bed (or after eating), you will never have caries. The substances contained in radish kill all putrefactive bacteria and microbes.
Soda cleanses teeth very well from tea, coffee and other things. Simply apply to cotton wool and wipe your teeth, then rinse with water.


Chewing resin from spruce, pine, cedar, larch and their needles will help treat any gum disease. Also use cedar oil inside, having previously “drove” it well in the mouth.

Avoid chewing gum completely. Many of them contain antiseptics that kill not so much pathogenic flora, how much useful. Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity begins. Hence all kinds of diseases of teeth and gums.

It is very useful to chew honey in honeycombs. By consuming only honey, we are “robbing” ourselves. The caps with which bees seal their honeycombs contain a lot of very useful substances. And there are a lot of them in the honeycomb wax itself, including propolis. Therefore, by chewing honey in honeycombs, you not only consume it internally, but also treat your teeth, gums and the entire oral cavity.

Chewing calamus root is a very effective treatment for periodontal disease and other gum diseases. True, it is bitter, but it cures even advanced diseases.

Gums can be effectively treated with a decoction of cherry branches, as our ancestors advised. Boil for a couple of minutes, then rinse your mouth. This also cures periodantosis.

Sunflower oil: you need to take 1 tablespoon of oil into your mouth once a day, hold it for 10 minutes, and then spit it into the toilet, and then rinse your mouth with diluted citric acid.

Every person dreams of a beautiful and healthy smile. It's no secret that toothache and the upcoming trip to the dentist frightens many adults.It is impossible to completely protect yourself from diseases of the teeth and gums. However, this largely depends on us. Maintaining healthy image life, good habits and maintaining good hygiene protect the oral cavity and solve many problems. Modern dentistry a huge amount is known interesting facts about teeth.

Whitening harms tooth enamel

Professional means and hardware techniques lead to thinning of the top layer of the tooth, and excessive enthusiasm for the procedure gradually completely destroys the enamel. Many patients experience hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity).

Whitening pastes for home use contain coarse abrasives and aggressive chemical components that wear off and corrode enamel. Considered the safest laser technique, but you should also be careful.

Food acids have a negative effect on teeth

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The condition of teeth is adversely affected not only by chemicals, but also organic acids contained in many healthy products. The acid reacts with calcium and eats away the top layer of enamel.

Citrus fruits, fruits and berries have the highest acidity. It is worth remembering that these products are very useful and necessary for the body, including teeth. You need to use them in moderation. After eating, do not brush your teeth with toothpaste for 30 minutes, but simply rinse your mouth with water.

Oral hygiene after every meal

After eating, a lot of food remains remain in the mouth. They get stuck in the interdental space and settle on the mucous membrane. Food, under the influence of saliva, begins to decompose, which is a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

Problems encountered:

After eating, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. Regular hygiene should become a habit.

Fluoride is needed for healthy teeth

Fluoride is a compound of organic or inorganic origin that contains fluorine. Almost all toothpastes are rich in this element; it is also found in some foods and drinking water. Fluoride is indeed necessary for teeth and the body as a whole, but its excess can have a detrimental effect on health (in high concentrations, fluorides are toxic).

Benefits of fluoride:

  • changes the color and condition of the surface of the crowns (white chalky spots appear);
  • negatively affects metabolism;
  • promotes deformation of bone tissue;
  • affects the nervous system;
  • disrupts the functioning of the thyroid gland.

White toothpastes are better than gel toothpastes

This statement can easily be classified as a myth. Experts say that white pastes or gels have the same cleaning and protective properties. In terms of their basic composition, they are completely identical. White The paste is given titanium dioxide and calcium carbonate.

The choice between regular paste and gel is a matter of personal taste. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and suits the individual.

Mouthwash protects teeth and gums

Using mouthwash in the morning and evening has a beneficial effect on the health of your teeth and gums. After brushing your teeth, a certain amount of bacteria and plaque remains in your mouth. In addition, the brush does not clean the cheeks, palate and tongue, which also need hygiene.

The rinse contains refreshing, cleansing and protecting ingredients. Ethanol is a good antiseptic. Many liquids contain herbal decoctions that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea will help prevent caries

Green tea has many useful qualities. It invigorates, supplies the body with antioxidants, and is a natural antiseptic. Many people have heard that tea helps prevent cancer.

Scientists have found out about positive impact drink on the oral cavity. It really protects against the development of caries and periodontal disease. Green tea kills bacteria and also reduces the acidity of saliva to normal indicators. In addition, it effectively freshens breath.

Wearing braces requires careful care

Braces consist of a continuous arch along the dentition and small “clasps” that are attached to each tooth and almost completely cover it. While eating, food is constantly retained in the brace system. This often provokes caries, periodontal disease and the formation of unsightly dark yellow plaque.

Careful care is mandatory for those with braces. It ensures dental health and protects the expensive structure from possible oxidation (if it is titanium).

Avoid eating particularly hard foods

Eating solid foods is necessary for the proper functioning of the facial and jaw apparatus. Such products strengthen teeth and gums and prevent the chewing muscles from atrophying. However, the habit of gnawing bones, cracking nut shells, or excessively eating seeds (if you crack them with your teeth) will not bring any benefit. Too hard food is harmful tooth surface, injures the gums (scratches or wounds appear), and in some cases leads to crown breakage.

Professional cleaning - every six months

Professional cleaning should not be confused with whitening, as cleaning at the dentist's office is beneficial and is recommended every 6 months. With careful care, mouthwash and dental floss, plaque and bacteria remain in the mouth, forming hard tartar. Cleaning removes all types of dirt from hard-to-reach places. The procedure is especially useful for coffee, tea, red wine lovers and smokers.

Hard stone becomes one of the main reasons for the development of dental diseases. It multiplies many microorganisms that are harmful to health. During the procedure, in addition to stone and dense plaque, bacteria are destroyed, pigmentation is eliminated, as a result of which the enamel becomes 1-2 shades lighter (it acquires its natural shade).

On the advice of a doctor, you can choose one of the cleaning methods:

  1. ultrasonic;
  2. air flow;
  3. laser;
  4. mechanical (hygienic).

Chewing gum is not always healthy

Around chewing gum There are many myths about teeth. According to experts, it can bring both benefit and harm at the same time.

  1. cleanses the oral cavity after eating;
  2. freshens breath;
  3. accelerates food digestion processes;
  4. provides additional chewing load for better blood circulation.

Harm (especially when using low-quality chewing gum with sugar):

  1. the habit of chewing becomes an addiction, like smoking;
  2. can pull out fillings;
  3. increases stomach acidity;
  4. Sugar causes tooth decay.

Cheese and cottage cheese are the best foods for teeth

Cheese and cottage cheese of natural origin are rich in calcium and phosphorus. These microelements form and strengthen bone tissue. In addition, these products have a beneficial effect on the entire body and well-being. It is worth including cottage cheese and cheese in your regular diet, consuming them at least several times a week. Those who don’t like cottage cheese at all can add berries, honey to it, make delicious casserole or cheesecakes.

Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the composition of saliva

Saliva is a secretion secreted salivary glands. Its normal chemical composition is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body.

Many essential oils have a positive effect on the entire oral cavity. They normalize the pH of saliva, have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, and sometimes analgesic properties.

The best oils for aromatherapy:

  • tea tree;
  • sage;
  • grapefruit;
  • juniper;
  • myrrh;
  • pine;
  • orange;
  • neroli lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • geranium;
  • mint;
  • thyme.

You need to change your toothpaste every 3 months

When using medicinal pastes they need to be changed every 1-2 months, otherwise the internal microflora will get used to the composition and stop responding to therapy. It is believed that with ordinary hygiene products the same thing happens. Dentists cannot confirm this 100%, but they do not see anything wrong with changing the product.

It is also very important to change the brush every 3 months. Bacteria accumulate on it and are not washed away with water. As a result, cleaning is completely unhygienic.

Teeth grinding destroys enamel

Bruxism ( night rattle) negatively affects teeth and gums. Pathology appears in adults and children due to malocclusion, psychological disorders, stress, disorders in the central and peripheral nervous system.

When grinding the jaw, they have strong pressure at each other. As a result, the enamel first becomes thinner and cracks, then the crown is damaged. Sometimes this leads to spalling or complete loss tooth

The pressure produced by the molars reaches 8 MPa

The pressure created by the masticatory muscles can reach high levels. A special apparatus was invented to measure it - a gnathodynamometer.

Depending on gender, physical strength and dental condition, it can range from 25 kg to 80 kg and even more. It should be noted that too high performance dangerous, teeth may crumble or break.

It is a known fact that the pressure produced by molars reaches 8 MPa. This means that the muscles and teeth press with a force of 800 g per square millimeter.

Dental health has a significant impact on the overall health of the body. An untreated tooth can cause many unexpected diseases.

We rarely think about the fact that healthy teeth mean not only a beautiful smile, the ability to chew food freely and not suffer from pain, but also vigor, energy, optimism, performance... After all, teeth through the nervous and circulatory system are associated with almost all internal organs, so even banal caries can lead to unexpected consequences. For example, there is a known case when a patient told a dentist during treatment that he was very worried about eczema, the cause of which he believed was professional stress. However, after removing the decayed tooth, the eczema stopped by itself...

Coincidence? Hardly. Doctors are of the following opinion: in the presence of untreated caries, microbes, in particular streptococci and staphylococci, gradually enter the blood and affect various organs and systems. First of all, a diseased tooth can cause visual and hearing impairment, skin reactions, hair loss or inflammation of the glands. internal secretion and even the development of rheumatism, kidney or heart failure.

Very often, after a visit to the dentist, conjunctivitis is cured. Thus, excessive unexplained lacrimation is often caused by inflammation upper canine, also called "eye tooth".

Even more curious is the fact that along with bad teeth, you can also lose... hair. An experienced doctor will tell you which tooth is responsible for thinning hair in one or another part of the head. So, if a bald spot forms closer to the back of the head, he first of all looks at the large molars; if hair falls out in the lower part of the head, then the culprit is , most likely, fangs, and if on the temples, then small (premolar) molars. Pain in the ears is quite often associated with a source of inflammation located at the base of the molar. For the same reason, tinnitus, dizziness, or unexpected hearing loss may occur. .

It should be remembered that microbes accumulated in a diseased gum or tooth can penetrate the body over a fairly long distance through the blood. The hardest of possible complications(and fortunately, one of the rarest) - Osler endocarditis, extremely dangerous heart disease. In 50 percent of cases, its root cause is bad teeth... Streptococcus penetrates the heart through the blood and affects its internal septum (endocardium). Removing an already inflamed tooth increases the risk because it creates a hole in the gum tissue that makes it easier for germs to enter. This is why a visit to the dentist is often recommended in the preoperative period and is absolutely necessary before heart surgery.

All these facts allow us to conclude that, in addition to aesthetic appearance, there are many much more important reasons for taking care of the health of your teeth. And although out of 70 percent of people with dental problems, only 30 are at serious risk of getting sick, this does not relieve everyone from the need to regularly visit the doctor and take care of their teeth every day.

And before visiting the dentist, the patient should check his health. After all, now he knows: teeth are the mirror of the body. There are many methods that allow for differentiated health control. In our clinic, we chose the Voll method, since, being a non-contact examination method, it allows you to accurately reflect a computerized picture - a “photograph” of your health and, accordingly, individually select the necessary dental materials that are most suitable for your body.

Many people put off dental treatment until the last moment, assuming that it will not result in anything serious for their health. Experts, on the contrary, argue that the overall condition of a person depends on the health of the oral cavity and careful dental care. Thus, oral hygiene is directly related to many internal processes in the body, which we will talk about in this article.

Why is it necessary to carry out timely dental treatment?

First of all, dental problems are related to heart disease. With insufficient dental care, various microbes and bacteria can penetrate the gums, and from there directly into the circulatory system and, accordingly, into the heart. Therefore, as a preventive measure cardiovascular diseases it wouldn't hurt to give special attention oral hygiene, make it a rule to systematically rinse your teeth after meals, morning and evening brushing, if the situation is advanced, dental treatment in Dynasty dentistry. Those who don't pay enough attention timely treatment teeth, are more at risk of developing myocardial infarction, damage to arterial walls and disruptions in the circulatory system than others.

Those who brush their teeth once a day instead of twice are 70% more likely to develop heart disease.

The need for dental treatment for caries

If you have caries, you should get rid of it immediately, because with prolonged treatment, this disease affects internal organs. This primarily concerns throat diseases, inflamed tonsils and sore throat. Microbes developing in the oral cavity easily penetrate the throat area, “leaving traces” in the form of diseases. Sore throat is also a disease directly related to caries. People who do not take care of their teeth and do not carry out dental treatment on time suffer from sore throat much more often than others. In addition, frequent sore throats lead to resulting diseases such as rheumatism, heart disease and joint damage.

The third point on our list that is hit by insufficient and untimely dental treatment is the kidneys. Once in the blood, the infection spreads throughout the body, with its final destination being the kidneys. Against the background of constant poor quality dental care, pyelonephritis can often develop. That is, a chronic inflammatory reaction occurring in the kidneys. Urinary function is impaired, swelling, lower back pain, fatigue and much more appear.

The relationship between teeth and skin condition

A dental infection can lead to damage to the epitorial layers of the skin, leading to problems such as skin inflammation, blemishes, pimples and more. This is especially pronounced in those who forget to brush their teeth before going to bed, since it is at night that infection is most likely to occur. favorable period to distribution. Food left over from the last meal is an optimal environment for the spread of bacteria. The relationship between the condition of the skin and teeth is expressed as clearly as the quality of food and the general well-being of a person.

And lastly, the condition of the teeth does not have the best effect on the health of the lungs. Those who do not treat their teeth on time and prefer to “delay until the last minute” suffer from bronchitis and other lung diseases much more often than others. Infection occurs constantly and if the teeth are not treated, the disease can progress to more serious stages. Therefore, in order to avoid many diseases, it is enough to simply undergo a dental examination on time and prevent dental diseases in the early stages. These simple rules will help you live a healthy life.