Inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood: causes, treatment. Removal of the wisdom tooth hood and recovery after surgery Mechanical damage to the hood over the wisdom tooth

Starts at about 16-17 years of age.

For some people, wisdom teeth do not appear at all. This is not a pathology due to the fact that the wisdom tooth is a rudiment. It has lost its functional properties over time, since people began to eat soft, cooked foods.

The figure eight erupts through a large area of ​​gum that has already formed over the years. This area, which hangs over the erupting wisdom tooth, is called the hood in dentistry.

Upon examination, the erupting eighth tooth and the swollen area of ​​the gum above it, significantly increased in size, white or red, depending on the stage of inflammation, should be visible.

After the initial examination and diagnosis, the doctor sets a date for the operation and treatment during preparation in the form of baths with a disinfectant composition and local compresses. The period of preparation for the operation will be discussed in more detail below.

When diagnosing, it is important to understand in which direction the wisdom tooth itself grows. If it has a normal direction of growth, that is, upwards, then there are no contraindications to excision of the hood, but it also happens that the tooth grows sideways, towards other teeth and puts pressure on them. In this case, excision of the hood is necessary and will not help.

Why does the hood need to be removed?

Once pericoronitis is diagnosed, the physician will usually refer the patient for preparation for hood excision. This is a classic way to solve the problem, since treatment of inflammation in this area can be ineffective and dangerous.

Gum inflammation can be relieved with regular use. But after finishing the course of antibiotics inflammatory process will continue.

This is due to the fact that the space between the tooth and gum is constantly filled with food and there is a continuous process of reproduction and development of pathogenic microbes.

During the action of antibiotics, they temporarily stop their development, but as soon as the antibiotic stops working, the problem returns again. Since prescribing antibiotics is an aggressive method of treatment and negatively affects the body as a whole, it is better to avoid this method in this case.

In the photo, the arrow indicates the inflamed hood on the wisdom tooth.

In addition, if the process is started, the condition may deteriorate irreversibly. The next stage in the development of the disease will be a violation of the chewing process, problematic functioning of the facial muscles and, associated with this, difficulty opening the mouth, and increased pain.

The inflammatory process and rotting can progress to soft fabrics, and pyogenic microbes can be transmitted through the lymphatic or circulatory system.

The consequences can be severe and require long-term and complex treatment in a hospital, and most often with surgical intervention. Therefore, no matter how scary it may be to go to dental clinic, the hike cannot be delayed and the hood must be cut off.

After removing the hood, the space where bacteria multiplied disappears, so inflammation should not recur. The wisdom tooth continues to grow normally, since now nothing interferes with it.

Also, after making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the presence of a previous history of gum excision in the same place. It happens that the gum is excised, but after a while it becomes inflamed again. Then the question is raised about the effectiveness of this method in an individual case, and most often the entire growing tooth has to be removed.

Preparation for excision and surgery

The main task in preparing for the procedure is to relieve the acute inflammatory process. This occurs by rinsing the mouth with particular intensity in the area of ​​inflammation. Chamomile infusion is used for rinsing if there is no allergy to it.

For allergy sufferers, we use a soda-salt solution based on the proportions: for one glass of water, half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt. You should rinse 3 times a day.

To relieve pain, you can take painkillers. Usually Ketorol or is prescribed, but not more than 4 tablets per day and dental drops, which have a local analgesic effect.

Dental drops are applied to a small piece of gauze and a compress is made directly to the site of inflammation. This compress will reduce pain syndrome and has a beneficial effect on relieving inflammation.

The procedure for removing the hood itself is carried out under a local procedure if there are no contraindications to it. In case of individual intolerance to painkillers or during pregnancy and lactation, the procedure is performed without the use of an anesthetic.

After an injection of an anesthetic drug, the sensitivity of the area is reduced as much as possible, and the procedure. The dental surgeon marks the area for removal and uses a scalpel to cut off the excess part of the gum so that nothing covers the tooth area, since if a piece of gum remains, the inflammation may recur if food gets under it or insufficient hygiene.

Then the wound should be washed with a special antiseptic and hemostatic agent. After the bleeding has stopped, the doctor applies a compress using the healing medication Alvogel or Iodoform Turunta.

Rehabilitation of the patient at home

Miramistin is used in a volume of 10-15 ml per application. Furacilin solution can be prepared independently. To do this, you need to purchase ready-made powder in a dosage of 0.02 g or tablets of the same dosage at the pharmacy and crush them into powder. Then dilute it in warm water and rinse.

Miramistin is also used as an irrigation; for this you need to purchase a special solution with a sprayer, in the form of a spray, and spray the wound 3-5 times a day.

Also, to reduce pain and disinfect the wound, you can rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs: chamomile and sage. To do this, pour one teaspoon of each herb into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Strain half of the broth through cheesecloth and dilute warm water for one rinse. The rest can be left for next time.

Before rinsing again, you also need to strain well so that no particles remain and dilute with warm water.

When choosing a rinse, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and consult a doctor on this issue first, so as not to worsen the condition with an allergic reaction.

In addition to rinsing, you need to apply compresses with dental gel 2-3 times a day. It promotes fast healing wounds and relieves pain.

Cholisal at the expense of the main active substance relieves heat, pain and inflammation. It kills germs and fungi, thereby preventing the gums from becoming inflamed again. It is recommended to apply it before meals if pain interferes with eating.

After eating, the mouth should be rinsed to remove any remaining food. Cholisal is made on a gel basis, so it is quickly absorbed, and active ingredients last much longer. The analgesic effect lasts from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Bottom line

Thus, when obvious signs inflammation in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in the soft tissues. If a doctor prescribes excision of the hood as a treatment, his recommendations should not be neglected.

If you refuse to remove the gum, it may not recover on its own and with the help of local therapy, and the inflammatory process it will take a lot of time and effort to treat it.

Operation under local anesthetic the procedure is painless. But after the anesthesia wears off, severe painful sensations. But they are relieved with the help of painkillers, which are taken orally and locally.

Within 3 days, the wound should heal due to the high ability of the mucous membrane to regenerate tissue. At a re-examination, the doctor will confirm the effectiveness of the restoration.

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to appear in the adult dentition and are also called third molars or “eights.” During evolutionary development they have lost their basic functions and practically do not participate in the process of chewing food and are considered vestigial organs.

It would seem that this property should characterize these teeth as the least troublesome, but in practice it turns out that, on the contrary, they are the most problematic teeth in the mouth. What to do if the gums near the wisdom tooth become inflamed?

A typical situation that almost every patient has encountered is inflammation of the gums surrounding the wisdom tooth. The process is accompanied by noticeable pain and discomfort, so everyone, without exception, is interested in what to do in this case in order to quickly eliminate the swelling and improve the condition.

The nature of wisdom teeth is, in fact, unique - they are not preceded by milk teeth, they take a long time to form, therefore they erupt later than others, and have a specific root structure.

Each person has the rudiments of future eights on each jaw, but this does not mean that they will all necessarily grow, because very often the eights remain impacted or are only partially shown.

In any case, the appearance is not instantaneous, but takes a decent period of time, causing inconvenience to a person. The combination of these features becomes the main reason for the development of complications of the third molars.

Below we will discuss the main situations in which gum inflammation occurs around the wisdom tooth.

Difficulty erupting

Complications during germination are caused by the following main factors:

  • the presence of a formed thickened bone tissue;
  • a sufficiently large size of molars injures soft tissues;
  • there is not enough space for free growth;
  • dystopic position – incorrect direction (at an angle, horizontally).

Dystopic teeth provoke not only inflammation of the wisdom tooth, but also have negative impact on neighboring molars, damaging the enamel or roots, very often injuring the inner surface of the cheek and deforming the bite.


If the germination of figure eights takes too long, then the soft tissues begin to partially recede, forming a kind of hood of gum over the tooth, which prevents eruption. The space under the gingival hood becomes an excellent place for the accumulation of food debris, and, accordingly, the proliferation of pathogenic flora.

In dentistry, this phenomenon is called pericoronitis and it can have acute, catarrhal, purulent or chronic form currents. The condition is associated with significant pain, against which the gums around the wisdom tooth become inflamed, and in advanced cases, the cheek may swell and pus may appear. Pericoronitis should be treated by a dentist if it occurs primary signs, otherwise the disease will lead to phlegmon, periostitis, and abscess.

At the initial stage, you can get by drug treatment, but often the doctor is forced to resort to dissection or complete excision of the inflamed gum tissue.

Carious lesions, infection, inflammation

Erupted wisdom teeth can often become inflamed due to inaccessibility, which prevents proper hygiene. Swelling and pain in the gums near the third molar are due to the following dental conditions:

  • the presence of carious lesions - this also applies to impacted lesions, since they can be destroyed, even located deep in the tissues;
  • development of pulpitis, periodontitis - the occurrence of pathologies is preceded by advanced caries, periodontal cyst;
  • if an infection occurs inside the dental tissue, then the development of a purulent-inflammatory process and, as a consequence, a fistula, abscess, and gumboil will naturally occur. The entire cheek may become swollen.

Having learned about the main reasons that cause inflammation of the gums around the third molars, the conclusion suggests itself - in order to know how to properly treat a tooth and how to treat it, you should definitely be examined by a dentist.

Associated symptoms

Symptoms of wisdom tooth inflammation cannot be confused with anything else. The appearance of pain and swelling are the primary signals of injury or infection in the tooth. These sensations should be remembered in order to accurately describe to the specialist the nature and intensity of inflammation.

Based on the severity of the ongoing pathological processes, one can give a preliminary assessment of the condition and understand how advanced the disease is.

Larisa Kopylova


The presence of slight swelling and mild inflammation at the causative site indicates a normal reaction of the body when the gums near the wisdom tooth are damaged. Against this background, there are pain sensations, but they are insignificant or moderate.

When the pain intensifies, is prolonged, and the swelling increases, then there is reason to suspect the course of a purulent-inflammatory process in the area of ​​the tooth root - it may be a cyst. The accumulated pus will look for a way out and soon a formed ball (sac) will appear on the gum.

X-ray of an abnormally growing wisdom tooth.

A set of symptoms of inflammation characteristic of problematic growth and development of wisdom teeth:

  • presence of lung aching pain– appears when the gingival tissue is gradually dissected by the sharp tip of the tooth;
  • severe pain resembling spasms indicate inflammation;
  • The gums near the wisdom tooth become hot, which indicates the progression of the inflammatory process. This symptom occurs against the background of pericoronitis, abscess, hematoma;
  • when inflammation and swelling spread to the cheek, and swallowing becomes difficult, this signals a severe abscess, which can result in phlegmonous lesions;
  • appearance foul odor from oral cavity in tandem with pain and inflammation of the wisdom tooth indicates alveolitis;
  • a cyst or granuloma manifests itself as a formed ball of pus on the gum.

If on initial stages ignore the first signs, then as the pathology progresses, pain syndrome spreads to ears, temples, neck.

Larisa Kopylova


The cheek may become noticeably swollen, the tongue may become inflamed, pus will accumulate on the gums, the body temperature will rise - all this is dangerous to life and health, you should try not to let the condition develop into such complications.

Self-help methods

As soon as a wisdom tooth begins to erupt, it is advisable to immediately take preventive measures so as not to experience severe pain. What to do if the gums around the wisdom tooth become inflamed?

It is important to emphasize that home methods emergency assistance not suspended from medical examination, but will only be able to dull the symptoms. To prevent complications from developing, you should definitely see a dentist. An important condition is to exclude any heating of the wisdom tooth, so as not to provoke a purulent process.

Basic first aid rules that will help soothe inflamed gums and alleviate the condition:

  • take painkillers according to instructions. You can use Nimesil, Analgin, Tempalgin, Ketanov, Paracetamol;
  • apply an anti-inflammatory gel or ointment with an analgesic effect to the causative area - Cholisal, Kamistad, Kalgel, Metrogyl Denta;
  • carry out antiseptic treatment of the mouth - prepare aqueous solutions for rinsing.
  • Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Furacilin are suitable for these purposes.

The listed methods can be used for no more than three days, even if relief has occurred, you should still not postpone a trip to a specialist.

Larisa Kopylova


When the gums near the wisdom tooth are swollen, it is worth visiting a doctor, since swelling often acts as a sign of the eruption of the figure eight.

Qualified treatment

After conducting a visual examination of the oral cavity, examining x-ray, the doctor will identify the true cause of the inflammatory process and take appropriate actions:

  • prescription of drug therapy - antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, gels and ointments for treating sore gums, antiseptic baths, rinses;
  • Surgical resolution of the situation is indicated for difficult eruption, pericoronitis, and removal of the problematic figure eight. Depending on the circumstances, the doctor will cut the gum, excise or dissect the gingival hood, remove the wisdom tooth;
  • when the pain is intense and the swelling of the tissues is severe, the condition is alleviated with the help of novocaine blockade;
  • good positive effect provides laser treatment, in which the affected area is exposed to infrared radiation. But this method is considered as auxiliary technique, which consolidates the result.

If after reading the article you still have questions, watch the following video, in which the dentist clearly talks about the problem of gum inflammation above the figure eight:

If a visit to the dentist resulted in surgery or removal of the third molar, then you should not swim in the bath for several days. hot water, eat irritating foods, touch the operated hole with your tongue or other foreign objects.

According to medical research, in the process of evolutionary development, wisdom teeth lost their primary functions, And modern people they simply don't need them. However, for many they never appear.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from the Crimean medical school. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

Ask a question to an expert

I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

According to some dentists, in a couple of centuries, the eruption of eights will be rare.

Now experts advise against removing molars - they may be needed when installing a prosthesis. The eruption of such teeth causes a lot of pain.

Main causes of pericoronitis

The eruption of wisdom teeth occurs between the ages of 18 and 25 years. The scientific name of the masticatory organ is “third molar.” When a gum appears between the chewing organ and the surface of the gum overhanging it, there remains a free space called the hood. Most often, food particles penetrate there and remain.

Over time, leftover food deteriorates, allowing microorganisms to develop. This provokes bad breath, inflammation of the hood and the formation of pus.

The main causes of inflammation in the hood area are:

  • dystopia of the third molar - its location at an angle or parallel to the row, often common in the lower jaw;
  • semi-retention - a condition accompanied by the eruption of only part of the tooth, while the rest is still in the bone;
  • thickening of the oral mucous tissues in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth;
  • small width of the dental arch, which does not allow the figure eight to erupt normally.

All such cases are accompanied by the formation of a hood over the third molar, even if in the future it will take its usual position in the dentition.

Symptoms of pericoronitis

The early stages of the disease are practically asymptomatic. However, after a couple of days, the accumulation of food pieces provokes the development of inflammation. The process is complicated by the inability of saliva to penetrate under the hood. As a result, the acid-base balance is not maintained.

Signs of the development of pericoronitis are the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • a person’s inability to fully open or close their mouth;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • elevated temperature;
  • advanced stages are accompanied by facial swelling.

Signs become sufficient to deteriorate a person’s well-being. If treatment is not timely, the results can be severe. The problem is that the infection spreads to nearby tissues.

These are the chewing muscles, as a result of which even a slight movement of the jaw is accompanied by acute pain.

Treatment methods for pericoronitis

When inflammation of the gum surface near the third molar occurs, therapy often involves removing the hood. If there is pronounced purulent inflammation, then excision becomes undesirable due to the likelihood of developing inflammatory complications.

To facilitate the outflow of the purulent compartment, the hood is dissected, and then anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. Complete elimination is carried out after suppression of active inflammation. In addition, sometimes it may be necessary to remove the eight.

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth

The method involves excision of the overhanging mucous tissue over the molar, which has begun to appear. The procedure involves eliminating conditions for the development of pathogens. This is a microsurgical intervention that is characterized by low trauma. In rare situations, a large amount of gum tissue is excised.

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is performed by a dental surgeon using local anesthesia. When visiting a competent specialist and using the correct anesthesia, the procedure is painless.

Pain occurs after the anesthesia wears off (after half an hour), for this reason, it is better to take an analgesic before the pain appears.

Excision involves the following stages:

  • use of local anesthesia;
  • direct excision of overhanging gums. A dental surgeon uses a scalpel and surgical scissors;
  • wound disinfection using special antiseptics;
  • application of iodoform turunda to the site of the excised hood.

The procedure ends with receiving medical recommendations and scheduling a re-examination.

Wisdom tooth hood removal

Removing the hood of a third molar is a fairly simple operation. Local anesthesia is used for this procedure.

The procedure is facilitated by the presence of one of the prerequisites:

  • crowding of the masticatory organs;
  • no need for the third molar to function;
  • insufficient jaw width.

Features of gum excision

The manipulation of removing the hood itself does not present any particular difficulties. But it requires compliance with certain medical recommendations, which will help prevent relapse. Typically, excision is performed as follows. The dentist consults the patient and provides some details of the procedure. After this, anesthesia is applied based on the collected medical history.

The operation is performed with a scalpel or surgical scissors. The dentist makes an incision into the soft tissue, then cuts it away from himself. This procedure ensures the release of the molar crown.

In this case, the gum lobes occupy an extreme position from the masticatory hillocks. The procedure will provide the patient with normal oral care, as the mucous membrane will move away from the crown part of the molar.

Usually, the dentist prescribes a therapeutic course that includes baths. This is easy to do at home. Most likely you will need a regular salt solution or chlorhexidine. Upon admission medical supplies Do not forget about mandatory consultation with a specialist. This is due to the likelihood of complications, as well as bleeding. As a rule, the dentist takes into account the level of complexity of the disease, and if purulent inflammation is detected, antibiotics are prescribed.

It is important to remember that cutting the hood does not always guarantee protection against problems caused by the growth of wisdom teeth in the future.

There are often cases of re-covering a molar with gum. This is usually caused slow growth rudiment. If the molar remains partially impacted after the procedures, it is removed.

In what cases is a wisdom tooth removed?

Often, removing the hood over the third molar is not enough. Therapy of this kind does not provide the desired effect in the following situations:

  1. The oral cavity does not have enough space for further tooth eruption. Extraction is prescribed when it is directed towards adjacent masticatory organs or bone tissue.
  2. Absence of adjacent molars to wisdom teeth. Such situations are of no use for the safety of the eight. For this reason, it is removed before it begins to cause problems for the patient.

The hood forms exclusively on wisdom teeth that have not fully erupted. This means that the procedure for removing them will be quite difficult. There is no access to remove the element from the socket using simple dental devices. To do this, a drill is used to divide it into several parts. After this, the dentist carefully removes the molar particles from the alveolar process.

The peculiarity of wisdom tooth extraction with a hood is the complexity of its implementation. The process entails additional difficulties. The operation lasts much longer than the usual cutting off of excess soft tissue. This puts stress on most patients, especially those suffering from dental anxiety.

For such cases, general anesthesia is used. It helps to immerse the patient in a peaceful sleep and lack of reaction to the specialist’s manipulations. Panic fear is not the only reason for using anesthesia.

It is activated when a person has an increased gag reflex. While performing an operation, the dentist may catch the tongue, causing a gag reflex. To prevent unpleasant embarrassment, it is better to completely turn off a person’s reflexes through general anesthesia.

Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


Due to the short duration of the operation, the anesthesia used does not pose a danger to the body. Despite this, women are not recommended to use such painkillers during the first and last trimesters of pregnancy.

The effect of anesthesia on the fetus has not yet been fully studied, however, it is not always possible to exclude such a complex operation that requires general anesthesia.

Most modern qualified dentists do not support the removal of wisdom teeth, as they may be useful for further prosthetics. Others, on the contrary, strongly recommend removing it. This will avoid dental problems.

Most people various reasons They are afraid of visiting the dentist; this is a condition for painful eruption of wisdom teeth. People act intuitively and turn to folk medicine. It is important to know that such actions are wrong; they will only temporarily relieve the symptoms without solving the root of the problem. In addition, this can blur the overall picture and act as a source of progression of the disease.

It is not recommended to resort to independent acquisition and administration bactericidal drugs. Because such drugs have a local effect, the inflammation process will only deepen its effect. The process may be purulent complications on the lymph nodes and pharynx.

Wisdom teeth received this name because their eruption begins later than other teeth, at about 17-25 years, and in some people they are absent altogether. The appearance of figure eights is often accompanied by certain complications: swelling of the gums, pain, and sometimes pericoronitis or inflammation of the nearby gum area. What reasons cause discomfort and how to alleviate the condition when the third molars erupt?

Wisdom teeth and their features

In the medical community, teeth, third molars or wisdom teeth are considered vestigial organs that have lost their primary purpose after a person began to eat processed food. It is believed that in a few decades they will become a rare occurrence in dental practice.

Wisdom teeth have a row characteristic features, which distinguish them from their counterparts:

  • Eights have no milk precursors;
  • The tooth begins to form at about the age of twelve, and the formation process ends no earlier than 24 years.

Another difference between eights and other teeth is the number and structure of the roots. It should be noted that the number of tooth roots is individual for each person, but on average the situation is as follows.

Table. Number of roots for different types of teeth.

Names of teethNumber of roots
Central and upper incisors1
Canines and lateral incisors1
First upper premolars1
First lower premolars2
Second premolars1
First and second molars from above3
First and second molars from below2
Third molars (wisdom teeth)2-5

The roots of eights differ not only in number, but also in structure - they are often very curved, which makes their treatment and removal very difficult.

Wisdom teeth complete the dentition, that is, they have not two “neighbors,” but only one. On the other side, the gum hangs over the tooth, and in between there is a small space called the hood. Otherwise, the structure of third molars does not differ from the structure of other teeth, since they also consist of a root, a neck and a crown part covered with enamel.

Why do wisdom teeth hurt when they erupt?

Unpleasant sensations during the growth of wisdom teeth are caused by various factors, including the characteristics of their growth. Eights begin to grow when a person’s jaw is practically formed, so they not only have to “punch through” the gum tissue and mucous membrane, but also move the remaining teeth. Sometimes, due to lack of space, wisdom teeth grow only halfway or even grow in a horizontal direction, causing a lot of inconvenience. During the process of eruption, third molars can touch a nearby nerve, as a result of which the person feels constant discomfort.

Should the wisdom tooth be left in place or is it better to remove it? Only a doctor can make such a decision, based on the structural characteristics of the teeth in each specific case. If the figure eight grows in a horizontal direction, causes severe pain, is affected by caries or injures the soft tissues of the oral cavity, it is better to remove it - the absence of a tooth will not in any way affect the function of the dentofacial apparatus. But if there are no problems, dentists usually recommend leaving it in place, since in the future the third molar can help with prosthetics of other teeth.

What is pericoronitis?

Pericoronitis is an inflammation of the soft tissue area that covers the wisdom tooth (the so-called hood). It most often affects teenagers and young adults during the eruption of wisdom teeth, but sometimes occurs in older age. This is one of the most common complications that accompanies the process of emergence of third molars.

The main cause of pericoronitis is reproduction harmful bacteria in the fabrics of the hood. When a wisdom tooth erupts, the soft tissues become inflamed and hang over it, causing something like a pocket to form between the tooth and gum. This area is very difficult to clean from food debris using a regular toothbrush and often creates a favorable environment for microorganisms that cause an infectious process. Another reason that can cause the disease is mechanical injury gums. During the period of wisdom teeth erupting, the tissues become loose, so they are very easy to injure - this can happen even when chewing solid food.

Symptoms of pericoronitis

The first few days the disease does not cause any inconvenience, but over time the person begins to feel the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the gum tissue in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, in severe cases - swelling of half the face;
  • discomfort when opening the mouth, talking, eating, which can radiate to the head and ear;
  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • increase in temperature;
  • inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of pus that flows from under the hood when you press on it;
  • headache, general weakness.

Sometimes the hood becomes so inflamed that any movement or touch to the cheek causes unbearable pain in the person. In addition to unpleasant symptoms, pericoronitis is also dangerous because the inflammatory process can spread to nearby tissues, in particular to the masticatory muscles. If left untreated, complication of pericoronitis becomes phlegmon, abscesses and osteomyelitis - purulent inflammation of bone tissue. In addition, infected exudate accumulates under the hood, which enters the throat and digestive tract, causing all kinds of diseases.

Since there is quite a lot in the gums blood vessels, the infection can spread throughout the body, leading to deterioration of immunity and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Making a diagnosis does not cause serious problems, as it has pronounced symptoms. Diagnosis of pericoronitis is carried out on the basis of the patient’s complaints and examination of his oral cavity. Sometimes an X-ray examination is performed to identify concomitant pathologies (improper tooth eruption, inflammation of the roots, etc.).

Drug treatment

Treatment of the disease depends on the degree of its development and the condition of the soft tissues. If the disease has not progressed too far, it is possible therapeutic treatment. The cavity under the hood is washed with weak antiseptic solutions or sulfonamides - such as furatsilin, potassium permanganate, calcium chloride, etc. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers are taken internally, and for severe inflammation - antibiotics. Sometimes a tampon soaked in special solutions, which inhibit the growth of microorganisms and eliminate inflammation.

Treatment with folk remedies

Therapy folk remedies includes rinsing the mouth with a soda-salt solution (a teaspoon per glass of water), as well as decoctions and infusions medicinal plants with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (chamomile, oak bark, sage, calendula). Good effect gives lubrication of the inflamed area with iodine, but this must be done carefully so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the gums. With fever, severe pain and malaise from home treatment It is better to refuse and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention in the treatment of an inflamed hood is necessary in the following cases:

  • If drug therapy does not give results;
  • in case of accumulation large quantity pus under the hood;
  • at severe pain and swelling, which makes it difficult to chew food, swallow and other activities;
  • if the patient has fever, headaches and general malaise.

Excision of the wisdom tooth hood is a simple procedure that is performed on an outpatient basis, but requires certain preparation and compliance with the doctor’s recommendations. postoperative period.

Before surgery, it is very important to remove acute symptoms diseases. To do this, rinse your mouth with disinfectant solutions (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine) or herbal decoctions, it is possible to take painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketorol, Ketanov, Ibuprofen, etc.).

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, therefore does not cause any discomfort to patients. After numbing the affected area, the doctor removes part of the gum overhanging the wisdom tooth (using a surgical laser or scalpel), thus eliminating the “pocket” where food and harmful microorganisms accumulate. Next, the wound is treated with antiseptics, and a tampon soaked in iodoform is placed on top of it. During the postoperative period, the patient is recommended to rinse his mouth with antiseptics, take anti-inflammatory and painkillers, and in some cases antibiotics. The healing process usually takes 7 to 10 days, and if inflammation returns, patients are advised to have their wisdom teeth removed.


It is very difficult to prevent inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood, but it is quite possible to reduce the likelihood of developing a pathological process. Preventive measures include proper oral hygiene and regular visit dentist, which will identify not only pericoronitis, but also other problems. To clean hard-to-reach places, you should use not only toothbrush and paste, but also floss, irrigator and other special products.

The eruption of wisdom teeth is in most cases accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, but at timely diagnosis, proper treatment of complications and prevention of their development the process will pass as painlessly as possible.

Video - Excision of the hood with erbium and diode laser

Sometimes, when teething, a hood appears on the wisdom tooth. In dentistry, this condition is called pericoronitis. There are two ways to solve the problem - removing the hood or wisdom teeth. If measures are not taken in time, an abscess may develop, and subsequently sepsis. To avoid complications, it is recommended to start treatment when the first symptoms appear. After surgical intervention inflammation and pain go away, chewing and speech normalize. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to follow the rules of oral care and hygiene.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth teeth, so dentists call them eights or third molars. Their eruption is possible at any age, and their absence is considered normal. The terminal location promotes overhang of the gum, which forms the hood of the wisdom tooth. Overhanging tissue makes chewing and swallowing difficult and leads to accumulation of pathogenic microflora, interferes normal growth tooth

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Pericoronitis is an inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth, in most cases associated with the eruption process.

Dental hood delays food leftovers and pollution, provokes the spread of the inflammatory process to soft tissues and bones located in the immediate vicinity of it. The condition is characterized by sharp pain, swelling and decay of the gums, and disruption of the functioning of the entire dentofacial apparatus.

The main reasons for the appearance of a hood

The hood over the wisdom tooth forms a cavity in which liquid, food debris, and pollution are retained, that is, pathogenic microflora is constantly present. This creates conditions conducive to increased reproduction and spread of harmful microorganisms. The result of gum growth on the wisdom tooth is inflammation, suppuration, and acute pain.

Symptoms of pericoronitis

Inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood resolves against the background of increasing pain symptoms. Patients complain of painful swallowing, chewing, talking, and often people cannot even open their mouths. Severe inflammation is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the lymph nodes may be enlarged. Complications when there is a hood on the tooth can be phlegmon, abscess, osteomyelitis, sepsis.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Pericoronitis is easily confused with other diseases that do not affect the teeth. For example, with pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis, sore throat, rhinitis, even common cold. This is due to the fact that the pain is wandering in nature, and the nearest organs are involved in the inflammatory process - ear, throat, nose.

According to symptoms and timing, pericoronitis is classified into 3 forms. They are presented in the table.

Order number Name Symptoms and complaints Duration of the disease, examination results Treatment recommendations
1 Superficial or catarrhalThe condition is generally satisfactory, the mouth opens freely, there is no pronounced swelling.The hood is clearly visible, the problem arose recently.The position of the tooth is clarified using an x-ray. early treatment the outcome is favorable.
2 PurulentThe patient's condition sharply worsens, the pain increases, there is an increase in body temperature, mouth opening is limited, lymph nodes under the jaw are enlarged and painful when pressed.The swelling spreads to the soft tissues of the cheek and face, abundant formation and discharge of pus occurs, and bad smell, pathological process develops over several days.Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken locally and orally, antibiotics are prescribed if necessary, excision is carried out after eliminating the acute inflammatory reaction.
3 ChronicThere is constant moderate pain on the affected side, with periods the condition worsens, body temperature is normal.The gums are swollen, hyperemic, sensitivity is increased, suppuration is observed, the process can last a long time.The source of infection is eliminated urgently; without treatment, severe complications are likely to occur.

Treatment methods

Treatment is aimed at relieving discomfort and inflammation, preventing the spread of the inflammatory process into the deep structures of the jaw. When a patient comes to the dental clinic with acute pain in the urgently Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is performed. If the crown of the tooth is damaged and there is not enough space in the row for the normal position of another unit, then the wisdom tooth itself is removed under the hood.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth

Pain is the main symptom of hood. To get rid of pain, you need to relieve inflammation. The inflammatory process can only be stopped by removing the cause of its development. Therefore, if the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, it is cut off surgically. This procedure is done under local anesthesia and takes only 2-3 minutes. The surgeon excises part of the gum with a scalpel, completely freeing the erupting surface of the dental unit. Next, disinfection and hemostatic measures are carried out; no stitches are applied. If hygiene and care are observed, the wound after excision of the hood of a wisdom tooth will quickly heal.

Removing a hood over a wisdom tooth

If excision of the hood over the tooth does not produce results, then the figure eight is removed. The indication for removal of an erupting tooth is the progressive nature of the disease, an increase in symptoms, and repeated relapse. The operation is carried out only after removal acute stage inflammatory process. In this case, the doctor has to remove the hood over the wisdom tooth.

The doctor cuts the gum, allowing free access to the end tooth. Now the surgeon can grab the tooth and pull it out along with the roots. Eights are large in size, so sometimes a specialist has to divide them into parts and remove them from the gums one by one. Leftover after surgical intervention the hole is disinfected. The bleeding is stopped by applying a cotton pad. In some cases, they resort to suturing.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! General anesthesia is administered to the patient at an individual request when there is a panic fear of any dental procedures. However, such a condition in medical practice is extremely rare.

After the procedure, swelling of the gums and face remains for several days, and minor pain persists. With strict adherence to medical recommendations normal condition recovers within 2-3 days. If discomfort persists and progresses for several days in a row, you should seek the help of your doctor again.

Indications for treatment

The growth of wisdom teeth is activated at the age of 20-25 years. In this regard, they received their familiar name of “wise men”. By this moment, the human jaw is completely formed; there is no room left for a new unit in the row. What is a wisdom tooth hood? This is the part of the gum that hangs over the tooth when it begins to erupt outward.

Indications for excision of the hood over the tooth:

  • formation of a gum pocket near the tooth;
  • acute inflammatory process of the tissues surrounding the tooth;
  • painful reaction to any movement of the jaw, associated with a violation of the quality of life.

Removal of the hood and tooth is carried out:

  • for recurrent pericoronitis, when treatment of the hood over the wisdom tooth has already been carried out previously and did not give a positive result;
  • at improper growth figure eight, which creates crowding, grows into the bone or soft tissue of the face;
  • an impacted tooth that cannot erupt on its own, interfering with the normal functioning of other organs;
  • in the absence of neighboring molars (antagonists), since the growth of the figure eight in this case is associated with additional difficulties.

What complications can occur if you refuse treatment?

The terminal units of the dentition, due to their distant location, are practically not washed by saliva. Meanwhile, it is saliva that cleanses the oral cavity and protects it from bacteria. Due to the same distance of the outer teeth in the mouth, their hygiene is also quite difficult. As a result, inflammation and pain increase with a vengeance, leading to various negative consequences. At the same time, the hood over the wisdom tooth hurts greatly, the gums and cheek swell, pus forms, which is swallowed and enters the body. The infection can enter any organ and system, causing other serious diseases and internal inflammation.

What can you do at home if the hood over your wisdom tooth is inflamed?

If there is a hood around the wisdom tooth, then the only thing the right decision will contact a specialist. To relieve pain before visiting a doctor, you can take a painkiller tablet (Pentalgin, Analgin, Ketanov). You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or calendula to relieve the inflammatory reaction. Good to take advantage of soda solution, which has pronounced disinfectant properties.

From ready-made solutions, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with Chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.05% in order to disinfect the mucous surface. For pain relief, Cholisal dental gel should be rubbed into the gums. It is applied thin layer every 4-6 hours, it cools and temporarily relieves pain and swelling. In case of acute pain, you need to urgently go to the doctor!

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Warming procedures are contraindicated, as they accelerate the growth of pathogenic microflora, which means they lead to the rapid spread of inflammation.

When the doctor has performed the procedure to excise the gum pocket, you should abstain from food and drinks for the next hours. It is important that a blood clot. In the future and the next day, a gentle menu of liquid and semi-liquid consistency is recommended. If your gums hurt for several days after removing the hood, you need to visit the dentist again. Perhaps this will be an indication for removing the figure eight.


A hood on a wisdom tooth is a common phenomenon that accompanies the process of eruption of the outermost units in a row. To avoid complications, it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process in a timely manner, start surgical treatment. Eruption of third molars can be facilitated by excision of the hood and disinfection of the source of infection. If this procedure does not help, the wisdom tooth is removed. After removal, the doctor prescribes antiseptic rinses, painkillers and hemostatic agents. A repeated examination will ensure the successful outcome of the operation and the normal course of gum healing.