Harm from nicotine in its pure form. Myths about the benefits of smoking

Not everyone knows about the dangers of nicotine. Information about this substance is completely different, depending on the type of interest and the method of application. On forums and websites, opinions differ, just as the opinions of discussing scientists differ.
Everything is connected with the fact that certain segments of the population consider this product With different sides However, we can say that nicotine in any form cannot give anything good, specifically to the body.

What is the harm of nicotine?

Nicotine is the main component of tobacco. It has the ability to cause severe addiction in humans. Nicotine contains pyridine and pyrrolidine rings. It also has the property of passing through cell membranes unchanged, since it is insoluble in water. Due to instant absorption in the body, nicotine is able to reach the center of the systems (the brain) in 8-10 seconds, which makes it invulnerable. The high concentration in the brain lasts for about half an hour, then nicotine disperses to other tissues and organs.
Nicotine interacts mainly with cholinergic synapses of the central nervous system, autonomic ganglia and neuromuscular synapses - this explains the rapid addiction and new need.

The harm of nicotine on the body.

As a rule, the primary effect of nicotine on the human body shows positive dynamics, which often gives the feeling that nicotine has an analgesic, sedative and relaxing effect. But this effect is short-lived. Due to the fact that nicotine acts on the ganglia, it can cause various reactions: either stimulating them, thus having an effect similar to mimetics, or inhibiting them, thereby having the effect of lytics - blockers).

Harmful effects of nicotine on the human body:

As is clear from the above, nicotine has a negative effect on the human body. Very often, people who try smoking for the first time experience nausea, vomiting and an aversion to nicotine - this is defensive reaction body, which makes it clear that from the first seconds our systems reject a foreign substance. If you continue the smoking process, these symptoms will soon pass, and addiction and adaptation will develop. There will be no visible processes, but we must not forget that we do not see the processes taking place inside the body.

Nicotine poisoning

Acute nicotine poisoning is a condition in which the human functions, at a certain level of nicotine use. Can be caused by both large and small doses.
Nicotine poisoning has two forms: severe and mild
Nicotine poisoning symptoms:

  • at mild stage Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate are observed, various spasms often develop, and cases of tremors are not uncommon.
  • at acute poisoning with nicotine the following is observed: in in this case, severe intoxication, the symptoms of which are more serious than with light form. Mydriasis, arrhythmia, facial hyperemia, blue lips, shortness of breath, severe dizziness, darkening of the eyes, body temperature drops, the person breaks out in a cold sweat, and is overtaken by delirium. Afterwards, convulsions develop, which are not uncommon epileptic seizures. In the worst case, complete failure of the respiratory center and heart, falling into a coma, and death.

When similar symptoms, it is urgent to take measures to resuscitate the patient: ensuring fresh air access, using means of restoring the respiratory center (such as ammonia), in case of severe intoxication, gastric lavage is necessary (you can use potassium permanganate), provide drinking plenty of fluids, place the patient on the side (so that the patient does not suffocate), and if the respiratory center is depressed, perform mechanical ventilation.

It can be very difficult to explain to a novice smoker that cigarettes do not bring health benefits. It’s hard to worry about relatives who, with their own hands, are shortening their lives by consuming lethal doses of cigarette smoke. And it is almost impossible to imagine that someday humanity will think about how harmful nicotine is to health.

Myths about the benefits of smoking

Even during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, people became addicted to smoking. It all started with the addiction of smoking cigars filled with tobacco, which was forbidden at that time. But already under Peter the Great this became permitted everywhere, and people were not afraid of being executed for smoking. Visible euphoria on initial stage smoking subsequently provokes serious problems with pressure.

Contrary to the widespread myth that cigarettes improve your mood, the harm of nicotine becomes evident - after just a few months, arrhythmia and sleep disturbances develop. Smokers are increasingly exposed to depressive state and reaches for a cigarette again and again.

Nicotine, like drugs, is addictive and the long-lasting effect of uplifting and calming leads to depression of emotional forces. That's why smokers think that smoking a cigarette can make them feel better. Another myth of supporters of this addiction was dispelled by scientists, revealing that the most obvious harm from nicotine on the body is its effect on the nervous system. It spreads through the bloodstream, affecting all nerve endings.

Harm to pregnant and lactating women

Poisoning of a pregnant woman by smoking is dangerous not only for her, but also for the baby. Doctors identify the most complex factors that nicotine causes, and this harm is quite serious:

  1. Vascular component. The optimal level of vascular activity during pregnancy is important condition for a successful birth. Load on vascular system throughout pregnancy, so it is high. Any negative factors cause problems. Nicotine makes things worse general condition women and especially for the fetus.
  2. Hypoxia. Iron deficiency anemia affects the course of pregnancy. The level of hemoglobin is directly related to mental and physical health future child. Nicotine consumption provokes a significant decrease in hemoglobin levels.
  3. Vitamin deficiency. Vitamins activate all important biochemical reactions in the body of the mother and the unborn baby. As soon as vitamin intake drops, disturbances begin in metabolic, immune and other systems.
  4. Nicotine is still harmful teratogenic effect on all organs and systems. Women's work is disrupted reproductive organs. Smoking causes problems with menstrual cycle. Bleeding often develops menopause complicated by a number of pathologies. During pregnancy, the tone of the uterus decreases, there is a high risk of miscarriages and premature birth against the background of disruptions in the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Signs of nicotine poisoning

What is the effect of nicotine on the human body if you smoke too much:

  • surges in blood pressure due to heart rhythm disturbances;
  • dizziness;
  • symptoms of diarrhea accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • shortness of breath and blueness skin, especially on the face;
  • stable arrhythmia;
  • decreased body temperature, cold sweating;
  • fever, delirium, facial flushing;
  • with severe intoxication, epileptic seizures develop;
  • Possible breath holding, cardiac arrest, resulting in coma and death.

The harm of nicotine has been studied for years, but still, people do not perceive this information, and continue to slowly kill themselves by becoming addicted to cigarettes.

"Nicotine" effects on the body

Scientists have proven that the harm of nicotine does not escape anyone, but heavy smokers are most susceptible to damage. With systematic smoking, they develop pathological disorders in the structure of the blood. Carbon dioxide exceeds the norm several times, as a result this leads to the formation of blood clots. These violations lead to malfunctions blood vessels. Heart and lung problems occur due to impaired blood flow.

Why is nicotine harmful, and is it harmful at all in the video:

Nicotine adaptation leads to heart damage, which one day may simply “fail.” During smoking, nicotine is absorbed by the lungs and “settles” in them, causing malignant formations. Reproductive function at heavy smokers decreases by 50% or more.

According to medical statistics, smoking is a prerequisite for infertility. The risk group consists of those who have become addicted to this habit from a young age.

As a result of many years of research and observation of smokers, scientists have concluded that their life is shortened by at least 13 years. Preventable causes of death, that is, those that depend on the person himself, are diverse. However, it is smoking that has occupied a leading position among them for several decades. According to doctors, the “nicotine bomb”, although it has a delayed effect, always has irreversible consequences.

Health effects

What is the harm from electronic cigarettes with nicotine? Surely almost all novice vapers ask this question. In conditions where smoking is public places already limited by law, and the price of tobacco has increased markedly, more and more people prefer vaping devices.

Some are confident that there are practically no components harmful to the body in electronic cigarettes, while there are other experts who think completely differently. You will find out from this publication whether vaping is harmful.

A vaping device called an electronic cigarette was invented in the first half of this century in Hong Kong. In about one decade, such gadgets have become incredibly popular and today have millions of fans.

How does an electronic vaporizer work?

Some vaping users (that’s what all users call electronic cigarettes) don’t even wonder how harmful this activity is. This may be why the market in the United States and the European Union is clearly showing rapid growth, despite the fact that tobacco sales in the same region are regularly declining.

Our country is no exception, especially after the law was adopted and introduced to limit smoking areas and increase the cost tobacco products.

Where is the harm here? After all, the process of burning tobacco is completely absent - the device produces steam, not smoke. Let's take a closer look at what the mixture for refilling electronic cigarettes consists of.

So, regardless of the brand and manufacturer, any vaping liquid includes the following components:

  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • aromatic additives;
  • distilled water.

The first two components are the base, which is necessary for the dissolution of aromatic additives and vaporization, simulating smoke.

What is more dangerous: regular or electronic cigarette?

Many smokers, as well as vapers, are interested in what is more harmful - an e-cigarette or a traditional tobacco one.

How harmful is a traditional tobacco cigarette? In addition to nicotine, it also contains tars that are very dangerous for the human body, which are formed as a result of the combustion of tobacco and paper.

In turn, tobacco resins contain the following constituents:

  • aromatic hydrocarbons - the most poisonous of them is bensapyrene;
  • nitrosamines;
  • aromatic amines;
  • pyrene;
  • complex phenols;
  • naphthols;
  • naphtholines;
  • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Nicotine is always harmful, but there are no other dangerous substances in electronic cigarettes

And this is not the entire list of pesticides that provoke the development of cancer cells.

In addition, tobacco smoke contains:

  • carbon monoxide;
  • cyanogen;
  • ammonium;
  • isoprenes;
  • aceteldehydes;
  • acetone;
  • nitrosodimethylamine substances, etc.

And in the course of some studies it has been proven that radioactive elements of polonium are present in tobacco smoke.

All these components, naturally, are absent from mixtures for refilling electronic cigarettes and, accordingly, from inhaled vapor. Of course, it makes no sense to claim that vaping liquid is absolutely safe for the health of the vaper. But at the same time, the harm contained in e-refills is much less than from any tobacco products.

However, although there is much less harm from vaping, they pose some danger to the health of the vaper. And why this is so, we will talk further, having considered all the ingredients that enter the vaper’s body along with the clouds of steam.

Nicotine in vapes: should you be afraid of it?

So, the version that vape refills contain some kind of special, special safe nicotine is complete absurdity. Nicotine is also nicotine in Africa.

Therefore, what in ordinary tobacco cigarettes that in electronic ones there is nicotine, which is narcotic substance, which has the strongest neurotropic effect on the human body. This poison poses the greatest danger to the cardiovascular system. This is why both regular and electronic cigarettes are contraindicated for many heart patients.

No matter where nicotine is found, it is always dangerous!

In addition, as mentioned earlier, nicotine is a drug and, if used frequently, can cause physical and psychological dependence. Therefore, the advisability of using it in a gadget that seems to have been created to quit smoking is very, very doubtful.

The quantitative mass of nicotine in certain “strong” types of vaping mixtures can reach about 25 mg/ml. And if you vape excessively or incorrectly, you can end up in a hospital bed with an overdose of nicotine.

Yes, yes, this can happen too. True, only in the case of electronic cigarettes. After all, when smoking regular cigarettes there is no desire to smoke one after another, while the vaper does not pay attention to how many puffs he takes. This is the whole problem with vaping - the lack of control over the nicotine used.

Long-term use of nicotine contributes to the development of the following disorders in the human body:

  • glycemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • angina pectoris;
  • ischemia;
  • heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction.

In addition to the fact that nicotine contributes to the poisoning of the cardiovascular system, the flavorings contained in vaping mixtures also raise many questions.

They differ from one manufacturer to another, and the lack of regulation and supervision standards for such products prompts the idea that aromatic additives contain carcinogens and other harmful impurities.

For reference! Lethal dose nicotine for a person is about 100 mg.

Harm of glycerin in electrons

It is rare that vaping users think about the dangers of such a substance in the vaping mixture as glycerin. Indeed, many understand that since this substance is used in food industry, then there should be no reason to worry.

Essentially, glycerin is a trihydric alcohol that has a subtle sweetish taste. This substance is used in the food industry; in particular, it is an additive in the manufacture of some food products, with the help of which a more viscous structure is achieved.

Glycerin itself is low toxic substance. It also does not pose any danger if the vapor is inhaled. But sometimes glycerin vapors lead to irritation of the bronchial mucosa and larynx. And in some people this substance can even cause allergic reaction(if there is a predisposition to this).

But in general terms, glycerin in the amount in which it is used in refills for electronic cigarettes is not capable of harming the vaper’s body.

Propylene glycol and its effect on the body

The topic of the harm of this substance, which is not familiar to everyone, is also of interest to electronic users. Propylene glycol is a colorless compound that has a viscous structure and is odorless. In refills for vaping gadgets it is used as a base and is a good solvent. In addition to vaping, propylene glycol is used in the production medicines, as well as in the food industry.

The use of propylene glycol in food production as a stabilizer once again proves that this substance does not pose any danger to the body of smokers.

Of course, everything has its own measure. Considering that this component is a product of synthetic origin, it is extremely undesirable to abuse it. But, again, the vaper does not tirelessly vape just propylene glycol.

In vaping, this component is used to dissolve flavor additives and create a hit in the throat during a puff. If you abuse this substance, you can develop problems with the central nervous system and kidneys.

Vaping for others: how dangerous is it?

Despite the fact that smoking regular cigarettes in public places is still prohibited in our country, some states have introduced a ban on vaping electronic cigarettes. So is the steam from this gadget dangerous for others?

The first thing I would like to say is that steam does not contain carcinogenic substances or carbon monoxide, which is hazardous to health. But at the same time, it contains nicotine (with the exception of nicotine-free mixtures for vaping), which is just as harmful to the body as nicotine from regular tobacco cigarettes.

The harm of regular cigarettes is hundreds of times greater than possible harm from vaping!

If you use a vape in a closed, poorly ventilated room, the air will be saturated with nicotine. When there is no one else in the room except the vaper, this is not so bad, but if there are other people next to him, then they are forced to breathe this narcotic substance together with the vaper.

Yes, the concentration of nicotine in the air will not be high, but this is quite enough to have an effect on the body passive smokers harmful influence. After all safe dose Nicotine does not exist for humans.

Important! The harm from nicotine from electronic cigarettes is identical to that from regular ones!

How dangerous is vaping for pregnant women?

Some women, having learned about their interesting position, cannot, or do not express any particular desire, to quit such bad habit like smoking. And in an electronic cigarette they find, as they believe, more safe method receiving required dose nicotine

But at the same time, these devices are not so safe for women who are expecting a child. All experts unanimously note that nicotine and pregnancy, as well as the birth of a healthy, strong baby, are absolutely incompatible things with each other. Even very tiny doses of this harmful substance seriously harm health as a whole expectant mother, and her child.

Let us repeat, there is no, even theoretically, minimum dose of nicotine that would be safe for the human body. What can we say about a pregnant woman?

Therefore, the use of electronic devices as a safe alternative to traditional tobacco smoking during pregnancy is absolutely unacceptable.

The dangers of electronic vaping for children

It would seem, why raise this question at all? After all child smoking– this is an absolutely unacceptable phenomenon, as well as indulging in electronic cigarettes. But here the questions are somewhat different: how harmful are electronic devices for children if they are in close proximity to the vaper while vaping.

The answer to this question is positive, since they, like others around them, are forced to breathe the same air poisoned by nicotine. Moreover, given such a vulnerable immune system child, it must be added that the body of children is much more vulnerable to this narcotic poison than that of an adult.

The only correct way out here is that under no circumstances should you use an electronic cigarette if there is a child next to you.

A few more important points

After we have found out whether vaping is harmful to the health of the vaper in principle, we will note a few more nuances in the use of these gadgets, which to some extent pose a potential danger to the vaper.

Excess nicotine in the blood

This is very unpleasant moment, which can unexpectedly trap a vaper who has recently “transitioned” from regular tobacco smoking to electronic vaping. The fact is that the sensations when inhaling tobacco smoke are very different from those felt when vaping.

Think for yourself, smoke and steam are radically different things, and accordingly, the effect from them will also differ. This is why vapers often add strength to their refills to get that familiar “throat hit” that characterizes regular cigarettes.

Nicotine addiction is a disease just like alcoholism. We recommend vaping zeros!

But few of them think about the fact that increasing the quantitative dose of this substance in the steam mixture can lead to its overdose in the body and to very unpleasant consequences.

There is also another side to the same coin - the desire to soar more and more often. Very often, marketing ploys about “virtually harmless” vaping lead to people losing control over how often they use the device.

At the same time, they are completely confident that they will not harm their health. Whereas with frequent vaping, the body accumulates large number nicotine

Symptoms of excess nicotine in the blood:

  • migraine;
  • fainting state;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • excessive salivation, sweating;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • upset stomach and intestines;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • pronounced lethargy;
  • unreasonable fatigue.

Advice! Be extremely careful when vaping, because an overdose of nicotine can lead not only to the consequences described above, but even to fatal outcome! Therefore, many pro-vapers and qualified specialists It is recommended not to get carried away with vaping too often, and especially not to increase the strength of the vaping mixture.

When switching from traditional tobacco smoking, it is better to calculate the quantitative proportion of this harmful substance in the liquid, which will correspond to the dose in regular cigarettes.

The use of low-quality gadgets

What harm can e-mails cause, besides the fact that they contain nicotine? Today, the production of such gadgets does not require mandatory certification.

This means that manufacturing companies are not subject to strict sanitary and hygienic standards, and they have the right to produce their products at their own discretion. By the same principle they can change chemical compositions liquids for electronic cigarettes, the ratio of consumables and device designs.

Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when choosing a vaping device. Try to give preference to proven gadgets and mods famous manufacturers. But it’s better to avoid e-cigs like No Name. Saving in this case will not have the best effect on your health.

So what do we end up with? Electronic mail is clearly not as harmful as regular cigarette. At the very least, the absence of the combustion process of tobacco and paper is already a huge plus. But at the same time, vaping cannot be called absolutely safe - it still contains nicotine. And even if we are talking about nicotine-free refills, it is difficult to say 100% that there are no harmful impurities in the flavors and base components.

Now you know how harmful electronic cigarettes are. In your opinion, can vaping be considered safe alternative traditional tobacco smoking?

Well known to everyone. There are many different studies confirming that smokers live shorter than others. It works worse for cigarette lovers cardiovascular system, and also they have increased risks development of lung cancer, esophagus and some other types of malignant diseases.

Nicotine contained in cigarettes is a substance to which a person quickly develops addiction. Because of nicotine, a person becomes dependent on cigarettes, he wants to smoke more and more. Many people believe that the harm of smoking is mainly associated with nicotine, but this is not true. The harm of cigarettes is mainly due to the toxic substances contained in tobacco products and smoke. These are two groups of harmful compounds, which we will consider in more detail:

  1. Resins. These components contain dangerous carcinogenic substances that have a strong irritant effect on the bronchopulmonary system. According to statistics, more than 85% of lung cancer cases are associated with smoking. In addition, smoking causes most cancer diseases oral cavity and larynx. Tar is the main cause of cough and chronic bronchitis in smokers.
  2. Toxic gases. This is primarily hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and others. When you inhale cigarette smoke, fumes (carbon monoxide) form a strong compound with hemoglobin, which impairs the delivery of oxygen to tissues and also increases blood viscosity. For this reason, most smokers suffer from oxygen starvation, which is clearly visible when physical activity. When climbing stairs or jogging, rapid shortness of breath appears.

In addition, cigarettes also contain a large amount of heavy metals, which negatively affect the health of the smoker. As you understand, the dangers of smoking are associated not so much with nicotine, but with the content of other harmful substances.

A few words about nicotine

Nicotine is an alkaloid found in large quantities in tobacco leaves. In addition, nicotine is also found in tomatoes, potatoes, green peppers, eggplants and other fruits, but in very small quantities. Nicotine synthesis occurs in the roots, and its accumulation occurs in the leaves. Nicotine is particularly poisonous to insects, so it has often been used as an insecticide.

Once nicotine enters the body, it quickly spreads through the blood and is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. It was experimentally found that only 7 seconds is enough for nicotine to reach the brain when inhaling tobacco smoke. Nicotine is removed from the body within 4-5 hours.

It is worth keeping in mind that the amount of nicotine that enters the body largely depends on the type and form of use of tobacco products. So, if you chew or sniff tobacco, then much more nicotine enters the body than when smoking. Nicotine metabolism occurs in the liver using the cytochrome P450 enzyme.

Nicotine was often used in medical purposes. And today this substance is also used to develop medicines during treatment various diseases. The most popular use of nicotine is with special means for the delivery of nicotine to the body. Currently, the possibility of using nicotine for other purposes is being explored, for example, its use as a painkiller, a treatment for attention deficit disorder, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, herpes, colitis, tuberculosis and others.

Nicotine: myths and truth

We all know about harmful influence nicotine, and that a drop of this substance can kill a horse. But, as Paracelsus said, it is the dose that makes a substance a poison or a medicine. Let's look at the three main arguments that fighters against nicotine addiction make.

  1. Nicotine is used as an insecticide. This is true, but this information should not scare you. In fact, many different plants that are quite harmless to human health are used to control insects. It is noteworthy that almost all the plants that we eat contain natural insecticides. The fact that nicotine is used to control insects should not scare people.
  2. Pure nicotine is deadly. Indeed, if you smoke a pack of cigarettes at once, the result can be fatal. But here you need to understand that even from water, if you drink too much of it, a person can die. And no one in their right mind would smoke a pack of cigarettes at once.
  3. You need to quit smoking immediately. No, this cannot be done, because in this case the consequences for the body will be disastrous. Get rid of nicotine addiction It should be done gradually under the supervision of a doctor.

Considering the stimulating properties of nicotine, scientists began to explore the possibilities of its use in the treatment of such serious illness like Alzheimer's disease. In particular, according to medical observations, among smokers the percentage of those who develop Alzheimer's disease is lower than among those who do not smoke tobacco. What explains positive effect Nicotine in preventing Alzheimer's disease? Some effects are known such as:

  • Structural similarity of nicotine to acetylcholine. Chemically, nicotine is very similar to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. It is the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system. A lack of acetylcholine leads to the appearance clinical picture Alzheimer's disease. Since nicotine is structurally similar to acetylcholine, it helps compensate for the possible lack of acetylcholine in the body.
  • The ability of nicotine to bind to nerve receptors. It has been found that nicotine can bind to nerve receptors and increase their activity. In one interesting study, a group of Alzheimer's disease patients were given a nicotine patch, while another group received a pacifier (placebo). During this study It was found that individuals who received nicotine maintained their cognitive abilities, and even restored lost cognitive functions. Further research by Australian scientists has shown that nicotine can indeed improve cognitive abilities in older people who have not been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, but who experience characteristic age problems with memory and perception.
  • Nornicotine and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Scientists from the Scripps Institute discovered the positive effects of nornicotine back in 2002. This is a derivative of nicotine, which is found in tobacco and is formed during the breakdown of nicotine in the human body. Nornicotine has been found to help reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. However, nornicotine is a toxic substance for the body, so researchers are thinking about finding a substitute for it.

Nicotine and schizophrenia

Some studies suggest that smoking may slightly reduce the likelihood of developing schizophrenia. At the same time, patients with schizophrenic disorders have an addiction to smoking. There are several hypotheses that can explain this phenomenon. One such hypothesis explains the addiction as a desire to resist the symptoms of the disorder, as well as the effects of antipsychotic drugs.

Another hypothesis is that nicotine itself may cause schizophrenia. Currently, there is heated debate on this issue, since scientists are divided on the benefits of nicotine in schizophrenia.

One study found that injecting mice with nicotine markedly decreased the concentration of a DNA-methylating enzyme, while the concentration of a GABA-producing enzyme increased.

The team of Professor Alessandro Guidotti from the University of Illinois at Chicago found that when the cerebral cortex does not produce enough proteins responsible for neural connections, which is why patients with schizophrenia experience anxiety, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and a number of others mental disorders. When exposed to nicotine, the amount of proteins responsible for neural connections increases, which helps reduce the severity of schizophrenia.

Other beneficial properties of nicotine

In addition to the above qualities, nicotine has other beneficial properties that have been shown in various studies. These include:

  • Nicotine and its derivative nornicotine help prevent the development of oncological diseases, which can be caused by various components of cigarette smoke.
  • Nicotine somewhat suppresses drug cravings. Perhaps such properties of nicotine could be useful in finding an effective cure for drug addiction.
  • Nicotine has anti-inflammatory properties. In particular, it is known that nicotine can act as an antidote to ricin, which leads to the development of multiple inflammatory process in the body.
  • Nicotine speeds up the thinking process and increases mental performance.
  • Nicotine has a positive effect on people with parkinsonia and Parkinson's disease. Thanks to this effect, it is planned to create in the future effective means based on nicotine for the treatment and prevention of Parkinson's disease.
  • Nicotine can be used for wound healing and treatment of associated vascular disorders in diabetes mellitus.
  • Nicotine reduces appetite, which can be used for treatment overweight and obesity. According to medical observations, among smokers, 1.5 fewer people suffering from obesity.
  • People who smoke almost never get herpes of the lips and mouth. It is possible that nicotine has a detrimental effect on the herpes virus.
  • It has been established that in smokers with ulcerative colitis the number of attacks and exacerbations of this pathology is significantly less than in patients with ulcerative colitis who do not smoke.

Studying the properties of nicotine: difficulties faced by scientists

It is noteworthy that studying the properties of nicotine is very difficult. This is mainly due to the fact that the majority of nicotine consumers are smokers, and smoking has negative impact on the body.

After they began to use nicotine patches and chewing gum, scientists discovered completely different properties of nicotine that could be useful in medicine. In particular, positive properties nicotine in ulcerative colitis were discovered in the early 80s of the last century. At the same time, scientists note that pure nicotine can be used only for short-term courses, since its continuous use can lead to a number of adverse side effects.

Studies with nicotine on a large group of volunteers allowed scientists to establish the fact that nicotine has a positive effect on the vascular system in diabetes mellitus.

Recently, scientists at Duke University found that smoking, by increasing the concentration of dopamine and serotonin in the blood, helps a person cope not only with stress, but also with depressive disorders.

Since the use of pure nicotine delivery vehicles began relatively recently, research into nicotine continues, and every year scientists receive more and more information about the positive and negative properties of this substance.

Few people talk about the benefits of nicotine. But on the topic that nicotine is harmful to human body, we can talk for a long time, based on scientific facts that scientists and others cite in their works. Cigarette packages also contain pictures that warn people about the health hazards of smoking.

Of course, there is some truth in this, people die from nicotine if they use it in excessive quantities, but we would like to talk about how nicotine is useful.

Is there any benefit to nicotine?

First, let's figure out why so much attention has been paid to the topic of the harmfulness of nicotine. Doctors have been studying this issue for many years and have brought huge amount There is no evidence that nicotine is beneficial. But when a person smokes a cigarette, he simultaneously absorbs a lot of carcinogenic smoke, and nicotine has absolutely nothing to do with it.

On the contrary, if cigarettes contain very little nicotine, in this case they are harmful to human health, especially if the smoker is accustomed to inhaling deeply. Scientists have known about this for a long time, just talk about it now beneficial properties nicotine is not accepted. What other arguments have been given about the benefits of nicotine for the human body?

Nicotine negatively affects people's taste and olfactory receptors. That is why those who smoke taste food completely differently; it seems bland to them. Thanks to this, appetite decreases, and, as a result, it goes away. overweight. For people suffering from obesity, this fact- just a find. The only thing is that appetite increases very strongly when a person tries to quit smoking. Then the kilograms return at a rapid pace.

1. Nicotine and Alzheimer's disease

In 1992, Dr. James Da'Fan made a great discovery about the benefits of nicotine. He convinced the whole world that smoking is great preventive method in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. According to the scientist, those who smoke almost never suffer from dementia in old age.

By the way, it should be noted that the scientist’s conclusion is not refuted by American doctors. They found that nicotine, when it enters the human body, begins to actively disintegrate in it, turning into “nornicotine” - a substance thanks to which brain neurons do not die. But it should also be noted here that the resulting substance is toxic, so you should not abuse cigarettes just to save yourself from the fate of facing Alzheimer's disease in old age.

2. Nicotine against Parkinson's disease

American scientists have discovered another fact about how nicotine is beneficial for humans. A doctor named Harvey Checkoway from Washington has proven that people who smoke are 70% less likely to develop a disease such as Parkinson's disease, which progresses very slowly and develops into chronic pathology related to neurology.

Our readers have discovered a guaranteed way to quit smoking! This is 100% natural remedy, which is based exclusively on herbs, and mixed in such a way that you can easily, without extra costs, without withdrawal symptoms, without gaining excess weight and without stress, get rid of nicotine addiction ONCE AND FOR ALL! I want to quit smoking..."

As a rule, this diagnosis is made to elderly people. What is the benefit of nicotine in this case? The substance has a very beneficial effect on the genes of dopamine receptors, thanks to which old people can boast of good attention, they are always concentrated, but not long time. To maintain concentration, you need to constantly smoke a cigarette. But again, we must not forget about the toxicity of nicotine, which can simply destroy human health.

It turns out that nicotine alleviates the symptoms of schizophrenia because this substance has a good effect on a person’s thought process and inhibits the progression of the disease. If you read the composition of numerous drugs that are prescribed to schizophrenics, you can be convinced that nicotine is also included in it, because it is thanks to it that it is possible to stop the patient’s hallucinations, his apathy and indifference in everything.

3. The beneficial effects of nicotine on the digestive system

Doctors in the field of gastroenterology have discovered another fact about how nicotine is beneficial. According to them, this substance reduces peristalsis in the intestines. After a person smokes several cigarettes, gas formation in the organs digestive tract noticeably decreases, because mucus in some parts of the intestine begins to be intensively produced under the influence of nicotine, and due to this, the likelihood of the formation of ulcerative colitis in humans. Moreover, those who smoke never experience diarrhea.

But in addition to the unambiguous benefits of nicotine, it is necessary to mention its harm - it is it that provokes active development oncological diseases. According to WHO, smokers are the most likely to become victims of cancer.

4. The benefits of nicotine for women's health

American scientists believe that female hormone estrogen depends on the level of nicotine that enters the woman’s body. According to doctors from Dortmund, if a woman smokes, then she has:

  • the risk of developing is automatically reduced malignant tumors on the endometrium of the uterus (due to the influence of nicotine, cells do not divide so quickly, especially cancerous ones);
  • fibromatous nodes do not form on the uterus - that is, connective tissue does not grow because this process in the body is inhibited;
  • Endometriosis never occurs in girls who started smoking in early age(this fact has not yet been scientifically proven; scientists are working in in this direction to find the relationship);
  • in pregnant women who smoke, nicotine prevents eclampsia - it does not increase blood pressure, and preeclampsia - they do not develop gestosis, which can cause disruption cerebral circulation in mother and child. All these are only indirect advantages, which it is better for pregnant women to forget about if it is important to preserve the health of their baby and protect him from the possibility of being born with numerous defects of internal organs.

To this day, it has not been possible to determine exactly why such significant things happen in the body of a woman who smokes. There is an assumption that when tobacco gets into the lungs, it breaks down and a potassium salt (thiocyanate) is formed, which has a very high hypotensive property, that is, the ability to lower blood pressure.

In addition, scientists from the USA have established many more facts about how nicotine is beneficial for women’s health.

These include the following items:
  • Nicotine relieves dysmenorrhea, meaning a woman can survive menstrual period without pain and others unpleasant symptoms which cause her great discomfort. This is achieved due to the effect of tobacco on prostaglandins, which are the sources of dysmenorrhea. However, if you are looking for a way to get rid of unpleasant symptoms during menstruation, then it is better to simply take some kind of painkiller than to poison your body tobacco smoke.
  • It does not form in the mammary glands and on the cervix malignant neoplasms during the period when a woman reaches menopause, because nicotine inhibits uncontrolled cell division.

In addition to the benefits of nicotine, it is also necessary to mention its harm to the health of a woman, especially one who is carrying a child under her heart. If a pregnant woman smokes excessively, then she is highly likely to go into premature labor. Besides, smoking mother risks giving birth to a sick baby.

5. The benefits of nicotine in stressful situations

Continuing to argue for the benefits of nicotine, doctors say that this substance helps a person cope with stressful situations in life. Every smoker knows that after smoking one or two cigarettes, the whole world seems kinder, nicer and happier. Why does this happen? This fact can be explained by certain physiological processes occurring in the human body after receiving a dose of nicotine:

  • breathing at the moment of smoking becomes rhythmic and balanced (all this helps the person to calm down);
  • the smoke emanating from a cigarette relaxes the mind (especially if the smoker, while smoking, is accustomed to observing the smoke rings that form when he exhales);
  • at the moment of inhaling a cigarette, provided there is complete silence around, a person completely relaxes;
  • nicotine activates mediators responsible for the production of the “hormone of happiness” (which is why all smokers, in the event of any problem or unpleasant situation, experience a craving for smoking and immediately run around the corner to smoke a few cigarettes).

Note that the noticeable improvement in the smoker’s mood at the moment of inhaling is short-lived. After some time, apathy returns again, a desire arises to smoke a cigarette again in order to fall into a state of euphoria, which a person likes so much and helps him cope with numerous difficulties in life.

6. Nicotine will prevent allergies

Famous scientists of mankind provide several scientifically proven arguments regarding why nicotine is also useful. In their opinion, this substance reduces the likelihood of a person developing allergies, because at the moment of smoking even one cigarette, mastocytes (cells that play a vital role in the body’s adaptation to the effects of a number of allergens) begin to actively grow.

For example, in a smoker, allergic ailments such as urticaria or hay fever. Of course, a person who is prone to allergies cannot afford to escape from it by stocking up on thousands of cartons of cigarettes. This is too reckless and unreasonable action. In addition, do not forget that tobacco smoke itself can be an allergen. It is he who provokes the development of complicated diseases in humans. bronchopulmonary system eg asthma.

Nicotine: more benefit or harm?

Based on all that has been said about the benefits of nicotine, it must be said that everything is completely ambiguous on this issue. You can’t afford to believe only those doctors who are convinced that smoking can only cause harm to human health, but you shouldn’t follow the lead of scientists who give dubious arguments about why nicotine is useful. Just stop believing in stereotypes and understand that nicotine can be a dangerous substance for humans, because it enters the body along with carcinogenic tobacco smoke, but in some cases it can also be beneficial, but short-term.

Still smoking man absorbs not only nicotine and carcinogenic smoke, but also numerous dangerous substances that are part of it, and there are more than 400 of them. Naturally, they cause numerous factors in the human body that lead to the development of life-threatening ailments, some of them become simply incompatible with life.

Nevertheless, knowing all this, many doctors are smokers, and heavy smokers. How can this fact be explained? We won't talk about how stressful the job is here. medical personnel. It’s just not a problem for doctors to find “ golden mean"in smoking, so that their bodies receive the benefits of nicotine, and not just the harm. They believe that if you smoke within “reasonable limits,” you don’t have to worry about ruining your health.

What does it mean, within “reasonable limits”:
  • You cannot smoke more than 4 cigarettes per day (this applies to men of large build);
  • Sick people and women, especially pregnant women, should not smoke more than 2 cigarettes per week.

We still want to urge you to the fact that smoking is a vice that needs to be gotten rid of urgently. Still, it does more harm than good. Your health will definitely suffer if you smoke constantly. It cannot be considered a miracle cure or a psychotropic drug. If you want to live a long time, not get sick, not constantly visit hospitals and others medical institutions, then you should definitely give up your smoking habit. This way you will not only save your life and protect your loved ones from carcinogenic smoke, which they will also have to breathe, but also significantly save money to spend on something more useful.

A little about secrets..