Is breast enlargement harmful? Consequences of breast enlargement

They give new life to a woman’s bust, increase self-esteem, attractiveness and overall sexuality of a woman, restoring a natural shape that has deteriorated due to certain circumstances or increasing a naturally small size. But both of these procedures, unfortunately, entail undesirable consequences. The main complications after enlargement are, first of all, scars. Modern medicine offers a number of fairly effective means to lighten or disguise them, but the fact of their presence is undeniable.

Also, an increase may entail a number of inconveniences at first due to unaccustomment to the larger size of the mammary glands.

Are there any scars after breast augmentation?

The patient’s body plays an important role in this matter. If there is no tendency to keloid scars, then they heal quickly and become almost invisible.

At first, within 1-3 months, of course, the scars will be visible to everyone; during this period they are crimson in color and begin to turn white over time.

If the submammary, inframammary route of augmentation was chosen, the scar would be visible only when the breast is lifted and the incision site is carefully examined, since it can easily be confused with the skin texture.

Another rather unexpected option for the location of the seam is axillary, also known as axillary. In this case, don’t examine the breast - you won’t be able to find the seam, because it simply isn’t there. But the disadvantage of this route is that the abundance of sebaceous and sweat glands in this area prevents rapid healing.

Choosing the path of 100% invisibility of the scar cannot be guaranteed either - the pigmentation of the areola will treacherously highlight the seam with a whitish tint.

Scar camouflage

Having acquired the desired appearance of breasts, I would not want to spoil the aesthetic appearance of my own body with scars. How to hide the negative consequences of breast augmentation? In this case, medicine has several options:

  • creams and ointments;
  • cosmetic procedures;
  • laser peeling;
  • laser resurfacing.

The first, unfortunately, will not be enough to completely solve the problem. They will help to some extent, but no more than 5-10%.

Cosmetology is effective only when the procedure is repeated a certain number of times - after the first time the desired effect is rarely achieved.

Laser peeling is a very effective solution due to its targeted application. Exfoliation of the skin, caused by the evaporation of fluids under the influence of the laser beam, noticeably “erases” the visible boundary between intact skin and the scar. Several days of recovery, checking the result and, if necessary, repeating the procedure.

Sanding does not reduce the length or width of the problem area, but has a beneficial effect on aligning it with the surrounding skin in height.

It is recommended to begin all these procedures only after complete rehabilitation - no earlier than a year from the date of surgery. If you devote the entire next year to cosmetic procedures using fruit acids, you can get almost 99% relief from visible scars.

The consequences are more serious

Unfortunately, it is not scars alone that can upset patients. Here you may also experience side effects after breast augmentation, such as:

An impressive list of adverse outcomes may force you to seriously reconsider your views on mammoplasty, but you should pay attention to the fact that some of them can occur due to the negligence of the personnel performing the operation - poor sterilization of instruments, creation of an excessively large cavity for the prosthesis, ignoring blood clotting indicators. The second part is the patient’s disdainful attitude towards the recommendations and requirements for the rehabilitation period: the use of steroids or cold therapy, increased physical activity and ignoring compression garments.

And the third part, in which a solitary sensitivity disorder has been squeezed in, is a common occurrence with periareolar access, but this effect is temporary and over time everything naturally returns to normal.

Deterioration of cosmetic effect

This is also one of the consequences of the operation, which should be stopped and considered in more detail.

Three problems with the endoprosthesis are expected:

  • bias;
  • deflation;
  • gap

The blame for displacement almost always lies with the surgeon who performed the operation: the specific structure of the patient’s chest was ignored; improper placement of the implant; a cavity of inappropriate volume has been created.

Deflation is the exclusive prerogative of saline-filled prostheses. The point is the depletion of the contents through a solution through the shell.

Many people can be held responsible for the rupture: the cause could be a manufacturing defect, damage to the prosthesis by the surgeon, or an external factor affecting the patient’s breast.

You can protect yourself from these troubles: first, choose a good surgeon who will not allow displacement. Secondly, choose a gel filler and deflation will be impossible in principle. And thirdly, choosing a highly qualified specialist to perform the operation and a silicone endoprosthesis will again help to avoid rupture.

Surgeon's choice

Based on the above, we can draw one very correct conclusion: by choosing a clinic and surgeon responsibly, you can protect yourself from more than half of the potential complications.

In the age of the Internet, finding reviews about something or someone is a task of one query in a search engine and half an hour of time to re-read the information received. Be extremely careful: check several sources located on different search pages for copying positive or negative comments. An isolated case from one very grateful or extremely disappointed client is possible, but if ten sites praise one surgeon in unison, and the rest of the sites have not even heard of him, there is clearly some kind of catch here.

Having decided on the executor of the mission to enlarge your breasts, find his personal page. The overwhelming majority of modern surgeons have them, collect their “portfolio” and reviews there, and conduct consultations. Try to contact the people who left the latest reviews, ask for a photo before/after the operation or contact by phone - this often helps to verify the veracity of the information in the review and the existence of the source of this review.

Rehabilitation period

You can protect yourself from some of the unfavorable outcomes of the operation by contacting a good clinic with professional staff. But if you ignore the requirements and recommendations for the postoperative period, you can create even bigger problems for yourself after breast augmentation.

The most common mistake is premature refusal of compression garments. It is not just that it is strictly assigned to a month of wearing it - there is no need to assume that if in the second or third week everything seems to be fine and there is no pain, you can stop wearing it. No, you can't. A month, four and a half weeks, 31 days and not a day less. During this period, it will not be superfluous to take a warm shower twice a day, to reduce to a minimum, if not zero, prolonged exposure to the sun or in areas of high temperature, for example, saunas. Limit your physical activity: the pectoral muscles are very often involved in any movements and lifting weights - there is no need to strain them.

Life after surgery

If you followed the recommendations from this article and made the right conclusions, then within a year after the operation you will enjoy your new breasts and attract the attention of others to them. Sensitivity has been restored, the final shape of the renewed bust has been established by this time and compression garments are far behind, and only increased self-esteem, attractiveness and good mood lie ahead.

Video of the operation and its results after a while

Looking at advertising brochures for plastic surgery clinics, you want to immediately improve your appearance and, above all, your breasts. It seems that this will solve most problems in your personal life and help in your career. But still, before deciding to have surgery, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of breast augmentation. After all, not everyone who has changed this part of the body is satisfied.

Why do many women strive to make their breasts larger, despite the fact that this involves surgery, pain, and considerable material costs? Yes, because for some of them mammoplasty is not a whim or a desire to look like a “star,” but a necessity. Since it became possible to increase the size of the mammary glands, the advantages of such a solution have become clear:

  • A chance to correct physical deficiencies. This is not just about small, barely noticeable breasts, which many women consider as a defect. Sometimes illness dictates the need to remove the mammary gland to save life. But then the woman looks at herself in the mirror with pain, remembering her former beautiful forms. Mammoplasty offers a chance to restore lost beauty. The same result is possible when breasts have lost their shape after breastfeeding or losing excess weight. Indeed, in both cases, no other methods would help restore volume to this part of the body, only increase it through surgery.
  • The opportunity not to worry about choosing clothes. If the breasts are high and correspond to the rest of the body proportions, you won’t have to think about how to even them out using the right neckline, thick fabric, drapery, or a good style. There is no need to disguise a physical disability; you can simply wear whatever you want. Any clothing fits well, including the most revealing swimsuit.
  • Alignment of the psychological state. Dissatisfaction with appearance, experienced with small breasts, often leads to a woman’s character deteriorating. She is fixated on her shortcomings and ceases to perceive the world around her adequately. It’s so easy to fall into depression and develop a bunch of somatic diseases. Breast enlargement becomes a salvation. When you like the reflection in the mirror, it is easier to come to terms with the imperfections of the world around you and feel happy in it.
  • Career advancement. When evaluating breast surgery pros and cons, this aspect is rarely taken into account. Meanwhile, there are statistics: outwardly attractive people are more successful in their careers than those who can only boast of spiritual beauty. And the point is not that success in business is achieved by large breasts, but in the self-confidence that it gives.
  • Good luck in your personal life. Of course, enlarged breasts are not a guarantee of a happy marriage. But men prefer noticeable forms (this is also statistics). Large breasts are perceived by them at the subconscious level as a sign of good fertility.
  • More attention to health. A woman who has undergone breast augmentation surgery will have to see a mammologist twice a year. That is, she has a higher chance of catching any disease of the mammary glands at an early stage. Namely, these pathologies become the most common causes of death in young women. After all, most people ignore preventive examinations until the problem has gone far. Having brought their breasts to the ideal, girls, as a rule, monitor other nuances of their appearance more carefully, that is, they control their diet and play sports. They do not want excess weight and flabby muscles to spoil their beauty.

Negative points

Despite the many advantages, breast surgery also has disadvantages. And if a woman is not ready to put up with the problems that bust enlargement can bring into her life, she should probably leave everything as is. How can aesthetic surgery complicate your life? Many years of experience have revealed the following negative aspects:

  • Mammoplasty is a rather painful operation performed under general anesthesia. The discomfort lasts quite a long time, and after anesthesia, some people take months to recover. Pain cannot always be completely relieved with medications. And if you take them for a long time, stomach problems may arise and other organs may suffer.
  • After the operation, a long period of time is required. Its first stage lasts at least a month, in which there are many restrictions. You cannot sleep on your stomach, play sports, smoke, drink alcohol, lie on the beach, or go to the sauna. And then there are bans for about six months or more. Not everyone can withstand the absence of familiar joys in life for such a long time without harm to the nervous system.
  • Mammoplasty may be accompanied by. Some of them, such as capsular contracture, suppuration, internal hematomas, require repeated intervention with removal of implants and long-term treatment. Others lead to new defects in appearance, for example, the formation of raised, unsightly scars and uneven skin. And others, such as damage to the implant, create a danger to life if you do not get help in time.
  • The owner may not like the new breasts. If surgery is done, the implants stand out, making the bust look unnatural. And even though its quality is good, many girls complain: when lying down, the breasts look “adjusted.” Someone discovers that her new size does not quite correspond to other body proportions. Others literally physically feel a foreign object inside, even when the pain goes away, and this does not give them peace.
  • Difficulties may arise in performing diagnostic procedures in the area of ​​the mammary glands and chest. For mammography, for example, you will need high-resolution equipment so that the doctor can see all the tissue. For those living in a provincial town, this may bring additional worries.
  • Some develop new psychological problems. Women are afraid of damaging their breasts and are constantly fixated on them. This deprives them of the opportunity to live fully: play sports, go to the bathhouse, etc. Sometimes the phobia is of a different nature - the fear of getting breast disease due to an implant. Some people have a hard time getting used to it, and sometimes they cannot adapt to the idea that they are carrying a foreign body.
  • For some, the disadvantages of mammoplasty are reflected in their personal life. For example, in 4% of cases, breast sensitivity decreases, which negatively affects sexual relationships. With some installation methods, the implant can be felt when touching the skin. And not all men like this.
  • The chest may drop down. Earth's gravity also affects implants. Endoprostheses move especially actively if their size is large. Those who had mammoplasty before the birth of the child almost always have to undergo a second operation. Just like women who have lost weight after breast augmentation.
  • The presence of implants can cause unpredictable consequences. Some of them appear from the very beginning, when the body rejects endoprostheses. This is due to an individual reaction that cannot be predicted in advance. It has also been proven that a certain type of breast cancer occurs more often in women who have had their breasts enlarged with silicone. Another consequence is asymmetry that occurs during the healing process of the endoprosthesis, which can be detected a year after installation.

Is everything possible with implants?

Breast augmentation may have disadvantages in the lifestyle that dictates the presence of implants. The doubts that worry most women are related to several of its aspects:

  • Traveling by plane. It is known that at altitude the pressure is higher. Many people are afraid of the possibility of implant rupture, which increases from this. The story of a lady who had something similar happen in the air added the icing on the cake. But her implants were huge. The flight ban exists only in the first month after the operation. Later, it does not pose any danger to the endoprosthesis.
  • . This and the quality of the operation. If it is placed under the muscle, the woman will be able to feed the baby. But if the milk ducts are damaged, this opportunity is lost. Therefore, the doctor will explain to the patient in advance how the implant will be installed and what consequences this method will bring.
  • Diving. Excursions to the underwater kingdom are also allowed after the completion of the rehabilitation period. And although some are afraid of rupture of implants at depth and during the ascent, such cases have not been recorded.
  • Exposure to heat (beach, sauna) and cold. Concerns associated with these treats include possible deformation and damage to the implants. With a sauna, doctors do ask patients to be careful because of possible physical discomfort caused by temperature differences (silicone cools slower than human tissue). No one has had implants rupture in the sauna. As well as in the cold.
  • . Some argue that the examination provokes deformation and rupture of the endoprosthesis. And the examination itself supposedly ceases to be informative, since the silicone capsule obscures everything else. This has no real basis. It is possible and necessary to be examined; the diagnosis will be absolutely safe and accurate if the equipment is of high quality and resolution.

In each case, the breast owner herself must decide whether to undergo mammoplasty or abstain. Perhaps for some, the advantages of increasing it will outweigh all the disadvantages. But if expectations are not met, there is always a chance to correct the result of an incorrect decision.

For example, in the vast majority of cases, the breasts lose sensitivity after surgery. Question: how can you now enjoy the caresses of your loved one when you feel nothing? There is the most saturated erogenous zone. A man will notice a decrease in the severity of sensations, no matter how you groan.

Or: new breasts do not save the relationship. If you want love, love yourself. If the husband has cooled down, then implants will not change the situation. Attraction is a change in internal state.

And for thoughts, “cherry on the cake”: small breasts will be in fashion for the next few years. So if you are not yet lying on the operating table and counting backwards, then let’s soberly assess all the consequences of the operation so that it will be easier for you to make a difficult decision.

Important Note

The perceived need for breast reconstruction occurs after a mastectomy or as a result of trauma or defects of the breast. In this case, you need to say thank you to plastic surgeons and shake their magical hands. They restore a woman's self-confidence.

If your breasts are healthy, but you don’t like them, then it is better to weigh all the consequences of the operation before making a final decision - there will be no going back.

New breasts are not a guarantee of a happy relationship

Real experience for example. A friend has small breasts, she gave birth and nursed two children. And I really wanted “normal” breasts - at least the well-known second size. Having carried out all kinds of preparatory work to allocate money, convince her husband and already choose a doctor, she changed her mind at the last moment.

It was not fear that stopped her, nor even the fact that now men would break their necks. She just remembered that her husband, in one of the first conversations on the “breast” topic, said that he already liked her! He loves her and wants her with the breasts she has. The rest, the friend summed up, can be solved with clothes.

The sacred meaning of the story: a man wants and loves a woman when she herself loves and wants a man. She sets the tone in the relationship: she listens to the man, supports him, talks to him and shares her experiences (not to be confused with a description of her day and hysterics).

If your husband has grown cold, and you can see it with the naked eye, new breasts will refresh the relationship for several weeks. The man will play like a child with a new toy, and everything will return to normal. Cruel, but true. In order to revive the relationship, try to understand what your husband really wants - understanding, inspiration or new breasts.

Important Note: Now think about how long it will take after the operation when it finally comes to sex. It is not a fact that the chest will feel anything. And where could this money be spent?

New breasts are a good investment

You really want to be the center of attention. Always. So that men would wring their necks and not allow passage.

Many girls, scrolling through Instagram, see big-lipped beauties, pumped up and with large breasts - successful, popular... and also decide to undergo surgery. Having gone through all the stages of difficult recovery, getting used to new sensations, they expect to finally meet the man of their dreams. Or get a promotion in your career.

And then the inexplicable happens: men pay attention to you, but do not want a serious relationship, and do not ask you to marry. Or they don’t make you the owner of the company. Why? Because breasts are not responsible for success in a relationship or career.

A smile, sincere interest, the ability to listen and understand a man’s desires in life - this is what makes a woman attractive and attractive. And developed intelligence ensures career growth.

Many people like dolls, but men want relationships with interesting and smart women. Big breasts make photos look great. But what makes you cool is the smell of your pheromones. When it is impossible to hide the fact that you get joy from every day, crowds of men are ready to court you.

Let's dig deeper: why I want to enlarge my breasts

The desire to meet beauty standards and to be confident in one’s irresistibility comes from the psyche: when a woman does not have a feeling of security and lacks love. This does not mean that she is shaking with fear or that she is ready to rush at the first person she meets.

This means that she is afraid to love herself. She wants to receive, but investing in a relationship herself seems stupid to her. “Let men do this - this is what nature invented them for.”

Nature really invented men so that they would do everything in this life for women. But for this to happen, the woman must show not just interest, but a sincere desire to get to know this man. Understand what drives him in life: a career or the desire to start a family, the idea of ​​remaking this world or simply making it more beautiful.

A woman who knows how to inspire a man gets everything she wants from him. And not only from him - she is surrounded by fans. Here's how you can revive your marriage or find a life partner. Or make a career.

Worth or not worth

Considerable costs, great difficulties in getting the body accustomed to a foreign body and a serious recovery stage. This is a very high price to pay to take good photos on the beach. Or win your husband's attention for a few weeks.

It is possible to be the center of male attention without making men want to taste “silicone” to the touch through one-time sex. But for this you need the head, not the chest.

Women who have felt the full understanding of men love to say that relationships depend on the woman. Here are a couple of reviews from those who already know how to get what they want from a man.

“...I began to feel my body differently. For example, I used to not like heels, but now I just fly in them. I became flexible and soft, like water or oil... Men just went crazy - they introduced themselves, asked for a phone number, made compliments, let me go forward, offered their hand, gave up their seat, made gifts. The feeling of inner strength and self-confidence as a woman has increased by 100%. When you know that everyone (or almost everyone) wants you, it ceases to be important, and you relax, and suddenly you become yourself, and not a cowardly, angular freak...”

“...Our relationship with my husband has been renewed. In general, of course, I didn’t count on such a result... I just didn’t even guess or dream... I thought, well, 5 years of marriage... once a month, or even less, that’s already normal... we’re 32 years old... Of course , with my KZ ligament, I can sometimes allow my tail to wag in order to attract the attention of other men, BUT at least now I know where it comes from... these flapping eyes... endless flirting. And when you need to turn on this short-circuit connection, and when to “turn it off”... and you don’t suffer from remorse, as before... because you know everything, why this is so and why I...

When surgery is indicated for health reasons, there is no time to analyze the possible consequences, because life may be at stake. This cannot be said about plastic surgery: manipulations are carried out not to preserve health and life, but to improve aesthetic qualities. Plastic surgery is carried out as planned, the woman has time to weigh all the pros and cons and make a final decision.

When deciding to increase the size of the mammary glands, you should remember that sooner or later you will need repeated intervention.

A second operation is usually required for the following reasons:

It is believed that approximately 1-2 women out of 100 patients who have undergone plastic surgery report some negative consequences.

The following complications of breast enlargement are described, developing in the early postoperative period or after a long period of time:

  1. Formation of capsular contracture. The body recognizes each implant as a foreign body. To protect yourself from it, a capsule is formed around the endoprosthesis. Usually it is quite soft and does not cause discomfort. Sometimes the capsule is formed from dense fibrous tissue. This capsule compresses the shell of the prosthesis and thereby changes its shape. In addition, compression of the glandular tissue of the breast occurs, causing the woman to feel pain. It is believed that the prevention of contracture development is the installation of an implant with a textured (not smooth) shell, and it is recommended to place the implant under the pectoralis major muscle. Capsular contracture can form after a violation of the integrity of the endoprosthesis shell filled with liquid silicone. The only treatment method involves surgery, during which the implant is removed along with the fibrous capsule.
  2. Inflammatory process. Inflammation in the early postoperative period is explained by a violation of sterility during surgery or insufficient treatment of postoperative sutures. Antibiotics are used to prevent and treat infectious processes. Infection can develop in tissues located near the prosthesis, or can affect the entire body (toxic shock syndrome, sepsis). If antibiotic therapy does not help to completely overcome such consequences, doctors suggest that the patient undergo a second operation, during which the implant is removed, the foci of infection are treated with antiseptic solutions, and drains are installed.
  3. Dystopia (change in position) of the prosthesis. Women who have had large smooth dentures installed are at risk. The implant can move in any direction, either soon after surgery or several years after surgery.
  4. Rotation of the endoprosthesis. A film may form on the surface of a smooth prosthesis, preventing its fixation to surrounding tissues. The probability of rotation of endoprostheses with a soft consistency when forming a pocket is also increased.
  5. Trauma can lead to a breach of the tightness of the saline endoprosthesis shell. The result is a leakage of saline solution. The cosmetic effect of mammary gland enlargement disappears, the woman feels the solution flowing out of the shell. Saline solution is a liquid that is safe for the body. Correction requires a repeat operation with the placement of a new implant.
  6. Rupture of the prosthesis shell filled with liquid silicone. Silicone is a viscous liquid; it is released through the membrane defect gradually, and the woman may not notice it. Silicone is absorbed by surrounding tissues, compacting them and causing the development of an inflammatory process. In addition, capsular contracture may develop. These consequences are eliminated with repeated surgery.
  7. Formation of hypertrophic or keloid scars. Typically, keloid formation is an individual response of connective tissue to injury. The risk of forming large, unaesthetic connective tissue scars is increased by the presence of a chronic inflammatory process, endocrine pathologies, reduced immunity, and infectious complications. A keloid scar looks like a bluish-red formation raised above the level of unchanged skin, often causing itching. For treatment, the doctor may suggest cryodestruction (exposure to liquid nitrogen), injections of glucocorticosteroids (they help at the stage of scar formation), physiotherapy, destruction of connective tissue with ozone.
  8. Allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock) may occur after the administration of anesthesia as a reaction to the general anesthetic agent. In addition, an allergic reaction to medications recommended for use during the postoperative period and suture material cannot be ruled out. A reaction to silicone is practically excluded: the material is believed to not cause allergies. In order to cope with these complications, doctors replace the inappropriate medication with an analogue. If necessary, the suture material is replaced.
  9. Seroma formation. Seroma is an accumulation of serous fluid between the implant and the breast tissue. The source of serous fluid is the wound surface, and seroma is formed due to insufficient drainage of the wound.
  10. Hematoma formation. Hematomas - collections of blood - form both a few hours after surgery and after several weeks. Probable causes: damage by a plastic surgeon to the integrity of the wall of a blood vessel, a violation of the blood coagulation system, a sharp jump in blood pressure.
  11. Double bubble. Women with tubular breasts, cone-shaped breasts, and a high level of submammary fold are at risk. Double bubble is a deformity in which an additional fold is formed in the lower part of the mammary gland due to insufficient development, shortening or reduction of the pole of the woman’s breast.
  12. Formation of waves on the skin of the mammary glands. “Waves” can occur in any position of the body or only when bending forward or moving. Such ripples occur mainly after the installation of a saline implant, as well as in an irrationally chosen surgical approach and the size of the prosthesis. During the secondary operation, the plastic surgeon replaces the saline implant with a silicone one, changes the volume of the prosthesis, and uses the patient’s own fat or alloderm.
  13. Loss of nipple sensitivity occurs due to injury to the nerves and subsequent disruption of the innervation of the skin covering the mammary glands. Sensitivity usually returns a year after breast enlargement, but may persist much longer.
  14. Difficulty with breastfeeding due to injury to the ducts. Prevention – axillary (axillary) access and placement of the endoprosthesis behind the pectoralis major muscle.
  15. Difficulty with breast examination. The use of endoprostheses for breast augmentation does not increase the incidence of breast cancer, but complicates visualization by 10-25% depending on the location of the prosthesis.

It has long been known that men like a woman's full bust. What woman does not dream of being attractive to the stronger sex? When the parameters do not match, and other methods have been tried, silicone breasts help to get closer to the ideal. Correction of the shape and enlargement of the mammary glands using prostheses is a popular plastic surgery today. Deciding to take such a step is not easy. To avoid dangerous results, you need to study the issue thoroughly.

Possible contraindications

First of all, you need to know that there are contraindications to artificial breasts.. There are not many of them:

  1. Malignant tumors.
  2. Individual intolerance to polymer products.
  3. Loss of strength.
  4. Inflammatory processes and other pathologies of the mammary gland.

So, if everything is fine with your health, you can discuss further issues.

What are dentures filled with?

The implant looks like a transparent round-shaped bag; it is made of silicone. This polymeric substance is also poured into the medical device in a jelly-like state. There is another content option - physical solution. These modifications have both advantages and disadvantages. The downside of salty liquid is gurgling when moving. The advantages are affordable price and safety: if it gets into tissue, there will be no harm.

The advantage of a jelly-like substance is that the gel does not spread when the shell breaks. Nowadays durable models are produced; the surface is damaged in rare cases. There is also a negative side to this. When the silicone leaks out, the breast must be operated on again.

Experts advise not to save money and choose quality products that have an unlimited shelf life.

Which forms of implants are better?

Previously, only round samples were produced. Their purpose is to give the bust a voluminous, raised appearance.

Now they produce other models similar to a drop. These types are more expensive, but they hardly show their presence, since the mammary glands remain smooth and natural. The disadvantages of anatomical options include possible displacement.

Regardless of the configuration of the medical device, you can understand that the surgeon has worked on the body. The signs are:

If the patient is concerned about how silicone breasts look, natural or unnatural, then it is better to install teardrop-shaped endoprostheses.

Installation methods

Mammoplasty is performed in different variations. Surgeons determine the optimal location for the incision based on the characteristics of the individual patient:

You should not be afraid of scars; the level of modern medicine allows you to operate without the scars being noticeable. It’s worse if health problems begin after the intervention.

Is silicone implantation safe?

Manipulation with a scalpel always risks worsening the condition. No doctor guarantees a favorable outcome, since complications are likely:

All operations that are performed repeatedly cost more. When explantation is done, the skin needs to be tightened, which leaves large scars on the chest. There are negative aspects of mammoplasty - which surgeons are silent about.

What are the consequences

In the 80s, the famous American implant manufacturer paid multimillion-dollar lawsuits from women who had mammoplasty. The victims experienced serious health problems due to the fact that the prosthetic shells were leaking silicone. The substance spread throughout the tissues, causing deformation, swelling, pain, and severe diseases of the mammary glands.

The public was alarmed, doctors said that neurological consequences and malignancies appeared due to the implants. Then in the 90s, such operations were banned in the states for almost a decade.

In 1999, several independent American scientists gave reports and confirmed that silicone does not cause cancer. The researchers noted that the condition of operated patients worsens as a result of:

  • postoperative complications;
  • intolerance to polymer substances;
  • in case of violation of the production and installation technology of a silicone product.

However, in 2012, Ukrainian scientists published a study on the negative effects of polymers used in medicine. Facts confirm that over time, toxic microparticles are formed due to silicone prostheses, causing the body to be gradually poisoned. This is fraught with damage to the lungs, immune system, nervous system, as well as the liver, skin, and the appearance of allergies.

Long-term experiments of the Russian scientist Anatoly Borisovich Shekhter have proven that implants with a smooth surface cause chronic inflammation in the body, since the gel comes out through the shell. That is why textured products are safer.

The polymer can tear imperceptibly, but the spreading of the liquid is not felt. Therefore, experienced surgeons advise clients to undergo an MRI every three years.

Warranty period of medical products

According to surgeons, the shell of a modern endoprosthesis is very durable. In addition, there are harmless fillers. Therefore, women can live in peace; silicone breasts in old age will not cause inconvenience.

The manufacturer of quality products promises a lifetime of service. It is recommended to check the availability of the certificate.

Pregnancy and lactation

Most women undergo surgery after having children. Partly because, having undergone plastic surgery, you supposedly cannot feed the baby. Many people are confused by the possible problems of silicone breasts after childbirth.

Practicing surgeons answer that prosthetics do not interfere with childbirth. The only condition is that the incision must pass under the mammary gland.

Silicone does not get into milk because it does not dissolve in liquid. Therefore, implants are not dangerous for a newborn. In addition, certain drugs that are prescribed for colic in infants contain this substance. Implantation does not harm pregnant women.

There is a possibility that the skin will sag after breastfeeding ends, since the bust initially increases in size. In such cases, new forms require special care: you need to moisturize your skin often and wear supportive underwear. In addition, changes in the size of the glands lead to the loss of the shape given by the prosthesis or its displacement. It is often necessary to resort to a lift after weaning the baby.