We choose a remedy for calluses: ointments, keratolytic gel or cream, Compeed pencil and others. The use of keratolytic agents for dermatological problems

Pharmacological action: Belosalik is a combined drug, the effect of which is determined by its constituent components; has anti-inflammatory, decongestant,...


Pharmacological action: Bensalitin is a combined drug that has a keratolytic, local irritant and antiseptic effect. High keratophilicity and accumulation in the stratum corneum of the skin ensure the effectiveness of the drug.

Indications: Callus (removal).


Pharmacological action: Betadermic is a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by its constituent components; has anti-inflammatory, decongestant,...

Indications: Psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), ichthyosis, limited prurigo with severe lichenification, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis; simple.


International name: Betamethasone + Salicylic acid

Dosage form: ointment for external use, solution for external use

Pharmacological action: Betnovate-S is a combined drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition; has anti-inflammatory, decongestant,...

Indications: Psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), ichthyosis, limited prurigo with severe lichenification, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis; simple.


International name: Betamethasone + Salicylic acid

Dosage form: ointment for external use, solution for external use

Pharmacological action: Diprosalik is a combined drug, the effect of which is determined by its constituent components; has anti-inflammatory, decongestant,...

Indications: Psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), ichthyosis, limited prurigo with severe lichenification, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis; simple.

Diprosalik lotion

International name: Betamethasone + Salicylic acid

Dosage form: ointment for external use, solution for external use

Pharmacological action: Diprosalik lotion is a combined drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition; has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications: Psoriasis, eczema (especially chronic), ichthyosis, limited prurigo with severe lichenification, atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis; simple.


Dosage form: cream for external use

Pharmacological action: Keratolan is a combination drug for external use. Urea, interacting with keratin, enhances skin hydration and desquamation.

Indications: Ichthyosis, ichthyosiform dermatoses; idiopathic eczema with hyperkeratosis, dermatoses accompanied by dryness and hyperkeratosis.


International name: Salicylic acid

Dosage form: ointment for external use, solution for external use, solution for external use [alcohol]

Pharmacological action: NSAIDs, currently used only locally and externally, have keratolytic, antiseptic, local irritant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Indications: Inflammatory and infectious skin lesions; burns, calluses, calluses, warts, hyperkeratosis, increased sweating stop, prolapse.


International name: Flumethasone + Salicylic acid (Flumetasone + Salicylic acid)

Dosage form: ointment for external use

Pharmacological action: Lokasalen is a combination drug, the effect of which is determined by the components included in its composition; has anti-inflammatory, decongestant,...

Indications: Atopic dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis, chronic lichen of Widal, chronic eczema (especially horny), hyperkeratosis, ichthyosis; chronic dyshidrosis, psoriasis; red lichen planus, discoid lupus erythematosus.

Remedies for corns from the pharmacy

The desire to look beautiful and attractive forces women to wear spectacular shoes, which, unfortunately, often turn out to be very uncomfortable. Because of this, unpleasant problems such as calluses and corns often arise. In addition, even if you wear quite comfortable and high-quality shoes, you are not immune from such problems. Calluses and corns bring a lot of inconvenience and painful sensations, and also make the legs less attractive. But fortunately modern medicine knows many ways to get rid of these problems. At your service is a wide range of ointments, patches, gels and creams, as well as folk remedies.

Cream Healer for stretch marks

Creams against calluses and corns

Stores and pharmacies offer a huge variety of creams for calluses and corns. Naturally, each manufacturer is trying to convince you that their product is the best and most effective. In addition, pharmacists in pharmacies will convince you to purchase as much as possible expensive product. In this regard, it is important to know a few facts that will allow you to independently determine the best cream.

To avoid making a mistake when choosing a cream for calluses and corns, carefully study the composition. Of course, it is impossible to understand all the chemical components, and this is not necessary. It is important to know several basic components that must be included in this type of cream. We are talking about substances such as glycerin, salicylic and benzoic acids, as well as castor oil. These components, on the one hand, help remove rough skin, and on the other hand, help soften and restore tissue. In addition, they have an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, eliminating the possibility of developing fungal infections.

Even the best cream can be ineffective in the fight against calluses and corns if used incorrectly. You need to understand that this kind of product acts quite aggressively, so you should not allow it to come into contact with healthy areas of the skin. Before applying the product, cover the skin around the callus with a bandage to protect it from the cream. When the tissues have softened well enough, you can remove the patch, make a foot bath and treat the skin with a pumice stone or scrub. Do not touch your face or eyes until you have completely washed off any remaining cream from your hands.

“Lekar” cream is very popular among pharmaceutical products for calluses and corns. It solves the problem quite quickly thanks to the presence of urea and extracts of several herbs. A substance such as urea very quickly softens the skin and exfoliates rough cells. In addition, this element has analgesic properties, which allows you to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Deserves special attention plant extracts. Thus, oak bark relieves inflammation, and celandine extract fights pathogenic microbes and infections. Vitamin E completes the picture, thanks to which the skin quickly recovers and takes on a healthy appearance.

With proper and regular use of Lekar cream, you can achieve quick disposal from corns and calluses. They can be removed with pumice or will come off on their own. To speed up the attack positive effect, and also to make the use of the cream more effective, you need to regularly take foot baths with the addition of herbal decoctions or essential oils. Don't forget to regularly treat the skin on your feet with a pumice stone or a hard scrub.

For those who do not like to go to pharmacies, we can recommend a cream for corns and calluses from the Avon cosmetics company. This company offers a variety of foot care products, but it is the cream for corns that deserves special attention. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this remedy has preventive action. Thanks to the content of glycolic acid, the cream softens the skin well, removing rough particles. It is recommended to use it after a shower or foot bath, when the skin is well steamed and treated with scrub or pumice.

Ointments against calluses and corns

Despite the fact that creams and ointments are very similar in consistency, the latter have a more pronounced effect and are no longer classified as cosmetics, but as medicinal products. All processes (softening and exfoliation of the skin, as well as its regeneration) occur much faster. In addition, ointments prevent the development inflammatory processes. To navigate the choice of ointments, you also need to pay attention to the composition. It is subject to the same requirements as chemical composition creams. The only difference is that the ointment is more concentrated, due to which therapeutic effect comes much faster.

If you need an inexpensive but effective remedy to help get rid of corns and calluses, try salicylic ointment. It acts quite quickly, relieving inflammation and removing rough skin. Another inexpensive and effective means can be considered a keratolytic ointment. It has one undeniable advantage. As the callus or corn begins to peel off, you will not feel any discomfort due to the damp skin in that area. You will not have to additionally cover the damaged area with a band-aid, because the corn will come off quickly and painlessly.

Quite popular pharmaceutical product Bensalitin ointment can be considered for the treatment of calluses and corns. It belongs to the category of keratolytic agents and contains salicylic and benzoic acids. Before you start using the product, wash, steam and dry your feet well. Apply a little ointment to the problem area and secure with a band-aid. By repeating the procedure every two hours, you will quickly get rid of unpleasant problem calluses and corns.

Gels for calluses and corns

In terms of their effectiveness in the fight against calluses and corns, gels are quite comparable to ointments, and their form is more convenient. By analogy with ointments, high efficiency Keratolytic gels are different. Their advantage is that they act exclusively on damaged and dead skin cells, without affecting healthy areas. This way, you don't have to worry about protecting healthy areas of your skin from exposure. remedy. Gels are very gentle and effective. Plus, they work much faster than creams or ointments. So, within 3-4 minutes after application you will notice a positive effect.

Sagitta gel can be considered an effective remedy against calluses and corns. Special attention deserves its composition, which contains components such as vitamin C, as well as essential oils lemon and lemon grass. So, before applying the gel to the skin, you need to wash your feet well and treat them with a pumice stone. Be sure to protect your hands with gloves. Not large number Apply the gel to a cotton pad and apply it to the callus. Next, the leg is wrapped in film for a period of 2 to 8 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the thickness of the stratum corneum. After the allotted time, you need to remove the bandage from your leg and carefully remove any remaining gel. All you have to do is remove the softened corns using a file or pumice.

Calluses and corns are enough serious problem, which cannot be ignored. Having learned to select the right means, you will quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms without making Herculean efforts and without spending large amounts of time and money. Do not delay solving the problem under any circumstances, because in addition to the fact that calluses and corns spoil appearance your feet, they can also lead to complications in the form of fungal diseases and permanent hardening of the skin.

I thought that salicylic ointment Suitable only for wounds left from abscesses, and in general for disinfection and healing of wounds. I’m learning for the first time that it helps with corns and calluses. I’ll take note, especially since the “corny” summer is just around the corner!

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All site materials are published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be considered a substitute for consultation with a specialist.

Keratolytic agents – List of drugs and medications

Description of pharmacological action

The keratolytic effect of drugs is to eliminate the phenomena of keratosis. The mechanism of this action is associated with inhibition of keratinocyte proliferation and improvement of their exfoliation. Preparations and agents that have a keratolytic effect are used in complex therapy hyperkeratosis, as well as various inflammatory skin diseases accompanied by hyperkeratosis (for example, psoriasis).

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Preparations with pharmacological action “Keratolytic”

  • Akriderm SK (Ointment for external use)
  • Belosalik (Ointment for external use)
  • Belosalik lotion (Lotion)
  • Benzamycin (Gel for external use)
  • Desquam (Gel for external use)
  • Desquam (Lotion)
  • Desquam (Soap)
  • Diprosalik (Lotion)
  • Diprosalik (Ointment for external use)
  • Kestin (Oral tablets)
  • Kestin (Syrup)
  • Retasol (Solution for external use)
  • Skinoren (Gel for external use)
  • Skinoren (Cream for external use)
  • Sulfodecortem (Ointment for external use)
  • Ureotop (Ointment for external use)
  • Garlic tincture (Tincture)

Attention! Information provided in this directory medications, is intended for medical professionals and should not be the basis for self-medication. Descriptions of drugs are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. There are contraindications. Patients need to consult a specialist!

If you are interested in any other Keratolytic agents and preparations, their descriptions and instructions for use, synonyms and analogues, information about the composition and form of release, indications for use and side effects, methods of use, dosages and contraindications, notes on drug treatment for children, newborns and pregnant women, prices and reviews of medications, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

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What are keratolytic agents and how do they work?

Keratolytic agents translated from Greek mean destruction of the horny substance. This medicines, which, as a result of their external use, soften, dissolve, and promote the rejection of the hypertrophied stratum corneum of the epidermis, hair, and nails.

Medical indications

Keratolytic agents are used to combat the following ailments:

  • dermatoses, which are manifested by increased keratinization skin;
  • keratoses;
  • psoriasis;
  • squamous and hyperkeratotic manifestations of mycosis of the feet;
  • calluses;
  • calluses;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • onychomycosis;
  • onychogryphosis;
  • hyperpigmentation.

The strength of the keratolytic ointment depends on its concentration; the effect begins with light exfoliation and ends with softening and dissolution of the upper epidermis. To combat pathological foci use:

  1. Arievich ointment. Its main components are salicylic (at least 12%) and lactic (at least 6%) acids.
  2. An ointment based on resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids.
  3. Creams based on salicylic and lactic acids.
  4. Urea-based ointment.
  5. Salicylic alcohol (with a concentration of at least 20%), which has an exfoliating effect on areas of hyperpigmentation.
  6. Ready-made creams, powders for making paste from barium sulfide or strontium for depilation (removing unwanted hairs).
  7. Patches based on urea, salicylic acid - effective way removal of changed nails.
  8. Talc made from onycholysin and barium sulphide to remove affected nails.
  9. Whitefield ointment - consists of salicylic acid, benzoic acid, petroleum jelly. Has a strong keratolytic effect.

Components of drugs

Salicylic acid is often used in concentrations of 3-15%. Small amounts of it have a keratoplasty effect; more concentrated solutions necrotize the superficial epidermis. Lactic acid is used in a concentration of 5-10%. It can be found in many products for exfoliating the stratum corneum of the skin in dermatomycosis. The effect of keratolysis was identified in the enzymes pepsin and trypsin: this ability is widely used in cosmetology in the fight against keloids and scars.

Keratolytic action is also characteristic of the following substances:

  • benzoic acid;
  • sulfur;
  • mercury salts;
  • soap;
  • phenol;
  • alkalis.

On modern pharmaceutical market You can purchase the following medications for the treatment of hyperkeratosis of various etiologies:

  1. Belosalik is a combination drug consisting of betamethasone and salicylic acid. Available in the form of an ointment or solution for external use. It has a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, wound-healing, moisturizing effect. Used for psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis, prurigo, skin lichenification, dermatitis and neurodermatitis.
  2. Bensalitin - combination medicine, which is produced in the form of an ointment for external use. It is a strong antiseptic with a keratolytic, local irritant effect. Due to its significant keratophilicity and ability to accumulate in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, it is successfully used to remove calluses.
  3. Betadermic. The drug contains betamethasone and salicylic acid. It is used in the form of an ointment or solution for external use. The product quickly and effectively copes with inflammation and tissue swelling. It is often used for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and simple itching of the skin.
  4. Betnovate-S is a complex medicine, presented on the market in the form of a cream or solution. For external use only. It has a strong anesthetic effect. Often used for chronic eczema and neurodermatitis.
  5. Diprosalik - produced in the form of cream, lotion. The product is for external use only. Thanks to complex composition the drug has an anesthetic and anti-edematous effect. This medicine is effective in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.

Additional medications

Keratolytic agents also include Keratolan cream. This is a product for local external use. Thanks to the urea included in the composition, the drug perfectly increases skin hydration and desquamation of damaged epithelial cells. The cream is often prescribed for ichthyosis, ichthyosis-like dermatoses, eczema, dryness and hyperkeratosis of the skin.

Kolomac is a drug made from salicylic acid. In pharmacies it can be found in the form of a cream, aqueous and alcohol solution. For external use only. This is a representative of NSAIDs and has keratolytic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Used for skin lesions of various nature, burns, calluses, warts, increased formation of sweat on the feet.

Lokasalen, Lorinden A are combination drugs containing flumethasone and salicylic acid. They are presented on the pharmaceutical market in the form of a cream for external use. The products have a keratolytic effect and perfectly relieve inflammatory reactions. They are used to combat dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis, Vidal's lichenification, horny eczema, increased keratosis, ichthyosis, dyshidrosis, lichen planus, disc-shaped lupus erythematosus.

Mozolin is a drug containing sulfur and salicylic acid. This is a patch that is characterized by keratolytic and antiseptic effect. Used to combat corns, calluses, and calluses. Callus fluid contains salicylic acid, brilliant green. This alcohol solution for local external use. Has an antiseptic, keratolytic effect on calluses.

Soap alcohol is an alcoholic liquid for external use, consisting of ethanol and potassium hydroxide. Strong antiseptic to combat pathological change skin. The Salipod patch is combination drug, which is widely used in the fight against dry calluses, corns, and calluses. Elocom-S consists of a combination of mometasone and salicylic acid. This is an ointment that is used to treat psoriasis. The product has a vasoconstrictor and antipruritic effect.

In case of intolerance similar means it is possible to develop changes on the skin in the form of various dermatitis, rashes; Severe itching may occur. Appearance similar symptoms- a reason to stop treatment and seek help from specialists.

Pharmaceutical preparations that have a keratolytic effect should not be used in the following cases:

  • lack of a final diagnosis;
  • systemic pathology, when primary therapy is not used;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Medicines against hyperkeratosis are often produced in the form of:

To combat pathological keratinization of the skin, methods are often used alternative medicine. One of them is treatment with toadflax. The plant is valuable for its keratolytic, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal effects. For treatment, decoctions, tinctures, and ointments are prepared from it.

To prepare the decoction, pour boiling water over the dry herb and cook for several minutes. Then filter; used as applications. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour boiling water over the herb, infuse, and filter. The resulting solution is soaked into napkins, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin several times a day.

To prepare flaxseed ointment, you will need dry herb powder and pork or bone fat. The ingredients are mixed, infused, heated and filtered. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected skin several times a day. Best result therapy can be achieved using complex treatment: application with infusion or decoction of flaxseed, and then application of ointment from this plant.

Homemade Recipes

At home, regular fresh carrots will help you cope with corns and dry calluses. To do this, apply a paste of this vegetable to the affected areas of the skin, wrap your leg in polyethylene, and put on a warm sock. After 1-1.5 hours, wash off the slurry warm water. For good results, this procedure should be done several times every other day.

A foot bath copes well with the problem of dry calluses and corns. To enhance healing effect you can add to it:

  • a few drops of iodine;
  • table salt;
  • aspirin tablets;
  • soda;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • laundry soap shavings;
  • camomile tea;
  • decoction of oak bark.

Periodically plain water replaced with a pure decoction of herbs (nettle, mint).

Pharmaceutical keratolytic preparations and similar non-traditional remedies are used after consultation with a doctor.

They are prescribed with caution to children, pregnant and lactating women.

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All rights reserved. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

Full or partial copying of information from the site without providing an active link to it is prohibited.

Keratolytic agents

Keratolytic agents are a special group of medications designed to soften and subsequently dissolve the keratinized layer of cells. Ointment or cream with a keratolytic effect should be used only after prior consultation with a doctor. Keratolytic agents are quite effective in combating the symptoms of many dangerous diseases.


The main indications for the use of such drugs are:

Callus patch

Keratolytic agents can have varying degrees of concentration of the active substance. So one ointment can only slightly exfoliate the skin, while another can soften and completely dissolve the top layer of the epidermis.

Modern pharmacies offer a wide range of keratolytic medications for external use. Let's look at some of the most popular and effective ones.

  • Arievich ointment. This drug contains salicylic and lactic acid.
  • External use products containing urea.
  • Salicylic alcohol – used to treat hyperpigmentation.
  • Ointment of barium sulphide and strontium.
  • Keratolytic patch. Contains urea and salicylic acid, used to remove deformed nail plates. Also in such cases, talc made from onycholysin and barium sulfide is often used.
  • Whitefield ointment. This is very strong remedy, containing benzoic acid, petrolatum and salicylic acid.

Each keratolytic agent has its own indications and contraindications and is used to treat certain diseases. Such medications should be used only after preliminary examination and diagnosis. accurate diagnosis. The doctor will tell you which ointment is best suited to solve your problem.


Keratolytic agents may contain various components that help soften and dissolve dead skin cells. Often the main active component of the drug is salicylic acid (3-15%).

If there is not too much of this substance, then the skin simply softens; at a higher concentration, the solution necrotizes the stratum corneum of the tissue.

Lactic acid (5-10%) is used to effectively treat ringworm. The effect of exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis is carried out thanks to the enzymes pepsin and trypsin. This substance is widely used in cosmetology to remove scars, post-acne, scars and other defects. Substances such as sulfur, benzoic acids, alkali, phenol, and mercury salt also have keratolytic properties.


If you want to quickly get rid of hyperkeratosis, then choose a keratolytic agent very carefully. The most popular today are the following drugs for external use.

Belosalik. This medication contains salicylic acid and betamethasone. At the pharmacy you can buy the drug in the form of an ointment or special solution for external use.

Regular use of the product allows you to reduce swelling of soft tissues, relieve inflammation, and heal small wounds, cracks, and cuts. Doctors often prescribe Belosalik to patients with psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases.

Diprosalik. The drug in the form of an ointment or lotion has excellent analgesic and decongestant properties. Used in the complex treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

Bensalitin. Antiseptic ointment with keratolytic effect. The drug gradually accumulates in dead skin cells, softens and removes them. Can be used to combat calluses on the feet.

Betadermic is a product based on betamethasone and salicylic acid. The ointment helps reduce inflammation or swelling. Effectively fights the symptoms of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. The drug also quickly relieves itchy skin.

Keratolan. A keratolytic agent containing urea. This product perfectly moisturizes the skin and desquamates damaged epithelial cells. The drug is effective for dermatosis, hyperkeratosis, and eczema.

Among the variety of keratolytic agents, it can be very difficult to choose the right ointment. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, be sure to first consult with your doctor and use his recommendations.

Keratolytic ointments or lotions should not be used without a doctor's prescription. The thing is that such drugs can cause an allergic reaction in some people, which is manifested by severe itching and rashes.

Contraindications to the use of these medicines are:

  • Individual sensitivity to the main active component;
  • Lack of definitive diagnosis;
  • A chronic disease for which no primary therapy has yet been prescribed.

Modern manufacturers offer high-quality keratological preparations in the form of ointment, alcohol solution, patch, powder, talc or emulsion. You can prepare a product to remove dead skin yourself at home.

Most often used for this medicinal plant- common toadflax. Ointments, decoctions or tinctures are prepared from dried herbs. Let's look at the most effective recipes:

  • 2 tbsp. Pour 500 ml of toadflax. boiling water, cook for 5-7 minutes. After the broth has cooled completely, filter it and use it to prepare healing lotions. You can use this product 2-3 times a day.
  • To prepare an ointment for dermatitis, psoriasis or keratosis, mix dry flax grass with animal fat. Mix thoroughly, heat, strain. The prepared ointment should be used to treat damaged areas of the skin.

The maximum positive effect from keratolytic agents can be achieved if they are used in complex therapy of the disease. Even if you decide to use folk remedies homemade, be sure to consult your doctor first and make sure that they are safe for you.

Flax (video)

The use of keratolytic agents for dermatological problems

The surface layers of the skin are constantly being renewed. Dead tissues peel off, and new ones appear in their place. In some diseases, cells of the stratum corneum begin to divide at a rapid pace or their desquamation is disrupted, the skin becomes rough, and hyperkeratosis develops. The skin in this area thickens, loses elasticity, becomes inactive, and sensitivity to external irritants decreases.

To combat this problem, keratolytic agents are used to help get rid of excessively thickened skin.

What are keratolytic agents?

Keratolytics remove excess stratum corneum in patients with dry calluses, warts, inflammatory diseases epidermis, which are accompanied by hyperkeratosis. The components contained in the preparations soften dead skin cells. The layer of skin after applying the product can be quite easily scraped off or separated as a whole layer.

Many drugs in this group have antifungal and antibacterial effect. This is possible due to the presence of antibiotics in their composition or as a result of mechanical removal of the excess layer of skin containing fungal or bacterial flora.


The drugs are widely used in dermatology and have the following indications:

  • dermatoses in which hyperkeratosis is observed (psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis, lichen, neurodermatitis);
  • mycoses of the feet;
  • calluses and calluses;
  • hypertrichosis;
  • hyperpigmentation.


The composition of keratolytic preparations includes components that, depending on the concentration, can soften or necrotize excess rough skin and effectively combat various types pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The main active ingredients include:

  • acids (lactic, salicylic, boric, citric, benzoic);
  • alkalis;
  • phenol;
  • urea;
  • sulfur;
  • enzymes pepsin and trypsin.

Keratolytic agents are available in the form of a solution, cream, gel, balm, soap, and patch. The price of the medication depends on the form, manufacturer, concentration of the active substance and volume.


Keratolytic ointment, which contains salicylic acid and glucocorticosteroid - betamethasone. The drug has a keratolytic effect, betamethasone effectively copes with inflammation and allergic manifestations. Can be used in children from one year of age. Pregnancy and lactation are considered contraindications. The drug is applied 1-2 times a day to the affected areas after cleansing the skin.


Its composition and action are similar to Akriderm, it contains salicylic acid and betamethasone. Betamethasone effectively relieves all signs of inflammation, swelling, hyperemia, itching, and salicylic acid softens and removes areas of excessive keratinization. The product is available in the form of ointment and lotion, applied once to the skin.

It should be borne in mind that the composition includes a topical steroid, which can cause burning, dryness, irritation, excess hair growth, and acne.


A combined drug, available in the form of a gel. The product contains benzoyl peroxide and the antibiotic erythromycin. In addition to keratolytic, it has antibacterial and bacteriostatic effects. Prescribed when acne. Can be used in children from 12 years of age. The mixture is recommended to be used for 3 months, daily up to 2 times a day.



The medication is available in the form of a gel, solution and soap. The main component is benzoyl peroxide, which accelerates wound healing and has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect. Under the influence of the main component, the production of sebum is suppressed, so the drug is effective for acne. Wash the affected areas with soap and lotion a couple of times a day. The gel is applied 1-2 times a day.


Available in the form of gel and ointment. Includes azelaic acid. The gel has more strong effect than ointment because it penetrates deeper into the skin. Used for acne and rosacea, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and keratolytic effects. The gel is applied a couple of times a day thin layer on the skin after pre-cleaning. Must be used regularly for several months.


A cream prescribed for the treatment of corns and calluses on the feet. It nourishes rough epidermal cells and heals cracks in the feet. It has a disinfecting effect and can be used as a deodorant. The cream is made on the basis of salicylic acid and urea, which have strong keratolytic properties. Lanolin softens rough skin, extracts of coltsfoot, strawberry, tea tree provide an antiseptic effect. The drug is used once a day every day. Apply a thin layer and rub in vigorously.

Arievich ointment

A fairly popular and effective remedy for foot fungus, it is made on the basis of salicylic, benzoic or lactic acid and petroleum jelly. The ointment is applied to the thickened areas of the feet, after which the legs are wrapped in cellophane for a day. The next day, dead tissue can be removed freely. If the effectiveness is insufficient, it is recommended to reapply the product.

Whitefield ointment

Used for nail fungus. Consists of salicylic acid, benzoic acid and petroleum jelly. It is applied to nail plates that peel off under the influence of acids and expose the nail bed. After this, treatment continues with the addition of antifungal agents.

Keratolytic patches

For onychomycosis, you can use special keratolytic plasters (Simple lead, Ureaplast, Trichloroacetic, Salicylic). They contain various acids (trichloroacetic, salicylic), urea, and auxiliary components. When such a patch is glued to the nail, it softens and peels off. After this, the nail bed is treated with antifungal agents.

Drugs that have a keratolytic effect contain aggressive substances, so they must be used strictly according to the instructions or on the recommendation of the attending physician after an accurate diagnosis has been established. If the requirements are not met, dermatitis, decreased pigmentation, skin ulcers and skin atrophy may occur.

Some patients may have individual intolerance to the drugs and develop allergic reaction, which is accompanied by severe itching and rashes on the skin, so before use you need to conduct a skin test.

Keratolytic agents - cause softening, maceration, loosening of the stratum corneum, which favors its rejection. The allocation of keratolytic agents into a separate group is very conditional, since their action is no longer associated with specific pharmacodynamic activity, but with the concentration in external preparations.

The keratolytic effect is characteristic of acids: salicylic (5-50%), lactic (10-20%), benzoic (5-15%), trichloroacetic (10%), pyrrogallic (10-20%), urea (10-30% ), resorcinol (10-20%), potassium iodide (50%), barium sulfide (15%), phenol, thymol (5%). These products are included in plasters (including their liquid varieties - varnishes, collodions), ointments (usually used as a compress, occlusive dressing), sometimes in pastes and solutions.

Keratolytic drugs can be used:

At hyperkeratoses, especially palmar-plantar - for tylotic eczema, psoriasis, mycoses, and calluses.

At onychomycosis, softening and removing nails affected by fungi is one of the most frequent indications for keratolytic agents,

With a purpose exfoliation(“squamolytic effect”) for dermatoses characterized by excessive, pathological peeling (psoriasis, chronic eczema, erythroderma, some toxicoderma, etc.), usually with a morphological picture of hyper- and parakeratosis. Keratolytic agents (salicylic acid, tar, naphthalan) are used in low concentrations (3-5%) as part of emollient dosage forms - ointments, creams, emulsions, possibly with the addition of oil solutions of vitamin A, which normalizes keratinization processes; Lubrication is recommended after warm general or local baths;

At hyperpigmentation(usually on the face); Superficial exfoliation of the stratum corneum (a type of peeling) is carried out in combination with the use of depigmenting agents.


Dyes are widely used in the treatment of dermatoses, which is associated not only with their main antiseptic effect, but also with anti-inflammatory, drying (moderately astringent, coagulating) properties.

Favorite remedies include methylene blue, brilliant green, ethacridine lactate, the complex composition “Fukortsin” (the peculiar crimson color is due to basic fuchsin); less commonly used are gentian violet, methyl violet (pyoctanin), crystal violet, and eosin. “Fukortsin” has the most versatile effect, combining coagulating, membranotropic (detergent), anti-enzyme mechanisms caused by the dye - fuchsin, phenol, resorcinol, boric acid, acetone in the composition of the drug.

General indications for dyes are preventive and therapeutic treatment of skin microtraumas, foci of pyococcal, fungal, viral infection, erosions (after exudative elements of the rash, etc.). For these purposes, 1-3% alcohol solutions are preferred, where the antiseptic effect of the dye is enhanced by ethanol. Aqueous-alcoholic and aqueous solutions, the irritating effect of which is less, are good for lubricating lesions with eczema, neurodermatitis, in the genital area, as well as erosive and ulcerative areas on the oral mucosa (for stomatitis, pemphigus, lichen planus).

Dyes are usually used open method(without bandage). They are good to combine with other external agents (for example, apply epithelializing, antimicrobial, antifungal and other ointments to the skin, previously lubricated with one of the dyes).

Considering the possibility of resorption (especially in children), dyes cannot be used on large surfaces of the skin (especially with erosions, in patients with kidney pathology). It should be remembered that dyes have photosensitizing properties, therefore, when prescribing them to open areas, against the background of UV irradiation procedures, as well as for persons with photodermatoses, caution must be exercised (especially the use of methylene blue, brilliant green, ethacridine lactate, gentian violet, crystal violet, pyoctanin.

Keratolytic agents translated from Greek mean destruction of the horny substance. These are medications that, as a result of their external use, soften, dissolve, and promote the rejection of the hypertrophied stratum corneum of the epidermis, hair, and nails.

Keratolytic agents are used to combat the following ailments:

The strength of the keratolytic ointment depends on its concentration; the effect begins with light exfoliation and ends with softening and dissolution of the upper epidermis. To combat pathological foci use:

  1. Arievich ointment. Its main components are salicylic (at least 12%) and lactic (at least 6%) acids.
  2. An ointment based on resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids.
  3. Creams based on salicylic and lactic acids.
  4. Urea-based ointment.
  5. Salicylic alcohol (with a concentration of at least 20%), which has an exfoliating effect on areas of hyperpigmentation.
  6. Ready-made creams, powders for making paste from barium sulfide or strontium for depilation (removing unwanted hairs).
  7. Patches based on urea and salicylic acid are an effective way.
  8. Talc made from onycholysin and barium sulphide to remove affected nails.
  9. Whitefield ointment - consists of salicylic acid, benzoic acid, petroleum jelly. Has a strong keratolytic effect.

Components of drugs

Salicylic acid is often used in concentrations of 3-15%. Small amounts of it have a keratoplasty effect; more concentrated solutions necrotize the superficial epidermis. Lactic acid is used in a concentration of 5-10%. It can be found in many products for exfoliating the stratum corneum of the skin in dermatomycosis. The effect of keratolysis was identified in the enzymes pepsin and trypsin: this ability is widely used in cosmetology in the fight against keloids and scars.

Keratolytic action is also characteristic of the following substances:

  • benzoic acid;
  • sulfur;
  • mercury salts;
  • soap;
  • phenol;
  • alkalis.

On the modern pharmaceutical market you can purchase the following medications for the treatment of hyperkeratosis of various etiologies:

Additional medications

Keratolytic agents also include Keratolan cream. This is a product for local external use. Thanks to the urea included in the composition, the drug perfectly increases skin hydration and desquamation of damaged epithelial cells. The cream is often prescribed for ichthyosis, ichthyosis-like dermatoses, eczema, dryness and hyperkeratosis of the skin.

Kolomac is a drug made from salicylic acid. In pharmacies it can be found in the form of a cream, aqueous and alcohol solution. For external use only. This is a representative of NSAIDs and has keratolytic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Used for skin lesions of various nature, burns, calluses, warts, increased formation of sweat on the feet.

Lokasalen, Lorinden A are combination drugs containing flumethasone and salicylic acid. They are presented on the pharmaceutical market in the form of a cream for external use. The products have a keratolytic effect and perfectly relieve inflammatory reactions. They are used to combat dermatitis, diffuse neurodermatitis, Vidal's lichenification, horny eczema, increased keratosis, ichthyosis, dyshidrosis, lichen planus, disc-shaped lupus erythematosus.

Mozolin is a drug containing sulfur and salicylic acid. This is a patch that has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect. Used to combat corns, calluses, and calluses. Callus fluid contains salicylic acid, brilliant green. This is an alcohol solution for local external use. Has an antiseptic, keratolytic effect on calluses.

Soap alcohol is an alcoholic liquid for external use, consisting of ethanol and potassium hydroxide. A strong antiseptic to combat pathological changes in the skin. The Salipod patch is a combined drug that is widely used in the fight against dry calluses, corns, and calluses. Elocom-S consists of a combination of mometasone and salicylic acid. This is an ointment that is used to treat psoriasis. The product has a vasoconstrictor and antipruritic effect.

If you are intolerant to such products, changes on the skin may develop in the form of various dermatitis and rashes; Severe itching may occur. The appearance of such symptoms is a reason to stop treatment and seek help from specialists.

Pharmaceutical preparations that have a keratolytic effect should not be used in the following cases:

  • lack of a final diagnosis;
  • systemic pathology, when primary therapy is not used;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Medicines against hyperkeratosis are often produced in the form of:

To combat pathological keratinization of the skin, alternative medicine methods are often used. One of them is treatment with toadflax. The plant is valuable for its keratolytic, anti-inflammatory and fungicidal effects. For treatment, decoctions, tinctures, and ointments are prepared from it.

To prepare the decoction, pour boiling water over the dry herb and cook for several minutes. Then filter; used as applications. The infusion is prepared as follows: pour boiling water over the herb, infuse, and filter. The resulting solution is soaked into napkins, which are applied to the affected areas of the skin several times a day.

To prepare flaxseed ointment, you will need dry herb powder and pork or bone fat. The ingredients are mixed, infused, heated and filtered. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected skin several times a day. The best result of therapy can be achieved by using complex treatment: applications with an infusion or decoction of flaxseed, and then applying an ointment from this plant.

Homemade Recipes

At home, regular fresh carrots will help you cope with corns and dry calluses. To do this, apply a paste of this vegetable to the affected areas of the skin, wrap your leg in polyethylene, and put on a warm sock. After 1-1.5 hours, wash off the paste with warm water. For good results, this procedure should be done several times every other day.

A foot bath copes well with the problem of dry calluses and corns. To enhance the healing effect, you can add to it:

  • a few drops of iodine;
  • table salt;
  • aspirin tablets;
  • soda;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • laundry soap shavings;
  • camomile tea;
  • decoction of oak bark.

Periodically, plain water is replaced with a pure decoction of herbs (nettle, mint).

Pharmaceutical keratolytic preparations and similar non-traditional remedies are used after consultation with a doctor.

They are prescribed with caution to children, pregnant and lactating women.

Keratolytics, or removers, are means for softening the cuticle and rough skin. Such products are made on the basis of alkalis, fruit, lactic or salicylic acid. Depending on the composition of the active ingredients, they moisturize, dry or exfoliate dead cells, help get rid of calluses, corns, and reduce the depth of cracks.

Alkaline or acid pedicure is a non-contact way to care for the skin of the feet. Unlike classical and hardware procedures, the use of keratolytics eliminates the possibility of injury to the dermis and bacterial infection.

After applying the composition to the surface of the feet, the stratum corneum softens, then the exfoliated fragments are easily removed with a sanding file or pumice.

What is it, what is it for?

Keratolytics destroy the intercellular connection between keratinocytes, making it possible to remove hard skin on the heels, metatarsals, toe pads, and get rid of dry calluses and cuticles. In addition to dissolving and exfoliating keratin, it softens the skin, resulting in smoother feet for women of any age.


There are acidic and alkaline cosmetic preparations. Alkalis act more gently, dissolving and thus removing the dermis. Fruit acids have more aggressive properties; they soften and exfoliate the stratum corneum.

Keratolytics are made in the form of foams, creams, sprays, gels or liquid solutions. Depending on the consistency of the drug, the method of applying it may differ. For example, to remove rough skin on the heels, an acidic gel-based product is more suitable, but to gently remove the cuticle, you can use an alkaline, liquid or creamy remover.

Important! When choosing a keratolytic, you should pay attention to the pH level - the higher the alkaline concentration, the faster the product will work. For home foot care, it is enough to purchase a product with a pH of 3.5–5.5.

Some cosmetic preparations For pedicure, plant extracts, essential oils, and vitamins are added. This enhances the effect of the product, provides better skin care, saturation with useful substances, and antibacterial protection.

Watch a video with a review and use of a keratolytic pedicure product.

What acids are included in

When performing an acid pedicure, fruit or α-hydroxy acids are used. These substances effectively exfoliate keratin, accelerate the process of cell renewal and moisturize the deep layers of the epidermis, retaining water. Keratolytics additionally have a weak anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antifungal effect.


Keratolytics often contain the following acids:

  • Lemon removes dead cells of the stratum corneum, regulates the pH balance, makes the skin smooth and shiny, and slows down the aging process. The substance rarely causes allergic reactions, so it can be used for most clients. Active ingredient keratolytics helps eliminate toxins, increases local immunity, eliminates pathogenic microflora.
  • Glycolic acid, in addition to dissolving and exfoliating rough skin, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the combination of keratolytic, exfoliating and cleansing effects, the skin is lightened and collagen synthesis is accelerated. Acid adsorbs water well and retains it in tissues, preventing drying out and cracking.


Keratolytics containing salicylic acid have an exfoliating effect, relieve inflammation, pain syndrome if there are wounds. The substance penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, neutralizes the action of pathogens, softens rough skin of the feet.

Attention! Salicylic acid It is not recommended to use at home, as improper use may cause redness, severe peeling, allergic reactions and others. discomfort.

An experienced specialist in a beauty salon can perform a high-quality acid pedicure.


Lactic acid-based keratolytics gently exfoliate the skin, so they can be used by people with sensitive skin types. The chemical component reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum, smoothes the surface of tissues, accelerates their renewal, due to which the feet for a long time remain smooth.

Lactic acid binds and retains moisture, evenly distributing it in the deep layers of the dermis. One more useful property substances is the ability to strengthen the barrier properties of the skin, due to which less water is lost, decreases negative impact surrounding factors.

How to use

To carry out an acid pedicure at home, you will need a keratolytic or special socks with an emulsion inside, a basin with warm water, an antiseptic, a file, and pumice. If the roughened layer is very thick, there are cracks, you need to choose a product with high level pH. For minor skin thickening, mild alkaline removers are quite suitable.


Rules for performing an acid pedicure using keratolytics:

  1. Steam your feet warm water, you can add a decoction of chamomile or string, sea salt.
  2. Dry your feet and let them dry completely.
  3. Wear rubber gloves.
  4. Treat your feet with an antiseptic.
  5. Dilute the acid solution according to the instructions.
  6. Apply the keratolytic and spread evenly with a brush over the entire surface of the sole. Particular attention should be paid to heels and calluses.
  7. Wrap your feet in cling film and leave for 5-8 minutes (depending on the degree of hyperkeratosis).
  8. Remove the film and wipe off the remaining acidic product with a paper napkin. Some keratolytics harden and need to be soaked.
  9. Treat the exfoliated skin with a pumice stone or a highly abrasive file.
  10. Lubricate your feet with a special neutralizer to stop the action of acids.
  11. Cut the cuticle with scissors or move it with an orange stick or pusher.
  12. Wash your feet and apply moisturizer and biowax.


Popular drugs:

  • KERATO is an intensive alkaline keratolytic, available in the form of a liquid solution. The drug is easily dosed thanks to a convenient nozzle, and is removed from the skin using a special neutralizer.
  • DMS is a professional emollient for calluses and corns based on fruit acids. The drug helps soften the skin of the feet and get rid of keratinized areas without machines and milling cutters.
  • SEVERINA - alkaline gel for softening calluses and corns. The product is used for preliminary preparation of feet before a classic or hardware pedicure.

Pharmacy ointments and creams

Effective and affordable means:

  • Carboderm,
  • Salicylic acid (ointment),
  • Duofilm,
  • Nezosol,
  • DOMIX liquid blade,
  • Ointment Radevit.

Useful video

Performing an acid pedicure at home.


Keratolytics are effective means to remove rough skin on the feet, dry calluses and corns. Chemical pedicure can be performed in a beauty salon or at home; the procedure has virtually no contraindications and gives good result. The feet become smooth, keratinized areas are removed, and the healing of cracks is accelerated.