Internal bleeding. Bleeding in a newborn: normal children may have petechiae in the underlying areas of the body due to venous stasis and trauma during childbirth

Gastrointestinal bleeding requires emergency medical treatment, since, even if small, it can quickly lead to death. Causes: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, rupture of varicose veins of the esophagus and cardia of the stomach during portal hypertension(liver cirrhosis, thrombophlebitic spleen), erosive gastritis, burn of the gastric mucosa due to accidental ingestion of caustic alkalis and concentrated acids, ulcerative lesions small and large intestines, typhoid fever, dysentery, ulcerative colitis, terminal ileitis, intestinal intussusception, bleeding Meckel's diverticulum, anal fissures. Gastrointestinal bleeding may occur when various diseases blood (hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, Werlhof's disease, leukemia, aplastic anemia, etc.).

Symptoms. Main feature this state- bloody vomiting or bloody stools. Often they are combined. When diagnosing gastrointestinal bleeding, it is necessary to exclude diseases in which blood may enter the gastrointestinal tract from other organs (upper respiratory tract, lungs, etc.). With hematemesis, the blood is thick, dark in color, or has the appearance coffee grounds with clots. Sometimes it contains residues undigested food. After 8-10 hours, “black” stool appears. In all cases of gastrointestinal bleeding, monitoring of blood pressure and hemoglobin content in the blood is necessary.

Heavy bleeding is accompanied by thirst, dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, rapidly progressing weakness with dizziness, and sometimes loss of consciousness. The skin becomes pale, covered in cold sweat, and the extremities become cold. The patient is either excited or in prostration. Facial features become sharper. Sometimes yawning, nausea and repeated vomiting appear. The pulse quickens, has weak filling, and then becomes thread-like. Blood pressure decreases, breathing quickens.

In addition to these general signs, depending on the causes of bleeding, certain specific symptoms Yes, when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum there is a pain syndrome with a specific localization and a typical daily seasonal rhythm with an appropriate medical history. Bleeding can occur both during exacerbation of the disease and during remission. Heavy bleeding observed in 5-12% of children with peptic ulcer.

With portal hypertension due to liver cirrhosis, a long “hepatic” history, exhaustion of the patient, enlargement of the liver and spleen, a pronounced pattern of collateral saphenous veins, spider veins on the skin, less commonly ascites and intermittent jaundice. Functional status the liver is severely impaired. At x-ray examination esophagus with a contrast mass reveals varicose veins, which can cause profuse, sometimes fountain, bloody vomiting.

With thrombophlebitic spleen there is a rapid, sometimes with pain syndrome enlargement of the spleen, with an equally rapid decrease after bleeding; recurrent nosebleeds and undulating enlargement of the spleen with a history of fever. A combined enlargement of the spleen and liver is often observed.

At erosive gastritis and burns of the gastric mucosa with caustic alkalis and concentrated acids - pain along the esophagus, in the epigastric region, gastric history or traces of burns with these substances on the oral mucosa. If alkalis or acids are ingested, shock may occur.

Intussusception has a typical clinical picture acute abdomen.

Bleeding from the stomach and intestines in cases hemorrhagic diathesis combine with others clinical symptoms these diseases: skin hemorrhages, changes in blood clotting, duration of bleeding, retraction of a blood clot, changes in the quantity and quality of platelets, etc. Other diseases accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding (nonspecific ulcerative colitis, typhoid fever, dysentery), have a clinical symptomatology well known to doctors. When bleeding from the stomach, bloody vomiting is often observed; from the upper intestines, including the duodenum, black tarry stools; from lower sections intestines - stool containing little changed blood.

Treatment. In all cases of bleeding from gastrointestinal tract hospitalization of the patient is indicated, since even slight bleeding can turn into profuse bleeding. It is better to hospitalize children in multidisciplinary hospital, where, along with therapeutic, infectious and other departments, there is a children's surgical department.

The patient is provided with absolute rest. The patient is transported carefully. The child should lie on his back. An ice pack is placed on the upper half of the abdomen.

A single-group blood transfusion is performed at the rate of 10-15 ml per 1 kg of body weight (it is better to transfuse freshly citrated blood or directly from the donor to the recipient). At rapid decline hemoglobin level up to 70 g/l, large amounts of blood are drip-transfused (up to 250-400 ml). 3-10 ml (depending on age) of 10% sodium chloride solution and 5-10 ml of calcium chloride are administered intravenously.

At the same time, large doses of ascorbic acid, vitamins PP, K, etc. are used. Ascorbic acid is administered intravenously or intramuscularly in the form of a 1% or 5% solution of sodium ascorbate up to 100-300 mg, depending on age. Vitamin PP is prescribed orally at 0.025-0.05 g 2-3 times a day. In the first days of bleeding, it is better to administer vitamin K intramuscularly at 0.5-1 ml (1% solution) per day for 3 days.

In case of profuse bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus or cardia of the stomach, drip transfusions of the same group or 0 (I) blood group or plasma are immediately started. To narrow the preportal arterioles and thereby reduce the pressure in the portal vein, 5-10 units are injected dropwise. pituitrin in 100 ml of 5-10% glucose solution. You can also inject a 6% solution of aminocaproic acid (50-100 ml) dropwise. When blood pressure decreases, a 10% caffeine solution, a 1% mezaton solution or a 25% cordiamine solution in an age-specific dosage is prescribed.

For burns of the esophagus and burns of the stomach, vigorous anti-shock therapy is carried out. In case of a burn with ammonia or caustic soda, wash the stomach with a 0.1% solution hydrochloric acid or warm water; vinegar essence - boiled water until the smell of vinegar disappears; acids - 2-3% solution of bicarbonate of soda through a probe, which is pre-lubricated with well-boiled vegetable oil.

On the first day after the bleeding stops, you should refrain from feeding the child - glucose mixed with saline is administered intravenously. Starting from the 2nd day, the Meulengracht diet is prescribed, consisting of chilled milk, cream, eggs, butter, well mashed vegetable purees with carefully chopped and pureed meat or fish. Along with the measures taken, vigorous therapy of the underlying disease is carried out.

If therapeutic measures are ineffective and bleeding continues, consultation with a surgeon is necessary to decide on surgical treatment.
Women's magazine www.. Shamsiev

Gastric bleeding in children is extremely severe and dangerous disease, is a source of disruption of the functionality of not only the digestive system, but also the entire body. Gastrointestinal bleeding is dangerous because in most cases it leads to fatal outcome.

There are various factors, which contribute to the occurrence of hemorrhages in the intestines:

  • Lack of vitamin K;
  • Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • Ulcer duodenum intestines;
  • Esophagitis – disruption of the movement of digestive juice leads to ulcers and further bleeding;
  • – is a pathology in which the natural flora becomes inflamed and leads to the rapid development of the disease, resulting in heavy bleeding;
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome provokes frequent vomiting of blood, the mucous membrane is destroyed and begins to bleed heavily;
  • Hemorrhagic syndrome occurs due to excessive secretion of acid, which destroys the gastric mucosa;
  • Intestinal polyps that interfere with the release of feces react acutely to injury and cause bleeding;
  • Delafoy's disease is a disorder in the child's genetic information, resulting in erosions in the arteries that develop into ulcers, leading to severe bleeding;
  • Arteriovenous malformation is a malfunction of the veins and arteries.


The most common symptoms are stool and vomiting with blood. There are also additional signs:

  • Change in skin color;
  • Nausea;
  • Irresistible thirst;
  • , which lead to its decrease;
  • Loss of strength and energy;
  • Dizziness;
  • Reducing the baby's temperature;
  • The mucous membranes are characterized by excessive dryness.

Symptoms can be different, it all depends on the cause of the gastrointestinal tract lesion. Availability pain in a certain area of ​​the abdomen indicates an ulcer; pain in the esophagus may mean that poisoning has occurred during the use of medications.

Bleeding poses a serious health threat, so you need to be extremely careful.

First aid

The child urgently needs help to stop the bleeding before doctors arrive. First aid is aimed at reducing pain and, if possible, stopping hemorrhage completely. The patient needs absolute rest and bed rest.

If heavy bleeding occurs:

  1. Place the child in a sitting position, turn his head slightly to one side;
  2. Let's take it a little at a time cold water with pieces of ice, apply a compress to the abdominal area;
  3. Calm the child and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

Ambulance doctors will have to carefully transport the patient to the hospital department. The baby should lie quietly, while placing an ice compress in the abdomen.

Under no circumstances should you give your baby food or rinse the stomach; this is very dangerous and will lead to irreversible consequences.


In case of gastrointestinal bleeding, immediate surgery . It is also necessary to carry out a transfusion of additional blood as follows - blood identical to the patient’s blood is injected at 15 ml per kilogram of the child’s weight. The donor is usually one of the relatives.

It is urgent to check your blood for hemoglobin levels. If the level is too low, large amounts of blood transfusion will be required.

Additionally, 10 ml of sodium chloride solution is injected along with calcium chloride in the amount of 5 ml. If a decrease in pressure is observed during the process, then a 10% caffeine solution is introduced.

Vitamins and minerals such as PP, K and ascorbic acid, which help replenish energy and saturate the body with useful and nutritious substances.

Vitamins must be administered following the dosage:

  • – 1% vitamin in the amount of 100 mg, administered both intramuscularly and intravenously.
  • Potassium – 1 ml of solution per day, course of treatment for 3 days.
  • Vitamin PP – 0.05 g 3 times a day.

In case of malfunction digestive system, the doctor prescribes the administration of a mixture of glucose and saline solution. Intestinal bleeding Children are required to follow a long-term strict diet. You can use pureed vegetables, butter, eggs.

Article publication date: 06/08/2017

Article updated date: 12/21/2018

From the article you will learn: what internal bleeding is, why it is dangerous and by what signs it is recognized. Types of internal bleeding and first aid algorithm.

Internal bleeding is an acute life-threatening condition in which, through a rupture in the vessel wall, blood flows from the bloodstream either into the lumen of a hollow organ (uterus, stomach, lungs) or into a cavity artificially created by the volume of leaked blood (for example, intermuscular space). Such bleeding is never an isolated independent disease - but only either a sign or a consequence of the underlying pathological condition.

This pathology often develops as a result of injury or chronic illness. Heavy types Such bleeding with large blood loss (more than 1.5 liters) is very dangerous and can lead to death. Bleeding with less blood loss (less than 1.5 liters) is still very serious. Spilled blood can compress nearby vessels, disrupting the function of internal organs, come out through the mouth, for example, with gastric bleeding, and are accompanied by other serious manifestations.

Internal bleeding is called because the spilled blood does not flow outside the body. Therefore, uterine, gastric or are not always interpreted as internal; although, given that blood sometimes does not immediately exit through physiological openings - mouth, anus, vagina - it is advisable to classify them as internal.

The general causes, symptoms and treatment of internal bleeding are the same in men and women.

The elimination is carried out by a gynecologist, intestinal - by a proctologist, pulmonary - by a thoracic surgeon, post-traumatic - by a traumatologist, intracranial - by a neurosurgeon.

Late provision of medical care when a person contacts doctors late or has difficulties with differential diagnosis increase the risk to his health, and even life.

Types of internal bleeding

Internal bleeding is classified into many types based on location, cause, time of occurrence, amount of blood loss, etc.

Bleeding categories Types, description
By location Intestinal – blood is flowing from intestinal vessels

Gastric - into the lumen of the stomach

Gastrointestinal – blood loss into the cavity of the esophagus or other hollow organ

Hemopericardium - filling the pericardial sac with blood

Hemothorax - between the layers of the pleura, i.e. in the slit-like space between the special membranes surrounding each lung


Hemarthrosis – in the joint

According to the area of ​​blood accumulation Interstitial - into tissues adjacent to the vessel

Abdominal - into the cavity of the peritoneum, pleura

According to the signs and characteristics of detection Hidden - hemorrhage into the cavitary organs and cavities that communicate with external environment, For example bladder or lungs. But there are no obvious symptoms of bleeding; it can only be detected with the help of special diagnostics

Explicit – easily determined by visual inspection

By origin Mechanical - with traumatic injury tissues and vessels of internal organs

Arrosive - when the vascular wall is damaged due to the germination or disintegration of a neoplasm, a destructive or necrotic process (with tissue death)

Diapedetic - with blood leaking through the vascular wall during scurvy, scarlet fever, malaria

By volume of leaked blood Lung – blood loss no more than 500 ml

Average – 0.5–1 l

Severe – blood loss is no more than one and a half liters of blood

Massive – up to 2.5 l

Lethal - from 2.5 to 3 l

Absolutely lethal – over 3–3.5 l

Taking into account the type of damaged vessel Capillary - from capillaries

Venous – when the vein wall ruptures

Arterial - from an artery

Mixed - from different vessels

Parenchymatous - blood pours out from the vessels of a parenchymal organ (these are the spleen, liver, lungs, pancreas, kidneys and others - these are internal organs built from solid tissue)

According to development period Primary – immediately after injury

Secondary – some time after the injury. In the first 1–5 days it is considered early, after 10–15 days – late


Causes of internal bleeding

Each type of bleeding has its own causes, the most common of which are injuries and illnesses in acute or chronic form.

Hemorrhage is caused by:

  1. Open and closed injuries abdomen and lumbar region with damage or rupture of internal organs, most often the spleen or liver, less often the intestines and pancreas. Massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity is caused by a blow during a fight or during a car accident, compression - when pressed down heavy object etc.
  2. Fractured ribs lead to bleeding into the pleural cavity.
  3. Traumatic brain injury. Bleeding inside the skull is life-threatening because the volume of the skull is limited. Any hematoma leads to compression of brain structures and serious consequences. It can develop not only immediately after an injury, but also several hours or days after it.
  4. Chronic diseases digestive tract. Bleeding into the cavity of the corresponding organ occurs with erosive gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver, peptic ulcer, malignant tumor process, the formation of a through hole with an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
  5. Gynecological diseases and pathological conditions– apoplexy (rupture) of the ovary, ectopic pregnancy, malignancy, rupture of an ovarian cyst. In obstetrics and gynecology, uterine bleeding can provoke abortion, presentation or premature detachment placenta. It may begin after childbirth due to rupture birth canal or uterus, late delivery of the placenta.
  6. Hemophilia – hereditary disease men with a malfunction of the blood clotting process.


Symptoms depend on the amount of blood loss and its location. There are general signs and characteristic of a particular species.

General symptoms of blood loss

Common signs of internal bleeding are weakness, darkening or clouding of the eyes, drowsiness, dizziness, cold sweat, and thirst. Loss of consciousness is possible. The intensity of blood loss is determined by pulse rate, blood pressure and characteristic complaints of the patient.

  • Minor blood loss often does not manifest itself at all, but in some people the pulse increases slightly and decreases slightly blood pressure(HELL).
  • Manifestations of bleeding moderate severity: Heart rate up to 100 beats per minute, decrease in systolic pressure to 80 mm Hg. Art., moderate shortness of breath, dry mouth, cold hands and feet, cold sweat, dizziness, severe weakness, slower reactions, fainting.
  • With severe blood loss, symptoms are more pronounced. A drop in blood pressure of more than 80 mmHg is noted. Art., tachycardia more than 110 beats per minute, shortness of breath, hand tremors, excruciating thirst against the background of a decrease in the volume of urine excreted, apathy. There may also be a sharp pallor of the mucous membranes and skin, cyanosis of the limbs and area around the lips, clouding or loss of consciousness.
  • Among clinical manifestations massive hemorrhage, blueness of the skin and mucous membranes, confusion, and delirium are observed. They fall inside eyeballs, facial features become sharper, pulse reaches 160 beats per minute, blood pressure drops to 60 mm Hg. Art.
  • With fatal and absolutely fatal blood loss, we are talking about a threat to life. The pupils dilate, convulsions appear, the number of heart beats (bradycardia) sharply decreases to 2–10 beats per minute, breathing becomes agonal, urine and feces are spontaneously released. The patient falls into a coma, his skin is dry, pale with a marbled pattern. The result is agony, death.

Signs of hemothorax

Hemothorax is the entry of blood into the pleural cavity. In addition to general symptoms, it manifests itself as sharp pain in the problem area, difficulty in breathing, cough with foamy bloody sputum. On an x-ray, the mediastinum (the space in the middle of the chest cavity) is shifted towards the healthy lung.

Signs of uterine bleeding

Symptoms of internal bleeding in women can be pulling, bursting or sharp pains lower abdomen with irradiation to the lower back and anus, the urge to defecate, a feeling of swelling of the mucous membranes.

Signs of hemorrhage in the urinary and digestive organs

  • Tar-colored chair foul odor– melena – speaks of bleeding from upper section intestines or other digestive organs.
  • When there is a hemorrhage in the stomach, a person begins to vomit with bloody clots; into the lumen of the duodenum, it becomes the color of coffee grounds.
  • Bleeding from hemorrhoids appears bright bloody discharge from the anus.
  • Blood entering the kidney area urinary tract, comes out in the urine - hematuria.

First aid for internal bleeding

For any type of internal blood loss, you should immediately call an ambulance. Although with mild blood loss a person himself can reach medical institution and get help, but it’s better not to risk it, because it’s unknown whether the bleeding has stopped or whether it will get worse general condition further or not.

From the correctness of rendering first aid often a person's life depends. Before the doctors arrive, the patient must be laid down; further actions must be carried out only after he has assumed a horizontal position, and in case of hemothorax, a semi-sitting position. Apply ice to the area of ​​the suspected source of the problem, focusing on complaints. Then, as quickly as possible, transport the victim in this position to the nearest medical facility. institutions or wait for the ambulance to arrive.

It is strictly forbidden to: heat the bleeding area, apply pressure bandage, insert suppositories, use a laxative, do an enema (for intestinal bleeding), offer to drink painkillers and medications that stimulate the heart.

Neglecting the above steps can lead to increased blood loss and death.

Inpatient medical care

Based on symptoms and primary medical examination, presumably they find out which organ was damaged, and the patient is hospitalized in the appropriate department. If there are objective symptoms of large blood loss, go to intensive care.

Main goals of treatment:

  1. Stopping bleeding.
  2. Restoring the lost volume of blood constantly circulating in the body (BCV).
  3. Normalization of microcirculation.

Often massive blood loss can be stopped by performing emergency surgery:

  • in case of a stomach ulcer, its resection is carried out - part of it is removed along with the ulcer;
  • for pneumothorax, a thoracotomy is performed - opened chest, find and eliminate the cause of bleeding;
  • in case of a hematoma in the cranial cavity, trepanation is performed: through holes made in the bones of the skull, the neurosurgeon gains access to the structures of the brain and the resulting hematoma, from which the blood is sucked out;
  • in some cases, internal bleeding can be stopped by performing tamponade: for example, to tamponade the bronchus, a sterile gauze swab or foam sponge is inserted into it through a bronchoscope.

To replenish the bcc, intravenous drips are administered infusion solutions, blood substitutes, blood products. The remaining funds are used for their intended purpose.

The prognosis depends on the competent provision of pre-medical and timely medical care.

Detecting internal bleeding is very difficult. On initial stage its symptoms are very vague and similar to those of other diseases. Something is wrong can be suspected if there are severe external injuries, but some chronic diseases also cause a similar condition. The danger is that a person does not always experience pain. However, if urgent measures are not taken, the life of the sufferer will be at risk. How to recognize signs of internal bleeding and how to help before doctors arrive? Read about this later in the article.

Types of internal bleeding and their manifestations

Significant internal blood loss occurs for two reasons:

  • mechanical damage to internal organs due to a blow, a fall from a height, an industrial injury, or even after a showdown with fists;
  • chronic diseases that lead to thinning of the walls of blood vessels and their rupture. In this case, blood fills either a natural cavity (stomach, uterus in women, lungs) or a cavity created by it.

No matter how much blood is poured out, the body strives to push it out. She goes out with feces, stomach contents, from the internal genital organs in women, expectorated with sputum from the bronchi and lungs. However, you should not think that the bleeding will stop on its own; the wound will heal on its own. At the first manifestations of internal blood loss, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


According to doctors, cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers, varicose veins of the stomach or duodenum provoke every third internal bleeding. In this case, you can recognize the problem by vomiting mixed with bloody clots of a dark, almost black color. Another characteristic feature internal bleeding into the digestive organs - stool that resembles tar in color and consistency. It can appear 1–2 or even 9–10 hours after the onset of blood loss.


Otherwise, this type of internal bleeding is called a stroke. In this situation, the fluid does not find a way out and accumulates in the skull. Delete blood clots you can only surgically. The danger of blood clots in the brain cannot be underestimated: they can cause complete or partial paralysis, disruption of the functioning of those organs for which the affected area is responsible, and even death. In addition to severe head injury, stroke often results from:

  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • brain tumors;
  • vascular aneurysm;
  • encephalitis.

Small pelvis

It's about uterine bleeding. It can occur in women various reasons. Changes hormonal levels, tumors, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, placental abruption during pregnancy, rupture of the uterus or ovaries - all these factors hidden from human eyes provoke internal bleeding. They may open after or during your period. One of the signs of internal bleeding is blood coming out profusely in the form of large dark clots. Accompanied by the process aching pain in the lower abdomen.

In the abdominal cavity

Severe internal bleeding in this area is possible for various reasons:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • tumors;
  • low blood clotting.

What makes bleeding of this type special is the fact that a person, experiencing sharp pain in the peritoneum, in order to calm it down a little, I have to sit with my knees pulled up to my chest. Most often, doctors encounter external mechanical damage:

  • abdominal injuries;
  • chest injuries;
  • ruptures of internal organs: liver, ovaries, spleen.

In the respiratory system

The accumulation of blood in the lungs and its release is associated with complications after certain diseases (tumors in the chest, tuberculosis), with injuries to the ribs, heart and respiratory organs themselves. At the same time, along with the typical characteristics, there are also some specific signs:

  • The pulse rate decreases noticeably with heart injuries and increases if the lungs are damaged;
  • difficulty breathing, lack of oxygen if blood fills the pleural cavity;
  • there are chest pains of varying strength;
  • characterized by restless behavior, distortion of facial features;
  • cough is accompanied by the release of scarlet blood mixed with foam.

Main signs and symptoms

Along with specific ones, experts note numerous general symptoms internal bleeding, regardless of which specific organ or part of the body is affected. These signs include:

  • severe dizziness;
  • inability to do daily activities, weakness;
  • unnatural pallor of the skin and whites of the eyes;
  • apathy, drowsiness, inability to concentrate;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fainting;
  • especially severe cases are marked by confusion, inability to adequately perceive and respond to what is happening;
  • with injuries incompatible with life, the person falls into a coma.

By some signs you can judge which vessels are damaged. Capillary bleeding is very weak and does not pose any particular danger to life. Parenchymal, in which all channels are involved, is very long-lasting and abundant. Arterial is characterized by the release of bright red blood, and it flows jerkily. The main signs venous bleeding– slow, uniform flow of dark-colored blood.

First aid for internal bleeding

It is difficult to determine the source of internal bleeding without examining a doctor. However, if the sufferer is left without help at all, the situation can significantly worsen. Some simple actions will alleviate the condition of the victim and give him a chance for a successful outcome:

  • try to provide the victim with peace and maximum possible comfort;
  • if based on some signs you can assume that internal hemorrhage happened in top part body, arrange the person reclining. Otherwise, lay on your back;
  • make sure that the victim moves as little as possible;
  • put something cold (a bag of frozen food, cold water, ice cubes) to the area where you think internal bleeding is occurring;
  • You should not give the sufferer any medications, drinks other than water, or carry out any procedures. What is necessary in each specific case can only be determined by a specialist;
  • do everything so that the doctor arrives as soon as possible.

By watching the video below, you will learn how to properly assist a person suffering from internal bleeding on the street. A professional doctor tells how to competently, armed with the familiar items at hand, ease the patient’s pain before the emergency doctor appears. You will learn about the first symptoms of internal bleeding, which will give you a signal to act, because such a problem should never be left to chance.

During the newborn period, the child has not yet had time to “earn” any diseases and has not been in contact with the outside world, but despite this, life-threatening conditions may develop after birth. Gastrointestinal bleeding in children a few days after birth occurs as a result of imperfections in the blood coagulation system, which most often occurs in premature infants.

There are several main reasons why a baby develops gastric bleeding. They are quite different from those of adults. This is due to insufficient development all systems and the child’s body as a whole. This problem is more pressing for premature babies. For infants, hereditary pathologies and organ malformations are specific.

Hemorrhagic disease

Gastric bleeding in a newborn occurs most often when hemorrhagic disease, which occurs in 0.25-0.5% of cases. The causes of this disease lie in the deficiency of vitamin K, which is directly related to the synthesis of blood coagulation factors, namely Ⅱ, Ⅶ, Ⅸ, Ⅹ - prothrombin complex. In the structure of ICD 10, these pathologies have the following codes:

  • P53 – hemorrhagic disease of the fetus and newborn;
  • P54.0 – newborn hematomesis;
  • P54.1 – melena of the newborn;
  • P54.2 – bleeding from the rectum;
  • P54.3 – gastrointestinal bleeding of a newborn.

There is such a classification depending on the appearance of clinical signs:

  1. Early hemorrhagic disease - the first day after birth, vitamin K deficiency is more than half of the norm.
  2. Classic form - symptoms occur in the first week of a baby's life. The reason is a deficiency of vitamin K due to insufficient supply of it with mother’s milk and imperfection of the intestinal microflora that produces it.
  3. Late – develops from the second to the twelfth week after birth in a child. This is due to insufficient production of peptides that are part of blood clotting factors. A condition occurs in liver diseases - hepatitis, malabsorption syndrome, biliary atresia, long-term intravenous nutrition.

There are several risk factors for developing hemorrhagic disease of the newborn:

  • maternal intake of indirect-acting anticoagulants (Neodicoumarin) during gestation;
  • treatment of a pregnant woman before childbirth with sulfonamide drugs (Biseptol, Etazol);
  • prematurity;
  • lack of breastfeeding, poorly established mixed feeding;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • liver pathologies;
  • long-term intravenous nutrition.


Enough common cause stomach bleeding, vomiting streaked with blood is esophagitis. It develops as a result of reflux, or the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. This provokes inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane. No significant blood loss is observed.

DIC syndrome

The development of DIC syndrome in newborns can be caused by:

  • septic condition of the child;
  • hypoxia;
  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • infections;
  • hemolytic disease;
  • anemia.


Classic hemophilia is the result of a mutation in the gene that controls the activity of clotting factor Ⅷ. Hemophilia B is a deficiency of factor Ⅸ, or Christmas factor. To this group hereditary pathologies von Willebrand's disease may also be considered. It is these nosologies that make up 99% of all congenital deficiencies of the coagulation system.

The development of gastrointestinal bleeding in children after birth with hemophilia is extremely rare. As a rule, the first manifestations of hereditary factor deficiency occur when the child begins to crawl and actively move.

But if bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract has developed in a newborn boy and the only change in the coagulogram is an increase in aPTT, then you should think about hemophilia and perform quantitative researchⅧ and Ⅸ factors.

Thrombocytopathy and thrombocytopenia

A decrease in platelets in newborns of less than 30*10 9 /l leads to clinically significant manifestations. Bleeding and petechiae appear on the body. The causes of such conditions may be:

  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • immune thrombocytopenia develops by analogy with the mother’s Rh conflict, when the child’s platelets have antigens perceived by the woman’s immune system as foreign;
  • maternal immune thrombocytopenia systemic diseases(idiopathic form, systemic lupus erythematosus) leads to the penetration of antibodies through the placenta into the blood of the fetus with the development of a reaction in him;
  • infections and localized thrombosis;
  • Drug-induced thrombocytopathy is very rare and results in almost no bleeding.

Liver diseases

The liver is a producer of almost all blood coagulation factors, fibrinogen, and other protein elements that participate in hemostasis. Violation of the synthetic function of the liver occurs in newborns when:

  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • increased transaminases.

Maternal blood ingestion syndrome

If the birth canal is ruptured during childbirth or nipples are cracked, the baby may swallow a certain amount of the mother's blood. To determine whose blood is present in the vomit, an Apta-Downer test should be performed:

  • take vomit or feces into a test tube, add water;
  • centrifuge;
  • add 1 ml of sodium hydroxide 1% to 4 ml of supernatant;
  • after 2 minutes evaluate the result;
  • pink color is the baby's blood, brown is the mother's blood.



Gastrointestinal bleeding in newborns is manifested by several symptoms.

  1. Hematomesis is vomiting blood. It most often appears 2-5 days after birth. The color of blood ranges from scarlet to “coffee grounds.” For children, scarlet vomiting is more typical, since the acidity in the stomach is low.
  2. Melena is dark, tarry stool. This symptom can be observed with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. The lower the source, the lighter the blood in the stool.
  3. Scarlet blood during defecation or not associated with it. Indicates a pathology localized in the descending colon, sigmoid colon. With hemorrhoids, blood does not mix with feces, but is released after defecation.

The basis of symptoms of gastrointestinal bleeding in children and adults are signs of blood loss:

  • pallor, marbling of the skin;
  • cold clammy sweat;
  • first tachycardia, then bradycardia and asystole;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness.

But, in addition to specific signs, they may be accompanied by general symptoms of insufficiency of the blood coagulation system:

  • petechial rash;
  • long-term bleeding wounds after blood collection;
  • large cephalohematomas after childbirth that do not go away for a long time;
  • intracranial hemorrhages, manifested by neurological symptoms;
  • nosebleeds.


The necessary diagnostic criteria are:

  • hemoglobin;
  • hematocrit;
  • fibrinogen;
  • platelet count;
  • blood clotting time;
  • prothrombin time;
  • APTT;
  • fibrin degradation products;
  • other laboratory tests are carried out as indicated.

Ultrasound examination of organs will help with diagnosis abdominal cavity.

Urgent Care

Most often, when gastric bleeding develops in newborns, they are still in the maternity hospital (on days 2-5). This increases the chance of quality delivery emergency care to such a child.

The basis of treatment is the implementation of hemostasis and replenishment of lost fluid. Algorithm for emergency care for gastrointestinal bleeding in newborns according to clinical guidelines:

  1. In case of vitamin K deficiency, children are administered intramuscularly at a dose of 100 mcg/kg. As a rule, after 4-6 hours, coagulation parameters return to normal.
  2. If there is a significant deficiency of the prothrombin complex, they resort to transfusion of its concentrate preparations - Proplex, Octaplex, Konin.
  3. If hypocoagulation is proven on a coagulogram or upper limit norms of prothrombin time and aPTT, fresh frozen plasma is prescribed at a dose of 10-15 ml/kg per 30 minutes. It is necessary to repeat the coagulogram to correct the values ​​by additional administration of FFP.
  4. If there is no effect from the use of FFP, cryoprecipitate is prescribed at a dose of 5 ml/kg over 30 minutes. If no effect is observed, then re-introduce cryoprecipitate at the same dose.
  5. Platelet mass according to indications is less than 30*10 9 /l at a dose of 1 unit.
  6. Deficient coagulation factors are prescribed if their deficiency is proven. For example, Ⅷ factor for hemophilia, Ⅸ factor for Christmas disease.
  7. Red blood cells are administered when there is significant blood loss and a decrease in hemoglobin.
  8. Children who are not helped by the above remedies are prescribed an exchange blood transfusion, which makes it possible to replenish the missing components of the coagulation system and get rid of decay products.


If a child develops gastrointestinal bleeding, then after stabilization of the condition and hemostasis, he is in the hospital. Treatment is carried out according to the underlying pathology. Mothers need to express their milk and cool it before starting feeding. Vikasol is prescribed 0.3-0.5 ml 2 times a day for 3 days.