The whole truth about low-fat foods: dietary food or harmful to health. Why are low-fat foods harmful?

Low-fat foods have become the subject of much debate among consumers and experts. Many doubted their benefits, believing that they could only bring harm. Dietary systems Low-fat diets have also come under public scrutiny and attack, despite the fact that some experts still recommend the use of low-fat cottage cheese, yoghurts and milk for those who, for health reasons, need to give up fried and fatty foods.

Low-fat foods and excess weight

Those who seriously want to reset overweight, decide to switch to low-fat foods in order to reduce the calorie content of food consumed. Indeed, 1 gram of a low-fat product can contain about 9 kilocalories, while 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates contains 4 kilocalories. It would seem that there should be no threat to the figure, so the harm of low-fat foods can only be declared a myth. In fact, the situation is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Low-fat foods do not give you a feeling of satiety, so you often have to forget about the restrictions and consume them in larger quantities, thinking that there is no risk for slimness.

It turns out that low-fat dairy products are harmful to your figure: in fact, they are not low-calorie, because manufacturers have to replace fats with sugar and starch, which are considered carbohydrates.

Frequent and unlimited consumption of such products will not only not allow you to get rid of fat and lose excess weight, but, on the contrary, will “help” you noticeably gain weight.

This is facilitated by carbohydrates contained in foods with a low percentage of fat, as well as by a phenomenon such as an increase in insulin levels in the blood, which is observed in the body if a person stops providing it with fats. To this is usually added one more serious problem in the form of metabolic disorders. Over time it leads to obesity.

Perhaps water and green tea may boast of having zero fat, but most other foods we know still contain some amount.

Therefore, if you notice a “0%” icon on the packaging of low-fat dairy products or cakes, the manufacturer is most likely being disingenuous and does not think about the benefits and harms of its products for the consumer. This means that you should not rush to buy yoghurts and milk with such a mark, making a choice in favor of other products.

Examples of low-fat dairy products from famous farms:

  • drinking yoghurt Bio-balance,
  • soft cottage cheese from Danone,
  • 0% fat milk from Valio,
  • cottage cheese “House in the Village”,
  • tender cottage cheese from “Savushkin”.

Low-fat products and pleasant taste

If the manufacturer produced its low-fat product in its “pristine” form and never used additives, none of the consumers would be able to accustom themselves to diets based on such food, because with a large loss of fat, it loses many of its taste qualities.

To prevent this from happening, flavorings, sweeteners, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and other less useful components are added to low-fat products , after which there will be no more arguing about the benefits and harms of this or that yogurt, since the answer will be obvious: you cannot eat such a product in large quantities every day.

Also, fats are often replaced with trans fats, which affect the functioning of the immune system and natural metabolic processes in the body, cause diabetes mellitus and some other systemic diseases.

Is there any benefit?

The harm of low-fat dairy products is not a myth, but it cannot be denied that low-fat yoghurts, milk, and cream do not provide any health benefits. It is not necessary to completely abandon them.

They can become indispensable helpers for “fasting” days or taken as snack foods. Low-fat foods will not cause harm to the body if they are periodically combined with fats.

But even here it is important to remain vigilant, not be lazy to study the composition of the low-fat product, and assess the total calorie content. Also always pay attention to the presence of sweeteners and starches, which are best avoided.

Low-fat foods have become popular. The production of “light” series products today is just as profitable a business as pharmacy. People trained by advertising know that a healthy, beautiful, successful, loved and lucky person is an exceptionally slim person with a sexy figure. The rest, those who are “not in the format”, have nothing to hope for.

To get closer to the visualized standard, you need to banish extra pounds from your body: switch to low-fat foods and drink light Coca-Cola.

It’s sad that not every adult, much less a teenager, can figure out where they went too far and where there is a grain of truth. After all, it is no longer a secret that if fat was removed, then something else was added in its place, and this “other” can turn out to be much more dangerous and insidious.

Without fats in the body, the normal course of most metabolic processes is impossible.. They perform many important functions:

1. They supply a person with the necessary energy - they give the body about 50% of everything it needs.

2. They create a certain reserve of adipose tissue in case of unfavorable living conditions.

3. Protect from mechanical damage fragile internal organs.

4. Provide normal thermal insulation - fats help retain natural heat human body, protect him from hypothermia.

5. Responsible for elasticity blood vessels and skin.

6. They are a building material for brain cells, which are more than half fat.

7. Helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins (the most common example: carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, but without a fatty dressing it will not be retained in the body, but will pass through in transit and will not be absorbed).

8. Support reproductive function.

9. Ensure proper growth and development of children.

High-quality pure fat must enter the human body, but permissible limits . With its excess, of course, excess weight and other problems will appear, which today have become an excellent tool for influencing the human minds of producers of low-fat products.

Reverse side of the package

Manufacturers use a variety of techniques and chemicals to reduce fat content.

The result of such manipulations are attractive product packaging, decorated with a slender silhouette on the front side and the indication “0% fat.”

If the manufacturer is more or less conscientious, then he will indicate not 0%, but at least 0.5%, which is true, since only water can be completely fat-free.

Low-fat dairy products are often found, but modern technologies They also allow you to remove fat from sausages (!) and bread. There was a mention that fats are replaced with other components.

Yes, that's right. But, unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate full composition package contents.

Natural fat present in food products makes their taste familiar and attractive to humans. Food without fat has inexpressive gastronomic qualities, color, consistency - no one will voluntarily eat it, much less buy it.

Therefore, manufacturers compensate for the lack of taste with sweeteners, emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives, enhancers, etc.

Modern food industry is inextricably linked with the chemical one, which is why low-fat surrogates can compete in taste with natural products and even outperform them.

As for the shelf life, this is real magic: low-fat dairy products, breakfast cereals, sausages, diet bread, etc. – can be stored for months, and all thanks to chemical additives.

Many people are attracted by the perceived low-calorie content of low-fat foods. Looking at the research, you can see that the difference between energy value of conventional and defatted products is quite insignificant.

And the reason is all in the same additives, which are supposed to improve the taste of 0% treats. They have their own, far from low, calorie content. Another disadvantage of the declared fat-free diet is the psychological point: there are no lipids, which means you can eat more.

Overeating low-fat foods is more likely to lead to weight gain than moderate consumption simple natural food. And such food will never satiate you to the required extent; you will have to reinforce yourself more and more often.

Separately about trans fats. These are stabilizers, devoid of all useful substances, whose main task is to extend the shelf life of food.

Trans fats are an invariable component of margarines, spreads, “light” butter, semi-finished products, confectionery products, mayonnaise, ketchup, and many low-fat products.

This component can be identified on the label by its name: combined / deep frying / cooking / partially hydrogenated / saturated fat, margarine.

What can be said in defense of low-fat foods?

1. They can be used periodically by adults healthy people, but you can’t deprive yourself of fats completely and for a long time.

2. Water and green tea are completely harmless and very healthy representatives of low-fat foods.

3. In some cases, the “0% fat” icon is a kind of motivation, an impetus to review your menu and correct it in the direction of reducing calorie content. Only it is better to do this through natural food.

4. Low-fat foods are inevitable for those who are contraindicated in consuming fats.

It is clear that one should not delude oneself about the benefits of artificially low-fat products. If the prospect frightens you cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, thrombosis, overweight– It is better to focus on moderately fatty natural foods.

To maintain a normal weight, a woman needs about 1800 kcal per day, and a man – 2300. To lose weight, you can reduce this figure by 10-20%.

Get a set amount of calories daily, but not from low-fat sausage, but from baked rabbit, beef, and lean poultry.

Take sour cream with 10-15% fat content, not 20%. Whole grain or bran bread better than diet foam biscuits. Simple cereals - oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice - are much healthier than ready-made fitness breakfast cereals.

Replace pork with fatty pork sea ​​fish, and you will receive essential omega-6 and omega-3 acids.

From vegetable oils opt for olive oil - an excellent, easily digestible, healthy alternative to all existing species vegetable fats.

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Who among those who are losing weight has not at least once in their life switched to 1% fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese and lean bio-yogurt? Everyone knows the desire to somehow reduce the fat content of their diet. And for some reason, dairy products are the first to be blacklisted. Our nutritionist will tell us about the benefits and harms of low-fat dairy products.

What is skim milk?

If you've ever seen milk being forced through a separator, you've seen first-hand what's left after the cream is separated from the milk. It is not a completely edible whey-like substance. This is milk with 0-0.5% fat content. 1% fat milk is not much different. What do we buy in the store? Quite decent white milk with a pleasant taste. Dry milk powder helps manufacturers achieve this. But we want to buy something completely useful. natural product! And that’s exactly what it says on the box!

Low-fat cottage cheese

And if everything is clear with milk, then low-fat cottage cheese is also larger sign question. Low-fat cottage cheese, if it is natural, is so sour that it is simply impossible to eat it without sugar, and if it does not taste poisonous, it is rich in various additives: starch, thickener, sweetener, etc. But we buy low-fat cottage cheese in order to reduce the overall fat content of your diet and, most often, lose weight. Starch, sugar and other inedible additives are not included in our plans.


About yoghurts is a completely separate issue. Even with normal fat content, they are crammed with a whole bunch of “E”, and low-fat ones are simply contraindicated for consumption. Do you like yoghurts? Either buy it without additives, or learn how to make it yourself from full-fat milk.

Low-fat dairy products for weight loss

And now about losing weight. Dairy products of normal and high fat content will not be deposited on your sides if you do not eat them with bread, jam and sugar. Remember this as an axiom. And low-fat dairy products are so stuffed with additives that they simply abound in easily digestible carbohydrates. By eating low-fat yogurt or kefir at night, you think you are losing weight, but in fact you are making it worse for yourself.

Calcium and other vitamins in dairy products

Often, low-fat dairy products are artificially fortified with calcium in order to attract buyers. However, you should not be too misled about this. As scary as it may sound, calcium is poorly absorbed from dairy products. For this he needs a special acidic environment. Therefore, if you have a calcium deficiency, then without drug treatment and consultation with a competent specialist is indispensable.

But you should know that dairy products are rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, which cannot be absorbed without fat! It turns out that dairy and fermented milk products are most useful in their original form: enriched with fats.

Skim milk is especially popular among people who want to be slim and beautiful. Today, there are completely conflicting opinions about the benefits of such milk for the body. During processing of the final product chemical composition loses most of its components. Fats are removed from the product during pasteurization.

In general, skim milkThis is a product with low milk fat content.

Useful properties

The benefit of skim milk primarily lies in its low calorie content, which allows it to be used during weight loss by obese people.Despite conflicting opinions, this product still contains useful substances.For example, choline takes an active part in carbohydrate metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. It also contains chlorine, which is necessary for water and electrolyte metabolism. This product also contains sulfur, which is actively involved in numerous metabolic processes. Also in this low-fat product contains potassium, which is needed for normal activities cardiovascular system. This product also contains phosphorus and calcium, which are involved in the regeneration and strengthening of bone tissue.

Use in cooking

Skim milk can be used in cooking just like regular milk. For example, prepare cocktails and other drinks based on it, add it to cereals and other side dishes, use it for baking, etc.

Harm of skim milk and contraindications

Low-fat milk can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product. In addition, there is a lot of information that This product causes a lack of nutrients in the body when regular use . Skim milk is not recommended for children, as it has no benefits at all.

For many it will be a revelation to know how and why Low-fat Products are harmful. And if you are still choosing low-fat or low-fat yogurt, then I advise you to find out why this is a very bad idea not only for your health, but also for your figure.

I decided to write this post after I once again heard about recommendations for eating Low-Fat or Low-Fat foods.

It just so happens that for a long time, and it turns out, it has been very successfully drummed into our heads that fat is not just bad, it’s harmful; its use has consequences in the form of excess weight and one of the causes of death around the world - diseases of the cardiovascular system.

I will not hide and say that I was different from most people; I also used to buy kefir or cottage cheese for myself, automatically choosing options with a low fat content.

But after I started following a natural and nutritious lifestyle and nutrition, my opinion on this matter changed dramatically. Now I avoid all products with the inviting “fat-free” label and buy only complete, as nature intended, “fatty” products.

And why I refused this latest advertised trick is what I want to tell you in this post! I hope that after this you will never again think that “no fat” means good and healthy!

Where did the fashion for low-fat products come from?

This fashion trend began in the 50s, when one scientist conducted a famous study and came to the conclusion that fat (especially saturated fat) is the cause of heart and vascular disease. And hello plant-based, not butter and Low-fat dairy products!

This study was not completely confirmed, but it took more than 50 years for people to finally begin to change their minds about fat and stop being afraid of it.

Many people, when they see the “fat-free” label, automatically click that it’s healthy! But few people know that, firstly, it is not only not useful, but even harmful, simply because the final product is unnatural and does not occur in nature.

Have you ever seen a cow give skim milk? Or vice versa, a cow that ate the right food for her produces very fatty, nutritious milk. I still remember the homemade village sour cream, orange in color, in which the spoon stood. I have never tasted tastier sour cream in my life. Can it be compared to low-fat or fat-free store bought?

Low-fat foods often contain even more calories than their fat-rich counterparts. Because when you take away the fat, which gives this product its taste, it automatically needs to be replaced with something. And here sugar and all kinds of chemicals and preservatives come to the rescue. Are they better than natural ones? natural fat? Of course not.

What about the process of creating low-fat products? Do you think he's natural? Did our ancestors indulge in low-fat yogurt or powdered milk? Of course not, because the process of obtaining it is not natural.

At first the milk is very high pressure passed through very small holes. This provokes cholesterol in milk to oxidize under the influence of oxygen with the formation of not only toxic nitrates, but also Oxidized Oxygen, which is precisely deposited on the walls of our arteries in the form of plaques and leads to their narrowing and heart attack with stroke.

And simple food is an antioxidant, it helps us fight bad Oxidized Cholesterol.

And finally, our body does not recognize the unknown, unnatural proteins in powdered milk, as a result of which the body provokes an immune response, leading not only to allergies, but also autoimmune diseases and inflammation. Who would have thought, right? It seems like some kind of product and such a serious effect on our health!

When you preferred low-fat foods, you thought that you were doing a big favor to your health and figure. But now I will open your eyes to what actually lies behind these pretty words and why we NEED this fat.

  • Low-fat or low-fat foods contain chemicals that are added to make the final product taste even remotely the same as the full-fat version. This includes salt (harmful white table salt, not healthy sea or Himalayan salt), sugar or high fructose syrup, GMO starch, monosodium glutamate, etc.).
  • Do you buy low-fat products in order to lose weight or not gain excess weight? In vain! Because it turns out that you are replacing (healthy) fat with harmful sugar! And this is the most common reason for extra pounds. Maltodextrin, by the way, is starch, and this in turn is carbohydrates and sugar!
  • These "freaks of nature" contain much more carbohydrates than fat, as a result - you don’t feel full, your blood sugar jumps sharply, which leads to the desire to eat sweets.
  • Our body needs fat and especially essential fat fatty acids, which our body is not able to synthesize and must be obtained from food.
  • Fat-free or low-fat foods do not provide any nutritional value. Dairy products contain fat soluble vitamins D, E, A and K. And if there is no fat, then there are no vitamins. Often, producers of defective milk add synthetic vitamins. For example, Vitamin D-2, instead of natural Vitamin-3, is not absorbed by our body, and other vitamins are not absorbed either, because they are FAT SOLUBLE, but there is no fat!
  • Fat is necessary for the utilization of protein, which is why in nature protein is always found together with fat (eggs, milk, fish, meat). Too large number protein without fat leads to very rapid elimination Vitamins A and D from the body, leading to their deficiency.
  • Fat is necessary in order to lose weight! It signals the brain that it is full because it is digested slowly, providing our body with slow-processing energy.
  • The gallbladder stores bile in order to digest fat. As soon as we eat something fatty, it automatically provokes the release of bile. If we don't get enough fat, the bile remains in the gallbladder without work, it becomes thick and viscous and over time it becomes more and more difficult for the gallbladder to release it. And then, if we eat fat, then the gallbladder is not able to squeeze out such thick bile, and fat cannot be digested correctly without bile. The process of intoxication begins, as bile just sits in the gallbladder, poisoning our body from the inside. By the way, in the case of gallbladder There is one simple rule - use it or lose it. Viscous bile leads to the formation of stones in the bladder. How many people have gallstones now? So many! And the number of people without this gallbladder itself is growing.
  • Fat contains dietary cholesterol, which is an antioxidant, not a cause of heart attacks (this is oxidized cholesterol, which is produced when you eat or) and protects us from chronic inflammation and many diseases.
  • Our hormones need fat. This is the so-called building block for sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone). Low-fat foods are a direct road to hormonal imbalance.
  • Fats are needed for natural cleansing and detoxification. The liver stores toxins from all over our body and then sends them into bile, which cannot leave our body because there are no fats needed to release it.

This “say no to fat” trend really scares me.

Even in American schools, children's lunches include skim or 1% fat milk. It turns out that we are already childhood We undermine the health of our children.

America, by the way, who doesn’t know, is the #2 country in the world in terms of the number of obese people. More proof that low-fat foods don't work as many people think.

Therefore, do not be afraid and eat only foods in their natural degree fat content As you already understand, this will not only be good for your health, but also for your figure! And also - it tastes much better!

Did you know how harmful low-fat foods are? Do you use them?