Conspiracy for a prophetic dream on a guy is true. A spell for a prophetic dream through desire

Since ancient times, people have been interpreting night visions, since you can learn a lot of interesting things about the future. In general, a person sees a lot of dreams, but not all of them are prophetic, but there is a way to cause them - to perform a magical ritual.

Conspiracies to make you have a prophetic dream

It is important to get into the right frame of mind before going to bed, and the main condition is maximum relaxation. To do this, you can take a bath with essential oils, drink warm milk, listen calm music, make a new bed, etc. It's best to ask in last days growing moon. Before falling asleep, you should pray and say these words:

“Let me dream what should come true. Amen".

The conspiracy to prophetic dream on the mirror. For him you need to take a new round mirror and put it under the pillow, saying:

“Darkness is reflected in this mirror, light is reflected in it, let my future be reflected in the mirror and in my dreams.”

After this, the mirror should be hidden from prying eyes.

How to see a prophetic dream in the near future - conspiracy

To see a true dream, you must try to avoid stress conditions and don't stress. Before going to bed, it is recommended to carry out relaxation procedures. Immediately before going to bed, you need to say the following conspiracy:

“I go to bed on the Siena mountains, three angels stand at my head, one sees, the other hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth - what I buy, and what I find, maybe I’ll accept a gift, let it come true, and if I lose it in a dream , I sell or give away, then let such a dream dissolve.”

Do not be afraid of the consequences of a prophetic dream, as this white magic, which cannot harm a person.

Plot for a prophetic dream on Friday

The ritual must be performed at midnight. Take a square shaped piece of cotton fabric. Right hand pour into fabric three pinches of salt and add a piece of rye bread. Carefully roll everything up, put it under the pillow and say the spell:

“Sunday and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but you, Saturday, have no friend. Here’s your bread and salt, and give me a clear dream.”

When you wake up, be sure to thank Saturday for your sleep, and transfer the contents of the fabric into a napkin and hide it until everything becomes reality. When this happens, feed the bread to the birds, and use the salt to prepare some dish. If the dream was bad, then throw the cloth, bread and salt into the trash can, which is located on the street. Stand with your back to him, drop everything, saying: “Get out, Satan.” Go home without looking back.

This plot is read before bed, when you want your dream to be prophetic. The plot should be read three times. The effect of the spell will intensify if, while reading it, you light incense, such as sandalwood or patchouli. This conspiracy even appeared in one trial in England in 1612. The sorcerer, who made it public in the hope that the court would not see anything blasphemous or diabolical in it, James Davis was sentenced to death by burning.

A beam of light
I hurried as best I could
As soon as I heard the bell ringing for mass,
The ringing of heavenly bells.
The Lord Himself celebrates mass,
With archangels and angels.
What does the Lord hold in His hand?
He holds a small staff.
And what is He holding in his other hand?
Holds the keys to heaven's gates.
So open the gates of heaven,
Shut up, shut up, hell's door!
The promised child comes, the anointed child
To your Mother, the Mother of God.
– Who is the One from Whom the Divine Light emanates?
- My Son crucified on a tree,
Pierced with an iron nail
Straight to the merciful heart.
Let through this spell
I'll see a blue cross
I recognize the red cross
On which the Lord was crucified.

Conspiracy of 77 Druids (Brahmins) for a prophetic dream.

They read this plot while getting ready for bed, sitting on the bed. After casting the spell, you cannot talk, get up, eat, read, etc., because the forces that will show you the upcoming future will last word“Amen” said in the spell begin their invisible and inevitable action.

So, the spell:

I conjure you, star Venus,
In the name dream angels,
Third Legion.
I conjure you, great angel Anael,
Presiding on the sixth day
Creation of the world.
I conjure with the sacred seal
King David, King Solomon.
I conjure you, saints,
Strong and powerful angels,
Names: Adonai, Im, Ey, Asim, Hey, Sadai.
I conjure with the star of Saturn.
In the name of all the stars, by their powers,
And with all their mighty power.
Everyone names of angels,
Serving in the second legion.
In the name of the supreme Creator,
In the name of those who are in the mercy of the Savior.
The earth, from the surface of which
Trees and grass grow.
The earth in which the ashes of the first of the first are stored:
Adam and Eve - the ancestors of all,
Who was, is and will be.
I conjure you with moisture and water,
Mother's milk,
The torments of hell and the torments of childbirth,
By the power of Solomon's keys
And finally, in the name of the throne
Six-winged creatures.
Let my dream be true and accurate,
How true are all the words in the book of books - the Bible,
Given to us by Father God.
May my destiny be reflected in a dream
Through Archpriest Morpheus himself.
In the mirror of my mind
I am God's creation, slave (name).
God of Moses,
God of Israel!
Great and Eternal God!
Bless my every word
Bless me for my dream, slave (name).
So be it, I said everything. Amen.

The dream cannot be told until three years have passed. This spell cannot be used very often, or rather, no more than seven times a year

Lay me down, Gabriel,
Servant of God (name),
Sleep in the gardens of Gevsemane.
May I be covered with heavenly dew,
And in a dream the Lord Himself will appear to me.
- And you, Gabriel, why aren’t you sleeping?
Why are you vigilant, Gabriel?
- Rods and fires haunt me,
Because I don't sleep at night,
And I can’t wake up in the morning.
Get up, Gabriel, follow me,
Neither the rod nor the fire can reach you.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A spell for a prophetic dream for the holidays.

This spell can only be used 3 times a year.

On the night of Ivan Kupala.
On the night before Christmas.
On the night under Old New Year.

If in a dream you see something bad, then do so. Get up in the morning with right leg and at the same time say - “Sleepy trouble, I’m giving it to the enemy.” Amen?. With this action you can reduce the trouble. However, you must understand that a prophetic dream is just that, a prophetic dream!

If your sleep is good, then in the morning, getting up on your left leg, say - ? Everything that he saw in his dream, he took for himself. Amen.

Before going to bed, light a candle and read the plot 3 times. The candle must be installed very securely!
There is no need to wait until the candle burns out completely.

Read the plot in a drawn-out manner (inviting).
After reading it, you can no longer talk to anyone, answer phone calls, read, watch TV...
Ideally, you should be alone in the room and go to bed completely undressed.

Abu, Lah, Yessa. I call, I call, I call, I call upon a prophetic dream for myself.
Take the candle flame for yourself, and give me a prophetic dream.
Enter the last smoke from the candle into consciousness, show me my fate in a dream.
Who loved and who loves now. Who hates and who will destroy the soul.
Who will I leave unharmed and who will I destroy?
Abu, Lah, Yessa.

“Amen” is not said in this conspiracy.
Most often, this dream is “as if in reality,” but it can also be more “encrypted.”
Don’t tell anyone a prophetic dream, especially if it’s a good one.

A spell for a prophetic dream through desire

Make a wish. Read the plot three times before going to bed or exactly at midnight.
The servant of God (name) went to sleep on the Zion Mountains, three angels in his heads: one sees, the other hears, the third will tell me everything. Amen.
When reading the plot, mentally imagine what you are saying, how you are lying on some mountain, there are angels around you, etc. If you have a dream, your wish will come true... No, it won’t come true. The interpretation of the dream will talk about HOW your wish will come true... It is best to read the plot on a full moon or on the night of a patronal feast day, New Year, birthday...

A spell for a prophetic dream with spring water

It needs to be over spring water read, which was collected at dawn:
Damn, damn, come to me at dawn and whisper to me true words, secret words, strong words. Those words are not given to everyone, but whoever happens to hear them will be granted a prophetic dream. If you dream about something, then there will be a sure clue to the matter. Water will flow, fire will burn, and the heavens above the earth will be forever. Key. Lock. Language»
Then you need to wash your face with this water and sleep. The dream must be prophetic. You can't do it often. And you need to dry yourself with a towel after you wash your face.

In this article:

A conspiracy or ritual for a prophetic dream is a great opportunity to find out your future. A prophetic dream can give a person the information he simply needs to make the right decision.

But just wanting to see him is not enough. There are many magical practices that allow a person to learn to see prophetic dreams, some of them include training for the body and spirit, while others need to use magical rituals for a single dream invocation.

Rituals to induce a prophetic dream can only be performed in the last few days of the waxing moon period.

Ritual for a prophetic dream

In order to see your future or discover any hidden events, you need to perform a special magical ritual. Before performing the ritual, take a relaxing bath, add a few drops of oil to the water peppermint, rosemary and lavender. While you bask in warm water, the room in which you will sleep should be fumigated with dry sleep herb or a dried aloe stem.

The most important element of the ritual is that in order to induce a prophetic dream, you must be completely alone all evening and all night while you sleep.

When you go to bed, try to relax as much as possible, clear your thoughts of everything extraneous and think only about what you want to know. Take a break from all the guesswork; you don’t need to try to guess the answer to the right question, otherwise you may not get a prophetic dream, but a projection of your own conjectures.

When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, whisper the words of the spell five times:

“Let me dream about what will come true. I want it so much!”

A simple ritual with a mirror

Just before you go to bed, place a small mirror under your pillow and say the words:

“Just as everything is reflected in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of God’s servant (name) her future will be reflected. So be it. Amen".

One condition: you must not wake up in the morning by an alarm clock

That same night you should dream of a mirror in which your future will be reflected, or the answer to a question that interests you. If you receive the answer, then when you wake up in the morning, hide the used mirror in a secluded place and store it there. Do not tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise the future may change.

Plot before bed

This one is strong and effective conspiracy should be read shortly before bedtime. Conspiracy words:

“I, the servant of God (name), hurried into the light as best I could, when I heard the ringing of heavenly bells for mass. The Lord God himself served that mass, with his angels and archangels.

In one hand the Lord held a small rod, and in the other hand the keys to the gates of heaven. So let the gates of heaven open, and let the door of hell be closed forever, let the door of hell be closed forever.

The sacred child goes to his mother, Mother Mary the Mother of God. The child asks from whom the bright light comes, the Divine light.

Mother Theotokos answers him that from her son, that he was crucified on a tree, that he was nailed with an iron nail, that he was stabbed directly into a merciful heart.

May I, servant of God (name), see through a dream a blue cross, a red cross, on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen".

To enhance the effect of the spell, you can light incense before going to bed, for example, sandalwood or patchouli.

Conspiracy of the 77 Druids

This is an effective ritual that must be performed right before bed. Sit on the edge of the bed and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I, servant of God (name), conjure you, Venus, with the names of the angels of sleep, with the names of the third legion. I conjure you, Great Angel Anael, who represents the sixth day of the creation of the world. I conjure with the sacred seal of King Solomon and King David. I conjure the holy, powerful, Divine angels with the names: Adonai, im, Ey, Asim, Hey and Sadai. I conjure with the star of Saturn, with the names of all the stars of heaven, with all their powers and light, with all their mighty power.

By all the names of the angels of the second legion, by the name of the Creator, by the names of all who are in the mercy of our Savior. I conjure the earth, on which all the trees and herbs grow. I conjure the earth, in which lies the ashes of the ancestors of all people, Adam and Eve. I conjure in the names of everyone who was and who will be. With the Mother's milk I conjure all mothers, with all the torments of hell and the most terrible torments of women in labor. By the power of the keys of Solomon, by the name of the throne of six-winged creatures.

May my dream this night be true and completely accurate, just as all the words in the holy book of the Bible that Father God gave us are true. May my future and my destiny be reflected in a dream, may Archpriest Morpheus himself send me a dream. In the mirror of your consciousness. I am God's creation, slave (name). God of Israel, God of Moses, Eternal God, bless my words, bless the dream of your servant (name). Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the words of the spell, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning, and you must not get out of bed, eat, drink, or read. After the conspiracy, you must immediately go to bed and sleep, otherwise the ritual will lose its power.

Also, don't tell anyone what you see this night for the next three years.

Conspiracies to see a prophetic dream


These are very powerful ancient conspiracies. So I ask you to pay attention to them, especially during this “hot” time (now Christmastide).

1) Conspiracy to see a prophetic dream

This plot is read before bed, when you want your dream to be prophetic. The plot should be read three times. The effect of the spell will intensify if, while reading it, you light incense, such as sandalwood or patchouli. This conspiracy even appeared in one trial in England in 1612. The sorcerer, who made it public in the hope that the court would not see anything blasphemous or diabolical in it, James Davis was sentenced to death by burning.

"There's a beam of light
I hurried as best I could
As soon as I heard the bell ringing for mass,
The ringing of heavenly bells.
The Lord Himself celebrates mass,
With archangels and angels.
What does the Lord hold in His hand?
He holds a small staff.
And what is He holding in his other hand?
Holds the keys to heaven's gates.
So open the gates of heaven,
Shut up, shut up, hell's door!
The promised child comes, the anointed child
To your Mother, the Mother of God.
– Who is the One from Whom the Divine Light emanates?
- My Son crucified on a tree,
Pierced with an iron nail
Straight to the merciful heart.
Let through this spell
I'll see a blue cross
I recognize the red cross
On which the Lord was crucified."

2) Conspiracy of 77 Druids (Brahmins) for a prophetic dream.

They read this plot while getting ready for bed, sitting on the bed. After casting the spell, you cannot talk, get up, eat, read, etc., since the forces that will show you the upcoming future begin their invisible and inevitable action from the last word “Amen” spoken in the spell.

So, the spell:

I conjure you, star Venus,
In the name of the angels of sleep,
Third Legion.
I conjure you, great angel Anael,
Presiding on the sixth day
Creation of the world.
I conjure with the sacred seal
King David, King Solomon.
I conjure you, saints,
Strong and powerful angels,
Names: Adonai, Im, Ey, Asim, Hey, Sadai.
I conjure with the star of Saturn.
In the name of all the stars, by their powers,
And with all their mighty power.
By all the names of the angels,
Serving in the second legion.
In the name of the supreme Creator,
In the name of those who are in the mercy of the Savior.
The earth, from the surface of which
Trees and grass grow.
The earth in which the ashes of the first of the first are stored:
Adam and Eve - the ancestors of all,
Who was, is and will be.
I conjure you with moisture and water,
Mother's milk,
The torments of hell and the torments of childbirth,
By the power of Solomon's keys
And finally, in the name of the throne
Six-winged creatures.
Let my dream be true and accurate,
How true are all the words in the book of books - the Bible,
Given to us by Father God.
May my destiny be reflected in a dream
Through Archpriest Morpheus himself.
In the mirror of my mind
I am God's creation, slave (name).
God of Moses
God of Israel!
Great and Eternal God!
Bless my every word
Bless me for my dream, slave (name).
So be it, I said everything. Amen.

3) The dream cannot be told until three years have passed. This spell cannot be used very often, or rather, no more than seven times a year:

Lay me down, Gabriel,
Servant of God (name),
Sleep in the gardens of Gevsemane.
May I be covered with heavenly dew,
And in a dream the Lord Himself will appear to me.
- And you, Gabriel, why aren’t you sleeping?
Why are you vigilant, Gabriel?
- Rods and fires haunt me,
Because I don't sleep at night,
And I can’t wake up in the morning.
Get up, Gabriel, follow me,
Neither the rod nor the fire can reach you.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

4) Conspiracy for a prophetic dream.

This spell can only be used 3 times a year.

On the night of Ivan Kupala.
On the night before Christmas.
On the night of Old New Year.

If in a dream you see something bad, then do so. In the morning, get up on your right foot and at the same time say - “Sleepy trouble, I’m giving it to the enemy.” Amen?. With this action you can reduce the trouble. However, you must understand that a prophetic dream is just that, a prophetic dream!

If the dream is good, then in the morning, getting up on your left leg, say - Everything that you saw in the dream, you took for yourself. Amen.

Before going to bed, light a candle and read the plot 3 times. The candle must be installed very securely!
There is no need to wait until the candle burns out completely.

Read the plot in a drawn-out manner (inviting).
After reading it, you can no longer talk to anyone, answer phone calls, read, watch TV...
Ideally, you should be alone in the room and go to bed completely undressed.


“Abu, Lah, Yessa. I call, I call, I call, I call for a prophetic dream for myself.
Take the candle flame for yourself, and give me a prophetic dream.
Enter the last smoke from the candle into consciousness, show me my fate in a dream.
Who loved and who loves now. Who hates and who will destroy the soul.
Who will I leave unharmed and who will I destroy?
Abu, Lah, Yessa."

“Amen” is not said in this conspiracy.
Most often this dream is “as if in reality”, but it can also be more “encrypted”.
Don’t tell anyone a prophetic dream, especially if it’s a good one.

5) Plot for a prophetic dream

Make a wish. Read the plot three times before going to bed or exactly at midnight.

“The servant of God (name) went to bed on the Zion Mountains, three angels in his heads: one sees, the other hears, the third will tell me everything. Amen.”

When reading the plot, mentally imagine what you are saying, how you are lying on some mountain, there are angels around you, etc. If you have a dream, your wish will come true. No, it won’t come true. The interpretation of the dream will talk about HOW your wish will come true.

6) For a prophetic dream

“Damn, damn, come to me at dawn and whisper to me true words, secret words, strong words. Those words are not given to everyone, but whoever happens to hear them will be granted a prophetic dream. If you dream about something, then there will be a sure clue to the matter. Water will flow, fire will burn, and the heavens above the earth will be forever. Key. Lock. Language".

Then you need to wash your face with this water and sleep. The dream must be prophetic. You can't do it often. And you need to dry yourself with a towel after you wash your face.

7) More variations on the same theme:

“I go to sleep on the Siena tars, three vangulya at the galvah: one seeing, another hearing, the third one telling me the truth: if I find something, or buy something, or accept a padarak, then I will sell it, or sell it, or give it to the hellish people , then nya sbuditsa."

Sometimes there are times when it is vital to know your future in order to choose and make one important decision from several options. A prophetic dream spell will help you.

However, one desire to know about further development There are not enough events, you need to seriously prepare.

To achieve results, prepare your body and spirit for immersion in the abode of dreams.

  • Take a relaxing bath with a few drops of lavender, mint and rosemary;
  • Fumigate the bedroom with aloe leaves, drooping lumbago (sleep-herb);
  • You should be alone, without strangers, including loved ones and relatives. The ritual requires space for meditation. Therefore, before this, you need to relax, throw everything extraneous out of your head, including thoughts about the expected future, so as not to lead them into a dream. Otherwise, you will dream not what you expect, but a movie projected by the consciousness;
  • The ritual is carried out at a strictly defined time: in the last 2 - 3 days on the waxing moon. Or significant dates: Christmas, Yuletide, etc.
  • You should know that there are single or multiple rituals, so before performing a magical action, find out in detail about all aspects of the chosen ritual.

Part 2, conspiracy

There are many different formulas, before falling asleep say one of the options below:


“Let me dream about what will come true. I want it so much!”

Simple using a mirror

“Just as everything is reflected in a mirror, both light and darkness, so in the dream of God’s servant (name) her future will be reflected. So be it. Amen"

Place a round mirror under your pillow before going to bed. In the morning, if you receive an answer, hide it away, do not tell anyone about what you saw, otherwise it will not come true.


“I, the servant of God (name), hurried into the light as best I could,
how I heard the ringing of heavenly bells at mass.
The Lord God himself served that mass,
with your angels and archangels.
In one hand the Lord held a small rod,
and in the other hand are the keys to the gates of heaven.
So let the gates of heaven open,
and will be shut forever, the door of hell will be closed forever.
The sacred child goes to his mother,
Mother Mary Theotokos.
The child asks from whom the bright light comes, the Divine light.
Mother Mother of God answers him that from her son, who was crucified on a tree,
from being nailed with an iron nail,
which is stabbed straight into a merciful heart.
Let me, servant of God (name), see a blue cross through a dream,
a red cross on which the Lord God is crucified. Amen"

You need to read the plot three times in a row. For greater results, it is advisable to fumigate the room with patchouli or sandalwood.

77 druids

“I conjure you, star Venus,
In the name of the angels of sleep,
Third Legion.
I conjure you, great angel Anael,
Presiding on the sixth day
Creation of the world.
I conjure with the sacred seal
King David, King Solomon.
I conjure you, saints,
Strong and powerful angels,
Names: Adonai, Im, Ey, Asim, Hey, Sadai.
I conjure with the star of Saturn.
In the name of all the stars, by their powers,
And with all their mighty power.
By all the names of the angels,
Serving in the second legion.
In the name of the supreme Creator,
In the name of those who are in the mercy of the Savior.
The earth, from the surface of which
Trees and grass grow.
The earth in which the ashes of the first of the first are stored:
Adam and Eve - the ancestors of all,
Who was, is and will be.
I conjure you with moisture and water,
Mother's milk,
The torments of hell and the torments of childbirth,
By the power of Solomon's keys
And finally, in the name of the throne
Six-winged creatures.
Let my dream be true and accurate,
How true are all the words in the book of books - the Bible,
Given to us by Father God.
May my destiny be reflected in a dream
Through Archpriest Morpheus himself.
In the mirror of my mind
I am God's creation, slave (name).
God of Moses
God of Israel!
Great and Eternal God!
Bless my every word
Bless me for my dream, slave (name).
So be it, I said everything. Amen"

Before lying down, sit on the bed and read the spell three times to see a dream about the future. Then immediately go to bed, without doing anything else, and for three years do not tell anyone about what you saw.

The plot is used no more than three times a year: on Ivan Kupala, on Christmas Eve and the old New Year.

To fulfill a wish

After making a wish, at exactly midnight, say the following plot three times:

“The servant of God (name) went to bed on the Zion Mountains, three angels in his heads: one sees, the other hears, the third will tell me everything. Amen"

While you are saying the text, clearly imagine the mountains, angels and everything that is discussed in the spell. If what you have in mind is a dream, your wish will certainly come true.

The best time to perform the ritual: birthday, New Year, Orthodox holiday.

For spring water:

“Damn, damn, come to me at dawn and whisper to me true words, secret words, strong words. Those words are not given to everyone, but whoever happens to hear them will be granted a prophetic dream. If you dream about something, then there will be a sure clue to the matter. Water will flow, fire will burn, and the heavens above the earth will be forever. Key. Lock. Language"

A spell is cast over water from a spring collected at dawn in the evening. Afterwards you need to wash your face with it and go to sleep.

The ritual is performed rarely, three times a year.


If prophetic dream upset, showing unpleasant pictures, and you do not want its implementation, say the words, getting up (from the bed) with your right leg:

“Sleepy trouble, I’m giving it to the enemy. Amen"

If you are pleased with the prophecy (get up on your left foot), be sure to consolidate its action in the following way so that the future shown to you is realized in practice:

“Everything that I saw in my dream, I took for myself. Amen"