Bad breath: an intimate problem, but a serious one. Very bad breath: what to do, possible causes and methods of treatment

Natasha was a rather pretty young girl. Seeing her, many guys felt an irresistible desire to come up and meet her. But those who plucked up courage and approached were in for an unpleasant disappointment. As soon as she began to speak, the interlocutor very clearly sensed an unpleasant odor from her breath.

An excellent figure and friendly face made Natasha attractive in the eyes of men. And she was even in a relationship from time to time, despite her bad breath. There are people who may not pay attention to bad breath. But most people are not so lucky. This is probably why this girl’s career didn’t work out at all. The bosses seemed ashamed of her and annoyedly tried to keep her somewhere on the outskirts of the company, away from clients and partners.


It is no coincidence that the illustration for the post is a photograph of a beautiful female belly. Yes, the whole problem with her bad breath was in her stomach.

A small digression. According to statistics, about 80% of cases unpleasant odor have a reason for oral cavity. Maintaining oral hygiene and addressing dental problems will help most people. But in in this case The cause of the unpleasant odor was certain processes occurring in the stomach.

Most people, when talking to her, felt a desire to end the conversation as quickly as possible, although they tried not to show it out of politeness. And everyone understood that other people in her company were experiencing similar feelings. But how to tell a girl about this?

How to talk about the very unpleasant smell that every interlocutor felt? How can we describe this smell so that readers can understand it more clearly? Well, for example, if you have ever cleared out an old clog in a siphon under the sink, you can roughly imagine this putrid smell.

At the same time, Natasha has no pathologies internal organs, leads healthy image life, goes jogging, is friendly in communication. The only alarming feature is that he eats a lot (but does not gain weight). If you don't feed her on time, she starts to go wild.

Working through psycho-emotional pressures helped her reduce the unpleasant odor. I already described approximately the same case in the post: . Quote:

...Once I was working with a pretty girl who was barely 18. It would seem that she had a young body, naive views and a fresh body? It seemed like that to me too, until we started working through a traumatic situation from her past.
Of course, this is not the first time I have been involved in deep psychological analysis past traumas. And you are aware that changes are possible at the physiological level. But I didn't expect this.
When the girl managed to immerse herself in one of the past psycho-traumatic situations, her face began to contort in grimaces of suppressed emotions (this is normal), her breathing became more rapid (a common occurrence), and unpleasant feeling heaviness somewhere in the solar plexus area (it is useful to feel what was already in the body). You know, like in the song: “there is a heavy burden on the heart.” In this case, the load lay right in the solar plexus area...
But in the case of Natasha, the result was not so obvious after a single use of relaxing techniques. Although the odor noticeably decreased immediately after the first use of deep relaxation techniques. To finally work out the clamps in the abdominal area, it was also necessary to work with her nutrition. Eating was her way of escaping from herself, from the layers of her repressed feelings.

You know, if a person who is accustomed to “eating” his problems begins to be deprived of the opportunity to fill his emptiness in this way, then so much emotional shit will come out of him that it becomes unsurprising that he has such an unpleasant smell.

half of my life is crippled because of this stench. But I’m glad that I have become a full-fledged person myself and can help you! Dr. Katz toothpastes have become my salvation. For 10 years I was looking for answers to my questions from various doctors, everyone said that I was healthy and sent me to a psychoanalyst, who took money and convinced me that I didn’t smell anything. I dropped out of university at 20 because of this problem, and I had a hard time at work, everyone behind my back said how much I stinked. And thanks to these magical pastes, I finally feel like a full-fledged person, finally people give me compliments about how wonderful my perfume is. You can order from America or from Bulgaria, just type California Breath Bulgaria into Google. If you don’t figure out where to get it, write to me, I’ll help with pleasure, believe me, I know what it is: [email protected]

Gardemarina, 28/03/14
Yesterday I ran into one such guy at work. His breath stank so much that I simply shied away from him when he started talking. And this stench is really like shit or some kind of garbage dump, it makes you want to puke. You have to stay two meters away from such people, but then you don’t get there. Most often, this kind of stench comes from older people, but it also occurs among young people, and that’s what’s offensive. A person holds a responsible position, he has to communicate a lot with people, and he stinks. My aunt had this, it turned out that she had problems with her lungs. But I don’t understand how you can meet someone like that, build some kind of relationship. After all, it’s impossible to even just communicate and be nearby!

Slonishka, 10/04/14
Horrible, stinking, as if coming from a village aftershock. A friend of mine has periodontal disease ugh..... How rotten smells from his mouth! Nightmare, I told him 5 years ago that he should go to the dentist. but he didn’t want anything. Now it hurts and stinks.

Kwan Chang, 08/07/14
This is a bad phenomenon, bad. And it happens to me, like I was brushing my teeth, but sometimes my mouth gets dry in the middle of the day, I don’t have any chewing gum on hand - then you know that your breath stinks, and if you have to talk to someone, you try to talk to the side and try to breathe weaker, and still, probably, you get caught with your unpleasant smell, and this is a shame. Or maybe it happens that your breath smells, but you don’t feel it - I don’t even know how many times I’ve breathed foul smell into people’s faces. Or you’re talking to a person, but his breath smells unpleasant: you’re embarrassed to tell him about it, so you breathe it in. The worst thing is when the breath of the girl you are flirting with smells bad: you communicate at a very close distance, sometimes breathing directly into each other’s faces, and the smell spoils the whole buzz. And if you like her, then you have to choose: give up the pleasure of having a nice conversation with a good girl, or pay for the pleasure of feeling a nasty smell with every word she says. And there’s nothing to be offended about - this happens to me myself.

keeper of silence, 21/10/15
It’s just terrible, unfortunately, no matter how handsome, pleasant, smart, or friendly a person is to me, it’s hard for me to communicate if his breath stinks. Yes, if it’s your interlocutor, then you can just move away, but if it’s a boyfriend who keeps pushing you with kisses.. Then damn.. I’ve broken up with people a lot because of this factor. Not that I said it directly - your breath stinks and I don’t like you. But she simply avoided it.

Many people are probably familiar with this situation: they meet a girl, everything seems to be fine, but as soon as she moves closer... This is all because the girl suffers from halitosis (bad breath). Bad breath not only spoils your personal life, but also interferes with your work. People who communicate with a person suffering from halitosis try to stop communicating as quickly as possible. The girl's breath stinks.

For many, this topic is so taboo that they are embarrassed to discuss it even with their doctor. These people get rid of odor in different ways , for example, brush your teeth several times a day, however, such methods will not save you from this problem. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle - a person is embarrassed to see a doctor, so he does not know the cause of the smell. But the problem does not go away, but remains in place, they slowly laugh at this person and try to avoid communication with him. Some people are completely unaware of the presence of halitosis and are blissfully unaware until someone says so to their face. at

Is not only medical problem, but also social. People who are trying to find a job are most often rejected precisely because of bad breath. Such a person is never sent to business meetings, and colleagues try to communicate with those who suffer from halitosis as little as possible,The girl's breath stinks.


Causes of bad breath can be very different internal diseases, microflora disorders in the oral cavity or diseases in the oral cavity. This could be problems with your gums or teeth.

Bad breath Can be caused by certain foods, most often protein foods. In the human oral cavity there are many bacteria that simply love protein products. Microscopic remains of such food remain in the mouth and are eaten by bacteria. Those, in turn, after “consuming” this food, excrete even more waste products. It causes bad breath, the guy's breath stinks. But if this is only the problem, it can be easily eliminated with the help of basic hygiene procedures - brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth.

Another cause of halitosis can be carious teeth and gum disease. In this case, the problem disappears immediately after visiting the dentist's office. Sometimes it is enough just to remove the tartar and the unpleasant odor disappears without a trace.

Very often, bad breath appears in completely healthy people who did not eat or drink water on timeThe girl's breath stinks.

If a person has eaten and drunk, brushed his teeth and visited the dentist, but a persistent bad breath remains, it means that there are some problems in the body. It could be diseases gastrointestinal tract, various infectious diseases sinuses and respiratory tract, inflammatory process in the tonsils and even renal failure. In this case, it is necessary to visit a nephrologist, gastroenterologist and ENT specialist as soon as possible to determine what caused halitosis.


If you have bad breath, the guy's breath stinksand guests suddenly come to your house, a bay leaf will help youThe girl's breath stinks . Chew it for a few minutes, like chewing gum, and the smell will go away. This is an oriental method of eliminating bad odor.

They also help to get rid of halitosis temporarily various rinses decoctions of peppermint or caraway seeds. If you experience bad breath at work, eat a small piece of green or just drink water, as such an unpleasant condition can occur even due to dry mouth.

Here and now and cause self-doubt in the long term. Especially if you don't know why it appeared.

Condition, good known to doctors like halitosis, can be caused by both minor and. In the latter case, diagnosis and treatment are required, so you definitely cannot do without a visit to a specialist. On the other hand, if you are sure that everything is in order with your health, here are three things that could have caused everything to happen:

Bacteria in the mouth

Research shows that the most common cause of bad breath is bacterial plaque, especially on the teeth, gums and tongue. And while poor or poor hygiene is often to blame, a common trigger remains dry mouth - the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive and thrive. This also explains the fact that for most people (since saliva production stops during sleep) breathing can hardly be called pleasant.

Disease and medicine

Although this state of affairs is less common compared to the previous reason, it may still work in your case. Extremely bad breath—much worse than normal—could be a sign of lung disease, according to dentist Harold Katz in Medical Daily. In addition, bad breath can be a symptom of respiratory tract infection, inflammation of the tonsils and some other diseases. Plus, in some cases side effects medications you take as recommended by your doctor may also be associated with bad breath.

Alcohol, cigarettes and diet

Halitosis is often caused by our bad habits, be it or . Alcohol is known to cause dehydration, but smoking can not only dry out your mouth, but also increase the amount of odor-causing compounds in your body. Nutritionists add that the list of “potentially dangerous” should also include a low-carbohydrate diet + the habit of skipping meals with enviable regularity.

Some foods, such as spices, cabbage, and radishes, may also be culprits, reports. So, in any case, you should be very careful about your diet.

How to get rid of bad breath

Speaking about how to get rid of bad breath, it is important to note that if we are talking about a disease, then recommendations should come primarily from your doctor. If the situation is less serious, there are several ways to deal with the problem that are worth trying:

Hygiene habits

Brush your teeth twice a day, using a tongue-cleaning pad on it. back side. And if possible, use mouthwash after every meal. This is especially important for those who are at risk of bad breath (such as people who wear braces or dentures). Among the obvious recommendations: visit the dentist twice a year and do not forget to change your toothbrush after illness.

Drink more water

In the case of bad breath, the formula works perfectly: the better, the better. We are, of course, talking about clean water without gas, while sweet soda, which can harm enamel, is best avoided. Water-rich fruits and vegetables such as apples, cucumbers, celery and carrots will also be a useful addition. They, experts say, can act as an alternative toothbrush, removing food debris stuck between teeth.

What about chewing gum? This, dentists note, is also a good and universal way of hydration. “The saliva produced during chewing is responsible for reducing bad breath,” says Cassiano Kuchenbecker Rösing, professor at the University of Rio Grande do Sol.

Home Remedies

According to Jennifer Jablow, a cosmetic dentist in New York City, you can chew fresh leaves mint or parsley. She explains that parsley, for example, contains chlorophyll, which prevents the formation of chlorophyll that contributes to unpleasant odors. Ready to move on? You can also make a homemade mouthwash. Dentist Debra Glassman of Glassman Dental Care says that the cup warm water with a tablespoon baking soda and a few drops of oil peppermint copes well with the assigned tasks.

About 80-90% of the adult population suffers from bad breath. If in most cases this is a physiological phenomenon that can be eliminated with a toothbrush, then in 25% of patients halitosis is persistent and indicates the development of diseases of the teeth, mucous membranes or internal organs. The problem is not insoluble, but requires examination by specialists. Why does an unpleasant “aroma” appear?

Causes of bad breath

There are two types of halitosis: physiological and pathological. The first type is caused by poor diet and poor hygiene, while the second type is caused by dental problems and diseases of internal organs.

The main causes of putrefactive odor:

The appearance of a persistent odor in a man or woman should force the patient to undergo diagnostic testing of the body. In 8% of cases, the cause of the unpleasant taste of rot is diseases of the bronchi, lungs, nasal mucosa and polyps.

Why does it smell rotten?

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The occurrence of an unpleasant taste is often associated with personal hygiene. Improper brushing of teeth, insufficient time allocated for morning and evening care, leads to the proliferation of bacteria, the waste products of which are deposited on the teeth, tongue and mucous membrane.

Sometimes a person can identify a problem in the body by the type of smell. This is what acetone smells like when you have diabetes. liver failure– fish, and renal dysfunction is accompanied by a pungent and heavy odor (we recommend reading:). In this case, complex treatment may be required.

Dental reasons

Bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor live on the tongue, between the teeth, and on the gums:

  1. The cause of the discomfort-causing “aroma” may be dental caries. Microbes and food debris accumulate in the cavities of tooth enamel, which decompose over time. It is almost impossible to clean holes in teeth using hygiene products.
  2. With periodontitis, microorganisms actively develop under the gums, which is accompanied by the release of a sulfurous odor.
  3. Other diseases can also be the cause: stomatitis, periodontal disease, dysbacteriosis, dysfunction of the salivary glands.
  4. A common problem is improper care for structures - mouth guards, prostheses. The accumulation of saliva and food particles leads to intensive growth of bacteria during their use.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases of the internal organs (stomach, intestines, pancreas) can also cause bad breath. It is also typical for fans of diets due to a monotonous diet or rare meals. A specific aroma is noticeable to others after eating certain foods: onions, garlic, coffee, some types of cheese (we recommend reading:).

Based on the nature of the smell, you can independently determine the problem:

  1. Sour smell (we recommend reading:). Appears when acidity increases gastric juice. May be a consequence of pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis.
  2. Smell of feces. Appears with intestinal obstruction, dysbiosis, poor absorption nutrients. “Aroma” can be a concern when the digestive process is disrupted, when foods are slowly absorbed, causing fermentation to begin.
  3. Smell of hydrogen sulfide. Occurs with gastritis or decreased acidity in the stomach. It may also be the result of food poisoning.

Contributes to the development of bad breath protein food: meat and dairy products. The substances break down and form alkaline compounds that change the acid balance in the mouth. Microorganisms begin to actively multiply, causing an unpleasant odor.

Other reasons

The smell of rot can be caused by other factors:

The smell of rot in the breath of a child or teenager

A child or teenager may experience bad breath for a number of reasons. The main factor is the development of pathogenic microorganisms on the tongue or in the tonsils due to an imbalance in the microflora. This occurs due to the appearance of dry mouth, the causes of which may be:

Less common are other factors that cause a putrid taste - the appearance of caries or diseases of the stomach and intestines. The child will need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Diagnostic methods

To identify the presence of plaque in the mouth that causes bad breath, you can carry out the procedure yourself using a sanitary napkin or dental floss. If there is a coating on the material yellow and the smell appears after 30-45 seconds, you should contact a specialist.

Used in medicine different methods identifying halitosis and its causes:

If your breath smells like rot, the doctor can analyze your medical history (when did the smell appear, are there any diseases of the internal organs, is the problem related to food intake). An important part of the study is to perform a detailed blood test of a person to determine the level of sugar, kidney and liver enzymes.

The patient undergoes examinations by an otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist and pulmonologist. This will identify diseases of the nasopharynx, as well as exclude or confirm systemic diseases liver, kidneys, diabetes, problems with the respiratory system.

Treatment methods

Patients wonder what to do if there is bad taste in your mouth? Treatment depends on the cause of the problem.

  • ENT diseases require a visit to an otolaryngologist, chronic diseases require consultation with individual specialists.
  • If the cause of bad breath is diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to remove decayed teeth and fill the areas damaged by caries. It won't hurt to pass professional cleaning deposits (stone, plaque), which can only be done in a dental clinic.

Preventive measures

It is also advisable to simultaneously use a tongue cleaning blade, dental floss and various rinses that have healing and disinfecting properties.

Mint tablets, refreshing sprays, and chewing gum. They are not effective means, but at quality care behind the teeth, their effect will be noticeable: they stimulate the production of saliva, and if they contain chlorine dioxide or zinc, they neutralize sulfur compounds, which are the source of the problem.

Pay attention to the diet: it should be balanced, with content wide range vitamins and microelements. Fresh fruits and vegetables must be present in the daily diet. Ideally, it is better to quit smoking and drinking alcohol.

If a persistent odor appears from the oral cavity, do not get rid of it only with a brush and toothpaste. This will suppress the symptom, but will not get rid of the underlying problem. Visiting the dentist once every 6 months will allow you to monitor your health condition and prescribe treatment on time.