What to do if your eyes are different sizes. One eye is larger than the other - what to do

People's bodies are asymmetrical. Even if at first glance, it seems to you that there is a person standing in front of you with absolutely perfect proportions faces, this can easily be refuted.

To do this, take a close-up photograph of this man or woman and cut it into two identical halves. Then take a photo of each piece separately and you will see that you end up with two different faces.

It is likely that this person will have one eye slightly larger than the other. There is nothing terrible about this, because almost everyone has slight asymmetry.

The human face becomes absolutely proportional shortly before death. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much if you don’t have perfectly symmetrical features. But at the same time, if you notice that your eyes have become very different in size, then such a change may indicate certain pathologies.

To find out the true causes of such a defect and find out what to do about it, you need to urgently go to a medical facility for consultation with a doctor.


Often the visual reduction of the eye is caused by an infectious disease. During acute course disease as a result of swelling of the eyelid, asymmetry appears. A similar phenomenon can cause conjunctivitis or stye.

In these diseases, bacteria cause inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, which subsequently causes one eye to become smaller. This condition goes away immediately after the person fully recovers.

Treatment infectious diseases must be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. It is the ophthalmologist who must prescribe an antibiotic that will help cope with the bacteria. Therefore, even if you have a slight swelling in the eyelid area, you should not leave the rehabilitation period to chance and self-medicate, as jokes with your health can end badly and lead to serious consequences.

Quite often, without proper treatment, such infections are accompanied not only by swelling, but also by tearing, redness and purulent discharge. Thus, by consulting a doctor on time, you can avoid the acute course of an infectious disease.


Any abrasion or bruise in the eye area causes swelling, which, in turn, leads to its decrease or increase. Depending on the severity of the injury, appropriate treatment is prescribed, but the more pronounced the difference between the healthy eyelid and the damaged one, the sooner you should go to the hospital.

If you have just injured your eye, you can give yourself first aid before you arrive at the emergency room. Be sure to apply cold, but only if the outer shell is damaged without affecting the inner one.

Please note that if you apply ice, you should do this through several layers of cloth or gauze, otherwise you risk getting a thermal burn.

Bulbar syndrome

This is a disease associated with deterioration of the brain. The manifestation of the syndrome leads to changes in eye size. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you should consult a hospital to begin timely treatment. Any confusion can have serious consequences, including paralysis and complete dysfunction of the eye muscle.

Brain tumor

A benign or malignant formation in the cerebral cortex can cause asymmetry. If there are no other reasons for such changes human face, then consult a neurologist.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

This inflammatory process is very painful, since in addition to changes in the size of the eyelid, it is accompanied by discomfort in the ear area and severe migraines.

Childhood asymmetry

A child aged three to five years may experience a slight discrepancy in eye size. Since it is during this period that muscle formation occurs, such imperfect proportionality is quite natural. However, if you notice strong differences between the left and right side face, then be sure to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and neurologist.

Size correction using decorative cosmetics

Makeup can work wonders, and with the help of simple methods you can hide visible flaws.

  1. Drooping eyelid:
    • try to draw the fold of the overhanging eyelid at the same level as the second eye;
    • draw the eyebrow above the overhanging eyelid a little higher;
    • Avoid clear and straight lines; it is better to blend the shadows and pencil once again;
    • Paint your eyelashes well with mascara; if you wish, you can shape them with curlers.
  2. One eye is visually smaller:
    • make the arrow wider above the pupil;
    • Paint the mucous membrane of a narrow eye from below with a pencil that is a tone lighter than the main color.
  3. The eye is set deep:
    • use a lighter palette for this century than for the other;
    • get eyelash extensions or use false eyelashes. To hide asymmetry, it is necessary to use sets of different lengths.

Remember that you can hide any congenital defect of the eyelid with the help of cosmetics, but if the eyes are under the influence of external and internal factors become different sizes, do not tempt fate, but seek advice from the appropriate competent specialist.

You can often see the asymmetry of the face, its right and left halves, this is expressed in differences in shape and size. This problem is considered a dermatological, dental, cosmetic and neurological defect. In this article we will understand what eye asymmetry is, find out the symptoms and reasons why one eye has become smaller than the other.

The reasons leading to facial asymmetry can be congenital or acquired.

There are two main reasons for the development of such a visual deviation: congenital or acquired.

Those born include:
defect in the formation of the temporomandibular joint;
abnormal structure of the skull;
pathology of formation neck muscles(On the one side);
general underdevelopment lower jaw;
various defects in connective tissue or in the muscles.

Acquired asymmetry can result from:
inflammatory process, injury or pinching of the endings in the facial nerve;
visual defects due to strabismus;
bite pathologies, problems with teeth or jaw;
in the absence of teeth on one half of the jaw;
various facial and jaw injuries, facial bone fractures;
availability systemic disease in connective tissue or a decrease in its size;
bad habits: Constantly chewing gum on one side of the jaw, squinting the eye, or sleeping on one side.

In children, this defect develops with muscular or neurogenic torticollis, congenital shortening on one side of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Facial asymmetry also occurs with aging of the entire human body or with age-related diseases.


Most often, it is the right half that is larger and wider, and the left half is tender.

In the presence of natural asymmetry, the difference in size between the right and left sides of the face is not pronounced (about 2-3 mm), only the overall proportionality is slightly disturbed.

Most often, it is the right half that is larger and wider, and the left half is delicate and has a smoother appearance, but these deviations are not pronounced, so there is no reason to worry.

If there is neuropathy of the facial nerve, then these differences in facial symmetry are more visible, and their clinical picture is more pronounced:
in the affected half of the face there is weakness in the facial muscles and it becomes like a mask;
nasolabial and frontal folds are less noticeable;
the palpebral fissure increases;
the corners of the mouth fall down;
the affected part acquires a suffering or crying expression;
it is difficult to move the facial muscles, close your eyes, wrinkle your forehead;
speech and articulation are impaired, it is difficult to eat, because it just falls out of your mouth;
painful sensations are noted in the affected nerve.

Facial asymmetry in children occurs with muscular torticollis or when lying in a crib on one side long time. Most often, part of the face is smoothed, the jaw angle is smaller, the head is tilted to the affected side, and part of the face (in the area of ​​the cheek and head) is flatter.

Diagnostic procedure

In the photo: pronounced asymmetry of the eyes

The diagnosis is based on identifying facial asymmetry using a visual examination (presence of pathology of muscles, teeth, nerves), asking the patient about heredity and possible injuries.

Additionally, facial proportions are measured with special instruments, which are expressed in millimeters and degrees. A deviation of more than 3 mm or 5 degrees is considered pathology.

In order to prove the presence of asymmetry in the face, an image of a person’s face is taken, composed of its two right or left halves. The result is two absolutely symmetrical portraits, which often differ from the person’s real face.

In the photo: features of diagnosing facial asymmetry

How to treat asymmetry?

We will describe the methods that are used to correct the main parts of the face.

1. Eyebrow asymmetry. The defect develops when the facial nerve, its frontal branch, is damaged. Also, its manifestation is facilitated by hyperfunction of the levator brow muscle. In order for symmetry to be restored, drugs are injected into the muscles (frontal, wrinkled eyebrow): Lantox, Botox, Dysport.
2. There are numerous muscles around the mouth that work in different directions. Asymmetry around the mouth corrected by introducing into the area of ​​the muscle that depresses lower lip and mouth area, drugs Botox, Lantox

3. For asymmetry of eye slits if there is a symptom " big eye“against small children” they use medications Lantox, Botox, Dysport. A small dose of botulinum toxin can also be used; the drug is injected into the lower part of the orbicularis oculi muscle, 1 mm away from the edge of the eyelashes.

For eye asymmetry, drugs Lantox, Botox, Dysport, botulinum toxin are used, the drugs are injected into the lower part of the orbicularis oculi muscle

Eye asymmetry: why one eye became smaller than the other

We all understand that the body of any person cannot be absolutely symmetrical, so there is no need to worry about this. But when eye asymmetry occurs, this already indicates the presence of pathology and you should definitely consult a specialist for advice.

In the photo: 1 - original photo, 2 - right side of the face; 3 — left side faces

When eye asymmetry occurs, the reasons may be the following:
1. Presence of infectious diseases eye diseases, V in this case with slight swelling of the eyes it becomes larger size(for example, barley or). The tumor arises due to an attack pathogenic bacteria, which leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. Therapy and diagnosis are carried out only by an ophthalmologist, because self-medication can lead to worsening of the condition.
2. Injuries. It should be borne in mind that even a small injury or bruise in the eye area can cause swelling. Treatment of injuries is carried out depending on their formation, but only by a specialist.
3. If swelling of the eye and a change in its size occurs without a reason, this situation is considered the most dangerous. This defect can lead to neurological disease or even more serious illness.
4. Bulbar syndrome - dangerous pathology, which is associated with the state of the brain. At initial stage development of the disease, asymmetry of the eyes is noted. It is at this moment that you should consult a doctor to prevent the development of a disease when one of the eyes does not function properly (for example, paralysis). Most often, in parallel with a change in the size of the eye, deformation of the eyelid, incomplete closure of the eyes, and a change in the shape of the eye occur.

Let's draw conclusions: If you have a visually visible difference in eye size, you should pay attention to associated symptoms(swelling of the eyelid, discharge with purulent contents, redness of the eye mucosa). If the deformity is accompanied by seizures painful sensations, most often a diagnosis of “neuralgia” can be made.

All pathologies must be diagnosed by a specialist, so do not delay a visit to an ophthalmologist.

Asymmetry human body a common occurrence, but healthy person it is completely unnoticeable. And only if any pathology occurs in a person’s appearance, these changes are noticeable.

In most cases, eye size changes when one becomes larger than the other. But this not only disfigures a person, but is also a sign of serious illness.

Therefore, if a pathology is detected, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of pathology

If you notice that one eye is larger than the other, then this is a sure sign - you need to consult a doctor. Because this pathology could mean serious illness. There are many reasons for the occurrence of pathology.

Infectious disease

In most cases, the root cause of this pathology is infection in the eye. For this reason, an inflammatory process occurs on the eyelids, and they increase in size. Hence the feeling that the eye has noticeably changed in size. There is no need to be afraid of this pathology, because it can be eliminated with proper treatment.

Most often, inflammation of the eyelids occurs due to eye diseases such as conjunctivitis and stye. The mucous membrane of the eye is the most sensitive place and is subject to attack by microorganisms. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. All infectious diseases Only an ophthalmologist should diagnose and prescribe therapy.

In addition to swollen eyelids, symptoms of eye infection include redness and purulent discharge with tears. Thanks to these symptoms, the ophthalmologist will prescribe the correct treatment.

Eye injuries

Many people have suffered a blow to the eye. It causes swelling and bruising, which gives the impression that the eye is somewhat enlarged. If you have an eye injury, you should immediately consult a doctor. Since it can be accompanied not only by swelling, but also threatens retinal detachment.

When hitting eyeball You are only allowed to apply ice to the sore spot on your own. But at the same time, you need to remember that the ice must be wrapped in cloth or gauze.

In this way you can relieve swelling and pain syndrome. The rest of the treatment is prescribed by a specialist.

Bulbar syndrome

If one eye has become larger than the other, but there are no symptoms that indicate an infectious disease, or there have been no strokes, this is the first sign of a serious illness.

One of these diseases is bulbar syndrome. The cause of this disease is a change in the brain. Changes in eye size are the first signs of the development of the syndrome. As soon as changes are noticed, you must immediately contact a specialist.

The danger of bulbar syndrome lies in the fact that due to untimely access to a medical institution, serious complications. The development of the syndrome can provoke paralysis, in which the eye loses its ability to function normally. The affected eye also changes its shape, and the eyelids do not close completely.

The symptoms described are suitable cancer brain. In most cases, cancer develops without obvious symptoms.

Therefore, if the shape and size of the eyes changes, it is necessary to consult with specialists and undergo a full diagnosis.

Neurological diseases

The reason for the phenomenon of different eye sizes may be related to neurological diseases. For inflammation trigeminal nerve not only the eyes suffer changes, but also specific pain in the ear occurs. In addition, the person suffers from headaches. This disease is difficult to treat. Because it needs proper diagnosis.

Another neurological disease is inflammation of the facial nerve. In this case, the change occurs not only in the eye, but also in half of the entire face. In this case, the lower eyelid and cheek swell and the corner of the mouth droops. The process is accompanied by wandering pain from the ear, to the eye and jaws. This arises due to purulent formation on a tooth or hypothermia of the face.

Many people, in order to relieve the pain a little, want to warm up the aching tooth. But this should not be done, because the pus, when heated, spreads quickly and can penetrate the brain. And this is very dangerous for life. Therefore, if you experience any such pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Different eyes in young children

There are times when parents notice a slight deviation in the size of the eyes in young children and immediately sound the alarm. But in this case, all fears are groundless, because in children from three to five years old, muscle mass is just being formed.

Therefore, the face may be asymmetrical, but with age this pathology disappears. But you should still contact a specialist to rule out everything. possible diseases. If the doctor has not identified any pathologies, you need to be patient and wait until the child’s face corrects itself.

In conclusion, let us summarize the above. If there is any deviation in eye size, you must immediately contact an ophthalmologist for diagnosis and timely detection complex diseases and provision of medical care.

If the pathology is accompanied by swelling, redness and purulent swelling, then the reason for this is damage to the mucous membrane by bacteria.

If there are no visible signs, then the cause must be sought in the brain. But in both the first and second cases, self-medication is fraught with serious complications.

Why did one eye become smaller than the other? There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. The most common: bacterial infections (conjunctivitis, stye, foreign bodies entering the eye, such as iron filings, cilia, small grains of sand, and others that cause an inflammatory process), injuries (long-term wearing of lenses, injuries caused by fingers or a handkerchief , it also happens that a branch gets into the eye), bulbar syndrome, as well as swelling for no apparent reason, asymmetry of the eyes in young children. In this article we will try to find out more detailed phenomena. As well as preventing eye symmetry and swelling. Almost every person has a face and body that is not symmetrical. Most elderly people, before death, have one eye smaller than the other, this is due to how nature itself laid it. Also, every person is different, and everyone has not only symmetry of the eyes, but also of other parts of the body. You can check this by taking a photo, cutting the photo, adjusting it in two and seeing that the eyes, nose, lips are slightly different, everyone has such differences. And doctors will confirm this.

Infectious diseases

Common causes of this phenomenon are and.


Conjunctivitis can occur due to poor personal hygiene, allergies to both food and cosmetics, contact with the eye bacterial infection, overwork in the form of severe strain on the eyes, hypothermia of the eye, a foreign body getting into the eye, which we are trying to pull out, but cannot do without help.


- feeling like a grain of sand has gotten into your eye;

- redness;

- sometimes pus flows;

- the temperature rises, but not very high;

- increased sensitivity to light;

- when you go outside and the light gets into your eyes, you want to close your eyes, but if you don’t close your eyes, tears come on their own, it hurts to close your eyes, you want to close your eyes, but you can’t.

In these cases, the mucous membrane of the eye is attacked by bacteria and becomes inflamed, thereby forming pus and swelling of one eye.


Barley occurs from reduced immunity, untreated sinusitis, which you know about, but do not want to treat, a draft blew through, maybe in a minibus or somewhere on the street, as well as staphylococcal infection, which could appear due to lack of hygiene.


- cutting pain;

- enlargement of the eye, which may disappear on its own after a couple of days;

- redness, and sometimes completely redness of the eye;

- a cutting sensation in the eye that hurts more when you close the eye, especially at night.

Under no circumstances should you squeeze, otherwise you will introduce even more infection into the eye, go to the doctor, he will prescribe warming or drops, as well as ointment.

Such infections need to be treated with a group of specific antibiotics. But this treatment, as well as the diagnosis, must be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. And self-medication can lead to worsening of the disease. That's why you shouldn't joke with swelling.


Injuries can also cause swelling, the eye will look enlarged, unlike the other. The most common ones arise from long-term wearing lenses, rubbing with a finger, a handkerchief, as well as injury with a branch or some sharp object, and so on.


- swelling of the eyelids.

In most cases, ointment and drops are prescribed, and if foreign body, then he will be pulled out and appointed suitable treatment. Injuries should be treated depending on their manifestations. But it's better to go to the doctor. If the injury is not serious, for example, you hit yourself and your eye is not hurt, you can apply ice or something cold. But this is if the internal structure of the eye is not damaged. In this way, you can reduce the size of swelling and swelling, and relieve inflammation. You need to remember that you shouldn’t apply ice directly to your face, you need to use it through gauze or a rag to avoid a thermal burn. Just put gauze, pour ice, wrap it in several layers, and adjust it for a few minutes, about five, ten. Until the swelling goes down a little, I also adjust it so that a bruise does not appear.

Bulbar syndrome

Bulbar syndrome is associated with a disease of the brain. The reasons for this are atherosclerosis of small vessels in the brain, a consequence of a difficult birth, for example, during birth the child was not carefully stretched out, an inflammatory process in the brain that radiates to the eyes, and many more reasons.


- swallowing disorder;

- speech impairment;

- violation with magnitude palpebral fissure, and closing the eyelids.

In this case, you should not hesitate to seek help from a specialist, otherwise further development threatens bad consequences, up to paralysis, in which the eye will not be able to function normally. Poor closure is observed in the affected eye; the eye shape decreases, which can be seen, since the difference is large. Such symptoms may indicate the occurrence of a brain tumor, as well as problems with the brain. After all, the problem lies in the asymptomatic course of the disease. And such diseases in most cases are recognized by late stages. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, do not hesitate, do not wait for everything to go away, go to the doctor, undergo various examinations, and be calm. Go through all the examinations and if the tests show something, get treatment, and if not, look for a problem somewhere else.

For no apparent reason

Not apparent reason reduction of one eye may indicate a neurological disease. Asymmetry of the eye can be a sign of triple nerve neurology. In this case, pain occurs in the eye and ear, and migraine attacks also occur. If your eye is not only swollen, but also shoots in your ear, there may be a problem in the ear, or also due to dental disease. In this case, you need to go to a neurologist, and he will prescribe the right decision. Another reason may be an inflammatory process, which can appear from a cold, sinusitis, runny nose, or inflammation of the teeth in the upper jaw.

Kidney diseases, allergic reactions, cosmetics can be allergens, food products, medicine and plants.


- redness of the eye;

- sneezing;

- runny nose;

- rash;

- swelling of the eye.

Mechanical damage, bruises, bone injuries, insect bites, which cause swelling and bruises, as well as blood disorders, visual strain, can also radiate into the eye, and therefore the eye swells and changes.

Different eyes in children, can occur in children from three to five years old. If the child is older you need to think about it. IN at a young age The child’s body and facial muscles are still developing, eye symmetry is growing and developing, and it can also occur in the womb if the child was constantly lying on one side. In any case, you need to contact an ophthalmologist or neurologist. If doctors confirm that everything is fine, then treatment is not necessary, since the child will outgrow it and the symmetry will disappear with age. And if you notice symmetry of the eyes in a child over five years old, it is advisable to contact a neurologist, this may be a symptom of drooping eyelids, this neurological disease. During which all examinations are carried out, including MRI of the brain, blood tests, urine tests, and an ophthalmologist.

In conclusion

To summarize, if the eye has become smaller than the other, do not hesitate and go to a specialist doctor, and do not forget to tell the symptoms (redness of the mucous membrane, purulent discharge, swelling of the eyelid, pain when closing the eye) that could have been observed before. What would a specialist be able to supply? correct diagnosis. Don’t expect that tomorrow you will feel better, but go to the doctor today, in some situations, this will help save your life, or your vision, without which life is very, very difficult. It is not possible to prevent asymmetry in all cases, but one must adhere to healthy image life, in order not to get sick, take care of hygiene, especially with towels, cosmetics and all the items that you personally use.

- Walk outside more often, but avoid drafts, eat healthy and healthy food so that your immunity is good, because this is not an unimportant reason because of which you can get sick, and then endure eye diseases, because it is painful and unpleasant.

— Try not to give your girlfriends mascara, powder, eye shadow, and indeed all cosmetics, because you don’t know that she may have eye mites and other diseases. Let personal things be personal.

— Try to sit at the computer less, and if it doesn’t work out, then take at least a ten-minute break every hour and knead your eyes, as well as massage.

— Buy ​​mascara and hygiene products in specialized stores, be sure to look at the production date and expiration date. As well as the composition and instructions.

- Always wash your hands after going outside, or after taking a minibus, because someone may have an infection, this person will rub their eye, and then take their hand, and you will get the infection.

— If you have allergies, try not to use cosmetics, and if you do use them, choose plant based, or the one you already took, don’t experiment, because the eyes are more important, and it also affects the money.

— If you have been prescribed glasses, wear them, and if you bought lenses, ask the seller or consultant to teach you how to use them correctly so that there are no injuries later. Sellers are required to tell you.

- Also include in your diet foods such as blueberries, they contain spinach, prevent the appearance of carrots, and improve visual acuity. Take care of your health and take care of your eyes, listen to the advice of doctors, choose good cosmetics that are not harmful to the eyes, take care of your health. And then everything will be fine.

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People's bodies are asymmetrical. Even if at first glance, it seems to you that a person with absolutely ideal facial proportions is standing in front of you, this can easily be refuted.

To do this, take a close-up photograph of this man or woman and cut it into two identical halves. Then take a photo of each piece separately and you will see that you end up with two different faces.

It is likely that this person will have one eye slightly larger than the other. There is nothing terrible about this, because almost everyone has slight asymmetry.

The human face becomes absolutely proportional shortly before death. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much if you don’t have perfectly symmetrical features. But at the same time, if you notice that your eyes have become very different in size, then such a change may indicate certain pathologies.

To find out the true causes of such a defect and find out what to do about it, you must urgently contact a medical institution for consultation with a doctor.


Often the visual reduction of the eye is caused by an infectious disease. During the acute course of the disease, asymmetry appears as a result of swelling of the eyelid. A similar phenomenon can cause conjunctivitis or stye.

In these diseases, bacteria cause an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, which subsequently causes one eye to become smaller. This condition goes away immediately after the person fully recovers.

Treatment of infectious diseases must be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. It is the ophthalmologist who must prescribe an antibiotic that will help cope with the bacteria. Therefore, even if you have a slight swelling in the eyelid area, you should not leave the rehabilitation period to chance and self-medicate, as jokes with your health can end badly and lead to serious consequences.

Quite often, without proper treatment, such infections are accompanied not only by swelling, but also by tearing, redness and purulent discharge. Thus, by consulting a doctor on time, you can avoid the acute course of an infectious disease.


Any abrasion or bruise in the eye area causes swelling, which, in turn, leads to its decrease or increase. Depending on the severity of the injury, appropriate treatment is prescribed, but the more pronounced the difference between the healthy eyelid and the damaged one, the sooner you should go to the hospital.

If you have just injured your eye, you can give yourself first aid before you arrive at the emergency room. Be sure to apply cold, but only if the outer shell is damaged without affecting the inner one.

Please note that if you apply ice, you should do this through several layers of cloth or gauze, otherwise you risk getting a thermal burn.

Bulbar syndrome

This is a disease associated with deterioration of the brain. The manifestation of the syndrome leads to changes in eye size. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you should seek advice from the hospital in order to begin timely treatment. Any confusion can have serious consequences, including paralysis and complete dysfunction of the eye muscle.

Brain tumor

A benign or malignant formation in the cerebral cortex can cause asymmetry. If there are no other reasons for such changes in the human face, then consult a neurologist.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

This inflammatory process is very painful, since in addition to changes in the size of the eyelid, it is accompanied by discomfort in the ear area and severe migraines.

Childhood asymmetry

A child aged three to five years may experience a slight discrepancy in eye size. Since it is during this period that muscle formation occurs, such imperfect proportionality is quite natural. However, if you notice strong differences between the left and right sides of your face, be sure to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and neurologist.

Size correction using decorative cosmetics

Makeup can work wonders, and with the help of simple methods you can hide visible flaws.

  1. Drooping eyelid:
    • try to draw the fold of the overhanging eyelid at the same level as the second eye;
    • draw the eyebrow above the overhanging eyelid a little higher;
    • Avoid clear and straight lines; it is better to blend the shadows and pencil once again;
    • Paint your eyelashes well with mascara; if you wish, you can shape them with curlers.
  2. One eye is visually smaller:
    • make the arrow wider above the pupil;
    • Paint the mucous membrane of a narrow eye from below with a pencil that is a tone lighter than the main color.
  3. The eye is set deep:
    • use a lighter palette for this century than for the other;
    • get eyelash extensions or use false eyelashes. To hide asymmetry, it is necessary to use sets of different lengths.

Remember that you can hide any congenital eyelid defect with the help of cosmetics, but if your eyes become different sizes under the influence of external and internal factors, do not tempt fate, but seek advice from an appropriate competent specialist.