Why do you need folic acid when planning. How to use folic acid correctly

Gynecologists assure: taking folic acid when planning pregnancy is extremely important for both spouses, because it improves the quality of germ cells and helps the fetus to develop properly. It is important to take it before and after conception, so knowing how to drink it is useful for every woman.

Does folic acid help you get pregnant?

Doctors say that folic acid before pregnancy, taken in the form of special medications or thanks to products containing it, does not help to get pregnant, because its purpose is different. It helps improve the quality of eggs and sperm by stimulating the synthesis of essential nucleic acids. B9 promotes better assimilation of others useful substances, increases hematopoietic function, affects the formation of the fetus. IN " interesting position“It should be used so that the baby does not have:

  • defects and abnormalities of the brain;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergies.

Do men need folic acid when planning pregnancy?

According to experts, not only women need folic acid before pregnancy. It is recommended for family planning and for men, because its benefit lies in the normal formation of sperm, the quality of which is responsible for the onset of conception and the health of the future fetus. If a woman needs to use folacin during preparation and during pregnancy, then men can stop using it as soon as the couple finds out about positive test. The doctor prescribes the medicine.

What foods contain folacin?

If you are concerned about how to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy, you do not have to turn to medication. Will help make up for its deficiency following products power supply:

  • leafy greens: dill, sorrel, cilantro, spinach;
  • legumes;
  • citrus;
  • buckwheat and oats;
  • walnuts, almonds;
  • liver, offal.

For better absorption, it is recommended to consume plant-based vitamin products, rich in folacin, without cooking. Animal sources allow minimal exposure to temperature. Conditions are observed to reduce the loss of folacin, which is destroyed by heat to a level of 90%. It is recommended to eat nutrient-rich foods every day, and you can eat sea ​​fish, cheese, chicken eggs, which contain slightly less active substance than those listed, but are necessary in the diet.

How to take folic acid when planning pregnancy

At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, only the doctor determines how to drink folic acid correctly. The appointment will depend on chronic diseases, bad habits, and test results. The standard dosage is to take the drugs in tablet form a quarter before conception. A dose of 40 milligrams per day is recommended for a man, and twice as much for a woman. Excess or overdose of the substance is not dangerous, because the water-soluble vitamin is excreted from the body without side effects.

If one of the parents or other relatives had brain pathologies, then the dosage for a woman during pregnancy will be 2 g per day, and if the first baby of the couple suffers from similar defects, then 4 g. It is better to use this substance after meals, because active ingredients may have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. The doctor will prescribe the time of use and the number of capsules to be taken by the expectant mother by week.

Vitamins with folic acid when planning pregnancy

You might be wondering how to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy. For convenience, it is better to consider the following data on popular medications:

  1. Tablets of the same name. They have the most affordable price, very popular. The quality is appreciated by many gynecologists: doctors prescribe the drug to mothers in the amount of 1 tablet (1 mg) per day.
  2. Folacin, Apo-folic. Prescribed for severe folacin deficiency in a pregnant woman, because each dose contains 5 mg of the active substance. This drug is prescribed only by a specialist and is considered therapeutic, while others are preventive.
  3. Folio. In addition to 0.4 g of vitamin B9, it contains 0.2 g of iodine. For female body It is recommended to take 2 tablets, and for men - 1 daily.
  4. Multivitamin complexes Materna, Elevit Prenatal, Vitrum Prenatal, Pregnavit, Multitabs Perinatal. All of them, in addition to B9, which is needed in preparation for conception, contain other useful ingredients.


During the planning period, doctors advise many girls to take certain vitamins, especially folic acid. Let's look at whether folic acid helps you get pregnant and reviews of mothers who took it.

Vitamin B9: features and functions

To understand whether folic acid helps you get pregnant, it is enough to study its characteristics, its effect on the body and the processes occurring in it. It is a B-group vitamin – B9. It is necessary for the development of circulatory and immune system. Contained mainly in plant leaves, some vegetables, nuts and fruits. The amount of vitamin in them can vary significantly.

Products containing vitamins

For example, 100 g of product contains:

  • Beans: 300 mcg acid;
  • Brussels sprouts, walnuts: 130-150 mcg;
  • melon, broccoli, hazelnuts: 100-110 mcg;
  • strawberry: 60 mcg;
  • grapes, oranges: 30-40 mcg.

  • improves the body's absorption of proteins;
  • promotes the absorption of sugars and amino acids;
  • promotes cell division;
  • provides normal hematopoiesis(promotes the formation of leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes);
  • participates in the formation of DNA and RNA, which carry hereditary information;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the possibility food poisoning, improves appetite.

When figuring out whether it is possible to get pregnant from folic acid, the answer is clear. It has nothing to do with fertilization. That is, if you have problems with conception, it will not be able to help with the problem of infertility or lack of ovulation. It is prescribed to strengthen the body and prepare it for such complex process gestation, when the mother’s energy reserves are spent on the development of the baby.

Does folic acid help you get pregnant?

Some believe that folic acid helps to get pregnant and that is why it is prescribed to almost all girls who want to conceive a baby. But by asking a doctor, you can get a comprehensive answer.

The vitamin is prescribed to strengthen the immune system and general health improvement the body so that the future baby does not suffer from birth defects due to the adverse effects of the environment, the lifestyle of the parents and similar problems.

Folic acid when planning pregnancy

Vitamin B9 prevents the development of anemia, which was discovered almost a hundred years ago. After some studies, it was confirmed that the risk of fetal neural tube diseases decreased by 70% when taking folic acid. And due to the lack of developments of certain dangerous diseases, which are incompatible with the vital activity of embryos, the vitamin helped to significantly reduce the number of miscarriages.

Complications in the absence of folic acid in a pregnant woman

For the proper course of pregnancy and fetal development, a girl should receive all types of vitamin B normal quantity, incl. and folic acid. Is it possible to get pregnant if you lack it? It’s not a question. Of course it's pretty common occurrence. But a lack of this vitamin significantly increases the risk of certain dangerous conditions:

  • miscarriage at short stages of development;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • placental abruption;
  • formation of congenital defects in the fetus.

It is the increased risk of defects in the embryo that requires taking folic acid in order to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthy baby. Of the most common problems a newborn can be called:

  • neural tube defect;
  • anencephaly;
  • malnutrition;
  • developmental delay (mental and physical).

Of course, this does not mean at all that if there is a deficiency or absence of folic acid in the diet, you can become pregnant and get a lot of problems. Everything is very individual. Simply, with a small amount of vitamin in the body, the risk of these defects increases.

When considering how to take folic acid to get pregnant, it is worth remembering the individuality of each organism. Immunity level normal development processes, the production of blood cells, and digestive characteristics are very different for each girl. Therefore, the development of the fetus and the possibility of problems arising are also individual. As far as we remember, even with a lack of vitamin, giving birth is quite healthy baby Maybe. If there is a desire to minimize the risk of the above defects, then take acid. Experts have confirmed that when consuming the pills, there are no developmental problems in the fetus.

Vitamin dosage

It is best to check with your doctor about how to take folic acid in order to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. He will prescribe an individual dose. If a girl decides to take the pills on her own, you should read the instructions and choose the optimal regimen. Typically, the norm is 0.4 mg per day. Often, the doctor can increase this standard, almost twice, after successful conception.

When asked how to take folic acid to get pregnant, doctors answer that the recommended intake is 0.4 mg tablets per day

It's worth remembering that excess intake doesn't give positive result. In particular, taking more than 0.8 mg per day is not recommended. But the absorption of the vitamin does not occur 100%, and therefore it will not be possible to overdo it.

How much folic acid to take to get pregnant with a healthy baby depends on your doctor’s instructions. But this vitamin is not accumulated. If you stop taking it, then its content in the body will decrease.

It is recommended to start drinking it 3 months before the expected time of conception. But couples do not always manage to get pregnant in short term. IN in this case Girls continue to take pills until conception and after. But if fertilization is delayed, the dose is usually reduced. The main thing is to ensure sufficient vitamin content.

If you don’t want to take pills for so long, you can do without them. The vitamin can be obtained from foods and vegetables that contain it. The effectiveness of the acid is difficult to confirm, because it is simply impossible to find out whether the newborn could have had defects if the mother had not received the vitamin. But it is known that folic acid helps to get pregnant (reviews from girls confirm) and reproduce healthy babies on time.

Doctors prescribe folic acid for women to get pregnant with a healthy baby, but men are often advised to take it as well. This is explained quite simply. The lack of vitamin in the male body affects the motility, quality and quantity of sperm. Men are prescribed pills, of course, only when such problems are detected. But if you wish, you can take pills during the planning period.

Do not forget about the deterioration of the environment, not always a healthy lifestyle, problems with the stomach or intestines, congenital diseases. All this can lead to problems with conception.

For those who dream of giving birth and raising healthy child, have gorgeous hair and nails, to shine with beauty, you cannot do without this amazing vitamin. Indispensable from birth to old age, it can enter the body with food, in the form of finished preparations. You need to understand how folic acid works and what its benefits are.

Benefits of folic acid

This water-soluble vitamin belongs to group B, comes from food, not large number produced by the body - often this is enough for normal functioning. Sometimes you have to take a substance to the required level in a synthetic form. How is folic acid useful, why is so much attention paid to its quantity and presence?

Vitamin B9, another name for this substance, helps solve many problems. Its use helps:

  • prepare for conception;
  • give birth to a healthy child;
  • improve memory;
  • slow down aging;
  • the child’s body grows;
  • smooth out the symptoms of menopause;
  • relieve irritability;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • get rid of anemia;
  • normalize the psyche.

It is equally bad for a person to have a deficiency of this substance or an excess. When there is a vitamin deficiency:

  • Fatigue comes quickly;
  • hair loss begins;
  • nails break;
  • anemia occurs;
  • thrombus formation increases;
  • In women, symptoms worsen during menopause;
  • in men, sperm motility is impaired;
  • a child is born with pathologies.

An overdose of this substance may cause unpleasant symptoms And serious consequences:

  • bitterness, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased excitability;
  • deficiency of zinc, vitamin B12;
  • height cancer cells;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • mental disorder in the elderly;
  • development of breast adenocarcinoma;
  • the appearance of prostate cancer.

This vitamin is indispensable in solving problems female beauty. The affordable price helps to use the drug in cosmetology, in addition to internal use, for the preparation of masks and medicinal solutions. The product is used for:

  • fight against age spots;
  • counteract hair loss;
  • maintaining skin freshness;
  • preventing the appearance of wrinkles;
  • strengthening nails.

Action of folic acid

Although this drug is available and has a low price, it is indispensable for the body and greatly affects its functioning. This vitamin has the following properties:

  • takes part in active cell division - helps skin renewal, growth and development of the fetus;
  • promotes hematopoietic processes;
  • protects the walls of blood vessels, preventing the formation of blood clots.

The participation of vitamin B9 is no less important for the processes:

  • DNA formation - transmission of hereditary characteristics;
  • carbohydrate, fat metabolism;
  • increasing immunity;
  • amino acid synthesis;
  • production of enzymes that counteract the formation of tumors;
  • muscle recovery in athletes;
  • production hydrochloric acid;
  • iron absorption;
  • exchange of adrenaline and serotonin.

Folic acid - instructions

The drug is produced in the form of ampoules for injections, tablets, and is part of multivitamin and dietary supplement complexes. The vitamin is well absorbed and is compatible with many medications. How much of this substance should you take? Instructions for use of folic acid recommend a daily dosage for an adult of 400 mcg. It increases during pregnancy and complex diseases.

You should take vitamin B9 as prescribed by your doctor - available side effects, contraindications for use. A rash, itching, redness of the skin, and bronchospasms may occur. The use of the drug is not recommended if:

  • iron metabolism disorders;
  • substance intolerance;
  • poor absorption of vitamin B12;
  • malignant neoplasms.

Indications for use are:

  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • breast cancer;
  • schizophrenia;
  • migraine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • weakening of intelligence;
  • menopause;
  • preparation for conception;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • depression.

During pregnancy

The period of waiting for a child is a huge change in the body. Why do pregnant women need folic acid, why is it necessary to take it? This is due to the formation of fetal systems and organs in the first months. Vitamin B9 for pregnant women helps:

  • tissue growth due to cell division;
  • transmission of hereditary characteristics;
  • development nerve tissue;
  • formation of blood vessels of the placenta;
  • creation of the hematopoietic system.

How much vitamin does a pregnant woman need? A woman’s body functions for two people, and the dosage increases proportionally. It is very convenient that the drug has an affordable price - it is difficult to get the required portion of the substance from products. Daily dosage for a pregnant woman should be 800 mcg. At this time, the drug is prescribed in the form:

  • tablets;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • Dietary supplements.

If there is a deficiency of vitamin B9 in the body, problems for the woman and child are possible:

  • hematopoietic disorder;
  • neural tube defects;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • delay mental development;
  • miscarriage;
  • the birth of a stillborn child;
  • congenital deformities;
  • oxygen starvation fetus

When planning a pregnancy

In order to exclude developmental defects, a woman needs to plan a pregnancy - start taking the drug three months before conception. This will help accumulate the required amount for the period increased load on the female body. The dosage of folic acid when planning pregnancy is 400 mcg per day, which will help avoid complications.

For men

Taking vitamins is important for male body already in adolescence for proper puberty. With its deficiency, problems with the nervous system and memory are possible. Folic acid is also important for men because it is responsible for the properties - quantity and motility of sperm. With a deficiency of the substance, infertility and the development of atherosclerosis are likely.

For children

The pediatrician decides how much and at what age to give this vitamin to children. The price of the drug is affordable, and its importance for the development of the body is enormous. To obtain the required dosage, a folic acid tablet for children is diluted with water, and the required amount is taken with a syringe. The substance helps:

  • body growth;
  • creating immunity;
  • organ formation.

More and more married couples are facing the problem of infertility, so any method of stimulating reproductive function is used. To get pregnant, folic acid is considered the most natural stimulant, along with vitamin E. In the conditions of modern ecology and products with a high content of “chemicals”, women can only “lean” on vitamins in order to conceive and bear a healthy baby. There are a lot of conflicting reviews about whether folic acid helps you get pregnant, so better topic consider in more detail.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid – does it help you get pregnant? This substance is part of a number of amino acids that belong to the water-soluble B vitamins. As part of multivitamins, it can be bought at any pharmacy. It is found naturally in meat and dairy products, nuts and legumes, citrus fruits and spicy herbs.

Some scientists claim that vitamin B9 or folic acid is recommended for young people to get pregnant safely, especially with an unbalanced diet. The substance is involved in many metabolic processes, therefore, it is necessary for the body not only during gestation, but also when planning pregnancy.

Important: Vitamin B9 does not accumulate in tissues “in reserve”, like vitamin C, so it is important that the substance enters the body in at least a minimal amount every day. A small amount of folic acid is synthesized in the intestines, but this volume is critically small.

Our scientists have found that the work of folic acid is somewhat reminiscent of estrogens. Sex hormones in the female body are regulated reproductive function, are responsible for stability menstrual cycle. Therefore, doctors often prescribe medications containing this vitamin for scanty and infrequent periods.

Does folic acid help you get pregnant?

The question is ambiguous, let us clarify that the substance has a beneficial effect on reproductive processes. The vitamin is designed to support immunity and hematopoietic function, gastrointestinal function and protein synthesis. Deficiency of the substance is observed in half of women of childbearing age, so folic acid is useful for women before conception.
Important: Dosed intake of vitamin B9 helps normalize hormonal balance and promotes natural fertilization. A sufficient amount of vitamins from food is beneficial for the formation of healthy eggs, preventing mutations and birth defects.

Folic acid is also useful before conception. Substances involved in protein synthesis are responsible for the formation of the placental barrier and protection of the fetus developing in the womb. A lack of vitamin B9 affects sperm viability and DNA synthesis, so it is also important for men during family planning.

All B vitamins are important for the creation of a new organism, and each is responsible for its own segment. For example, if there is a deficiency of B1, the child will not have strong muscles, and without the norm of B2, the child will have a tendency to myopia, especially with hereditary factor.

B9 or folic acid during conception “stands guard” over many processes, including synthesis nucleic acids, important for the formation of eggs and motile sperm.

Good to know: The substance discussed in this topic is consumed many times more during the abuse of alcoholic beverages and frequent smoking. It is recommended to increase your folic acid dosage to get pregnant:

  • during intense sports activity;
  • with chronic stress;
  • depressed;
  • at sluggish bowel(nutrients are poorly absorbed from food).
Even if there are no statistics on who folic acid helped to get pregnant, it is clear that replenishing its deficiency will definitely not harm anyone.

Does folic acid help you conceive twins?

Experts from different countries There are divided opinions on this topic, but an indirect relationship still exists. Researchers have experimentally established in pairs of twins that if you drink folic acid, you can get pregnant faster - ovarian productivity increases.

Indirectly, it can be argued that with vitamin B9 the chances of having twins or twins increase. Let us clarify that twins are the result of the division of one fertilized egg; twins are born from different eggs emerging from the right and left ovaries.

Australian doctors found that a group of women who wanted to become mothers drank folic acid at the pregnancy planning stage in order to become pregnant with twins. According to the results of the experiment, the number of multiple pregnant women is 40% more. But this does not mean that when taking multivitamins there will necessarily be “multiple offspring”. Not at all! The study included couples who had twins or triplets at birth on either the father's or mother's side.

Swedish experts have confirmed that taking folic acid increases the chances of having twins, but does not provide great guarantees. If the ovaries are prone to “multiple pregnancy,” this probability doubles; in other cases, no one gives guarantees.

Domestic medicine I’m not ready to unequivocally confirm the direct effect of vitamins on the appearance of twins. And yet, doctors clarify how to take folic acid in order to get pregnant - in dosage, everything is clearly stated in the instructions for the drugs. These medications are not prescribed for the birth of twins, but to prevent severe fetal malformations. And then how lucky is anyone!

Even after conceiving one, instead of two babies, or vice versa, long-awaited twins, there will be no harm from vitamin B9! But still, first consult with your gynecologist on how to take folic acid to get pregnant; the dosage should be prescribed by a specialist, depending on the condition of your body and the overall load. And it's better to quit bad habits, switch to taking multivitamins and adjust the diet of both spouses.

Preparations with folic acid

Multivitamins, which include B9, are prescribed in tablets different cases, including planning a pregnancy, the chances of conceiving a healthy baby increase. Regular intake of this substance will guarantee bearing a healthy child. Most often, both future parents are prescribed:
  1. Regular Folic Acid tablets with minimal cost, each containing 1 mg of vitamin B9, are taken at least once a day, preferably with meals.
  2. “Apo-folic” and “Folacin” are also available in tablets, but the dosage is higher. The drugs are prescribed for acute deficiency of this substance; they are therapeutic (not for prevention).
  3. The drug "Folio" contains 2 necessary element– iodine and folic acid, helps people with insufficient function to become pregnant fully thyroid gland. The dosage is prescribed by a physician after examination and test results for hormones.
  4. There are multivitamins designed for those planning to conceive, such as Vitrum Prenatal and Materna, Pregnavit for Pregnant Women and Elevit Pronatal, Multi-Tabs Pronatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte.
How to take folic acid for conception is written in the instructions for each drug. However, the dosage can be reduced if the daily diet includes foods containing B9 in the form of organic compounds (in natural form).

Before conception, they also take other multivitamins, which most often include this amino acid. These are drugs freely offered in pharmacies for 9 months. Folic acid", "Mamifol" and "Complivit Mama".

All of them are convenient because a complex of vitamins is contained in 1 tablet; the main thing is not to forget to take them. And it’s okay if someone takes them by mistake, sudden conception will not happen from just the pills!

What foods contain vitamin B9?

Water soluble vitamin, is mainly found in leafy greens of many plants - garden and wild. These are dill and parsley, cilantro and spinach. Many citrus fruits and legumes are rich in it. B vitamins are found in oatmeal and buckwheat. They are found in fish, in the liver of various animals and in muscle tissue beef.

Recommendation: Like most other organic substances, many vitamins are neutralized by boiling and cooking. It is suggested to eat chopped greens in fresh, brew cereals in a thermos. Small beans are pre-soaked, brought to a boil three times and steamed on a warm stove under a tight lid. This way, all the beneficial substances are preserved, and the finished beans are added to soup, borscht or vinaigrette.

Vitamins of group “B” and microelements that are useful for conception in a natural formula are contained in seafood and offal (liver and kidneys), walnuts and almonds, grapes and many red berries. But do not forget that when cooked, their value drops significantly. During prolonged cooking, they are completely neutralized or lost up to 90%.

When discussing whether folic acid helps you get pregnant, don’t neglect the juice sauerkraut, and decoctions are useless. Maximum quantity vitamins for heat treatment Only beets and pumpkin are preserved, but it is better to bake in the oven. On the contrary, pickled apples and cabbage contain more useful substances than when stored in cellars until spring.

The amount of vitamin varies depending on the storage method. There are practically no of them in canned vegetables, but harmful compounds are formed that “come out” in the form of gouty bumps and osteochondrosis. Broccoli and salads are very rich in B vitamins, but only in fresh form.

Additional need in taking vitamin B9, despite balanced diet, increases with intake oral contraceptives and in controlling obesity on protein diets. Don't skip folic acid to get pregnant - ask your doctor how to take it. Multivitamins are extremely useful for chronic diseases related to metabolism. Even with proper nutrition Many women of childbearing age are deficient in vitamin B9.

It is quite possible that the lifestyle of both spouses and living in the northern regions inhibits fertilization. Therefore, purchase folic acid, read the instructions for use for normal conception healthy offspring.

Folic acid (other names - vitamin B9, folacin) plays a very important role at the stage of pregnancy planning. It affects the productivity of conception and the full bearing of a strong, healthy baby without deviations or pathologies.

Why take folic acid?

To begin with, future parents must understand why they should drink folic acid when planning a pregnancy - not only for women, but also for men. Folic acid:

  • activates the absorption and breakdown of proteins;
  • needed for cell division;
  • promotes normal hematopoiesis;
  • helps improve appetite;
  • helps absorb amino acids and sugar;
  • is important in the formation of DNA and RNA, which are involved in the direct transmission of hereditary characteristics;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • protects against food poisoning;
  • supports immunity;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps to absorb other vitamins necessary for normal conception and childbearing

What problems can arise from a lack of acid in the body?

If there is too little folic acid, then the following problems are possible:

  • pathology of the egg, which either cannot be fertilized at all (i.e., conception will not occur) or will not guarantee the formation of a healthy fetus;
  • placental abruption (both partial and absolute);
  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage);
  • congenital defects in a child: anencephaly, neural tube defect, malnutrition, cleft lip, mental retardation;
  • anemia;
  • loss of appetite, which means the baby in the womb will not receive enough nutrients necessary for him to fully develop;
  • irritability and increased fatigue, as a result of which the baby may be born nervous and capricious.

Folic acid for the expectant father

Future fathers should know that folic acid is no less important when planning pregnancy for men, since if there is a lack of it, conception may not occur at all. Vitamin B9 is simply necessary for anyone who dreams of becoming a dad, because:

  • reduces the number of defective, low-quality sperm, which initially carry the wrong set of chromosomes (later this can result in serious pathologies of the fetus);
  • increases the chances of conceiving a strong, healthy, full-fledged baby several times;
  • increases the motility and penetrating ability of sperm.

Now it becomes clear why folic acid is so necessary for both men and women when planning pregnancy. Very often, conception does not occur precisely because one of the spouses (or both) has a lack of vitamin B9. And 80% of pathologies of the nervous system in newborns are due to the same reason.

When is folic acid needed most?

The body of a pregnant woman needs folic acid most in the first month after conception, that is, up to 2 weeks of delay, since the neural tube is formed on days 16-28 after conception, when expectant mother sometimes she doesn’t even suspect that she is pregnant.

Folic acid in foods

Products that contain folic acid (vitamin B9) can be divided into products of animal and plant origin.

  • citrus fruits (mostly in oranges);
  • whole grain products;
  • leafy vegetables (eg asparagus, Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli);
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • beef and chicken liver;
  • beans (preferably dry);
  • lentils;
  • most types of cheese;
  • special vitamin complexes containing folic acid.

Folic acid in medications

Regular use of folic acid when planning pregnancy is the key to successful conception and bearing a full-fledged baby. Therefore, future parents are very often prescribed medicines with its content.

Folic acid tablets

One of the best options for taking folic acid when planning pregnancy. This medicine has such advantages as price (very inexpensive) and quality. Typically, the dosage in tablets (one contains 1 mg of vitamin B9) when planning pregnancy is indicated in the instructions and is 1 tablet per day.

Tablets "Folacin", "Apo-folic"

These drugs are also presented in the form of tablets, but they already contain 5 mg of vitamin B each, while daily dose folic acid when planning pregnancy is 800 mcg (for women). Therefore the data medicines are prescribed only in cases where one of the spouses (couple) has an acute shortage of this substance. In this case, there will be no harm to the body from an excess of folacin, since all excess will simply be eliminated from it. It is not recommended to take these drugs on your own, without a doctor’s prescription, since they are considered therapeutic, not preventive.

Tablets "Folio"

Very good drug, since it contains two elements at once that are necessary for the full conception and successful bearing of a child in the future. Contains 400 mcg of vitamin B9, while daily norm folic acid for women is 800 mcg (i.e., you will need to drink 2 tablets per day), the dosage for men is 400 mcg (1 tablet per day will be enough), and 200 mcg of iodine. The dose of the active substance in this medicine is prophylactic, i.e. it covers the needs of the female body in the absence of folacin deficiency.

Multivitamin complexes

Folic acid is also found in all vitamin complexes, specially designed for those planning a pregnancy. These are “Materna”, “Elevit”, “Vitrum prenatal”, “Vitrum prenatal forte”, “Multi-tabs perinatal”, “Pregnavit”. All of these complexes are accompanied by instructions indicating their folic acid content. It usually ranges from 400 to 1,000 mcg, which is a prophylactic dosage at this stage for new parents.

There are a lot of medications, but they raise a lot of questions among expectant parents: how to take folic acid when planning a pregnancy - as a separate medication or in combination with other vitamins, in what dosage and for how long. The doctor should tell this information after the examination, or, in as a last resort, it can be found in the instructions for the prescribed drugs.

How much folic acid should you take when planning pregnancy?

Very important question- how much folic acid to drink when planning pregnancy for men and women. Since the expectant mother’s body will need to give a fairly large amount of folacin to the child for the full formation of his nervous system and brain, she will need a daily dose of 800 mcg. For future fathers, for the fullness, health and mobility of sperm, necessary for a successful conception, a dosage of 400 mcg of folic acid will be sufficient. However, these figures apply only to those who lead healthy image life and does not suffer from a catastrophic deficiency of vitamin B9. Otherwise, the dosage is increased by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Why is acid not always absorbed?

Very often, despite the fact that future parents actively and promptly began taking folic acid when planning pregnancy, the fetus subsequently still develops pathologies of the nervous system associated with a lack of this vitamin. This happens because they, taking the right drug, did nothing to ensure that it was assimilated in full.

Folic acid in the body is consumed several times more if a person actively smokes, abuses alcohol, regularly does not get enough sleep, is in a state of constant depression, long time takes antibiotics or hormonal drugs, has problems with gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, both parents are strongly advised to give up everything before conceiving. bad habits, start leading a healthy lifestyle, take medications as little as possible, restore your nervous system and undergo treatment for all chronic diseases.