What to do if you have one eye. The vision of the eyes began to become cloudy - the causes of the cloudiness and what to do

Loss of vision becomes a very serious problem in the life of every person. But this problem does not arise out of nowhere. Usually it is associated with certain diseases and is accompanied by certain manifestations. This usually happens gradually. Therefore, at the first problem with your eyes, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor.

The eyes may begin to see blurred various reasons. Let's look at only the main situations of visual impairment, and the staging accurate diagnosis Still, we’ll leave it to the ophthalmologist.

Causes of blurred vision

Transient blurred vision in one eye often indicates an internal infection or mechanical irritation. For example, if something gets into the eye, it starts to itch. At the same time, scratching the eye too intensively can damage the mucous membrane. This often results in the release of mucus, which, when it comes into contact with the pupil, causes defects in the perception of visual information.

In this case, the surest way is to rinse the eye with clean running water and give it a good rest. No reading, working at close range and at the computer, no watching TV, etc. In a word, the eye needs to be given rest for the entire next day, protecting it from any stress.


This is very common reason blurred vision that goes away over time. For example, inflammation. In this case, the eye begins to see poorly due to incessant swelling and discharge of pus. It is the pus that gets on the pupil that causes blurriness of visible objects.

Loss or deterioration of vision is a very serious problem. However, such a problem cannot arise out of nowhere. As a rule, this is a consequence of certain diseases or conditions. Therefore, the process of vision deterioration occurs gradually, which makes it possible to seek qualified help in its early stages.

The eyes can see blurred for completely different reasons. Below we will consider only the most common ones. After all, in each specific case, only a doctor should deal with the problem.


It is typically an age-related condition that affects one or both eyes. True, in lately, cataracts have become much “younger” and occur in people completely different ages. It arises as a result of clouding of the lens masses and, in the maturity stage, turns the pupil into a spot gray-blue color. The disease develops gradually, while the affected eye, in the early stages, begins to see dimly, and subsequently vision steadily decreases, down to light perception.

In addition to blurred vision in the affected eye, the pathological process is accompanied by the appearance of floating spots, flashes and glare (at night) in the field of vision, impaired color vision, sensitivity to bright light, etc.

Existing conservative methods of treating cataracts are ineffective and can only slightly slow down the process of its development. initial stages diseases. Radical relief from the disease is surgery.

Foreign body

Rapidly occurring blurred vision in one eye, usually occurs when it gets into foreign objects. As a rule, this is sand, small insects or fragments of building materials, if safety precautions are not followed at work. Trying to get rid of an interfering object, a person vigorously rubs his eye. As a result of this, the foreign body mechanically irritates the mucous membrane, which can cause the formation of pus. Those caught on the pupil purulent discharge seriously interfere with vision, making visible objects cloudy and blurry.

In case of contact with the eye foreign body, the surest way is to wash it with plenty of running water and instill antiseptic drops. After proper rest (exclude reading, TV, computer), the eye will return to normal and vision will be restored.


This is also a very common cause of temporary blurred vision. For example, when inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs during infectious conjunctivitis. The disease is accompanied by profuse lacrimation, swelling of the eyes, and purulent discharge, which ultimately begins to interfere with seeing clearly.
Another example is the emergence of barley. In this case, the abscess increases in size as it matures and begins to cover the pupil, which also interferes with vision.

Infections are treated antibacterial drugs- drops and ointments prescribed by the doctor. It also determines the duration of antibiotic use. In the case of barley it may be necessary surgery. In any case, blurred vision infectious process, in most cases, it is reversible, you just need to see a specialist in time.


A blow to the eye area causes severe swelling. This occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the surrounding tissues and rupture of small vessels, which is often accompanied by bleeding into the vitreous body.

With any eye injury, you must contact an ophthalmologist. Even if the case is simple, it is better to play it safe, because a complication of such a condition can be retinal detachment, which often leads to complete loss visual functions.

Retinal detachment

Retinal detachment occurs for many reasons. These may be changes in the body due to age, affecting the strength of connective tissues, some systemic diseases, such as diabetes and injuries, as discussed above.

Retinal detachment is a serious condition that causes blurred vision in the affected eye. In addition to blurred vision, the pathology is accompanied by following symptoms: the appearance in the field of vision of floating spots, luminous balls, zigzags, lightning, loss of visual fields, a veil before the eyes. The most dangerous thing is that without immediate treatment, detachment can lead to complete blindness. The method of treatment is surgery.

Prevention of eye diseases

You need to know that most pathologies and eye diseases can be prevented. There are two effective, time-tested methods for this. This is exercise for the eyes and taking special vitamins. The use of these methods in combination significantly improves the results.

It's no secret that everyone needs to take vitamins throughout their lives. However, with age, some vitamins become unnecessary, but the need for others increases significantly. Create an intake plan necessary medications Taking into account age, only a specialist can. But there is a substance that is easily absorbed and is necessary for the body of both old and young - this fish oil. It is rich in vitamin A (retinol), which plays a decisive role in normalizing visual functions. Also useful at any age is blueberry extract, which contains anthocyanins and lutein, which are essential for the eyes. The last element is especially important, because it slows down age-related degeneration retinal tissue, which can cause retinal detachment.

Gymnastics for the eyes, no less than vitamins, are important for preventing vision problems. Such sets of exercises do not take much time, do not require special training or a specific place to perform. You can do them whenever and wherever it is convenient, as long as you have 7-10 free minutes. But the benefits of exercise are enormous, because they improve blood circulation in the organ of vision and train the eye muscles. There are even certain techniques that restore vision in just a few months of active exercise.

And of course the best prevention visual impairment is regular ophthalmological examinations and consultations with specialists. This is the only way to detect diseases in the early stages and cure them without much time and financial costs.

One of the leading ophthalmological centers in Moscow where everything is available modern methods surgical treatment cataracts. Latest equipment and recognized specialists are a guarantee of high treatment results.

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Hello! There are more than enough reasons for vision deterioration. Trauma is not the only one. If there are no signs of inflammation of the anterior segment of the eye (the eye does not hurt, is not red, there is no discharge, itching, change in the shape of the pupil or color of the iris), then the most dangerous reasons, which should be excluded first of all, is an inflammatory pathology on the retina (retinitis or chorioretinitis) and inflammation choroid(median uveitis). The above-mentioned conditions are painless, but they can cause damage to the eye. severe consequences. Therefore, I recommend that you contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible for full examination. It’s good if the reason turns out to be just a refractive error and can be solved by selecting a correction.

Olesya 2015-01-26 22:22

Hello! Please tell me, it’s been a month since I’ve had sand in one eye, a feeling of tightness eyeball. Sometimes the eye sees poorly and merges. Feeling of pressure on the eye. It all started after conjunctivitis, I took levomycetin and albucit and the following symptoms appeared. The ophthalmologist did not find anything, she said there might be an allergy to the drugs, and prescribed antiallergic drops and tablets. They make it even worse.

Hello! If the doctor finds no signs infectious inflammation, then you can think about the manifestation of dry eye syndrome (DES). Dry eye syndrome can be caused by the use of antibacterial drops, which dry out the mucous membranes of the eyes. Moisturizing drops, for example, Systane or Optiv or Hilomax or Hilo-Komod or others, 1 drop 3-4 times a day for 2 months, can help in this situation.

Nadezhda Nikolaevna 2015-05-21 18:07

Hello! In May 2013 I had a traumatic brain injury (concussion. After it, the back of my head began to hurt and put pressure on my eyes. In the morning my eyes became red, I began to see poorly within 1-2 hours. In the fall of 2014, the ophthalmologist said. What do I have? different vision eye. Two weeks ago my right eye started to hurt. Fog appeared. Vision in the right eye changes. I see sometimes better, sometimes worse.
Ophthalmologist in May 2015 He said that I have cataracts and need to have surgery. Do I need to have surgery and how urgently?

Hello! If the cause of decreased vision is indeed cataracts, then vision can only be improved through surgery. Cataract removal is usually not an emergency operation (unless lens swelling and secondary glaucoma occur). It is better to discuss the timing of the operation with your doctor.

Victoria. 2015-12-06 23:36

In February 15, I became very ill with a cold. I was sick for a long time. After which I noticed that my right eye began to see worse. Steps “floated” before my eyes, one eye saw the step closer, the other further, I had to strain my brain so as not to fall. My head hurt very much, first in the back of my head, then my forehead. My head hurt so much that I felt my eyes being pulled in different directions. Micellar water on the forehead helped return the eyes to their place and relieve tension. Now I see worse with my right eye than with my left (before colds did not complain about vision). If I get nervous, my vision decreases sharply (that’s all, only the right eye, the left 100%). I was prescribed glasses for reading +0.5 (the first glasses), they can only be used for reading. I’m more worried about the discomfort (tension in my head) and the fact that while walking down the street I repeatedly fell out of the blue (everything is fine with coordination and reaction)

Good afternoon
Contact your ophthalmologist to select glasses or lenses for constant wearing. Sometimes a refractive error, especially if there is a large difference between the right and left eyes, leads to such unpleasant sensations and discomfort.
All the best!

Oksana 2016-07-01 17:25

Good afternoon My mom is not doing well good eyesight but the glasses were prescribed for her only for reading. But in December 2015, in the morning, when I opened my eyes with one of them, I began to see as if through cloudy glass. The ophthalmologist diagnosed cataracts in both eyes. In June 2016, the situation repeated itself with the second eye. Can a veil form before the eye so quickly overnight? And even when the eyes become very dark, you can see better, but your head starts to hurt. I will be grateful for your answer!

Date: 04/21/2016

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  • Common physiological causes
  • Serious medical reasons

If a person may have different ones. As a rule, in everyone’s life, at least several times, such phenomena as dark circles, spots, luminous dots and lines have appeared before their eyes. U absolutely healthy person this should not occur. There are cases when the appearance of such images before the eyes is not associated with visual impairment. But it is also often the case that such phenomena occur precisely because of certain eye diseases. To understand all this in more detail, we should look at the reasons causing. Why does the eye see dimly?

Common physiological causes

The first reason that causes dark circles before the eyes is considered to be abnormal pressure in the body. This occurs very often even in people who are considered completely healthy. Usually appearance dark circles associated with a sharp change in body position, with strong turns or tilts of the head.

To make sure that your eyes are cloudy due to pressure, you should measure it. High blood pressure will indicate that there is no need to worry about your eyesight. You need to rest a little for your blood pressure to normalize. But if pressure increases occur frequently, it would be a good idea to consult a therapist. After all, this can also affect your vision after a while.

Doctors say the second reason for the appearance of dots and circles before the eyes is an insufficient amount of glucose in the blood. This usually happens to athletes whose lives are filled with constant challenges. physical activity. But ordinary people this is also typical.

The appearance of circles and spots before the eyes, which is accompanied by long running, especially in the sun, or performing long physical exercise, indicates that your strength is running out and you need to replenish it.

Usually, if you sit down to rest a little and eat something sweet, everything goes away quickly. The body is restored by replenishing a new portion of glucose. Accordingly, this corrects the blurry picture.

As a rule, these two listed reasons are not so serious that you need to think about your health and consult an ophthalmologist. After all, in in this case, if the eye begins to see dimly, and the image becomes blurry, these are only accompanying phenomena that can periodically occur in every person.

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Serious medical reasons

But there are also several reasons that should make you seriously think about your vision. These are more serious symptoms that there is a problem with the eyes. Then a doctor's consultation and treatment is required.

  1. Basic medical reason appearing before your eyes dark spots is a change in the vitreous body, or more precisely, its destruction. Typically, it is a clear gel space between the retina and the iris. In its normal state, the gel is transparent, so it makes it possible to perceive the picture clearly and without interference. If its structure is damaged or chemically disrupted, blurriness occurs. As a result, it seems that a person sees as if in a fog, with a veil before his eyes. There are several reasons for the appearance of vitreous body separate opaque fragments, which relates directly to internal chemical changes. This is a metabolic disorder in the body, severe myopia, and the ingress of foreign particles. It may also be mechanical damage to the outer shell of the vitreous body.
  2. The second medical reason for the appearance of veils before the eyes is considered to be a disorder of the retina or inflammation of the eye itself. Retinal damage may occur due to the development of many eye diseases. In this case, the phenomenon of blurring in the eyes will haunt the person all the time. Inflammation of the eye can be either a temporary phenomenon, arising, for example, from blowing out the eye, or permanent, also occurring due to the presence of eye diseases. If the inflammation does not go away for a long time and the veil does not fall off, then you should consult a doctor.

So, the main reasons for the appearance of the veil and

As people age, most people start to get sick. Loss of visual acuity - quite common occurrence among people who have crossed the 50-year mark. Blurred vision is often observed in younger patients, significantly impairing quality of life. What causes blurred vision and blurred vision?

Symptoms of blurred vision

Often, due to fatigue or a sleepless night, the eyes do not see clearly. The image blurs when trying to focus on a specific subject. In this case, a person cannot see a clear picture, it as if my vision is blurry. Problems like this don't come out of nowhere. They are mainly associated with certain diseases and manifestations. This happens infrequently, but gradually and regularly, so it is worth paying attention to them. Against the background of such problems, general symptoms may appear:

If the listed symptoms appear constantly, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist. After examination, the specialist will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. There's something for that specific reasons associated with various diseases.

Main reasons

Blurring may occur in one or both eyes. This may be influenced infectious diseases And mechanical damage . There are also other reasons that affect visual acuity. For example, refractive errors include:

The state of vision is also affected by other good reasons associated with eye diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • opacity in the vitreous body;
  • migraine:
  • chronic syndrome dry eye;
  • wearing contact lenses;
  • pregnancy.

What to do if your vision is blurry?

Blurred vision may be caused by multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. It is very important to lower your blood pressure, get rid of stress and nervousness, and also consult a doctor. Cloudiness in the eyes also occurs for another reason, for example, due to eye pressure. Increased performance will negatively affect the condition of the eyes, so it is important to normalize it and be less nervous.

Those who often work at a computer or laptop also experience the problem of blurred vision. It is necessary to perform several exercises that will help you relax your eyes and concentrate your attention. One of the reasons for picture distortion is the inability to focus on one subject.

Experts recommend watch your diet. Definitely need to quit bad habits, which also negatively affect vision. Water is an essential source for many organs, including the eyes. It will moisturize them and remove accumulated toxins from the body. They usually accumulate in the liver, which is directly connected to the organ of vision.

In sunny weather it is advisable to wear sunglasses. They can protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays. You should spend more time outside the city, take a break from TV, computer, to give your eyes a chance to rest and relax.


In order for a specialist to make a correct diagnosis, you need to come to him for an appointment. Eat two methods, with which you can determine the cause:

  • fundus examination;
  • biomicroscopy of the eye.

If necessary, the ophthalmologist will refer the patient to another specialist. Impaired functioning optic nerves often cause blurred vision. MRI is a reliable method that can examine the disease in early stage development. Specialists can also carry out ultrasound scanning vessels, if the cause is a pathology of the circulatory system.

An ophthalmologist makes the correct diagnosis. It is often difficult to determine after the first examination correct diagnosis. Sometimes a specialist needs to examine a patient. If necessary, he prescribes tests and, after examinations, makes a diagnosis and prescribes a course of treatment. From a correct diagnosis and timely treatment the final result will depend.

Treatment and when is it urgent to see a doctor?

You cannot delay treatment, especially when Dangerous symptoms appear:

  • severe headache;
  • vomiting and dizziness;
  • speech problems began and it was difficult to speak;
  • diagnosed hypertension and diabetes mellitus;
  • double vision and speech impairment occurs;
  • Loss of muscle control appeared on one side of the body.

If there are signs of myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, then you need to purchase glasses or contact lenses. When such means are not suitable, you can use laser correction vision.

Cataract or glaucoma they only treat surgically. Age-related changes require constant monitoring by an ophthalmologist conservative treatment. If blurred vision is due to specific disease other organs, then you definitely need to treat them. After the course of treatment, vision should improve.

Diabetes causes cloudy vision when blood sugar levels drop or swelling and bleeding occur in the retina. Here you need to consult two specialists:

  • endocrinologist;
  • ophthalmologist.

Prolonging any of the vision problems will gradually lead to even greater deterioration and even loss of vision. If there is cloudiness in the eyes, You shouldn't treat yourself. You cannot drip at your own risk eye drops or use contact lenses, pick up glasses, accept medicines. It is dangerous to do this before consulting a doctor. The specialist must examine the patient and only then can he prescribe treatment and give recommendations.

It is also necessary to comply preventive measures. It is advisable to go to an ophthalmologist on time when something bothers you. It is recommended to wear sunglasses on hot sunny days and try to stay outside less in windy weather. At permanent job You should wear safety glasses when working with a computer.

Now many people suffer from hypertension and diabetes mellitus . Such patients need to visit their ophthalmologist at least once every 6 months.

To reach positive results and get rid of blurred vision, it is necessary complex therapy. To do this, the doctor prescribes absorbable drugs, various procedures, as well as taking medicines that can improve performance thyroid gland, vessels, nervous system. Often it is pathological processes lead to blurred vision.